Atomikboy64: Agreed
Atomikboy64: I'm feeling GRIMM today.
brianjonopulos: ewww
Jlfgrimm13: grimm is everywhere.
The Time Trust: I couldn't be more GRIMM.
The Time Trust: GAH!
PJPGYRO: hey grimm
Atomikboy64: Hey, Everywhere.
Atomikboy64: How's it going?
brianjonopulos: Hi commie!
Atomikboy64: I wasn't talking to you, Jethro.
PJPGYRO: be nice brian
brianjonopulos: Ok comrade
PJPGYRO: better
Atomikboy64: You kiss your sister with that mouth?
brianjonopulos: No I kiss your sister with that mouth
TheElisaPrincess: grimmys
PJPGYRO: elisa
TheElisaPrincess: sorry the court thing didnt ge tup and going again
TheElisaPrincess: pjs
PJPGYRO: did you get some tonight
PJPGYRO: give us the details
Jlfgrimm13: hi kids.
Atomikboy64: TheElisaPrincess: sorry get in the tub
TheElisaPrincess: Pj.......just use your imagination ;-) It was hotter and more pleasurable than any night ever......
PJPGYRO: atta girl
Balloonknot666 has left the room.
TheElisaPrincess: seeing as how it was all spent IN THE LIBRARY reading about MIDDLE SCHOOL LITERACY :P
PJPGYRO: I knew you wereent a prude
PJPGYRO: prude
brianjonopulos: I got her over that.
PJPGYRO: over what the table
brianjonopulos: that to
UltimateJaburg53: Whoa, dude.
TheElisaPrincess: got me over what?
TheElisaPrincess: woah
TheElisaPrincess: sorry i was reading nowheremans thingy
PJPGYRO: he bent you over a table
brianjonopulos: bent
UltimateJaburg53: heh
PJPGYRO: and gave you the gaynopoulos
brianjonopulos: yes
TheElisaPrincess: ya know the first step to sex addiction pj......admitting you have it :P
PJPGYRO: little rex
TheElisaPrincess: i think you might have a problem :P
PJPGYRO: i have it
Atomikboy64: There's semen on my keyboard.
PJPGYRO: no problem
brianjonopulos: Your boyfirends?
Atomikboy64: No.
Atomikboy64: My boyFRIENDS
The Time Trust: There's semen on my ceiling.
TheElisaPrincess: LOL BJ
Glacier16: heh, BJ
Jlfgrimm13: hah!
PJPGYRO: you gave a bj to who elisa
Atomikboy64: You illiterate cunt.
The Time Trust: TheElisaPrincess: LOL BJ
PJPGYRO: elisa gives BJ
The Time Trust: That's some clever double entendre, PE
TheElisaPrincess: wait, "I love you too, i love you so much?" did i miss something between proms and nowhere?
TheElisaPrincess: thats funny
PJPGYRO: PE gives BJ and then drinks CUM
TheElisaPrincess: bj=brianjono oh no you pervs!
TheElisaPrincess: thats just wrong
TheElisaPrincess: yall misinterpret everything@
PJPGYRO: yall give BJ
The Time Trust: I prefer to think of them as Freudian slips.
TheElisaPrincess: you would :P
brianjonopulos: fuck
PJPGYRO: she likes it when after the BJ she gets the slip
PJPGYRO: no BJ brian
PJPGYRO: fuck after
The Time Trust: And the chat is stunned into silence.
TheElisaPrincess: so sad..............
TheElisaPrincess: actually im still reading nowerhemans thread....hes sooo cute!
The Time Trust: Wait, I see a twitch...
The Time Trust: may be alive, ladies and gentlemen.
PJPGYRO: elisa you need to get laid
brianjonopulos: yes
PJPGYRO: you will feel better
brianjonopulos: I volunteer
Atomikboy64: You have to keep the baby, though.
PJPGYRO: I would pay to see a video of that
PJPGYRO: maybe 2 dollars
brianjonopulos: I'll boldly go where no man has gone before.
TheElisaPrincess: Yeah and id soo get fired pj
Jlfgrimm13: Disco!
TheElisaPrincess: especially if it was videoed
Atomikboy64: Your genitals?
Atomikboy64: Grimm!
PJPGYRO: why would you get fired for what you do privately
TheElisaPrincess: thou shalt not commit immorality
Jlfgrimm13: hi.
TheElisaPrincess: no its in board policy
PJPGYRO: sex is not immoral
PJPGYRO: god wants us to have sex
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: sex is good!
TheElisaPrincess: you cant get caught drunk, immoral actiivty, or using school equipment for porn
PJPGYRO: wed use my camera
PJPGYRO: not the schools
Atomikboy64: Keyword "get caught"
Atomikboy64: "immoral" is so subjective.
PJPGYRO: shannon wants to have sex
The Time Trust: Do they install a camera and listening devices in your home, too?
PJPGYRO: she loves it
Atomikboy64: I find teaching childrent math to be immoral, because Math is hard.
PJPGYRO: so do I
TheElisaPrincess: lol steve :P
TheElisaPrincess: nice try
The Time Trust: How could anyone enforce a rule like that.
PJPGYRO: I bet sneaky is crazy in bed
The Time Trust: ?
Atomikboy64: Teaching children, on the other hand... is fine.
PJPGYRO: elisa just fuck
PJPGYRO: dont worry about god or the school
PJPGYRO: they will be OK with it
Atomikboy64: Or the School of God.
PJPGYRO: trust me
The Time Trust: What you do on your own time is your own business.
The Time Trust: Nothing to do with your employer.
Atomikboy64: God would make a great Dean for a college caper flick.
PenWing424: good news peter david fans!
brianjonopulos: Didn't you ever see varsity blues?
TheElisaPrincess: thats awesome......proms should so get rocked
TheElisaPrincess: no.......vb was kinda boring
PenWing424: fallen angel will be published out of idw
PJPGYRO: and you should get laid
TheElisaPrincess: it was a boy movie
PenWing424: whatever that is
Atomikboy64: Peter David's body of work mostly consists of movie novelizations.
PenWing424: possibly starting in december
PJPGYRO: sneaky
PenWing424: fallen angle will be back
PenWing424: happy days
Atomikboy64: "Angle"
PenWing424: oh joy!
PenWing424: d'oh
PJPGYRO: sneaky
Atomikboy64: Reminds me of a movie that I saw but don't know the title of...
PJPGYRO: sneaky is "busy"
Atomikboy64: One of the characters was a chick named "Angel" that had her name misspelled on her tattoo.
Atomikboy64: Ah, memories.
captainsammitch: hey I'm in chat!
Atomikboy64: I POOP
brianjonopulos: Sammitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PJPGYRO: sammy
captainsammitch: hi
TheElisaPrincess: sammers!!!!!!!
PJPGYRO: shouldn't elisa get some cock in her sammy?
TheElisaPrincess: watch out pjs trying to get all of us to have vigorous sex with someone and tape it
brianjonopulos: The new PCgamer has a preview of CIV4.
PJPGYRO: not all f and gaynopoulos
brianjonopulos: yes
TheElisaPrincess: the dryer..........i totally forgot
UltimateJaburg53: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
brianjonopulos: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PJPGYRO: you could have sex on a washing machine during the spin cycle elisa
PJPGYRO: Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood
PenWing424: sammitch, you need to get your promo up
PJPGYRO: yeah sammy
Jlfgrimm13: pjp loves the spin cycle.
brianjonopulos: heh
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: spin cycle am good
PJPGYRO: sneaky
PJPGYRO: are you crazy in bed
Atomikboy64 has left the room.
PJPGYRO: tell us
PenWing424: sammitch, you need to do it tonight
brianjonopulos: By commie!
PJPGYRO: yeah sammy WTF
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: uh no rather not
PJPGYRO: not crazy
The Time Trust: By gum!
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: cray - just not telling
PJPGYRO: was it you that said you never had an orgasm sneaks
UltimateJaburg53: Klin-ton
TheElisaPrincess: i dont think klint is here
PJPGYRO: klinton is asexual
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: uh no that was probably like mekko or ceej
PJPGYRO: hed fuck a snake
The Time Trust: We are merely exchanging long protein strands. If you can think of a better way to do so, I'd like to hear it.
UltimateJaburg53: Heh
UltimateJaburg53: TTT
UltimateJaburg53: Don't blame me
captainsammitch: what promo?
The Time Trust: Hm?
UltimateJaburg53: I voted for Kodos
The Time Trust: Heh
TheElisaPrincess: *yawns yet again*
PJPGYRO: sneaky is freaky
TheElisaPrincess: i need to read.....;(
PJPGYRO: it rmes
PJPGYRO: rymes
PJPGYRO: rhymes
PJPGYRO: Imiss my poetry
UltimateJaburg53: So does cat and flat
brianjonopulos: PJP IS GODE SPELEERR!
UltimateJaburg53: I'll get my boots
PJPGYRO: g-man killed my artisitc spirit
TheElisaPrincess: yeah whatever happened to it pjs?
TheElisaPrincess: if bsams is tryin to copy your artistic ability........bring it back
PJPGYRO: now I just drink whiskey and curse alot
UltimateJaburg53: Just like Coc Holiday
The Time Trust: Did anyone invite G-man yet?
UltimateJaburg53: doc Holiday
TheElisaPrincess: i didnt even know he had aim
PJPGYRO: he doesn't socialize with common folk
captainsammitch: Penwing do I need to write my own recap?
Jlfgrimm13: yes, sammitch, you do.
TheElisaPrincess: I havent seen pen in a bit sams
PJPGYRO: Im your huckleberry
Jlfgrimm13: tonite.
PJPGYRO: your a daisy if you do
Jlfgrimm13: starring pjp as cock holliday.
UltimateJaburg53: I'm afraid the strain was more than he could bear.
PJPGYRO: Why Johnny you look like someone walked over your grave
BooBerryFanatic: So... what'd I miss?
PJPGYRO: sneaky and elisa had cyber
TheElisaPrincess: nothing chewys
Jlfgrimm13: CHEWY!!! HE'S ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!
brianjonopulos: A ;ot
TheElisaPrincess: just pj being perverted :P
brianjonopulos: lot
PJPGYRO: elisa stuck the mouse up her cooch
PJPGYRO: without lube
BooBerryFanatic: Well, I've had the window open all day, so I shouldn't have much trouble finding out.
UltimateJaburg53: No
UltimateJaburg53: Spit is lube
BooBerryFanatic: Just several hours...
PJPGYRO: no spit
PJPGYRO: she just jammed it in
captainsammitch: Why tonight Grimm? I thought we had until tomorrow night a t 8
PJPGYRO: shes freaky like that
brianjonopulos: I'm leaving for a while, gotta do some shit to this computer, I'll be back later.
UltimateJaburg53: Whoa
TheElisaPrincess: *sings* ill stay away
PJPGYRO: you cant fuck a computer brian
Jlfgrimm13: out of respect for joe mama. that's why.
brianjonopulos has left the room.
PJPGYRO: dont violate the computer
UltimateJaburg53: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
The Time Trust: Nice guy, that Chewy
PJPGYRO: Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood!
PJPGYRO: his name is Boob here
UltimateJaburg53: Where is Padme?
PJPGYRO: erry fanatic
captainsammitch: I can try
Jlfgrimm13: boob fanatic.
The Time Trust: I prefer Boobery
UltimateJaburg53: Booby hatch?
Jlfgrimm13: boob snatch.
PJPGYRO: Lord Vader you must go to the temple and kill the younglings
PJPGYRO: I will do whatever you say
UltimateJaburg53: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
BooBerryFanatic: ...?
PJPGYRO: Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood!
TheElisaPrincess: yawns
PJPGYRO: elisa next time your mouth is that wide open
UltimateJaburg53: Are you dictating?
PJPGYRO: im gonna stick something in it
UltimateJaburg53: A cursed Monkey Paw?
PenWing424: there is no try
PJPGYRO: maybe a carrot or a breadstick
PJPGYRO: only do
UltimateJaburg53: Pennywinngy
Jlfgrimm13: or a nice juicy lemon lifesaver.
TheElisaPrincess: whatever getting soooooooooooo sleepy
PJPGYRO: good you wont put up much of a fight for rex
UltimateJaburg53: Just cum on her face and wipe your cockoff in her hair
UltimateJaburg53: Wow
PJPGYRO: that chick missing in aruba is hot
UltimateJaburg53: I rally wish it hadn't gotten quiet just then
PenWing424: ZerohourPostCrisisUltimateJaburg53
TheElisaPrincess: *husm to the radio*
PJPGYRO: awkward moment huh
PenWing424: did i get that even close?
TheElisaPrincess: not really pj :P
UltimateJaburg53: I loved that screen name
Lord Mxypltk: HEY KIDZ!
Lord Mxypltk:
UltimateJaburg53: Yeah that was right
The Time Trust: YES!
Lord Mxypltk: GO BUY IT NOW
Lord Mxypltk: SEND MONEY
Lord Mxypltk: AND BOOBIES
PenWing424: that was a great name
PenWing424: those were some fun times on the dcmbs
PenWing424: too bad the board is unpostable now
PenWing424: for shame
PJPGYRO: gman should be a mod there
The Time Trust: Quiet! I'm trying to read.
PJPGYRO: he would fit in real well
TheElisaPrincess: i need to read too trsut but im not :P
PenWing424: it's tome for bed
PenWing424: time
The Time Trust: I love that 2nd panel
PenWing424: i'm too tired to type straight
Lord Mxypltk: Notice how some dialogues were so gay I didn't even have to alter them.
UltimateJaburg53: Night Penwing
PenWing424: good night everyone
PJPGYRO: night pen
PenWing424 has left the room.
UltimateJaburg53: Yea, i did Mxy
Lord Mxypltk: PenWing424: i'm too tired to type straight... I LOVE COCK!
Lord Mxypltk: gyro
PJPGYRO: rob is hemming and hawing about getting rid of gman
PJPGYRO: convince him
TheElisaPrincess: Pj i hold no powers of persuasion over dear robbers!
PJPGYRO: he is getting sick of me PMing him
The Time Trust: Lord Mxypltk: Notice how some dialogues were so gay I didn't even have to alter them.
The Time Trust: Indeed.
PJPGYRO: he calls it the "revolution"
PJPGYRO: he is mildly amused
Lord Mxypltk: I already PMd rob about it not too long ago
PJPGYRO: all I asked for was new elections
Lord Mxypltk: sent pms back and forth for a while. he defended gay-man.
The Time Trust: I shouldn't read this while I'm eating food.
Lord Mxypltk: heh
PJPGYRO: he did to me to at first
PJPGYRO: now he is on the fence
TheElisaPrincess: the revolution of the boards?
TheElisaPrincess: t6hats so gay :P
PJPGYRO: we need to give it one more big push this week
TheElisaPrincess: i called it "the drama :P:
PJPGYRO: elisa called something gay
Lord Mxypltk: therefore it's straight
PJPGYRO: and used the number 6 to do so
PJPGYRO: curious
Jlfgrimm13: smell my armpits.
TheElisaPrincess: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
TheElisaPrincess: gotcha
TheElisaPrincess: ok i figured out what i was wondering
PJPGYRO: smell elisas farts
TheElisaPrincess: Pj usually the guy that says that is the one with the problem ;-)
PJPGYRO: elisa you should see a doctor
TheElisaPrincess: *sings* unforgettable...........
ChrryVanilla06 has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: hiya meeks!
ChrryVanilla06 has left the room.
Glacier16: heh
PJPGYRO: I have no problem withmy farts
TheElisaPrincess: mrhm just like i thought :P
TheElisaPrincess: owwwww stupid foot, im soo gonna be dead tired tomorrow ;P
PJPGYRO: i think that last one of yours was wet elisa
PJPGYRO: take your granny panties off and wash your cooch
UltimateJaburg53: Hey Klinton!
PJPGYRO: you think its possible to offend elisa
PJPGYRO: I dont think so
TheElisaPrincess: damn it
TheElisaPrincess: my dad used my card to pay his bill
TheElisaPrincess: oh it son now
PJPGYRO: what the TV
BooBerryFanatic: Heh!
UltimateJaburg53: Do what now?
PJPGYRO: elisa was just stripping
klinton77: really%?
TheElisaPrincess: screw so pissed
PJPGYRO: taking off the granny panties
UltimateJaburg53: KLINTON!
klinton77: eh yare you pissed, Princess?
klinton77: hi UJ
TheElisaPrincess: cussing mad
klinton77: why?
PJPGYRO: someones been drinky drinky
UltimateJaburg53: What happened?
PJPGYRO: dont cuss youll get fired
klinton77: hmmm...
klinton77: Princess...what's wrong?
PJPGYRO: think of the children
PJPGYRO: her father used her credit card to pay his bills
UltimateJaburg53: What bills?
klinton77: really?
PJPGYRO: its scary that I understand her
klinton77: really?
PJPGYRO: yeah real scary
PJPGYRO: I speak elisanese
TheElisaPrincess: grrrrrr that fuckin sucks
UltimateJaburg53: Really?
TheElisaPrincess: totally
TheElisaPrincess: his energy/water/and cable bills
BooBerryFanatic: Really sorry to hear that, E...
UltimateJaburg53: Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!'
klinton77: that's shit
Glacier16: W H O A
TheElisaPrincess: for a gran total of six hundred dollars
klinton77: absolute shit
BooBerryFanatic: I agree with Klinton.
PJPGYRO: you could have done alot withthat money
TheElisaPrincess: totally..........the company called and wanted to know why my card was used so mcuh the last 24 hours
TheElisaPrincess: its been with me the whole tim
TheElisaPrincess: ehe paid by phone they said
UltimateJaburg53: I get all my energy from Energon cubes
PJPGYRO: slick
Glacier16: ha!
TheElisaPrincess: grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr his ass is so mine
PJPGYRO: thats incest
UltimateJaburg53: Say it was fraud
TheElisaPrincess: grrrrrr im mad......and i cant do anything till it was tomorrow
TheElisaPrincess: frauds so there
Glacier16: it is tomorrow
PJPGYRO: gokcik his door down now
TheElisaPrincess: i dont get paid enough to pay the damn thing off the 15
klinton77: tomorrow you call the police
PJPGYRO: it will make a statement
Lord Mxypltk: I can't figure out why the last page is smaller
TheElisaPrincess: i will guys.....i cancelled the card out anyways
TheElisaPrincess: it was the only credit one i had too.........
UltimateJaburg53: Most credit card companys will cancel a one time dept for shit just like this
Lord Mxypltk: Looks the same in Paint
TheElisaPrincess: that just fuckin sucks.......iw as gonna haev the whole bloody thing paid off too
Jlfgrimm13 has left the room.
PJPGYRO: I know a way you canmake some extar money
UltimateJaburg53: How did he have the number?
UltimateJaburg53: Cans?
TheElisaPrincess: i was over at his house last week?
PJPGYRO: after the first few times youll stop crying
TheElisaPrincess: i left the room to go to the bathroom
TheElisaPrincess: one of those ways
UltimateJaburg53: Emu Farm?
PJPGYRO: or so I heard
TheElisaPrincess: and im not becoming a hookr pj :P
klinton77:'re an ass
PJPGYRO: hooker is soodirty
PJPGYRO: I was thinking escort
TheElisaPrincess: lol klint its okay he made me laugh ;-)
PJPGYRO: I made him laugh too
UltimateJaburg53: You could raise Emus!
klinton77: yea
PJPGYRO: he just likes calling me an ass
TheElisaPrincess: yeah.......sure ya did....and i was sleepy a second ago ;p
klinton77: that too
PJPGYRO: is emus her pet penis
TheElisaPrincess: damn what
klinton77 has left the room.
klinton77 has entered the room.
Lord Mxypltk has left the room.
PJPGYRO: you could make that back in 2 to 3 sessions elisa
TheElisaPrincess: LOL
TheElisaPrincess: thanks pj......i so owe you!
PJPGYRO: jers would probably give you 500 just for a peck on the cheek
klinton77: lol
TheElisaPrincess: rotflol..........yeah whatever
Glacier16: ahh, ur killin' me PJJP
BooBerryFanatic: Cool! Pulp Fiction is one!
PJPGYRO: hed cum in his pants if you held his hand
TheElisaPrincess: i just liked the theme song
TheElisaPrincess: didnt like the movie so much
klinton77: what happened to Pariah
TheElisaPrincess: klint no clue..........
klinton77: I miss her already
TheElisaPrincess: lol
TheElisaPrincess: miss her :P
PJPGYRO: he is sleeping with a family member
klinton77: got it
TheElisaPrincess: lol pj.......oh gosh!
PJPGYRO: golly
PJPGYRO: gee whiz
klinton77: probably true
PJPGYRO: elisa call jers
PJPGYRO: tell him you need some money
PJPGYRO: hell give it to you
Glacier16: alright, im out. See ya.
TheElisaPrincess: he's gotta cell though
PJPGYRO: see ya glacier
TheElisaPrincess: long distance doesnt cover that
TheElisaPrincess: night glacys!
TheElisaPrincess: Weve got to get together btw :P
PJPGYRO: glacys?
TheElisaPrincess: since youre only four hours away!
Glacier16 has left the room.
klinton77: bye glac
TheElisaPrincess: yeah he lives in oklahoma which is sooooo much closer than you guys
klinton77: Jeremy?
PJPGYRO: Im sure he cant wait
TheElisaPrincess: no nono glaceir lives in ok
PJPGYRO: rexgaydust just signed on
TheElisaPrincess: lol pj
TheElisaPrincess: you are so funny all of a sweet
TheElisaPrincess: i havent talked to jeremys in two or three months
klinton77: he's usually funny
PJPGYRO: aye yay yay
PJPGYRO: I need to go to bed
PJPGYRO: see you guys manana
klinton77: bye
PJPGYRO has left the room.
TheElisaPrincess: noooooooo everybodys going to sleep
TheElisaPrincess: so not fair
TheElisaPrincess: i need to sleep!
TheElisaPrincess: but im too pissed
TheElisaPrincess: so how was your day klint?
BooBerryFanatic: I'm not. I just found out that Pulp Fiction was on...
TheElisaPrincess: yeah in here and then what?
TheElisaPrincess: no way chews?
klinton77: drinking
TheElisaPrincess: what are you doing now that youre all graduated?
klinton77: he's going to be an actor
BooBerryFanatic: Working as a test evaluator at a temp agency until I can find something more permanent...
BooBerryFanatic: That and acting where I can get gigs.
BooBerryFanatic: Or auditions.
klinton77: I wanna be an astronaut
TheElisaPrincess: really?
TheElisaPrincess: couldnt handle the fear of heights thing
klinton77: no...not really
klinton77: I think I'm going to eend up as an lit teacher
klinton77: a
klinton77: off to a good start?
TheElisaPrincess: lol klints
TheElisaPrincess: you should be a college prof.......youd rock at that too
TheElisaPrincess: high school i could picture you in
klinton77: not high school
klinton77: I used to do sex ed in hoghschool
klinton77: s
klinton77: that was....interesting
TheElisaPrincess: oh that sucked
TheElisaPrincess: i remember that class
klinton77: I can see you squirming through it
UltimateJaburg53: No more PLP?
klinton77: PLP?
UltimateJaburg53: PJP
klinton77: nope
TheElisaPrincess: naw he went ot bed
klinton77: amuse me now
klinton77: damnit!
TheElisaPrincess: hrm......i cant amuse :P
klinton77: sure you can
klinton77: naked pics are admissable
TheElisaPrincess: of me??? boy klints is desperately ;-)
TheElisaPrincess: i thought you were gay :P
klinton77: I was
TheElisaPrincess: you was :P
TheElisaPrincess: till midnight
klinton77: yeah
BooBerryFanatic: Then he changes into a pumpkin.
UltimateJaburg53: Now he is a pumpkin
klinton77: the magic fairy's spell wore off
UltimateJaburg53: Jinx!
TheElisaPrincess: whatever
UltimateJaburg53: Pumpkin!
klinton77: I need another know I'm good for it
TheElisaPrincess: another fix :P
TheElisaPrincess: of what? naked woman :P
klinton77: fairy dust
klinton77: so's I can be a real fairy
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: not a pixie?
klinton77: nope
klinton77: a FAIRY
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: why not a pixie
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: what do you have against pixies
klinton77: dunno...not gay enough....?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: Ah well than
klinton77: maybe I can be a real G-Man this time
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: that'd work
TheElisaPrincess: lol klint
klinton77: are you laughing at me beacuse I crave your naked, supple form?
klinton77: shit...I can't believe I typed that
klinton77: ehhhh....
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: ehhhh?? its the fonz!
klinton77: noooooooooooooooo!
brianjonopulos has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: hiya rexy
brianjonopulos: Damn, everyone left.
klinton77: still here
klinton77: so's UJ and Bunny
captainsammitch: wrong!
klinton77: sammich too...
klinton77: I think Princess must be on the phone with her dad
TheElisaPrincess: still sorta here
TheElisaPrincess: he wont answer klint :P
klinton77: he's not gonna
TheElisaPrincess: i cancelled the card.....thats one good thing to come outa this
klinton77: You need to beat that man
klinton77: he's just an ass...all the way around
TheElisaPrincess: with a stick
TheElisaPrincess: totally klint........
klinton77: If I was there, I'd do it for you
TheElisaPrincess: awww so sweet of you
TheElisaPrincess: the bastards no good.......still dont know why my moms with him
klinton77: seriously...I hate fucks like him
klinton77: you have no idea how mad it made me to hear your little story tonight
TheElisaPrincess: so do I!
klinton77: on top of all the other shit you've told me
TheElisaPrincess: yeah............i so here ya htere
TheElisaPrincess: there oopsy
TheElisaPrincess: reason number one why i never wanna get married :P
klinton77: oh shush...
klinton77: there are good guys out there
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: yes there sure are
klinton77: like me.
klinton77: and Dan
klinton77: and other gay men
TheElisaPrincess: yeah i know klints!!!!!!!!
brianjonopulos: Like Rob
klinton77: him too
TheElisaPrincess: lol @rob
klinton77: I think Rob would be a lousy BF though
klinton77: he's got a temper
brianjonopulos: He's been with his girlfriend for more than five years.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i have a nice pursian i'm done with PE can have him
klinton77: she's ...tollerant?
brianjonopulos: I've never seen Rob really upset.
TheElisaPrincess: neither have I
TheElisaPrincess: its okay robs not my type
TheElisaPrincess: you can have him sneaks ;-)
brianjonopulos: And I''ve seen some people do some fucked up shit at his boards and the DCMBS.
klinton77: nope...but I've read about his reactions to little things in his blog
klinton77: the MB's and life are two different things
brianjonopulos: You read his blog? You really are gay.
TheElisaPrincess: lol rex :P
klinton77: sometimes...when I'm super bored...not daily
klinton77: I just skim that shit
brianjonopulos: I usually skim over it, there's some good stuff in it every once in a while.
brianjonopulos: Like pictures of hot chicks.
TheElisaPrincess: its pretty interesting rex
TheElisaPrincess: hes a good writer
klinton77: I love Aeon Flux!
klinton77: this shit is just classic
brianjonopulos: I've only seen parts of it. Never really cared.
klinton77:'s all goof
klinton77: d
klinton77: I want the DVD set...all I have is the videos
TheElisaPrincess: aeon flux?
The Time Trust: Pro does some good interviews.
klinton77: that shit is fun
klinton77: I want to do one
The Time Trust: I'm already thinking of how I'd answer the questions.
klinton77: klint: 'Really, I just hate you all'
TheElisaPrincess: wb trsutys
TheElisaPrincess: promys rocks
The Time Trust: Hey Elisa
TheElisaPrincess: im really impressed.......who knew a little news correspondant lurked inside him
The Time Trust: What's up?
TheElisaPrincess: hey trusty...........nothin much
TheElisaPrincess: brb checkin the dryer
klinton77: she just got robbed by her dad
klinton77: did you catch that bit?
brianjonopulos: What?
The Time Trust: WHAT?
klinton77: yup...let her tell you
klinton77: he's a world class fucktard
The Time Trust: Damn. My dad did that once.
The Time Trust: He stole my college fund.
klinton77: Really?
The Time Trust: Thought I'd never use it.
klinton77: fuck....
The Time Trust: He did give me money later on, though, so it wasn't all bad.
TheElisaPrincess: yeah trust
TheElisaPrincess: he paid his cable/electirc/water bill with my credit card
TheElisaPrincess: i decided to check my balance jus tto make sure
brianjonopulos: fuck
The Time Trust: Ouch.
The Time Trust: Without asking?
TheElisaPrincess: its like 1035 when it was like 400 last thursday
TheElisaPrincess: of course without asking
brianjonopulos: Did you call the credit card company about it?
TheElisaPrincess: he did it by phone apparently
The Time Trust: Whoa.
TheElisaPrincess: of course i called em
TheElisaPrincess: and froze/cancelled it
brianjonopulos: Which one was it?
The Time Trust: That's quite a nerve.
TheElisaPrincess: the only credit card i had bj
TheElisaPrincess: bank of america one
brianjonopulos: oh
TheElisaPrincess: totally trusty but hes done the same thing with my mom........
klinton77: can we kill him now?
brianjonopulos: I used to deal with them at an old job.
brianjonopulos: There usually pretty good about that kind of stuff.
The Time Trust: Do you live with your parents?
brianjonopulos: I think its best to cut all ties with him. Thats completely unexcuseable.
The Time Trust: I'd shoot myself if I had to live with my dad.
The Time Trust: He's difficult.
The Time Trust: ....
The Time Trust: Did I kill the chat?
klinton77: yup
klinton77: ass
The Time Trust: :-[
brianjonopulos: yup
klinton77: chat killer!
brianjonopulos: Its been done several times.
klinton77: I've tried
The Time Trust: The Canadian politics thing?
klinton77: yup
TheElisaPrincess: sorry babe
The Time Trust: Surefire.
TheElisaPrincess: no i had to run to the dryer
TheElisaPrincess: yeah rex you d better believe i will/did/will do yet again
TheElisaPrincess: anyway thats why my mom has no good credit
klinton77: Landry about that ass...
klinton77: I hate Quebec
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: you love it
klinton77: I do
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: right down to the iglos and lumberjacks
klinton77: I hate the Quebecquois
klinton77: there are no igloos
TheElisaPrincess: lol..........yeah oh the joys :P
TheElisaPrincess: i meant about luandry
klinton77: no...Landry
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: sure you just wish you had an iglo too
klinton77: Bernarf Landry
klinton77: f
klinton77: d
klinton77: Bernarf
klinton77: Bernard
klinton77: there
klinton77: fuck
The Time Trust: I made an igloo when I was a kid once.
The Time Trust: It was a bad winter.
TheElisaPrincess: yeah i cant spell when im tired either
brianjonopulos: I'm leaving again, I gotta get some sleep.
TheElisaPrincess: congrast trust
The Time Trust: Well, it wasn't really an igloo.
TheElisaPrincess: i lived in alaska and never made an igloo
klinton77: night Rex
TheElisaPrincess: congraTs oopsy
brianjonopulos has left the room.
TheElisaPrincess: night rex.........
The Time Trust: More like burrowing under the snow with mysisters and pretending.
klinton77: I made a lein-to once
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: their fun ot make with trash cans and ice
The Time Trust: Yeah, I've.... watched... as others made one.
TheElisaPrincess: aww thats fun you got to pretend with igloos though
TheElisaPrincess: we used to make tents inside and pretend they were castles
klinton77: me too
TheElisaPrincess: it was so fun!
klinton77: out of blankets and couches
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i still do
klinton77: you would
The Time Trust: Yeah, that's a fairly common game as a kid.
TheElisaPrincess: awwww thats cool sneaks
klinton77: no...that's tragic
TheElisaPrincess: i found my cabbabe patch tents today while cleaning......too bad i still dont have the rods they go in
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: just use those chicnese food sticks things
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: and duct tape
klinton77: beer
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: russina lesbians
klinton77: it's all you need
klinton77: beer
The Time Trust: My sisters and I were mostly outside exploring, though.
klinton77: yup, beer
klinton77: I used to live on a ravine that was fun
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: will you go buy me somemore
The Time Trust: We lived in a hilly area in the prairies, which had been a pioneer town.
TheElisaPrincess: thats cool trust
klinton77: we used to build funhouses in the woods
The Time Trust: There was once a bank where our house was.
TheElisaPrincess: cool klint.......i was never that great at building stuff as a kid
klinton77: shit...getting sleepy
TheElisaPrincess: darn it :P
TheElisaPrincess: yeah im starting to get sleepy too.....sorta ;p

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.