klinton77: and.....ballroom dancing
rexstardust99: The season finale for season four made me jump up and swear.
rexstardust99: Its was fucking great.
Glacier16: yeah, that came outta nowhere
klinton77: that good?
Glacier16: jumped
klinton77: I can'T wait!
rexstardust99: I've seen in twice and jumped both times.
klinton77: huh
rexstardust99: I won't spoil it for you, but it does set up a lot for the next season.
klinton77: no, don'T
klinton77: I can wait
rexstardust99: How are you watching them?
klinton77: on DVD
rexstardust99: did you record them?
klinton77: nope
Glacier16: best way, no interruption
rexstardust99: yes
klinton77: I just started buying the sets last christmas
idunapoo has left the room.
rexstardust99: I'm pretty sure season four comes out in september.
rexstardust99: on DVD
klinton77: I hope so
Glacier16: yeah, probably. Follow the others maybe come out same time as Lost
rexstardust99: yes
klinton77: It could be nice to get it before season 5
rexstardust99: I was about to say that.
rexstardust99: It will come out before next season.
klinton77: I saw only the last two episodes of lost
klinton77: I didn't like what I saw
rexstardust99: I'm sorry.
Glacier16: heh, bet you were "lost"
rexstardust99: The last two were bad.
rexstardust99: The rest were really good.
klinton77: That's the thing, Penwing...It wasn't hard to folow at all
rexstardust99: There's a lot of suspense to that show.
rexstardust99: penwing?
Glacier16: pen?
Glacier16: heh
klinton77: Galcier
klinton77: shit sorry
rexstardust99: heh
rexstardust99: you drinking?
klinton77: no...O:-)
klinton77: these smilies suck ass
rexstardust99: My biggest complaint about the season finale of Lost was that it didn't show the hatch.
klinton77: yeah...kept you haning
klinton77: hanging
Glacier16: yeah
klinton77: not enough to make me want to tune in though
Glacier16: so you know they'll just drag that out next season
klinton77: let them
rexstardust99: I'm betting we won't see inside the hatch until around Christmas.
klinton77: or May sweeps
XxStupid DoggxX has left the room.
rexstardust99: yeah.
klinton77: Dogg didn't like our tv chat%
klinton77: ?
rexstardust99: no
klinton77: C'est la vie
Glacier16: heh, on tonight- Family Guy
rexstardust99: cool
klinton77: what time? channel?
rexstardust99: I missed the last episode.
Glacier16: there wasn't one last week
rexstardust99: That was the week before, wasn't it?
Glacier16: yup
Drunk Kaz has entered the room.
rexstardust99: KAZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
klinton77: hey Kaz
Drunk Kaz: Greetings.
AGWednesday: "greetings" is lame.
AGWednesday: cool people say "salutations."
Drunk Kaz: Wednesday is gay.
rexstardust99: yes
AGWednesday: Wednesday is too straight to be gay.
AGWednesday: The Bible tells me so.
rexstardust99: All that porn he posts is to throw us off.
AGWednesday: That's true.
AGWednesday: I mean...NO!
Drunk Kaz: Does anyone else picture Wednesday looking like Brian Meadows as the Ladies Man?
klinton77: no...Wed is one of you...thank God
rexstardust99: heh
AGWednesday: yeah.
AGWednesday: HEY!
AGWednesday: (times two)
AGWednesday: so what's up, klinton?
rexstardust99: I thought Kas was one of your alt ids wednesday
AGWednesday: how's the old lady?
AGWednesday: i don't have any alts.
AGWednesday: seriously.
Drunk Kaz: Turns out.... you can cure At. IDs.
rexstardust99: whoa
klinton77: not much
rexstardust99: I have about 30 alt ids.
AGWednesday: except fused, ttt, rob kamphausen, rex, and every member starting with the letters K-M
Glacier16: W H O A
rexstardust99: I never use them anymore.
Drunk Kaz: You asking about my Old Lady?
AGWednesday: u use drunken reax sometimes.
klinton77: I have no alts
AGWednesday: yeah, i'm askin' 'bout your old lady.
rexstardust99: yes, that and my real name when I post book reviews.
AGWednesday: how she doin'?
klinton77: I need to get some
AGWednesday: yeah, you do.
Drunk Kaz: She;s playing Leisure Suit Larry at the moment.
AGWednesday: wait, you're talking about alts, aren't you, klinton.
AGWednesday: ?
AGWednesday: damn
klinton77 has left the room.
Glacier16: heh
AGWednesday: kaz, that's awesome ;P
klinton77 has entered the room.
Drunk Kaz: And I think's she winning.
AGWednesday: i'm glad klinton's gone.
AGWednesday: oh, wait.
AGWednesday: never mind.
AGWednesday: whew!
klinton77: lol
Drunk Kaz: Ack! Awkward!
AGWednesday: yeah.
AGWednesday: hehe...........
AGWednesday: ..............................................
AGWednesday: (awkward silence)
AGWednesday: hey, did they show a new JLU yesterday?
Drunk Kaz: Wednesday says, "Kill yourself."
Glacier16: yup, it was okay
AGWednesday: i never "said" that
Glacier16: err yeah
Drunk Kaz: Wednesday intimates, "kill yourself."
AGWednesday: i only said you should remember that suicide is always an option.
klinton77: it is?
Drunk Kaz: Existentialism?
AGWednesday: how do you intimate something, kaz?
AGWednesday: are you drunk again?
AGWednesday: yes, klinton, it is.
AGWednesday: no, you shouldn't kill yourself.
AGWednesday: of course not.
AGWednesday: someone out there would be sad.
AGWednesday: yeah.
klinton77: lol
AGWednesday: (awkward silence)
klinton77: alright...
klinton77: you need a beer mate
AGWednesday: no, i'd miss that pinhead avatar.
AGWednesday: i do.
rexstardust99: We need some chicks in here again.
AGWednesday: i need about 8 good beards.
AGWednesday: yeah!
klinton77: we have res
AGWednesday: sausage fest.
klinton77: rex
Drunk Kaz: Everyone should drink more.
AGWednesday: who?
AGWednesday: oh.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY has entered the room.
Glacier16: ding!
klinton77: shit
rexstardust99: hooray!
AGWednesday: speak of the devil!
Glacier16: indeed
klinton77: her again?
rexstardust99: All the other womens are logged off.
AGWednesday: hello!
klinton77: you can smell the exitment in here
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: its an l not an i
rexstardust99: huh?
AGWednesday: that was weird.
Drunk Kaz: in·ti·mate: 1. To make known subtly and indirectly; hint. See Synonyms at suggest. 2. To announce; proclaim.
Glacier16: lols ;p
Drunk Kaz: That's how, Wednesday.
AGWednesday: dude, you took way too long with that.
klinton77: he's drunk
rexstardust99: Someones being a smartass
klinton77: let him be
AGWednesday: oh yeah.
Drunk Kaz: I'm illegally downloading PhotoShop. Slowing me down.
rexstardust99: I wish I could get drunk tonight
klinton77: do it
AGWednesday: sure, other DK, suuuuuuuure.
Drunk Kaz: It's also the reason why I am not playing Guild Wars.
AGWednesday: you and your friend Fused are addicted to that game.
AGWednesday: it must be good.
AGWednesday: i should join.
Drunk Kaz: Everyone should. It's fun!
Drunk Kaz: Free online play! That's got me sold!
AGWednesday: i'd like to teach the world to sing...
rexstardust99: Yes it is.
Drunk Kaz: Klinton should smoke weed.
rexstardust99: Thats gay wednesday
AGWednesday: YEAH!
AGWednesday: sorry.
klinton77: no...I hate weed
AGWednesday: i would, though :-(
Drunk Kaz: I mean, it's legal in Canada, right?
AGWednesday: and weed hates you.
AGWednesday: j/k
klinton77: nope
AGWednesday: weed is your friend.
klinton77: only medicinally
Drunk Kaz: Who hates weed? That's just weird.
rexstardust99: I haven't smoked weed in about three years.
Glacier16: end the hate, klint.
AGWednesday: yeah, klint.
klinton77: I hate it
Drunk Kaz: LOL!
klinton77: makes me sick
AGWednesday: remove the hate from your heart.
klinton77: I prefer chemicals
rexstardust99: I'd rather drink.
klinton77: and beer
rexstardust99: beer
Drunk Kaz: I would rather drink as well.
AGWednesday: chemicals?
Drunk Kaz: But when you have to drive later...
klinton77: yup
klinton77: you take coke before driving
AGWednesday: always!
rexstardust99: I take the bus everywhere, so I don't have to worry about drinking and driving.
AGWednesday: wait, me or kaz?
Drunk Kaz: Take "coke" or "cock"?
Glacier16: lol
klinton77: everyone
Drunk Kaz: Coke is a little strong, I think.
AGWednesday: i have never done drugs....i think.
Drunk Kaz: Anything beyong weed or beer is just asking for trouble.
Drunk Kaz: *beyond
klinton77: if you like
rexstardust99: I've never done anything other than pot.
rexstardust99: I'm a prude.
klinton77: I don't endorse drug us
klinton77: e
AGWednesday: <--pruder
klinton77: I like it myself
Drunk Kaz: Who here is addicted to sex?
klinton77: me
rexstardust99: I like myself up to three times a day.
Glacier16: fantastic!
AGWednesday: that would kill me, i think.
Drunk Kaz: Who here is addicted to killing small animals?
AGWednesday: i'm not addicted, but i love it.
AGWednesday: d'oh!
Glacier16: ha!
rexstardust99: heh
AGWednesday: the sex, not the small animals.
Drunk Kaz: Or both... right? Am I right?
AGWednesday: i'd rather not answer that.
AGWednesday: let's move on.
Drunk Kaz: Who here is addicted to masturbation?
AGWednesday: anyone addicted to Connect 4?????
AGWednesday: huh! huh??????
rexstardust99: ME!
AGWednesday: aweshome!
rexstardust99: To both actually.
rexstardust99: I got my nephews connect four and I play it all the time.
rexstardust99: Its more fun than I remmebe
AGWednesday: i've got it on my phone.
rexstardust99: remember
AGWednesday: drunk kaz never wants to play cuz he's a prude.
rexstardust99: Rob needs to add it to the arcade
Glacier16: yup
AGWednesday: DECTECTIVE BUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AGWednesday: you tell 'em, rexstardust99
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: what???????????
rexstardust99: yes
AGWednesday: forgot.
UltimateJaburg53: Wednesday
UltimateJaburg53: Bunny
UltimateJaburg53: Rex
AGWednesday: what????????????
rexstardust99: huh
UltimateJaburg53: Not you
rexstardust99: me?
rexstardust99: or him?
AGWednesday: me?
UltimateJaburg53: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
AGWednesday: who?
AGWednesday: what?
rexstardust99: yes?
Drunk Kaz: WHo here is cybering in PMs?
AGWednesday: 'UT!!!!!!!
rexstardust99: not me
AGWednesday: i mean....what's cybering?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: not drunk enough
Drunk Kaz: Bullshit.
AGWednesday: you should drink more.
UltimateJaburg53: yes.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i'm running low and i need another pack of 27's
Drunk Kaz: You're a smoker!
AGWednesday: what's a 27?
rexstardust99: cock?
Drunk Kaz: Something for cool people.
AGWednesday: oh.
AGWednesday: :-(
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: poor wednesday
AGWednesday: :-(:-(
AGWednesday: my mom says i'm cool!
AGWednesday: (i'm just gonna let that sink in)
AGWednesday: (just a little longer)
AGWednesday: free porn!
rexstardust99: So I have this entire chat saved on my computer. I'll post it after tonight.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: no thanks made my own
AGWednesday: damn!
Glacier16: dayum!
AGWednesday: that's what i said.
AGWednesday: sorta.
AGWednesday: you should put it on the internet, bunny.
AGWednesday: everyone's doing it.
rexstardust99: yes
The Time Trust: For legal reasons, it will be deleted two seconds later.
Drunk Kaz: Post it!? But... but I thought this was a private moment shared amongst the.... 14 of us. Much like Det. Bunny's Sex life!
Drunk Kaz: *rim shot*
AGWednesday: that was stupid.
AGWednesday: i'm sorry, that came out harsh.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: uh thank you?
The Time Trust: Kaz?
Drunk Kaz: You're welcome?
The Time Trust: From JLR?
AGWednesday: hahahaha!
AGWednesday: it just hit him!
Drunk Kaz: No. I'm from Kentucky.
The Time Trust: I just woke up from a nap.
AGWednesday: oh.
AGWednesday: never mind.
The Time Trust: I'm a bit dazed.
AGWednesday: it's not funny any more.
Drunk Kaz: Robots don't take naps. Stop being silly.
AGWednesday: TTT isn't a robot, he's a bonobo ape.
AGWednesday: or monkey.
The Time Trust: Hackers is on. Angelina Jolie has small boobs and a sweaty teen complexion.
david finn 13 has entered the room.
AGWednesday: RASENGAN!
Glacier16: joe!
UltimateJaburg53: athis Oil Storm thing on fx is crap
AGWednesday: was that angelina in that movie?
david finn 13: Whuzzup
The Time Trust: She was.
AGWednesday: i wanted to fuck her.
AGWednesday: okay, who is david finnnnnn?
Drunk Kaz: Oil Storm is dumb?
rexstardust99: Joe mama
david finn 13: I am.
The Time Trust: She looks like an elf.
AGWednesday: that makes sense.
Glacier16: heh
Drunk Kaz: Are there any boobs in it?
AGWednesday: like a naughty little elf.
The Time Trust: A coked-out elf
Drunk Kaz: A sandwich-eating elf!
AGWednesday: i don't know how to respond to that.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: purple monkey?
The Time Trust: Heroic chic.
The Time Trust: Heroin chic, I mean.
AGWednesday: those are both very good answers.
Drunk Kaz: Stop sucking up.
rexstardust99: So does everyone here know about the plan for next summer?
AGWednesday: sorry.
AGWednesday: ehhhhhhhhhhhhh
Glacier16: lo siento
david finn 13: Holy nekkid chick in the Women's Forum! Good job, Wednesday!
The Time Trust: The revolution at last?
rexstardust99: A lot of us are talking about meeting up during a con or somethings.
AGWednesday: yeah.
AGWednesday: whu?
The Time Trust: oh.
rexstardust99: Probably somewhere on the east coast, most likely new york
Drunk Kaz: What? See you guys in person?
AGWednesday: someone posted a naked woman in the women's forum?
rexstardust99: yes
AGWednesday: perv!
Drunk Kaz: Are any of you pretty? With boobs?
The Time Trust: LLance has boobs.
AGWednesday: i am.
The Time Trust: Magnificent ones, if only he'd shave them a little.
The Time Trust: I never get tired of that joke.
Drunk Kaz: Will this "con" be a thinly veiled "orgy"?
david finn 13: I'm less "pretty" and more "handsome". Sorry.
rexstardust99: balloonknot is very pretty.
Glacier16: heh
AGWednesday: that's not true.
david finn 13: Will he bring his tiara?
AGWednesday: i have a manly charm.
rexstardust99: Jaburg will if he forgets.
AGWednesday: i've got a good cut to my gib.
david finn 13: Huzzah!
The Time Trust: I think this so called "meeting" is a veiled ploy to eliminate all of us in one place.
rexstardust99: yes
rexstardust99: It was setup by chris oakley
The Time Trust: Then it's off to Guantanamo Bay.
AGWednesday: AWESOM!
AGWednesday: bring your holy text with you.
david finn 13: If Oakley set it up, we'd just all get punches to the face...
The Time Trust: My copy of Watchmen?
AGWednesday: Oakley is a very violent person.
rexstardust99: yes
Drunk Kaz: If Oakley set it up, no body would show up.
AGWednesday: i honestly think oakley is an alt id.
rexstardust99: unless they thought they were voting him off.
Drunk Kaz: I'm teasing.
AGWednesday: the greatest alt id ever.
AGWednesday: except for me.
rexstardust99: oakley is not an alt.
Drunk Kaz: I'm not showing up no matter who sets it up.
AGWednesday: he HAS to be.
The Time Trust: He's been around since 1999.
AGWednesday: no one is that.....oakleyish.
rexstardust99: yes
The Time Trust: The DC boards
rexstardust99: Hasn't he been everywehre?
david finn 13: He's from Woburn! Who would create an alt-ID from WOBURN???
The Time Trust: He used to moderate the Sci-Fi forum at Athanon.
AGWednesday: listen, don't try to confuse me with your "reason" and your "logic."
AGWednesday: i know what i know.
Glacier16: aohW
AGWednesday: whu?
Drunk Kaz: Those are the devil's tools!
AGWednesday: oakley was a mod??
The Time Trust: Yeah.
david finn 13: Foosball is fo' de debbil
rexstardust99: Wasn't he kinda normal for a while?
AGWednesday: now i wanna visit athanon.
The Time Trust: I was made co-mod in the forum because everyone hated the way he did things.
rexstardust99: Then the whole sneaky bunny thing pissed him off.
Glacier16: good times...
AGWednesday: i think someone created him, though, and named him after the real oakley.
AGWednesday: yeah.
The Time Trust: He would get pissed about bandwidth
The Time Trust: Bandwidth.
AGWednesday: deCtective bunny is cute.
AGWednesday: i just saw her pic yesterday.
Drunk Kaz: Stop sucking up.
AGWednesday: sorry
Drunk Kaz: Hey.
Drunk Kaz: Where is Pariah?
rexstardust99: I invited him, but he never showed up.
AGWednesday: that's a good question.
The Time Trust: Trying to kill his friend Steven, most likely.
rexstardust99: He even asked to be invited.
Glacier16: Previewing a new post/reply
AGWednesday: the italians got him.
AGWednesday: or colombians.
rexstardust99: columbians
AGWednesday: or whoever.
Drunk Kaz: Kill Steven? Who would want to do that?!
The Time Trust: Pariah would.
Glacier16: it was his last night
Drunk Kaz: Pariah writes some of the best FanFic ever.
The Time Trust: He won't give his videotape back.
AGWednesday: yeah he does.
AGWednesday: what?
AGWednesday: where?
AGWednesday: i wanna read Pariah's fanfic.
Drunk Kaz: I'm suggesting, Wed., that his stories are falsehood.
AGWednesday: oh.
Drunk Kaz: I'm INTIMATING that they're not true.
The Time Trust: I've heard him talk about fanfic a lot, but haven't seen any.
rexstardust99: Did anyone read that short story oakley wrote?
Drunk Kaz: (See, that's a callback.)
AGWednesday: that's not a real word.
The Time Trust: Talks about his plots all the time in chat while everyone else is ignoring him.
AGWednesday: that's a shame.
AGWednesday: i wanna know more.
AGWednesday: so i can quote it in threads.
AGWednesday: and THAT
AGWednesday: fuck!
Drunk Kaz: ?
AGWednesday: nevermind. i don't even wanna type out the rest of that sentence now.
rexstardust99: yeah
Drunk Kaz: Yeah, it wasn't gonna be funny anyway.
AGWednesday: yeah.
The Time Trust: Pariah186: Steve, there's one last addendum I want to ask about
The Time Trust: Pariah186: I remember this one time
The Time Trust: Pariah186: when you finished the new traffic software for Cisco
Drunk Kaz: <--- already laughing.
The Time Trust: Pariah186: And we were all gonna party and shitPariah186: So we went to the Wango Tango
Glacier16: whoa
The Time Trust: Pariah186: I just wanna knowPariah186: Do you know what happened that night?
The Time Trust: StevensLastNight: nope
The Time Trust: StevensLastNight: i think you kissed some dude
The Time Trust: Pariah186: Well yeah, I was gonna say
The Time Trust: Pariah186: I WOKE UP IN THE SAME BED WITH YOU!!
Drunk Kaz: That's why they're gonna kill each other?
Glacier16: theres more
Drunk Kaz: Oh.
Glacier16: something about No Escape
Drunk Kaz: The movie?
AGWednesday: i'm on the edge of my seat.
Glacier16: and Ray Liotta
Glacier16: yup
Drunk Kaz: WIth Ray Liotta?
AGWednesday: With Ray Liotta?
Drunk Kaz: I'm totally biting my nails!
AGWednesday: no you're not.
AGWednesday: you're lying about that.
Drunk Kaz: Aren't you supposed to be drinking bleach right now?
AGWednesday: how come dectective bunny doesn't say nothin'?
AGWednesday: is she scared of Drunk Kaz or somethin'?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: too busy consulting winged
Drunk Kaz: Likely story.
Glacier16: thought I saw him on for half a sec
AGWednesday: i don't believe it, myself.
AGWednesday: i'm going to lie down.
AGWednesday: gotta wake up for adult swim.
AGWednesday: mmmmmm....adult swim.
The Time Trust: The punchline:
The Time Trust: StevensLastNight: i AM gay....
The Time Trust: Pariah186: NOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooPariah186: You violated me!!!
AGWednesday: that story is...
PenWing424 has entered the room.
The Time Trust: Hey Pen
AGWednesday: penwing!
PenWing424: thanks for saving me the trouble
AGWednesday: man, we were just talkin' 'bout you.
PenWing424: cool
Drunk Kaz: That's not true.
PenWing424: hey sneaky, how's the weather by you?
The Time Trust: Ears were burning.
Drunk Kaz: We were wondering how Parish turned gay.
PenWing424: it just got real nasty in oak park/southfield
Drunk Kaz: Pariah*
The Time Trust: "Parish". Heh.
The Time Trust: Was that intentional?
AGWednesday: parys ;P
Drunk Kaz: Heh.
PenWing424: and here comes the rain
rexstardust99: Uschi said: My penis fell off in pariahs bottom. He said it hurt and has been arguing against sodomy ever since.
Drunk Kaz: Wow, Pen, Pop in the room and start talkng weather right off the muscle!
PenWing424: damn straight
AGWednesday: PenWing is the man
PenWing424: so, i was talking to my friend, and it's adam kubert who wants to draw supes and andy who wants to draw bats
AGWednesday: i wanna draw bats.
Drunk Kaz: I wanna blowjob.
Drunk Kaz: *shrug*
Drunk Kaz: Just saying.
Drunk Kaz: S'all.
AGWednesday: guess we can't always get what we want.
PenWing424: i think dc will own the top ten next year, but marvel will have everything else in the top thirty
PenWing424: rack wednesday
AGWednesday: dc won't own shite.
Drunk Kaz: Agreed,
AGWednesday: never has, never will.
AGWednesday: let's be honest, people like marvel more.
Drunk Kaz: Double agreed.
AGWednesday: not to say that marvel is better, but it just has a broader fan base.
Glacier16: cuz of the movies?
AGWednesday: i mean Spider-Man, X-Men (especially Wolverine)
AGWednesday: DC is iconic, but Marvel sells.
The Time Trust: I hate X-Men.
AGWednesday: and the X-Men hate you.
Drunk Kaz: But most people disagree, TTT.
AGWednesday: but that's okay.
The Time Trust: I hate them mutie bastids.
PenWing424: two kubert titles, all-star supes (morison, quietly), all-star bats (frank miller, jim lee), supergirl (fanboys will dig it), and GL (johns, van shiver) and then there is infinate crisis
AGWednesday: cuz they're made of paper.
PenWing424: that's what, seven titles?
Drunk Kaz: Supergirl?
Drunk Kaz: I doubt that one.
Drunk Kaz: But I can see a case for the others.
AGWednesday: all-stars won't hit top ten
PenWing424: loeb and chruchill
PenWing424: believe it
AGWednesday: not for long, anyways.
PenWing424: they will, and they'll stick
PenWing424: if not for writing, than for art alone
AGWednesday: we'll see.
The Time Trust: I won't be buying any of those.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY has left the room.
The Time Trust: Nothing to do with whether they're good or not, though.
AGWednesday: TTT has given up comics.
The Time Trust: Yes.
Drunk Kaz: Is that because you like DC? Or becuse you really think they'll be top ten?
AGWednesday: and we've bored DB
The Time Trust: DAMN US!!!
The Time Trust: DAMN US ALL TO HELL!!!
Drunk Kaz: I think you might be a bit biased.
AGWednesday: don't say that!
PenWing424: i'll only buy andy kubert on bats
AGWednesday: remember JLA Classifieds???
PenWing424: thing is, he'll probably be paired with loeb
PenWing424: i like loeb
PenWing424: when he finishes his stories
AGWednesday: i don't dislike loeb NEARLY as much as the rest of the boards.
AGWednesday: he's okay to me.
AGWednesday: not bad at all.
PenWing424: and i still say that the first eleven issues of hush were outstanding
PenWing424: it's the ending that needs to be rewritten
AGWednesday: i really liked a lot of Hush.
PenWing424: so did i
The Time Trust: I liked Loeb's stuff before he became "hot".
PenWing424: and that shot of bats holding talia while they parachuted out of the plane...
AGWednesday: i think writers start to suck after they get hot.
PenWing424: best shot of the year
AGWednesday: plain and simple.
PenWing424: it's true
AGWednesday: happens to all of 'em.
PenWing424: they let it go to their heads
AGWednesday: remember when Waid ruled?
PenWing424: waid still has his moments
AGWednesday: yeah, but he doesn't rule.
AGWednesday: not any more.
PenWing424: the early part of his f4 run, before they removed weringo, that was great stuff
Drunk Kaz: Welcome to the Penwing/Wednesday Chat!
Glacier16: heh
PenWing424: and then waid stuck up for weringo
PenWing424: that was really cool
Drunk Kaz: So, anyone gonna see FF in the theaters?
Glacier16: yup
PenWing424: yeah
AGWednesday: yeah. you gonna go, Kaz.
AGWednesday: ?
Drunk Kaz: I'm pretty excited about it, personally.
AGWednesday: yeah. you gonna go, Kaz?
Drunk Kaz: I think it's the shot of Thing getting hit by the truck. Makes me geek out everytime.
AGWednesday: we'll go see it together, okay?
AGWednesday: that'll be cool.
PenWing424: i gotta start writing my recap for joe, so i'm gonna be quiet for a bit O:-)
Drunk Kaz: You driving 15 hours north, are ya?
AGWednesday: no.
AGWednesday: flying.
Drunk Kaz: July 4th?
Drunk Kaz: Sweet.
AGWednesday: yeah, i'm gonna go to sleep now.
AGWednesday: so i can watch adult swim.
Drunk Kaz has left the room.
AGWednesday: it's a series of cartoons that comes on Cartoon Network late at night.
Glacier16: yeah, gotta go watch Samurai Champloo on the TiVo
AGWednesday: Samurai Champloo rocked!
Glacier16: It sure does
AGWednesday: last episode rocks a motha.
AGWednesday: just so you know.
Glacier16: eggcellent
AGWednesday: all right, i'm out like Jim Jackson.
The Time Trust: Hey, anyone on ICQ?
Glacier16: ha
The Time Trust: Y'know this all-weekend chat thing>
The Time Trust: I'm never doin this again.
rexstardust99: Yeah, this is a one time thing. I just wanted to see if we could do it.
rexstardust99: Besides, I might have a job where I work weekends starting this week.
The Time Trust: I'm not against it. I'm just not going to stay in the room the whole time.
rexstardust99: yeah
rexstardust99: Looks like this chat died.
rexstardust99: I guess I'll just talk to myself for a while.
rexstardust99: I wonder if anyone will read this.
HarleyQ33 has entered the room.
david finn 13: What job, Rex?
HarleyQ33: Davey!
HarleyQ33: Is anyone here?
david finn 13: I'm here. Howdy.
HarleyQ33: hola
david finn 13: I PM'd you.
PenWing424: i'm still here, i finished one match. now i have to write my other match
HarleyQ33: ah - I'll go check -
HarleyQ33: one match? of what?
rexstardust99: I might get a job making cereal and tea.
david finn 13: Johnny Evil sent me his. And Snarf sent me the first half of his. I have my two to write.
david finn 13: Cereal and Tea?
HarleyQ33: is this what you interviewed for rex?
rexstardust99: Yes.
HarleyQ33: is it gonna have like a "rex flavor" included?
HarleyQ33: ;-)
rexstardust99: The first rule of project mayhem is you dan't talk about project mayhem.
HarleyQ33: "project mayhem"?
david finn 13: What do you mean, make cereal and tea?
AGWednesday has left the room.
david finn 13: Halloooooooooo? Anyone?
david finn 13: Mom?
rexstardust99: Its for an vegan food company.
david finn 13: PJP signed on.
PJPGYRO has entered the room.
rexstardust99: PJP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AGWednesday has entered the room.
david finn 13: What up, kid!
PJPGYRO: I love days like today
PJPGYRO: I had some friends over
PJPGYRO: and I said to one guy
PJPGYRO: hey the yanks are winning 2-0
david finn 13: What did he say?
PJPGYRO: he started laughing
PJPGYRO: not anymore there not
PJPGYRO: we shook our heads and drank some more beers
david finn 13: Did they win on Saturday?
PJPGYRO: barely
PJPGYRO: how you been davey boy
david finn 13: I golfed on Saturday, then hit the driving range with my Dad today.
PJPGYRO: rex take the cock out of your mouth and say something
david finn 13: I been good. Stiff back, but good.
PJPGYRO: badbacks suck
PJPGYRO: who else is here
david finn 13: I just need to play more. I'm going to Paul Harney in Falmouth this week, which is my favorite course.
PJPGYRO: i played in caped cod once
PJPGYRO: hyanis
PJPGYRO: I dont remember really
PJPGYRO: drunk
AGWednesday: hi!
AGWednesday: can't sleep.
PJPGYRO: college buddies bachelor party
david finn 13: I haven't played in Hyannis yet. I played in West Bridgewater Saturday...
PJPGYRO: hi Tuesday
AGWednesday: mornin', PJP.
PJPGYRO: i mean wednesday
david finn 13: I have a tourney at a mngr's conference next week.
PJPGYRO: I was early
david finn 13: Which is basically an excuse to get away from work, drink, and golf (drink).
PJPGYRO: you gotta come down to NJ dave.im gettin good on the grill
PJPGYRO: 5th bbq of the year so far
PJPGYRO: how come I see all these names and no ones chatting
rexstardust99: I'm kinda busy right now. I'll be posting later tonight.
david finn 13: You tell me when, PJP...I'll be there. I'll bring the beer.
PJPGYRO: whatcha doing rex
PJPGYRO: wheres harley
PJPGYRO: I see her name
HarleyQ33: I'm back!
HarleyQ33: Dave are we going to Hollywod or what?
PJPGYRO: wow Ive been gone along time
HarleyQ33: Peter! Why do you guys like golf? evertiem I think of that I think of mismatched plaid.
PJPGYRO: it seems like an afternoon..must have drank morre than i thought
HarleyQ33: Yes, how was your BBQ?
PJPGYRO: I suck at golf
PJPGYRO: I just go once in awhile for the guys day out
HarleyQ33: I like it when I hit the ball through the windmill otherwise zzzzzzzzzzzz
PJPGYRO: bbq was real good
HarleyQ33: I like things a little more exciting - like SCUBA
PJPGYRO: yeah Im with you harley i get bored pretty easy
PJPGYRO: naked scuba
HarleyQ33: are you drunk? lol
HarleyQ33: shark diving!
PJPGYRO: nah just randy
PJPGYRO: naked shark diving
HarleyQ33: isn't that your normal state of being? ;-)
PJPGYRO: pretty much
PJPGYRO: I should be registered as a dangerous weapon
PJPGYRO: no woman is safe around me
HarleyQ33: LOL - oh, really?
HarleyQ33: wsa that your name I saw on the girls bathroom walls?
PJPGYRO: probably
david finn 13: I don't wear plaid when I golf:-X...I'm as lousy as PJP (that'd be a contest, which of us is WORST!)
HarleyQ33: for a good time call PJP?
PJPGYRO: how come you never called;-)
david finn 13: Shark hunting sound like fun if Harley wears a bikini
HarleyQ33: I caould ask the same about you...
PJPGYRO: naked shark huntung
PJPGYRO: I killed a snake the other day
PJPGYRO: big fucker
PJPGYRO: scared the piss out of me
HarleyQ33: No, no bikini - full scuba suit - one of the scariest things I've ever done - I love shraks though...
david finn 13: Naked??? No...not if PJP is buck naked...
PJPGYRO: I chopped its head right off with a shovel
HarleyQ33: ugh!
PJPGYRO: even when im naked it looks like Im wearing fur
HarleyQ33: Not a bnig fan of snakes
PJPGYRO: it saw me and tried to run away
HarleyQ33: you've got your own fur coat - don't let PETA know!
david finn 13: HAH!!!
PJPGYRO: lucky i was landscaping and had shovel right there
PJPGYRO: killed it
PJPGYRO: i felt like hercules
HarleyQ33: you sure it wsan't a worm? lol
PJPGYRO: 4 footer
HarleyQ33: a four foot worm?
PJPGYRO: killing the hydra
HarleyQ33: LMFAO
PJPGYRO: you are a riot
rexstardust99: I'm babysitting right now, I'm gonnna put them to bed in about two hours, then I'll be on more.
PJPGYRO: youre not drinking are you rex
HarleyQ33: Ok, Odysseus
PJPGYRO: not around the kids
HarleyQ33: how old are the kids rex?
PJPGYRO: you could be my helen of troy
david finn 13: She's my Muse.
HarleyQ33: You got my PM! Ya!
PJPGYRO: we could be like hector and achilles
HarleyQ33: which one's which?
HarleyQ33: the question is who is Paris?
PJPGYRO: it doesnt matter it will all end trajgically
rexstardust99: No, I'm sober.
PJPGYRO: rex is Paris
rexstardust99: they are four and five.
PJPGYRO: the pretty boy
PJPGYRO: actually thats klinton
HarleyQ33: That means Rex wins...????
rexstardust99: huh?
PJPGYRO: dave and I are warriors
PJPGYRO: rex go play with the kids
HarleyQ33: Paris killed aAchilles who killed Hector - doesn't anyone remember?
PJPGYRO: the adults are talking
david finn 13: ARRRRR!!! FEAR MY WAR HAMMER!!!
PJPGYRO: what are you wearing harley?
HarleyQ33: I feel like I'm walking into a verbal trap with that one Pete....lol
PJPGYRO: well.
PJPGYRO: you are
HarleyQ33: tank top and jeans
HarleyQ33: bare foot
PJPGYRO: I like it
rexstardust99: very
rexstardust99: sexy
PJPGYRO: i bet you have cute toes
HarleyQ33: They're red - to make up for my shy and quiet personality... ;-)
PJPGYRO: I bet rex doesnt
rexstardust99: I don't. their quite nasty.
PJPGYRO: yeah right
HarleyQ33: I dated a guy once who had a foot fetish
PJPGYRO: how did it go
david finn 13: It stunk...get it??? Wakka wakka!!!
rexstardust99: I kinda have a foot fetish, its nothing too bad.
PJPGYRO: I dont have a fetish.but its a bonus when they are cute
HarleyQ33: uh, it didn't end well...really rex, hmmm
PJPGYRO: I love setting up dave
PJPGYRO: we could go to vegas

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.