AGWednesday: why do women get that piercing on their face between their lower lip and chin?
PenWing424: where is everyone else?
PenWing424: their fucked up
klinton77: a labret?
PenWing424: to state it simple
AGWednesday: klinton said they're jerking off.
klinton77: I don't know
klinton77: It looks great on guys...but fucks up thier gumline
AGWednesday: wow, klint. that's amazing.
AGWednesday: no, i'm talking about all the tna divas that used to be listed on their site
PenWing424: their gone
idunapoo: they're gone
XxStupid DoggxX: gone
PenWing424: really?
PenWing424: why?
AGWednesday: i'm guessing they're gone.
PenWing424: they were hot
XxStupid DoggxX: gone
idunapoo: they all died
PenWing424: of what?
XxStupid DoggxX: maybe they were so hot they burned up the intarweb?
PenWing424: did their tits explode?
idunapoo: Kamphausens disease
XxStupid DoggxX: so they're gay now?
idunapoo: they all died laughing at his tiny pecker
AGWednesday: Kamphausen's disease = tits explode.
PenWing424: damn
XxStupid DoggxX: whoa.
PenWing424: just sasha is just stupid
AGWednesday: Kamphausen's Disease = tits explode while laughing at his tiny pecker.
PenWing424: that really is ugly
idunapoo: [img]Keanu Reaves[/img]
idunapoo: Weds got it in one
idunapoo: he is a genius
AGWednesday: thank you.
AGWednesday: i try.
AGWednesday: i might post this one.
idunapoo: All geniuses are weird
XxStupid DoggxX: woo!
AGWednesday: you spelled wierd wrong.
idunapoo: no i didnt
XxStupid DoggxX: lol @ wedns!

AGWednesday: is stupid woo-ing the pic or my genius.
PenWing424: who is that, wednesday?
AGWednesday: dorothy black.
idunapoo: genius almost sounds like penis so Doog was prolly wooing to that
PenWing424: you need to post a set of her, if you haven't already
AGWednesday: i understand.
AGWednesday: okay.
AGWednesday: i have penwing's approval.
PenWing424: but first, you need to post a special tribute to the french open
AGWednesday: that's all i ask.
AGWednesday: damn!
XxStupid DoggxX: And england smells like ass which is why Nowhereman calls himself idunapoo
PenWing424: the keywords being french and open
idunapoo: The French that a porno?
AGWednesday: I WISH!
PenWing424: that's tennis
AGWednesday: that's what they WANT you to think.
idunapoo: My arse smells of flowers
PenWing424: there is a lot of lesbianism in the women's division
PenWing424: or so they say
idunapoo: and they look like men
PenWing424: only amelie maresmo
AGWednesday: i met a lesbian that didn't look like a man.
PenWing424: the russian chicks are smoking
AGWednesday: she wouldn't have sex with me.
AGWednesday: so she's a lesbian.
PenWing424: that's a shame
AGWednesday: that's how it works.
idunapoo: Navaratilova
idunapoo: man
PenWing424: ok
PenWing424: her too
PenWing424: sharapova
AGWednesday: navarawho?
PenWing424: myskina
PenWing424: kuznetsova
AGWednesday: i still can't believe you don't want to see more of her: Welcome to Communist Chat 24!
idunapoo: i need to see a different pic
AGWednesday: hrrumph
AGWednesday: one minute. getting Dorothy Black ready to post.
AGWednesday: ....feel free to talk amongst yourselves
XxStupid DoggxX: man, it is hot as a mother fucker hee
XxStupid DoggxX: here
XxStupid DoggxX: in ohio
XxStupid DoggxX: it's like almost 90 outside
AGWednesday: in pembroke pines it's, like, 85 or something.
AGWednesday: the women are wearing bikinis.
PenWing424: i went to the tigers game today
PenWing424: it was 86, humid, and sunny
PenWing424: i was shvitzed
AGWednesday: that word does not compute.
PenWing424: yiddish for sweaty
PenWing424: maybe soaked
AGWednesday: oh.
AGWednesday: ewwwwww.
PenWing424: you're telling me
PenWing424: and the only chicks who were somewhat underdressed shouldn't have been...
PenWing424: somewhat underdressed
AGWednesday: i hate that.
XxStupid DoggxX: across the street yesterday they were having a grad party. there was some hot bitch over there in a small red middriff with huge boobies. I was going to say something but I lost interest when I saw a squirrel.
AGWednesday: there should be a law.
XxStupid DoggxX: about squirrels?
XxStupid DoggxX: yeah.
AGWednesday: agreed.
PenWing424: we'll call it wednesday's wule
PenWing424: how about wednesday's wules
PenWing424: we can make a whole list
AGWednesday: i swear to God i'm gonna look that up!
PenWing424: what?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY has entered the room.
AGWednesday: Wule #1:....
AGWednesday: Dectective is not a word.
The Time Trust: C-plus
AGWednesday: Thank you.
PenWing424: excelent
XxStupid DoggxX: Wule #2
PenWing424: you should list your wules in your sig
XxStupid DoggxX: wierd is not how you spell weird.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY has left the room.
The Time Trust: I nver mispel enything.
AGWednesday: Dectective doesn't like wule number one.
PenWing424: use the
tags to limit the size
PenWing424: then you can list a shit load of wules
AGWednesday: sorry...flashback.
AGWednesday: but then no one can read them.
PenWing424: you can't read my sig?
AGWednesday: you have a sig?
PenWing424: i have four hyperlinks in my sig
AGWednesday: I KID! I KID!
PenWing424: d'oh
The Time Trust: I tend not to read sigs.
AGWednesday: I skip most of 'em.
PenWing424: i read them once
AGWednesday: Some of 'em are pretty funny, though.
PenWing424: sammitch has a great sig
The Time Trust: I disliked the pic-sigs that were allowed at one time on the RKMBs.
The Time Trust: Too much scrolling involved.
PenWing424: that's why rob took them away
PenWing424: lots of abuse
XxStupid DoggxX: rob also limited the size of the sig line
PenWing424: yes he did
AGWednesday: some other boards have pic size limits.
PenWing424: i had to drop a hyperlink because of that
AGWednesday: those are okay.
The Time Trust: I don't think there should be restrictions on sigs, really.
PenWing424: if we're talking avatar sized pics, that would be fine
PenWing424: we should talk to rob about that
AGWednesday: i used to have a hyperlink to each JLR story in my sig.
The Time Trust: But each thread should have an option whether sigs are allowed or not.
AGWednesday: then i ran outta space.
The Time Trust: So whenever someone starts a thread, and they don't want sigs showing up, they can click a box, and none do.
PenWing424: that would be cool
PenWing424: those are great suggestions, T3
AGWednesday: that would be pretty cool.
AGWednesday: my suggestion was cool too!
PenWing424: you should start a discussion in the mod forum
AGWednesday: pick me!
AGWednesday: pick me!
The Time Trust: It would be ideal for story-threads in the Writer's Block, since we tended to have that rule with Vanguard anyway.
UltimateJaburg53: Wig!
UltimateJaburg53: Wednesday
AGWednesday: There is no such person.
PenWing424: what's up
PenWing424: ?
AGWednesday: give UJ a chance.
UltimateJaburg53: Wing
AGWednesday: bless you.
PenWing424: that's what he meant to type
UltimateJaburg53: I saw the Galactica woth Colonel Tigh's wife
PenWing424: obligatory b5 rules
PenWing424: that was a good one
PenWing424: she's very interesting
UltimateJaburg53: She was an awful
AGWednesday: everbuddy's talking about that show.
AGWednesday: is it all that good?
PenWing424: i think she's a...
UltimateJaburg53: It's great
UltimateJaburg53: Oh yea
AGWednesday: i'll download it then.
PenWing424: i don't want to say anymore in open chat
AGWednesday: just like Justice League Unlimited

UltimateJaburg53: Baltar didn't say
AGWednesday: that's what IM's are for.
PenWing424: baltar is a pussy
AGWednesday: YEAH!
PenWing424: still, he is the best character on the show
PenWing424: next to starbuck
PenWing424: we need pics of her
AGWednesday: who said what?
UltimateJaburg53: I met her
UltimateJaburg53: Sort of
UltimateJaburg53: So did Balloon Knot
PenWing424: cool
PenWing424: is she hot in person?
UltimateJaburg53: When we met Londo Mollari
UltimateJaburg53: Yes
PenWing424: i have his autograph
PenWing424: he was the best character on b5
PenWing424: he carried season one
UltimateJaburg53: We met Biggs right before he died
PenWing424: darklighter?
UltimateJaburg53: Dr Franklin on B5
PenWing424: oh
AGWednesday: You have Biggs Darklighter's aughtograph?
PenWing424: it's a real shame about him
UltimateJaburg53: Richard Biggs
AGWednesday: oh.
PenWing424: i couldn't believe when i read that
UltimateJaburg53: Nowhereman was here?
AGWednesday: okay, who's richard biggs?
UltimateJaburg53: Actor
AGWednesday: oh, ok.
AGWednesday: yeah, he was.
The Time Trust: he played Dr. Stephen Franklen on Babylon 5
AGWednesday: oh, ok. now i know who that is.
AGWednesday: yeah.
AGWednesday: sad.
PenWing424: very
idunapoo: Why has Rob started verifying email addresses? It takes all the fun out of alts
PenWing424: i don't know
UltimateJaburg53: Does he still do that?
UltimateJaburg53: Hotmail
idunapoo: only just started
The Time Trust: What about the alts that already existed?
idunapoo: they ok
The Time Trust: Good, so Mxy's parents have survived the purge.
The Time Trust: Ex-cellent.
XxStupid DoggxX: speaking of mxy, what ever happened to Son of Mxy?
idunapoo: Even if you create a password yourself it still needs a verified email address...........thats very gay
The Time Trust: I only see him at Dave's.
idunapoo: Kamphausens disease got him/her
XxStupid DoggxX: I don't go there as often. Is he going by Neil again, or is he still Angelica?
The Time Trust: Has the Kampenstein Monster been seen much lately?
The Eurostar has left the room.
The Time Trust: Bye Euro
idunapoo: I believe he made an appearance recently in the guess who will post next thread
AGWednesday: Dorothy (Complete)
The Time Trust: He calls himself Neil again.
The Time Trust: Mxy's Son, I mean
AGWednesday: Son of Mxy was kool.
idunapoo: so we said no to this one, right: DoggxX: she musta gone into hiding
AGWednesday: :-(
XxStupid DoggxX: i fixed the url
XxStupid DoggxX: more bad cpr I see. I'd refrain from using them in case somebody gets confused on the proper procedures.
AGWednesday: i killed EVERYONE!
PenWing424: yes
The Time Trust:;vc=#Post534708The Time Trust: Oh, God.
PenWing424: we said yes
PenWing424: just post a warning
AGWednesday: a warning?
XxStupid DoggxX has left the room.
AGWednesday: "Warning: lesbians doing it!"
XxStupid DoggxX has entered the room.
AGWednesday: I should probably ask Rob first.
XxStupid DoggxX: yeah. never try and slip it in the ass without permission
PenWing424: yeah
AGWednesday: is that why?
AGWednesday: all these years i never knew.
AGWednesday: thank you.
XxStupid DoggxX: your welcome
PenWing424: make sure he doesn't mind pics like that, just to be safe
XxStupid DoggxX: 8-)
AGWednesday: there's a lot of porn on the internet.
AGWednesday: yeah, i will.
AGWednesday: IF he says he doesn't mind the porn, i'll bring it up for everyone to discuss.
PenWing424: discuss? just post it, it's your forum
rexstardust99: So wednesday finally decided to join us.
PenWing424: if you approve the pic, post it
The Time Trust: I quit comics yesterday, BTW.
The Time Trust: Dropped all my subscriptions.
AGWednesday: dude, i've been on since, like, yesterday.
AGWednesday: i don't think of the women's forum as mine.
rexstardust99: I haven't been on much.
AGWednesday: 'sides, i share it with two other mods.
The Time Trust: I've been collecting consistently since 1986.
AGWednesday: you know...what's-their-names.
rexstardust99: That do almost nothing.
AGWednesday: wait, huh?
XxStupid DoggxX: damn ttt. that's a long time
The Time Trust: I know.
PenWing424: i guess to be fair you should double check with ceej and teek
AGWednesday: you can't quit comics!!!!!
The Time Trust: It's an expensive habit, too.
The Time Trust: Gotta.
AGWednesday: yeah, pen. i should.
AGWednesday: i won't, but i should.
The Time Trust: Tuition is expensive as well.
PenWing424: that's my boy
AGWednesday: you could always download your comics, ttt.
AGWednesday: but that's wrong.
The Time Trust: Oh, I do.
XxStupid DoggxX: It's like crack, except you don't bitch about shitty crack usually cuz your too fucked up to know better and your pants are usually messy anyway cuz of the constant defecation.
AGWednesday: oh, good.
The Time Trust: Heh
PenWing424: what comics were you collecting, t3?
AGWednesday: stupid dogg always puts things into perspective.
AGWednesday: yeah, TTT!
The Time Trust: A lot.
PenWing424: we know
AGWednesday: and Ragtag Heroes (coming soon) better be on that list!!
The Time Trust: I don't really feel like naming them.
PenWing424: any dc titles?
AGWednesday: DC or Marvel?
The Time Trust: Sure.
The Time Trust: Plastic Man
PenWing424: did you try simone's action comics?
PenWing424: and did you try dark detective?
The Time Trust: JLA Classified
PenWing424: everyone should pick up dark detective
The Time Trust: I have the first issue of DD
PenWing424: don't stop getting it
PenWing424: if you want to drop everything else, that's fine
AGWednesday has left the room.
AGWednesday has entered the room.
The Time Trust: I'm going cold turkey, though.
PenWing424: but if you want englehart, rogers, and austin to do more batman, you need to pick that up
jaclynangelo has entered the room.
PenWing424: they want to do more
The Time Trust: That would be cool
PenWing424: but dc is stupid
jaclynangelo: well, i'm not pale anymore....
PenWing424: so we need to support them
The Time Trust: I liked his version of the Joker.
rexstardust99: I quit comics about a year ago.
PenWing424: pale? what happned ceej?
rexstardust99: pics please
PenWing424: they do the best joker
AGWednesday: *** jaclynangelo has joined the chat.
jaclynangelo: three and a half hours at the pool...
The Time Trust: Yeah? Have you been collecting comics since 1986, Rex?
The Time Trust: No?
The Time Trust: Then shut the fuck up.
PenWing424: burn
rexstardust99: No, about two years that time.
XxStupid DoggxX: lols ;p
The Time Trust: That was very uncharacteristic of me.
The Time Trust: Sorry, rex.
AGWednesday: TTTTT is going through some things....
rexstardust99: I also collected them in high school from 92-95
XxStupid DoggxX: tan girls are the hottness. post pics CJ!
rexstardust99: yes
PenWing424: i gotta go
AGWednesday: yeah CJ.
PenWing424: be back later
AGWednesday: tan girls are "the hottness"!
jaclynangelo: well, i'm more 'red' than 'tan' at the moment...
PenWing424 has left the room.
rexstardust99: As long as their not too tan, thats nasty
The Time Trust: What about tan lines?
XxStupid DoggxX: bikini shots are also the hotness
XxStupid DoggxX: HINT HINT
AGWednesday has left the room.
AGWednesday has entered the room.
rexstardust99: Really don't care, as long as the tans not too dark
rexstardust99: But I really should be picky
XxStupid DoggxX: I like dark tans, but that's the greek in me.
rexstardust99: I prefer non tanned, it depends on other things also. I got sick of the tanned look when I lived in Sacramento and everyone had a fake tan.
AGWednesday: i like my women like i like my coffee: black, sweet, and with big ol' titties!
XxStupid DoggxX: Yeah me t--wha?
AGWednesday: i...don't know.
jaclynangelo: how do you get tits in your coffee?
idunapoo: Giving up comics is easy,I gave em up back in early 2001
XxStupid DoggxX: I like my women like I like my tea: drowining in alcohol.
AGWednesday: stupid dogg wins.
XxStupid DoggxX: I WIN AGAIN!
AGWednesday: i haven't bought a comic in a few weeks.
The Time Trust: I'm not really going to miss them.
The Time Trust: I never picked up comics more than once a month for the last year.
AGWednesday: that's what you say. then everybody's gonna be talking about Infinite Crisis and House of M.
XxStupid DoggxX: I can't give up comics until Ultimates and Planetary are over. Fables and Y The Last Man are pretty good, but I'm especially bored of Y.
The Time Trust: Alan Moore quit comics.
The Time Trust: His daughter's writing them now.
AGWednesday: huh?
XxStupid DoggxX: he always quits comics
AGWednesday: didn't he quit comics last Thursday too?
jaclynangelo: well, i'm playing the sims , bye
jaclynangelo has left the room.
The Time Trust: Dammit.
XxStupid DoggxX: ah poo
AGWednesday: it's too late.
The Time Trust: Why didn't anyone answer CJ's question?
AGWednesday: you didn't give her what she wanted.
The Time Trust: jaclynangelo: how do you get tits in your coffee?
XxStupid DoggxX: just like a whores period
XxStupid DoggxX: :-(
AGWednesday: i asked her a question?
rexstardust99: She never stays long in these things.
The Time Trust: How DO you get tits in your coffee?
AGWednesday: i....don't know.
XxStupid DoggxX: put birdseed on top. duh.
AGWednesday: HA!
AGWednesday: stupid dogg: 2. wednesday: -7.
The Time Trust: Comics need to be less expensive.
AGWednesday: yeah.
rexstardust99: Thats why I wait for the TPB's now.
AGWednesday: they need to go back to $2
rexstardust99: Its cheaper and no ads.
The Time Trust: TPBs are okay, but I sometimes find the format doesn't work, especially for two-page spreads.
AGWednesday: i just hate waitin'.
The Time Trust: Hard to see dialogue too close to the spine in the middle.
idunapoo: I just lost interest after 17 years of collecting......I now sell em on ebay
rexstardust99: yeah, that is bad, but its better than ads every two or three pages.
XxStupid DoggxX: bye
XxStupid DoggxX has left the room.
AGWednesday has left the room.
idunapoo: I want to be the next Pretty Princess Time Trust: LOL
The Time Trust: Brave
rexstardust99: damnit nowhereman. I really didn't want to see that.
rexstardust99: I gotta go poke my eyes out now.
Balloonknot666: AHHHHHHH MY EYE'S!!!!!!!!!!
idunapoo: Hah
rexstardust99: goddamn.
Balloonknot666: OK it's been dammed
rexstardust99: I gonna need therapy now.
Balloonknot666: I think you already needed therapy
idunapoo: Rex is hot for me
Balloonknot666: I have a feeling i'm the one getting voted out
UltimateJaburg53: Holey Nowhereman nudity Batman!
idunapoo: Dont bet on it.......I mean,who thought Oakley would win immunity?
rexstardust99: I don't think so, most of us are voting off someone else.
UltimateJaburg53: Who?
UltimateJaburg53: The crow guy?
idunapoo: I told everyone who I voted off
UltimateJaburg53: I voted to kill Jason Todd
Balloonknot666: I put in a write in ballot and voted for chris oakley
UltimateJaburg53: Rex get past the Homewrecker episode yet?
Balloonknot666: did you get all the seasons, Did you watch season 4
UltimateJaburg53: No he is only on season2
idunapoo: I wonder how the Jason Todd voting thing woulda turned out these days with internet voting? Only the USA & maybe Canada would have voted back in the day
Balloonknot666: OUCH
rexstardust99: I'm on season two.
UltimateJaburg53: Interesting
rexstardust99: I saw homewrecker
UltimateJaburg53: Ho would you have voted ?
UltimateJaburg53: Poor Connie
idunapoo: I woulda voted to kill the little prick
rexstardust99: yeah, I was expecting it.
rexstardust99: She was hot when she was cleaned up.
UltimateJaburg53: Too bad we didn't get a chance to vote to keep him dead.
UltimateJaburg53: Minus that big scar
idunapoo: I know nothing about that as I dont read em anymore
UltimateJaburg53: Your better off
rexstardust99: I read death in the family for the first time about a month ago.
idunapoo: Sounds like everyone who is dead is alive......except Barry
UltimateJaburg53: Yeah
idunapoo: Hal,Ollie,Arthur & Jason
UltimateJaburg53: He'll be back too I expect
idunapoo: HE is the Gwen Stacy of the DCU
UltimateJaburg53: Even Gwen had been tainted
UltimateJaburg53: has been tainted
idunapoo: only a clone came back,not her
UltimateJaburg53: No
idunapoo: when?
UltimateJaburg53: She had children with Norman Osborn
UltimateJaburg53: While she was away.
idunapoo: Thats crap...........was it Byrne?
UltimateJaburg53: Strazinski
UltimateJaburg53: I think
idunapoo: ISnt he the Babylon 5 guy?
UltimateJaburg53: Yes
rexstardust99: It was JMS.
idunapoo: The one who did Rising Stars
UltimateJaburg53: Yes
UltimateJaburg53: Which ended badly
idunapoo: I woulda thought better of him
UltimateJaburg53: Me too
idunapoo: I only read the first 6 issues or so
UltimateJaburg53: Supreme Power is ok
idunapoo: maybe 10........cant remember
rexstardust99: I thought it was a cheap attempt to shock the readers.
UltimateJaburg53: Midnight Nation is probably his best work in comics
idunapoo: For two seconds I thought you said Supreme Power that scared me
UltimateJaburg53: Will Quesada bring back the Atari Force next?
idunapoo: Atari Force was a DC book
UltimateJaburg53: My bad
idunapoo: Black Goliath next
UltimateJaburg53: A homosexual Rom The Spaceknight perhaps
idunapoo: But he is frustrated cause his pecker is encased in armour
idunapoo: and his arse
idunapoo: and his lips
idunapoo: They will change his name from ROM to RAM
UltimateJaburg53: Or ROB
idunapoo: Same difference
idunapoo: Rob the Spacequeen
UltimateJaburg53: I can't wait to see the ECW buyrate
UltimateJaburg53: It's going to outsell the last three years of WWE PPVs I think
idunapoo: Well the tickets alone will make more than any WWE PPV.
UltimateJaburg53: I'll have to get the DVD of Shane Douglas' show
UltimateJaburg53: Ity happens the night before right?
idunapoo: This is why they have the WWE name attached to it. If its does bad,they will say it shows ECW doesnt sell,if it does make money,they will say,well its a WWE product
idunapoo: Yeah the night before
UltimateJaburg53: Assholes
idunapoo: I do think though that as strange as it sounds,the WWE one has more legitimacy
UltimateJaburg53: Well everybody but Douglas is going to show
UltimateJaburg53: Aslo the WWE show has Paul E
idunapoo: How can it be ECW without Heyamn
idunapoo: zachery
idunapoo: I hope the WWE "Invasion" doesnt play a huge part
UltimateJaburg53: I hope they just take an asskicking
idunapoo: Unless of course we get to see what guys like Angle coulda done had they worked there
UltimateJaburg53: I wish they would have just let it stand on it's own
idunapoo: yup
UltimateJaburg53: How has Angle been?
UltimateJaburg53: I miss Smackdown
idunapoo: No you dont
idunapoo: The current Angle angle is shit,and I cant believe he agreed to do it
UltimateJaburg53: Booker's wife?
idunapoo: Basically they are making him a pervert who wants to rape Bookers wife
UltimateJaburg53: Oh
UltimateJaburg53: Is that what happened
idunapoo: Its actually quite disgusting
UltimateJaburg53: Can Kurt still wrestle?
idunapoo: Yes but they limit him to mainly PPVs
UltimateJaburg53: Well WWE hasn't been big on taste lately
idunapoo: The rest of the time he wrestles jobbers in his invitational
idunapoo: I really think he shoulda stayed as GM
UltimateJaburg53: That was funny
UltimateJaburg53: I liked the wheel chair
idunapoo: its true
UltimateJaburg53: Very Jack Victory of him
idunapoo: Its like Austin,they kept him out of the ring & used him right,but they dont seem to wanna let Kurt just retire from the ring
UltimateJaburg53: Well they would hate to have to give somebody else a chance
UltimateJaburg53: I'm surprised Cena has been on top as long as he has
idunapoo: It amazes me that they think they can make fan faves rather than let the true faves at the brass ring. Cena will end up like Eddie & Benoit.
idunapoo: JBL will get another shot,as will Orton,but those guys wont
UltimateJaburg53: I remeber when the WWE used to let people cheer for the heel
idunapoo: Christian is easily the most popular man on Raw at the moment,yet he gets nothing
idunapoo: They can cheer for the heel if his name is HHH
UltimateJaburg53: Now if you cheer for a heel too much they make him a face
UltimateJaburg53: Christian is great
idunapoo: I hope they keep Christian a heel
UltimateJaburg53: Edge is poo
The Time Trust: The next DC-Marvel Crossover: Black Goliath meets Apache Chief
idunapoo: Edge is good,just not great
idunapoo: Christian is god
UltimateJaburg53: He's the Matt Hrady of Edge and Christian
idunapoo: Matt Hardy was great on SD,then they misused him on RAW,talk about fucking up
UltimateJaburg53: Probabl Lita
UltimateJaburg53: They should have kept them apart
idunapoo: Reason they prolly didnt push his gimmick on Raw is cause he came up eith it,and we know how Vince hates it when a gimmick he didnt think of suceeds
idunapoo: Mattitude was fucking hilarious,right up there with Peeps
idunapoo: His new gimmick sounds good as well
UltimateJaburg53: Shannon Moore as Matt's toady
idunapoo: They worked so well together........and maybe if they had kept Crash,he wouldnt be dead now
UltimateJaburg53: I forgot he was dead
UltimateJaburg53: He was so damn young
idunapoo: and talented
UltimateJaburg53: Just like Louie
idunapoo: Louie?
UltimateJaburg53: Spicolli
idunapoo: IS he dead?
UltimateJaburg53: Yes
idunapoo: Didnt realise
UltimateJaburg53: Long time now
idunapoo: Prolly before I was so into the backstage stuff
UltimateJaburg53: He was just joining the NWO when it happened I think
UltimateJaburg53: His gimmick was carring Scott Hall's bags
idunapoo: Yeah,that'd be before I had satellite so couldnt see any wrestling,and no internet either
UltimateJaburg53: I think he might have also given the Death Vally Driver to Kimberly Page
idunapoo: Thats gotta be 97/98
UltimateJaburg53: DDP lives a charmed life
idunapoo: I like DDP
UltimateJaburg53: Me too
UltimateJaburg53: Dude worked his ass off
idunapoo: Didnt Kimberly fuck him over big time?
UltimateJaburg53: I don't know
idunapoo: Think they are divorced
UltimateJaburg53: Me too
UltimateJaburg53: Right before he hit the WWE
UltimateJaburg53: I don't think it was ugly
idunapoo: He was laughed at when he wanted to move up from manager to wrestler cause of his age,but boy did he show everyone
UltimateJaburg53: He is still on TnA I think
idunapoo: I think he walked
idunapoo: He shouldnt be wrestling anymore,he risks death or paralysis
idunapoo: Loved when he was working with Christian
UltimateJaburg53: Damn
idunapoo: Thats why he left WWE
UltimateJaburg53: Christians losing streak
UltimateJaburg53: I think Christian had just been drafted to Raw
idunapoo: It was before the split I think
idunapoo: YEah,they were still WWF then
UltimateJaburg53: Wow
UltimateJaburg53: Wasn't it the attitude logo that was the problem
UltimateJaburg53: and not the initials?
idunapoo: Nah,it was the initials
idunapoo: They still use the logo,albeit slightly altered
idunapoo: The current logo doesnt make sense
idunapoo: Fuck,it was 2002 when they changed names
UltimateJaburg53: Wow
idunapoo: I was buying the DVDs at the time & they were always expensive but before the cut off date the distributor started selling them half price to get rid of all the stocks as after the cut off they couldnt sell them anymore
idunapoo: Pretty fucking ridiculous
UltimateJaburg53: Not bad
UltimateJaburg53: Thier DVDs are better than thier current programming
idunapoo: I have pretty much every PPV DVD they released from Wrestlemania 15 up to the end of 2003.
UltimateJaburg53: I still need to pick up Cheating Death Stealing Life
idunapoo: Still havent got round to buying the 2004 & 2005 ones
UltimateJaburg53: There ok
idunapoo: Last ones I picked up were the Flair & Monday night wars
UltimateJaburg53: I have them
idunapoo: need the Benoit,RVD,ECW & Eddie ones
UltimateJaburg53: Also Benoit and Cage matches
UltimateJaburg53: I like how the full match makes it onto the DVD
idunapoo: Saved a shit load on the Flair one,picked it up half price
UltimateJaburg53: Nice
UltimateJaburg53: I really enjoyed that one
idunapoo: Especially as it was expensive to start with
UltimateJaburg53: The Funk vs Flair match was my favorite
idunapoo: I liked the WCW stuff
idunapoo: Being an old school WCW fan,thats no surprise
UltimateJaburg53: I didn't get much old school wcw
XxStupid DoggxX has entered the room.
UltimateJaburg53: I'm sorry I missed
UltimateJaburg53: Sting, the Andersons
idunapoo: I was watching it when Sting was blonde & Hogan first came over.....didnt see WWF as it was on satellite
idunapoo: Nash was Vinnie VEgas
idunapoo: I remember Flair doing an interview section like Pipers pit
UltimateJaburg53: I didn't see wcw untill the Oudsiders
idunapoo: Thats when we only got to see it if you had satellite,and most people didnt
idunapoo: I used to think Flair was gay
XxStupid DoggxX: because he was a wrestler?
idunapoo: Because he had poofy white hair & glittery robes
idunapoo: the name Flair sounded gay as well
klinton77: wrestling?
klinton77: Wed goes away and you all digress to wrestling?
klinton77: shit...
idunapoo: well its better than digressing to saying nothing at all
klinton77: I suppose.
klinton77: You a big wrestling fan, Nowhere?
idunapoo: yep
klinton77: I never got the appeal
klinton77: dunno why.
idunapoo: not everyone does
klinton77: comics and such, I get
idunapoo: As I say,to each their own
klinton77: what is it about wrestling that keeps you comming back to ir?
idunapoo: Its just entertainment.......ok,the storylines can be shit but there is still a lot of talent to be seen.
idunapoo: those guys put themselves thru some serious shit
klinton77: i guess
klinton77: likemovie stunts and shit?
idunapoo: yeah
klinton77: got it
idunapoo: but without so much safety
klinton77: that I can almost get
klinton77: When you said you don't buy into the stories...I
idunapoo: some stories
idunapoo: not all
jasonthecat2007 has entered the room.
jasonthecat2007: hello everyone. 27/black/m/PembrokePines pic!
rexstardust99: I heard pembroke pines is a nice place to live.
idunapoo: are you talking to me?
AGWednesday has entered the room.
jasonthecat2007: yes and yes.
jasonthecat2007 has left the room.
rexstardust99: WHOA!
idunapoo: gah.....two Wednesdays
AGWednesday: fucker. glad he's gone.
klinton77: can' tstand that Jason bloke
AGWednesday: the other one left. where'd everybody go.
AGWednesday: me neither.
AGWednesday: bitch.
klinton77: uh hu
AGWednesday: i guess some people had lives.
klinton77: yup
idunapoo: well I'm just chilling watching a movie
rexstardust99: Whats a life?
AGWednesday: it's.....
AGWednesday: i dunno.
idunapoo: For some reason I have never seen this movie before
rexstardust99: What movie?
idunapoo: Usual suspects
klinton77: Shut up
rexstardust99: Great movie.
idunapoo: I like it
AGWednesday: i've never seen that movie straight through either.
rexstardust99: Very good ending .
AGWednesday: doesn't help that i already know the plot twist.
idunapoo: Dunno bout that
idunapoo: still on
klinton77: reallshould we tell Nowhere?
rexstardust99: TYLER DURDEN IS LUKE'S DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
klinton77: shit, rex...I was only kidding
XxStupid DoggxX: And Princess Laya did Tyler up the Pooper!
XxStupid DoggxX: and Laya and Luke are siblings!
AGWednesday: that's a shame.
klinton77: Who'S Laya?
AGWednesday: and the girl is actually a dude.
rexstardust99: How much Alias have you seen so far Klinton?
XxStupid DoggxX: the bitch with the bagle ears.
klinton77: Up till the end of season 3
rexstardust99: Cool.
klinton77: yup
rexstardust99: What did you think of season three.
rexstardust99: ?
klinton77: I liked it
rexstardust99: I thought the last couple episodes were bad.
klinton77: I ejoyed it more than the two episodes I saw from season 4
rexstardust99: Once Isabella Rosolini shows up it goes downhill.
rexstardust99: Season four got real good near the end.
klinton77: she wasn't so bad
klinton77: A nice sub for Irena
klinton77: to keep that dynamic going
rexstardust99: the first one she was in where Sydney and Vaughn were in Korea was horrible.
rexstardust99: I don't think they could ever replace Lena Olin.
klinton77: Of course not
klinton77: she was great
rexstardust99: My favorite episode is Phase One from season two.
klinton77: she'S comming back, no?
klinton77: what happened in that one?
rexstardust99: Yes. She was in the last couple episodes.
klinton77: cool!
rexstardust99: Thatss the one thats starts out with Sydney on a plane and Back in Black is playing.
klinton77: I saw her in that 'Darkness' movie
rexstardust99: Its the one where everything changes.
klinton77: The Superbowl episode, no?
rexstardust99: Yes.
klinton77: It was great!
Glacier16: yup
rexstardust99: That one and the last couple form season two are my favorite episodes.
klinton77: k...what is this 'Celebrity Dancing' shit?
klinton77: worst show idea ever?
rexstardust99: I don't fucking care, that looks horrilbe.
klinton77: it
rexstardust99: Its some british show or something.
klinton77: It'S on right now in the background
klinton77: featuring a ton of washed up 'stars'
rexstardust99: yes