PJPGYRO: did you hear Hooters is opening up a casiono in vegas
david finn 13: PJP and Finndawg
HarleyQ33: I think feet are not all that attractive as body parts go, but I always try to keep mine loking nice - painted toes, fot lotion, etc.
PJPGYRO: I love it harley
HarleyQ33: foot
PJPGYRO: your getting me going
rexstardust99: For some reason I really like watching women wash their feet.
HarleyQ33: I'm sure that doesn't take much...lol
PJPGYRO: dave we must go to the Hooters casino the first week it opens
HarleyQ33: You should work in a shoe store rex - I think I've just found your calling...
PJPGYRO: no..but you are special
david finn 13: I'm in.
PJPGYRO: rex can come too
rexstardust99: hooray!
UltimateJaburg53: Nooooooooooooooooo!
PJPGYRO: jaburg too
HarleyQ33: Jarburg!
UltimateJaburg53: Ahhhhhhhhh!
HarleyQ33: did we scare you?
PJPGYRO: How was the day with the parents Jake
PJPGYRO: and the long lost aunt
UltimateJaburg53: Wierd
PJPGYRO: tell us
PJPGYRO: were here for you
HarleyQ33: family ois ALWAYS wierd
UltimateJaburg53: Well just my Mom and Aunt showed
PJPGYRO: well rex is anyway
PJPGYRO: Im here to get all hot and bothered about harley
UltimateJaburg53: My Aunt had the thousand yard stare
PJPGYRO: and her cute red toes
HarleyQ33: :-*
PJPGYRO: she wasn;t with it
UltimateJaburg53: Kinda sorta
UltimateJaburg53: She's had many a major brain surgery
PJPGYRO: that sucks
UltimateJaburg53: She can't see too well
rexstardust99: I gotta go now, I'll be back later.
PJPGYRO: thats the kind of woman rex needs to find
UltimateJaburg53: Her equlibrium is off
PJPGYRO: a blind one
UltimateJaburg53: Stairs were not her friend
HarleyQ33: Damn - and she's ok?
UltimateJaburg53: Yea
UltimateJaburg53: Kind of
HarleyQ33: you ok?
UltimateJaburg53: She seems like she just woke up.
UltimateJaburg53: I'm cool
HarleyQ33: hazy? how long ago was the surgery?
PJPGYRO: jakes always cool
HarleyQ33: no doubt
UltimateJaburg53: four months
PJPGYRO: that recent
PJPGYRO: I was under the impression it was along time ago
HarleyQ33: its going to be a long road, but you've been there before - you're tough.
UltimateJaburg53: I got some other news
HarleyQ33: da?
PJPGYRO: spill it
UltimateJaburg53: My sister's soon to be ex husband is a dick
HarleyQ33: what happened?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY has entered the room.
UltimateJaburg53: they have a three year old
UltimateJaburg53: with my sister in new york
UltimateJaburg53: He's in South Carolina
HarleyQ33: shit - that makes it harder, I'm sure
UltimateJaburg53: He has a cell in my sister's name
HarleyQ33: how long we they together?
UltimateJaburg53: cell phone
PJPGYRO: that sucks
UltimateJaburg53: three years
UltimateJaburg53: less
UltimateJaburg53: well he ran up a 500 dollar bill
UltimateJaburg53: told her he ain't going to pay
HarleyQ33: she needs to cancell that asap! She'll be liable for all the charges and the co and courts won't give a shit about the situation
PJPGYRO: has she shut it off
PJPGYRO: definitely
UltimateJaburg53: My sister had to pay that plus a 150 dollar cancelllation fe for the line
PJPGYRO: that sucks
UltimateJaburg53: yup
HarleyQ33: she can bring him to small claims - assuming that he bothers to come up - otherwsie he defaults and she can get a lien against his name - which will forever show up on his credit
UltimateJaburg53: My sister needs that money to feed and cloth his daughter
PJPGYRO: guys like that are scum
PJPGYRO: they need a good beating
HarleyQ33: are they divorced yet? or are they separated?
PJPGYRO: my sis had a similar situation
UltimateJaburg53: seperated only
Pariah186 has entered the room.
HarleyQ33: legally?
UltimateJaburg53: no
Pariah186: Dude
Pariah186: de ja vu
PJPGYRO: her husband left her when he found out she had MS
UltimateJaburg53: my sister needs six months in ny before she can file
PJPGYRO: go away pariah
Pariah186: I was reading up on physics the other day
HarleyQ33: Tell her to make it a legal separation - the - what? Fuck Pete - what an asshole!
Pariah186: apparently Dalton had a good idea
PJPGYRO: yeah real scumbag
UltimateJaburg53: yeah
HarleyQ33: I meant your soon to be ex brother in law Pete - that read s wrong
PJPGYRO: no I know what you meant
Pariah186: by applying the principles of Einstein's rotation theory
PJPGYRO: hes a douche
david finn 13: What a fucking douche...please tell me there's a way she can screw him permanently.
UltimateJaburg53: some people have no heart
HarleyQ33: Yes, she does need six months but ususally the courts start counting the date from the time it became a legal separation
Pariah186: with Tipler's axis idea
PJPGYRO: Pariah leave
PJPGYRO: far away
PJPGYRO: from here
Pariah186: His swing shift Schroender's Cat scenario was pretty far out
PJPGYRO: go haunt someone elses chat
Pariah186: but amazingly enough, it worked
Pariah186: Of course, he was killed in the process
PJPGYRO: thsi is only funny when mxy does it
Pariah186: but you know, better luck next time
PJPGYRO: and then not so much either
HarleyQ33: Jar I can get you the name of a good divorce lwayer if you need - is he contesting the divorce?
PJPGYRO: hes probably gonna contest child support and how much he should pay
Pariah186: I'm nothing like Mxy.
PJPGYRO: all the slime balls do
Pariah186: I'm no Australian
Pariah186: Australian's are Canadian wannabes
PJPGYRO: hes chilean
PJPGYRO: his name is Pedro
Pariah186: which is really pathetic because Candian's are American wannabes
HarleyQ33: who is?
HarleyQ33: ah
Pariah186: No. He's a phestizio
Pariah186: And I'm a Macabre
PJPGYRO: my sis ex is an Italian and hes afraid of me
PJPGYRO: ill beat his ass someday
Pariah186: I once got beat up by a foreigner
Pariah186: I kept calling him mongoloid
PJPGYRO: what a surpprise.probably frenchm,an
Pariah186: Nope
PJPGYRO: pariah is the only person to ever surrender to a frenchman
Pariah186: Mongoloid's are lower class asians with odd profiels
Pariah186: *profiles
PJPGYRO: except for that whole Napoleonic thing
PJPGYRO: harley
Pariah186: That's a myth
Pariah186: right up there with Vietnam
PJPGYRO: hey Harley
Pariah186: Let me try
Pariah186: HARLEY!!!
UltimateJaburg53: When did the Mongols rule China?
Pariah186: Urm.............
UltimateJaburg53: Rufus!
Pariah186: I would venture a guess
Pariah186: at around 1500 BC
PJPGYRO: its important
PJPGYRO: I have to ask you something
Pariah186: Puerto's
Pariah186: they're all the same
Pariah186: unresponsive
Pariah186: horrible inbed
PJPGYRO: pariah my wife is a puerto
PJPGYRO: douche
david finn 13: It's fun to ignore him.
Pariah186: I am so sorry...........That you're married to her.
Pariah186: *paints target*
PJPGYRO: what did he say?
Pariah186: Ouch.
Pariah186: That hurts me more than any fist
david finn 13: Dunno. Yay!!!
Pariah186: :-(
PJPGYRO: Ill put you back on Pariah
Pariah186: Good?
PJPGYRO: just keep the gross pics in offensive forum
Pariah186: I haven't posted "gross pics" for weeks
PenWing424: joe, i just sent you my recap
david finn 13: Cool.
PJPGYRO: hi Penny
PenWing424: pm me back what you think
PenWing424: hi peej
PJPGYRO: Im dieing to ask you something harley
PJPGYRO: wher are you?
UltimateJaburg53: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
PJPGYRO: its so important
PJPGYRO: 'like real important
PJPGYRO: urgent
PJPGYRO: Harley where are you
UltimateJaburg53: Is Mxy' name really Pedro?
UltimateJaburg53: No way
PJPGYRO: pretty sure
Pariah186: It is
PJPGYRO: you never know with him
Pariah186: actually
Pariah186: I've even seen his picture
UltimateJaburg53: That what I'm saying
PJPGYRO: what does he look like
UltimateJaburg53: Where Pariah
Pariah186: He emailed it to me awhile ago
Pariah186: let me pull it up
PJPGYRO: that was gay porn
UltimateJaburg53: Oh no
PJPGYRO: yes....oh no
UltimateJaburg53: Time Trust?
UltimateJaburg53: Rex?
UltimateJaburg53: Hmmm
HarleyQ33: I'm back - what's up Pete?
UltimateJaburg53: Ahhh!
UltimateJaburg53: I'm sorry I had alot of coffee
HarleyQ33: Did I scare you again? Por jarburg...
PJPGYRO: harley
HarleyQ33: si?
PJPGYRO: i have to ask you something important
Pariah186: damn
HarleyQ33: ok - here?
Pariah186: Pic's acting up
PJPGYRO: isn't that tank top getting a little itchy
PJPGYRO: maybe you should take it off
HarleyQ33: that's what was sooooo important? lol
HarleyQ33: why don't you take it off for me?
PJPGYRO: Ill be right there
HarleyQ33: lol
PJPGYRO: one of these days Ill surprise you
HarleyQ33: I'll bet...
PJPGYRO: you couldn't hang with me
PJPGYRO: your all talk
HarleyQ33: oh?
Pariah186: pretty.memory-bliss.net/misc/mxy.jpg
UltimateJaburg53: :P
Pariah186: at the end of that
PJPGYRO: whats this hollywood talk
HarleyQ33: says the married man...lol
Pariah186: Er, the beginning
HarleyQ33: ask dave - we're going to hollywood - wanna come?
Pariah186: Dumbshit
Pariah186: Hollywood's like the crappiest place on earth
HarleyQ33: who's driving?
Pariah186: right next to Disneyworld
PJPGYRO: I bet those jeans are getting all itchy
PJPGYRO: they must be chafing yur thighs
PJPGYRO: your poor thighs
HarleyQ33: you don't quit! You get points for trying though! LOL
UltimateJaburg53: He brought his bitch, to the Waffle Hut.
Pariah186: Can you flirt with the Puerto Rican elsewhere
PJPGYRO: no I dont quit
david finn 13: Me an' Harley are quitting our jobs and running off to Hollywood.
HarleyQ33: who - your brother in law?
PJPGYRO: I cant do that
UltimateJaburg53: Rock.
HarleyQ33: I done with the law!
UltimateJaburg53: Very bad
UltimateJaburg53: I AM THE LAW!
PJPGYRO: what do you mean harley
david finn 13: She's gonna be my Muse and I'm gonna be her love muffin.
HarleyQ33: I shot the sherrif!
PJPGYRO: your done with the law
PJPGYRO: vomit
HarleyQ33: I hope so - son - you know...
HarleyQ33: soon
david finn 13: Personal grape-peeler
UltimateJaburg53: J.K. Simmons is a riot
HarleyQ33: mmmm...grapes....
UltimateJaburg53: I'm watching Ladykillers
PJPGYRO: i have grapes here and watermelon
HarleyQ33: brb
klinton77 has left the room.
PJPGYRO: she went to get whiskey
PJPGYRO: she is a lush
UltimateJaburg53: Klintom
UltimateJaburg53: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
PJPGYRO: no harley
david finn 13: I will drink the whiskey from her belly-button...you'll see!!!
klinton77 has entered the room.
klinton77: fucking fuck
UltimateJaburg53: Klinton!
klinton77: 's up
Pariah186: Something wrong
klinton77: ?
UltimateJaburg53: Sup with you?
klinton77: not so much
UltimateJaburg53: k
UltimateJaburg53: :P
klinton77: oddly...sober
david finn 13: How goes, Canadian?
UltimateJaburg53: Me too
PJPGYRO: no cocaine tonight
klinton77: n cocain for a couple months now PJP
klinton77: thanks for caring
PJPGYRO: you know thats bad for you klinton
PJPGYRO: seriously
UltimateJaburg53: Yeah
david finn 13: Yup
klinton77: It's not really your concern...but thanks
PJPGYRO: stick to booze and weed
klinton77: fuck off...all of you
david finn 13: BBOZE!
klinton77: beer
david finn 13: and BOOZE!!!
klinton77: beer is good
PJPGYRO: this was a secret intervention
UltimateJaburg53: Remember what killed Scarface
klinton77: I gathered
david finn 13: Bullets?
UltimateJaburg53: yeah
PJPGYRO: say hello to my little friend
UltimateJaburg53: Bullets
Pariah186: The Ventriloquist
PJPGYRO: pjp junior
david finn 13: Don't do bullets, Klinton!
klinton77: never
klinton77: me likey knives
david finn 13: Bullets are bad, mmmmmmmmm-kay?
klinton77: hello Pariah
Pariah186: Hello
david finn 13: Why is PJP whipping out his little friend?
klinton77: what you up to?
klinton77: I heard you had a bad day yesterday
Pariah186: Actually that was two days ago
klinton77: sorry
klinton77: trying to pretend I care here
Pariah186: It's fine. I'm over such things.
Pariah186: I noticed.
klinton77: You're 'vover such things'? Goth now?
klinton77: -v
klinton77: PJP...how was your BBQ?
Pariah186: no
PJPGYRO: real good
klinton77: cool
PJPGYRO: had some brews and one glass of cabernet
klinton77: save me a beer
klinton77: ?
PJPGYRO: always klint
klinton77: cool
PJPGYRO: what did you do today
Pariah186: I'm just over it
klinton77: I was waiting for Dan to get back...but he stayed over another dayè
klinton77: so you're kinda looking at it
PenWing424: i'll be back...
PenWing424 has left the room.
klinton77: I went for a couple drinks
klinton77: that's about it
Pariah186: It's a figure of speech
Pariah186: Figures? Or Speech?
klinton77: Pariah is mute now
klinton77: good
PJPGYRO: thank god
Pariah186: No I'm not
Pariah186: At least....
Pariah186: At least I think I'm not
Pariah186: Can anyone see me?
Pariah186: Can you hear me!?
Pariah186: HELLO!!??
klinton77: I htink he's snapped
Pariah186: AARRRGGG!!
klinton77: Dave...where'd yougo?
Pariah186: I'm dead aren't I?
david finn 13: I'm here
klinton77: well...talk then
klinton77: you can't let Pariah hog the entire conversation
klinton77: Harley's here too?
PJPGYRO: anybody see the girl next door
PJPGYRO: its on right now
david finn 13: I was just reading what you and PJP were talking about. I'm a good listener.
Pariah186: You know who would enjoy this thread?
PJPGYRO: elisha cuthbert is hot
Pariah186: Don King
klinton77: movie? PJP
david finn 13: No good nudity in that flick.
klinton77: nope
klinton77: funny?
Pariah186: He'd get a kick outta this.
david finn 13: I think I'm gonna watch Eurotrip later...
klinton77: that was funny
UltimateJaburg53: Borat!
Pariah186: I'm sure you liked the end
Pariah186: the most
klinton77: the end?
klinton77: what happened?
Pariah186: Yeah
PJPGYRO: eurotrip could be the best movie ever
Pariah186: They fucked in the confessional
PJPGYRO: lets give that nancy a good kickin
Pariah186: Of the Vatican
klinton77: whatever
david finn 13: Mika was HOT!
klinton77: look...there's an ignorefeature in here too
klinton77: no more Pariah
Pariah186: The only thing I liked about that movie was the incest
Pariah186: that was hot
PJPGYRO: is that true
klinton77: yup
PJPGYRO: you made out with your sister
david finn 13: What do this Ignore button do?
Pariah186: nah, I wasn't in the movie
Pariah186: it was that one bitch from Buffy
Pariah186: and her Poine Dexter brother
klinton77: hisposts no longer appear on my screen
david finn 13: Absinthe is a bitch...
klinton77: I love absinthe
klinton77: +y
The Time Trust:
http://x34.xanga.com/a9885361421337589081/b6065537.jpgThe Time Trust: Damn.
david finn 13: Thank you, TTT
Pariah186: I don't get it
Pariah186: who is they?
The Time Trust: She rocks my world.
david finn 13: Which one?
The Time Trust: THe one in the glasses
PJPGYRO: she is hot
Pariah186: The middle one obviously
Pariah186: Who the fuck is she?
david finn 13: Beautiful...who is she?
PJPGYRO: i love women
The Time Trust: I don't know.
Pariah186: *throws hands in the air in frustration*
david finn 13: All five of them are nice.
The Time Trust: BSAMS posted it.
PJPGYRO: i have them all figured out too
david finn 13: They all want PJP.
PJPGYRO: heh nah they want frenchie
PJPGYRO: klinton
david finn 13: Figures.
klinton77: no..
klinton77: They want more beer
klinton77: like any good woman
The Time Trust: I tried trackback to find the blog it came from, but no go.
david finn 13: They want to play sexy games in the hotel room.
PJPGYRO: i love drunk college girls
PJPGYRO: and drunk hooters girls
klinton77: bsams is too smart for that TTT
PJPGYRO: you guys have to come to AC with me
klinton77: AC?
PJPGYRO: hooters there is montelban
PJPGYRO: atlantic city
klinton77: shit no
PJPGYRO: dirty city
david finn 13: Name the time, PJP. Seriously. I've been looking for an excuse to go back.
PJPGYRO: but fun
klinton77: you guys need to come here
klinton77: much better
PJPGYRO: Ill go to montreal
david finn 13: Me too.
PJPGYRO: great strip clubs
klinton77: do it
klinton77: great everything here
The Time Trust: I've always wanted to visit Montreal.
PJPGYRO: I want harley to strip in montreal
The Time Trust: My dad went to University there.
david finn 13: I want Harley to strip in Boston
klinton77: where TT?
The Time Trust: University of Montreal
klinton77: WOW
klinton77: Shatner went to McGill
Pariah186: Viva le Sherman
Pariah186: Le Viva Quebec
PJPGYRO: klinton and pariah chased harlkey away
The Time Trust: Scotty's from out here.
Pariah186: Viva le Sherman
Pariah186: Le viva Quebec
klinton77: I chased Harley away?
klinton77: how?
david finn 13: She'll be back. They always come back. To ME...
klinton77: I said hi
klinton77: Is she still mad at me for harassing Dave?
david finn 13: When did you harrass me?
david finn 13: Was I there?
david finn 13: Was I good?
klinton77: I know
klinton77: she got all up about it though
klinton77: I thought she was cool now though
klinton77: whatever
david finn 13: No...she got a little upset about the clone thing, but that was easily cleared up.
david finn 13: She hasn't been upset with anyone.
klinton77: that wasn't me
david finn 13: I know.
david finn 13: Seriously, when did you harrass me?
Pariah186: DUDE!
Pariah186: I got it!
Pariah186: Flashpoint!
Pariah186: It finally finished
klinton77: In the Harlyey thread somewhere
PJPGYRO: klinton was the clone
klinton77: fuck off
david finn 13: Right, PJP.
david finn 13: Heh.
Pariah186: I'm gonna see it before everyone on the RKMBs
HarleyQ33: What the fuck have I missed?
Pariah186: SLut
klinton77: Welcome back
HarleyQ33: Jesus - a totally new group of players
Pariah186: FUCK OFF
david finn 13: PJP fucked up...his grammar and spelling was too good. I had him figured on his first post.
PJPGYRO: were you positive it was me
Pariah186: FUCK OFF
david finn 13: 'Cuz I'm like WICKED SMAHHHHHHHHHHHT!!!
klinton77: yeah...his clones are easy to spot
HarleyQ33: klinton I have no issue with you - I thought we straightened that out already
Pariah186: FUCK OFF
klinton77: cool
klinton77: Peter said I chased you off
PJPGYRO: I was kidding
klinton77: I didn'T think you did
PJPGYRO: I meant tonight
david finn 13: We're trying to figure out - AC or Montreal. What say you, Harley?
HarleyQ33: Nah - family stuff - I can't be on much longer
Pariah186: FUCK OFF
klinton77: MONTREAL!!!!
PJPGYRO: AC has Hooters
HarleyQ33: Bah! Vegas, baby!
Pariah186: FUCK OFF
david finn 13: VEGAS!!!
klinton77: Montreal has....me
PJPGYRO: I will go to vegas anytime
david finn 13: I get to be Trent!!!
PJPGYRO: honestly
HarleyQ33: I have hooters
Pariah186: FUCK OFF
The Time Trust: Either one sounds like an alien planet to me.
HarleyQ33: they're real too
PJPGYRO: I have lots of connections in vegas
Pariah186: FUCK OFF
The Time Trust: Far away.
david finn 13: PJP can be Mikey.
The Time Trust: Hey, Vegas isn't so far.
Pariah186: FUCK OFF
PJPGYRO: vegas baby vegas
PJPGYRO: your money
HarleyQ33: I've been ther over 20 times
klinton77: maybe Vegas
david finn 13: You're like a big bear, PJP!
PJPGYRO: real hooters harley
PJPGYRO: i need to feel to be sure
HarleyQ33: well, he is furry
PJPGYRO: dont take my word for it
david finn 13: Where'd you learn how to do all the twirly-whirly?
PJPGYRO: see for yourself
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
klinton77: I can't believe they're letting thi Homolka bitch out....
david finn 13: ...wha?
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
HarleyQ33: who?
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
klinton77: Carla Homolka...the psycho killer bitch
HarleyQ33: oh - why are they letting her out?
klinton77: she gets out in a xcouple weeks
david finn 13: Who's "they"?
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
PJPGYRO: canadians
klinton77: her scentence is up
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
HarleyQ33: lol
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
david finn 13: How long was she in?
UltimateJaburg53: Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!
klinton77: 12 years
PJPGYRO: 5 days
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
PJPGYRO: oh 12 years
david finn 13: That's it???
klinton77: I know
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
klinton77: It's sick
UltimateJaburg53: Who?
The Time Trust: It was a fuckin plea bargain
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
PJPGYRO: yeah 5 days isn't even a week
UltimateJaburg53: google here I come
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
david finn 13: How do you plea bargain being a psycho killer?
PJPGYRO: Oh Canada
david finn 13: It's not?
The Time Trust: For testimony to put away her psycho killer husband
HarleyQ33: Unfortunatley, that seems to be the way it works -
PJPGYRO: did you see the chick in NJ
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
The Time Trust: They were desperate for evidence.
david finn 13: Why not kill them both?
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
PJPGYRO: who copped up her husband
PJPGYRO: chopped
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
david finn 13: Make them listen to Ann Murray endlessly.
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
PJPGYRO: and put him in 3 suitcases
klinton77: shush Dave
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
The Time Trust: If they'd found the videotapes in time they'd never have needed to give her a plea bargain.
david finn 13: ...sorry...
klinton77: Anne is a LEGENF
klinton77: àD
klinton77: D
klinton77: LEGEND
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
klinton77: thank you very much
david finn 13: Gordon Lightfoot?
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
klinton77: him too
PJPGYRO: harley
HarleyQ33: yes?
david finn 13: Folks, it's 80 degrees here. I gotta put in my AC. BRB.
PJPGYRO: it must be hot where you are
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
PJPGYRO: take something off for PJP
david finn 13: She's with me...hoo wah.
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
PJPGYRO: cute red toes
HarleyQ33: you know what I like about you Pete - you're smooth with the lines!
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
PJPGYRO: you haveno idea
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
HarleyQ33: IS anyone else seieing Pariah as "you are ignoring this user" - I didn't put him on ignore...
PJPGYRO: hes doing that
UltimateJaburg53: Gordon Lightfoots song ain't done yet
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
UltimateJaburg53: yes P
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
UltimateJaburg53: Me meh me mee mee
UltimateJaburg53: *
Pariah186: WHat the fuck!?
UltimateJaburg53: Yeah!
Pariah186: D'oh!
UltimateJaburg53: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
The Time Trust: Attention whore.
Pariah186: :-X :-\ :-$ O:-) :-( :-[ :-$
UltimateJaburg53: Ali G is the bomb
Pariah186: Who the fuck is Illegal G?
Pariah186: HOLY SHIT!!
PJPGYRO: pariah you need medicine
Pariah186: i sai sholy
Pariah186: tee hee
PJPGYRO: lots of it
PJPGYRO: all done shannon
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: yes i washed my hands too!
Pariah186: You shouldn't touch me there next time
PJPGYRO: atta girl
UltimateJaburg53: hi
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: hey you wanted it not my fault
Pariah186: Are you encouraging a rapist?
Pariah186: The blondies slut lies!
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: uh huh suuuure you paid me its perfectly fine to admit to it
UltimateJaburg53: Who is Shannon?
klinton77: Bunny
UltimateJaburg53: Bunnies? Where?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: in your pants
klinton77: under CJ's coutch
david finn 13: We've been sailing two months and I still see the dock, right Jaburg?
HarleyQ33: wait - we're sailing to hollywood?
PJPGYRO: right
PJPGYRO: no vegas
HarleyQ33: vegas is land locked
Pariah186: So's Hollywoof
PJPGYRO: when your with me baby youll be sailing
HarleyQ33: oye
PJPGYRO: you couldn't hang in vegas
UltimateJaburg53: Heh
UltimateJaburg53: The woman went to bed
PJPGYRO: I can get us on the VIP list in most clubs
HarleyQ33: I've been there 20 times, Pete - I think I can manage
david finn 13: Harley will be my Muse. We will hit Vegas (baby, VEGAS!!!) before we make it to Hollywood. And Gordon's song will still be playing.
HarleyQ33: who's gordon?
Pariah186: I'm sorry. Is this the RKMBs chatroom or the filthy hispanics flirt like Indigo randel chatroom
PJPGYRO: 20 times
PJPGYRO: all without me
david finn 13: Lightfoot.
david finn 13: BRB
Pariah186: Great
Pariah186: now it's officially a sausage fest
HarleyQ33: ah - I've been there since I was a kid - my dad ws stationed there before he wsa sen to Vietnam
Pariah186: Vietnam was a lie
PJPGYRO: wow I didnt know that
Pariah186: like the Napoleonic Wars
PJPGYRO: about your dad
UltimateJaburg53: No it's there Pariah
UltimateJaburg53: It's like on maps
Pariah186: Bullshit!
Pariah186: Oh.
Pariah186: Well I know THAT
HarleyQ33: I've seen so many of the hotels go up - amazing
Pariah186: but the Vietnam war
Pariah186: WAR
PJPGYRO: yeah big transformation
Pariah186: That was a lie
UltimateJaburg53: Like the hologram
HarleyQ33: Oh, yeah, he was a Captain in the airforce - wsa there for the Tet Offensive
PJPGYRO: does he still fly
Pariah186: All honey and lies Puerto Rican princess
Pariah186: honey and lies
UltimateJaburg53: People can't fly
HarleyQ33: No, doesn't talk about it much - not too many good memories
PJPGYRO: but now that you know that you will die
HarleyQ33: Superman can
Pariah186: Honey. And. Lies
PenWing424 has entered the room.
PJPGYRO: I could be your superman harley
PenWing424: hi everybody!
UltimateJaburg53: Penwing
Pariah186: PJP!! He's our man!! If he can't do it!! A girl can!!
HarleyQ33: lol - then you could see through my clothes too
HarleyQ33: Hey Pen
PenWing424: hey har
PJPGYRO: penny
UltimateJaburg53: Penwing
PenWing424: is har ok?
HarleyQ33: yeah, why?
PJPGYRO: shes fine
UltimateJaburg53: Sci fi skipped over an episode
PJPGYRO: he meant the name
PenWing424: i know she's fine, i just want to make sure the nick name is ok
HarleyQ33: oh, yeah, no prob
PenWing424: cool
UltimateJaburg53: Well
PenWing424: then
UltimateJaburg53: Nooooooooooooooo!
PenWing424: family guy is on now
UltimateJaburg53: Can anyone tell what my new avatar is?
UltimateJaburg53: I'm just curious
PJPGYRO: i usualy cant though
PenWing424: i have to log on first
HarleyQ33: I'll go check
UltimateJaburg53: Nevermind
UltimateJaburg53: Ok
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i have no flipping clue
UltimateJaburg53: Ill make a post
PenWing424: i have no idea
UltimateJaburg53: It's a photoshp I found
UltimateJaburg53: Somebody photoshoped Gizmo into Equilibrium
Pariah186: Shit
Pariah186: Gotta go
PJPGYRO: make a poll
Pariah186 has left the room.
UltimateJaburg53: Colombians P?
UltimateJaburg53: Poll?
UltimateJaburg53: Penwing
UltimateJaburg53: Hello?
UltimateJaburg53: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
PenWing424: what?
PenWing424: yes?
UltimateJaburg53: Sci fi skipped over an episode of Galactica
PenWing424: the bastards
UltimateJaburg53: Yeah
UltimateJaburg53: I'm fucked
HarleyQ33: Ironically, I can't find it jar
PJPGYRO: me too
UltimateJaburg53: I'm sure I missed something important
PenWing424: probably
UltimateJaburg53: I
UltimateJaburg53: I'll post something in Random Chat Harl
HarleyQ33: Oh gob, are you talking about sci fi tv? I don't watch that stuff so I'm out
PenWing424: you
HarleyQ33: 'kay - I'll check again
PenWing424: don't
PJPGYRO: she doesnt like geeks
PenWing424: watch
PenWing424: sci
PenWing424: fi
PenWing424: ?
PJPGYRO: she called me a geek
HarleyQ33: But I read comic boks! that should count!
HarleyQ33: You are a geek - aren't we all?
PenWing424: but...sci fi?
PenWing424: sure, not all sci fi is good
HarleyQ33: meh - never got into it - sorry Pen
PenWing424: but the good stuff is great!
HarleyQ33: well, what's "good"?
UltimateJaburg53: So I guess our dreams of you wearing Leias slave outfit is out huh
PenWing424: rent babylon 5
PenWing424: watch all five seasons, starting from the beginning
david finn 13: I'm back. Have we decided on AC or Montreal?
PenWing424: nothing better than that
HarleyQ33: Actually have done that - role playing is cool if you trust your partner enuff
PenWing424: joe, did you read my recap?
UltimateJaburg53: I was talking to Penwing
PJPGYRO: do you trust me
UltimateJaburg53: :P
PJPGYRO: penwing in a leai csotume
HarleyQ33: I like Star Wars, but a friend of mine has told me that that doesn't count as sci fi - that its "sci fantasy"
PJPGYRO: yikes
PJPGYRO: thats a stretch
UltimateJaburg53: He's sci misinformed
PenWing424: i don't think that would be wise
HarleyQ33: Oh - ok Jar whatever floats you boat ;-)
UltimateJaburg53: I'm going to get some sci water
UltimateJaburg53: I'll be right sci back.
PenWing424: now, har in the princess leia outfit...
david finn 13: Fine - ignore me! I don' care!!!
PJPGYRO: shes killing me
david finn 13: *runs away crying*
PenWing424: i asked you a question, joe
david finn 13: Huh?
PenWing424: did you read the recap i sent you?
PenWing424: this is madness
david finn 13: Yep...I thought they were okay, but I also think you gave them more advantage time than they deserved.
HarleyQ33: but its fun, no?
UltimateJaburg53: Marble Madness?
HarleyQ33: i thought you were getting water?
UltimateJaburg53: I sci got it
PenWing424: if you think of a way for me to fix them, let me know
PenWing424: if you think their good, post em
UltimateJaburg53: How far did you think I had to go?
HarleyQ33: recap? what are you guys taklking about?
PJPGYRO: wrestling
HarleyQ33: To the um, lake?
UltimateJaburg53: I have one of them moterized scooters
PenWing424: rdce
PenWing424: redcw
PenWing424: i can't type
HarleyQ33: Are you fucking kidding me? Wrestling? gah!
PJPGYRO: my car just hit a water buffalo
david finn 13: I'll post 'em. They're good. I was just surprised that Darth didn't squash those two arseholes.
PJPGYRO: can I borrow a towel
PenWing424: rob's damn championship wrestling
PenWing424: he did
PenWing424: squash the arseholes
HarleyQ33: scooters? no big motorcycle?
david finn 13: But it was "kick his ass, kick his ass, kick his ass, he wins..."\
UltimateJaburg53: You know the old people thing
UltimateJaburg53: Hoverround
PenWing424: pm me your thoughts
PJPGYRO has left the room.
PenWing424: wait, better idea
UltimateJaburg53: PJP Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
HarleyQ33: then don't you need one of those chairs? How about a button just in case you fall down?
david finn 13: PJP imagined Harley in a Slve Leia costume. Now he must defile himself. He'll be back.
UltimateJaburg53: I delt with those fall down button people
UltimateJaburg53: With my grandparents
HarleyQ33: Nice Dave - LOL
UltimateJaburg53: Didn't like them
HarleyQ33: Ah, I members Jarburg - I know that feeling
HarleyQ33: I hate hospitals
UltimateJaburg53: No
UltimateJaburg53: The people who do the button thing
UltimateJaburg53: It's a service
HarleyQ33: opps!
HarleyQ33: Its a business
UltimateJaburg53: They sell the thing through fear
UltimateJaburg53: yes
UltimateJaburg53: Thier rep was a scumbag
brianjonopulos has entered the room.
HarleyQ33: make a buck by scaring the fuck outta people
UltimateJaburg53: Yep
UltimateJaburg53: Thing is
brianjonopulos: I'm back.
UltimateJaburg53: We sell an auto dialer at radio shack
UltimateJaburg53: with a button thing
HarleyQ33: and?
HarleyQ33: oh
UltimateJaburg53: No assholes needed
UltimateJaburg53: 64 bucks one time fee
UltimateJaburg53: plus batteries
HarleyQ33: more people should know about that
UltimateJaburg53: Dials six numbers and plays a message in an emergancy
HarleyQ33: I've never seen RS advertise it - they should
UltimateJaburg53: Except your not supposed to set it to dial 911
UltimateJaburg53: They don
UltimateJaburg53: t care about that shit
HarleyQ33: so then where is it set to?
UltimateJaburg53: they want to sell cell phones
HarleyQ33: that sucks
HarleyQ33: everythings a business
UltimateJaburg53: Friends, family
UltimateJaburg53: They can call 911 on the persons behalf
HarleyQ33: at least they'll get someone who cares
UltimateJaburg53: It's cool
UltimateJaburg53: There is alot of shit to help out old people at the Shack
UltimateJaburg53: But they don't advertise it
UltimateJaburg53: They just have it
HarleyQ33: honestly, even from a business end that's foolish - baby boomers are getting old - the market is there
UltimateJaburg53: No shit
UltimateJaburg53: Cell phones and crap like that are a young market
UltimateJaburg53: Young people don't have money
UltimateJaburg53: or credit
TheElisaPrincess has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: woah look at all the peoples
TheElisaPrincess: and everybodys gone

PenWing424: hi princess
FirstAmongstDave has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: hiya pen!
TheElisaPrincess: DAVEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
brianjonopulos: I'm still here, I'm erasing all the shit and running all the antisypyware programs
TheElisaPrincess: the interview was cool.......thanks for doing it
FirstAmongstDave: Howdy.
TheElisaPrincess: its okay rexers
The Time Trust: DAVE!
PenWing424: dave!
FirstAmongstDave: TIME TRUST!
TheElisaPrincess: i like the kiddo picture!
FirstAmongstDave: PEN!
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: ahhh its the princess
UltimateJaburg53: JABURG!
The Time Trust: MY GOD!
FirstAmongstDave: Which picture?
TheElisaPrincess: sneakers! Did ya get the bunnies picked up?
TheElisaPrincess: the one iwth you and the baby
FirstAmongstDave: Oh that's an old one.
FirstAmongstDave: Imie is much bigger now.
FirstAmongstDave: We were back in HK then. That was on the ferry.
TheElisaPrincess: awwwwwwwwww thats cool!'
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: yeah the bunnies and the bird i swear i'm getting a gun and killing the bitch
The Time Trust: Did you try to send a message to me earlier?
HarleyQ33: Is this Australian Dave?
FirstAmongstDave: Yes.
TheElisaPrincess: I cant believe you're an aussie.......youre so lucky
FirstAmongstDave: Why?
TheElisaPrincess: lol i dont blame you sneaks, i love creatures
FirstAmongstDave: TTT - yes I did.
UltimateJaburg53: Honk Kong is where Chow Yun Fat shot all those people.
TheElisaPrincess: i cant believe the dog killed 'em
TheElisaPrincess: cuz aussies have cool accents, sweet beaches, and beautiful landscapes
HarleyQ33: Hi! Curious - was in Australia back in 2000 and in HK las Feb - great places both
FirstAmongstDave: I was in Atlanta last year and a guy there said my accent was cool.
FirstAmongstDave: But I just think its an accent...
UltimateJaburg53: Did you see Chow Yun Fat shoot those people?
FirstAmongstDave: Yes, I did.
david finn 13: He did it in CHURCH!!! The HEATHEN!!!
The Time Trust: It's a daily event.
FirstAmongstDave: Harley - where were you?
The Time Trust: Three times weekdays.
david finn 13: Damn doves...getting in the way...pooping on corpses and guns...
The Time Trust: With a special Saturday show.
TheElisaPrincess: yawns
TheElisaPrincess: so not fair harley :P
TheElisaPrincess: how did you get to go to australia?
UltimateJaburg53: Boat?
FirstAmongstDave: I was born here.
HarleyQ33: In HK I was on HK Island and spent a lot of time in Kowlon - stayed at the Renassaince Harbor hotel - great new year parties
david finn 13: Harley, can I be your kept man?
FirstAmongstDave: Oh right. I didn't get to Kowloon much. We lived on HK Island.
The Time Trust: Silly Dave -- Australia is a place people go to, not get born in.
FirstAmongstDave: Renaissance Hotel is nice though.
FirstAmongstDave: Oh right. Sorry abut that. I blame my parents.
FirstAmongstDave: Are you people all slow typists or something?
HarleyQ33: In Australia I was there for two weeks - the diving was second to none - spent a week diving and then went through Sydney, Melbourne and one other place that I'm blanking on - stayed on Heron Island for the diving
TheElisaPrincess: no dave the room just lags serously
UltimateJaburg53: I am Dave
The Time Trust: I'm barely trying.
david finn 13: Me too.
FirstAmongstDave: Who?
TheElisaPrincess: sweet.......couldn't handle diving.......surfing would be fun though!
brianjonopulos: I'm mxy!
The Time Trust: Too much to follow
TheElisaPrincess: So dave what time is it where you are?
FirstAmongstDave: Tricky.
The Time Trust: There were nearly 20 in last night.
lol@trickyFirstAmongstDave: 11:37am
HarleyQ33: Kep man? ok, but you have to do what I say!
TheElisaPrincess: yeah thats right yall are that far ahead
david finn 13: Yep!
TheElisaPrincess: are you on lunch break?
PenWing424: roll call
UltimateJaburg53: 11:30 pm here
david finn 13: ROLL!
FirstAmongstDave: no its a p[ublic holiday here today.
TheElisaPrincess: What holiday?
PenWing424: where?
UltimateJaburg53: What holiday?
david finn 13: PJP's back.
david finn 13: Nope, gone.
UltimateJaburg53: Who is is this?
FirstAmongstDave: Western Australian Foundation Day.
The Time Trust: NOT-A-MAN!
TheElisaPrincess: ???
TheElisaPrincess: Western australian foundaiton day?
TheElisaPrincess: day it was founded?
TheElisaPrincess: :P
david finn 13: I'm CAP'N SLAPNUTZ!!!
UltimateJaburg53: No, this is the wrong Bill.
FirstAmongstDave: Yes.
david finn 13: Bill's lost
FirstAmongstDave: Kill Bill.
TheElisaPrincess: ohhhhhh thought there might be more towards it!
TheElisaPrincess: So are your kiddos homeschooled dave or sent to school?
david finn 13: Bill peed his pants
FirstAmongstDave: Not really.
TheElisaPrincess: and ive heard christmas' in australia are hot :P
PenWing424: his heart ahsploded
FirstAmongstDave: Oldest one is at daycare because she likes it there. Youngest is sitting on the floor playing with lego.
UltimateJaburg53: Do they have the same for Eastern Australia?
TheElisaPrincess: *sings* ive waitd all m ylife
FirstAmongstDave: nope.
TheElisaPrincess: gotcha............thats right...forgot you had a baby
FirstAmongstDave: Its this side only.
UltimateJaburg53: Is there tention?
FirstAmongstDave: Yes. She's got the flu but she's happy.
Atomikboy64 has entered the room.
FirstAmongstDave: "tention"?
HarleyQ33: I've seen pics of your kids Dave - beautiful girls - you're gonna have your hands full with the boys when your girls are older
Atomikboy64: Christ.
Lord Mxypltk has entered the room.
FirstAmongstDave: Yeah, I know.
brianjonopulos has left the room.
FirstAmongstDave: Yes, my son?
UltimateJaburg53: Are they mad you have a holiday and they don't?
HarleyQ33: lol
TheElisaPrincess: hiya mxy
FirstAmongstDave: Probably.
Atomikboy64: How's it goin, Dave?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY has left the room.
FirstAmongstDave: Disco-san. Ohisashiburi
Jlfgrimm13 has entered the room.
UltimateJaburg53: Do you make "Easty" jokes about them>?
FirstAmongstDave: We generally just ignore them.
Balloonknot666: Ack she's still here
UltimateJaburg53: Ballon Knot lives!
PenWing424: it's alive
FirstAmongstDave: In a manner of speaking.
Balloonknot666: I do?
PenWing424: alive
UltimateJaburg53: Maybe
UltimateJaburg53: I can't back that up.
TheElisaPrincess: yawns
TheElisaPrincess: UJ and the civil war of australia :P
TheElisaPrincess: i swear
FirstAmongstDave: Yes, Christmas in Australia is hot.
UltimateJaburg53: More of a cold war
PenWing424: stewie is singing "hungry eyes"
david finn 13: Jaburg caused civil war in Australia?
FirstAmongstDave: Hungry Eyes.
FirstAmongstDave: Better than hungry arse.
UltimateJaburg53: I'm getting the "Boot" for it.
brown sugar ball has entered the room.
FirstAmongstDave: Who?
david finn 13: ...wha?
UltimateJaburg53: Zuh?
FirstAmongstDave: Who are half the pople here?
FirstAmongstDave: People
The Time Trust: Hey, is there a limit to this room?
david finn 13: I'm me!
Jlfgrimm13: civil war always follows in jaburg's wake.
The Time Trust: Anyone know?
FirstAmongstDave: Dunno.
FirstAmongstDave: And suddenly everyone had nothing to say.
david finn 13: Civil War, Grimm? Is that what the smell was?
FirstAmongstDave: That was beans.
UltimateJaburg53: Who is Brown Sugar Balls?
The Time Trust: I'm still wondering who brown sugar ball is
david finn 13: Me too.