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rex #520501 2005-06-06 2:39 PM
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In that case I'll go back since you're out of there.

PJP #520502 2005-06-06 2:45 PM
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You have just entered room "rkmbs."
UltimateJaburg53 has entered the room.
david finn 13 has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess has entered the room.
Lord Mxypltk has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!
UltimateJaburg53: O&A PAWTY RAWK!
BooBerryFanatic has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: hoqw come youre not workin rexers?
TheElisaPrincess: CHEWY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
david finn 13: Finishing up backstage...gonna post it tonight!
DECTECTlVE BUNNY has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: yall are gonna die when you see sneaks video its sooo funny!
TheElisaPrincess: yawns
TheElisaPrincess: backstage? what?!?
rqbumbershoot has entered the room.
The Time Trust has entered the room.
rexstardust99: Thats everyone off my list.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i posted the link
The Time Trust: BRB
UltimateJaburg53: you built it up too much
TheElisaPrincess: Hiya triple t!
TheElisaPrincess: SNARFERS!!!!!!!!!!!
BooBerryFanatic: What?
rqbumbershoot: Elisases!
UltimateJaburg53: Who?
rqbumbershoot: It's like I was just talking with you...
TheElisaPrincess has left the room.
UltimateJaburg53: Ha!
Lord Mxypltk: what video? are there boobies?
rexstardust99: BOOBIES!
UltimateJaburg53: Magneto
UltimateJaburg53: Ummm
TheElisaPrincess has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: yeah
TheElisaPrincess: sorry gaim blew up
UltimateJaburg53: YOU BASTARDS
UltimateJaburg53: YOU BLEW IT UP
TheElisaPrincess: yawns
UltimateJaburg53: DAMN YOU
TheElisaPrincess: no its the stupid messenger program
TheElisaPrincess: blows up all the time ;-)
UltimateJaburg53: DAMN YOU ALL TO HELLL
rexstardust99: Sure it does.
UltimateJaburg53: YOU CUT OUT HIS BRAIN!
TheElisaPrincess: lol uj :P
spookyadler has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: *sings* o where is my book
spookyadler: hello
BooBerryFanatic: I don't care what you all say: "Iron Chef" rules!
spookyadler: i am in the chat room
rexstardust99: damnit.
TheElisaPrincess: hiya r3x!!!!!!!!!
UltimateJaburg53: Iron Chef does indeed rock
spookyadler: fuck that
UltimateJaburg53: The original Iron Chefs must get some serious poon
TheElisaPrincess: i know about the naked chef......whats iron chef?
TheElisaPrincess: YAWNS
TheElisaPrincess: I WANT TO SLEEP darn it....stupid boys not showing up and givingb books when they are supposed to
UltimateJaburg53: Books?
BooBerryFanatic: Just have 'em leave 'em on your doorstep...
UltimateJaburg53: Is that what they call gargling cock in Texas?
rexstardust99: Drugs.
TheElisaPrincess: no...........math literacy class
Lotus Eater 79 has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: i let this guy borrow my book
TheElisaPrincess: he called an hour ago and siad he was gonna be here inf ifteen minutes
rexstardust99: whose lotus eater?
UltimateJaburg53: Oooooh
TheElisaPrincess: NONY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TheElisaPrincess: nony=lotus
Lotus Eater 79: ah shite
UltimateJaburg53: NO way
TheElisaPrincess: Totaly ;-)
TheElisaPrincess: cant spell either :P
TheElisaPrincess: yet another sign!
UltimateJaburg53: Baaaaaaaa
TheElisaPrincess: so UJ hows work?
rexstardust99: oh shit. This just got interesting.
TheElisaPrincess: baaaaaaa is hould do that instead of grrrrrr :P
Lotus Eater 79: <sigh>
TheElisaPrincess: so whats up with you billy and the car?
Lotus Eater 79: got it, got the license, got to jobs.
UltimateJaburg53: Can't type laughing'
TheElisaPrincess: SWEET nony!!!!!!!!!
Lotus Eater 79: elisa you should reconsider hanging with these folks.
TheElisaPrincess: so whose the fathom character?
UltimateJaburg53: Were festering gaping assholes.
rexstardust99: So did you really see Dave Chapelle or do all black people look alike to you?
Lotus Eater 79: exactly
rqbumbershoot: Who's Lotus Eater?
UltimateJaburg53: inded
BooBerryFanatic: We're not all bad... just misunderstood.
TheElisaPrincess: Come on Nony..........they help me keep my sharp tongue :P
Lord Mxypltk: NON is a bitch!
rexstardust99: yes
TheElisaPrincess: LOL Chews.....isnt that a pink song
Lotus Eater 79: no, i really did see him, and yes, a lot of black people look alike to me. their gene pool isn't as diverse as ours.
TheElisaPrincess: HE IS NOT Mxy youre the one thats confused
rqbumbershoot: No, NON is Zod's bitch.
rexstardust99: RASCST!
Lotus Eater 79 has left the room.
TheElisaPrincess: rex now you sound like bsdamsy
TheElisaPrincess: i cant spell
TheElisaPrincess: grrrrr!
UltimateJaburg53: Heh
Lord Mxypltk: dammit why do I always run people out?
Lord Mxypltk: :-\
TheElisaPrincess: Mxy.........just be nice
BooBerryFanatic: Wow. I'm amazed he actually stuck around for two minutes...
TheElisaPrincess: i know it exists :P
TheElisaPrincess: who left?
TheElisaPrincess: billy left?
TheElisaPrincess: wow
UltimateJaburg53: Billy
TheElisaPrincess: i dont think you did.........he might sleep
UltimateJaburg53: Baaaaaaaaaa
rqbumbershoot: Who's Billy?
TheElisaPrincess: billy=nony=lotus
rqbumbershoot: Nony?
rexstardust99: Stop with the math!
rqbumbershoot: You mean Non?
Lord Mxypltk: hehehehe "Billy"
UltimateJaburg53: :'S
TheElisaPrincess: it all means the same thing guys :P
Lord Mxypltk: let's all call him Billy now
TheElisaPrincess: he told me to call him billy
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: here's your link PE
TheElisaPrincess: YEAH SNEAKYS!!!!!! OH my gosh
TheElisaPrincess: i emailed it to rob :P
TheElisaPrincess: Did you post it on the boards sneak?
TheElisaPrincess: yall gotta see sneaks thingy!
TheElisaPrincess: video i mean
spookyadler: push it to the limit!!!!!
Lord Mxypltk: I insist
TheElisaPrincess: it totally rocks
Lord Mxypltk: are there any boobs in that video?
BooBerryFanatic: Everybody to the limit!
TheElisaPrincess: JLA should soooo rack her for it
TheElisaPrincess: totally mxy!
TheElisaPrincess: lol chewys!
Lord Mxypltk: all right!
TheElisaPrincess: everybody from the boards is on it and everything
TheElisaPrincess: its pretty funny
BooBerryFanatic: ...?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: no boobs damnit!
TheElisaPrincess: that should work :P
Lord Mxypltk: heh, snarf is fucking some dude
rexstardust99: heh
UltimateJaburg53: Sneaky one of you NYC pics is seriously outdated
TheElisaPrincess: she should so get freakin racked for it
david finn 13: Well, at least he's no longer a virgin...I guess...
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: only his ass is
spookyadler: touche
UltimateJaburg53: Rex
TheElisaPrincess: amazing or what?
Lord Mxypltk: your baby is ugly as shit, Elisa.
TheElisaPrincess: sneaks totally rocks
Lord Mxypltk: Someone had to say it.
Lord Mxypltk: I'm sorry.
UltimateJaburg53: Was that PI Corrine hired an Americam Gladiator?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: robs genes
rexstardust99: I'm not sure.
UltimateJaburg53: I always think so
rexstardust99: The PI said he was an NFL player.
david finn 13: Holy shit that was funny!
BooBerryFanatic: Damn, I was skinny! Thanks, Sneaky!
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: ur welcome
TheElisaPrincess: totally JM :-)
TheElisaPrincess: THANKS!!!!!!!1
david finn 13: Sorry I couldn't make the wedding...
david finn 13: Hope you liked the gift I sent.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i didn't have a pic
The Time Trust: Who is Lotus Eater?
david finn 13: Boston Strangler avatar...
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: well maybe you'll be at the birth
TheElisaPrincess: nony triple t
david finn 13: NO. THANK. YOU.
Lord Mxypltk: you mean Billy
Lord Mxypltk: we must all call him Billy from now on
spookyadler has left the room.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: oh come on you know you wanna see robs genes at work
TheElisaPrincess: so sda
TheElisaPrincess: LOL sneaks!
UltimateJaburg53: Dude he was
TheElisaPrincess: rob's genes
Pariah186 has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: i always thought he'd marry alexis!
rexstardust99: PARIAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
TheElisaPrincess: her being a teacher and nice stable girl and all
The Time Trust: It's the spammer
UltimateJaburg53: He was Hawk
TheElisaPrincess: PARYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TheElisaPrincess: hey i thought that was rex trust :P
Pariah186: You ever wish you had a self-destruction button built into your physiology?
BooBerryFanatic: Did everyone see that Oakley got immunity in the RKMBs Survivor?
BooBerryFanatic: I'm officially scared...
Pariah186: I keep having to spur on these fuckers to beat me up. It gets boring after a while.
rexstardust99: What the fuck?
BooBerryFanatic: I know!
Pariah186: I mean, I walk up to a gay guy
The Time Trust: There's an RKMBs Survivor?
Pariah186: I have to call him a fagget for THREE HOURS
Pariah186: before he starts to beat on me
BooBerryFanatic: It's in the "Random Chat" forum. Pro's heading up.
Pariah186: and even then with hi girlish hands it take him to two more to put me in a coma
TheElisaPrincess: yawns
UltimateJaburg53: Are you drunk, P?
TheElisaPrincess: yeah trust where ya been?
TheElisaPrincess: its been on the boards for like two weeks now
The Time Trust: You're a passive-aggressive, spammer.
Pariah186: and then he doesn't even get prosecuted cuz' he's gay in the first case
Pariah186: Fuck this shit. Gimme a scuttle option.
UltimateJaburg53: ?
Pariah186: Metallica's freight train's aren't doing the trick anymore
BooBerryFanatic: Personally, I don't think people know what "immunity" means...
Pariah186: So how're you guys doing?
TheElisaPrincess: since when did parys spam
The Time Trust: Oh. I don't read most threads.
Pariah186: Spam?
UltimateJaburg53: We want to sting along Oakley's hopes then crush him
rexstardust99: SPAM!
The Time Trust: Unless the title grabs me, I just don't read them.
Pariah186: Where the hell did I spam
TheElisaPrincess: sneakys video thingy
UltimateJaburg53: It's more dramatic that way.
Pariah186: She's not having sex in it is she?"
TheElisaPrincess: He still hasnt been voted off UJ?
TheElisaPrincess: no parys shes not
TheElisaPrincess: whose been voted off anyways?
TheElisaPrincess: im toolazy to read the trhead
rexstardust99: damnit.
Pariah186: I don't feel like watching a syphilis infested lygomorph go at it
Lord Mxypltk: heheeehehe!
Lord Mxypltk: chewy is right
rexstardust99: That was the immunity thread.
Lord Mxypltk: people probably thought they were voting Oakley off
UltimateJaburg53: D'oh
rexstardust99: Fucking retards.
TheElisaPrincess: parys its clean
Pariah186: Shit. Bloody defective torrent
Lord Mxypltk: odds are you're making someone here feel bad, rex
rexstardust99: Now he's gonna think we like him.
Pariah186: So I download Equilibrium
rexstardust99: Yes I am damnit.
UltimateJaburg53: Yeah?
Pariah186: And the fucker's image is so wide
UltimateJaburg53: Great movie
UltimateJaburg53: How wide is it?
Pariah186: I can hardly enjoy its filmography at all
TheElisaPrincess: shut up parys
Pariah186: Vertically.
TheElisaPrincess: what is your deal?i swear YOU WEre the one that had to go to grad school all week
TheElisaPrincess: six hours a day
Pariah186: it only goes 2 inches up
BooBerryFanatic: HAH!
Pariah186: And I'm like, "What the fuck!"
TheElisaPrincess: what about the idea that she dook the darn time to do it
UltimateJaburg53: Yeah.
BooBerryFanatic: Now that's funny, Pariah!
TheElisaPrincess: or upload it for free for your viewing pleasure
TheElisaPrincess: so sad.........................
rexstardust99: Are you talking about your penis pariah?
TheElisaPrincess: Rack the Rexy!
Pariah186: I don't care if full screen cuts off some of the pcitrue, I can't live with this shit.
TheElisaPrincess: sweeeet!
UltimateJaburg53: Buy it Paraih
Pariah186: And then rip it?
TheElisaPrincess: gives up on parys
TheElisaPrincess: what is eating you tonight?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: didn't take long at all
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i half assed it
UltimateJaburg53: I guess
Pariah186: Let's
Pariah186: urban apathy
Pariah186: school
Pariah186: Military.
Pariah186: REJECTED!
Pariah186: Fuck
TheElisaPrincess: when did you find this out?
Pariah186: Just now
TheElisaPrincess: when were youg onna tell me?
TheElisaPrincess: whats the deal?
TheElisaPrincess: what was their freakin reason?
UltimateJaburg53: Yeah?
rexstardust99: That sucks pariah.
Pariah186: Years ago
Pariah186: I went to a psychiatrist
Pariah186: he diagnoased me wtih a chemical imbalance
UltimateJaburg53: I knew this was the reason
TheElisaPrincess: ohhhh nooooooooo thats just wrong
TheElisaPrincess: yeah UJ's psychic :OP
rexstardust99: Can you get checked again?
Pariah186: It followed me to THIS psych evaluation
Pariah186: Possibly
UltimateJaburg53: So
Pariah186: I'm gonna have to wait a while though
TheElisaPrincess: why not get re-examined and apply again
TheElisaPrincess: thats just wrong
Pariah186: Oh, they don't want damgaed goods
TheElisaPrincess: so nwo what?community college?
Pariah186: they think I mighjt kill myself or others
UltimateJaburg53: Are they turning people away?
Pariah186: Not if I can help it.
Pariah186: UCI prolly
UltimateJaburg53: Others?
UltimateJaburg53: Like the enemy?
rexstardust99: Isn't that the point?
UltimateJaburg53: idiots
Pariah186: I know some they've turned away
UltimateJaburg53: Why?
Pariah186: I know them though, they're not gonna fly off the friggin' handle
UltimateJaburg53: The fucking need soldiers
Pariah186: they gave me some crap about an abundance of
UltimateJaburg53: Onlyt half of you are coming back anyway
Pariah186: of people who lose it under the pressure
Pariah186: heh. Yeah.
UltimateJaburg53: PRIVATE PYLE!
BooBerryFanatic: Shazam!
Pariah186: Anyway, I gotta move on
The Time Trust: PYLE!
BooBerryFanatic: Shazam!
The Time Trust: PYLE!
UltimateJaburg53: Buy a plane ticket to Iraq
BooBerryFanatic: Wull, GO-O-O-LEE, Sgt. Carter!
TheElisaPrincess: yawns
TheElisaPrincess: im sorry parys for what its worth
rexstardust99: Go freelance
TheElisaPrincess: They dont deserve you!
UltimateJaburg53: get your own gun and shoot some enemy on your own P
Pariah186: Hurm.....Become a bounty hunter aye?
Pariah186: They make good money,.
Pariah186: I could find Bin Laden on my own.
TheElisaPrincess: yeah you could be the aragorn of america :P
Pariah186: It's something to consider anyway.
Pariah186: Heh
UltimateJaburg53: Am I as a citizen of the US not alowed on my own to hunt Osama?
BooBerryFanatic: Sweet! American Aragorn!
Pariah186: No.
UltimateJaburg53: FRODO!
TheElisaPrincess: LOL UJ
Pariah186: But BH's are given more legal leverage
BooBerryFanatic: FOR THE SHIRE!
TheElisaPrincess: i meant it hypothetical :P
UltimateJaburg53: I know it was you Frodo. You broke my heart,.
BooBerryFanatic: FOR FRODO!
rexstardust99: The government has a multimillion dollar bounty on Osama. Its open to anyone.
Pariah186: They can do stake out's and shit
TheElisaPrincess: What have I started/!?
Pariah186: they can obtain warrants on their own
Pariah186: I'LL DO IT!
BooBerryFanatic: Huzzah!
UltimateJaburg53: HUnt Osama P
Pariah186: Not for extended Healt Care
BooBerryFanatic: We're gonna see Pariah on the news!
UltimateJaburg53: Bring me his fucking ears
Pariah186: I ain't no socialist
Pariah186: I mean hunt Osama
TheElisaPrincess: there goes Chewy being all whts his name with chris o donnell movie
TheElisaPrincess: darn it :P

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
rex #520503 2005-06-06 2:46 PM
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Pariah186: Indeed I will Burg
Pariah186: Indeed.
Pariah186: I
Pariah186: Will
UltimateJaburg53: I will give you all myt issues of the Craptacular B-Sides
Pariah186: Deal!
TheElisaPrincess: just grow your hair out, itll e fine
UltimateJaburg53: This is one of the best South Park
TheElisaPrincess: So does the challenge thingy int he arcade actually work
Pariah186: Is someone copying this chat?
rexstardust99: Why?
Pariah186: Just wondering
TheElisaPrincess: parys as always
TheElisaPrincess: its like 1984 :P
Pariah186: oh
rexstardust99: Do you want to leave your stuff out of it?
Pariah186: No
UltimateJaburg53: Winston Smith
Lord Mxypltk: beware the savage jaw
UltimateJaburg53: Do more push ups!
rexstardust99: alright
TheElisaPrincess: i suggest free weights :P
TheElisaPrincess: those are fun.....and elliptical machines are great
UltimateJaburg53: FREEDOM IS SLAVERY
UltimateJaburg53: WAR IS PEACE
TheElisaPrincess: CONGRATS UJ!
rexstardust99: Flight of the navigator is on right now.
TheElisaPrincess: rack your english teacher
Pariah186: Franklin once said
TheElisaPrincess: I LOVE THAT MOVIE REXwhat freakin channel?
Pariah186: there's no such thing as bad peace
Pariah186: or good war
TheElisaPrincess: wow......i was like 13 hte last time i saw it
UltimateJaburg53: I read it on my own
TheElisaPrincess: oh my gosh
rexstardust99: ABC family
TheElisaPrincess: YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pariah186: I don't think he took Iraq circa 1983 under consideration
TheElisaPrincess: i love sci fi
rexstardust99: I must have seen this movie at least 50 times.
UltimateJaburg53: I hated it
rqbumbershoot: What movie?
UltimateJaburg53: Stupid Pee wee herman talkiing ship
Pariah186: Yeah. That could really be called "good peace"
TheElisaPrincess: whatever happened to that perv?
TheElisaPrincess: ya know....he'd totally fit right in with the rkmbers :P
Pariah186: Big Adventure was funny
The Time Trust: TheElisaPrincess: sneakys video thingy
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: the christmas special sucked
The Time Trust: What is this?
BooBerryFanatic: Sneaky's video thingy. Can't you read?
The Time Trust: Uh-huh
The Time Trust: Smart-arse
rexstardust99: I never learned to read!
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: good for you!
BooBerryFanatic: I never learned to write!
rqbumbershoot: I never learned to mambo!
rexstardust99: I never learned to walk!
BooBerryFanatic: I never learned to breathe!
TheElisaPrincess: what christmas special?
TheElisaPrincess: *Sings* pap loves mambo
rexstardust99: I never learned how to masturbate!
TheElisaPrincess: that song was playing in downtown dallas this week
rexstardust99: The masturbation song?
TheElisaPrincess: NOOOOOOOOOO
TheElisaPrincess: the dean martin mambo song
rqbumbershoot: I never learned how to stop masturbating!
BooBerryFanatic: I never learned!
rexstardust99: I was born masturbating!
rqbumbershoot: I'll die masturbating!
UltimateJaburg53: You'll pry my cock from my cold dead hands
TheElisaPrincess: you sad
Pariah186: Ode to a twist top
UltimateJaburg53: Ode to Batman Begins
Pariah186: FUCK THAT!!
rqbumbershoot: Ode to a pork chop.
Lord Mxypltk: Lament for my cock
UltimateJaburg53: Yes that!!
The Time Trust: LOL @ Mxys!
Lord Mxypltk: Sore and crucified
Lord Mxypltk: I seek to know you
Pariah186: No that!!
Lord Mxypltk: Aquiring soulfull wisdom
TheElisaPrincess: if there were a pathetic smiley face id SO be using it write now
Lord Mxypltk: You can open walls of mystery.
Lord Mxypltk: Stripshow.
TheElisaPrincess: okay boys are stupid ;p why cant they be on time? WHY?!?
Lord Mxypltk: How to acquire death in the morning show
rqbumbershoot: Yeah, aim has some crappy ass smileys....
Lord Mxypltk: TV death which the child absorbs
Pariah186: Hey, you shouldn't feel bad
UltimateJaburg53: Bring out your dead!
Pariah186: It just means you get to charge him more
Lord Mxypltk: Deathwell mystery which makes me write
Lord Mxypltk: Slow train, the death of my cock gives life
Pariah186: ;-)
UltimateJaburg53: I'm not dead
rqbumbershoot: Well, usually when a man and women are both supposed to come, the man comes first.
Lord Mxypltk: Forgive the poor old peopl ewho gave us entry
Pariah186: I just discovered the song "No Leaf Clover"
Lord Mxypltk: Taught us God in the child's prayer in the night
UltimateJaburg53: I'm feeling much better
Pariah186: Can't stop listening to to it
Lord Mxypltk: Guitar player!
Lord Mxypltk: Ancient wise satyr!
UltimateJaburg53: I'd like to go for a walk
Lord Mxypltk: Caress it's lament
UltimateJaburg53: I feel happy
Pariah186: Then go walk
UltimateJaburg53: I feel happy
Pariah186: through your fetid New Yorker streets
Lord Mxypltk: Stiffen and guide us, we frozen
UltimateJaburg53: I feel happy
Lord Mxypltk: Lost cells
Lord Mxypltk: The knowledge of cancer
Lord Mxypltk: To speak to the heart
Lord Mxypltk: And give the great gift
Pariah186: your dilapidated dipshit monogomous infested sky-scrape countiesr
Lord Mxypltk: Words power trance
Lord Mxypltk: This stable friend and the beast of his zoo
The Time Trust: I like the BBC
Lord Mxypltk: Wild haired chicks
Lord Mxypltk: Women flowering in their summit
Lord Mxypltk: Monster of skin
Pariah186: I think it would be cool
The Time Trust: BBC Radio shows, especially.
Lord Mxypltk: Each color connects
Pariah186: in they had a Batman Maxiseries
Lord Mxypltk: To create the boat
Lord Mxypltk: Which rocks the race
Pariah186: where it just focuses on him being a player
Pariah186: or PLAYA
Lord Mxypltk: Could hell be more horrible than now?
Lord Mxypltk: And real?
Lord Mxypltk: I pressed her tight and death smiled!
Lord Mxypltk: Death, old friend
Pariah186: Think of the possibilites
Pariah186: Talia
The Time Trust: Hitchhiker's Guide is a classic, obviously.
Pariah186: Zatanna
Pariah186: Diana
Pariah186: Shiva
UltimateJaburg53: Indeed
Lord Mxypltk: I can forgive my injuries in the name of wisdom luxury romance
Pariah186: Maybe even Maxima
The Time Trust: But there are other, less well-known stuff that the BBC has done that is good stuff.
Pariah186: Or Hippolyta
Lord Mxypltk: Sentence upon sentence
Pariah186: Now THAT would be Great
Lord Mxypltk: Words are healing lament
Lord Mxypltk: For the death of my cock's spirit
Pariah186: Diana: YOU FUCKED MY MOTHER!??!??!
Lord Mxypltk: Has no meaning in the soft fire
Pariah186: Bruce: There was nothing I could do! She was all over me!
UltimateJaburg53: She's dead Pariah
Pariah186: Yeah I know
Lord Mxypltk: Words got me in the wound and will get me well, if you believe it
TheElisaPrincess: yawns
UltimateJaburg53: Ewwww
The Time Trust: I have 850+ CDs full of scanned comics.
TheElisaPrincess: Hithiker's movie rocked
TheElisaPrincess: i looovved it
The Time Trust: That's insane.
Lord Mxypltk: All join now
Lord Mxypltk: And lament
Lord Mxypltk: The death of my cock
The Time Trust: Yet I can't stop.
UltimateJaburg53: The movie sucked
Lord Mxypltk: A tounge of knowledge in the feathered night
The Time Trust: Don't bother with the movie
UltimateJaburg53: It was an abomination
Pariah186: Riogor Mortis Coitus
Lord Mxypltk: Boys get crazy in the head and suffer
rqbumbershoot: I too liked Hitchhikers.
Lord Mxypltk: I sacrifice my cock on the altar of silence.
UltimateJaburg53: Uhg

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
rex #520504 2005-06-06 2:46 PM
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The Time Trust: The radio show is good.
david finn 13 has left the room.
Pariah186: C'mon. You gotta laugh at that one
Pariah186: JOE'S A QUITTER!!
UltimateJaburg53: Sumbudday call joe momma!
rqbumbershoot: Now hit my music!
The Time Trust: I haven't seen the movie yet, though, so I can't say anything about it.
rexstardust99: Who wants to keep this chat open all weekend?
The Time Trust: You?
TheElisaPrincess: wheres JM/
TheElisaPrincess: he left?
rexstardust99: I can have it open overnight.
TheElisaPrincess: nooooooooooooooooooooooo!
TheElisaPrincess: why?
TheElisaPrincess: so not fair
The Time Trust: I'll be up all night, so I can handle it until tomorrow morning, probbably.
TheElisaPrincess: all night?
TheElisaPrincess: why?
TheElisaPrincess: i have to work on homework this weekend so i gotta go to bed
Pariah186: What!
Pariah186: ?
The Time Trust: Couldn't sleep last night, slept most of the day today.
rexstardust99: Yeah, I could leave AIM on all night, leave the room open.
The Time Trust: It's my day off
Pariah186: You guys going for a record or some something?
rexstardust99: It'll be interesting to see how it goes.
TheElisaPrincess: please do rexers!
Pariah186: jeez
TheElisaPrincess: yeah pary the rkmb have no life and stay up all nigh ton the boards record :P
Pariah186: I'll be up until morning as well
Pariah186: seeing as how I'm trying to drown my depression
Pariah186: in alcohol for the first time
The Time Trust: That won't work
rexstardust99: You're drinking?
Pariah186: I really don't care
Pariah186: I'm too pissed at the wolrd right now to think rationally
Pariah186: yeah
UltimateJaburg53: Poor Pariah
TheElisaPrincess: wow poor parys!!!!!!!!!!!
Lord Mxypltk: get some hand cream
Pariah186: Mybe I'll fall asleep on my jeyboard
The Time Trust: I hated being Pariah's age. Everything was so depressing. But it passes.
TheElisaPrincess: then youll have a hangover and feel crappy
Lord Mxypltk: Get some hand cream and lube it away
Pariah186: It's not the usual mid-life crisis stuff
TheElisaPrincess: junior high was worse triple
Lord Mxypltk: Shoot it out!
UltimateJaburg53: Mid life
UltimateJaburg53: ?
TheElisaPrincess: mxy that doesnt help with someone sturggling emotional com eon
Pariah186: I had planned for the armed forces since 12
Lord Mxypltk: sure it does.
Pariah186: It was like, in my list of things to do
UltimateJaburg53: You got the hair cut and everything
Lord Mxypltk: I'm sorry Elisa, have you ever tried it?
TheElisaPrincess: thats your solution to everythign in life mxy
TheElisaPrincess: thast really sad
Pariah186: Now they say I prolly can't do it
Pariah186: ever
Lord Mxypltk: Lord Mxypltk: I'm sorry Elisa, have you ever tried it?
Lord Mxypltk: Lord Mxypltk: I'm sorry Elisa, have you ever tried it?
The Time Trust: Has anyone ever printed out one of these chats?
Lord Mxypltk: Lord Mxypltk: Elisa? I'm sorry Elisa, have you ever tried it?
TheElisaPrincess: one sec guys...........its freezing up nooooooooooooo
Pariah186: Why would you want to
Lord Mxypltk: Lord Mxypltk: I'm sorry Elisa, have you ever tried it?
rexstardust99: I never printed one.
TheElisaPrincess has left the room.
Lord Mxypltk: I rest my case.
Pariah186: Now look waht you've done!
UltimateJaburg53: Ha
Pariah186: Oh wait, it jammed up on her
The Time Trust: Y'know, this gets me thinking...
Lord Mxypltk: sure
Pariah186: what?
The Time Trust: One person alone can't keep this chat going -- if that person's comp crashes, it closes.
TheElisaPrincess has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: Thanks Pars!
The Time Trust: So you need at least one or two more people.
UltimateJaburg53: (fish)
Pariah186: yeah yeah
rexstardust99: Mine won't crash. I leave it on all night anyhow.
Lord Mxypltk: and now to further ignore my question
TheElisaPrincess: grrrrrrrrrrr
Glacier16 has entered the room.
The Time Trust: I don't mean a computer crash -- I mean an AIM crash. It's happened to me before, like last night.
Pariah186: I could go over my recent analyzation of the mlegal methedology of homosexual civil rights suites all night long
Pariah186: just to keep it going
Lord Mxypltk: they don't make old people they way they used to. they break so easily these days.
TheElisaPrincess: one more message is too large thingy
rexstardust99: I leave my AIM on all night also.
UltimateJaburg53: so do I
rexstardust99: Its only disconnected once, and that was during a bad storm.
The Time Trust: Also, a couple of nights ago I lost my connection twice late at night, around 2:30.
The Time Trust: I think there must've either been some maintenance happening or some weather dysfunction.
Pariah186: Dammit. Horsefly's back
Pariah186: hold on a sec, I gott kill this fucker
TheElisaPrincess: wow way to go rexy
TheElisaPrincess: yawns
rexstardust99: Stop yawning.
The Time Trust: And I'm on cable, so it's on all the time.
The Time Trust: Yawning is involuntary.
rexstardust99: I'm on cable also.
rqbumbershoot: Horsefly? Pshaw! There's a mouse running around my house.
TheElisaPrincess: i cant help it ;P
UltimateJaburg53: Cable modem rocks
Pariah186: OW! For fuck's sake!
rqbumbershoot: Yes you can. Have some coffee, E.
Lord Mxypltk: money goes to money heaven
Lord Mxypltk: people go to people hell
Pariah186: I'm about to smash this guiness on this winged little bitch-ass!
rexstardust99: yes. I don't think I could ever go back to dial up.
The Time Trust: I have a headache.
Lord Mxypltk: andy where's my fifteen minutes?
Pariah186: It bit me!
Lord Mxypltk: won't someone teach me well
The Time Trust: Only thing that gets rid of it is coffee and Advil
rexstardust99: heh
UltimateJaburg53: Dial up
Lord Mxypltk: I can't read shit anymore
Lord Mxypltk: I just sit back and ignore
Lord Mxypltk: can't get it right, can't get it right
rqbumbershoot: Very good, Tin Machine.
UltimateJaburg53: It's like stone knives and bearskins
Lord Mxypltk: I can't read shit, I can't read shit
Pariah186: BRFB (Be right fucking back)
Glacier16: heh
rqbumbershoot: Pariah won't just be back, he'll be FUCKING back.
The Time Trust: Damn, that kid is depressing...
TheElisaPrincess: poor parys
Lord Mxypltk: Tin Machine, Tin Machine, take me anywhere
TheElisaPrincess: GLACY!!!!!!!!i got 40K in the arcade *YEAHS*
Lord Mxypltk: Tin Machine, Tin Machine, such a crappy song
rexstardust99: All bowie sucks ass.
Glacier16: nicely done
Glacier16: im getting the hang of it
TheElisaPrincess: i happy ;p
Lord Mxypltk: Suck, baby, suck
Lord Mxypltk: Is that all that you feel?
rqbumbershoot: All Bowie? What about Under Pressure???
Lord Mxypltk: I'm stiff on my legend, the films that I've made
rexstardust99: I was joking
Lord Mxypltk: Fuck, baby, fuck
Lord Mxypltk: Show me your rear
Lord Mxypltk: Smack, baby, smak
Lord Mxypltk: Is that all that you feel?
Lord Mxypltk: Crack, baby, crack
Pariah186: Okay. I got the little bastard
Lord Mxypltk: Give me your head
Lord Mxypltk: Before you start professing that you're
Lord Mxypltk: Knocking me dead
Lord Mxypltk: FUCK, BABY, FUCK!
BooBerryFanatic has left the room.
Pariah186: Do you know why Chile sucks?
rexstardust99: CHEWY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pariah186: It's because it's so chilly
Pariah186: .....
Lord Mxypltk: Chilly down!
TheElisaPrincess: i thought parys said chilis :P
Lord Mxypltk: With the fun gang
TheElisaPrincess: i was about to agree
UltimateJaburg53: [crickets]
The Time Trust: ...
TheElisaPrincess: mxy what is your deal?
rqbumbershoot: Time for chili!
TheElisaPrincess: i swear
Lord Mxypltk: whut's uh the deal?
Pariah186: Yeah chili's sucks to
Lord Mxypltk: I'm sorry, I'm done with Floyd, Elisa
Lord Mxypltk: It's Bowie right now.
Pariah186: I can't go to restaurant's in general anymore anyway
TheElisaPrincess: its okay i knew who he was mxy ;-)
Pariah186: everytime I had to go in the opast
Pariah186: it was with the family
TheElisaPrincess: it just always revolves around sex or racism with you kinda like bsams!
Pariah186: I always felt crowded
Pariah186: boxed in
Pariah186: and that was in addition to the other customers
Pariah186: had to speak over theit chatter
Pariah186: had to listen to the parents' small
Pariah186: talk
Lord Mxypltk: Now Halloween Jack... He's a real cool cat.
Pariah186: My ear-drums felt like they were gonna explode
Lord Mxypltk: He lives on top of Manhattan chase. The elevator's broke so he slides down a rope.
Lord Mxypltk: Here they come... I'll keep a friend serene
Lord Mxypltk: Friend there come... Oh baby come unto me
Pariah186: Wanted to take a hatchet to everyone there
Lord Mxypltk: Here they come... Well she's come been and gone!
Pariah186: moreso than usual
Lord Mxypltk: Come out of the garden, baby!
The Time Trust: Just clicked on the Survivor thread. I'm not listed.
Lord Mxypltk: You'll catch a death in the FOG
TheElisaPrincess: i suggested running parys.......helped me not be so pisse doff at school
Lord Mxypltk: YOUNG GIRL
Lord Mxypltk: they call them the Diamong Dogs
TheElisaPrincess: started teh gym my last day at psycho school and feel allllllllot better now
Lord Mxypltk: theeereees gooonna beee soooorrrow
Lord Mxypltk: baby come on tomorrow
TheElisaPrincess: diamond dogs?
Lord Mxypltk: AND IN THE DEATH, as the last few corpses lay rotting on the slimy throroughfare
TheElisaPrincess: i cant wait to see lords of dogtown
TheElisaPrincess: i love skateboarders
Glacier16: really?
rexstardust99: That looks like it sucks.
Lord Mxypltk: The shutters lifted in inches in Temperance Building
Lord Mxypltk: High on Poacher's Hill
TheElisaPrincess: hey now.......but i followed the history fo the spor tso you know
TheElisaPrincess: and nothing can compare to BB
Lord Mxypltk: And red mutant eyes gaze down on Hunger City
Lord Mxypltk: No more big wheels...
rexstardust99: Its not a sport.
The Time Trust: I don't run -- too hard on the knees. I prefer cycling.
Glacier16: eliptical
The Time Trust: Or rollerblading
Glacier16: max resistence
TheElisaPrincess: i will not yawn
Lord Mxypltk: And ten thousand peoploids split into small tribes
TheElisaPrincess: sounds like bubonic plague mxy
TheElisaPrincess: max resistance?
Lord Mxypltk: Coveting the highest of the sterile skycrappers
TheElisaPrincess: oh yeah we were talkin bout math/phsyics problems today in training
Glacier16: none of that sissy running on the first setting stuff
TheElisaPrincess: i remember.......good ol' forces
Lord Mxypltk: Like packs of dogs assaulting the glass front of Love-Me Avenue
Lord Mxypltk: Ripping and rewrapping mink and shiny silver for, now legwarmers
Lord Mxypltk: Family badge of sapphire and cracked emerald
Lord Mxypltk: Any day now..
Lord Mxypltk: The Year of the Diamond Dogs.
rqbumbershoot: Physics is the devil!
Lord Mxypltk: "This ain't rock n' roll...
Lord Mxypltk: This is genocide!"
Pariah186: I was looking up some more shemale images the other day
Glacier16: lol
Pariah186: Trying to get some more material
TheElisaPrincess: was is it with yo and shemales parys?
TheElisaPrincess: weird fetish?
Pariah186: Yes actually. Never have sex with one though--EWWWWW!
Pariah186: ANyway
Pariah186: I found a messageboard
captainsammitch has entered the room.
Pariah186: Trolled the hell outta a bunch of tranny porn stars
Glacier16: hello captain
captainsammitch: where?
Pariah186: That was fun shit
TheElisaPrincess: sad
TheElisaPrincess: SAMMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TheElisaPrincess: whats up?
captainsammitch: wha? where???
Lord Mxypltk: get me off the streets
Lord Mxypltk: get me off my knees
captainsammitch: I won't be very active in here guys - I'm working on something on here at the same time
rqbumbershoot: I have some weird fetishes.
Lord Mxypltk: Get me to the doctor's office I've been told
TheElisaPrincess: snarf not that weird
Lord Mxypltk: Nothing will corrupt us
TheElisaPrincess: mk sams
Lord Mxypltk: Nothing will compete
TheElisaPrincess: ive been that way the whole week :P
TheElisaPrincess: good luck!
Lord Mxypltk: Thank god heaven left us
Lord Mxypltk: Standing on our feet
Lord Mxypltk: MY-MY
Lord Mxypltk: Smile at least
Lord Mxypltk: You can't say no to the beauty and the beast
Lord Mxypltk: LIEBLING
TheElisaPrincess: smiles
The Time Trust: Someone translate what Sammitch said for me.
TheElisaPrincess: Bras should be outlawed.....i ahve this theory
TheElisaPrincess: trust he's got something else to work on so he wont be readint eh screen that often
rqbumbershoot: You don't even know what they are yet, E!
captainsammitch: ???
captainsammitch: what did I say that was confusing TTT?
rqbumbershoot: Yes! Ban the bra!
Lord Mxypltk: Day after day
The Time Trust: Come on, Sammitch. What are you REALLY doing?
The Time Trust: Huh?
The Time Trust: Huh?
rexstardust99: who ho!
The Time Trust: ;-)

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
rex #520505 2005-06-06 2:47 PM
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Who will I break next?
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captainsammitch: I'm working on Finale
Lord Mxypltk: They send my friends away
captainsammitch: writing something for Sunday
Lord Mxypltk: To mansions cold and gray
Lord Mxypltk: At the far side of town
Lord Mxypltk: Where it's pointless to be high
Lord Mxypltk: Cause it's such a long way down
TheElisaPrincess: Trust tsk tsk!
The Time Trust: My pathetic attempt at humor
The Time Trust: I blame the headache
Lord Mxypltk: Day after day
TheElisaPrincess: awwwww poor trsuty has a headache?
Lord Mxypltk: They tell me I can go
TheElisaPrincess: at least your dogs dont want attentoin ALL THE TIME
Lord Mxypltk: They tell me I can blow
TheElisaPrincess: brb
Lord Mxypltk: To the far side of town
Lord Mxypltk: Where the thin men stalk the streets
Lord Mxypltk: While the sane stay underground
Lord Mxypltk: SoItellthemthat...
Lord Mxypltk: I can fly, I can scream, I will break my arm
Lord Mxypltk: I will do me harm
Pariah186: Adios Muchachos
Lord Mxypltk: Here I stand, foot in hand, talking to my wall
Lord Mxypltk: I'm not quite right at all
Lord Mxypltk: (Am I?)
Lord Mxypltk: Don't set me free, I'm as heavy as can be
Pariah186: My favorite book of the Bible is Job
Lord Mxypltk: Just my libido and me
Lord Mxypltk: And my EST makes three
Pariah186: I first realized this when I was listening to Disturbed
Lord Mxypltk: Cause I'd rather stay here
Lord Mxypltk: With all the madmen
Lord Mxypltk: Than perish as a sadman roaming free
Lord Mxypltk: And I'd rather play here
Lord Mxypltk: With all the madmen
Lord Mxypltk: For I'm quite content they're all as sane as me
Pariah186: My favorite verse, however
Oz Baxter has entered the room.
Pariah186: is in Genesis
rexstardust99: PRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pariah186: recently
rqbumbershoot: Who's Oz?
Lord Mxypltk: Don't set me free!
Pariah186: I found a verse
rexstardust99: PRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lord Mxypltk: I'm as helpess as can be!
Pariah186: that re-affirmed my beliefs
Lord Mxypltk: My libido's split on me!
The Time Trust: Prometheus X
Oz Baxter: Welcome
The Time Trust: Greetins
Lord Mxypltk: Gimme some good ole lobotomy!
The Time Trust: Greetings, even
Oz Baxter: Mxy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TheElisaPrincess: yuawns
TheElisaPrincess: pro!!!! whose pro?
Glacier16: METHEUS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lord Mxypltk: PROST!!!!!!!
Oz Baxter: The Chronal Trust!
TheElisaPrincess: PROVOST?
TheElisaPrincess: what?
rqbumbershoot: Youtheus!
Glacier16: ha ha!
rqbumbershoot: Wetheus!
captainsammitch: PRO LIVES
Lord Mxypltk: Zane zane zane, ouvre le chien!
Oz Baxter: And drinks heavily!
The Time Trust: The Che Guevara of the RKMBs
jaclynangelo has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: stupid animals..........
jaclynangelo: hold please
Oz Baxter: What a bizarre ensemble we have here tonight.....
TheElisaPrincess: why do i have dogs again
The Time Trust: JACKIE!
Lord Mxypltk: Looked a lot like Che Guevara
rexstardust99: Hi Jackie!
TheElisaPrincess: JAC!!!!!!!!did you see sneakys vid?
Lord Mxypltk: Drove a diesel van
rqbumbershoot: Who's jackie?
Glacier16: cowgirl
rexstardust99: Cowgirl
rqbumbershoot: Hey, it's Cowgirl! Hi Cowgirl!
Oz Baxter: Cj
TheElisaPrincess: *sings* da dum da dum dum
Lord Mxypltk: I AM A CJ!
captainsammitch: hey Ceej
jaclynangelo: hey guys, on phone...brb....
Glacier16: IM MXY!
rexstardust99: I'm mxy!
Lord Mxypltk: IM BROKE!
Oz Baxter: A fine Reisling is best when chilled at a comfortable 32 degrees....
captainsammitch: I'm Mxy!
Lord Mxypltk: LOST MY JOB!
Lord Mxypltk: Incurably ill
rexstardust99: I'm mxy!
Oz Baxter: Rim job?
jaclynangelo: on my thrird smirnoff...
Lord Mxypltk: I got a girl out there, I suppose
rexstardust99: Aren'
Lord Mxypltk: I think shes dancing What do I care!
Lord Mxypltk: I am a CJ, I am what I play
captainsammitch: uh oh Ceej is gettin' sloshed
The Time Trust: Someday I, too, would like to be King of the Rocket Men.
Oz Baxter: So, here's to Oakley....and all the super-smart fucks that voted for him to have immunity! Cheers! ;-)
Oz Baxter: lol
TheElisaPrincess: yawns
TheElisaPrincess: at least someone CALLED YOU JAC!
TheElisaPrincess: grrrrrrrrrrrrr
Glacier16: bastards
TheElisaPrincess: oz=chris?
Pariah186: The verse was Chapter 2
TheElisaPrincess: im brok eto mxy
Pariah186: Verse 18
Oz Baxter: oz=douchebag
TheElisaPrincess: and i dont get paid till june 15
Oz Baxter: ...I mean....."yes"
Pariah186: of Genisis
TheElisaPrincess: How did you get immunity :P
TheElisaPrincess: i mean seriously?!? Who'd you bribe :P
Lord Mxypltk: eti leda
rexstardust99: I'm on my first beer now.
TheElisaPrincess: and hows your grandmother
Pariah186: 'It's not good for man to be alone, so He created a help unto himself
Oz Baxter: Who are you talking to dear?
TheElisaPrincess: then the drunken rex takes oer
rexstardust99: yes.
Oz Baxter: Owner
jaclynangelo: trying to get people to drive with me and the roomie to the beach
TheElisaPrincess: thats okay the sleepy elisa probalby will in thirty
captainsammitch: Pwnz0r?
TheElisaPrincess: SWEET JACwhich one?
The Time Trust: Takes a while to look up a passage?
TheElisaPrincess: i LOOOVVE the beach but cant go this summer of rmy bday
TheElisaPrincess: first time in ten years i havent been able to go ;(
TheElisaPrincess: yeah parys.....named PSYCHO GIRL :P
Lord Mxypltk: I am a passanger
TheElisaPrincess: who would look for way sto tempt adam, rip out his heart and stomp on it
Lord Mxypltk: And I ride and I ride
Oz Baxter: Hello rex
Lord Mxypltk: I ride through the city at night
rexstardust99: hello
Oz Baxter: Hello Jaburg
The Time Trust: Apparently, Pro, you've stumbled into a Bible study.
Pariah186: Anyway
Pariah186: previously
Lord Mxypltk: See the city, fucked up tonight
UltimateJaburg53: Hello
Oz Baxter: Hello Glacier
Glacier16: hello
Pariah186: I was analyzing my favorite
Pariah186: characters
TheElisaPrincess: Why is Wednesday never in one of these chats?
Pariah186: trying to write a fanfiction
Oz Baxter: Apparently, I'll stumble out.... ;-) Heh
TheElisaPrincess: i mean seriously
Lord Mxypltk: And when I rode her that night
Pariah186: putting them all in one scenario
Lord Mxypltk: When I rode her on that fucking road
captainsammitch: how did Bach do this? how did any church composer do this???
rexstardust99: Does wednesay even have AIM?
TheElisaPrincess: i vote for train mxy its awesome
Pariah186: to properly harmonize them
Lord Mxypltk: I knew that god damn road was mine
TheElisaPrincess: i dont know'd be cool if he did
Pariah186: I evaluated their character
TheElisaPrincess: i know sams the guys a genius
Pariah186: and noticed a correlation
captainsammitch: this summer I get to write something new for EVERY SUNDAY!!!
TheElisaPrincess: you can do it sams
jaclynangelo: anna marie island, sarasota...
captainsammitch: gah
TheElisaPrincess: just do the basic same five, four, five three, five chordds:P
Oz Baxter: Hello Elisa
Oz Baxter: Hello Mxy
Oz Baxter: Hello Phil
TheElisaPrincess: WHO IS OZ
Lord Mxypltk: Nice guy, that Chewy
Oz Baxter: Hello Sneaky
rexstardust99: Aren't you worried about hurricanes CJ?
Lord Mxypltk: Hello Chris
TheElisaPrincess: CHEWYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oz Baxter: Hello Snarf
TheElisaPrincess: no it snot him
TheElisaPrincess: darn it mxy
The Time Trust: I don't want to post after Sammitch, or my words will appear with a blue background.
captainsammitch has left the room.
Oz Baxter: Hello Toaster
Oz Baxter: Hello Pariah
The Time Trust: Irony.
The Time Trust: Heh.
jaclynangelo: hurricanes? we get a warning for those...
Oz Baxter: Hello Pro
rqbumbershoot: Toaster???
TheElisaPrincess: really time?
TheElisaPrincess: you rname is in purple in my thingy
Oz Baxter: Hello CJ
Lord Mxypltk: TIME!
TheElisaPrincess: sweet jac, so hows life been?
Lord Mxypltk: He flexes like a whore
TheElisaPrincess: yeah hes back
Glacier16: and space!
Lord Mxypltk: Falls wanking to the floor
Lord Mxypltk: His script is you and me
Lord Mxypltk: BOY
Lord Mxypltk: Time
rqbumbershoot: And space!
Lord Mxypltk: He's waiting on the wings
jaclynangelo: things are busy
Lord Mxypltk: He speaks of senseless things
The Time Trust: That's funny, 'cause you're purple on my screen.
Lord Mxypltk: His script is you and me
Lord Mxypltk: BOY
Lord Mxypltk: CHIMES!
jaclynangelo: trying to find people awake at 1.30 to call and invite
jaclynangelo: plan not working
TheElisaPrincess: i knwo jac...........
Lord Mxypltk: Goddamn you're looking old
TheElisaPrincess: are you leaving tomorrow?
Lord Mxypltk: You'll freeze and catch a cold
TheElisaPrincess: SWEET TIME! Your purple on mine
Lord Mxypltk: Cause you've left your coat behind
Lord Mxypltk: TAKE YOUR TIME!
rexstardust99: Too much purple.
Lord Mxypltk: Breaking up is hard
Pariah186: They're all ALONE
Glacier16: boo ya

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
rex #520506 2005-06-06 2:48 PM
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Who will I break next?
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Lord Mxypltk: But keeping dark is hateful
Lord Mxypltk: I had so many dreams!
Lord Mxypltk: I had so many breakthroughs
Lord Mxypltk: But you my love were kind
Lord Mxypltk: But love has left you dreamless
The Time Trust: If I put everyone on ignore, it'd be like I was all alone in here.
captainsammitch has entered the room.
Lord Mxypltk: The door to dreams was close
Lord Mxypltk: d
Oz Baxter: I noticed Phil left
jaclynangelo: and my roomie's sloshed
captainsammitch: my computer sucks
Lord Mxypltk: Your park was real greenlass
The Time Trust: Apparently
jaclynangelo: and there's a moth in my room, for some reason...
Lord Mxypltk: I hope you're smiling now
Lord Mxypltk: Smiling through this darkness
Lord Mxypltk: Cause all I had to give
captainsammitch: this summer I get to write something new for EVERY SUNDAY
TheElisaPrincess: i know my rooms slopped out.......gotta clean tomorrows
Oz Baxter: Why is CJ purple?
Lord Mxypltk: Was the guilt for dreaming
TheElisaPrincess: booya glac?thats hood talkin ;P
captainsammitch: ??
Lord Mxypltk: ohh TIME.
Oz Baxter: Why is Phil sky blue?
captainsammitch: something is up with this thing
jaclynangelo: i'm purple because i'm girly. why the hell not?
TheElisaPrincess: sams like praise song/
Glacier16: indeed
TheElisaPrincess: PURPLE ROCKS!
captainsammitch: oh that's the color I have selected
TheElisaPrincess: at least they dont think you're a dude ;-)
The Time Trust: I think you said that already, Sammitch.
Oz Baxter: Sass, indeed, young lady....
captainsammitch: yeah
captainsammitch: oh
captainsammitch: I can't see stuff
Lord Mxypltk: purple?
jaclynangelo: sass. yes
Glacier16: heh
Oz Baxter: Elisa's a dude?
captainsammitch: I try to post things and they dont' show up for a coupla seconds
rexstardust99: yes
TheElisaPrincess: Ohhhhhhhh no ttoo hard, Praise the Lord for He is mighty
jaclynangelo: dang it, looks like we are not going to the beach....
Lord Mxypltk: PURPLE?
TheElisaPrincess: the lyrics or the music is hard?
jaclynangelo: i SAID we needed to plan things...
Oz Baxter: lass, yes
captainsammitch: sometimes they just don't show up at all
The Time Trust: Purple and green is a great color-combo.
TheElisaPrincess: ohhhhhhh sams your computers freezing
captainsammitch: something like that
TheElisaPrincess: music software has tendancy to do that
The Time Trust: It works for so many characters.
captainsammitch: my mighty Celeron 800MHz ;-)
Lord Mxypltk: do ro.
The Time Trust: Strange that most of them are villains, though.
Lord Mxypltk: do do do
jaclynangelo: my roommate says 'hello people jackie is chatting with, you can't see me because you're on a computer'
Lord Mxypltk: do. do.
Lord Mxypltk: do ro
Lord Mxypltk: do ro
Lord Mxypltk: do do do
Lord Mxypltk: do. do.
Lord Mxypltk: do ro
Lord Mxypltk: CMON!
Pariah186: I All of the characters I had liked
Lord Mxypltk: CMON!
The Time Trust: Or at least anti-heroes.
Pariah186: Were ALONE
rqbumbershoot: You're roommate? Tell us more...
Lord Mxypltk: CMON!
rexstardust99: Invite your roommate CJ.
Pariah186: I mean
Pariah186: I knew they were dark
rqbumbershoot: Is it a he or a she?
TheElisaPrincess: LOL SNARFSliek is she single ;p
jaclynangelo: no, she's sitting on my bed
Lord Mxypltk: cmon
jaclynangelo: not typing
The Time Trust: Doing what?
TheElisaPrincess: good luck cs
Glacier16: its getting good
Glacier16: lol
Oz Baxter: Hello bedsitting roomie of CJ
TheElisaPrincess: thats why i never installed it on my comp
Pariah186: and that's why they were on their own paths of self-destruction
jaclynangelo: certainly no condition to type....
Lord Mxypltk: space trucking.
Oz Baxter: lol @ Glacier
rqbumbershoot: Ooh, she's in bed with you?!?
jaclynangelo: she's talking with a friend on her cell
rexstardust99: Thats even better. More entertaining.
The Time Trust: TAKE OFF YOUR TOP!
Oz Baxter: lmao
Glacier16: ha!
jaclynangelo: *kicks TTT*
Oz Baxter: But...I'm naked already!
captainsammitch: heh
The Time Trust: heh
rexstardust99: JLA!
captainsammitch: w00t
Pariah186: But it never could ut it together
TheElisaPrincess: its JLA!!!!!!!!!!!oh my gosh oz why didnt yous ay something
MtotheJLA has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: any fun plans for the weekend?
TheElisaPrincess: JLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oz Baxter: Yes, why didn't I?
captainsammitch: what up JLA
TheElisaPrincess: i thought you were oz fo ra second :P
Glacier16: wud up JLA!
MtotheJLA: YAY!
TheElisaPrincess: YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pariah186: that their seclsuion was what made them initiates of the dark end of the emotional tandems
MtotheJLA: What's up? The rent
captainsammitch: thank you to those of you who appreciated my artwork 8-)
rexstardust99: Damn. I think this is the most we're ever had.
MtotheJLA: ahahaha! Not really
jaclynangelo: jeez, i ate too much. and drank too much....
Oz Baxter: Is Pariah playing the part of the street preacher that hears all the voices?
Lord Mxypltk: but he sure played a mean pinabll.
UltimateJaburg53: JLA
MtotheJLA: yeah
TheElisaPrincess: i know jla...........i hate not getting paid for three weeks
UltimateJaburg53: Whoa
TheElisaPrincess: yeah sams i like the smilies
The Time Trust: It's background monologue, Pro.
MtotheJLA: ID: Zod
MtotheJLA: Password: JLA
Lord Mxypltk: TheElisaPrincess: i know jla...........i hate not getting laid for three weeks
The Time Trust: Like the kind you see in those fancy art films.
Oz Baxter: It's background, all right....
jaclynangelo: i hate fancy art films
rqbumbershoot: I don't care about JLA, I wanna hear more about CJ being drunk and in bed with her roommate!
TheElisaPrincess: thats why i liked zos :P
The Time Trust: Where the monologue doesn't match what's going on in the film
TheElisaPrincess: i knew there was a reason ;p
MtotheJLA: there it is. whoever wants the ZOD ID
Oz Baxter: Pi : The Chat
rexstardust99: I'm not clever enough to be ZOD. I'm not even good at being god.
The Time Trust: Heh
jaclynangelo: who is rq?
rexstardust99: snarf
MtotheJLA: snarf snarf
Glacier16: hehe
captainsammitch: and JQ is unrestrained alt
The Time Trust: snarf snarf snarf
rexstardust99: I'm mxy!
Glacier16: I'm mxy!
MtotheJLA: I miss Bobo
MtotheJLA: :-(
captainsammitch: !yxm m'I
rexstardust99: GAY!
MtotheJLA: Whoa!
rqbumbershoot: What, is Kampy here?
MtotheJLA: Boy, do I wish!
rexstardust99: no. He logged off right when we started.
MtotheJLA: :love
TheElisaPrincess: naw kampy has a life snarfs
TheElisaPrincess: :P
MtotheJLA: LOL
rexstardust99: whats a life?
MtotheJLA: ;P
TheElisaPrincess: rack rex
TheElisaPrincess: that was awesome!
MtotheJLA: aweshome
MtotheJLA: with a "h"
MtotheJLA: I just killed the chat
The Time Trust: Dectective Aweshome.
rexstardust99: yes
TheElisaPrincess: no you didnt jla
MtotheJLA: cool
Oz Baxter: Aweshole
TheElisaPrincess: ray just immed me so i missed it
TheElisaPrincess: you robbyizers :P
MtotheJLA: Who is Oz Baxter?
rexstardust99: Dude, beer and allergies are a strange combination.
The Time Trust: It's Dave.
MtotheJLA: Typhoid?
The Time Trust: Dave-Dave.
UltimateJaburg53: Dave's not here, man.
TheElisaPrincess: JLA did you see my wedding vid yet?
TheElisaPrincess: yeah daves in bed
MtotheJLA: Steve-Dave?
TheElisaPrincess: i think hes' married and has kids
Oz Baxter: I'm Mxy!
The Time Trust: Of the St. Davidsons' Daves? You know?
MtotheJLA: You tell 'em, Oz Baxter!
Oz Baxter: Rack me forever
TheElisaPrincess: just firstamong daves
TheElisaPrincess: lol oxxy
TheElisaPrincess: so who is ozzy again?
MtotheJLA: Really, who is Ox baxter?
The Time Trust: My headache is dissipating.
The Time Trust: dissipating
The Time Trust: dissipating
The Time Trust: gone!
UltimateJaburg53: Later guys I have an early meeting tomorrow
Oz Baxter: I'm Mr.JLA
TheElisaPrincess: night uj
rqbumbershoot: Who care's if Dave's in bed? I wanna hear about Ceej in bed!
Oz Baxter: Later Jaburg
captainsammitch: poice jubarg
TheElisaPrincess: on a sautrday?????? poor baby
MtotheJLA: Bye Burg dude!
Glacier16: see ya jaburg
rexstardust99: bye jaburg
TheElisaPrincess: aint workin snarfs shes on the phone, give it up!
Lord Mxypltk: buy bread.
rqbumbershoot: :-(
The Time Trust: Urinal cake disintegrating...
The Time Trust: disintegrating...
The Time Trust: disintegrating...
The Time Trust: gone!
rqbumbershoot: :-(:-(:-(
rexstardust99: Was it good?
MtotheJLA: First Amongst Ox Baxters
captainsammitch: goodness Snarf, you're relentless
MtotheJLA: Oz
Lord Mxypltk: goodness gracious
Lord Mxypltk: GREAT balls of fire
TheElisaPrincess: grrrrrrrrrrrr ihate dogs
Lord Mxypltk: HERE THEY COME!
MtotheJLA: So what's up with the video?
rexstardust99: I'm sure they hate you to.
Oz Baxter: Walking down the street
Glacier16: video?
Lord Mxypltk: video crime
The Time Trust: What's wrong with dogs?
MtotheJLA: Video wedding
rqbumbershoot: Sammitch, I am like a hurricane!
rqbumbershoot: Hurricane Snarf!
Lord Mxypltk: this is the story of the
Oz Baxter: Craziest little monkeys
MtotheJLA: Is the video tastefully done?
Oz Baxter: you'll ever meeeeeeeet
Lord Mxypltk: the man the authorites came to
Glacier16: heh

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
rex #520507 2005-06-06 2:48 PM
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rexstardust99: its funny
Lord Mxypltk: for something that he
Oz Baxter: did not do
Lord Mxypltk: dildee doo
rqbumbershoot: Stand back! There's a hurricane comin' through!
MtotheJLA: Someone hook JLA up with this mad video, yo!
Oz Baxter: Battlestar Galactica rocks
MtotheJLA: Jaburg lied. He's secretly monitoring us.
Pariah186: I felt my faith was restored
MtotheJLA: Like Ashcroft
rexstardust99: I like how JLA's name is pink. Its fitting.
MtotheJLA: Je
Pariah186: by that chance happening
MtotheJLA: he's watching, you kno
MtotheJLA: know
MtotheJLA: damnit
TheElisaPrincess: trust im houstsitting so they miss my parents and bug me every five minutes
captainsammitch: Hurricane Snarf - leaving a twisted trail of restraining orders in his wake!
Pariah186: just happening upon that verse
Pariah186: It occurred to me
Oz Baxter: LOL @ MtotheJLA: Like Ashcroft
Pariah186: that this book couldn't be a scam
Pariah186: Written by over a dozen different people
Lord Mxypltk:
TheElisaPrincess: i wanna drum drum set :P so sad
Pariah186: in a span of 8000 years
rexstardust99: I'm now on beer number two.
Pariah186: With such consistency
rexstardust99: Sierra Nevada Pale Ale is good.
Oz Baxter: I'm on glass number four...
Pariah186: Each of those writers would have to be a combination of both Nietsche AND Christ
rexstardust99: I never get hung over.
The Time Trust: Dammit. The headache is returning...
The Time Trust: returning...
The Time Trust: returning...
Oz Baxter: Time has gone silent
The Time Trust: her4e
Pariah186: Do get this so on the money
Lord Mxypltk: one more cup of coffee for the road
Oz Baxter: Wait, never mind
Lord Mxypltk: to the money below
rqbumbershoot: And space has gone silent!
Lord Mxypltk: the money?
The Time Trust: More coffee, indeed.
Oz Baxter: Time AND space?
Lord Mxypltk: money goes to money heaven?
Pariah186: God wrote this book
The Time Trust: No. Just time.
Lord Mxypltk: Get behind me, Satan!
Oz Baxter: Oh. That's not cool
The Time Trust: Sorry, but sometimes it has to be that way.
Oz Baxter: I'm Mxy!
Oz Baxter: I'm Grimm
Lord Mxypltk: I'm not interested in oil wells
Lord Mxypltk: shipping
rqbumbershoot: Does Mxy want some backdoor action from Satan?!?
Lord Mxypltk: or real state?
rexstardust99: I'm jack the little death!
captainsammitch: heh
Lord Mxypltk: What would I like to have been?
Lord Mxypltk: Everything you HATE
The Time Trust: I've been waiting for my Space counterpart to show up.
The Time Trust: Never happens.
The Time Trust: I'm a lonely man.
Oz Baxter: I think Mxy and Pariah are having a 'Lyric-Off' to see who can ramble the most ambiguously....
Lord Mxypltk: Sure, I'm Charles Foster Kane... but you gotta love me!
rqbumbershoot: Would that be the Space Trust?
The Time Trust: Hmm... I don't know.
captainsammitch: back when I was an RKMBs n00b Chewy almost convinced me that was JtLD's site :-[
Glacier16: Mxy is winning
Pariah186: The moral here is
Lord Mxypltk: The cost, no man can say... but you gotta love me!
Lord Mxypltk: You said the union forever
Lord Mxypltk: You CRIED the union forever
TheElisaPrincess: yawns
Lord Mxypltk: But that was untrue girl
rexstardust99: Hey mxy, where has your son been?
Lord Mxypltk: For it can't
TheElisaPrincess: oh no not the hotel california raggae style
Lord Mxypltk: Be love
Oz Baxter: Mxy always wins
TheElisaPrincess: grrrrrrrr
Lord Mxypltk: Cause there is
Lord Mxypltk: No true love
rexstardust99: Heshe's never on AIM anymore.
Lord Mxypltk: It cant
Lord Mxypltk: Be love
Oz Baxter: MXY!
Lord Mxypltk: Cause there is
Lord Mxypltk: No tr
The Time Trust: If time is male, is space female?
Lord Mxypltk: yes, prost?
Oz Baxter: Someone slap him...he's in his shamanic trance again
Oz Baxter: Ah. Someone was asking....where's your son been?
Pariah186: If one was to learn of a Biblical lesson, which is, in reality, alife lesson, without even reading the Bible--Or I should say BEFOREreading the Bible, there's a good chance, you'll become a believer.
The Time Trust: Someone chain him to his computer until he produces more Bobo Comics.
Oz Baxter: Pariah = Ignore
Lord Mxypltk: At Dave's
MtotheJLA: Who would in a fight: Jaburgs' Cat, or Dakota the bunny?
Oz Baxter: That latest issue is one of your finest, Mxy
Pariah186: I have this odd placement ideal
Pariah186: I'm a big believer
Pariah186: in
Glacier16: mm tough call
TheElisaPrincess: really parys?
Pariah186: roles
TheElisaPrincess: A believer in Christ or the bible in general?
Pariah186: To every story
Lord Mxypltk: Thanks, Prost
Pariah186: Christ, God, Bible
Oz Baxter: Oh we go....
Pariah186: There must be
Pariah186: a good
Pariah186: and a bad
Pariah186: a type of balance
Pariah186: I first realized my complez
Pariah186: *complex
MtotheJLA: Dakota has a mean uppercat, but Buddy Jaburg is tough, too
Oz Baxter: Okay Mxy...slip back into your netherworld. Thank you for popping your conscience by....
Glacier16: rabbit punches
Pariah186: when I figured out my own predisposition to the more empowering emotions
MtotheJLA: Nicely done
TheElisaPrincess: just curious parys cuz they go hand in hand sorta ;P
rexstardust99: Cats are weak, dakota will win.
rqbumbershoot: badger headlocks
MtotheJLA: Bunnies are passive though, aren't they?
TheElisaPrincess: emotions and not logic govern parys mind? Im so surprised!
Lord Mxypltk: There is a man
Pariah186: Depression, angst
Pariah186: anger
Lord Mxypltk: A certain man
Lord Mxypltk: And for the poor you may be sure
rexstardust99: Cats don't live on their own in the wild.
Lord Mxypltk: that he'll do all he can
Lord Mxypltk: Who is this one?
The Time Trust: A man whose name is know across the land
Lord Mxypltk: who's favorite son?
rqbumbershoot: Me!
MtotheJLA: OK, then. Jaburg's Cat on steroids vs Dakota in a streetfight.
Lord Mxypltk: Just by his action has the traction, magnets on the run
Oz Baxter: It's Mr. Burns
Lord Mxypltk: Who likes to smoke
Pariah186: before I was emersed in the dark side of the emotional specturm
Lord Mxypltk: enjoys a joke
The Time Trust: You know his name...
rexstardust99: stop changing the rules.
The Time Trust: It's Mr. Burns
Oz Baxter: ha! ha! ha!
Pariah186: I was a staunch believer
The Time Trust: er...
The Time Trust: It's Monty Burns
Lord Mxypltk: And wouldn't get a bit upset if he were really broke
The Time Trust: That's MISTER Burns
Lord Mxypltk: with wealth and fame
Pariah186: A MORE devout Catholic than I am
Lord Mxypltk: he's still the same
Pariah186: then I hit a ditch
MtotheJLA: Mike Ditka vs The 86 NY Giants. What's the point spread?
Lord Mxypltk: I'll bet you FIVE you're not ALIVE if you don't know his name
The Time Trust: His friends can call him Monty but to you it's Mister Burns...
Pariah186: I wanted to let go
Pariah186: but I couldn't shake my beliefs
Pariah186: cuz' deep down
Pariah186: I really believed in God
TheElisaPrincess: a ditch like why do bad things happen to godo people
Oz Baxter: Rack TTT...I was trying to pull that last line out....couldn't remember it
Pariah186: I BELIEVE in God
TheElisaPrincess: good oopsy
rqbumbershoot: brb
Pariah186: This perspective
rqbumbershoot has left the room.
MtotheJLA: Your disposition I'll remember, when I'm letting go...
Pariah186: along with
Oz Baxter: Bye Snarf
The Time Trust: Heh
TheElisaPrincess: so you knwo that God works everything for good tho thos ethat Love hIm right :P
MtotheJLA: snarf snarf
Pariah186: my tendency to place roles
TheElisaPrincess: even stupid army letters!
Pariah186: gave me a unique outlook
rexstardust99: bye king snarf of the desperate virgins!
TheElisaPrincess: its snarfy snarf jla
Lord Mxypltk: whoa, we're getting all sunday mornin here dudes!
MtotheJLA: snarf snarf
The Time Trust: Is this the "Christian Singles" room?
Oz Baxter: Okay, so, now I'm ignoring Elisa and Pariah...
captainsammitch: I'm taken
captainsammitch: simmah down Pro :-P
Pariah186: Even though I felt and still feel evil
Oz Baxter: Am I up, Phil?
Lord Mxypltk: I usually just turn up the volume
MtotheJLA: Promethus = Oz Baxter
Pariah186: I feel I should lose
captainsammitch: I dunno - just sounded cool
Lord Mxypltk: GIRL!
Pariah186: ever story I think of
captainsammitch: I'm actually not paying muc h attention
Pariah186: the bad guy loses
MtotheJLA: It only took my 30 minutes to figure that mystery out
Pariah186: I put myself in his shoes
Lord Mxypltk: OH GIRL!
Pariah186: and I lose
captainsammitch: working on stuff for Sunday
TheElisaPrincess: PROMYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!its about freakin time
Oz Baxter: very good JLA, You may join my cadre of villianous ho's...
Pariah186: and its fine with me
TheElisaPrincess: i thought you were oakley man
TheElisaPrincess: darn it
MtotheJLA: hooray!
TheElisaPrincess: you shoulda told me
Lord Mxypltk: OH GIRL
The Time Trust: HAHAHAHAHA!
Pariah186: Because that's the way it's supposed to be
Pariah186: That's the way it's GOING to be
The Time Trust: That's funny.
Pariah186: Then I looked to my favorite books
Oz Baxter: Okay, so, now I hate Elisa..... ;-)
The Time Trust: Headache receding...
The Time Trust: receding...
The Time Trust: receding...
The Time Trust: gone
Pariah186: and truly analyzed my favorite characters
TheElisaPrincess: for sthose of you that havent seen it
Pariah186: naturally
MtotheJLA: Oz Baxter vs Prometheus in a Hell in a Cell: who wins?
Lord Mxypltk: Is there a cure for this implanted in a pill?
rexstardust99: the fans.
Pariah186: they were all dark characters
TheElisaPrincess: I had no clue promys!you have to tell me the obvious alright
MtotheJLA: LOL
Lord Mxypltk: Is it just the name upon a bottle that determines it will?
MtotheJLA: :P
TheElisaPrincess: and then lookd back to the dark characters of the Bible?
Pariah186: And I noticed a pattern
The Time Trust: Yesterday Elisa thought Glacier16 was a girl.
Lord Mxypltk: Is the problem you're allergic to a well familiar name?
MtotheJLA: I miss r3xyza, the punk
rexstardust99: ha!
TheElisaPrincess: Trust I always thought he was a girl
TheElisaPrincess: cuz of his avatar
The Time Trust: That was funny.
TheElisaPrincess: how would I know?!?
Oz Baxter: Ozzy Baxter is invulnerable. Pro's just got a smokig habit. I give five-to-one on Oz Baxter
Lord Mxypltk: Do you have a problem with his one if the result's the same?
TheElisaPrincess: i never saw his picture
Pariah186: In any scenario they fight
TheElisaPrincess: my lack of sleep has to be it
Pariah186: In every scenario they conflict
The Time Trust: Sorry, but it was still funny.
Pariah186: They lose that conflict
rexstardust99: Joe Mama thought pixiep was a girl. That was some funny shit.
MtotheJLA: Oz Baxter wins with a rabbit punch
Lord Mxypltk: OH GIRL!
Glacier16: from my avatar?
Pariah186: no matter what the viewpoint my be
Glacier16: black dragon?
Pariah186: *may
TheElisaPrincess: yeah the weird little girly dragon one
Lord Mxypltk: Well strip the bark right off a tree
spookyadler has entered the room.
Lord Mxypltk: And just hand it this way
Glacier16: what the phunk?
MtotheJLA: I was just talking about you, r3x bitch!
rexstardust99: no
Pariah186: Batman = Loses
captainsammitch: uh oh r3x and JLA are in the chat at the same time :-[
The Time Trust: I remember when people thought Butterican was a girl.
Pariah186: Guts = Loses
Lord Mxypltk: Don't even need a drink of water to make the headache go away
spookyadler: fuck that noise
Pariah186: Narrator = Loses
spookyadler: mofo
TheElisaPrincess: Come on JLA he's nice!
The Time Trust: Back before she was a Nature Girl.
Oz Baxter: Rabbit punch all the way, JLA
Pariah186: Ryouga = Loses
TheElisaPrincess: awwwwwww sorry mxy
TheElisaPrincess: i hate headaches
MtotheJLA: It now smells like carp in the room! Thanks adler!
Lord Mxypltk: Give me sugar pill and watch the rattle down the street
TheElisaPrincess: She is a girl trust :P
TheElisaPrincess: I know thats true
The Time Trust: I mean, people thought she was a guy.
Lord Mxypltk: OH GIRL
The Time Trust: I'm slow tonight.
Pariah186: Even if they carry our their primary objectives
rexstardust99: tonight?

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
rex #520508 2005-06-06 2:49 PM
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MtotheJLA: adler is hiding from me
Pariah186: They're left with nothing
MtotheJLA: total bitch
The Time Trust: OK -- always.
TheElisaPrincess: so heros have trajedy in their life? They rise agboive it
TheElisaPrincess: thats why we like them
Pariah186: They just die a bit more on the inside
The Time Trust: Happy now, Rex?
spookyadler: the prime directive limits my involvement in this conversation
MtotheJLA: we know you're here, r3motherfucker!
Pariah186: They're not heroes
Pariah186: They're anti-heroes
spookyadler: hi, everybody
Pariah186: they have no heroic ideals
spookyadler: hello
Pariah186: they fight for themselves
MtotheJLA: fuck you, ray!
Oz Baxter: Hi Doctor Nick
Lord Mxypltk: and you
spookyadler: oh, welcome to the chat
The Time Trust: Who you?
Lord Mxypltk: you will be mean
Lord Mxypltk: and I
rexstardust99: I
Lord Mxypltk: I'll drink all the time
Pariah186: They have no ambition
Lord Mxypltk: cause we're lovers
Lord Mxypltk: and that is fact
Lord Mxypltk: yeah we're lovers
Lord Mxypltk: that is that
Lord Mxypltk: and nothing
MtotheJLA: nobody said hi to Ray, with him being a whore and all
Lord Mxypltk: will drive them away
Lord Mxypltk: we can beat them
Lord Mxypltk: just for one day
Glacier16: ha, funny vid
TheElisaPrincess: poor parys is depressed
TheElisaPrincess: I did JLA!@
Lord Mxypltk: we can be safer
Lord Mxypltk: just for one day
TheElisaPrincess: and hes not a whore!
Pariah186: They're they bad guys
Pariah186: from any angle you decide to look at them
MtotheJLA: Why do you insist on being nice to him, E?
Lord Mxypltk: and I
spookyadler: E?
Lord Mxypltk: I wish I could swim
spookyadler: ecstacy?
MtotheJLA: elisa
Lord Mxypltk: like a dolphin...
captainsammitch: TheElisaPrincess: I did JLA!@ <===== did I miss something???
spookyadler: my god!!!!!
MtotheJLA: fuck off
Pariah186: And this placement of roles
Lord Mxypltk: like dolphins can swim
rexstardust99: damnit
Pariah186: is a constant
spookyadler: JLA=Just a Lotta Ass
Lord Mxypltk: ecstassy
Pariah186: whether or not the writers intend it or not
Lord Mxypltk: I just wanna live in Ecstassy
TheElisaPrincess: Yeah sammys
TheElisaPrincess: what is it with yall reading too much into things
Pariah186: they paint bad as always losing
TheElisaPrincess: first pen now you
spookyadler: we are living in a material world
TheElisaPrincess: i did welcome spooks to the chat sams
spookyadler: and JLA is a material girl
TheElisaPrincess: you really arent readin the chat
Lord Mxypltk: And I was born under Videla
Pariah186: But not simply because bad TYPICALLY loses
Lord Mxypltk: And I was raised with no power
Lord Mxypltk: And I fought for liberty
TheElisaPrincess: Mxy cuz hes sweet and nice and funny and likes HOSUE darn it :P
spookyadler: power corrupts
TheElisaPrincess: thats why!
Lord Mxypltk: But could never have it
TheElisaPrincess: HOUSE oopsy
rexstardust99: hosue?
spookyadler: and electrical power corrupts electrically
TheElisaPrincess: or jla
Pariah186: but because bad will always lose--In reality, in fiction--Always
TheElisaPrincess: i meant jla
TheElisaPrincess: the tvs how rex
Pariah186: It's destined to lose
Lord Mxypltk: And I grew up between fascists
MtotheJLA: see what you're doing to her, r3x?
Glacier16: werd, the tvs how
TheElisaPrincess: but because we live in a fallen world it appears evil has triumphed but it has not
spookyadler: oh, right
Pariah186: No one can keep evil from losing
MtotheJLA: I don't know who you live with yourself
spookyadler: Mxys a foreigner
TheElisaPrincess: JLA he' sthe one that ims me ;-)
spookyadler: though to him we're the foreigners
Lord Mxypltk: And I grew up over there
spookyadler: what i just said was kind of deep and insightful
The Time Trust: You're all foreigners to me.
captainsammitch: whoa JLA's in here!
Pariah186: And this universal constant
Lord Mxypltk: And everything was all all right
Oz Baxter: Smoke break....brb
MtotheJLA: and to all of us, you're a bitch, r3bitch-o!
Lord Mxypltk: But at night it wasn't well
spookyadler: who's oz baxter
rexstardust99: Smoking what?
Lord Mxypltk: I spend my time,
Pariah186: eventually led to me to believe
TheElisaPrincess: yeah sams ;-)
spookyadler: i just smoke at the computer
Lord Mxypltk: wrecking hotel rooms
MtotheJLA: Oz Baxter is rob
TheElisaPrincess: i thought pj was the one with the bitch complex
TheElisaPrincess: now its JLA?!?
TheElisaPrincess: Did I miss something?
Pariah186: That there is more than just secular reality
Lord Mxypltk: demolishing hotels
Glacier16: ah snap!
TheElisaPrincess: no its not its PROMYS!!!!!!!!!!!=oz
rexstardust99: JLA has always been a bitch.
Pariah186: there is such a thing as bad and good
MtotheJLA: Yeah
TheElisaPrincess: i got snapped boyee
Pariah186: There's not only a CONCEPTUAL good and bad
rexstardust99: Pairah, lighten up.
rexstardust99: Have some fun.
Pariah186: there IS a Good and a Bad
rexstardust99: Don't let that shit get to you.
Lord Mxypltk: I know
Pariah186: I am having fun
TheElisaPrincess: he cant rex........his heart has been crushed
spookyadler: it depends on the relativism
MtotheJLA: Yeah, make fun of r3x. That's always fun
Lord Mxypltk: no one can stand me
Lord Mxypltk: I know
spookyadler: fuck you, gayla
Lord Mxypltk: nothing will prevail
TheElisaPrincess: its a process remember? Shock/grief/tears/anger, rage, bitterness
The Time Trust: He's a whiny teenager. 'Nuff said.
Lord Mxypltk: I know
MtotheJLA: r3x's elementary teachers used to make fun of him
Pariah186: I'm trying to be informative here!!
Lord Mxypltk: you're just in the table
TheElisaPrincess: you boys need to kiss and make up JLA
TheElisaPrincess: i expected more from you!
Pariah186: There is a God people
Lord Mxypltk: someone in the world thinks about me
Pariah186: accept it
Lord Mxypltk: I know
rexstardust99: Chat rooms aren't supposed to be imformative
The Time Trust: Preaching to the choir, man.
Lord Mxypltk: nothing can stop me
MtotheJLA: they drew cartoons of him in the weekly PTA newsletter
Lord Mxypltk: I know
TheElisaPrincess: lol rex :P
Lord Mxypltk: nothing can compete
Lord Mxypltk: I know
Pariah186: Feh. Whatever. I'm getting a sandwich
TheElisaPrincess: neither are the rkmbs bu they stometimes are :P
TheElisaPrincess: yeah parys
Lord Mxypltk: you're just a pineapple
TheElisaPrincess: i agree
captainsammitch: fill me in - what's up with Pariah?
Lord Mxypltk: someon in the world thinks about me!
TheElisaPrincess: youre an apple mxy :P
TheElisaPrincess: sams the army rejected him from their progrm
TheElisaPrincess: he just found out tonight
MtotheJLA: "Ziggy" is based on the live of r3x
MtotheJLA: life
TheElisaPrincess: ziggy would be a cool alt
TheElisaPrincess: i loved that cartoon
rexstardust99: no
Lord Mxypltk: It is a lie!
captainsammitch: that's gotta hurt
The Time Trust: Heh
Lord Mxypltk: It is a lie!
MtotheJLA: what's an alt?
Lord Mxypltk: play it on the radioooo
Lord Mxypltk: hallo!
Lord Mxypltk: can't call it hallo.
Lord Mxypltk: hallo!
captainsammitch: Mrs.
captainsammitch: will ya
Lord Mxypltk: can't call it hallo.
captainsammitch: make me tea
captainsammitch: make love to me
Lord Mxypltk: it is forbidden.
captainsammitch: put on the telly....
Lord Mxypltk: it is forbidden.
captainsammitch: TO THE BBC!
Lord Mxypltk: play it on the raaadio
Lord Mxypltk: HALLO!
TheElisaPrincess: bbc?
TheElisaPrincess: did i mis ssomething?
Lord Mxypltk: can't call it hallo.
captainsammitch: TO THE BBC! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
Lord Mxypltk: HALLO!
MtotheJLA: Cowgirl Jack...?
TheElisaPrincess: one of you boys' shows coming on?
captainsammitch: BBC 1
captainsammitch: BBC 2
captainsammitch: BBC 3
TheElisaPrincess: JLA yo utoo?
TheElisaPrincess: so ad
captainsammitch: BBC 4
Lord Mxypltk: can't call it hallo.
captainsammitch: BBC 5
The Time Trust: It's a song from Austin Powers.
captainsammitch: BBC 6
captainsammitch: BBC 7
TheElisaPrincess: one sec brb
The Time Trust: BBC HEAVEN
TheElisaPrincess has left the room.
MtotheJLA: Allo! Allo!
Lord Mxypltk: there's something strange
Lord Mxypltk: in the neighboarhood
Lord Mxypltk: who ya gonna call?
Lord Mxypltk: CHAT KILLER!
captainsammitch: did I wreck it? :-\
rexstardust99: yes
captainsammitch: WOOHOO!!!
The Time Trust: I need sanctuary!
The Time Trust: SANCTUARY!
rexstardust99: I'm listering to pinkerton right now. Greatest weezer CD ever.
The Time Trust: I never should've taught him that word.
Lord Mxypltk: I just need a place to hide
Lord Mxypltk: A place for me to hide
Lord Mxypltk: Can you give me soft asylum?
Oz Baxter: There is no sanctuary
Lord Mxypltk: I can't take it anymore
Lord Mxypltk: the monk
Lord Mxypltk: is
Lord Mxypltk: at
Oz Baxter: Logan
Lord Mxypltk: the
Lord Mxypltk: door
spookyadler: detective bunny
spookyadler: hey, db
TheElisaPrincess has entered the room.
Lord Mxypltk: When all else fails,
TheElisaPrincess: thanks jla!
The Time Trust: Dectective Bunny to you, sir.
spookyadler: don't you hate gayla
TheElisaPrincess: my screens not freezing yeah
Lord Mxypltk: we can whip the horse's eyes
MtotheJLA: fuck off, r3x
The Time Trust: Whoever you are.
TheElisaPrincess: wheres sneaks spekaing of which?
Lord Mxypltk: and watch them die
TheElisaPrincess: ewwwww that was so bdsm mxy
Lord Mxypltk: and cry.
captainsammitch: :-):-(;-):-P=-O:-*>:o8-):-$:-!:-[O:-):-\:'(:-X:-D8-)>:o:-*=-O:-P;-):-(:-):-D:-X:'(:-\O:-):-[:-!:-$:-):-(;-):-P=-O:-*>:o8-):-D:-X:'(:-\O:-):-[:-!:-$:-$:-!:-[O:-):-\:'(:-X:-D8-)>:o

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
rex #520509 2005-06-06 2:49 PM
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TheElisaPrincess: you are twisted
Lord Mxypltk has left the room.
Glacier16: art!
captainsammitch: I an do it on here too!
captainsammitch: 8-)
Oz Baxter: Goodbye Mxy
spookyadler: lols ;P
rexstardust99: By mxy!
TheElisaPrincess: he left?
captainsammitch: he finished recitind
TheElisaPrincess: wow
captainsammitch: reciting*
captainsammitch: and passed out
Oz Baxter: I'm leaving now. Farewell my children
captainsammitch: poice
Pariah186: I got me a sammitch
TheElisaPrincess: you boys bail at one?
rexstardust99: later oz
MtotheJLA: Bye Oz
Oz Baxter: Hello rex
TheElisaPrincess: if yall are bed sounds awful nice
The Time Trust: Drink one for me.
TheElisaPrincess: night promys!
Oz Baxter: Hello UJ
Pariah186: Turkey and Provolone
rexstardust99: hello oz
Oz Baxter: Hello Glacier
TheElisaPrincess: good luck with the proposal btw
Glacier16: sounds nice indeed
Oz Baxter: Hello Sneaky
The Time Trust: Hello, Superman. Hello.
The Time Trust: *
Oz Baxter: Hello TTT
TheElisaPrincess: sweet dreams!
rexstardust99: I think sneaky left us.
Glacier16: Hellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooooo Prometheus
Oz Baxter: Hello Preacher
TheElisaPrincess: don't let the bed bugs bite!
Oz Baxter: Hello CJ
Oz Baxter: Hello Phil
The Time Trust: Jesse Custer?
Oz Baxter: Hello JLA
Oz Baxter: Hello Rx3
Oz Baxter: Hello Elisa
Glacier16: its bizzaro
The Time Trust: Pariah is Jesse Custer?
Oz Baxter: Goodbye
The Time Trust: Fo' real?
TheElisaPrincess: night!
TheElisaPrincess: trust you are tird ;-)
rexstardust99: fo'shiuzzle?
rexstardust99: I'm sorry for saying that.
Oz Baxter has left the room.
The Time Trust: You should be
TheElisaPrincess: must sleep in a lil bit
Glacier16: apology accepted
TheElisaPrincess: SO glacy, when do i get to see your picture?
rexstardust99: Time for beer number three.
Glacier16: hmm, lemme go find it
TheElisaPrincess: that was quick rexy
MtotheJLA: Is E's wedding video anything like the Tonya Harding wedding video?
The Time Trust: Hey were you wasted enough for that job interview?
The Time Trust: Rex?
TheElisaPrincess: it was the day after so maybe not
The Time Trust: It's a sure-fire strategy.
TheElisaPrincess: only funnier jla ;-)
Glacier16: that vid is funny
Pariah186: Well. I finished up all my beer
Pariah186: .....Now what
TheElisaPrincess: go to bed parys and forget everything,
Pariah186: I sure as hell don't feel drunk
rexstardust99: I was fine at the interview, it wasn't until 2pm.
TheElisaPrincess: remember when things were happy
TheElisaPrincess: and all was great with teh world
The Time Trust: If you act like you don't really need the job, they'll think, "Hey, this guy doesn't need us, but maybe we need him!"
The Time Trust: It's like the rules of attraction.
rexstardust99: I think I got it, I'll know by wednesday (not the poster, the day).
TheElisaPrincess: dont tell me this works with datin gtoo trusty
MtotheJLA: I think Cowgirl fell asleep
Pariah186: On my lap
MtotheJLA: either that or she hates my guts
rexstardust99: She's still on.
Glacier16: lol
The Time Trust: No. just with the first stages of attraction.
Glacier16: nice Pariah
rexstardust99: She's talking to her real life friends.
Pariah186: Yes, well
TheElisaPrincess: shes on the phone jla
MtotheJLA: ah
Pariah186: So Back to Batman
Pariah186: It would be cool
The Time Trust: Real life friends are cool.
MtotheJLA: she's probably telling her friends what an asshole I am
Pariah186: if they devoted and entire maxisereis
rexstardust99: yes
MtotheJLA: Yeah
rexstardust99: JLA
Pariah186: to him drilling the fine bitches of DC
Glacier16: Whoa!
Pariah186: Seriously, his technique has gotta be flawles
rexstardust99: CJ thinks she's too good for us.
The Time Trust: You know who would've liked this chat?
MtotheJLA: PJP
The Time Trust: Cowgirl Jack.
rexstardust99: We should invite her.
Glacier16: heh, yeah
TheElisaPrincess: uawms
MtotheJLA: dude gets it
TheElisaPrincess: cant spell
rexstardust99: yes
TheElisaPrincess: is getting slllllllleeeeeeeeeeepppppppy
TheElisaPrincess: i thought she was here rex?
MtotheJLA: she is
Pariah186: He could prolly use the "hurting inside" routine with most of the superpowered hereos
rexstardust99: She is, she just isn't posting.
MtotheJLA: she's talking trash about me to her friends
Pariah186: *heroines
rexstardust99: SNEAKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TheElisaPrincess: JLA what is it with you and trash talking :P
TheElisaPrincess: wb sneaks
The Time Trust: SNEAKS!
TheElisaPrincess: how goest everything work related:
Pariah186: But he could impress the Amazons with his ighting prowess
rexstardust99: We need PJP and Harley here
MtotheJLA: I got it from ray, your big bad hero
TheElisaPrincess: see now you could start your own boards :P
Pariah186: and get them in an orgy
Glacier16: wtf
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: weeet orgy!
Pariah186: Zatanna
The Time Trust: She's into it.
Pariah186: .....That's obvious.
TheElisaPrincess: I loved her comic character pars
rexstardust99: God damn you half japanese girls, do it to me every time.
Pariah186: For Talia.....Well let's make this intersting
TheElisaPrincess: hey at least indian guys dont pm you ever five seconds going so....hows life
Glacier16: Bane hit that!
TheElisaPrincess: Talias awesome
TheElisaPrincess: did bane really sleep with her?
TheElisaPrincess: i thought it was just a bat elseworlds thing
Pariah186: Lets go by Rucka's bullshit current continuity
MtotheJLA: no, he just fucked her
Pariah186: yes he did
TheElisaPrincess: Wow...........before or after the bat?
Pariah186: and assume that Talia hates bAts right now
rexstardust99: I'm waiting, I think I'd be good for you, and you'd be good for me
TheElisaPrincess: and her were married?
Pariah186: That story was retconned
TheElisaPrincess: so i heard
rexstardust99: I think its crazy drunk reax time.
TheElisaPrincess: but the one with bane and talia wasnt? wow............
TheElisaPrincess: i would agree rex ;p
captainsammitch: I wanna hear what CDR has to say about my art
MtotheJLA: I don't think Talia took it in the mouth, but Bane did fuck her something proper
Pariah186: I'm thinkin' he would win her back by slamming her sister
Pariah186: and getting her all jealous and shit
Glacier16: aweshome
rexstardust99: 12 days until Batman begins.
captainsammitch: :-):-(;-):-P=-O:-*>:o8-):-$:-!:-[O:-):-\:'(:-X:-D8-)>:o:-*=-O:-P;-):-(:-):-D:-X:'(:-\O:-):-[:-!:-$:-):-(;-):-P=-O:-*>:o8-):-D:-X:'(:-\O:-):-[:-!:-$:-$:-!:-[O:-):-\:'(:-X:-D8-)>:o
Pariah186: indeed he did
rexstardust99: Stop spamming sammitch
captainsammitch: O:-)
captainsammitch: I'm not spamming
captainsammitch: I'm painting
captainsammitch: this chat is my canvas
rexstardust99: I'm drinking.
rexstardust99: A lot.
captainsammitch: unimaginative bastard
The Time Trust: This is Sammitch's room. The rest of us just chat in it.
rexstardust99: HOORAY for drunk people.
captainsammitch: w3rD
MtotheJLA: w00t
rexstardust99: Its my room, I started it.
MtotheJLA: LOL
captainsammitch: not anymore
MtotheJLA: ;P
captainsammitch: I took over
captainsammitch: I'm a squatter on your chat
captainsammitch: you DID invite me
rexstardust99: I challenge you to a duel.
captainsammitch: ok ok ok I quit!
Glacier16: ahhh, there I am-
captainsammitch: I'm in no position to wage a contest of flatulence!
rexstardust99: I had Taco Bell today, I would win easily.
The Time Trust: There's no pictures on that link.
MtotheJLA: yeah
Glacier16: really?
MtotheJLA: no images, either
Glacier16: oh well
rexstardust99: heh
TheElisaPrincess: slamming her siste rpary?
TheElisaPrincess: oh yeah thats how to win a girls heart back ;P
TheElisaPrincess: sleep with her sister :P
MtotheJLA: LOL
MtotheJLA: ;P
Pariah186: To get her jealous
The Time Trust: Sure-fire cure for the blues, at any rate.
Pariah186: Dudn't matter anyway
Pariah186: I don't consider that apart of continuity
Pariah186: matter of fact
Pariah186: I've pretty given up on current mainstream comic stories
rexstardust99: So this job I might get, I hear I'll be working alone with a hot chick.
TheElisaPrincess: which page glacers?
Pariah186: their all bullshit
MtotheJLA: That Batman Begins game looks like it kicks FUCKING ASS!
Pariah186: I don't care anymore
MtotheJLA: So you know it will suck
TheElisaPrincess: personally parys id be pissed off and try to kill the guy if he did tha tto me
MtotheJLA: maybe
Glacier16: dunno, mine is set for 99 posts a page so I don't have many pages
TheElisaPrincess: mk
Pariah186: Yeah, well that's you
The Time Trust: WTF? I clicked on page 7 on that RKMBs thread, and I got a password-protected pop-up that says: Connect to
rexstardust99: I invited balloonknot.
Glacier16: me too!
Balloonknot666 has left the room.
Glacier16: I was like what the fuck?
Pariah186: That game looks the suckage
The Time Trust: Huh.
captainsammitch: he wasn't game
MtotheJLA: Why do you say, that parys?
TheElisaPrincess: thats any girl pary
Pariah186: Only Rockstar can get away with those kinda graphics.
MtotheJLA: New video looks sweet ass sweet
Glacier16: If you go by dates E, it is around August 20, 2004
Pariah186: If you really want to make a successful videgame movie
MtotheJLA: yeah
Pariah186: movie videogame...wahtever
MtotheJLA: yeah
Pariah186: they have to be.....Perfect
Pariah186: I mean like Chronicle of Riddick perfect
MtotheJLA: Perfection does not exist
rexstardust99: Holy cow I think I got one here, now just what the hell am I supposed to do, I got a number of irrational fears, that I'd like to share with you.
TheElisaPrincess: yeah math groups called irrational radicals ;p
Pariah186: In the case of graphical excellence
MtotheJLA: Chronicle of Riddick is a perfect game?
rexstardust99: I'm shaking at your touch, I like you way too much,
Pariah186: they just need to strive for something better than a-cemetrical curves
Pariah186: which is exactly what this new game is
Pariah186: No
Pariah186: its not perfect
Pariah186: like you
Pariah186: said no such thing
Pariah186: but its the best adaptation around
Pariah186: bar none
MtotheJLA: Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Choas Theory was the closest to graphical perfection that I ever saw
Glacier16: really?
MtotheJLA: yeah
Pariah186: And I don't feel that's comparitively similar to the Batman Begins game either
Pariah186: Splinter Cell I mean
spookyadler has left the room.
TheElisaPrincess: yawns yet again
rexstardust99: Bye dumdass.
rexstardust99: heh
TheElisaPrincess: *sings* i need a sign to let me know you're here
rexstardust99: Hi elisa!
TheElisaPrincess: hiya rex
MtotheJLA: so you think Riddick has better graphics than Splinter Cell?
TheElisaPrincess: you buzzin yet :P
Pariah186: Jaburg's still on!?
rexstardust99: I'm drunk.
TheElisaPrincess: probably asleep pars
Pariah186: Personally yes I do
MtotheJLA: Jaburg's Cat is watching over things
Pariah186: but I was comparing those two
Pariah186: heh
MtotheJLA: I'll have to check that game out then
Glacier16: *sings* bawitdaba da bang a dang diggy
MtotheJLA: Never even looked at it
Pariah186: I was just comparing Splinter Cell to Batman and Riddick to Batman individually
Pariah186: you won't regret it
Pariah186: however
Pariah186: considering your computer
MtotheJLA: ahhhh
MtotheJLA: no need to finish the sentence
Pariah186: I suggest that you get it on X-BOX--If you have one of course
MtotheJLA: my POS computer would probably spit the game back out
Glacier16: heh
Pariah186: or if you don't.....Well your shit outta luck son
Pariah186: yeah, pretty much
TheElisaPrincess: scrolling down takes forever
rexstardust99: When I get a job, the first thing I'm going to do is get a new computer. I want to be able to play the new civilization gaem.
rexstardust99: game
Glacier16: city of villains
MtotheJLA: Riddick is for X Box?
Pariah186: I thought that original game economy game you posted looked better
Pariah186: and PC
Pariah186: yes
MtotheJLA: Cool
rexstardust99: capitalism?
Pariah186: Er, *economy game*
MtotheJLA: To be honest, I never even saw or heard of Riddick for X Box
Pariah186: well, it had some insane overhead graphic
The Time Trust: BRUCE CAMPBELL!!!
Glacier16: heh
Pariah186: Your ignorant then
The Time Trust: Holy shit!
Glacier16: hail to the king, baby!
The Time Trust: The resemblance is uncanny.
Pariah186: I'll try to find the thread
MtotheJLA: I am ignorant, but that's not the point
MtotheJLA: LOL
MtotheJLA: ;P

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
rex #520510 2005-06-06 2:50 PM
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TheElisaPrincess: glacier i still cant fidn it :P
rexstardust99: GRIMM!
MtotheJLA: I wrote the review for the Capitalism game
TheElisaPrincess: my dogs are getting restless gonn ahve to go to bed soon
Glacier16: its after all those pics of disco steve and doctor
TheElisaPrincess: grimms??????????? he aint here
rexstardust99: I just invited him.
The Time Trust:
MtotheJLA: Cowgirl is here, though!
rexstardust99: I think she left.
Glacier16: ooo, direct
Glacier16: theres more than that one
MtotheJLA: who is that an image of?
The Time Trust:
The Time Trust:
TheElisaPrincess: YEAH I FOUND ITokay glacier you're hot
The Time Trust:
TheElisaPrincess: im tired :P
rexstardust99: Go to bed.
TheElisaPrincess: by scrolling down trust
TheElisaPrincess: im good :P
MtotheJLA: those last two images need to be darker
TheElisaPrincess: you remind me of my freshman algebra teacher n high school
MtotheJLA: who?
The Time Trust: Mr. Stromboulopoulos?
Pariah186: It was Ages of Empires
Balloonknot666 has entered the room.
rexstardust99: heeh
Balloonknot666: Hi Guys
MtotheJLA: those graphics are sick
rexstardust99: balloonie!
Pariah186: Yes. Yes they are.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: ballooooooon!!
MtotheJLA: It's Balloonknot: In Satan form!
TheElisaPrincess: i had a crush on him jla.......that takes me back to the day ;P
Balloonknot666: How the Fuck did Oakley win Immunity
Glacier16: no clue
MtotheJLA: who are you talking about, E?
rexstardust99: dumbass posteres
TheElisaPrincess: bk you're a lil late weve been talkin bout this for a while :P
Pariah186: You had a crush on satan
Pariah186: ?
Glacier16: heh
TheElisaPrincess: Rex thinks the posters were voting him off and not immunity
Balloonknot666: yeah well I was out
TheElisaPrincess: no a crush on my algebra teacher
MtotheJLA: I really wanted to be voted off the island
TheElisaPrincess: that looks like glacier
Pariah186: oh
Balloonknot666: Thats what I think too
TheElisaPrincess: freaky resemblance :P
MtotheJLA: I want a fucking shark to kill me.
rexstardust99: It is galcier.
TheElisaPrincess: Btw glac i used to live in alaska.......
TheElisaPrincess: brb
The Time Trust: Mr. Stromboulopoulos
MtotheJLA: First episode: shark attack!
rexstardust99: yes
The Time Trust: He's quite hot.
rexstardust99: I'm so fucking drunk. I got two more bers though.
MtotheJLA: Did anyone see the previews of the Gilligan's Island show?
Glacier16: yup
TheElisaPrincess: stromys?
rexstardust99: No, that looks horrible.
TheElisaPrincess: i knew a stromys
TheElisaPrincess: no stormys
TheElisaPrincess: that was it
MtotheJLA: I wanna be stuck on the island with the Mary Ann slut
Glacier16: chicks rex, chicks
TheElisaPrincess: programming thing
TheElisaPrincess: rex dont drink them all
Glacier16: care less about the show
rexstardust99: I want to.
MtotheJLA: But instead I'm stuck on RKMB island with you guys
MtotheJLA: Fuck
rexstardust99: I like drinking.
Balloonknot666: what did you guys Mute jaburg
rexstardust99: Its one of the few night I can
Glacier16: jaburg leaves the chat on all night
Balloonknot666: Ahhhh
Pariah186: oh
rexstardust99: Jaburg pussed out and went to bed.
TheElisaPrincess: lol@glac
Balloonknot666: Yeah he does that a lot
The Time Trust: He's busy praising Allah.
TheElisaPrincess: chicks and your in an rkmb chatroom where the closest one is a few thousand miles away
rexstardust99: We're trying to leave this chat on all weekend.
TheElisaPrincess: LOL Time
TheElisaPrincess: thats FUNNY!
MtotheJLA: ;P
Pariah186: Speaking of Whomod
Glacier16: actually you are only 4 hour drive away
TheElisaPrincess: id have jla rack you
Pariah186: Is he gay?
Glacier16: dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
Pariah186: seriously
TheElisaPrincess: speaking of which jla.........sneaks deserves serious racking points
TheElisaPrincess: no freakin way glac?
MtotheJLA: whomod is married
TheElisaPrincess: where bouts do you live?
Glacier16: yup, dallas aint far
TheElisaPrincess: i knew that jla
rexstardust99: Shit, I just realized I'm babysitting saturday and sunday night, so I won't be able to keep this open those night.
The Time Trust: Hold the phone!
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i'm getting a rack?
Pariah186: Doesn't seem like ity
rexstardust99: nights
TheElisaPrincess: you cant say its not far and tell me whta major state/city you are close to
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: will they feel real?
Glacier16: okc
MtotheJLA: sneaky bunny hates my FUCKING guts
The Time Trust: Is someone keeping track of the rack points?
TheElisaPrincess: she even made an rkmb video
TheElisaPrincess: i mean come on jla
TheElisaPrincess: dish it out man
MtotheJLA: right sneaks?
The Time Trust: Dammit, are they being tracked?
Pariah186: Damn Rex
Pariah186: you fucking deciever
TheElisaPrincess: My cousin and his family live there
rexstardust99: I forgot.
Pariah186: you said you could keep it open you fcking asshole
TheElisaPrincess: is it true it rains sideways?
Pariah186: you prick
Pariah186: you shit
TheElisaPrincess: my uncle and aunt used to live in um....whats it called? tulsa
MtotheJLA: i'm keeping track of the rack points
Pariah186: you fucking assholic motherfucking prick
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: no i lub jla
TheElisaPrincess: dude i am tired :P
MtotheJLA: next week
rexstardust99: I need to log out on my computer so I can chat on my sisters.
Pariah186: I'll hunt you down and I'll kill you for lying
TheElisaPrincess: and now parys in the anger stage
TheElisaPrincess: that wasx quick transition
Balloonknot666: I have a grand totla of 0 Rack points
rexstardust99: totla?
MtotheJLA: bunny wants to reach inside my chest, pull my heart out, and shove it down my throat
Balloonknot666: Total
Pariah186: Her syphilis infested hand would your heart syphilis
MtotheJLA: then pull my heart out again, and repeat the process
Glacier16: dunno bout the sideways bit, but it rains like it does everywhere else. Tis the tornados we gots to watch out for
Balloonknot666: I got fucking called for Jury duty this week
rexstardust99: heh
Glacier16: I did that last year
Glacier16: lasted a week
The Time Trust: I've been called for Jury duty twice.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: heh no i didn't but thats not a bad idea
MtotheJLA: Then, bunny wants to rip my intestines out of my stomach, and strangle me with them
The Time Trust: Got out of them both.
MtotheJLA: But other than that, she has no problem with me
Pariah186: And that case, she'll give you crabs
The Time Trust: First time they didn't want me, second time I was in the middle of finals.
Pariah186: I've never been called for jury duty
rexstardust99: heh
Pariah186: but if I do
Pariah186: I'll burn down the courthouse
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: hey you gave it to me first
Balloonknot666: This is the second time I have been called, i got out of the first one. This one I am going to act like a Big Fucking racist. I think I can pull it off
TheElisaPrincess: glac you've lived this close the whole time and never said anything?
The Time Trust: We believe you.
TheElisaPrincess: we gotta meet up
TheElisaPrincess: *yawns* i could even drive halfway
MtotheJLA: just show the judge your RKMB posts. You'll be dismissed in no time
TheElisaPrincess: um......yeah JLA so dish out the huge sneaky points
Pariah186: Not before you gave me the screaming shites!
TheElisaPrincess: at least 1000 i mean come
Pariah186: er.......Um......retract?
MtotheJLA: I didn't see the video. Link didn't work
The Time Trust: ...
Pariah186: :-[
Glacier16: I served it, now they won't call me for another 3-5 years
MtotheJLA: you got served?
Glacier16: lol
Pariah186: Metallica - No Leaf Clover
MtotheJLA: Own3d!
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: not my fault you got tircomoniosis
The Time Trust: You don't got game. You got served.
MtotheJLA: I got tircomoniosis in the gaspecktagozoink
Pariah186: Right back at ya you herpes infested Michigan menace
TheElisaPrincess: course it works
Balloonknot666: I just went and watched star wars for the first time in the theater
TheElisaPrincess: served what glac? you in the military?
The Time Trust: I'm scared to click that link.
TheElisaPrincess: bk you're like four weeks late :P
Glacier16: nah, jury duty
Glacier16: last year
The Time Trust: I don't trust PE.
Balloonknot666: No I am not, I watched it the day after it came out in my living room
rexstardust99: What did you think of it BK?
The Time Trust: Think she's trying to trick us.
TheElisaPrincess: Trust come on?
TheElisaPrincess: my parents were could it be that bad?
rexstardust99: WHOA!
The Time Trust: You could be BK in disguise.
Balloonknot666: I thought it was alright except for hayden christenson and the Horrible Dialog
TheElisaPrincess: gotcha Glac......I cant believe you live in OK i mean seriously
TheElisaPrincess: HEY! NOTHING WRONG WITH HC, the acting was great
TheElisaPrincess: and the dialogue wasnt horrible
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: least my shit doesn't slide right out of my ass from all the anal eze
rexstardust99: The actng ruined it for me, I'm gonna se it again though.
TheElisaPrincess: what is it with you boys/ I thought it was pretty amazing
rexstardust99: In a better theater.
TheElisaPrincess: the nagain i had waited in line ten hours, hungry, and tired at the time :P
Balloonknot666: Well Yove got the IQ of a carrot so there is no surprise there
The Time Trust: I hate seeing movies at theatres. They're usually better on DVD.
The Time Trust: I'll probably enjoy it more when the DVD's released.
Balloonknot666: I agree. I have Revenge of the Sith on DVD already
Pariah186: What the hell is HC?
rexstardust99: Its good if you go at the right times. I usually go on a sunday night.
Glacier16: Sure, whenever I'm headed that way again
TheElisaPrincess: parys is drunk :P
Glacier16: heh
TheElisaPrincess: hayden christensen
Glacier16: I might be the scary one
TheElisaPrincess: iq of a carrot? Oh no he di'nt
MtotheJLA: that movie goes by too fast, and some of the text is tough to read
MtotheJLA: 2,000 points though
TheElisaPrincess: whatever glac.............i met a guy in a trenchcoat once, he was the scary one :P
MtotheJLA: someone remind me
TheElisaPrincess: but i only knew him a month online so ya know
The Time Trust: We should all pool our money together and hire Pariah a prostitute.
Pariah186: Only cuz' YOU applied it in my sleep bitch!
The Time Trust: One question, though:
Balloonknot666: I have a trench coat
rexstardust99: yes
The Time Trust: Male or female?
Glacier16: heh
MtotheJLA: whoa!
rexstardust99: ha!
Glacier16: both
rexstardust99: tranny's rule
TheElisaPrincess: yeah but he was six two, red hair, pale skin, was all up in my face, brought his freaky looking friend with him
TheElisaPrincess: just get this eerie feeling when iw as around him
TheElisaPrincess: male
Pariah186: The animated one's do indeed rule
MtotheJLA: So this tuesday, I'll probably a do a "Top 5" review, for the last two weeks
Pariah186: you'de be surprised to know though
TheElisaPrincess: rex and pary and their trannys
Pariah186: that I feel like hurling when I see a real one
MtotheJLA: I didn't do one this week
Pariah186: seriously, that shit is sick
Balloonknot666: Well am am 5'11" Red Hair and Jaburg can be kinda freaky lookin
TheElisaPrincess: so is researching it and posting the pictures on THE RKMBS darn it
TheElisaPrincess: yall arent freaky lookin bk
TheElisaPrincess: besdies ive known you guys for years
MtotheJLA: awwww....
Pariah186: They're just pictures!
TheElisaPrincess: that id ont wanna see!
Pariah186: Drawings
TheElisaPrincess: you're almost as bad as BK sometimes ;P
MtotheJLA: I think E is flirting with Ballonknow
Balloonknot666: impossible, i havn't been posting on the RKMBS for years
TheElisaPrincess: no bk has a gf and i have better taste
Glacier16: ooooooooooooo
MtotheJLA: WHOA!
TheElisaPrincess: nobody racked sda
TheElisaPrincess: sad oopsy
Balloonknot666: yeah Elisa like them young, Like Her students
TheElisaPrincess: lol
TheElisaPrincess: nice response
Pariah186: heh
MtotheJLA: You know BalloonKnot is not going to take that lying down, E
TheElisaPrincess: took you about a minute though
Glacier16: dayum!
TheElisaPrincess: speaking of which........gotta learn spanish this summer
MtotheJLA: GEEZ!
TheElisaPrincess: JLA i thought you wanted me to lay down for bad
The Time Trust: LOUISE!
rexstardust99: Imigration!
Pariah186: Bunny hasn't replied
TheElisaPrincess: got the boys confused again
Pariah186: ......I WON!!
MtotheJLA: I'm still waiting on CJ
TheElisaPrincess: you won what?
TheElisaPrincess: she should so be racked
TheElisaPrincess: seriously jla.......all the promoing ive done for your modship
rexstardust99: I think CJ passed out.
rexstardust99: Or something
Pariah186: Bunny's admitted that she has more sexual diseases than me!
TheElisaPrincess: yeah rex or on the phone
TheElisaPrincess: wheres the sad smiley face ;P
MtotheJLA: no, she's just talking trash about me. :sad
rexstardust99: :-(
MtotheJLA: LOL
MtotheJLA: ;P
TheElisaPrincess: JLA cuz you wont freakin rack her
MtotheJLA: who?
MtotheJLA: CJ?
TheElisaPrincess: who in the history of the rkmbs has ever put a video together integrating all the pictures,
TheElisaPrincess: hilarity, sarcastic wit, and intelligence?
MtotheJLA: I just met 'er
TheElisaPrincess: of the rkmbs oopsy ;p
Glacier16: alright, im out. Best Chat Ever.
TheElisaPrincess: i mean sneakys
rexstardust99: heh
MtotheJLA: RACK Glacier
TheElisaPrincess: if glac is leavin im out.........i need to sleep
rexstardust99: by blacier
Pariah186: It's not gonna last more than a few more hours
TheElisaPrincess: cuz he said best chat ever?
TheElisaPrincess: wtf?
rexstardust99: glacier
TheElisaPrincess: so sad...........
The Time Trust: In my imagination CJ is too busy with her friend who's sitting on her bed to post anything.
Pariah186: Heh
Glacier16: yes TTT!
TheElisaPrincess: sweet dreams glac
Pariah186: hehehe
MtotheJLA: who, Dokota?
Pariah186: heheheheheheheheheh
Glacier16: I will now
TheElisaPrincess: dont you wish trust
Glacier16: hehhehe
TheElisaPrincess: what is ti with guys and lesbians anwyays?
Pariah186: Lesbians!!
Glacier16 has left the room.
The Time Trust: Lesbians?
MtotheJLA: I thought Dakota was a male
Pariah186: I thought she was having sex with her rabbit!!
The Time Trust: I never said anything about that.
TheElisaPrincess: you said girls together on a bed
TheElisaPrincess: and talked about your imagination
TheElisaPrincess: what else could it mean?
The Time Trust: Yeah.
The Time Trust: Busy...
MtotheJLA: Dakota
The Time Trust: ...but with what?
The Time Trust: Probably homework or something.
Balloonknot666: Yeah I have been trying to bark up that tree for awhile with my GF
MtotheJLA: Dakota's getting his reakon
MtotheJLA: freak on
The Time Trust: I have a very lame imagination.
The Time Trust: :-(
TheElisaPrincess: yeah trust whatever :P
TheElisaPrincess: in the rkmb perspective its usually perverted!
TheElisaPrincess: THus my comment
MtotheJLA: happy?
MtotheJLA: LOL
TheElisaPrincess: JLA you have to rack sneaks :P
MtotheJLA: ;P
rexstardust99: I like boobies.
The Time Trust: Points?
Pariah186: Getting your pet in on the action is a pretty tough tree to climb
TheElisaPrincess: you cant rack me :P
MtotheJLA: I just met ;er
MtotheJLA: 'er
MtotheJLA: fuck
Balloonknot666: No, But can we shoot E
Pariah186: heh
MtotheJLA: WHOA!
TheElisaPrincess: what abou the vid? What do I gotta do? Beg?
TheElisaPrincess: I vote for that BK
TheElisaPrincess: before the fall semester starts ;-)
MtotheJLA: I gave bunny 2,500 points
rexstardust99: Fuck, its getting hard to follow, too drunk.
The Time Trust: ROLL CALL!
TheElisaPrincess: yeah!!!!!!
Pariah186: Pariah
rexstardust99: rex
The Time Trust: Wonder Canary Black Woman
rexstardust99: mxy
MtotheJLA: And bunny gave me a cyber kick to the balls, so we're even
TheElisaPrincess: not on the thread yet
Pariah186: RKMBs!! ACTIVATE!!
TheElisaPrincess: i liked canarys appearance on what was it called
Pariah186: Double Date
Pariah186: Cat and the Canary
TheElisaPrincess: LOL
TheElisaPrincess: now the show they had with oracle a few years back
Pariah186: C&C sucked
TheElisaPrincess: that was suposed to be the new smallville only bat related
Pariah186: Double Date was god
Pariah186: but as I said
rexstardust99: heh
Pariah186: I hate that Question and Huntress BS
TheElisaPrincess: birds of prey
TheElisaPrincess: i KNEW i knew it
TheElisaPrincess: you alright pars?
Pariah186: Why do you ask?
The Time Trust: hurm.
TheElisaPrincess: just makin sure you havent startted the crying stage yet
The Time Trust: That's the title of a monthly comic-book too. You know that, right?
TheElisaPrincess: mabbe boys dont cry like girls do when something bad happens
MtotheJLA: Well, I'm going to jack off to some Chasey Lain porn and call it an evening. Goodnight, young peoples!
rexstardust99: One time I shaved my head, and tried to be a monk
TheElisaPrincess: NOOOO Trust im totally that clueless :P
Pariah186: Boys don't cry at all
TheElisaPrincess: night jlas
Pariah186: They inherently bottle it up
TheElisaPrincess: thus the tv show
rexstardust99: night JLA
Balloonknot666: I would so love to nail this chick
MtotheJLA has left the room.
Pariah186: in that rite
Pariah186: Men have more problems than women
The Time Trust: Why cry when you can make fun of people who do?
Pariah186: A middle-aged American working man
TheElisaPrincess: poor bk
TheElisaPrincess: trust because of the shock and hurt of it all not working out
Pariah186: could be more fucked up than 10 menstrating womens.
Balloonknot666: why poor BK
TheElisaPrincess: dreams being beaten down with a stick
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: oh whatever
TheElisaPrincess: i dont know bk im tird
TheElisaPrincess: sneaks he said he would rack you
Pariah186: AHA!
TheElisaPrincess: who the heck cares, I super, duper racked you!
Pariah186: So you did linger
Balloonknot666: what I really want is her and mf GF at the same time
TheElisaPrincess: there you go again..........
TheElisaPrincess: not really parys i think she was workingQ@
Pariah186: She was prolly festering her STDs
rexstardust99: And I don't wanna be an old man anymore, its been a year or two sine I was out on the floor, shaking bootie making sweet love all the night.
The Time Trust: WHOA!
The Time Trust: Rex!
Pariah186: in a bucnh of anal gang bangs
rexstardust99: I'm so drunk I'm posting weezer lyrics.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: uh no i was on the phone with family overseas
The Time Trust: WHOA!
The Time Trust: Sneakys!
Pariah186: Wow. Nice Pic. I didn't know you were Darth
Pariah186: BULLSHIT!!
TheElisaPrincess: weezer?
TheElisaPrincess: thats pretty drunk ;P
Pariah186: You were having an anal gangbang!
Pariah186: Admit it
TheElisaPrincess: yeah like the darth bk
Pariah186: Everyone in the room had syphilis
Pariah186: and the ones who didn't
TheElisaPrincess: i didnt know you had family overseas
Pariah186: got it fromyiou
TheElisaPrincess: where bouts?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: they make me so hot
TheElisaPrincess: lol
Pariah186: AHA! Admission!
TheElisaPrincess: aha! parys desperate :P
Balloonknot666: look it's my Gf's back
captainsammitch: what's goin on guys?
TheElisaPrincess: nothin samms everybody elft
TheElisaPrincess: bk when you gonna pop the question?
rexstardust99: I wanna go back, I wanna go back, and I don't even know how I got off the track.
captainsammitch: there's a lotta people still in here
Pariah186: uh huh
Balloonknot666: I'm not
captainsammitch: they must just be holding out to be the last one standing
Pariah186: but Jaburg went to bed
rexstardust99: yes
Pariah186: he just left his chat on
Pariah186: like a bit5ch
captainsammitch: he wants the record
The Time Trust: I'll be here all night.
TheElisaPrincess: wow bk has a cute g/ shocked
Pariah186: apparently his cat is watching over things
captainsammitch: heh that could've been worded better E
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i always thought she'd be large marge
The Time Trust: Not chatting all the time, though. Other things to do.
TheElisaPrincess: um.......congrats on the girl who probalby doesnt know you post twisted pictures on the rkmbs :P
Pariah186: T3 might beat me

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
rex #520511 2005-06-06 2:51 PM
Joined: Jun 2004
Posts: 46,308
Who will I break next?
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Who will I break next?
15000+ posts
Joined: Jun 2004
Posts: 46,308
Balloonknot666: Dude she get's shocked every time she looks in a mirror
Pariah186: I'm succumbing to alcohol
Pariah186: albeit it slowly
rexstardust99: me to
captainsammitch: who's got the record right now? Sneaky?
TheElisaPrincess: poor parys has turned to the dark side!
rexstardust99: I've been here since the beginning.
TheElisaPrincess: she should get super racked sams........jla probably wont do it thoughs
Pariah186: For how many cocks she's taken into here ass? Yes
The Time Trust: Put a cock in Uschi.
Pariah186: This is my first binge
captainsammitch: gah'
Pariah186: truthfully
TheElisaPrincess: not again........night guys! Good luck sneaks!
TheElisaPrincess has left the room.
captainsammitch: okay back to Baldur's Gate
Pariah186: it's prolly gonna be my last
Pariah186: I don't like beer
Pariah186: guinness is no exception
Pariah186: had to force it down
rexstardust99: Uschi said: My penis fell off in pariahs bottom. He said it hurt and has been arguing against sodomy ever since.
Balloonknot666: hey guys check this out, this is a picture I got from one of the posters on the board
Pariah186: hehe
Pariah186: yeah
Pariah186: I got her on the defensive
Pariah186: I should get ten RACKS fo that
rexstardust99: no
Pariah186: yes!
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: sure whatever you want to feel good about your poor little self
rexstardust99: owner of a lonely heart!
Pariah186: Oooooooooh!
Pariah186: I hit a cord with bunny
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: no not really
Pariah186: Sure Michigan, suuuuuurre
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: hey i never said i liked it here
The Eurostar has entered the room.
The Time Trust: EURO!
Pariah186: .....Then what the hell are you doing?!
Pariah186: Oh
Pariah186: you mean Michigan
The Eurostar: Hi to all
Pariah186: yeah well, you're own fault
Pariah186: AHH!!
Pariah186: Anoth foreigner!!
The Time Trust: There were a lot more people in here before
The Eurostar: Who did I miss
Pariah186: Elissa
Pariah186: JLA
Pariah186: Jaburg
Pariah186: Rex
Jlfgrimm13 has entered the room.
Pariah186: oh, he's still here
The Time Trust: GRIMM!
rexstardust99: I just peed in my back yard
Pariah186: GRIMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
rexstardust99: GRIMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pariah186: Who the fuck is Grimm?
The Eurostar: Hi Grimm
Balloonknot666: It's good for the lawn
rexstardust99: I'm drunk
Jlfgrimm13: lies. lies, I tell you.
rexstardust99: My neaigbor almost saw me.
Pariah186: Zuh?
Jlfgrimm13: they know. they know. they do.
Pariah186: "saw" you?
Balloonknot666: Good thing your neighbor isn't G-Man
rexstardust99: heh
The Time Trust: I need to write a post.
The Time Trust: Something with Rama buying guns in Vegas.
Pariah186: Ranma you say?
rexstardust99: ?
The Time Trust: Anyone know much about assault rifles?
rexstardust99: no
Pariah186: Ranma = "Wild" in Japanese
Balloonknot666: two days till GTA San Andreas Comes out for the PC
The Time Trust: Dammit, you're Americans -- you're supposed to know stuff like that.
rexstardust99: sweet
Pariah186: yeah, what about em'?
rexstardust99: heh-TTT
The Eurostar: LOL at TTT
rexstardust99: yes
Pariah186: I'm surrounded by anti-Americans
rexstardust99: Whose eurostar? Aren't you one of the writers block people?
Pariah186: yeah
The Time Trust: Yes
The Eurostar: No, why? I love Americans. They are so cute
rexstardust99: oh
Pariah186: those esoteric milanthropic types
captainsammitch: whoa Grimm's here
The Time Trust: I love Americans, too.
rexstardust99: Thats a big word.
captainsammitch: gotta return for that
Pariah186: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA--That's not funny!
captainsammitch: ehy Euro
The Eurostar: Hi Sammitc
The Eurostar: h
rexstardust99: heh
Jlfgrimm13: he does. he even keeps a few in his basement.
captainsammitch: ok Baldur's Gate time again
rexstardust99: fine, be that way
Jlfgrimm13: so. . .all of you gathered here in one place at one time. . .
Pariah186: When Europe decides to expand its industry exponetially
rexstardust99: We had more earlier.
The Eurostar: It'ìs the end of the wortld, pprobably
Pariah186: it'll find itself in the same way iy sees America
Pariah186: In which case
DECTECTlVE BUNNY has left the room.
Pariah186: I must tell it and its condescension to fuck off
Balloonknot666 has left the room.
rexstardust99: one more gone
Pariah186: ARGH!!
rexstardust99: another one gone
Pariah186: I can't do this on my own!
Pariah186: I got six more hours to go for fuck's sake
Pariah186: and my PS2s upstairs
The Time Trust: How would a tall Indian man with a sword go about buying assault rifles in Vegas?
Pariah186: let's see
Pariah186: He's Indian you say?
rexstardust99: So now its sammitch, whose not really posting, CJ, who isn't here, grimm, whose here, pariah, whose here, me whose here and drunk, eurostar, TTT, and jaburg who isn't here.
The Time Trust: Currently, yes.
jaclynangelo: back
Pariah186: well, there's plenty of Organized crime in Las Vegas.
rexstardust99: Hello
The Time Trust: JACKIE!
jaclynangelo: looooooooooooooong talk with the roomie
rexstardust99: I thought you abandoned us.
The Eurostar: Hi CJ
rexstardust99: I'm drunk!
Pariah186: I'd imagine the deal would go down in the desert
Pariah186: best place
Pariah186: as for who he would go to in the city
The Time Trust: Makes sense.
jaclynangelo: not really an arguement, just a lively discussion about her sister, me being too much of a planning, the reason i'm single, and why she can't make friends. very interesting
rexstardust99: damn
Pariah186: I suppose you could just make up a Casino
The Time Trust: Not at all like my imagination, then.
jaclynangelo: i mean, she was raised very differently. private school and what not
The Time Trust: :-(
Pariah186: or use an existing one--What do I care
The Time Trust: Ah, that's good -- I've got a casino already.
The Time Trust: Hotel-casino.
rexstardust99: This has to be the most interesting chat we've ever had.
Jlfgrimm13: yes, by the small cactus with the growth that looks like nixon. you know the one. don't act so coy.
Pariah186: anyway, I figure you could have him put pressure on a lowly peon
Pariah186: like a pimp or something
The Time Trust: heheheh
Pariah186: ask him the whodunit' of illegal merchandise
jaclynangelo: this is an interesting chat
The Eurostar: really
rexstardust99: It is.
The Time Trust: It really is.
jaclynangelo: i'd like to get drunk, but i'm too full. no more is entering my tank
Pariah186: We'll post the entirety eventually
rexstardust99: Aren't you a couple weeks away from legally drinking?
jaclynangelo: er....yes
Pariah186: I hope T3 is saving it peridoically before it starts writing off
rexstardust99: BUSTED!
The Eurostar: Call the cops
rexstardust99: I'm saving this chat
jaclynangelo: but i've been drinking since my 119th of my few 'bad girl' moments
jaclynangelo: dad IS the cops...
rexstardust99: Damn, your old
The Eurostar: 119 th ? =-O
jaclynangelo: oooooops....
The Time Trust: 119 what?
The Eurostar: birthday
The Time Trust: 119 Mercury years?
Pariah186: I just started drinking tonight....Err. last night
rexstardust99: I didn't drink until I was 20.
The Eurostar: ehg eh eh eh
rexstardust99: I was a prude.
jaclynangelo: okay, so you are a bunch of guys, so let me ask you a few questions
Pariah186: go ahead
jaclynangelo: 1. are you intimidated by goal-oriented women?
The Time Trust: Don't expect serious answers.
Pariah186: just don't ask about my girth
Pariah186: no
Pariah186: as a matter of fact
rexstardust99: You already know my answer to that.
Pariah186: women should be the dominant work force in the office
The Eurostar: No, usually I got arused
Pariah186: since they can handle mental stress
Pariah186: better than men
Pariah186: If it wasn't for that bloody motherly instinct
The Eurostar: Knowing my wife you wouldn't say that
Pariah186: I'd imagine society would be exactly that way
jaclynangelo: 2. is it possible for a women to have diverse interesting in many things, some of them not very feminine, and still retain a certain about of feminality?
The Time Trust: I like goal-oriented women. Very attractive. Only problem is that they're often too busy for an active relationship.
Jlfgrimm13: oriented? you mean like asian women? no, not at all.
Pariah186: and men would focus on manueal labor generally
The Eurostar: gah
rexstardust99: I've mostly dated women who were goal oriented, its both good and bad.
Pariah186: Uh.......What?
Pariah186: You wordead that oddly.
rexstardust99: heh
Jlfgrimm13: bwahahahahahah!!!!!!!
Pariah186: As far as I'm concerned
jaclynangelo: okay
Pariah186: faminity is defined by a girl's sexual organs
jaclynangelo: let me rephrase
Pariah186: my interest in a girl I don't know is first confined to image
Pariah186: then IF I get to know her and IF I like her
jaclynangelo: i like action movies. i play music loud in my car. i like playing rough. playing with the boys, as it were. does that still make a girl feminine?
Pariah186: the interest is personality
The Time Trust: You sound like my sister.
jaclynangelo: that a good thing?
Pariah186: Hurm....Okay
Pariah186: interesting question
The Time Trust: I think so.
Pariah186: Yes
The Eurostar: I think it make it feminine for some males, and for some others
The Eurostar: not
rexstardust99: It all depends on if you do feminine things also.
Pariah186: As a girl, you are still afflicted with a greater emotional weight
The Time Trust: I like sporty girls, anyway.
captainsammitch: greater weight can be a good thing
jaclynangelo: not sporty. i'm not a jock. just...rough, for lack of a better term
Pariah186: That, in and of itself, being that you experience more than a guy emotional, defines you femininely
The Time Trust: I don't understand the distinction.
rexstardust99: Are all of us drunk?
captainsammitch: no
rexstardust99: I can't remember.
jaclynangelo: i am not drunk. i've only had three drinks
Pariah186: I'm not sure if I'm drunk
The Eurostar: No, it's nine AM here
Pariah186: I just had a six pack of guiness
jaclynangelo: nine AM is a good time to get wasted...
Pariah186: but I'm not feeling inebbriated
Pariah186: just pissed
The Eurostar: well, when you are at work not. ;-)
The Time Trust: Too much purple on the screen...
rexstardust99: I've had four Sierra Nevada Pale ales.
Pariah186: and I'm pissing a lot
The Time Trust: can't...
The Time Trust: read...
The Time Trust: words...
captainsammitch: bluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuue
rexstardust99: I gotta pee again.
captainsammitch: blue
captainsammitch: blue
captainsammitch: blue
captainsammitch: blue
captainsammitch: blue
Pariah186: Next QUESTION!!
jaclynangelo: because my roommate things i'm wanting a complete paradox. i'm tough, independent, but still feminine...but i'm never happy with a guy that seems any way 'weaker' than i am.
The Time Trust: Ah...
jaclynangelo: so she says there's no one out there 'tough enough for me'
The Time Trust: Sounds like a very old story.
The Time Trust: Katharine Hepburn syndrome.
captainsammitch: ooooooooooo 'The Usual Suspects'
jaclynangelo: hepburn, eh? interesting...
The Eurostar: No, I think there are males whose thoughness is determined by thougher things than keep the volume of music loud
The Eurostar: so, yes, there are males for you out there
The Time Trust: .
The Eurostar: :-P
The Eurostar: I didn't mean that
Jlfgrimm13: taming of the shrew.
jaclynangelo: it was just an example...lets face it, y'all know i read comic books, i occasionally play a video game, and i've got a trigger finger. those are traditionally masculine things
The Time Trust: Just separating the purple again.
The Time Trust: heh
The Time Trust: Well, sure, in the 1950s.
jaclynangelo: 'if i be waspish, best beware of my sting'
Pariah186: Ah fuck. Depression's kicking in again
Pariah186: Cats just said she's having a grad celebration
captainsammitch: KAISER SOZE!!!
Pariah186: I graduated years ago
jaclynangelo: phil, are you drunk too?
Pariah186: Missed out
Pariah186: Fuck...
Jlfgrimm13: she knows what I mean.
The Time Trust: Sammitch is being random again.
jaclynangelo: oh, i've read the play
Pariah186: I could have gone back. But I figure....At what cost?
captainsammitch: I don't drink Ceej
jaclynangelo: makes perfect sense
Pariah186: I can't mix with gen. pop.
captainsammitch: never touched the stuff
Pariah186: People don't like being in my vicinity and vice versa
Pariah186: I just wanted to hit the self destruct button.
Pariah186: *sigh*
The Time Trust: I never had a grad, either.
The Eurostar: What's a grad?
Pariah186: Go on a fucking rampage.
Pariah186: Graduation
Pariah186: everyone around me is graduating
The Time Trust: Didn't miss out on anything, I figure.
jaclynangelo: the thing is, my roommate is in no position to talk...she's a social disaster, and i can't stand introducing people to her. i mean, i love her to death, but i'm one of the only few people that 'get' her
The Eurostar: That mean when you end University?
Pariah186: No
Pariah186: highschool
Pariah186: I was homeschooled for highschool
Pariah186: finished before everyone
The Eurostar: Ah. I had it in the Jurassic
rexstardust99: I was home schooled for a while also.
Pariah186: education wise, I feel it was the best route
Pariah186: but truth be told, even though I hated the kids, I felt a bit of nostalgia not going to school.
The Time Trust: It's overrated.
The Time Trust: I hated high school.
Pariah186: I hate all school in general.
Pariah186: It's just the feeling that
The Time Trust: I love college, but high school was crap.
jaclynangelo: it's not that i hated high school, but all the things i did really weren't worth it
Pariah186: You're missing something
Pariah186: I'll fill it in with something else eventuiallyu
Pariah186: Oi. BRB
jaclynangelo: now, college is even worse. let's not get started on 'what am i do with a degree in animal sciences'?
Pariah186: it's not that i hated high school, but all the things i did really weren't worth it
Pariah186: That's almost precisely how I feel
captainsammitch: haha, I got a BA in music remember?
Pariah186: Anyway, BRB
The Eurostar: Don't flood the place with the tears, people...
The Time Trust: As long as you have a degree in SOMETHING you'll get hired for all kinds of jobs, though probably not for what you studied for.
jaclynangelo: yeah, that's what my brother-in-law said
jaclynangelo: my unemployed brother-in-law...
The Time Trust: Heheheheh
Jlfgrimm13: too late, euro.
The Eurostar: At last you have not the rate of unemployed we have here
The Time Trust: Great punchline.
captainsammitch: it's why I'm planning on grad school
captainsammitch: Ceej how goes the calendar?
jaclynangelo: much better than my plan of marrying ioan gruffudd...
Jlfgrimm13: you have to get a degree in something practical to find work. liberal arts majors are not going to be most sought after for high paying jobs in general.
captainsammitch: if your computer supports Direct IM I will send you some renders
The Time Trust: That is true, Grimm.
captainsammitch: I'm not interested in the highest-paying job
jaclynangelo: i am
captainsammitch: I'm interested in doing what I'm meant to do with my life
jaclynangelo: i admit i like nice things
Jlfgrimm13: and so you should be.
The Time Trust: Isn't there a list of pay-scale with degrees on the RKMBs somewhere?
The Time Trust: Thought I saw it once.
The Time Trust: Maybe it was somewhere else.
rexstardust99: There's nothing wrong with wanting to make money.
captainsammitch: no not at all
Jlfgrimm13: but it's also supporting yourself while making your way to that. you see?
ChrryVanilla06 has entered the room.
captainsammitch: as a composer I will be able to make royalties if people like what I write
captainsammitch: hi Korina
jaclynangelo: yeah, but if holding off on stuff today means i can get nicer stuff tomorrow, then it's worth waiting for
Jlfgrimm13: you don't wanna be flipping burgers until the band takes off, you know? just as a for instance.
jaclynangelo: well, i have a certain level of class...
The Time Trust: Greetings.
jaclynangelo: korina? hey girl!
ChrryVanilla06: hello :-)
The Eurostar: Hi
The Time Trust: Are you from the RKMBs?
captainsammitch: yeah - she be's mah gurlfriend :-D
rexstardust99: HI Meeko
The Time Trust: Oh, Meeko. Hi.
ChrryVanilla06: hey :-)
ChrryVanilla06: :-P silly boys
captainsammitch: missed you today honey
ChrryVanilla06: pretty busy day
The Time Trust: (Should we interrupt?)
captainsammitch: chill T3
The Time Trust: Chill? I'm not hot.
captainsammitch: it's everyone's chat
rexstardust99: yes
The Time Trust: Everything got real quiet suddenly.
captainsammitch: indeed
The Eurostar: Maybe we were interested in the romance... ;-)
jaclynangelo: lol
The Time Trust: As long as Phil doesn't call her Leslie -- that'd be creepy.
The Time Trust: ;-)
captainsammitch: gah
captainsammitch: life imitating art
captainsammitch: I could never get my girlfriend confused with a fictional character
captainsammitch: even if that fictional character was based off a high-school crush
jaclynangelo: i actually met a griss once. creepy as hell
ChrryVanilla06: ah, you told me it was based on me....hmmmmm
captainsammitch: zuh
captainsammitch: it is
captainsammitch: you and this other girl
captainsammitch: the personality is yours
captainsammitch: I designed it that way
jaclynangelo: not that he was creepy. it's just that the situation was creepy
ChrryVanilla06: interesting
rexstardust99: Whats a griss?
jaclynangelo: chewy's character
The Time Trust: It's a name.
rexstardust99: oh
jaclynangelo: james bond meets jason staham
rexstardust99: More writers block stuff
captainsammitch: I originally made the character my sophomore year of high school, but after meeting you I redesigned her
rexstardust99: Meeting me?
captainsammitch: Korina - because she was romantically involved with a character based on me and I wanted to try and capture even the slightest little bit of the spark in our relationship - sorry guys
rexstardust99: :-*
captainsammitch: shut up Rex
The Eurostar: :-D
The Time Trust: crazy drunk reax
captainsammitch: yeah - the Leslie character is Korina - sort of
captainsammitch: I could never capture what makes her her
The Eurostar: Especially because you never write anything.
jaclynangelo: burned, dude, burned!
captainsammitch: pffffffffffffft
The Time Trust: LOL
The Eurostar: LOL
captainsammitch: burned out is more like it
captainsammitch: this one-character crap keeps me from being able to write those interactions and build character
jaclynangelo: phil, if I can make time to post, anyone can
captainsammitch: burned out on posting - even if I had more time
The Eurostar: Write in solos, Sam. I)t took me a life to understand it, but that' sreally better
The Time Trust: I've been finding it very difficult to write fiction, myself.
The Time Trust: I've been writing so many fact-based, argument essays and articles lately.
The Time Trust: Hard to get back into fiction.

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
rex #520512 2005-06-06 2:52 PM
Joined: Jun 2004
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Who will I break next?
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Joined: Jun 2004
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jaclynangelo: my problem is motivation. i mean, i'm not paid for this stuff, and some days i'd rather work with the stuff i could sell and make money
Jlfgrimm13: sammitch already has a solo. he doesn't write in it, either.
The Time Trust: I need to draw on real-life experience from it, and my life has been fairly busy with my courses.
captainsammitch: actually Grimm I have a 'featurette' from it that I want to post as a one-shot
Jlfgrimm13: doesn't mean anything until you actually do it.
The Time Trust: It used to be so easy to write my characters.
jaclynangelo: my characters just do stuff without my permission
The Eurostar: TTT, the key is to write. You sit down, and then it all flows out
The Eurostar: Liike CJ said
The Time Trust: Yeah.
jaclynangelo: by the way, when i do become a famous novelist, i've picked out a pen name
The Time Trust: I wrote something at Dave's board based on a comment by Lothar about my writing a story for Penthouse magazine, and it was actually fairly simple to do.
captainsammitch: what's your pen name Ceej?
jaclynangelo: see, i like my mother's maiden name...and i think Jaclyn Toole has a sort of suggestive value to it
The Time Trust: Hey, me too.
Jlfgrimm13: stop overthinking it. just sit down and let it flow. euro is correct.
The Time Trust: I'm Jack Cunliffe.
captainsammitch: feh. continuity! bah!
jaclynangelo: but have a level of control
Jlfgrimm13: jaclyn toole is far too suggestive in to many ways.
The Time Trust: lol
rexstardust99: yes
ChrryVanilla06 has left the room.
jaclynangelo: don't get to random. do some planning, just enough to focus your thoughts
captainsammitch: I don't think I'd ever need a pseudonym - like my character, my name is so generic that nobody really reads into it
Jlfgrimm13: whatever you say "captain sammitch"
jaclynangelo: lol
jaclynangelo: and of course it's suggestive. why the heck not?
captainsammitch: pffffffft
jaclynangelo: besides, everyone pronounces my last name wrong. drives me insane
The Eurostar: How they pronunce it?
Jlfgrimm13: you just like toole because of that james bond line.
jaclynangelo: instead of an-GEL-o, they usually switch from 'angel' to 'angle', which are two totally different things
rexstardust99: So it rymes with jello?
jaclynangelo: the AP did it at my high school graduation. i pitched a fit until she got it right
jaclynangelo: yeah
jaclynangelo: yes, the james bond like is funny. but that's o'toole, not toole
Jlfgrimm13: same difference. you're setting yourself up for it. and worse.
Jlfgrimm13: especially with this crowd.
jaclynangelo: i gave up being modest with you guys a long time ago. ANYTHING i say can an will be used againt me in the court of rob
jaclynangelo: 'oh, she said snatch!'
rexstardust99: hehe
Pariah186: back
Jlfgrimm13: it wasn't that you said "snatch," it was that you said you "wanted to see snatch."
The Time Trust: LMAO
The Time Trust: Can't... stop... laughing...
rexstardust99: I think that kind of stuff is to be wxpected at Robs.
Jlfgrimm13: you see?
rexstardust99: expected
The Time Trust: Sorry.
captainsammitch: wanxpected?
jaclynangelo: look, i didn't even know snatch had any induendo until you guys made a joke of it
captainsammitch: heh - joke
rexstardust99: I was telling elisa the other day that the majority of the posters there found out about robs boards by being banned from the dcmbs. You can't post there without having a sense of humor about those kinds of things.
The Time Trust: I never laughed when I read that originally in the Media forum, though. Just now, while my mind's in the gutter.
Pariah186: We practically invented it really
jaclynangelo: i didn't get rags morales 'peacock teaser' joke for about six months
Jlfgrimm13: or at least, perfected it.
rexstardust99: Really?
jaclynangelo: believe me, i admit to be slow on the uptake....
jaclynangelo: *being
Jlfgrimm13: actually, that was one of mine. . .
Pariah186: Eh? Morales' said "peacock teaser"?
Pariah186: Where?
Jlfgrimm13: no, I did.
Pariah186: oh
jaclynangelo: i can't even remember where. i just remember sitting in lecture about six months later and thinking to myself...'peacock know, i don't think he was talking about the bird...'
Jlfgrimm13: heh!
rexstardust99: But you still have that as your user title.......
Pariah186: My stomach feels empty
Pariah186: but I'm not hungry
Pariah186: I hate this feelings
jaclynangelo: well yeah, it's funny now that i GET it
Pariah186: I want to eat
Pariah186: but I don't want to cuz' it'll feel awful going down
Pariah186: like it was forced
jaclynangelo: ugh, all i've had in the past nine hours was alcohol and brownies...eek...
Pariah186: huh!
Pariah186: Me too
Pariah186: Mom made a batch a few hours ago
Pariah186: I hate this house
The Time Trust: Alcohol and brownies sounds good about now.
Pariah186: Wondy takes it in the mouth!
Jlfgrimm13: alcohol at least.
jaclynangelo: yeah. and for something reason, me and my roommates started getting really drunk and talking about hawkman. i just got my other roommate into the series
Pariah186: That poor individual
jaclynangelo: ' read from left to right, right?'
Pariah186: Although, if he actually stays with the series it's his (or her) own fault
jaclynangelo: pariah, i like you, but don't bitch about my man
Pariah186: I can't help it if his character is of boring stature
The Eurostar: Jackie have you ever read Hawkworld by Tim Truman?
jaclynangelo: i'm not a big fan of the 80s...
The Time Trust: Manga-readers might have difficulty getting the left-to-right thing working.
Pariah186: Heh! Too fucking true
jaclynangelo: she's never touched manga. i've never either, actually...
Pariah186: I've become addicted to reading Berserk
The Eurostar: well, I think you should. Pass over the series, but the miniseries you should read
Pariah186: Battle Royale and Ranma 1/2
Pariah186: now every time I read comics
rexstardust99: I know absolutely nothing about hawkman.
Pariah186: I have to remind myself to read left to right.
Pariah186: Understandable.
rexstardust99: Everytime I see him in a comic I get confuesed.
jaclynangelo: euro--no money for back issues. no resources, either, actually
Pariah186: There are torrents out there
Pariah186: For Hawkman though.....Hurm.......Forget I said anything
jaclynangelo: rex -- it's confused for my roommate, but i have this great ability to condense things for her
jaclynangelo: my favorite question today was 'what does the JSA stand for?'
rexstardust99: Justice society of america.
rexstardust99: I know at least that mcuh.
rexstardust99: much.
The Time Trust: According to Google, it's "The Junior State of America".
Pariah186: To pass the time I'm currently writing a story involving the Question.
Pariah186: It involves Batman too
The Time Trust: Or the "Japanese Standards Association".
jaclynangelo: lol
The Time Trust: Job Safety Analysis
Pariah186: Because I must remain awake
Pariah186: Have to focus.
Pariah186: Making Question a paranoid Conspiracy Theorist is easy enough
Pariah186: but it's hard to not make it too over the top
Jlfgrimm13: that's not the search engine "google." That's ttt's neighbor, Floyd Google.
jaclynangelo: lol
Pariah186: I mean, conspiracy-wise
The Time Trust: You know him?
Jlfgrimm13: you talk about him all the time.
Pariah186: I could have just spout a whole of shit about 'the secret behind shooe-horns"
Pariah186: *have him
The Time Trust: Well, it's understandable. Once you see Floyd Google's googly eyes, you'll never forget him.
Pariah186: But that's hackneyed and stale
Jlfgrimm13: I'll say!
jaclynangelo: interesting...
Pariah186: Giving him a silent demeanor would be more logical
Pariah186: can't be too sure of bugs.
The Eurostar: I should go, but it's like I am hypnotized by this chat. Must be the purple...
jaclynangelo: lol
Pariah186: Hurm...
Pariah186: A CULT!
jaclynangelo: the haze?
Pariah186: That's it
Pariah186: Vic Age is investigating a cult
rexstardust99: The purple does make it easier to follow.
Jlfgrimm13: but what is Vic Sage doing?
Pariah186: He's looking into politicians
jaclynangelo: my sister complained of my color choices...i then mentioned she had Bubbles as her buddy icon...
Jlfgrimm13: Euro, when you go. . .go with a smile!
The Time Trust: I'm up all night tonight.
jaclynangelo: yeah, between the alcohol and the 'deep thoughts' with my roomies, i'm wide awake
The Time Trust: Need to stay up until tomorrow afternoon to go pick up comics.
Pariah186: Hethinks that Politician A is in collaboration with Politican B tolaunder money from the treasury so they can fund a space program forMexico
rexstardust99: I think I'm staying up all night also, if I get that job I applied for I need to start getting up at 3am. I might as well do it this way.
Pariah186: It turns out he's wrong
The Time Trust: No kidding?
Pariah186: But he stumbles upon cult gatherings that are composed exclusively from congress members
Pariah186: Yep
Jlfgrimm13: the pinatas burn up on re entry. go figure.
Jlfgrimm13: :P
The Time Trust: Shoot. Back to the drawing board.
rexstardust99: Damn, this chat has been going on for about five hours.
jaclynangelo: and i've been here for
The Time Trust: I remember hearing fireworks almost every night when I visited Tijuana a few years ago.
rexstardust99: Its been five hours and five beers for me.
Pariah186: The rituals consist of your typical orgies and pagan gods
The Time Trust: You'd think, with that background in fireworks, they'd have an advanced projectile program.
Jlfgrimm13: not enough beer per hour, rex.
ChrryVanilla06 has entered the room.
jaclynangelo: great, and i have to be up at eleven to go to the pool...
rexstardust99: I'm a lightweight.
rexstardust99: Being poor does that to you.
ChrryVanilla06: im suprised anyone is still here
Jlfgrimm13: I can see that.
jaclynangelo: heh. i'm irish-italian with a hint of german. i can hold my whiskey...
The Time Trust: I'll always be here.
rexstardust99: I rarely drink whiskey.
Jlfgrimm13: except when you're there.
rexstardust99: I like beer.
The Time Trust: Until such time as I am not..
jaclynangelo: it's so sad. when i run out of milk, and i'm too lazy or broke to go the store, i just add bailey's
Jlfgrimm13: no wonder you got a C. ;-)
Pariah186: But the twist here is the guy they're worshipping is dressed in a Batsuit
Pariah186: EXACTLY like Batmans
Pariah186: Except he's not claiming himself to be Batman
jaclynangelo: grimm, you're walking on dangerous ground with that comment...
Jlfgrimm13: right down to the brown streak in back.
rexstardust99: I have a store a block and a half away from my house. I can get there when I'm mostly drunk.
Jlfgrimm13: I like to live on the edge. sue me.
jaclynangelo: yeah, but my daddy owns a snipper rifle...
jaclynangelo: *sniper
jaclynangelo: ugh, whatever
Jlfgrimm13: snipper?
rexstardust99: heh
The Eurostar: :-) I am going with a smile :-)
jaclynangelo: i couldn't even spell madagasgar today
jaclynangelo: which i don't recommend anyone waste their money on...
Jlfgrimm13: unless your daddy can hit a target from two states away, I'm not overly concerned.
jaclynangelo: who said he'd do the shooting, 'sugar'?
Jlfgrimm13: lol
Pariah186: But that's not the most shocking thing
The Time Trust: You leaving, Euro?
Pariah186: This pseudo-Batman's doctrine consists of going into space and DESTROYING THE PLANET EARTH!!
Jlfgrimm13: good night, Eurostar, wherever you are.
rexstardust99: Fucking dog. I had to go to the bathroom and he was laying outside the door, I almost tripped over him.
Pariah186: Awwwwwwww
The Time Trust: Heh. They always do that.
jaclynangelo: i am going to bed too, before i can misspell any moore thingies
rexstardust99: He should know to get out of the way when I 'm drunk.
Pariah186: My cat likes to do that
The Time Trust: Right where you walk, they lie down.
Jlfgrimm13: heh.
jaclynangelo: grimm, shoot him for me
Jlfgrimm13: remember the snipper rifle. ;-)
Pariah186: Worked like a charm
Pariah186: HA!
jaclynangelo: right, ladies, goodnight!
jaclynangelo has left the room.
The Time Trust: Bye, everybody, buh-bye!
Jlfgrimm13: shower, then bed.
Jlfgrimm13: vaya con diablo.
captainsammitch: poice TTT
Jlfgrimm13 has left the room.
The Time Trust: Oh, I'm not leaving.
ChrryVanilla06: bye :-D
ChrryVanilla06: oh
Pariah186: DAMN!
Pariah186: Thought I'd won
captainsammitch: "Fooooooooooooled youuuuuuuuuu!"
captainsammitch: "Now you see that evil will always triumph - because good is dumb!"
Pariah186: HOLY FUCK!
The Eurostar has left the room.
The Time Trust: Bye Eur--
The Time Trust: oh..
rexstardust99: Damn. Everyone left.
captainsammitch: not everyone
captainsammitch: Korina's here :-D:-D:-D
Pariah186: *sigh*
The Time Trust: I may stop talking for a long period of time, but I'll still be here.
Pariah186: UJ should have signed off
Pariah186: He's giving me false hope
rexstardust99: We're going to try to keep this chat open all weekend.
Pariah186: Dude
Pariah186: It's not gonna last
rexstardust99: Were going to have a couple people keep it open overnight.
Pariah186: Fine
rexstardust99: Fuck I'm drunk, I got a couple more sips of my last beer.
The Time Trust: Most people on my chat list are never online.
The Time Trust: Are there any Englishmen on AIM?
rexstardust99: Pretty much everyone on my list are from these chats.
The Time Trust: They'd be getting up now, I'll bet.
rexstardust99: nowhereman has AIM, he's on most the time.
The Time Trust: What's his nick?
Pariah186: Sir-fucks-a-lot
rexstardust99: idunapoo
The Time Trust: Seriously?
rexstardust99: Seriously, thats his name.
Pariah186: no
rexstardust99: Its fucking brilliant.
Pariah186: Well
Pariah186: idunpoo
Pariah186: Eer---What's Rex said!
rexstardust99: yes
The Time Trust: Is he on now?
rexstardust99: no
The Time Trust: Ah
Pariah186: That was directed at you Rex.
rexstardust99: BASTARD!
Pariah186: :-(
The Time Trust: I should watch my director's cut of Donnie Darko.
Pariah186: What's different about it?
rexstardust99: I still haven't seen that movie.
The Time Trust: So far the music at the beginning is different.
The Time Trust: Haven't watched all of it yet.
Pariah186: It's something you watch once
The Time Trust: I liked the music in the original one, so it's really jarring to have it changed.
The Time Trust: Licensing problems, I suppose.
Pariah186: is the ending supposed to be different too or what?
The Time Trust: Don't know.
captainsammitch: KAISER SOZE!!!
The Time Trust: Random Sammitch
captainsammitch: 8-)
The Time Trust: Are you still looking for quotes for your sig?
captainsammitch: always
Pariah186: Feh! I'll jut watch Equilibrium
Pariah186: Ah hell! No I won't
captainsammitch: don't waste your time
The Time Trust: I have all these movies on video I bought years ago that I never watch, and I can't sell.
Pariah186: setimental value aye?
The Time Trust: Some of them, I guess.
The Time Trust: Conan is over.
The Time Trust: I could switch the station and watch softcore porn on a local broadcast station, if I was in the mood.
rexstardust99: Alright, I think I'm done for the night. I'll still be here, but I won't be posting.
rexstardust99: Night everyone.
Pariah186: Nooooooo!!
Pariah186: okay fine
ChrryVanilla06: bye :-)
captainsammitch has left the room.
Pariah186: Softcore Porn
Pariah186: how does one define "softcore"
The Time Trust: No muff shots
rexstardust99: No penetration.
Pariah186: Ah
Pariah186: Didn't know since I only watch hardcore if ever
ChrryVanilla06 has left the room.
Pariah186: And now....I'm alone.
Pariah186: II kno it hardly matters at this point, but I'm gonna be AFK for an hour
The Time Trust: I've gotta reboot. Back in a sec.
The Time Trust has left the room.
Pariah186: DUDE!
Pariah186: You've ruined Miller Time!!
The Time Trust has entered the room.
Pariah186: Home again home again
The Time Trust: Thanks
Pariah186: np.
Pariah186: Where were ya?
Pariah186: I mean, it WAS a bit longer than a "sec"
The Time Trust: My connection got really slow for a while.
Pariah186: ah
The Time Trust: I had to shut down and restart the connections.
Pariah186: Um.....You did save the script right?
The Time Trust: Yeah
Pariah186: I mean, I can do it, I'm just wonering if you got careless
Pariah186: good.
Pariah186: The alchol's kicking in. I need water
UltimateJaburg53: tooo early
Pariah186: HAHA!
Pariah186: Success!
UltimateJaburg53: Meeting is the suxors
Pariah186: Huh? Got an engagement?
UltimateJaburg53: yup
UltimateJaburg53: work meeting in an hour
Pariah186: oh. Well then I'm happy and sorry for you
Pariah186: For Radshack?
UltimateJaburg53: yep
Pariah186: What the hell for?
UltimateJaburg53: torture
Pariah186: I...See.
Pariah186: Still here
Pariah186: Just sayin'
UltimateJaburg53: Meeting sucked!
Pariah186: What was it about?
UltimateJaburg53: completely pointless
UltimateJaburg53: Sell more stuff was about it
Pariah186: So........You talked about.....I got nuthin'
Pariah186: heh
Pariah186: A seminar
Pariah186: type...thing
UltimateJaburg53: More like a lame pep rally
Pariah186: And this was mandatory?
UltimateJaburg53: yes
Pariah186: ouch
Pariah186: I imagine you're going back to bed
Pariah186: Oh wait
Pariah186: its 9 there isn
Pariah186: 't it
UltimateJaburg53: yes
Pariah186: Oh well.
Pariah186: I've been downloading hentai this whole time
Pariah186: I feel special
UltimateJaburg53: I hate bit torrent
Pariah186: Had to free up about 23 gigs of space
Pariah186: Why?
Pariah186: Bittornado's a reliable client
UltimateJaburg53: I always end up waiting days for a download
Pariah186: It varys with the selection
Pariah186: I mean, is your preference rare?
UltimateJaburg53: yea
UltimateJaburg53: I guess
Pariah186: That explains it
UltimateJaburg53: Mostly comics
The Time Trust: Ever use newsgroups for downloading?
Pariah186: Not enough seeders so it's slow
Pariah186: Yes, same problem with me
UltimateJaburg53: Most times yes
Pariah186: when it comes to comics
Pariah186: by the by
Pariah186: do either of you have the Y-The Last Man 1-30 torrent downloaded
UltimateJaburg53: Newsgroups I really use for video and music
Pariah186: the one I have refuses to seed
UltimateJaburg53: Y?
UltimateJaburg53: Mayby
Pariah186: yeah
UltimateJaburg53: hold on
Pariah186: You got it!?!?!
The Time Trust: I've got scans of 1-21.
Pariah186: Ooohhh
Pariah186: You're getting me excited
The Time Trust: For some reason my news server suddenly got extremely slow a few hours ago. Really pisses me off.
The Time Trust: Lame retention, too. Only 2 days, tops.
Pariah186: Where'd you get the 1-21 from?
The Time Trust: Newgroups
The Time Trust: I haven't used torrents before
Pariah186: I'm unaware of these "Newsgroups"
Pariah186: linky?
The Time Trust: You need a news server to use them, like Xnews.
Pariah186: Do I need a subscription for that?
UltimateJaburg53: NO
The Time Trust: Most internet services have newsgroups
The Time Trust: Just, most people don't know about them
UltimateJaburg53: Just need to find out the server name
Pariah186: Gimme a name
Pariah186: I'll hunt it down
The Time Trust: My brain's too fried to think of it right now.
Pariah186: Kill yourself
The Time Trust: But once you do get newsserver access, the ones to check out are: and . There are also manga and hentai newsgroups.
Pariah186: danko-shane
The Time Trust: Check out the webpage of your internet server. It should say somewhere on it how to access newsgroups.
Pariah186: On it
The Time Trust: Then just download a program like Xnews to use them.
The Time Trust: You can get Xnews here:
The Time Trust: I find it useful.
Pariah186: Damn. Like a needle in a hay-stack
Pariah186: Either of you use Netscape?
The Time Trust: Takes a bit of setting up, but if I can figure it out, anyone can.
Pariah186: Awwwww, that's a nice thing to say.
The Time Trust: I use Opera
Pariah186: Okay, I used my FireFox client
Pariah186: I saw something called "groups"
Pariah186: so I clicked on it
Pariah186: Are these things like Yahoo groups?
The Time Trust: Some are text-only, like Yahoo groups. Others allow for large files -- these usually begin with "alt.binaries"
Pariah186: Oi. Can't find em'. But that's fine cuz' I;m getting really tired anyway.
Pariah186: I'll figure it out later
The Time Trust: I've got 850+ CDs full of scans I've downloaded over the years from newsgroups.
Pariah186: Holy fuck!
The Time Trust: I know. I'm pathetic.
Pariah186: That's close to a teribyte of info
Pariah186: and it's all books you say?
The Time Trust: Some are old radio shows, but mostly comics.
Pariah186: Daym
The Time Trust: Full runs of tons of series.
Pariah186: I really gotta get in on this
Pariah186: Oi. Gotta turn off the comp.
Pariah186: Talk later.
Pariah186 has left the room.
rexstardust99: goddman.
rexstardust99: damn.
The Time Trust: I hate my service provider.
The Time Trust: Lousy frickin' know-nothing idiots answering the phones.
BooBerryFanatic has entered the room.
The Time Trust: BooBerryFanatic has entered the room.
The Time Trust: The Time Trust: BooBerryFanatic has entered the room.
The Time Trust: The Time Trust: The Time Trust: BooBerryFanatic has entered the room.
The Time Trust: The Time Trust: The Time Trust: The Time Trust: BooBerryFanatic has entered the room.
The Time Trust: The Time Trust: The Time Trust: The Time Trust: The Time Trust: BooBerryFanatic has entered the room.
The Time Trust: The Time Trust: The Time Trust: The Time Trust: The Time Trust: The Time Trust: BooBerryFanatic has entered the room.
The Time Trust: The Time Trust: Message is too long or too complex
Glacier16 has entered the room.
spookyadler has entered the room.
klinton77 has entered the room.
spookyadler has left the room.
klinton77: Ok...let's spice things up!
The Time Trust: How?
The Time Trust: Do I have to put somethign special on for that?
klinton77: Uh...discuss Canadian politics?
The Time Trust: Such a quagmire.
The Time Trust: Let's not.
klinton77: hours of conversation though
The Time Trust: Which political party is worse?
klinton77: far
UltimateJaburg53: arnt they all the same?
klinton77: they're playing this shit 'like a harp from hell'
The Time Trust: I'm just waiting for the Revolution.
klinton77: It's comming
klinton77: Quebec is going to lead the revolt
UltimateJaburg53: Quebeck?
klinton77: yup...the frog kingdom to the east
UltimateJaburg53: There's no Canada like French Canada!
klinton77: yeah...unfortunately
The Time Trust: I've still never been there. So far away.
klinton77: where are you?
The Time Trust: Vancouver
UltimateJaburg53: Eh.
klinton77: Ah...I was from Calgary
klinton77: I moved out here on a whim
UltimateJaburg53: I usually go by car
The Time Trust: Calgary I'm more familiar with
klinton77: Calgary is the most boring city on earth!
The Time Trust: Really?
klinton77: fuck, yeah.
klinton77: I don't miss it at all
The Time Trust: I've only passed through it, really.
klinton77: Next time you're there you need to spend a night out at Cowboys....
The Time Trust: Is that a club?
klinton77:'s the club in Calgary...or at least it was about six years back
The Time Trust: Hey, I have a question:
klinton77: yeah?
The Time Trust: How is Vancouver perceived in Eastern Canada?
klinton77: Crack central
The Time Trust: Heh.
The Time Trust: Thought so.
klinton77: it's true
klinton77: I've been to Van many, many times
klinton77: .....zzzz.....zzzzzzz.....zzzzzzzzzz......zzzzzz........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz......
The Time Trust: Yes. Up all night. Sleeping on my feet.
The Time Trust: Or my arse, rather.
klinton77: my coffee's just kicking in...I'm like ADD over here.....
UltimateJaburg53: I need coffee
The Time Trust: Coffee.
The Time Trust: Coffee good.
klinton77: coffee is good. Second pot and counting...
klinton77: fuck...I've been up for about two hours and already smoked almost half a pack....
The Time Trust: I'm going to be in and out for a while...
UltimateJaburg53: I know that feeling Klinton
klinton77: it'S disgusting...
The Time Trust: Hey, didn't you have a torture session, Jaburg?
klinton77: 'torture session'?
UltimateJaburg53: Yes
klinton77: 'splain that shit!
UltimateJaburg53: Meeting at work
jaclynangelo has entered the room.
klinton77: uh...ooh....
jaclynangelo: yo
klinton77: who's this?
UltimateJaburg53: 7:30 EST this morning
The Time Trust: Been here all night.
The Time Trust: Still awake
UltimateJaburg53: Cowgirl Jack
klinton77: you're a true Van native, eh TTT?
jaclynangelo: y'all are insane
UltimateJaburg53: Well, yeah.
jaclynangelo: hey klint. nice to see you online
klinton77: Hey CJ
The Time Trust: Naw, I'm from Saskatchewan, the armpit of Canada.
klinton77: true
The Time Trust: Been in Vancouver 13 years
klinton77: really?
klinton77: Do you board?
klinton77: I miss the interior
The Time Trust: Snowboard, yeah.
klinton77: the hills out here are all shit
The Time Trust: It's been gathering dust the last couple of years, though. Never seem to find the time to get out.
klinton77: SHUT UP!
klinton77: Get out now!
klinton77: You'll miss that shit when it's gone

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
rex #520513 2005-06-06 2:52 PM
Joined: Jun 2004
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Who will I break next?
15000+ posts
Joined: Jun 2004
Posts: 46,308
The Time Trust: I'm getting more into kayaking right now, anyways.
klinton77: My bf is really into that. I'm thinking of taking lessons this summer
The Time Trust: River or ocean?
klinton77: CJ....what's up?
klinton77: river
The Time Trust: Ah, I've never done that.
jaclynangelo: not much
klinton77: it's closer than the ocean
jaclynangelo: about ready to tackle some cleaning
The Time Trust: True
jaclynangelo: i have to wait until dakota comes out from under the sofa
klinton77: cleaning...on a saturday...why?
klinton77: lol
klinton77: I want a rabbit
UltimateJaburg53: Heh
The Time Trust: Does Dakota have a website yet?
jaclynangelo: lol. he's HTML skills are better than mine
klinton77: I need to scam my buddie's digital camera again so I can post pics of my turtle
klinton77: she'S hot!
The Time Trust: Yeah, he's always posting on the Star Trek forums.
UltimateJaburg53: We can't risk another frontal assual, that rabbit's dynamite!
jaclynangelo: that's what everyone says about it
The Time Trust: I like ducks.
UltimateJaburg53: Quack.
The Time Trust: Can't help it.
jaclynangelo: it takes about 2.3 seconds of meeting dakota for a friend to go 'oh...just like in monty python!'
UltimateJaburg53: Lol
klinton77: they taste good with plumb sauce
klinton77: ducks...that is
The Time Trust: I had rabbits when I was a kid, though. They were all eaten by coyotes eventually.
The Time Trust: Rabbits are delicious, too.
klinton77: no
The Time Trust: Rabbit tapas. Mmm-mm.
klinton77: thier not
jaclynangelo: i've had rabbit on pizza. that was interesting
The Time Trust: Just like chicken.
UltimateJaburg53: Ribbit on Pizza?
klinton77: I was shocked...appearantly lapin is a staple food out can get whole ones at the grocery
The Time Trust: I tried horse once, in sliced meat form. Couldn't stomach it, knowing what it was.
klinton77: horse is good shit!
The Time Trust: But it's a common meat in Sweden
klinton77: here too
jaclynangelo: the little bastard better come out from the sofa soon...
The Time Trust: Yeah, I guess it would be in Quebec also.
klinton77: use the vacume CJ
UltimateJaburg53: Use the Holy Hand grenade!
klinton77: lol
jaclynangelo: the vacuum might work. he's shedding, so he's half pink at this moment. it' quite funny
UltimateJaburg53: Lure it out with Dr.Pepper
jaclynangelo: he must no he looks hideous, so he hides under the sofa
The Time Trust: Growing up around horses much of my life, I don't consider them food.
klinton77: I did too...Alberta prarie boy over here...
UltimateJaburg53: A horse would eat you if it could.
klinton77: they still taste great though
The Time Trust: Probably. I never gave it a chance.
klinton77: low in fat too
klinton77: much better for you than beef
jaclynangelo: good, i'm so hungry now...
UltimateJaburg53: Fat=Flavor
The Time Trust: I don't eat beef. More of a pork, fish & chicken person.
klinton77: Fat=fat
UltimateJaburg53: No beef?
The Time Trust: Nah.
UltimateJaburg53: Is it because of sacred cow?
jaclynangelo: i hardly eat pork
The Time Trust: I guess.
The Time Trust: Not.
UltimateJaburg53: I eat almost no junk food
jaclynangelo: same here
jaclynangelo: i rarely buy 'sin food'
The Time Trust: No, my family never ate beef while I was growing up because my mom's allergic to it.
klinton77: not even when you smoke up J
UltimateJaburg53: Nope
klinton77: huh
The Time Trust: We ate porkchops instead of steak, and I never got used to eating beef.
UltimateJaburg53: Peanut butter is my friend
jaclynangelo: florida's beef country. and i'm an ag major
klinton77: I like beef...kinda hard to avoid in Alberta
klinton77: except for KD Lang
klinton77: bitch
UltimateJaburg53: lol
The Time Trust: HahahahahahahahIdon'tgetit
jaclynangelo: gotta go clean. later boys!
jaclynangelo has left the room.
klinton77: bye
UltimateJaburg53: bye
UltimateJaburg53: d'oh
UltimateJaburg53: brb
UltimateJaburg53: coffee
The Time Trust: I would've said bye if I had enough warning.
The Time Trust: I should food eat
klinton77: yup
The Time Trust: coffee go drink now
klinton77: shit yeah!
klinton77: I'm on my fourth cup since I got in here
UltimateJaburg53: I just got up again
UltimateJaburg53: My head is all fucked up
klinton77: That's nice to know...I guesss
UltimateJaburg53: damn Radio Shack
klinton77: you work there?
UltimateJaburg53: Do you guy have them?
UltimateJaburg53: yes
klinton77: yeah, we do
UltimateJaburg53: Cool
klinton77: there's one about three blocks from my home
klinton77: I never go there
UltimateJaburg53: I understand
UltimateJaburg53: You are probably better off
klinton77: really?
klinton77: Why6
UltimateJaburg53: It's a horrible company
klinton77: pour quoi?
UltimateJaburg53: You can get everything we have cheaper
klinton77: I knew that
UltimateJaburg53: Plus they dump on thier people.
klinton77: that'd be why I never go
UltimateJaburg53: Half of them are swindlers
klinton77: Every company does that. I used to manage a Blockbuster
UltimateJaburg53: It's commision based
klinton77: ugh...commision...hate that
UltimateJaburg53: in a place where mostly people come for battaries and parts
klinton77: seriously, eh.
klinton77: Do you spooge all over the folks looking at computers?
UltimateJaburg53: No
UltimateJaburg53: Cell Phone customers
klinton77: good commish?
UltimateJaburg53: Yep
UltimateJaburg53: Unless you move phones you don't make money
klinton77: cool. I used to work at a call center for Fido...I made about $1500 a week
UltimateJaburg53: With computers you don't make much unless you add a printer, cables, warrenty
UltimateJaburg53: Fido?
klinton77: cell carrier
UltimateJaburg53: Ouch
klinton77: it was good money...but high pressure
UltimateJaburg53: I imagine you took alot of crap from customers
klinton77: yeah
UltimateJaburg53: People are stupid with thier phones
klinton77: I don't have one...don'T want one....
UltimateJaburg53: They make thier own bill
klinton77: That shit is just stupid expensive
UltimateJaburg53: It's not our fault
klinton77: exactlyè
klinton77: I think we lost TTT
UltimateJaburg53: If you understand your bill and how you provider works there should be no problem
klinton77: most people don't pay attention thought
UltimateJaburg53: They hang themselves
klinton77: worse was pushing ballance transgers on credit cards....Hell I tell you!
UltimateJaburg53: Credit cards
UltimateJaburg53: Another thing people think work on magic
klinton77: The average American has over $5000 of credit card debt
klinton77: scary shit that
UltimateJaburg53: Average interest is what 18-21 %?
klinton77: yup. something like that
klinton77: another thing I don't use...I have one, but I never use the fucker
UltimateJaburg53: Good if there is an emergancy
klinton77: or if I need to book a room, or a flight...or somesuch
Gooz03 has entered the room.
Gooz03: hi?
klinton77: ello
captainsammitch has entered the room.
klinton77: Who's gooz?
klinton77: Hi sammich
captainsammitch: yo
captainsammitch: so out of the people in here who's actually awake??
klinton77: jsut me I think
UltimateJaburg53: I'm lurking
The Time Trust: WHOA!
klinton77: Shit....I though TTT passed out
UltimateJaburg53: I'm also cleaning up my desk
The Time Trust: Was eating
captainsammitch: "Amazing!"
Gooz03: was up all?
The Time Trust: Now that I've got a cup of coffee, life is good.
The Time Trust: How's life, Gooz?
captainsammitch: hey Gooz
klinton77: who is gooz?
The Time Trust: Gooz is... Gooz.
klinton77: it....
captainsammitch: Gooz is
captainsammitch: period
klinton77: female?
The Time Trust: Male. New Yorker.
Gooz03: hey don't get fresh
Gooz03: life is awesome, brb food
The Time Trust: Still in the film industry?
The Time Trust: I'll take that as a yes.
captainsammitch: I think you may have offended him
captainsammitch: JUBARG
UltimateJaburg53: Hello
Gooz03: i said brb yo
Gooz03: indeed i am
captainsammitch: what up man?
UltimateJaburg53: Not much
UltimateJaburg53: Trying to collect my head from sleep still
Gooz03: i put up my zombie flick
UltimateJaburg53: Xombies are my favorite of the undead
captainsammitch: I'll have to check it out
UltimateJaburg53: Zombies
captainsammitch: I'/m about to take some one - it's Baldur's Gate time
captainsammitch: some on*
Gooz03: cools
The Time Trust: Wasn't there a comic called Xombie?
UltimateJaburg53: I don't know
captainsammitch: you know what would make a good comic?
The Time Trust: I think it was a Milestone comic.
captainsammitch: Plan 9 From Outer Space!!!
UltimateJaburg53: It appears Mr Kitty is now awake as well.
The Time Trust: Kitty?
UltimateJaburg53: yes
The Time Trust: OK
UltimateJaburg53: Mr Kitty the Brave
The Time Trust: I believe you.
The Time Trust: No, really, I do.
The Time Trust: I'm not just saying that.
UltimateJaburg53: So I guess Oakley got immunity
klinton77: Seriously...what the fuck was that?
Glacier16: I think Prom is messing with us
klinton77: I think he's been servicing Prom
The Time Trust: It's a conspiracy
UltimateJaburg53: People probably thought they were voting him off
klinton77: wich speaks volumes for the RKMB collecvtive IQ
UltimateJaburg53: Just clicking buttons with reckless abandon
klinton77: In that case...Oakley should win
UltimateJaburg53: Uh oh
UltimateJaburg53: Oh
UltimateJaburg53: Nevermind
The Time Trust: Stay tuned for a PSA (Public Service Announcement)
The Time Trust: :-X:-X:-XThis is the All-Weekend RKMBs Chat!:-X:-X:-X
The Time Trust: That is all.
klinton77: I...feel....informed.....
UltimateJaburg53: Yep.
klinton77: so is there beer in this joint?
The Time Trust: There's something that looks like beer but smells like urine.
The Time Trust: Same effect in the end, though.
klinton77: hmmmm....
klinton77: I think you've been sitting in that chair too long
The Time Trust: You forgot an "h" in there somewhere
klinton77: damn I did....
klinton77: Back to Canadian politics
klinton77: I keep meaning to post a thread on the boards about all this shit...but damned if it's not too much fucking work
The Time Trust: I learned long ago that nobody on the RKMBs gives a shit about Canadian politics, culture, history, etc. So I don't bother.
klinton77: seriously
klinton77: I talked to Uschi on the phone one night...and all she remembered was that I mentioned 'random Canadian city # 23'
The Time Trust: Heh.
The Time Trust: Might as well be on the other side of the world
klinton77: It'S funny...considering how much of thier formative history is entwined with ours...
The Time Trust: I think Trudeau mentioned something about an elephant and a mouse once.
The Time Trust: As a metaphor for the U.S. and Canada, I mean
Gooz03: i'm out, ttyl
The Time Trust: Later
klinton77: back...I was just getting my chicken ready to go in the oven
The Time Trust: More zombies means more iron
klinton77: I love zombie films
klinton77: favorite genre
The Time Trust: There's a downloadable zombie flick on here:
captainsammitch: later Gooz
UltimateJaburg53: Encore is playing all the Bond movies today
klinton77: TTT, I bookmarked that addy....I'll check it out later
The Time Trust: Heh. I love student films.
klinton77: sometimes...
klinton77: too many are just painful
The Time Trust: True
The Time Trust: Small doses is the key
BooBerryFanatic: I've been in a few student films in my day...
klinton77: really, really, really small
klinton77: me too. An ex was an aspiring director
BooBerryFanatic: Ah. You an actor, klint?
klinton77: fuck no
klinton77: it was forced labour
BooBerryFanatic: Heh.
BooBerryFanatic: You don't have anything against actors, do you?
The Time Trust: I liked acting when I was a kid. I always hammed it up too much, though.
BooBerryFanatic: Because I might have to kill you...
klinton77: against? Nope. They keep me amused
The Time Trust: BOOBERY!
klinton77: I just can't possibly count myself as one of them
BooBerryFanatic: I think that's a natural childhood thing, though - hamming it up. I mellowed out considerably as I got older...
BooBerryFanatic: Ah. Gotcha.
Glacier16 has left the room.
Glacier16 has entered the room.
klinton77: glacier is glitching
captainsammitch: STEPHEN
BooBerryFanatic: What?
captainsammitch: nothing
captainsammitch: O:-)
The Time Trust: Someday I'd like to get into acting again, strictly as a local community theatre thing, though. Might be fun.
BooBerryFanatic: That's what I'm doing now - hoping to build up to something bigger as I go.
BooBerryFanatic: But I really do enjoy community theatre. It's got a unique sense of comraderie about it. There, it's not a job - it's fun. And that's what I like about it.
The Time Trust: Ever tried Cabaret?
BooBerryFanatic: Nope.
The Time Trust: Me neither.
BooBerryFanatic: Should we invite Brian A. Ortiz to chat?
BooBerryFanatic: Or Soyunperdedor?
The Time Trust: Sure, why not?
Sjshahman has entered the room.
BrianXzavior22 has entered the room.
BooBerryFanatic: Dammit... Rob isn't accepting chat invitations...
klinton77: community theater is the shit!
Sjshahman: Hello, what's this?
BooBerryFanatic: Rob's Damn Boards chat! w00t!
BrianXzavior22: booberry fanatic?
BooBerryFanatic: I am Chewy Walrus.
The Time Trust: Shahman
Sjshahman: Time Trust
Sjshahman: We meet again
The Time Trust: Morning.
Sjshahman: for the first and last time
Sjshahman: (that makes no sense)
The Time Trust: This room ain't big enough for the both of us.
BooBerryFanatic: That's why it's funny!
Sjshahman: Sooo
The Time Trust: This the chat that never ends
BooBerryFanatic: So...?
BooBerryFanatic: It's true!
Sjshahman: it has come to my attention, that there is to be a chat room conversation to be held on...
Sjshahman: well, now, I guess.
The Time Trust: It just... uh... goes on and on...
klinton77: I...and on...
klinton77: Do they have Lamb Chop in the US?
BooBerryFanatic: Say that I need to go to Goodwill. I just leave the computer, leave the chat room open, drop my carload of crap at Goodwill, then come home and rejoin the chat...
BooBerryFanatic: We certainly used to.
Sjshahman: then nothing prolific will have happened
Sjshahman: Kristo might have banned you from his list
The Time Trust: I'll be nodding off eventually, but I'll leave my chat window open.
Sjshahman: and unbanned you about 5 times
BooBerryFanatic: Speaking of Lamb Chop, I need to go to Goodwill. Later, all.
klinton77: shush! Lamb Chop was some good shit!
klinton77: She was a real actress...
klinton77: She could sing with a hand crammed up her ass
The Time Trust: She had trouble with the letter S, though.
klinton77: it was the JD...
klinton77: she had a 'problem'
klinton77: but so would you if someone had thier arm up your ass all the fucking time....
The Time Trust: Once in a while, fine, but not all the time.
klinton77: Jd...or the hand?
The Time Trust: Maybe not a whole hand. A finger's enough.
klinton77: about this weather...?
BrianXzavior22: not bad at all
klinton77: who're you?
BrianXzavior22: I am Brian A. Ortiz
klinton77: the bleeding heart?
BrianXzavior22: you forgot romantic...and at the moment, starting to fall in love with the woman i posted that thread about
BrianXzavior22: but yeah. the bleeding heart.
Sjshahman: Brian A. Ortiz, the blatant homosexual?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY has entered the room.
klinton77: which one? there've been twenty of those things
klinton77: hey bunni
klinton77: wanna cyber?
Sjshahman: see, I stopped posting, so I could never figure out if he was sensitive or trying to use the senstive side to get to women
BrianXzavior22: the latter
BrianXzavior22: using my sensitive side to get women
Sjshahman: It doesn't work
klinton77: I think it was all an act. Gay men aren't even that sensetive
BrianXzavior22: yes it just takes 23 years
Sjshahman: So, one girl said she liked you?
Sjshahman: Which one?
klinton77: Rex
BrianXzavior22: no. remember "D?"
Sjshahman: Is (s)he hot?
BrianXzavior22: hell yes she's hot
The Time Trust: Very hot.
BrianXzavior22: exactly!
Sjshahman: link me to a pic
Sjshahman: I wanna see this hotness
BrianXzavior22: i'll try, but i'm using aim express, so this might not work
The Time Trust:
The Time Trust: That's her, right?
Sjshahman: heh. How old?
BrianXzavior22: yes, that's her. thanks TimeTrust
BrianXzavior22: 19
ChrryVanilla06 has entered the room.
Sjshahman: Well, congrats
ChrryVanilla06: Word 8-)
ChrryVanilla06: anyone in here
The Time Trust: Hey
captainsammitch: hi honey
Sjshahman: So, I take it you have actually met her, or is this all cyber?
ChrryVanilla06: Hi TTT
ChrryVanilla06: hi phil
captainsammitch: I'm just about to go put money on Dan's card to do laundry
captainsammitch: I'll brb
BrianXzavior22: yeah we're dating
The Time Trust: Sammitch was here all along?
captainsammitch: indeed
The Time Trust: Now I'm scared.
captainsammitch: be back in a jiffy
ChrryVanilla06: :-)
The Time Trust: That boy is like a ninja...
Sjshahman: You guys close to each other, or is this an ldr?
Sjshahman: I am curious about the success of internet relationships
Sjshahman: I remember back in... the day, they kind of went shitty
Sjshahman: lot of compromise and shit happening.
Sjshahman has left the room.
BrianXzavior22: dag, i was about to answer his question...
BrianXzavior22: we're fairly close to one another. she and i only live an hour or so apart
Sjshahman has entered the room.
BrianXzavior22: to answer your question, we're only an hour or so away from each other.
The Time Trust: I've got the theme from BRAZIL stuck in me 'ead.
Sjshahman: cool. Friends of mine were living in Denver and Queens. It was messed up
Sjshahman: try working that one out.
Sjshahman: week after they broke up, she was pregnant by another guy.
The Time Trust: Had a friend in Vancouver with a girl in Sydney, Australia.
The Time Trust: Three years long distance.
Sjshahman: Hmmm...
The Time Trust: Married now.
Sjshahman: No Deanne and Martin?
captainsammitch: ok I'm back
captainsammitch: miss me Korina? O:-)
Sjshahman: not

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
rex #520514 2005-06-06 2:54 PM
Joined: Jun 2004
Posts: 46,308
Who will I break next?
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Who will I break next?
15000+ posts
Joined: Jun 2004
Posts: 46,308
Sjshahman: wait, she was in Melbourne, I think
The Time Trust: Naw. Andy and Kate.
BrianXzavior22: it's more like garfield and morris plains. we're both in jersey, at least.
Sjshahman: And I have no idea where Martin was from.
Sjshahman: (Mobius Infiniity/Athanon guy)
The Time Trust: Martin Hackett?
Sjshahman: yessir
The Time Trust: He moved to Aus, right?
Sjshahman: yup
The Time Trust: I think he was from Cali.
Sjshahman: That's what I thought. Knew it was somewhere on west coast
The Time Trust: I remember he had a west coast time zone, at any rate.
Sjshahman: Brian, my knowledge of Jersey is SHITE.
Sjshahman: I know Ocean City (love that place) ATL City, Edison (or Little India), and a few other places
Sjshahman: Hoboken
The Time Trust: Soy, you should visit Dave's boards more often.
Sjshahman: I really should. I don't know why I don't. I guess I have other shit going on.
BrianXzavior22: okay, garfield is in north jersey, about a half-hour from new york city.
BrianXzavior22: morris plains is closer to the center of jersey.
ChrryVanilla06: Sorry I forgot I was in a chat room! :-P
Sjshahman: TTT, what's going on with the anthology?
The Time Trust: It's virtually done, but Dave's really procrastinating with the final stages.
captainsammitch: lol
Sjshahman: and we know not of the price?
Sjshahman: "Know not do we."
The Time Trust: I think a rough figure was estimated somewhere or other.
Sjshahman: rough. was it put into dollars per page?
Sjshahman: Crap, I am gonna be reading a lot.
The Time Trust: I think so.
ChrryVanilla06: how can u be in chat and have an away mesage up
ChrryVanilla06: didn't know it was possible
The Time Trust: Oh, it is indeed possible.
captainsammitch: yeah
Sjshahman: That writing contest thread was high-larious
Sjshahman: On the 11th of May in the year 2005, I met a man who decided to join a writing contest. And then he was hit by a car.
Sjshahman: BRILLIANT
Sjshahman: They'll feel so guilty they'll change their evil ways.
ChrryVanilla06 has left the room.
Sjshahman: I feel so much pressure.
The Time Trust: lol
Sjshahman: Sooo much pressure...
Sjshahman: on my bladder
Sjshahman: brb
BrianXzavior22: lol
captainsammitch: I have gas!
The Time Trust: We know
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: smells like roses
Sjshahman: much better now
Sjshahman: If you guys had to choose 1 video game system (and if you cared) which one, of the next 3, would you pick?
The Time Trust: MyNoseHaHaHaI'llShutUpNow
captainsammitch: PS3
klinton77: Nintendo Rev.
Sjshahman: TTT, you so crrazy
Sjshahman: A system that would let me play every Zelda game ever made? Wowwww.
Sjshahman: Chances are, even though Revolution comes out a year+ after Xbox 360, we'll still see a perfect dark game on it first
Sjshahman: (wacka wacka wacka)
The Time Trust: That sounds so natural coming from you, Soy.
The Time Trust: For some reason I always pictured you as Fozzie Bear
The Time Trust: But then I picture most people as some kind of puppet or cartoon character. Easier that way.
klinton77: you are definaely Straberry shortcake TTT
The Time Trust: Mmm... strawberry shortcake...
The Time Trust: That makes me hungry again.
klinton77: I'm still waiting on my chicken
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: bah, hungry, time to go get some thai
The Time Trust: No I'm not.
The Time Trust: I was going to go get some Thai, but I decided on Korean instead.
The Time Trust: God, I'm tired,
klinton77: wake up!
The Time Trust: Sleep-deprivation is taking its toll.
klinton77: Get yourself some of that world class crack...
The Time Trust: Maybe after lunch.
klinton77: or run to guys have one on every corner....
The Time Trust: Too many.
klinton77: Do you know what I miss most from out west?
klinton77: 7-11
The Time Trust: Running the little coffee shops out of business.
The Time Trust: Strange thing to miss.
klinton77: I want a fucking slurpee
The Time Trust: But you have real poutine instead.
klinton77: um...yeah?
klinton77: I can't eat poutine
Sjshahman: fucking slurpee
klinton77: that shit makes me nautious
Sjshahman: nauseous
klinton77: slurpee is like ambrosia
klinton77: fuck is ambrosia
The Time Trust: Nectar of the gods?
Sjshahman: Fozzy Bear, (sorry, I was posting at Daves)
klinton77: yup
Sjshahman: My brother used to say I was like Fozzy
Sjshahman: my mom thought I was like cookie monster
Sjshahman: My dad? He thought I was a lazy shit. Don't think they made a muppet for that
The Time Trust: BW7 never ceases to make me laugh.
klinton77: that's who
The Time Trust: No, Sj is Soy un Perdedor
The Time Trust: No RKMB equivalent
captainsammitch has left the room.
klinton77: you kids al have this extensive
The Time Trust: Too long.
klinton77: seriously
klinton77: outside of the rkmb's I really don't go online.
klinton77: as it is...I've gotten too addicted to that shit
The Time Trust: How'd you get onto the RKMBs in the first place?
Sjshahman: well, there IS a world outside of RKMB
Sjshahman: skys
klinton77: I don't recall...
Sjshahman: clouds
Sjshahman: rainbows
Sjshahman: comics
Sjshahman: people come for comics
Sjshahman: stay for...people
klinton77: I think it was via the DCMB's...but as to who told idea
Sjshahman: What is Rob doing these days?
Sjshahman: I heard he let G-man take over
Sjshahman: and all the libs were rounded up and banned
klinton77: pretty much
The Time Trust: There are bigger, more active boards, but nobody knows me on them. Plus the rules are more stringent elsewhere.
klinton77: that's why I got there
Sjshahman: no cusserin'
klinton77: 'go'
The Time Trust: Against my better judgment I occasionally stumble into the Deep Thoughts forum until I realize why I hate that place.
Sjshahman: no placin' of the nudery pics
klinton77: I can't argue with them anymore
Sjshahman: I swear, G-Man is the reason i left the place
klinton77: it jsut hurts too much
Sjshahman: Rob was gung ho enough
klinton77: Rob's all right
Sjshahman: but he owned the boards, and I was like, okay
The Time Trust: Rob is actually fairly laissez faire
Sjshahman: he is alright, but back in 9/11
klinton77: yeah...
The Time Trust: Aye
Sjshahman: you had to be patriotic and shit. We were gonna fuck up them towelheads
The Time Trust: I know...
klinton77: PJP is still like that....
klinton77: I really don't get how uninformed most of them are
The Time Trust: There was a new thread on those WMDs being found almost every second day for awhile there.
Sjshahman: It's the Internet. it exposes us to people from all walks of life
The Time Trust: Oops. Fooled again.
Sjshahman: I live here in Wilmington, NC and well, it can get messy
Sjshahman: I volunteered for Kerry/Edwards, and we lost by over 60%
klinton77: shit...that had to hurt
Sjshahman: had a candlelit vigil on inauguration day (group changed the name to Cape Fear for Progress)
Sjshahman: and people came by, cussing us out
The Time Trust: It's a time of paranoia and the politics of fear.
The Time Trust: The biggest fear-mongers always win that game in that time.
klinton77: Nazi Germany...what?
Sjshahman: pretty much. And I guess the Republican feeds on fear. Primarily because it tells you who is bad/after you, and why we must be vigiliant
Sjshahman: "This is why you need to vote for me, I will protect America/American interests"
The Time Trust: The alternative is "too horrible to contemplate".
Sjshahman: I am more concerned with the repeating theme than anything else. People don't learn
klinton77: nope
Sjshahman: Yeah. We fight them and they will stop. Clearly.
klinton77: cattle.....the lot
The Time Trust: The U.S. media is the worst in the free world.
Sjshahman: But it is American/Christian fundamentals.
Sjshahman: Free world, yes. I have some serious issues with its fickle reporting
The Time Trust: There are so many things that go unreported.
The Time Trust: It's shocking.
klinton77: unreported...and flat out lies
Sjshahman: Terri Schiavo! Terri Schiavo! Michael Jackson! Newsweek was WRONG! Michael Jackson! (Maybe Newsweek was right.) MICHAEL JACKSON
Sjshahman: You read Greg Palast, I take it
klinton77: I hate that whole Jackson case....a shroud if you've ever seen one
Sjshahman: legally, I don't know.
Sjshahman: I think he has sexually issues--fear of sex, fear of women
Sjshahman: there was mention of how his brothers used to fuck groupies around him when he was a kid
Sjshahman: and Tatum Oneil offered herself to him, and he couldn't do it
klinton77: I think he just really likes kids...he doesn't get that they are not his equals
Sjshahman: So, I think he is scared of sex, and hanging out with kids was his way of holding onto youth
klinton77: I don't think he fucks them though
Sjshahman: yeah
Sjshahman: He's rich, kind of unstable, and he wants to help. People take advantage of wealthy people
klinton77: yup
klinton77: whole house smells like roasting chicken....I'm fucking hungry!
Sjshahman: People draw question to a man who spends time with young girls, well, you know, he was trying to be good.
Sjshahman: heh
klinton77: hmmm....cheerios!
Sjshahman: cheeries in the afternoon?
Sjshahman: what is your RKMB name?
klinton77: klinton
Sjshahman: see, I don't know this stuff
klinton77: come's a great way to kill a hangover
Sjshahman: DCMBs... what do you read?
klinton77: Just Catwoman and Ww
klinton77: I've pretty much given up on comics
klinton77: I get those mostly out of duty now...
Sjshahman: girl comics... you sound liek a woman
klinton77: I know...
The Time Trust: I'm getting rid of my subscriptions
klinton77: yeah?
klinton77: how come?
The Time Trust: My scholarship money is puttering away too quickly.
klinton77: Ah...that'll do it
Sjshahman: I only read...ummm...
Sjshahman: Joe Sacco and... ummm...
Sjshahman: Dan Clowes?
klinton77: I spend most of my income on beer and cigs...
klinton77: seriously...far too much
klinton77: the two comics that I do get don't even show up on the radar
Sjshahman: heh
klinton77: It's true...
Sjshahman: I just spent 300 bucks on HST's last book
klinton77: time I spent that much on comics related shit was for the 'Invisible Plane'
Sjshahman: This is Hunter S. Thompson's "Curse of Lono"
Sjshahman: Signed by Thompson and Ralph Steadman
klinton77: nice!
Sjshahman: limited printing of 1000, yada yada.
klinton77: I don't think I've ever actually read him
klinton77: perhaps i've come across his stuff in lit classs
The Time Trust: I couldn't get into Fear and Loathing.
The Time Trust: Maybe I wasn't in the right mood for it at the time.
Sjshahman: I saw the movie first, then read the book
Sjshahman: Movie helped make it all a bit comedic
klinton77: didn't he do a book about a guy who thought he was water...?
Sjshahman: otherwise, I would have read the book at a cynic
Sjshahman: Water? hmmm. I never read the Rum Diaries...
Sjshahman: might be that.
Sjshahman: but I dunno
klinton77: just checked your link...looks like a fun book for fans
The Time Trust: Haven't seen the movie... I was waiting until I'd read the book. Heh.
Sjshahman: I am one of those--see movie, read book
klinton77: the movie was alright...
Sjshahman: Because movie has less than the book (in all cases). Reading the book first, and you get disappointed
klinton77: that's truew
The Time Trust: Interesting...
klinton77: except with 'Hanibal'...where the movie was much beter
klinton77: better
Sjshahman: But, if you like the movie (i.e. Shining, or L.A. Confidential)
The Time Trust: I know someone who reads movie adaptations before she sees the movies. Now that is bizarre.
Sjshahman: and you want to learn more, the book gives you a lot of shit, and EXPLANATIONS
Sjshahman: that is stupid
The Time Trust: Novelizations, I mean.
Sjshahman: Hannibal was crap.
klinton77: I liked the movie
Sjshahman: Both book and movie. I read the book first
klinton77: sorry...
Sjshahman: and I was like, "Where is the lesbian sister? I want a naked chick!"
Sjshahman: but there was noooo naked chick :-(
rexstardust99: I'm back.
The Time Trust: WHOA!
klinton77: she was a big old bull dyke
klinton77: hi rex!
Sjshahman: well, Lucy Lawless could have played her. I dunno
rexstardust99: I see its still working.
klinton77: so...about Rex's penchant for small mamals....what were you saying?
Sjshahman: see, you LOST me
klinton77: hmmm...i ain't drawing a road map to that one
UltimateJaburg53: rex
UltimateJaburg53: Mission to Mars
UltimateJaburg53: What a turd movie
klinton77: I hate 'space thrillers'
UltimateJaburg53: Yeah
UltimateJaburg53: Me too
klinton77: if it's not full on 'Star Wars' or the like...don't bother
Sjshahman: crap, I need to goooo
Sjshahman: later
The Time Trust: Seeya
klinton77: bye
Sjshahman has left the room.
UltimateJaburg53: Who was that?
rexstardust99: ?
The Time Trust: Soy
klinton77: soy...sumthin
UltimateJaburg53: Ah
UltimateJaburg53: Soy
The Time Trust: Soy un Perdedor
klinton77: that'S the one
rexstardust99: oh
The Time Trust: I'm a loser, baby, so why don't you kill me?
klinton77: *stab*
The Time Trust: I bleed.
The Time Trust: OK, I need to go and pick up my comics and divorce my comic shop at the same time.
The Time Trust: Well, separation, at least.
The Time Trust: I expect I'll be heading straight to sleep after I get back.
TheElisaPrincess has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: hey guys
TheElisaPrincess: and everyodys asleep
TheElisaPrincess: this is nice!
rexstardust99: Elisa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TheElisaPrincess: meant everybody........everyone must be in the destroy G thread
TheElisaPrincess: REXY!!!!!!!!!!!!
TheElisaPrincess: but you drank like five beers last nihg
TheElisaPrincess: tno hangover at all?!?
TheElisaPrincess: im in awe
WiuJeremy80 has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: JEREMYS!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOSH
TheElisaPrincess: dude, i have so freakin missed you!
TheElisaPrincess: you have no idea ;P\
TheElisaPrincess: im surrounded by math people that arent that funny dirng hte week ;P
WiuJeremy80: holy crap this is a lot of people
WiuJeremy80: Hi Elisa...I missed you too
TheElisaPrincess: yeah jeremys but nobodys talking!
TheElisaPrincess: Hows the bookstore?
WiuJeremy80: good
rexstardust99: heh
WiuJeremy80: business is slow lately, and lucky me I get to go back in less than an hour
TheElisaPrincess: glad to hear it ;P I have homework...HOMEWORK this sdad
TheElisaPrincess: Jer how did you get online?went home from lunch?
WiuJeremy80: homework?
BrianXzavior22: Hi Elisa...sorry everybody, but my girl was iming me...i got distracted
TheElisaPrincess: its ok bry
WiuJeremy80: oh yeah, I forgot about homework
TheElisaPrincess: um...........yeah jeremys dallas is putting us through two grad teaching math courses
TheElisaPrincess: we only have three weeks in we're in class six hour sa day
WiuJeremy80: damn!
TheElisaPrincess: totally and one of them is pointless; reading literacy
WiuJeremy80: I hope it's easy stuff
TheElisaPrincess: what the crapd oes that do with math :P
TheElisaPrincess: and the other class is methods for math teaching which i like!
TheElisaPrincess: shes kinda soft spoken though......but she doesnt give us much homework *yeahs*
WiuJeremy80: somehow I can see you going ballistic in one of those classes
TheElisaPrincess: LOL Jeremys.......i got most enthusiastic the first day
WiuJeremy80: dial up blows!
TheElisaPrincess: yeah matzo introduced me to the class as the most enthusiastic math interview
TheElisaPrincess: he ever had
WiuJeremy80: brb
Glacier16 has left the room.
Glacier16 has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: awwwwwwww poor jeremys!
PJPGYRO has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: GLACY!!!!!!!! i thought yo uwere away?
PJPGYRO: well hello
Glacier16: whoa
TheElisaPrincess: PJS!!!!!!! woah.......all you boy swake up from naptime the exact same time?
rexstardust99: PJP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PJPGYRO: everybody get my PMs today:-D
klinton77: LOL @ rexers!
TheElisaPrincess: NOOO Pjs the first, second, or third one :P
PJPGYRO: Imust have sent a hundred of them
TheElisaPrincess: klinty!!!!!! Whats up?
Glacier16: heh
TheElisaPrincess: there arent that many regs pj
rexstardust99: .
Glacier16: .
TheElisaPrincess: i know thoughts exactly, i dont wanna focus past the dot ;P
PJPGYRO: Rob sent r3x a PM saying "you guys had quite the conference"
WiuJeremy80: OMG Hi PJ's!
PJPGYRO: Hi jers
TheElisaPrincess: LOL PJ!!!!!!!!!!! A conference?
TheElisaPrincess: what the crap?
Glacier16: lols
TheElisaPrincess: how did you find that out? Hack into robs account or something
TheElisaPrincess: yeah jeremys is back! We should have a celebration
PJPGYRO: no r3x sent it to me
TheElisaPrincess: *sings* someobdy said you'd better let go
PJPGYRO: whos brian22
WiuJeremy80: awww she's seranading me
Glacier16: Brian A. Ortiz
PJPGYRO: hello brian
BrianXzavior22: Hello everyone
WiuJeremy80: Hello Brian
PJPGYRO: jers what have you been up to lols
TheElisaPrincess: yeah brys is in here
TheElisaPrincess: pj dont be all lols :P
TheElisaPrincess: thats girly :P
Glacier16: exactly
PJPGYRO: yeah I knw lols
WiuJeremy80: lols PJs, I've like been so freakin' busy
TheElisaPrincess: so Jeremy......met any cute girls in teh bookstore yet?
WiuJeremy80: oh there's some nice t n' a there
PJPGYRO: you pervert jers
WiuJeremy80: hehe
Glacier16: lols
WiuJeremy80: alright
WiuJeremy80: speaking of, I gotta get there after going to a grad party
TheElisaPrincess: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO Jeremy you cant leave
WiuJeremy80: I'm gonna make like a banana and split
TheElisaPrincess: so not fair :P Who will I talk to math with online? *sniffs*
PJPGYRO: relax elisa you still have piggies
TheElisaPrincess: have fun workin jeremy! try not to work too hard.........
TheElisaPrincess: yeah what the crap ever PJ :P I don't count people who havnet talked to me in more than two months :P'
PJPGYRO: oh wait he not around anymore
WiuJeremy80: I'll have to tell you what my new cell phone number is
TheElisaPrincess: yeah jeremys so i can call ya!
PJPGYRO: lucky you jers lols
TheElisaPrincess: no biggie though alright? I cant have youb eing late to work!
WiuJeremy80: not around these homos though...God knows what horrifying calls I'll get
WiuJeremy80: lols
TheElisaPrincess: Seriously take care alright? ANd keep me updated on your cousin
Glacier16: ha
WiuJeremy80: will do
PJPGYRO: I would call you every hour on the hour
PJPGYRO: to tell you what a great guy you are lols
WiuJeremy80: awww PJPs you're so...
WiuJeremy80: gay
TheElisaPrincess: LOL......that was awesome
WiuJeremy80: for me that id
WiuJeremy80: is
TheElisaPrincess: Pj i dont call every hour, i usually get permission first, then number, then call once
TheElisaPrincess: its not like i calle veryone every day and am like, "totally, like hows life and stuff :P"
rexstardust99: every hour.
WiuJeremy80: ok, I'm off like a dress on prom night
BrianXzavior22: later jeremy
Glacier16: heh
TheElisaPrincess: lol......rack the jer
TheElisaPrincess: still hasnt lost his touch!
PJPGYRO: how's chewy and time trust doing
PJPGYRO: and glacier16
WiuJeremy80: rack me all night long baby
TheElisaPrincess: dont forget to battle dialup once a week
Glacier16: grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat!
TheElisaPrincess: Lol! that was awesome response!
TheElisaPrincess: see ya later!
TheElisaPrincess: thanks for coming online!
WiuJeremy80 has left the room.
Glacier16: ew
TheElisaPrincess: so now motivated to go to the library now ;p
PJPGYRO: what the hell is that smell......elisa did you fart?
BrianXzavior22: lol
rexstardust99: hehe
PJPGYRO: like something died
BrianXzavior22: maybe those are my jokes
TheElisaPrincess: *sings* im yours...........take me as I am
TheElisaPrincess: now Pj i just got outta the shower, I smell sweet!
BrianXzavior22: the ones i've been telling diane are getting old...i need new ones. she's got a corny sense of humor.
TheElisaPrincess: now=naw :P
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: wow she's showering between clients?
Glacier16: heh
BrianXzavior22: zing!
PJPGYRO: that's what the extra 50 bucks is for
PJPGYRO: cleanliness
TheElisaPrincess: no sneaks before i got in here i showered
TheElisaPrincess: the pizza guy surpirsed me.....had to go out in my towel :P
PJPGYRO: aint no sloppy seconds here
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i've done that
TheElisaPrincess: lol guys are so pitiful :P
PJPGYRO: you don't even have to tip when you do that
PJPGYRO: the free show is enough
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: pretty much
PJPGYRO: I'm surprised he charged you for the pizza
PJPGYRO: next time show a little nip
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: might bet free bread stick
PJPGYRO: fo sho
TheElisaPrincess: Pj.........its the same guy that always comes to my house. Hes like late thirties
TheElisaPrincess: or has for like six months anyway
TheElisaPrincess: SNEAKS........yeah there ya go, "teachers gone wild" caught on tape ;P
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: so old guys need love too
TheElisaPrincess: on news at area junior high teacher flashed pizza boy :P
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: hurm....sounds too soft core
TheElisaPrincess: lol sneaks with my luck it oculd happen :P
PJPGYRO: 30sis not old thank you very much
TheElisaPrincess: hold on brb.......gotta figure out what to wear the library
TheElisaPrincess: not for you Pj....but he's like late thirties
TheElisaPrincess: and married
TheElisaPrincess: what is it with yall trying to hook me up with someone anyweays :P
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: hey if you got teh nose hairs its old
PJPGYRO: married could be a problem
TheElisaPrincess: speaking of which the only guys that ever flirt with me now adays are pahthetically sad
TheElisaPrincess: on the train to work, in class during the day, at the gym......what is the deal these days?
PJPGYRO: they are horny
PJPGYRO: or just messing around
PJPGYRO: a little flirting never hurt anyone
PJPGYRO: shannon knows what I'm saying;-)
TheElisaPrincess: whatever......teh guy should be loyal to his girl in all areas: flirting included ;p
TheElisaPrincess: i dont care if i am old fashioned that way
PJPGYRO: you've never flirted with someone while dating someone else
PJPGYRO: all girls flirt constantly
PJPGYRO: it's their way
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: hell i flirt with the bill collectors
PJPGYRO: who is gooz03
Glacier16: dunno, sounded familiar though
BooBerryFanatic: Gooz03 is Gooz.
TheElisaPrincess: yeah girls flirst but they usually watch who tis worth
TheElisaPrincess: hold on brb
PJPGYRO: ask a stupid question
BooBerryFanatic: (Which you did...)
BooBerryFanatic: Okay. Just checking... ;-)
BooBerryFanatic: Whassup, Peej?
PJPGYRO: not much
BooBerryFanatic: Good to hear.
BooBerryFanatic: How 'bout the rest of you?
Glacier16: same
BooBerryFanatic: Good to hear, Glacier.
PJPGYRO: I am busy organizing the RKMBs to force Rob to have new election in the Deep Thoughts forum
TheElisaPrincess: fixin to jet out chews........homework and all that
Glacier16: indeed
PJPGYRO: want inj
TheElisaPrincess: Pj...our fearless leader against all that is evil, and horrible in the world
BooBerryFanatic: New election for...?
TheElisaPrincess: wait...its just getting Gman removed as mod, my bad :P
PJPGYRO: Moderators
BooBerryFanatic: Ah.
PJPGYRO: wednesday knows his job is safe
BooBerryFanatic: What's wrong with G-Man as mod, if I may ask?
BrianXzavior22 has left the room.
BooBerryFanatic: I never go on Deep Thoughts, so I have no idea.
Glacier16: I go, but I usually have nothing to contribute
PJPGYRO: he is constantly moving and deleting threads and posts
PJPGYRO: that are not offensive
PJPGYRO: just offensive to him
TheElisaPrincess: When is Wed gonna get aim darn it
BooBerryFanatic: But are they off-topic?
PJPGYRO: not usually
TheElisaPrincess: Glacy i gave up going.......not taken seriously that often ;-)
PJPGYRO: sometimes but not usually
PJPGYRO: I take you seriously elsia
Glacier16: lols
PJPGYRO: plus he has started with personal attacks against several posters.
TheElisaPrincess: yeah Pj.....*cough* totally :P
BooBerryFanatic: That's a tricky forum to moderate. It's hard to find a balance between 'deep thoughts' and... well... everything else.
TheElisaPrincess: so did bsams............
PJPGYRO: I have tried to be very nice to him
BooBerryFanatic: Personally, I wouldn't want his job.
TheElisaPrincess: brb *getting dressed for the library*
PJPGYRO: yeah well he likes it
BooBerryFanatic: MediaX suits me fine...
PJPGYRO: and I aim to do my best to fuck it up for him
klinton77: Personally, I wouldn't want his life....
klinton77: Mine suits me
PJPGYRO: I hear that klints
klinton77: G man is just annoying as hell these days
PJPGYRO: Chewy is a helluva mod
klinton77: stuck up ass
Glacier16: as is Wed
BooBerryFanatic: *shrug* I rarely talk to him, so... yeah.
BooBerryFanatic: Heh. Thanks, Peej.
PJPGYRO: wednesday is a gret guy
BooBerryFanatic: I do like Weds. He's an awesome mod and an all-around good guy.
Glacier16: its true
klinton77: Taht actor chap in the media forum is all right...
PJPGYRO: I sent him a PM before I did anything. If there are new elections wednesday would win very easily again
klinton77: Wednesday should be co-mod in every freakin' forum
klinton77: he doesn't need 'personal time'
PJPGYRO: somebody else sent me a PM saying that too
PJPGYRO: I got so many today I can't remeber who
klinton77: 'twas the one armed manà
klinton77: man
BooBerryFanatic: Weds just has good ideas and a variety of talents. Plus, he contributes to just about every forum consistently and very well.
klinton77: So...let's get back to Canadian politics
Glacier16: heh
klinton77: that was the highlight of this chat so far
BooBerryFanatic: Damn... and I'm already out of the conversation...
PJPGYRO: I just got a PM from Jim Jackson
Glacier16: thats great
klinton77: asking for man sex?
PJPGYRO: he's on board too he just sent Rob a PM
PJPGYRO: no that was yesterday
klinton77: ah...

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
rex #520515 2005-06-06 2:55 PM
Joined: Jun 2004
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Who will I break next?
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Joined: Jun 2004
Posts: 46,308
PJPGYRO: I'm actually standing up right now
BooBerryFanatic: I never pictured you for one who would give in to such a demand, Peej...
PJPGYRO: it hurts toomuch to sit
klinton77: I got a series of creepy pms from him when I refused to answer the 'cut or uncut' thread
PJPGYRO: Jims a good guy
BooBerryFanatic: I still remember when he was a dick, though...
TheElisaPrincess: then he cant be accused of being gay :P
PJPGYRO: well he is gay
PJPGYRO: yeah Jim came off like a dick at first but so did I
PJPGYRO: I still do to some
klinton77: yup
PJPGYRO: I don't mean to
klinton77: yes you do
klinton77: dick
PJPGYRO: yes I do
BooBerryFanatic: There was a thread where he was lambasting me for not agreeing with his view of Freudian philosophy/psychology.
BooBerryFanatic: I think he's mellowed out since, though...
PJPGYRO: yeah he has
Glacier16: yeah
PJPGYRO: sometimes we all get passionate and irrational
PJPGYRO: you should have seen sneaky last night
BooBerryFanatic: I've done that... though usually only in Writer's Block...
PJPGYRO: you want to talk about passion
BooBerryFanatic: And even now, I pick my battles...
klinton77: what was sneaky up about?
PJPGYRO: my cock
Glacier16: wow
PJPGYRO: she loves my pet rooster
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: damn i drank that much?
Glacier16: lols
BooBerryFanatic: Heh!
klinton77: doesn't take much to get her worked up
PJPGYRO: nah I guess not
Glacier16: lol
klinton77: sorry...
Glacier16: whoa
BooBerryFanatic: Heh.
BooBerryFanatic: Glac... wtf?
TheElisaPrincess: bbls
Glacier16: see ya EP
PJPGYRO: we dont speak 3rd grade elisa
Glacier16: lol
BooBerryFanatic: Heh.
PJPGYRO: whats bbls
BooBerryFanatic: Be back later...s.
PJPGYRO: I just learned what lol is;-)
BooBerryFanatic: Heh!
Glacier16: see ys PE
Glacier16: EP
PJPGYRO: whats the s stand for....shits
BooBerryFanatic: I thought it was 'stupid'...
PJPGYRO: that would be me
BooBerryFanatic: But then, what do I know?
klinton77: sex-slaves
BooBerryFanatic: Heh.
Glacier16: right on
PJPGYRO: ah that fits her personality actually
klinton77: totally...she'S a frisky one
Glacier16: yup
Glacier16: web dings that is interesting
klinton77: you just know that if you ever got past her 'puritan' ideals...she'd be an animal
klinton77: all of that pent up energy needs a release
BooBerryFanatic: People have said the same of me...
BooBerryFanatic: O:-)
Glacier16: so true that
klinton77: enough with the pictograms
Glacier16: heh
BooBerryFanatic: Let's all commit to legible fonts, shall we?
Glacier16: I could read it, just have no clue what I was sayin
Glacier16: kinda like this
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: well ain't that nice
klinton77: I'm on the phone with an ex who's all embroiled in a three way drama....
Glacier16: ahhhhhhh, well. I've had my fun. I'm gonna go play some Mortal Kombat online. So i'll be away.
BooBerryFanatic: Have fun, G16!
klinton77: he'S fucking someone'S bf....and the bf just found out!
klinton77: LOL1
BooBerryFanatic: Some people's kids...
klinton77: .....
BooBerryFanatic: You said it, klints.
klinton77: He'S freaking out ...I jsut want t hang up
BooBerryFanatic: Why don't you?
klinton77: dunno...
klinton77: maybe I should?
BooBerryFanatic: That's not a good enough reason, methinks...
klinton77: he wants to move away from the
BooBerryFanatic: How likely is it that this bf is going to beat the ever-loving crap out of him?
klinton77: not so much...he's pretty mello
klinton77: then again, so is Chrisé
BooBerryFanatic: Then why's he freaking out?
klinton77: he jsut wants to avoid the confrontation
BooBerryFanatic: And he's willing to move away to do it?
klinton77: typical...he's a total pussy who can't take responsibility for his actions
BooBerryFanatic: Ah. Gotcha.
klinton77: this is why I dumped his ass
BooBerryFanatic: Any likelihood of him changing?
BooBerryFanatic: Heh!
klinton77: naw...he's always been like this
klinton77: k...he's gone
PJPGYRO: I love that you know someone name Chrise
klinton77: Chris...that was a typo
BooBerryFanatic: Chrise... sounds French...
PJPGYRO: with you candians you never know
klinton77: shut up
BooBerryFanatic: Especially being so close to Quebec...
klinton77: Piere
PJPGYRO: was my name in french class
klinton77: so close? I live in Quebec
PJPGYRO: 7th and 8th grade
BooBerryFanatic: HAH!
PJPGYRO: then I switched to spanish and became pedro
BooBerryFanatic: Boy, is my face red!
klinton77: and black, and blue!
BooBerryFanatic: I always took Spanish... except for the week in 4th grade where they taught us German.
BooBerryFanatic: Heh!
PJPGYRO: I think its hilarious that the Nordiques were in canada for so long and didnt win shit
PJPGYRO: then they go to colorado and woan alot
klinton77: shut itÙ
BooBerryFanatic: :-)
klinton77: I always look german
klinton77: or dutch
klinton77: it's the pale skin and the blue eyes
BooBerryFanatic: I don't look like anything... but then again, my anscestors were Irish, Scottish, and American Indian...
klinton77: hienz 57!
klinton77: I think it's time for beer...
PJPGYRO: hell yeah
klinton77: yup...Blue Dry...delicious!
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: damn straight!
klinton77: that was the fastest I think I've ever downed a beer at home....
BooBerryFanatic: I've never been one for alcohol... but knowing how I chug down sodas, I'm not sure I'd be able to 'savor' it as I probably should...
klinton77: why not?
klinton77: How can you live without beer?
klinton77: How?
BooBerryFanatic: I don't like the taste of it
klinton77: That's just not possible
klinton77: It'S like not liking air
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: its just not right!!
BooBerryFanatic: I think it tastes like dog piss and liquefied cardboard...
klinton77: is there an ignore feature in here?
BooBerryFanatic: ...sorry...
BooBerryFanatic: To each his own... it's just not my preference.
klinton77: beer...
klinton77: It'S your freind
klinton77: really....
klinton77: It's the reason you were born
klinton77: the reason the sun shines in the summer
BooBerryFanatic: I've done well without it so far...
BooBerryFanatic: Nothing... but it never did anything for me, either.
klinton77: Have you really? well, you say?
klinton77: when was the last time you gotr laid?
klinton77: beer can help that!
UltimateJaburg53: Beer!
klinton77: beer!@
BooBerryFanatic: Meh.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: he's a lost cause, just leave him to the shitty tequila
klinton77: can save this child....we can'T just leave him....
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i have some extra sleemans..i'll ship it out
klinton77: send some beer with that....
PJPGYRO: Im going out to dinner in alittle bit....will be drinkin wine.
UltimateJaburg53: Wine!
PJPGYRO: you guys like merlot or cab
klinton77: wine is good too
PJPGYRO: I make my own
klinton77: merlot
PJPGYRO: well my friend does all the work
PJPGYRO: I say I make it
BooBerryFanatic: Zinfandel isn't bad... but I doubt I'd drink too much of it.
klinton77: fag
UltimateJaburg53: I like it in a box
PJPGYRO: red wine is good for your heart
UltimateJaburg53: with a fox
PJPGYRO: I tell myself when my liver crys to me
klinton77: I want a bottle of wine now
klinton77: damn you PJP!
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: damn you!!
klinton77: have you tried Liberty School, PJP?
rexstardust99: FUCK
rexstardust99: Fuck
rexstardust99: fcuk
rexstardust99: fuck
klinton77: what?
UltimateJaburg53: Problem rex?
BooBerryFanatic: Be back at some points, gents (and Sneaky). Later, all.
rexstardust99: I just tried to get uschi to get AIM, but she said no.
klinton77: bye
UltimateJaburg53: She had aim
PJPGYRO: see ya chewy
rexstardust99: Then my crazy rich and racist aunt called.
rexstardust99: I fucking hate dealing with her.
PJPGYRO: she had aim and now she shoots horribly
klinton77: tell the bitch to fuck off
PJPGYRO: if she srich be nice
rexstardust99: I wanted to.
PJPGYRO: you might get in the will
klinton77: who cares if she'S rich
rexstardust99: Thats why I'm nice to her.
PJPGYRO: just kiddin klints
PJPGYRO: sheesh
klinton77: I have little patience for people who 'expect' certain treatment
PJPGYRO: I agree
PJPGYRO: g-man is like that
PJPGYRO: he thinks he is above people
klinton77: g-man's just an ass
rexstardust99: Yes
PJPGYRO: lets get are pitchforks and burn his house down
klinton77: a stupid, ignorant ass
UltimateJaburg53: Yeah
klinton77: he's a breathing example of what I hate in Americans
PJPGYRO: I have sent PMs to soooo many people today
PJPGYRO: I m pretty proud no matter what happens
PJPGYRO: Rob I think is taken aback by how many people responded
PJPGYRO: douche g-man
klinton77: I hope this chat gets posted...
PJPGYRO: He is actually going to make me not vote again
PJPGYRO: me too
UltimateJaburg53: Wow people really hate the G-Man.
klinton77: not vote?
klinton77: why?
rexstardust99: He's a fascist ass hole.
klinton77: how?
PJPGYRO: I might go libertarian next time.=-O
PJPGYRO: just kiddin
UltimateJaburg53: I just stat out of that forum
UltimateJaburg53: Mostly
PJPGYRO: me too
PJPGYRO: but Id like to have the choice of posting in there
rexstardust99: I stay out now, I'm sick of everything becoming a liberal-conservative flame war.
klinton77: I try...but I prefer political debates over comic book discussions
PJPGYRO: everything I post automatically gets tossed
rexstardust99: I think if we got g-man out, it would be better.
UltimateJaburg53: Who knows
PJPGYRO: we'll see
klinton77: I want to be mod of the DT forum
klinton77: I want to have the power to move 'offending' posts by the G
PJPGYRO: rob sent me a pm weeks back askingme to be more respectful and less stupid in deep thoughts
UltimateJaburg53: But your canadien
PJPGYRO: I had no problem doing it
PJPGYRO: I would vote for you klint
klinton77: I know...Canadians can't be mods...
UltimateJaburg53: I hate being serious and respectful
PJPGYRO: its hard for me
UltimateJaburg53: especially when asked
PJPGYRO: Im even more of an ass in real life
klinton77: Me too
klinton77: you have no idea
PJPGYRO: lols me too
PJPGYRO: wed get along good
klinton77: I think so
PJPGYRO: I can't wait to party with rex and jake!
klinton77: when?
UltimateJaburg53: When I win Lotto!
UltimateJaburg53: I'll hold a big thingy
UltimateJaburg53: Then we will gather and party
rexstardust99: heh
klinton77: That'd be a blast
rexstardust99: We should try to plan a get together sometime.
PJPGYRO: one of the cons
klinton77: in Canada
rexstardust99: Maybe in a year or so, give everyone a chance to save some money up.
UltimateJaburg53: Yeah
rexstardust99: Somewhere on the east coast, since thats where most everyone lives.
UltimateJaburg53: Rob's apartment?
klinton77: Montreal?
rexstardust99: No canada.
UltimateJaburg53: We'll just surprise him
klinton77: Actually...New York would be ok too
rexstardust99: Just show up with a ton of beer.
PJPGYRO: he 'dlove that
rexstardust99: I always wanter to visit New York.
rexstardust99: wanted
klinton77: I think he'd close the boards shortly after though
rexstardust99: heh
UltimateJaburg53: Not if we know where he lives
UltimateJaburg53: God
UltimateJaburg53: the pollen is disgusting this year
klinton77: Not here
klinton77: here it'S just humid as hell
rexstardust99: Here to, thats whats been killing me.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: yeah its like an armpit here
PJPGYRO: humid here too....real bad pollen
rexstardust99: I think Oregon produces most of America's grass seeds, so its always bad here.
klinton77: about that cyber?
klinton77: right here...right now!
UltimateJaburg53: Ooop Ozzy's daugther back in rehab
PJPGYRO: you need to ask her
PJPGYRO: rex you can come visit me
PJPGYRO: I'll show you around NY
klinton77: you should come here PJ
PJPGYRO: we'll go surprise balloonknot and jaburg wearing tiarras
klinton77: it's not so far
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: sorry only on the second beer klinton
klinton77: drink more, woman!
PJPGYRO: I almost went to montreal last year for the bachelor party
rexstardust99: heh
PJPGYRO: lost of goos strip clubs there
klinton77: shit yeah!
klinton77: there'S one on eery corner
rexstardust99: I'm actually considering moving to the east coast eventually.
rexstardust99: I'm sick of the west coast.
PJPGYRO: french candian women are mucho fine
klinton77: unlike most of the men.,,,
UltimateJaburg53: EAst Coast!
PJPGYRO: heh change back;-)
klinton77: I got me the only one worth a secnd look
PJPGYRO: atta boy
PJPGYRO: free booze too
PJPGYRO: you still get the free stuff
PJPGYRO: schnapps was it
klinton77: no...
PJPGYRO: smirnoff
klinton77: the roomate moved out
klinton77: ah well
klinton77: it was sick shit any way
klinton77: beer is better
PJPGYRO: yeah strong stuff
PJPGYRO: stronger than beer
PJPGYRO: but not molson
klinton77: yeah...stronger than molson
rexstardust99: I was pretty drunk last night PJP, you missed it.
PJPGYRO: im sorry i missed it
PJPGYRO: had to be up early today
rexstardust99: sucker
PJPGYRO: I gotta run guys off to dinner with the family..its the parents 44th anniversary
klinton77: bye
rexstardust99: see ya.
PJPGYRO: Ill be on for a little while tonight from 1030 to 11
PJPGYRO has left the room.
klinton77: so...sneaky...back to the cyber
klinton77: (I'm on a mission today)
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: haha, okay i'll go buy another case
klinton77: that
rexstardust99: Sadly I'm going to be sober all day.
klinton77: why?
rexstardust99: I gotta babysit at eight.
rexstardust99: Same with tomorrow night.
klinton77: give the little shits some too....
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: or at least some night quil crap
rexstardust99: No, their parents already fucked them up enough.
rexstardust99: Fucking hippies.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY has left the room.
klinton77: do you ever get tempted to lock the kids in a room?
rexstardust99: I give them timeouts, but they are usually really good around me.
klinton77: cool
klinton77: I don
klinton77: don't know how you do it...I hate little kids
rexstardust99: I hate them if I'm not related.
rexstardust99: If their family its cool, but I hate other peoples kids.
klinton77: I don't know any of my relatives kids...
klinton77: so I can safely say that I hate them all
rexstardust99: So whose still posting here?
rexstardust99: I think I'm going to take a break and watch some TV.
rexstardust99: I have the complete chat saved up to this point.
UltimateJaburg53 has left the room.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY has entered the room.
The Time Trust: Hey.
The Time Trust: I'm back.
The Time Trust: Just dropped all my comics.
klinton77: Welcome...
klinton77: are you sad
The Time Trust: Not really.
The Time Trust: No, it's a relief, actually.
klinton77: in withdrawl?
The Time Trust: Not yet.
The Time Trust: That comes later, I'm sure.
The Time Trust: As a habit it's worse than crack.
klinton77: they give out free methadone out there, no?
The Time Trust: I think so, yeah.
The Time Trust: Experimental program or something.
klinton77: I thought I'd miss comics...but I haven't yet
rexstardust99: The two canadians are chatting? This can't be good.
The Time Trust: I'll have more money in my bank account each month.
klinton77: yup
klinton77: We're going to take over the world Rex!
The Time Trust: I'm surprised it's taken this long to happen.
klinton77: dropping comics?
The Time Trust: Nah. Chatting with the other infamous Canadian at the RKMBs.
klinton77: I guess eh,
klinton77: It's just that you post more in the comics area
The Time Trust: ...if at all
klinton77: I'm usually only in the DT and random area...
klinton77: yeah, you don't post so much anymore
The Time Trust: I'm very picky about which threads I read nowadays.
The Time Trust: I used to post a lot more.
klinton77: really? I just set out to start some shit...
klinton77: it'S like an interactive video game most of the time
The Time Trust: Especially if you know which buttons to push, eh? ;-)
klinton77: hell yeah...I'm an attentive listener
klinton77: I've worked Rex into a foaming frenzy
klinton77: Batwhore...I just hate the living shit out of her
The Time Trust: I stay away from her. She's got some strange ideas.
klinton77: she'S the definition of the 'crazy cat lady'
klinton77: I jsut realized that you can't put MODs on ignore...
klinton77: I tried to ignore G man
The Time Trust: Yeah, I know someone else who wanted to ignore G-man, too, but couldn't. Don't know why it's set up like that.
The Time Trust: Since Rob is a more-or-less laissez-faire moderator, it's strange that he would appoint a law-n-order type like G-man. Doesn't really reflect the spirit of the boards, IMO.
klinton77: I think G-man just gives good head...
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: thanks for sharing
klinton77: all things are forgiven for good sex
The Time Trust: That is the rumor.
klinton77: Bunny's gonna puke!
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: not this early
klinton77: no? after the cyber?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: haha, only if i see llances tits
klinton77:'re a dirty girl...I like that
The Time Trust: LLance would have marvelous tits if he shaved them a little.
The Time Trust: I hope nobody quotes me on that.
UltimateJaburg53 has entered the room.
klinton77: Llance...what is there to say about him...
klinton77: TTT said: 'Llance would have nice tits if he shaved them a little.'
The Time Trust: Salaam, Jaburg-ali-Muhammad
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: uh, that you wished you lived in kentucky?
klinton77: yeah...that too
The Time Trust: My internet connection is finally back up to speed. That was pissing me off all morning.
klinton77: who do you use?
The Time Trust: Shaw
The Time Trust: cable
klinton77: I liked them
The Time Trust: It's usually good.
klinton77: I use fucking Bell now...I hate Bell
The Time Trust: It's when the connection is poor that I curse their names to the four winds. But they're generally reliable.
klinton77: Back to Canadian politics
klinton77: my chicken was good, by the way
The Time Trust: The tech-guy I talked with this morning knew absolutely nothing about newsgroups. I was horrified.
klinton77: LOL
klinton77: that'S a man dedicated to his job
The Time Trust: How do you prepare your chicken?
klinton77: I marinated it in olive oil, garlic and chives over night...and then roasted it stuffed with potatoes
The Time Trust: Wow. That takes dedication.
The Time Trust: Must be worth the effort
klinton77: I always cook like that
klinton77: last thing in the evening I plan out tomorows meals
klinton77: sad, no?
The Time Trust: Not at all.
klinton77: If I didn't...Dan might get some ideas...and we don't want him cooking...ever
The Time Trust: I'm extremely disorganized when it comes to food.
The Time Trust: I hope he appreciates the effort, then.
UltimateJaburg53: (This Is Balloon KNot Speaking Not Jaburg) Hey Cunts!!
klinton77: hey, cunt!
klinton77: I think he of the first things he does when he meets someone new is insist they come over for my cooking
klinton77: so I just found out that the beer festival is on right now...and I'm sitting here....fuck....
The Time Trust: Sitting here and sober.
The Time Trust: Sad.
klinton77: why sober?
klinton77: what the fuck is the point of that?
The Time Trust: I need to stay up for awhile.
klinton77: beer doesn't perk you up?
The Time Trust: Not really.
The Time Trust: Going to someone birthday party at a pub later on tonight.
The Time Trust: Probably.
The Time Trust: Maybe.
klinton77: cool.
The Time Trust: Havent' decided yet.
klinton77: I think I'm just up to the usual...Le Drugstore
UltimateJaburg53: buttocks
The Time Trust: Hooray for buttocks!
klinton77: wouldn't be the same without them
klinton77: so...yeah...back to Canadian politics...and my hot cyber with Bunny
Lord Mxypltk has entered the room.
The Time Trust: Mxy?
Lord Mxypltk: Mxy?
The Time Trust: MxY?
klinton77: mXy?
The Time Trust: :-*mXXXy!:-*
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: uhh..kay...
klinton77: he was alone in the room with me too long
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: suuuuure he was
The Time Trust: I'm always gay for Mxy.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: arent we all?
klinton77: oddly...I am not...
kristogarvelo has entered the room.
Lord Mxypltk: he is
kristogarvelo: really truly really?
Lord Mxypltk: big time!
Lord Mxypltk: you said it.
The Time Trust: Yes
kristogarvelo: Wow, this is some chat.
kristogarvelo: People are really, really chatting.
The Time Trust: Strangely enough, this makes sense after being awake all night and all afternoon.
The Time Trust: We're all stoned in here.
klinton77: do yo have tracers yet ttt?
The Time Trust: If I did I'd know what you mean
kristogarvelo: Gotta go watch football.
kristogarvelo: 5,001,659
kristogarvelo has left the room.
klinton77: tracers...when you gte little coloured hues on things
klinton77: spots in the corner of your eye
The Time Trust: I'm afraid to check.
klinton77: it happens when you stay up all night
klinton77: not that I do that very often...
The Time Trust: There's a lot of people not chatting in here.
The Time Trust: Just an observation
klinton77: sorry...just PMing back and forth with Rob
The Time Trust: Hey Mxy -- mind if I like your bizarre webcomic on my page?
Lord Mxypltk: sure!
Lord Mxypltk: so aheed.
The Time Trust: How much of the cut should I send your way?
The Time Trust: I should warn you, though -- it's not much.
Lord Mxypltk: what cut?
The Time Trust: The profits from my webpage.
Lord Mxypltk: you have profits? whoa
Lord Mxypltk: well, if you get rich posting my comic, definetely send me something
The Time Trust: Potential profits, yeah.
The Time Trust: Will do.
Lord Mxypltk: otherwise, use the money to tempt bums and take them to your place to dissect
The Time Trust: I promise.
Lord Mxypltk: excellent,
Lord Mxypltk: master will be pleased.
Lord Mxypltk: I think I haven't seen your site for years. what's the url?
The Time Trust:
The Time Trust: It's fairly static. I removed the blog. Just a links page now.
The Time Trust: I expect the cash to be rolling in any day now.
The Time Trust: I even quit my job.
The Time Trust: My girlfriend quit her job, too.
Lord Mxypltk: you mean you're not Blue Beetle anymore?
The Time Trust: Shh!
Lord Mxypltk: oh!
The Time Trust: We'll have to edit out that part before posting the chat.
The Time Trust: Can't be too careful.
Lord Mxypltk: Just change the name I said with Blue Beetle. In fact, let's retroactively edit it now.
Lord Mxypltk: Done.
The Time Trust: Now no one will ever know.
The Time Trust: Except for the terribly confused people reading this.
Lord Mxypltk: I've edited their collective memories as well.
Lord Mxypltk: Now they think I always said Beetle. HA!
klinton77: it took me a second to figure out what the fuck you were doing there...
Lord Mxypltk: To live in ignorance...
klinton77: I need another beer
The Time Trust: I'm going to edit the thread again and have me say, "I'm always gay for Mxy" just to fuck with everybody.
The Time Trust: Done.
The Time Trust: Oh, shit. I should've had someone else say that.
Lord Mxypltk: D'oh

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
rex #520516 2005-06-06 2:56 PM
Joined: Jun 2004
Posts: 46,308
Who will I break next?
15000+ posts
Who will I break next?
15000+ posts
Joined: Jun 2004
Posts: 46,308
Lord Mxypltk: Let's keep on editing... I'll make it so Rob's Boards really sucked for the past months.
Lord Mxypltk: Whoa! Check it out!
Lord Mxypltk: Now I'll make a great number of posters gay...
The Time Trust: Don't forget G-man
The Time Trust: Oh, wait -- you're way ahead of me
Lord Mxypltk: whoops, I accidentally deleted legendary super poster sfx337 completely!
Lord Mxypltk: No even I'm doubting his existance. Was I kidding just now or did I really delete a person?
The Time Trust: :'(
The Time Trust: That was my fucking brother, man!
Lord Mxypltk: now you're an only child! you should thank me!
The Time Trust: For what?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: for killing your cyclops twim
The Time Trust: Hey, stop editing my posts, Mxy. You know I don't have a brother.
Lord Mxypltk: now you don't.
The Time Trust: Pardon?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: he's dead ther for you don't
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: damn canuck
The Time Trust: I'm really confused now.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: "yuck yuck yuck...i live in an iglo...yuck yuck yuck..i like ketchup chips...yuck yuck yuck...i'm canadian..yuck yuck yuck"
The Time Trust: Ketchup chips are delicious.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: yes yes they are
The Time Trust: I only live in an igloo for three months of the year.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: ah, your lumberjack girlfriends place? no?
The Time Trust: Right, that one.
The Time Trust: Her name's Fred
The Time Trust: So...
The Time Trust: I figure I'm too nice at Rob's.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: fred? is she the one who makes that pickle dip
The Time Trust: Need to make some enemies.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: ah yes you must
The Time Trust: Um...I think so. Strangely enough, I've never seen her naked. I hope she's not hiding anything from me.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i think i read in the toronto star that she's a eunick
The Time Trust: The stubble is a problem in the evenings, I must admit.
UltimateJaburg53: indeed
The Time Trust: GAH!
The Time Trust: Don't do that, man!
UltimateJaburg53: indeed
The Time Trust: Some warning next time.
idunapoo has entered the room.
idunapoo: Wank
idunapoo: wank
idunapoo: wank
idunapoo: wank
idunapoo: wank
idunapoo: wank
idunapoo: wank
idunapoo: ahhhhhhhhhh
Lord Mxypltk: cunt
TheElisaPrincess: whose iduna?
TheElisaPrincess: mxys true love?
idunapoo: I have no legs but I have got six feet
TheElisaPrincess: mrhm...........could bsams too
idunapoo: idunapoo
idunapoo: idunabigpoo
idunapoo: idunabigsmellypoo
TheElisaPrincess: idunoanidiot ;P
TheElisaPrincess: what happened with teh whole gman thing anyways?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: besides klinton hitting on mxy
TheElisaPrincess: LOL
TheElisaPrincess: thats funny
TheElisaPrincess: mxy deserrved it ;-)
The Time Trust: CUNT!
captainsammitch has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: woah trustys getting all pmsed up in here :P
captainsammitch: yo
idunapoo: You dun an idiot? You dirty thing!
TheElisaPrincess: yo you
captainsammitch: what's goin on everyone?
TheElisaPrincess: how goest church music?
The Time Trust: That's directed at the idunapoo
idunapoo: Sammitch smells like his filling died
captainsammitch: work in progress
captainsammitch: zuh?
TheElisaPrincess: mrhm you call him a derogatory girl name :P
TheElisaPrincess: makes sense ;p
The Time Trust: It's his favorite word
idunapoo: TTT is a gaylord Candian bum sniffer
The Time Trust: Just making him feel at home.
captainsammitch: so has anyone been here the WHOLE time?
TheElisaPrincess: lol trusty whatever
Glacier16: klinton has
TheElisaPrincess: naw sammys i went to the library
idunapoo: So,when is Bunny gettin nekkid.......promises were made to get me here
Glacier16: la biblioteca
TheElisaPrincess: glacy!!!!!! woah look who came back ;-)
TheElisaPrincess: yeah and nothing was where it SHOULD HAVE BEEN :P
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: y'all are weirdwha'?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: whose been pimping me out??
TheElisaPrincess: yeah dtec........duna's gotta be an alt
Glacier16: a la chingada
captainsammitch: waitasec - who's idunapoo - I may have missed something
TheElisaPrincess: lol sneaks........rex :P
TheElisaPrincess: no clue sams
TheElisaPrincess: i have no clue either
captainsammitch: feh
idunapoo: I aint no alt,I'm me!
TheElisaPrincess: ala chingada........yeah my spanish sucks and im supposed to be an esl teacher ;p
TheElisaPrincess: mrhm duna.....suuuuuuuuure!
idunapoo: I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts
The Time Trust: He's idunapoo! Can't you read?
TheElisaPrincess: de dila de
idunapoo: yeah thats right candadian boy
TheElisaPrincess: trust and what class am I takin?
TheElisaPrincess: LITERACY :P
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: your one to talk limey
idunapoo: I aint Canadian
captainsammitch: :-):-D:-):-):-):-):-D:-D:-D:-):-):-D:-D:-):-):-):-D:-D:-):-):-Dsmile:-):-):-D:-D:-):-D:-):-):-D:-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-D:-):-D:-D
Glacier16: its art!
idunapoo: thats sooooooo gay
The Time Trust: But if you must know, idunapoo is.....
The Time Trust: .....backwards7
captainsammitch: I'm a friggin machine
rexstardust99: GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
idunapoo: backwards7...........yeah right
Glacier16: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
captainsammitch: no, sorry
TheElisaPrincess: LOL Rex
TheElisaPrincess: that was awesome
TheElisaPrincess: BACKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TheElisaPrincess: OH MY GOSH
TheElisaPrincess: where have you been?
TheElisaPrincess: mr. not posting
idunapoo: Is Elisa on drugs or something?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: wow she beleived it
rexstardust99: Thats how she always is.
TheElisaPrincess: backy..........its how i always am
TheElisaPrincess: thanks rexy!
TheElisaPrincess: hes not backs?
Glacier16: lols
TheElisaPrincess: but i got all much for reunions :P
rexstardust99: Maybe if she started drinking she'd be mormal.
The Time Trust: Don't trust the Trust, baby.
idunapoo: I am not Backy.........or any other cigarette product
TheElisaPrincess: so i figured hun ;-)
captainsammitch: she brings a child's innocence, like Chewy brings us a child's laughter... and Jubarg brings us a child sacrifice
TheElisaPrincess: lol@child sacrificre
rexstardust99: heh
TheElisaPrincess: that should so wind up in someone's sig ;P
idunapoo: & Rob brings us a child
captainsammitch: yours PE
captainsammitch: every so often
captainsammitch: G-Man has been known to do that too I'm told
idunapoo: Pete Townshend wrote a song called "The kids are alright"........I think that says it all
TheElisaPrincess: mk sams ill see what i can do
captainsammitch: Steve, have you EVER known Dan to do dishes? >:o I end up doing them EVERY time
TheElisaPrincess: where is steve?
TheElisaPrincess: darn it
TheElisaPrincess: duna is sams roomate?
captainsammitch: STEPHEN
TheElisaPrincess: ex roomie........something like hat?
captainsammitch: NO
idunapoo: No I am not
captainsammitch: Chewy used to be my roomie
TheElisaPrincess: i had a kid named stephen who insisted on being called STEVE-O :P
captainsammitch: Chewy/Steve/BooBerryFanatic
TheElisaPrincess: ohhhhhhhhhhh see i dont know people by their real names at all rkmbs anyways
idunapoo: How many children have you had?
TheElisaPrincess: steve, gotcha
TheElisaPrincess: my bad
TheElisaPrincess: zero duna.....i teach so bout 130 something plus the kids i volunteered with over six years so 500
TheElisaPrincess: there bouts
idunapoo: And I thought it was rabbits that banged that much
idunapoo: I like children,but I couldnt eat a whole one
TheElisaPrincess: yeah.........that was so funny
TheElisaPrincess: everybody was so bored yesterday.........
TheElisaPrincess: towards the end anyways
idunapoo: I'm bored already
idunapoo: Wheres the boobiage?
captainsammitch: simmah down now!
idunapoo: *burp*
TheElisaPrincess: no web cam......sorry duna ;P
TheElisaPrincess: it could be rexy.........duna anyways :P
The Time Trust: The Time Trust: LLance would have marvelous tits if he shaved them a little.
TheElisaPrincess: yall have issues ;P
Lord Mxypltk: idunapoo just farted
Lord Mxypltk: you sneaky fuck.
idunapoo: The word Little & LLance do not often appear in the same sentence
Lord Mxypltk: oh, heh.
Glacier16: I am all, but what am I? Another number that isn't equal to any of you. I control, but I comply. Pick me apart, then pick up the pieces.
TheElisaPrincess: what song is that from?
idunapoo: I used to be a sneaky fuck.......I'd sneak in,fuck em,and sneak out
TheElisaPrincess: dont you wish duna
idunapoo: I am now too old to sneak
TheElisaPrincess: define old
TheElisaPrincess: hey im old....almost 26 in July
idunapoo: 2
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: nose hairs
TheElisaPrincess: and i Have tow ork on my bday how sad
TheElisaPrincess: lol sneaks
idunapoo: Lets just say I am the oldest person in this current chat
The Time Trust: Don't speak to me about nose hairs...
rexstardust99: I'm older than you elisa.
The Time Trust: I'm older than you rex
TheElisaPrincess: no way rexy?
rexstardust99: I'm 27.
Glacier16: Whoa
idunapoo: How many of you are older than 30?
Lord Mxypltk: I'm ol... no, wait
The Time Trust: Only me and you
TheElisaPrincess: cool i thought glac was 25 too
Glacier16: 24
Glacier16: 25 in Aug
TheElisaPrincess: ujays like 30 something
captainsammitch: idunapoo: Lets just say I am the oldest person in this current chat
TheElisaPrincess: YOURE SO YOUNG
captainsammitch: LLANCE!
TheElisaPrincess: alright sammys
TheElisaPrincess: i feel good
Lord Mxypltk: twenty five? FUCK THAT'S OLD!
captainsammitch: I'm 22
TheElisaPrincess: how are you oldest sams?
rexstardust99: jaburgs 27
idunapoo: LLance? I said old,not ancient
captainsammitch: *sigh* PE, read that quotation and my subsequent entry
Glacier16: heh
The Time Trust: Elisa, are you sure you're not blonde?
TheElisaPrincess: shutup trusty
idunapoo: mxy lives in my sock draw
captainsammitch: Llance - 3/2 Creature - Ancient Behemoth
TheElisaPrincess: sorry sams...........
TheElisaPrincess: i scanne dit
TheElisaPrincess: grrrrr scanned
Glacier16: nice
The Time Trust: you call it your cock drawer 'cause socks are the only action happening in your pants!
TheElisaPrincess: nice at?
Glacier16: whoa you read that?
TheElisaPrincess: and i was thinking trusty was the nice, sweet ocllege kid :P
idunapoo: Theres lotsa action in my pants,cause I dont always take Mxy out of my socks
The Time Trust: idunapoo brings out the worst in me.
TheElisaPrincess: crap i gotta lot of stuff to do this weekend :P
captainsammitch: in your socks?
TheElisaPrincess: so sad.........
idunapoo: Yes SOCKS
TheElisaPrincess: naw four articles to read and writ reports on, a chapter too read, download two manuals :P
Glacier16: woo
captainsammitch: hey guys?
idunapoo: What
idunapoo: You poof
Glacier16: que?
captainsammitch: if, very hypothetically, I were elected as a DT mod
The Time Trust: no
idunapoo: no
captainsammitch: would anyone object to more historically-oriented material?
idunapoo: Yes
Glacier16: like?
TheElisaPrincess: my comp is about to freeze just fyi :P
captainsammitch: 'This Week in History...'
rexstardust99: As opposed to the political flame wars? Hell yes.
captainsammitch: things like that
captainsammitch: features
Glacier16: hmm
rexstardust99: Sounds good.
TheElisaPrincess: stupid manuals that freeze computers
idunapoo: Flaming gay wars
Glacier16: indeed
captainsammitch: you can't appreciate what's going on now without looking back at what's behind us
captainsammitch: or at least that's what Jim Jackson said :-P
idunapoo: I should be the only mod of deep thoughts cause I dont post there
The Time Trust: Are you a control-freak, Sammitch?
captainsammitch: not at all
Glacier16: nowhereman?
idunapoo: Where?
captainsammitch: I just like for everyone to be cool
TheElisaPrincess: hes not here
idunapoo: Oh
TheElisaPrincess: glac is trying to get me to freak out again :P
The Time Trust: Nowhereman dun a poo!
captainsammitch: I would only really flex my mod muscles against genuine trolls
captainsammitch: not just spamming the thing - people will always do that
idunapoo: I dun a poo in TTTs mouth
rexstardust99: I would move all the alt id posts.
Glacier16: lols
The Time Trust: ....
captainsammitch: I'm talking about posts and threads that exist for no other reason than to piss people off
idunapoo: see he cant speak
The Time Trust: lol
idunapoo: his mouth is full
TheElisaPrincess: yeah it might work
captainsammitch: as long as everyone's cool I'd just be one of you guys
TheElisaPrincess: *sings* o where is aobe
captainsammitch: who happens to help keep the forum tidy
idunapoo: I am not cool about it
idunapoo: I hate people
idunapoo: They hate me
rexstardust99: I hate everyone.
captainsammitch: that's a deep thought right there see?
idunapoo: Anti-Nowhere League rawk
captainsammitch: now I'm not as universally over-the-top nice as Elisa - that's a tough act to follow
captainsammitch: but I am generally pretty cool with everyone
TheElisaPrincess: IT DOWNLOADED!!!!!!!!!!!!YEAH
TheElisaPrincess: *Sings* love one another, love one another (to rexy)
idunapoo: You hate me Sammitch,admit it
TheElisaPrincess: this is the happy way we love one another
captainsammitch: who are you??? :-P
TheElisaPrincess: nice as elisa??? Woah im a metaphor :P
captainsammitch: I don't hate anyone
TheElisaPrincess: why dont you read my post sammys :P
TheElisaPrincess: to quote another rkmber :P
TheElisaPrincess: to rexers silly
TheElisaPrincess: wait darn werent talkin to me
captainsammitch: some people are difficult but it's definitely possible
idunapoo: Christ,its like posting with monkeys......Glac guessed,and TTT told everyone who I am
captainsammitch: it's possible to be likable in a very Nowhereman way too - it's just not everyone's thing necessarily
Glacier16: heh
Glacier16: U said same thing here as in post
Glacier16: I'm a detective!
The Time Trust: I said nothing
rexstardust99: I'm mxy!
idunapoo: Thats cause of the poo
TheElisaPrincess: uschi????? where has she been speaking of which
TheElisaPrincess: please dont let someone be at the door
TheElisaPrincess: one sec
idunapoo: I farted again
The Time Trust: false advertising
klinton77: look there's some shit in the room!
TheElisaPrincess: *sighs* i dont know who to believe: nowhereman, backwards, now uschi?
klinton77: how you doing poo
TheElisaPrincess: not even any questiosn grrrrrrrrrr
idunapoo: Who said I was Uschi?
TheElisaPrincess: thats just wrong........downlaod stuff and NO questions to review with........someone should be shot
idunapoo: Klinton is being nice to me.......he obviously doesnt know who I am either
klinton77: when did you get in here Prinvess?
TheElisaPrincess: klints bout fifteen minutes ago
captainsammitch has left the room.
klinton77: I'm nice to everyone...
klinton77: Even you Pariah
Glacier16: lol
captainsammitch has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: is it really parys?
TheElisaPrincess: PARYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TheElisaPrincess: i was just about to im you
Glacier16: hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahaha
Lord Mxypltk: holy shit
TheElisaPrincess: its not him
captainsammitch: one side of my computer case is actually warped inward from the number of savage beatings it's received
idunapoo: NO!!!!!! FER FUCKSAKE!
TheElisaPrincess: darn it thats twice
Lord Mxypltk: holy shit she's so stupid
Lord Mxypltk: oh my god
Glacier16: It's nowhere, man.
Lord Mxypltk: oh my god how is it possible
Lord Mxypltk: how do you survive?
TheElisaPrincess: i give up..........
idunapoo: I give up
Lord Mxypltk: oh my fucking god
Lord Mxypltk: holy fucking shit
Lord Mxypltk: holy fucking crap
captainsammitch: what'd I miss while my computer was being a cast-iron clusterfuck
Lord Mxypltk: crapping fucking holy
Lord Mxypltk: oh oh, I look just like buddy holly
captainsammitch: but as I said a moment ago Nowhereman I don't hate you
idunapoo: Well you sshould
captainsammitch: granted you may be difficult sometimes but overall you're not a bad guy
idunapoo: yes i am
TheElisaPrincess: *sings* o where is glacy
captainsammitch: well you are a bad guy but not a bad - aw hell never mind
The Time Trust: Sammitch, the reason you're wrong for the job is because you want it.
Glacier16: ha!
Lord Mxypltk: everyone hates nowhereman!
Lord Mxypltk: he's cunt.
captainsammitch: pffffffffft
Lord Mxypltk: right?
Glacier16: yeah, fuck that wanker
captainsammitch: I see your point TTT
idunapoo: Sammitch doesnt know me very well
Lord Mxypltk: plus he keeps farting...
captainsammitch: I'll be back in a moment
Glacier16: t (-.-) t
The Time Trust: Well, as long as it's just farting...
klinton77: I can't believe this 'Sue Thomas' shit is on the air....
klinton77: dumbest show ever
TheElisaPrincess: yeah almost finished it
TheElisaPrincess: sue thomas?
idunapoo: I am a cunt.......its true
TheElisaPrincess: *sings* im addicted to you
Glacier16: ManoftheAtom
idunapoo: Wheres Speedy when you need him?
idunapoo: & Jack
klinton77: Yeah...some deaf detective show princess
TheElisaPrincess: simpleplan but nice try glacy
TheElisaPrincess: thats so stupid klint
Glacier16: I knew that, was something else
TheElisaPrincess: i saw the pilot and turned it about thirty minutes through
TheElisaPrincess: its on teh family channel too :P
TheElisaPrincess: ohhhhhhh gotcha glacs
The Time Trust: Speedy needs it bookmarked
idunapoo: oh yeah
idunapoo: Shit,someone just threw a car at me
Glacier16: oh shit!
idunapoo: Jacks back
TheElisaPrincess: guess whose back? back again
TheElisaPrincess: *sings* this is the first day of my life
rexstardust99: SPAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TheElisaPrincess: i did a big huge freakin clip......hrm.......
The Time Trust: So... did Pariah finally end it all? I'm surprised he hasn't shown up again.
Glacier16: heh
Glacier16: he was on earlier, just not in chat
TheElisaPrincess: trust hes probably horribly hungover and mad today
Glacier16: and back to Canadian politics........
TheElisaPrincess: are you sure you and klint arent twins
TheElisaPrincess: didnt he say that earlie?
The Time Trust: It's today's non-theme
TheElisaPrincess: ohhhhhhhhhhhh
TheElisaPrincess: a sign ya'll are bored
The Time Trust: I'm too busy eating to type.
TheElisaPrincess: yeah i get to call zars!
TheElisaPrincess: yeah........need to figure out what to eat for dinner.....and which crappy thing iw anna read first ;p
TheElisaPrincess: i need a clip darn it....a hug eone
The Time Trust: Thai food
TheElisaPrincess: yums
TheElisaPrincess: brb*gotta find purple pen*
The Time Trust: Plus, Nowhereman took a dump in my mouth earlier, so I had to wash it down with something.
TheElisaPrincess: ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
The Time Trust: Why did I say that?
Glacier16: I made Bowtie pasta with italitan sausage, diced tomatos, cilantro, olive oil, and Dickerson's Sweet & Hot Peppers.
The Time Trust: I can't be held responsible for my words. I've been up since yesterday.
Lord Mxypltk: took viagra?
The Time Trust: No, but I like that idea
idunapoo: SO does Rob
idunapoo: & G-Man
Glacier16: heh
TheElisaPrincess: i wanna call someone grrrrrrrrrrr
The Time Trust: hurm
TheElisaPrincess: ok its not gentelmanly to make a girls mouth water :P
idunapoo: Why do you wanna call them Grrrrrrrrrrr.......thats a stupid name
TheElisaPrincess: duna its from a fox news article
TheElisaPrincess: theres a guy whose stuff always titled GRRRRRRRRRR at something
TheElisaPrincess: anyways thats where i got it from :P
Glacier16: JLU is on, ill be back later
TheElisaPrincess: bye glacy have fun with jlu ;-)
The Time Trust: Geek!
idunapoo: azchery
idunapoo: zachery
idunapoo: Bollocks to this,I got a race to go to tomorrow so I'm gonna piss off to bed
The Time Trust: I'm off to the pub soon.
idunapoo: No having dirty thoughts about me Elisa
idunapoo: I know what you are like
TheElisaPrincess: sorry i was reading about crap due next week
TheElisaPrincess: dirty thoughts didnt come up :P
idunapoo: I will leave you with this one thought......................
idunapoo: Mull it over
idunapoo has left the room.
The Time Trust: Deep.
TheElisaPrincess: brb getting a coke.....gonna be a looong night
Lord Mxypltk: heh!
rexstardust99: HA!
Lord Mxypltk: she's doing coke to stay put
captainsammitch: hellz yeah I rule
captainsammitch: those damn umber hulks are no joke
TheElisaPrincess: *Sings* better watch yourself
TheElisaPrincess: coca cola mxy
TheElisaPrincess: come on ;-)
TheElisaPrincess: think i woulda been hired on a district if i was into drugs :P]
captainsammitch: which district?
captainsammitch: I'm from cleveland
The Time Trust: kuhb
TheElisaPrincess: texas sammys remember :P
TheElisaPrincess: your from ohio ;P
TheElisaPrincess: Dallas
TheElisaPrincess: I LOVE BREATHE.....awesome song
TheElisaPrincess: parents are up in michigan now though
rexstardust99: Ohio sucks.
TheElisaPrincess: hows all your work stuff going sneaks?
TheElisaPrincess: i thougth you live in oregon rex :P
rexstardust99: I lived there for ten years.
captainsammitch: wher at?
captainsammitch: where*
rexstardust99: Wright Patterson Air Force Base.
captainsammitch: meh
captainsammitch: it's not that bad is it?
rexstardust99: Near Dayton.
captainsammitch: I only go for the museum :-P
captainsammitch: I've been there
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: works going all right, looks like everythings cleared up with the lawyer too
captainsammitch: my dad got me into some other areas - even though he retired from the USAF before I was born they still let him sometimes because he had a pretty high security clearance
TheElisaPrincess: cool sneaks! Congrats!
captainsammitch: he worked on the SR-71
The Time Trust: My dad was RCAF
rexstardust99: Cool.
captainsammitch: lol all he did was handle boxes but those boxes contained some top-secret stuff
captainsammitch: hence the higher clearance
rexstardust99: My dad worked on titan missiles for most the time.
TheElisaPrincess: please let my password work
captainsammitch: so yeah sometimes they let him onto non-civilian areas
TheElisaPrincess: cool rexy!
captainsammitch: that's cool
TheElisaPrincess: my dad was in the army....airborne ranger but he didnt do anything cool like that
captainsammitch: Airborne's not cool enough for you!??
rexstardust99: He was on the launch team when we lived at Vandenberg AFB.
captainsammitch: heh Vandenburg - you know they wanted to launch the shuttle from there as often as the Cape?
captainsammitch: it was supposed to be the 'second spaceport'
rexstardust99: Yes.
captainsammitch: I guess it makes it easier to get into a north-south orbit
UltimateJaburg53 has left the room.
captainsammitch: because of the latitude or something
The Time Trust: My dad's eyesight wasn't good enough to make pilot.
captainsammitch: mine either - otherwise I might've tried to get in
rexstardust99: Yeah, its one of the few places in America where you can launch things safely from.
The Time Trust: I'm glad I didn't inherit those eyes.
captainsammitch: nothing to hit really
captainsammitch: but I don't understand all the factors behind it
captainsammitch: I mean what would their abort contingency have been? at least from Florida if you abort mid-launch you can get across the Arlantic in 45 minutes or so and land in Spain
captainsammitch: Atlantic*
rexstardust99: They had none, thats why they would only launch unmanned rockets.
captainsammitch: what was the backup plan if, say, an SRB malfunction forced them to jettison them early and you couldn't get into orbit?
captainsammitch: I mean from Vandy
captainsammitch: but yeah I see your point
captainsammitch: maybe that was the reason? or maybe the shuttle just proved too damn expensive
rexstardust99: I think the first shuttle disaster stopped them from launching there.
captainsammitch: safety reasons or economic reasons
captainsammitch: ?
rexstardust99: Thats really halted just about everything NASA was doing.
captainsammitch: yeah
captainsammitch: finished killing off SDI for Ronnie
captainsammitch: or did it???
captainsammitch: dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnn
The Time Trust: Didn't the KGBeast do that?
captainsammitch: glasnost did that
rexstardust99: They're planning to launch private rockets soon.
captainsammitch: the Cold War thawed too quickly
The Time Trust: (A little '80s Batman reference, there)
rexstardust99: I posted an article about in the deep thoughts forum.
captainsammitch: from Vandenburg?
The Time Trust: (Dumbass)
rexstardust99: yes
captainsammitch: :-P
captainsammitch: shut your pipe Time Turd :-P
The Time Trust: Can't.
The Time Trust: Full of poo.
captainsammitch: I must confess I'm not as well versed with the Bat
The Time Trust: I keep forgetting how young all of you are.
captainsammitch: 'Get off my lawn!'
captainsammitch: you damn kids!
The Time Trust: Dang young whippersnappers!
The Time Trust: My dad loved saying that.
The Time Trust: Well, not the "dang" part.
captainsammitch: Aldrin saw it coming a while ago
captainsammitch: the privatization of space
rexstardust99: I think its great.
captainsammitch: Bobo PMed me back
captainsammitch: doesnt' sound like he's all about the mod change
The Time Trust: I have 34 people on my "buddy" list. Most of them never come online at all.
rexstardust99: I have 27 now, mostly from these chats.
The Time Trust: Mine are all RKMBs, including the Writer's Block people.
rexstardust99: Mine to.
rexstardust99: Plus people like disco that never post there anymore.
The Time Trust: I don't even remember who "thesunhaven" is any longer.
The Time Trust: Probbaly one of Grimm's grubby friends.
TheElisaPrincess: sorry guys lookin up something
TheElisaPrincess: my dad liked saying dad gum it ;P
The Time Trust: That's ironic
Lord Mxypltk: sunhaven is that angel guy
Lord Mxypltk has left the room.
The Time Trust: Oh, right. Tayden
The Time Trust: If I can stay up for another 2 and a half hours, I can go to the pub.
captainsammitch: I gotta throw something together to post
The Time Trust: I just don't know if I'll be able to crawl back home.
The Time Trust: It's over 30 hours now.
TheElisaPrincess: trust take a nap and then go
The Time Trust: Since I've been up.
The Time Trust: Shit. I was supposed to bring a gift.
The Time Trust: What makes a good, last minute birthday gift?
rexstardust99: money
The Time Trust: I need that. Next
rexstardust99: heh
TheElisaPrincess: my bad
TheElisaPrincess: whose bday?
The Time Trust: A friend's.
TheElisaPrincess: ohhhhhhhhh sweet what did you get for their present?
The Time Trust: I got nothing. Forgot.
TheElisaPrincess: TRUSTY! you still have time
TheElisaPrincess: you could writ them a poem, iou something :P'
The Time Trust: That's what I'm trying to think of.
The Time Trust: That's it! I'll buy Margarita a margarita.
TheElisaPrincess: trusty
TheElisaPrincess: use your writing ability :P
The Time Trust: I don't think that would be appropriate.
TheElisaPrincess: um................card?
TheElisaPrincess: with money?
TheElisaPrincess: sneaks im trying to get trust to get his friend SOMETHING for his bday ;-)
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: tshirthell gift certificate, uh, best buy card, uhhhhhh
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: beer store gift certificate?
The Time Trust: I dunno. I'll think on it.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: oh come on now all y'all canucks love the beer store!
The Time Trust: True
TheElisaPrincess: i think trsut is lazy and isnt gonna do a darn thing
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: hey now i'm lazy too!
The Time Trust: The only reason I'm considering going is that she has some cute single friends.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: ooh well than
TheElisaPrincess: thast just wrong trusty
The Time Trust: I see nothing wrong with meeting women.
TheElisaPrincess: using them to get at their friends though :P
The Time Trust: Sounds worse than it is
The Time Trust: Whoa. There's a bird at my back window
TheElisaPrincess: what kind?
TheElisaPrincess: i always liked bluebirds
The Time Trust: It's like a bluebird, but it's a Jay, I think.
TheElisaPrincess: sounds somewhat plausible ;p
The Time Trust: I used to know the names, but I've forgotten.
The Time Trust: Aha. Looked it up. Stellar's Jay.
TheElisaPrincess: you foudn it that quick
The Time Trust: Wikipedia
The Time Trust: I knew the name -- just needed to see it to remember.
The Time Trust: OK, I'm gone.
TheElisaPrincess: bye trust
TheElisaPrincess: good luck and ahve fun
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i'm so hungry
TheElisaPrincess: so am i.....but too lazy to make anything
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: decided to order a pizza while i get motivated to go grill
TheElisaPrincess: hey i ordered a pizza earlie :P
TheElisaPrincess: grilling? wow..........ive always burnt whatever i tried to grill
TheElisaPrincess: way to go sneaks
klinton77: What's up Princess
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: uh she's a nymho, she cant grill and she's a lazy ass
klinton77: I knew all that...I wanted news
TheElisaPrincess: hiya klint
TheElisaPrincess: yeah sad
TheElisaPrincess: news about what klint?o
TheElisaPrincess: gmans staying mod did ya here ;-)
klinton77: I'm getting mighty drunk
TheElisaPrincess: hear oopsy
TheElisaPrincess: awwwww klints is bored!
klinton77: Yeah...Rob told me
klinton77: I think one of the other MODs needs to hold an 'unoffical' poll...
TheElisaPrincess: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
TheElisaPrincess: did he message you or something?
klinton77: something concrete we can show Rob
klinton77: yup
TheElisaPrincess: gotcha
TheElisaPrincess: hes been a busy boy today
TheElisaPrincess: going through all of pjs ims :P
klinton77: I think he was trying to be fair about the whole 'uprising'
TheElisaPrincess: ohhhhhhh that would suck........glad im not in his position
TheElisaPrincess: waking up after a night out on the town, slightly hungover, going to the good ol' mbs and finding DRAMA :P
klinton77: I think he gets off on that shit...
TheElisaPrincess: no way
klinton77: thatS' why he keeps the boards up
klinton77: it's a vantity project
TheElisaPrincess: I dont think could be he just likes seeing screwed up people post :P
klinton77: I guess...
klinton77: ans so we all dance for him
klinton77: same shit really
captainsammitch: I gotta bail from this for now - my computer's slowing down
captainsammitch: I'll be back
TheElisaPrincess: i dont know.........they should seiously make ar eality show abou tthe rkmbs
TheElisaPrincess: night sams
captainsammitch: oh I'll be back
captainsammitch: mwhahahahahaaaaaaaa
captainsammitch has left the room.
klinton77: bye
TheElisaPrincess: and so must i leave.......the days of our lives, gotta read and stuff!!!!!!!! Yall have fun!
TheElisaPrincess has left the room.
klinton77:'s just you and me
The Time Trust: Holy shit, I am tired.
klinton77: shit!
The Time Trust: oops.
klinton77: damn you Canada boy...all crushing my mojo
The Time Trust: Did I walk into somethign?
klinton77: no
The Time Trust: I'm always doig that.
klinton77: one of these days...
The Time Trust: Bang! Zoom!
klinton77: I will have hot cyber sex with the bunny
rexstardust99: I'm going now, I'll be back later under a different screen name, that way I can keep this open here.
klinton77: koolà
The Time Trust: He'll be back... as idunapoo
klinton77: Sneaks should be naked by the time he gets back
The Time Trust: Don't let me interrupt you
The Time Trust: Just need to set up some funky 70s porno music
klinton77: you play...
The Time Trust: Bwa-wa-wa-cha-cha
klinton77: there we go...
The Time Trust: Bwa-wa-wa-cha-cha...
klinton77: Miss Bunny, did you order this pizza?

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
rex #520517 2005-06-06 2:57 PM
Joined: Jun 2004
Posts: 46,308
Who will I break next?
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Who will I break next?
15000+ posts
Joined: Jun 2004
Posts: 46,308
klinton77: I know you don't have a lot of money...perhaps you can pay....some other way?
klinton77: Hmmmm...subject is not responsive....
The Time Trust: perhaps a change of music
klinton77: yes...I blame you!
The Time Trust: oooo-wee-ooooo-we-oo-we-oo-we-oooooo
The Time Trust: DUN DUN
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: ooooh okkkkk
klinton77: Sheyeah...
klinton77: k...that was...boring...
klinton77: I don't get this cyber shit
The Time Trust: I think you're supposed to say things like:
The Time Trust: I'm taking my clothes off now.
The Time Trust: Oooh, that's good.
klinton77: you're cybering with me...
The Time Trust: I am handling your buttocks.
klinton77: not a good scene
The Time Trust: eep.
The Time Trust: LOL
klinton77: yeah
The Time Trust: I can't take cybering seriously enough for it to work.
klinton77: me either
The Time Trust: How do people keep from it turning into a joke?
The Time Trust: It's pure corn.
klinton77: desperation?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: okay that thats gross
The Time Trust: what?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: you two going at it
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i'll uh go promptly
PJPGYRO has entered the room.
rexstardust99: PJP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
klinton77: LOL!
The Time Trust: Heheheh
rexstardust99: I'm about to leave.
PJPGYRO: what did I miss
rexstardust99: I'll be back on later.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: well hellooo there sailor
PJPGYRO: hey sneaky
klinton77: hey PJP
klinton77: you missed nothing
PJPGYRO: yo klints....did you get any wine yet
klinton77: yup
PJPGYRO: me too
klinton77: Liberty SChool!
PJPGYRO: who is gooz
klinton77: it'S not so much a 'who' as a 'what'....
The Time Trust: Gooz is Gooz, of course!
PJPGYRO: Its like deja vu
klinton77: I'm thinking monkey sperm
PJPGYRO: whatever it is it doesnt talk
The Time Trust: It makes zombie flicks
klinton77: not so much, eh?
klinton77: perhaps it'S Rob incognito?
The Time Trust: Well, teen zombie flicks, anyway
PJPGYRO: rex didn't you tell me once you named your wee wee gooz?
klinton77: no...that was oozy
PJPGYRO: drippy
klinton77: from the infection
PJPGYRO: leaky
klinton77: the one you gave him
klinton77: So, back to Canadian politics?
klinton77: Or my hot cyber with Sneaky
PJPGYRO: sneaky is hot
klinton77: no...she's unwilling?
klinton77: sorry, not a '?'
PJPGYRO: nah you just gotta lube her up better
klinton77: Tried that with the thing I know....
klinton77: it was too traumatic to recall
PJPGYRO: wheres elisa? maybe shes giving away her "flower"
klinton77: she just 20 minuted ago
PJPGYRO: to give it away?
klinton77: yes.
klinton77: to my cat.
shakinbakinbabe has entered the room.
shakinbakinbabe has left the room.
The Time Trust: Dammit!
The Time Trust: Gone already
klinton77: who's this?
UltimateJaburg53 has entered the room.
The Time Trust: I don't know.
The Time Trust: Probably a bot
UltimateJaburg53: I'm here twice?
PJPGYRO: jaburg!
The Time Trust: Jaburg-Ali-Muhammad!
UltimateJaburg53: Praise something!
The Time Trust: Ally Sheedy!
UltimateJaburg53: Yeah!
HarleyQ33 has entered the room.
PJPGYRO: harley!
HarleyQ33: Hey Pete! How you be? I just sent youthe PM, but it loks like you're here...
UltimateJaburg53: Harl!
HarleyQ33: I think we're the only ones here... *chuckle*
klinton77: Hey...Harley's here!
HarleyQ33: Um, oops! Hey Jar...
HarleyQ33: Jesus, where is everyone coming from... LOL
PJPGYRO: no lots of people are here
The Time Trust: Whu?
klinton77: PJPs ass
PJPGYRO: you missed the afternoon session
PJPGYRO: its a big ass
HarleyQ33: Hey klinton - looks like you finally learned how to join the chat :-)
HarleyQ33: I thought it was a hariy ass to...? ;-)
PJPGYRO: lets hope he does more of this:-X
klinton77: yup...a couple days a go
PJPGYRO: yup being greek
HarleyQ33: this afternoon was too beautiful to stay in...
HarleyQ33: did I miss much this afternoon?
klinton77: no
PJPGYRO: nah just sneaky wanting to touch my cock
PJPGYRO: my pet rooster
HarleyQ33: okabee
The Time Trust: Sneaky already touched mine.
The Time Trust: She claims differently, of course.
UltimateJaburg53: indeed
HarleyQ33: LOL - jesus, you just made me choke on my whiskey!
PJPGYRO: his name is cockadoodle
HarleyQ33: you couldn't come up with a better name? lol
PJPGYRO: no it was eithe that or little peter pappas
HarleyQ33: brb - need a refill
PJPGYRO: what a lush
PJPGYRO: hopefully she wont read that
UltimateJaburg53: What?
UltimateJaburg53: What?
HarleyQ33: bite me, malaka
UltimateJaburg53: Bad Santa is on
HarleyQ33: is that any good?
UltimateJaburg53: yes
UltimateJaburg53: Surprisingly good
HarleyQ33: hey, you guys see JLU tonight - pretty good
PJPGYRO: i liked it
UltimateJaburg53: No
HarleyQ33: which?
Glacier16: huntress, rrrowrrr
HarleyQ33: It was written by Gail Simone, who has done a god job with BoP
UltimateJaburg53: bull
HarleyQ33: I still hate Huntress' gostume though
UltimateJaburg53: Gail sucks on Bo{
PJPGYRO: i like the costume
HarleyQ33: blasphemer!
PJPGYRO: its sexy
Glacier16: on the floor
UltimateJaburg53: yeah I know
HarleyQ33: it sucks
PJPGYRO: she sucks
UltimateJaburg53: I loved her run on Deadpool
HarleyQ33: I like her - same goes for canary - don't like the voice of GA tho
PJPGYRO: Im a big canary fan
HarleyQ33: never read Deadpol, but I've heard that's really god to - what else has she done?
UltimateJaburg53: buncha Simpsons comics
Glacier16: Villains United
HarleyQ33: fuckin' "o"s my computer is done for - I need to update soon
PJPGYRO: I need to run
PJPGYRO: early day tomorrow
HarleyQ33: where you going?
HarleyQ33: ah
UltimateJaburg53: heh
HarleyQ33: do you need to be tucked in? ;-)
PJPGYRO: Ill catch up with you tomorrow harley
PJPGYRO: yeah tuck me in
Glacier16: aww noice
HarleyQ33: ????
PJPGYRO: we don't get it either
PJPGYRO: it japanese
HarleyQ33: don look like no japanese to me...
PJPGYRO: jaburg thanks again for today
UltimateJaburg53: no prob
PJPGYRO: see you guys later
Glacier16: see ya
UltimateJaburg53: night man]
PJPGYRO: before I go Yanks won 4-3
PJPGYRO: see ya
PJPGYRO has left the room.
UltimateJaburg53: Hello
UltimateJaburg53: Would you like to be as happy as I am?
UltimateJaburg53: Send one dollar too:
UltimateJaburg53: Happy Guy 742 Evergreen terrace, Springfield
UltimateJaburg53: Boo!
The Time Trust: i'm melting
The Time Trust: melting
The Time Trust: melting
The Time Trust: , , , ,
UltimateJaburg53: Ah!
The Time Trust: Did I scare you?
The Time Trust: I apologize.
The Time Trust: If you accept my apology, send one dollar to:
UltimateJaburg53: Whoa.
The Time Trust: Sorry, dude
The Time Trust: 742 Evergreen Terrace, Springfield
UltimateJaburg53: Whew.
The Time Trust: How was I supposed to know "titepieceofass" was a bot?
UltimateJaburg53: Pardon?
The Time Trust: Nothing.
The Time Trust: Hey, look at that bear!
UltimateJaburg53: AHHHH! Bear!
The Time Trust: Oh, wait. That's a fat guy in a bear suit.
The Time Trust: I think it's LLance.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: llance where
The Time Trust: Hey, let's go shave his nipples! I'll bet he has some great tits under that rug.
The Time Trust: Sorry. I'm always taking it too far.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: you are you really are
klinton77: naw...we've all had our moments pondering Llance's boobs
klinton77: they're like the 10th wonder of the world
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: yes those joyful bags of fat seem like so much fun
klinton77: fun?
klinton77: not much
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: and you know how exactly
klinton77: yes
klinton77: my secret's out
klinton77: I'm a breast man
klinton77: I guess that means you're out, eh Sneaks
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: uh no i'll go get implants
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: or drink more
klinton77: drink more
klinton77: it's better for you....and more fun
klinton77: Sir...yeah...that's how I like it....
DECTECTlVE BUNNY has left the room.
klinton77: :-(
SneakyBunny52 has entered the room.
HarleyQ33: I've heard much about this Llance, but he's never around...
klinton77: yes he is
klinton77: he pops up every now and again
HarleyQ33: ok, dunno why that showed up in klinton's line...?
HarleyQ33: hmmm...'kay
klinton77: what?
klinton77: you alright?
HarleyQ33: me?
HarleyQ33: yeah, why?
klinton77: yeah...
klinton77: the screen is fine
HarleyQ33: its showing up on my screen as appearing on your line - *shrug* dunno why
HarleyQ33: next to your sad face
klinton77: huh...not here
klinton77: so, what have you been up to?
HarleyQ33: long emotionally exhausting week - you?
klinton77: long, boring ass week
HarleyQ33: and this weekend?
klinton77: continuing into a boring ass weekend
HarleyQ33: lol
klinton77: yup
HarleyQ33: poor baby
klinton77: I know, eh
HarleyQ33: where is everybuddy?
klinton77: they're around
HarleyQ33: hey, are you still in clss or has summer vacay started?
HarleyQ33: class
SneakyBunny52 has left the room.
klinton77: clases ended last month
klinton77: by sneaky...bitch
HarleyQ33: WTF...?
klinton77: in April...
klinton77: so, the month before last
HarleyQ33: ok, but what's with the bitch comment?
klinton77: nothin...she wouldn't cyber with was a joke
HarleyQ33: ah
klinton77: sarcastic wit..
klinton77: we coverd this
klinton77: PM...member?
HarleyQ33: forgot about that
DECTECTlVE BUNNY has entered the room.
HarleyQ33: indeed
HarleyQ33: yup. I members
klinton77: cool
klinton77: so, uh sneaks...we gonna get our freak on yet
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: sure why not
klinton77: cool.
klinton77: you start
klinton77: fine...I will:
klinton77: It places it's hands on the penis....
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: uh, ami suppose to ignore the obvious joke there?
klinton77: yeah, sure
PenWing424 has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess has entered the room.
captainsammitch has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: Thank you Penny
TheElisaPrincess: did you star it?
PenWing424: maybe
Atomikboy64 has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: i cant spell
TheElisaPrincess: STEVE!!!!!!!!!
TheElisaPrincess: wow everybodys here
PenWing424: unless it was still open
klinton77: still open
TheElisaPrincess: in which case you ahd to have been invited right :P
PenWing424: cool
TheElisaPrincess: So klinty.....why was your pm box full :P
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: no princess
klinton77: dunno...I need to empty it?
TheElisaPrincess: thats what robbers was sayin in theshoutbox
The Time Trust: I decided to stay home. Too tired to walk to the pub, let alone drive.
klinton77: oh ell
klinton77: well
TheElisaPrincess: poor trusty
TheElisaPrincess: came back home again
The Time Trust: Hey, why was I invited to a room I was already in?
klinton77: cause Penwing just logged on
TheElisaPrincess: lol trust cuz pens was being sweet
The Time Trust: This room has been open for more than 24 hours by now.
TheElisaPrincess: wow good observation trust, did you do the math in your head :P
klinton77: Shit,...more Canadian Political fun...I hate Landry, and the whole PQ
The Time Trust: Burned by the Princess.
klinton77: wow
klinton77: just wow
TheElisaPrincess: sorry.......i couldnt help it :P
klinton77: so you can spend the money you were going to spend on beer for us
TheElisaPrincess: no......i cant get drunk.......have to finish reading the most boring reading chaptever for class
klinton77: TTT's buying
TheElisaPrincess: lol klint
TheElisaPrincess: cuz he couldnt go to the bar, poor baby
klinton77: I'S still early
The Time Trust: I've got an infinite amount of imaginary money to pay for imaginary beer. Drink up!
klinton77: fuck off
klinton77: pay pal that tshit
HarleyQ33: If TTT is going out can he get me a pck 'o cigarettes? I just ran out... :-(
TheElisaPrincess: lol klint :P
TheElisaPrincess: poor guy is so bored hes getting drunk twic ein one day
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: make that two packs
TheElisaPrincess: i didnt know harley smoked
TheElisaPrincess: or sneaky did
klinton77: actually three...
HarleyQ33: I usually don't, but like I said above - this week has drained me.
The Time Trust: I'll send them by wire, too.
HarleyQ33: can't you just bring 'em over?
TheElisaPrincess: poor hars.........long week at work?
TheElisaPrincess: Whatever you happened to your fiance?
HarleyQ33: I'll even split the pack with you
klinton77: lol
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i'll uh, pay duty on em
HarleyQ33: ugh, I am not up for talking about the disaster that is my love life - sorry PE
klinton77: Hows about you bring me some're not too far
The Time Trust: Is snarf online?
TheElisaPrincess: snarfers.....lemme check
TheElisaPrincess: its okay hars........he didnt deserve you anyways
HarleyQ33: you're only an inch away on the map - shit get off your lazy ass and bring 'em to me klinton
TheElisaPrincess: naw he's probably workin
klinton77: love life? disaster? do spill
HarleyQ33: nuh uh - break up from another time...
rqbumbershoot has entered the room.
The Time Trust: snarf snarf snarf
klinton77: lemme guess...Joe sat on you?
The Time Trust: can't believe I remembered your AIM name.
TheElisaPrincess: snarfs isnt online
HarleyQ33: not everybuddy can be all happy likein their relationship, like you k-man
rqbumbershoot: Yes I am.
TheElisaPrincess: hey's proably out kereokying
rqbumbershoot: No I'm not.
TheElisaPrincess: snarfers!!!!! Whered you come from?
The Time Trust: He's right there.
TheElisaPrincess: i didnt see you online
HarleyQ33: You're an ass! LOL
rqbumbershoot: I just signed on.
TheElisaPrincess: you were under general thats why
rqbumbershoot: I think it's more like you were under the influence.
The Time Trust: I also invited three bots.
The Time Trust: So far, no show.
rqbumbershoot: And I'd like to here sneaky say "ooh snarf" again...
HarleyQ33: did youget my cigs yet TTT?
TheElisaPrincess: probably cuz their alts :P
klinton77: I'm a bot
TheElisaPrincess: lol
TheElisaPrincess: klints is just bored :P
The Time Trust: Me? I thought you were talking to somebody else.
TheElisaPrincess: *whines* I dont wanna read about close evaluations darn it
TheElisaPrincess has left the room.
HarleyQ33: Fuck. Shit - I'm gonna have to get off my ass and get them myself, I see *grumble*
klinton77: ha ha ha TheElisaPrincess is so funny
captainsammitch: hey Harley
The Time Trust: WHOA
The Time Trust: Where'd you come from?
HarleyQ33: sammitch!
The Time Trust: Mr. Ninja
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: damn he did it again
rqbumbershoot: Captain Sammitch! He's our hero!
HarleyQ33: nijas are cool - nobody ever wants to be the samurai
rqbumbershoot: Gonna take pollution down to zero!
HarleyQ33: did he at least bring you cigs sneaky?
HarleyQ33: then don't put out -
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: looks like i'm gonna be walking to the corner store in my pj's all freakin' buzzed
HarleyQ33: get the ciggies first
TheElisaPrincess has entered the room.
rqbumbershoot: Buzzed? Sneaky, have you been drinking?!?
TheElisaPrincess: stupid gaim freezing up
HarleyQ33: LOL - me too - dammit -
HarleyQ33: hope the bodega is still open
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: yes sneaky's been drinking amoung other stuff
klinton77: sneaky's a good girl
klinton77: good girls drink
The Time Trust: Eeeeeeeeeeeenteresting.
rqbumbershoot: Hah! Here that, E?
TheElisaPrincess: hear what?
TheElisaPrincess: whatd i missed?
klinton77: you're funny!
The Time Trust: : fuzz
TheElisaPrincess: ohhhhhh about good girls drinking
TheElisaPrincess: yeah but not a super, duper good girl :P
rqbumbershoot: Yes!
klinton77: the bot said so
TheElisaPrincess: except when provoked!
rqbumbershoot: Sure, Elisa, suuuuuuuure....
klinton77: tease!
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: c'mon E take the shot of jager, you know you wanna
TheElisaPrincess: no..........i gotta work my butt of this weekend with school ;-)
TheElisaPrincess: nice try though
HarleyQ33: Y'know what? Its always the good girls that end up having a dungeon ans freaky shit hidden
TheElisaPrincess: thats what they said hars but i still havent wound up that way :P
rqbumbershoot: Not yet, anyway....
klinton77: stay away from the snarf
klinton77: it'll corrupt you prncess
rqbumbershoot: None can resist the Snarf!
captainsammitch: or just annoy you to death
rqbumbershoot: The Snarf is all consuming!
captainsammitch: ;-)
TheElisaPrincess: LOL SNARFIES
TheElisaPrincess: but hes in philly pa klint and im in texas ;-)
rqbumbershoot: Oh, that's it Sammitch! You goin' down, beeyatch!
The Time Trust: Anyways, back to Canadian politics...
TheElisaPrincess: but glacy is only four hours away you know guys.......:P
captainsammitch: "You ready to blow? I am a mushroom-cloud-layin' muthafucka, muthafucka! I am supafly TNT!"
captainsammitch: name the movie
brianjonopulos has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: wow.............sammys gets potty mouthed
TheElisaPrincess: who knew?!?
Atomikboy64: CUNT
rqbumbershoot: "I will wish you away to the fucking cornfield dipshit. But before I do, I will HURT you."
TheElisaPrincess: steve that just doesnt work coming from a 19 year old ;P
brianjonopulos: Holy shit! I'm in this room twice!
brianjonopulos: I'm rex
Atomikboy64: YOU don't work.
The Time Trust: No you're not
The Time Trust: Rex is "rexstardust99"
captainsammitch: anyone? anyone?
brianjonopulos: This is my other account
The Time Trust: Liar
klinton77: shit where'd rex run off to?
brianjonopulos: Maybe some one should invite me.
TheElisaPrincess: yeah rexers is rexstarsomething
TheElisaPrincess: invite you to what brys?
klinton77: someone should tell him that bot is trying to impersonate him
TheElisaPrincess: BRYS wow.....i knew a brys back in teh day
rqbumbershoot: I went to a brys once.
rqbumbershoot: The moil kept the tip!
TheElisaPrincess: its the real rexers klint
The Time Trust: Rex calls himself TK-069 on the RKMBs.
rqbumbershoot: Ah-ha-ha-haaaa!
klinton77: deeper, and deeper...
TheElisaPrincess: LOL trust
TheElisaPrincess: so funny
klinton77: is there no end to the 'Crisis of Infinite Rex'
The Time Trust: I'm not joking.
klinton77: I thought one was enough
The Time Trust: Something must be done.
Atomikboy64: TK-069 is my buddy
brianjonopulos: yes
TheElisaPrincess: drinks the last of her caffine.......nooooooooo id ont wanna go back to teaching content reading and writing ;p
The Time Trust: Timelines must be corrected.
captainsammitch has left the room.
klinton77: yes...yes they must
klinton77: and beer must be bought
BooBerryFanatic: ...what'd I miss?
klinton77: and sneaky must be naked
TheElisaPrincess: nothin but everyone trying to get drunk chewy
BooBerryFanatic: Excellent. Right on schedule.
klinton77: hey, actor boy
BooBerryFanatic: S'up, klint?
klinton77: nuthin
klinton77: still trying to seduce the bunny
Pariah186 has entered the room.
klinton77: shit
Pariah186: Hmmm
BooBerryFanatic: Wow. I thought she'd be inebriated enough by now...
TheElisaPrincess: PARYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
klinton77: I did too
TheElisaPrincess: sorry zars immed me from back in the day
TheElisaPrincess: whats up?
TheElisaPrincess: I immed ya you know
Pariah186: I'm assuming Nietszche had an agenda when he pointed out the flaw of an isolated set of values.
Pariah186: Whatever they may be.
TheElisaPrincess: gives up
rqbumbershoot: Wait, klinton's trying to seduce Sneaky?
BooBerryFanatic: Has been all day.
rqbumbershoot: I thought he was a... confirmed bachelor?
The Time Trust: There's enough volatility in this room to cause an uncivil civil war.
BooBerryFanatic: No... just gay.
The Time Trust: Quick! Choose sides.
Pariah186: He had a severe stigma towards popularly persecuted esoteric beliefs
rqbumbershoot: Wuh?
BooBerryFanatic: I can see it now: "The RKMBs Civil War: Whose Side Are You On?"
TheElisaPrincess: totally chewys but i thought htat already happened :-)
rqbumbershoot: The side I'm always on... Mine.
Pariah186: One could guess with a notorious amount of Freudian speciousness that he had a bias against the Church
TheElisaPrincess: klinton and sneaky sittin in a tree :P
Pariah186: against Communism
jaclynangelo has entered the room.
Pariah186: against Liberalism
BooBerryFanatic: Then, sorry to say it, Snarfers... but you're on the losing side.
rqbumbershoot: F-U-C...
Pariah186: Against conservatism
BooBerryFanatic: Ceej!
jaclynangelo: wow...this place is huge...
The Time Trust: Holy shit, this place is getting crowded.
brianjonopulos: CJ!!!!!
TheElisaPrincess: hey girl!!!!!!
TheElisaPrincess: i thought you were gonna be camping tonihgt
rqbumbershoot: Hey, Cowgirl.
jaclynangelo: camping?
Pariah186: It's becoming more and more apparent why he isolated himself
Pariah186: he pulled a Howard Hughs
brianjonopulos: hughes
jaclynangelo: no, i was going to go to the beach, but it was too cloudy
Pariah186: and let himself slip because he didn't feel like admitting to the world
BooBerryFanatic: Are you still talking about Nietzsche, Pariah?
rqbumbershoot: Well, I know when you were telling us about your roommate, I was pitching a tent, Ceej.
jaclynangelo: plus i told my roommate i like stuff like this planned two weeks in advvance....
Pariah186: That there was an established order
TheElisaPrincess: awwwwwwwww that stinks jac
Pariah186: one meant for people to understand on a long enough timeline
UltimateJaburg53: Who is Brian?
TheElisaPrincess: rex ujay
Pariah186: a type of God's plan
The Time Trust: Tell us more about your roommate
brianjonopulos: Its me, rex
BooBerryFanatic: That's me in the corner...
The Time Trust: Brian is an imposter claiming to be rex
UltimateJaburg53: But rex is still there
jaclynangelo: i don't know if she's y'alls type...
TheElisaPrincess: what is it with you gusy and Jac's roomate
BooBerryFanatic: That's me in the spotlight...
PenWing424: that's me in the spotlight
PenWing424: d'oh
jaclynangelo: lol
PenWing424: losing my relgion
rqbumbershoot: We're men, E. Duh.
Atomikboy64: That's me in the spot light.
Atomikboy64: Oh.
BooBerryFanatic: Thanks for the assist, P-Dub! ;-)
Pariah186: however that sentiment can't be confined merely to a religous ideal
brianjonopulos: you do know that song is about masturbation
Atomikboy64: It's not.
The Time Trust: "Mystery girl"
The Time Trust: That's all I need to know

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
rex #520518 2005-06-06 2:58 PM
Joined: Jun 2004
Posts: 46,308
Who will I break next?
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Who will I break next?
15000+ posts
Joined: Jun 2004
Posts: 46,308
TheElisaPrincess: you should be like Jac you're so pretty the way you are forget your roomie :P
The Time Trust: to be interested.
brianjonopulos: shut up commie
PenWing424: sometimes i actually a verse or two
Atomikboy64: You're thinking of "Turning Japanese," which isn't about masturbation either.
UltimateJaburg53: Japan Knees
BooBerryFanatic: "Like a Virgin" is all about dicks.
BooBerryFanatic: Big dicks.
Glacier16: whoa
UltimateJaburg53: As opposed to good?
jaclynangelo: really? sexual induendo in a madonna song?
PenWing424: i'm so excited!
PenWing424: now that's about sex
rqbumbershoot: I suppose you'll say "I touch myself" by the Divinyls isn't about masturbation either!
kristogarvelo has entered the room.
Pariah186: His personal rebellion becaming a juxtaposition borderlining on contradictory notion.
BooBerryFanatic: It's true. Quentin Tarantino says so!
jaclynangelo: that's the one i was thinking about...
Pariah186: He created an entire movement
Atomikboy64: You mean "Mister Brown"
Pariah186: Based on nothingness
The Time Trust: "Dancing With Myself" and "She Bop" -- the two great masturbation songs of the '80s.
Pariah186: unexpectency
brianjonopulos: Why is everyone showing up purple now?
rqbumbershoot: Hey, the lying deleters here! Hey velo!
brianjonopulos: I'm in here twice!
jaclynangelo: because i have a purple background
TheElisaPrincess: velo?
TheElisaPrincess: krissy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kristogarvelo: Hey E!
Pariah186: Nietzsche was wrong.
UltimateJaburg53: Where is Billy?
TheElisaPrincess: I thoguht you left today!
kristogarvelo: Who's rqbumbershoot?
TheElisaPrincess: ujay probably avoiding yall for good :P
Glacier16: snarf
TheElisaPrincess: he wont even talk to me now
rqbumbershoot: Tis I, Snarf!
captainsammitch has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: told me i should quit posting at the rkmbs
kristogarvelo: ah
The Time Trust: snarf snarf snarf
UltimateJaburg53: Baaaaa
kristogarvelo: What up
TheElisaPrincess: wb galcs
PenWing424: who is gooz02?
TheElisaPrincess: glacys grrrrrrrrr
Atomikboy64: Garv.
Atomikboy64: Gooz is here?!
brianjonopulos: sammitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
captainsammitch: if I'm in chat, Stephen, how can I POST IN THE STORY? ;-)
kristogarvelo: Everybody should quit posting at the RKMBs.
Atomikboy64: I had no idea.
UltimateJaburg53: Gooz is Gooz
rqbumbershoot: Who's garv
Glacier16: thx, was watchin' Samurai Champloo
kristogarvelo: It's not even in the top five million web sites anymore!
TheElisaPrincess: LOL krist.....and post on dave's boartds
kristogarvelo: has passed it up!
BooBerryFanatic: You weren't posting anyway and you know it!
captainsammitch: yeah I am
kristogarvelo: Yeah, Dav'es boartds.
The Time Trust: Gooz was here for a few minutes but never left thought he left.
Pariah186: I wonder
captainsammitch: right the hell now!
captainsammitch: ooo
captainsammitch: booyah
Pariah186: did the sages of the before time
BooBerryFanatic: I'll believe it when I see it!
kristogarvelo: 18 people? Since when have 18 people ever posted at those boards anyways?
brianjonopulos: this is kinda weird posting under my real name.
UltimateJaburg53: Yeah?
BooBerryFanatic: Well, I think most of us are all Animalman's alt. IDs anyway...
HarleyQ33: put on your bunny outfit, maybe you'll feel safer...
Pariah186: centuries ago consider the Jules Verne to be comparativily similar to the typical knee-jerk referencing present day comics.
kristogarvelo: We are all Kahoetek.
brianjonopulos: harley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pariah186: They're for kids.
The Time Trust: I thought it was Kahoetek's alt IDs.
The Time Trust: That's old skool.
UltimateJaburg53: Bullocks!
HarleyQ33: hey baby
brianjonopulos: I'm JLA's alt id
UltimateJaburg53: Bollocks
kristogarvelo: Do the non-MBL people in this room even know who Kahoetek is?
Glacier16: nope
Pariah186: That's the reply from the octagenarians
HarleyQ33: Pete went to bed awhile ago and I don't know where Save is...
Pariah186: the middle-agers
BooBerryFanatic: That's sad, really...
HarleyQ33: Dave
BooBerryFanatic: Everyone should know Kahoetek...
UltimateJaburg53: Dave's not here, man.
Atomikboy64: I remember Kahoetek. That guy was alright.
kristogarvelo: We should teach classes.
rqbumbershoot: I know OF Kahoetek....
HarleyQ33: yeah, i know
TheElisaPrincess: pete?
TheElisaPrincess: whose pete?
Pariah186: the maturing idealists who have a specific notion of what's considered "mature"
HarleyQ33: PJP
UltimateJaburg53: I'm Pete
Glacier16: pjp
The Time Trust: Do you know Kahoetek, Boobery?
kristogarvelo: Teach the newbies about Kahoetek and the downfall of Speedy.
The Time Trust: Have you accepted him into your heart?
UltimateJaburg53: Speedy?
BooBerryFanatic: Heh!
rqbumbershoot: Sppedy the Smackhead!
Pariah186: Did they forsee that we would be quoting these people
Atomikboy64: Speedy the Smackhead, now there was another alright guy.
brianjonopulos: shut up commie
BooBerryFanatic: Heh. Let us all join hands and sing "The Ballad of Speedy the Smackhead"...
Pariah186: this considered-to-be master minds behind cultural and social evolution
Atomikboy64: He never did get around to drawing my character.
kristogarvelo: Wait, Snarf should know Kahoetek, too. So the MBL and Snarf.
Atomikboy64: Fuck off, redneck.
TheElisaPrincess: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh
TheElisaPrincess: gotcha ujay
UltimateJaburg53: Before my time at the boards
brianjonopulos: ok unrestrained id
TheElisaPrincess: now i knwo the rest of the story
BooBerryFanatic: Paul Harvey!
TheElisaPrincess: lol bj
TheElisaPrincess: Yeah hes awesome chews
brianjonopulos: fuck
The Time Trust: I can't follow this chatroom any longer.
kristogarvelo: I've forgotten the words to The Ballad of Speedy the Smackhead...
Pariah186: Did they consider that we'd be building rock-solid foundations based on their ideas
TheElisaPrincess: although i cant find him int he afternoons anymore
brianjonopulos: don't ever call me that again
UltimateJaburg53: Cheese is good!
kristogarvelo: I always liked Paul Harvey.
Glacier16: heh, bj
rqbumbershoot: Yeah, I remember Kahoetek. Not too well however.
kristogarvelo: And by always, I mean two years ago when I heard his show a few times.
brianjonopulos: damnit
Pariah186: Comics books
The Time Trust: Speedy the Smackhead came to town
Pariah186: Wave of the future
The Time Trust: Spreading wisdom and cash around
Atomikboy64: Bitchface Jackson?
kristogarvelo: Looking for a soul to steal?
Pariah186: Unfortunately
The Time Trust: Fed the starving and housed the poor
UltimateJaburg53: I'm watching the usual Suspects
brianjonopulos: cool
The Time Trust: Showed the Vatican what gold's for
Pariah186: Their themse are being polarized
The Time Trust: But he made too many enemies
HarleyQ33: that's a great movie
The Time Trust: Of the people who would keep us on our knees
Pariah186: there's no such thing as an impartial thesis
HarleyQ33: Kaiser Soze
The Time Trust: Hooray for Speedy the Smackhead
The Time Trust: Who'll pray for Speedy the Smackhead?
UltimateJaburg53: Brian Singer is the man.
The Time Trust: Oh my!
BooBerryFanatic: Who is Keyser Soze?
kristogarvelo: That's a good song. Speedy inspired good music.
Pariah186: Everything regarding every subject that will be brought up with involve partisanship
Pariah186: *will
BooBerryFanatic: Speedy was a friend to us all... and we are all Kahoetek...
HarleyQ33: somebody pls put him back on X3 - it sounds like tis being totally fucked up right now
Pariah186: Even for Trey and Parker
brianjonopulos: thats what I thinkg
brianjonopulos: think
BooBerryFanatic: I agree with Harley.
BooBerryFanatic: And Rex.
UltimateJaburg53: They should just shelve it till he can do it
BooBerryFanatic: And Jaburg.
brianjonopulos: yes
Pariah186: Who feel that they stand on a righteous middle-ground where they feel they're devoid of bias partisanship
captainsammitch: The Usual Suspects - saw it last night
UltimateJaburg53: I'll wait six years
BooBerryFanatic: But not Pariah.
UltimateJaburg53: IFC?
HarleyQ33: the greatest trick the devil pulled was convincing the workd he didn't exist
BooBerryFanatic: IFC is the best thing since the Food Network...
The Time Trust: Ah. That's why you were being so random, Sammitch.
Pariah186: immune from political dissonence
Pariah186: But in reality
kristogarvelo: Is E still in here?
The Time Trust: Good flick, innit?
captainsammitch: and screaming KEYSER SOZE?
UltimateJaburg53: Give me the keys you motherfucking cocksucker!
captainsammitch: oh yeah
BooBerryFanatic: "How do you shoot the devil in the back? What if you miss?"
Pariah186: they're creating a neo liberalism
captainsammitch: the ending is just... "Gah!"
kristogarvelo: I was just thinking about a quote from The Usual Suspects today for some reason.
Glacier16: lol, that is the one Jaburg
captainsammitch: because RIGHT before the cop makes the connection you GET it
kristogarvelo: The part about how "well, he'll just have to know how close we came to catching him."
Pariah186: from which they can preach to crowd of zombies
HarleyQ33: endoing rocked - I heard that was the movie that convinced people he could do the X-men
Glacier16: rackin' my brain tryin' to remember that quote
kristogarvelo: And just like that...he's gone.
captainsammitch: AWEsOME
Pariah186: who feel the South Park philosophy is the wave of the future
Atomikboy64: "Rosebud" is a fucking sled.
UltimateJaburg53: Apt Pupil was great too
captainsammitch: And Bruce Willis is a dead guy!
Pariah186: the one's who feel their caricatures speak the end all be all truth
Pariah186: yes it certainly was
Pariah186: loved that movie
BooBerryFanatic: Apt Pupil is brilliant!
BooBerryFanatic: Loved it!
kristogarvelo: Anybody see that T-shirt that gives away the plot twists to like 20 famous movies?
UltimateJaburg53: Yesss
BooBerryFanatic: Nope.
HarleyQ33: Apt Pupil - bok was better
UltimateJaburg53: Mckellen was excellent
Atomikboy64: McKellen was better in THE SHADOW
The Time Trust: Was that the one with Ian McKellen?
Pariah186: Al they're doing is creating more political bias
BooBerryFanatic: McKellen is always brilliant, methinks.
UltimateJaburg53: Yes
kristogarvelo: It has the "Rosebud is a sled, Bruce Willis is actually dead, Soylent Green is people, Darth Vader is Luke's father," and a bunch of other things.
kristogarvelo: It's quite funny.
HarleyQ33: when will these people learn to fly
The Time Trust: McKellen was Margo Lane's scientist father!
BooBerryFanatic: Whenever the people from Crouching Tiger show them how...
The Time Trust: Whoa. I'd forgotten.
jaclynangelo: wow. i've actually been trying to avoid the rosebud thing for years...thanks...
Glacier16: really?
Glacier16: whoa
HarleyQ33: lol
Atomikboy64: HA
UltimateJaburg53: We are the future, Charles not them.
jaclynangelo: now i have no motivation to see the movie
UltimateJaburg53: They no longer matter.
brianjonopulos: I never did
kristogarvelo: That amuses Disco.
Pariah186: Soon enough, caricatures will be recycled over and over again
HarleyQ33: you are a god among insect. never let anyone tell you otherwise
BooBerryFanatic: "You are a god among insects, Pyro."
Pariah186: caricatures of caricatures
kristogarvelo: Disco laughs at other's misfortunes.
Atomikboy64: It amuses me very much. I thought it was common knowledge.
Atomikboy64: I do.
brianjonopulos: damn commie
Pariah186: of caricatures of caricatures of caricatures
TheElisaPrincess: sorry kriss....i got inspired to writ doy when you guys started talkin bout paul harvey :P
HarleyQ33: who's disco
Atomikboy64: I love those starving kids ads, because they're a riot.
brianjonopulos: atomicboy
Atomikboy64: Heheh, they got flies all over them.
kristogarvelo: I wish I could be inspired to writ doy one day....
Glacier16: heh
Pariah186: Each and every influencing POV breeding a new outlook
Pariah186: one that will grow
TheElisaPrincess: well he wrote me on Sunday :P
TheElisaPrincess: i should have written him back that night ;p
Pariah186: and create more conservatism
kristogarvelo: Who's doy?
Pariah186: more Liberalism
Atomikboy64: Remember Schindler's List? I love Spielberg's sense of humor.
Pariah186: more everything
TheElisaPrincess: my best friend at private school remember?
Gooz03: wow full room
brianjonopulos: What happened to PJP?
kristogarvelo: I just saw Schindler's List for the first time. What the fuck was up with Gandhi being a Jew? Spielberg's crazy.
kristogarvelo: no
TheElisaPrincess: poor guys still there............remember he lost his job this summer from psycho school
Atomikboy64: Hah
TheElisaPrincess: and he's married has a house, etc
brianjonopulos: I thought he was coming back
jaclynangelo: i need to see that movie....
kristogarvelo:, I actually don't remember that at all.
Pariah186: I am a world before I'm a man
TheElisaPrincess: jac so do I :P
Pariah186: I was a creature before I couls
brianjonopulos: I was boring
Pariah186: *could
TheElisaPrincess: its okay kris.....anyways we were super close
Pariah186: stand
jaclynangelo: i saw 'the caine muitany' for the first time today...oh, it was great
TheElisaPrincess: he got me through my first semester of teaching anyways
Atomikboy64: The camps get liberated when the Allies win World War II.
brianjonopulos: It
Pariah186: I will remember before I forget
TheElisaPrincess: uhuh thats what i thought jac
kristogarvelo: Well, good thing you writ him then.
UltimateJaburg53: I love Michael Cain
BooBerryFanatic: Schindler's List is good. You should watch it right after Hotel Rwanda. Best. Combination. Ever.
Atomikboy64: I saw Hotel Rwanda.
jaclynangelo: it looks interesting, but depressing...
Atomikboy64: Positively heartwrenching.
BooBerryFanatic: I liked it. Don Cheadle is amazing.
kristogarvelo: Gandhi wasn't a Jew. There, I said it.
Atomikboy64: Nick Nolte is the best.
TheElisaPrincess: life is beautiful sucked too btw
jaclynangelo: then agian, i watched 'intolerable cruelty' and 'law of attraction' today....
kristogarvelo: heh
UltimateJaburg53: It's like a koala bear crapped a rainbow in my brain!
TheElisaPrincess: speaking of concentration camp movies
brianjonopulos: he rocked the hulk
TheElisaPrincess: I HATED LOA jac
TheElisaPrincess: it sucked
The Time Trust: continues:
The Time Trust: Speedy the Smackhead pulled them all
BooBerryFanatic: How dare you, E!!!
The Time Trust: Emptied churches and shopping malls
TheElisaPrincess: or was it IC
The Time Trust: Where he spoke, it would raise the roof
TheElisaPrincess: i cant of the two
jaclynangelo: i LOVED it. brosnan could do more comedy if he wanted to
The Time Trust: Speedy the Smackhead told the truth
The Time Trust: But he made too many enemies...
The Time Trust: Speedy the Smackhead put to shame
kristogarvelo: Intolerable Cruelty was with Catherine Zeta-Jones and George Clooney.
TheElisaPrincess: wasn tIC with catherine zeta and goerge?
The Time Trust: Governments who would slur his name
TheElisaPrincess: yeahhhhhh i HATED IC
BooBerryFanatic: Never speak an unkind word about Benini's Oscar-winning performance!
TheElisaPrincess: grrr still makes me cringe
The Time Trust: Plots and sex scandals failed outright
kristogarvelo: Why?
kristogarvelo: I dig Coen brothers.
The Time Trust: Speedy merely said
jaclynangelo: the thing is, i hate yankees, and i think lawyers are sharks, so the idea of me like a movie about yankee lawyers is amusing
TheElisaPrincess: Borigness
The Time Trust: Any kind of love is alright
kristogarvelo: They roxors my soxors.
TheElisaPrincess: boriNGness
The Time Trust: But he made too many enemies...
The Time Trust: Speedy the Smackhead was too good
kristogarvelo: You also called Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind boring. You got ADD or something?
The Time Trust: Had him nailed to a chunk of wood
The Time Trust: He died grinning on live TV
Pariah186: I've come up with a screen play idea
The Time Trust: Hanging there he looked a lot like you
Pariah186: it involes a guy who does things
The Time Trust: And an awful lot like me!
kristogarvelo: Pariah, that's been done.
The Time Trust: But he made too many enemies...
brianjonopulos: damn, I need to eat something, my sister has a frozen pizza, should I eat it?
kristogarvelo: Adaptation by Charlie Kaufman.
Pariah186: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Time Trust: Hooray for Speedy Smackhead
Pariah186: NO!!
Pariah186: NO!!
Pariah186: NO!!
UltimateJaburg53: Hey Pariah!
The Time Trust: Who'll pray for Speedy Smackhead
Atomikboy64: Intolerable Cruelty was a film that gradually lost steam, then regained it in the middle, then quickly lost it again.
Pariah186: YOu LIES!!! Yooufe DOfi wefjaskldvhioasdhjv
Pariah186: o;j
Pariah186: opvasj'pef j'
Pariah186: djvp
The Time Trust: Hooray for Speedy the Smackhead
The Time Trust: Oh my oh my oh!
Glacier16: lol
rqbumbershoot: Hey, Ceej, what's wrong with Yankees?
brianjonopulos: I haven't really eaten anything all day
The Time Trust: Doesn't it make you want to cry oh?
jaclynangelo: yankees are evil. not so much as lawyers...
kristogarvelo: E hasn't responded to my ADD question. I'm guessing a butterfly flew past her and she's chasing it right now.
Pariah186: My life is over and done with
Atomikboy64: Probably.
TheElisaPrincess: well Eternal was boring
TheElisaPrincess: what add question kris?
brianjonopulos: Watch out CJ, harleys a lawyer
TheElisaPrincess: i ahve butterflies on my porch btw :P
Atomikboy64: Do you have A.D.D., Elisa?
kristogarvelo: I asked if you had ADD.
TheElisaPrincess: no severe dyslexia though
kristogarvelo: Eternal Sunshine is also ranked like #30 on the IMDb's all-time movies.
UltimateJaburg53: I saw the Life Aquatic the other day.
jaclynangelo: yes, and all my friends are pre-law. believe me, they all know how i think
TheElisaPrincess: i hated it
kristogarvelo: So that means only 29 movies in history aren't boring.
TheElisaPrincess: i only saw the first thirty minutes and was bored
TheElisaPrincess: :P
TheElisaPrincess: was life aquatic good though?
Atomikboy64: You clearly have no human emotion, then.
UltimateJaburg53: Yea
UltimateJaburg53: If you liked Rushmore
TheElisaPrincess: whatever AB :P
kristogarvelo: You almost sound like a guy. "It didn't have explosions, bored the hell out of me!"
jaclynangelo: dude, so she didn't like the movie. big deal
Atomikboy64: I think Elisa just dissed your taste in movies, Jaburg.
rqbumbershoot: I'm a Yankee.
UltimateJaburg53: ans The Royal Tenembaums
Atomikboy64: I have an erection for Wes Anderson.
jaclynangelo: my roommate and i will never agree with 'gone with the wind'. big deal
kristogarvelo: Gone With the Wind sucked.
UltimateJaburg53: She was talking about Eternal Sunshine I think
kristogarvelo: THAT was boring.
jaclynangelo: see, now i could accuse you of ADD and what-not
kristogarvelo: I have ADHD.
UltimateJaburg53: Lord Of Illusions rocked
kristogarvelo: It wouldn't be an accusation.
rqbumbershoot: The greatest movie of this or any other century was Weekend at Bernie's 2.
TheElisaPrincess: Royal Tenen was good
TheElisaPrincess: i liked that one.....lots of quotable lines
Atomikboy64: I prefer "Cum Guzzling Bitches 12"
TheElisaPrincess: luke wilsons awesome though
jaclynangelo: i need to see it
brianjonopulos: heh
jaclynangelo: so much hotter than his brother...
brianjonopulos: Their both freaky looking
kristogarvelo: Luke Wilson was da bomb in Phantoms, yo
UltimateJaburg53: Gweneth Paltwhatever couldn't pull it off.
Atomikboy64: He would have been a great Daredevil.
kristogarvelo: My favorite movie is The Kiss. Jenna Jameson deserves a fucking Oscar. There, I said it.
brianjonopulos: I think Affleck was a great daredevil, but the movie sucked
Atomikboy64: Jenna Jameson deserves an Oscar® inserted into her vagina.
brianjonopulos: Now he and ruined Alias.
TheElisaPrincess: jac yeah just for luke wilson you gotta see him ;-)
kristogarvelo: I've seen your posts, sneaky. Don't play innocent.
TheElisaPrincess: totally
UltimateJaburg53: Affleck is kind of a turd actor
TheElisaPrincess: yeah DD was good.....i liked that one, wasnt the best of movies but itw as alright
rqbumbershoot: I always preferred Damon over Affleck.
Balloonknot666 has entered the room.
UltimateJaburg53: It was horrible
Atomikboy64: I would take them both at once.
The Time Trust: You would
kristogarvelo: haha, you guys are talking about Damon and Affleck.
The Time Trust: Snarf
brianjonopulos: Balloonknot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jaclynangelo: see, i found it hard to believe in DD that a lawyer could become a superhero...
kristogarvelo: That's what the system wants you to do.
UltimateJaburg53: Damon over Affleck at Tinagra!
kristogarvelo: The Man wants to turn you against each otehr.
Atomikboy64: He's Catholic. It makes perfect sense.
jaclynangelo: now, a blind superhero, that's easy to believe...
kristogarvelo: Dammit, you should have learned this from Boyz 'n da Hood!
TheElisaPrincess: hiya bk
Balloonknot666: YOOOOOOOO
Balloonknot666: hey cunt
UltimateJaburg53: Damon and Affleck on the water
brianjonopulos: Hey, daredevil is my second favorite superhero
rqbumbershoot: Ceej. End the hate.
UltimateJaburg53: The beast at Tinagra
brianjonopulos: He's the best Marvel has.
jaclynangelo: i'm teasing. it's what i do. like i said, i enjoy the taunting...
rqbumbershoot: End the hate, Ceej.
kristogarvelo: Yeah, end the hate.
brianjonopulos: She's an instigator
kristogarvelo: That's not what the RKMBs are about.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: love not hate!
rqbumbershoot: The humor is covering up for the hate. Don't let it consume you!
Atomikboy64: GO instiGATORS
UltimateJaburg53: Like Batman?
The Time Trust: Sex not love!
rqbumbershoot: Make love, not war!
brianjonopulos: But what can you expect from someone from florida?
kristogarvelo: Make love not war! And use the bed, not the floor!
UltimateJaburg53: Batman instagtes crimes!
jaclynangelo: rex already knows this quote...'if a child of mine were to become a lawyer, i'd strangle it with my own hands and piss on its grave'
brianjonopulos: I know
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: sex not love!
jaclynangelo: lol
UltimateJaburg53: I can't spell worth a crap.
brianjonopulos: Wasn't that in a later book?
jaclynangelo: um...i think it was in havoc....
Pariah186: I gott aget out of this fucking place
brianjonopulos: I haven't read that one yet.
Pariah186: That I'm in
brianjonopulos: Thats the one I skipped over
Pariah186: This place]
TheElisaPrincess: lol@end the hate :P
Atomikboy64: My favorite X-Man.
Pariah186: not sure what to call it
Pariah186: it has no light
Pariah186: it breeds not darkness
UltimateJaburg53: A nutshell P?
Pariah186: but it churns out relativity
The Time Trust: XXX-Men: has it been done?
TheElisaPrincess: must pull myself away and read!
Pariah186: I'm stuck in this place. I can't understand what it is
kristogarvelo: Read what?
Glacier16: Teaching for Dummies
brianjonopulos: Does anyone know wednesdays AIM name?
rqbumbershoot: End the fucking hate!
Atomikboy64: Cyclops could easily make for a good penis costume.
Atomikboy64: I mean... the scuba suit.
kristogarvelo: I would think that reading would bore you, E.
UltimateJaburg53: Are u bound in a nutshell and calling yourself king of infinite space?
The Time Trust: One-eyed? Yeah, I can picture it.
Pariah186: Literally?
Pariah186: yes
rqbumbershoot: Actually, the fictional character who looks most phallic would be Darth Vader.
UltimateJaburg53: AVENGE MY DEATH BOY!
The Time Trust: The red laser takes on new connotations entirely.
Atomikboy64: Heh.
Atomikboy64: All of them have phallic heads, really.
UltimateJaburg53: The empire?
UltimateJaburg53: Yeah
TheElisaPrincess: ok.............bbls *off reading*
jaclynangelo: chewy?
Atomikboy64: No, the X-Men. But now that you mention it..
UltimateJaburg53: I can see that.
kristogarvelo: This looks more phallic:
The Time Trust: Wolverine is essentially one of those speciality-dildos with extra grooves and such.
kristogarvelo: No offense to all y'all, but if E's gone I don't have any use for any of you.
kristogarvelo: Peace out.
kristogarvelo has left the room.
jaclynangelo: i wonder if i still have pics of the UF penis statues...
brianjonopulos: PERVERT!
Atomikboy64: UF penis statues?
jaclynangelo: yeah
UltimateJaburg53: Yeah
brianjonopulos: yeah
UltimateJaburg53: Po
Atomikboy64: Whaaaaa?
UltimateJaburg53: ta
UltimateJaburg53: to
jaclynangelo: hold on, let me upload the pic online...
Atomikboy64: Awesome.
UltimateJaburg53: K
UltimateJaburg53: :P
UltimateJaburg53: lols
Atomikboy64: Potatok!
brianjonopulos: yeah, thats something I want to see
The Time Trust: The room falls to a gentle hush.
The Time Trust: As the anticipation builds
UltimateJaburg53: You will not get away this time potatok!
Atomikboy64: Kotatop!
UltimateJaburg53: Whoa
The Time Trust: Modok
Atomikboy64: Best villain ever.
UltimateJaburg53: Kodak!
The Time Trust: Now there's a big penis.
jaclynangelo: i really wished i organized my pics bettter...
UltimateJaburg53: The big head guy?
The Time Trust: A thickie
The Time Trust: More girth, less length
brianjonopulos: I was looking for pics of myself to post, but I can't find any recent ones.
Atomikboy64: Just a giant head with arms and legs.
Atomikboy64: Kirby had to have come up with that one.
UltimateJaburg53: I seen him I think
The Time Trust:
UltimateJaburg53: Around the time Tony was Paralized
rqbumbershoot: How many drugs to you think Kirby was on, anyway?
The Time Trust: Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing
The Time Trust: Here's a Kirby drawing of Modok
Atomikboy64: I don't think Kirby was on drugs is the thing.
The Time Trust:
Atomikboy64: Imagine if he WAS
brianjonopulos: So this room has been open for 25 and a half hours now.
The Time Trust: Wasn't there a Ms. Modok once?
The Time Trust: Now that was funny.
rqbumbershoot: Come on! His concept of Death was a black guy on skis! He HAD to be smokin' something!
The Time Trust:
Atomikboy64: He loves Extreme Sports...
The Time Trust: Scroll down a bit
rqbumbershoot: Yes. Ms. Modok was originally pretending to be Henry Pym's estranged wife.
UltimateJaburg53: Ha
rqbumbershoot: Who was being guarded by communist gorillas.
UltimateJaburg53: Like real gorillas?
rqbumbershoot: Yes.
rqbumbershoot: Because monkeys sell comics!
UltimateJaburg53: Like eats bananas
UltimateJaburg53: Gotcha
brianjonopulos: yes
Atomikboy64: Man, if I were a writer, I'd totally bring back Ms. Modok.
UltimateJaburg53: 70s?
rqbumbershoot: God bless Julie Schwartz!
jaclynangelo: well, that's weird, the pictures are gone
rqbumbershoot: End the hate, Ceej.
brianjonopulos: Someone stole your penis pictures
UltimateJaburg53: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo1
brianjonopulos: Damn
jaclynangelo: well, basically, it's a statue of four penis outside the animal science builing
The Time Trust: What approach? Serious? Campy?
jaclynangelo: *building
brianjonopulos: And people wonder why everyone makes fun of florida.....
brianjonopulos: JLA is invited
MtotheJLA has entered the room.
Pariah186: NOO!!
Atomikboy64: Serious as fuck.
brianjonopulos: JLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Glacier16: YES!
MtotheJLA: Allo
Pariah186: NOOO!!
jaclynangelo: one forked penis for the opposum, one spiked one for the feline, one corkscrew for the boar, and a curved one for the stallion (and, in a way, the human male)
UltimateJaburg53: JLA!
Atomikboy64: Because you take gigantic misshapen heads seriously.
Pariah186: NOOOOOO!!!!
Atomikboy64: Or you're bound to offend someone.
UltimateJaburg53: Inventer of the Super Powers Batmobile!
brianjonopulos: JLA came in at the wrong time
The Time Trust: This is true
MtotheJLA: What's yer problem, parys
jaclynangelo: not really curved...more like a rattlesnake tail, it's all a little stylized
brianjonopulos: We really don't want to know that.
Pariah186: My problem
jaclynangelo: dude, i work in the animal sci department. i've got pics of me with my hands inside the cows....
Pariah186: IS JEW!!
UltimateJaburg53: Ohhh
brianjonopulos: Whre's th vomit smiley
Glacier16: I am all, but what am I? Another number that isn't equal to any of you. I control, but I comply. Pick me apart, then pick up the pieces.
jaclynangelo: you guys are squemish
Pariah186: I hate JEW
brianjonopulos: So do I
Pariah186: JEW gets on my nerves
UltimateJaburg53: It would be cool to take a miniturized sub inside a cow
The Time Trust: "Of course, the name lends itself to one of my all-time favorite running gags. For you see, MODOK is not just a mental organism designed for killing; he's a mental organism designed only for killing."
MtotheJLA: Your disposition I'll remember, when I'm letting go...
Pariah186: UGh!
Pariah186: That song
Pariah186: sticks
UltimateJaburg53: Mine for milk
brianjonopulos: I'm mxy!
Pariah186: in your head
The Time Trust: "One can get endless enjoyment contemplating previous prototypes of MODOK before they finally got it right."
The Time Trust: "Polluting A.I.M. headquarters are MODOFs, MODOWPs, and MODOMLMs taking care of various filing, waxing & polishing and middle-level management tasks;"
UltimateJaburg53: MILF!
The Time Trust: "and somewhere in a hidden hi-tech fortress, Ms. MODOK asks the former George Tarleton to take you the garbage, and he responds,"
The Time Trust: "Bitch, do I look like a Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing and Trash Removal?"
brianjonopulos: SPAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pariah186: I've noticed lately
Pariah186: that when I speak
MtotheJLA: I'm putting all of you on ignore, so I can have a nice, civil coversation with myself
Pariah186: my English gets more and more broken
brianjonopulos: No one listens?
Atomikboy64: You're killing me, Trustt
Pariah186: I'm afraid
Pariah186: soon enough
Pariah186: I'll find myself without a voice
Pariah186: because more and more
Pariah186: each day
UltimateJaburg53: Ring Ring RIng Ring RIng Ring Ring Bananaphone!
Pariah186: I see the chatter as irrelevent
The Time Trust: That's good stuff
MtotheJLA: Ah, memories
Pariah186: the response
PenWing424: bananaman?
Atomikboy64: I've got this feeling
Atomikboy64: so a-PEEL-ing
MtotheJLA: badgers badgers badgers
Atomikboy64: for us to get together and sing
MtotheJLA: mushroom mushroom
Pariah186: I'm starting to feel
UltimateJaburg53: ssssssssnake its a snake!
Pariah186: a lot like Rorshach
brianjonopulos: Is klinton on? Where the fuck is he?
MtotheJLA: Rack the burg dude
UltimateJaburg53: Klin-ton
UltimateJaburg53: In real time
brianjonopulos: So who is everyone voting off now?
MtotheJLA: Me
Pariah186: Gordon
UltimateJaburg53: The crow dude
MtotheJLA: I want to be killed by a fucking shark
Pariah186: I vote that we vote off Gordon
Glacier16: crow
PenWing424: why?
Pariah186: Cuz'
UltimateJaburg53: I have no clue who he is

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
rex #520519 2005-06-06 2:59 PM
Joined: Jun 2004
Posts: 46,308
Who will I break next?
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Who will I break next?
15000+ posts
Joined: Jun 2004
Posts: 46,308
Pariah186: he doesn't pull his weight
brianjonopulos: I like the crow guy
Pariah186: every time shit goes wrong
Pariah186: more often than not
Pariah186: It's Gordon
UltimateJaburg53: Gilligan!
MtotheJLA: Ginger!
rqbumbershoot: Skipper!
Pariah186: I don't even know why you have to ask
UltimateJaburg53: Mary Ann!
rqbumbershoot: Luvvie!
Pariah186: Gordon's been on everyone's shit list since the beginning
MtotheJLA: I want to FUCK the new Mary Ann on the Gilligan reality show so bad my balls ache just thinking about it
Glacier16: ha
Balloonknot666 has left the room.
brianjonopulos: You scared off ballonknot, JLA
The Time Trust: Klin-Ton & Dole.
MtotheJLA: I have that effect on people
brianjonopulos: yes
Balloonknot666 has entered the room.
Atomikboy64: I love Pineapples.
MtotheJLA: uh huh
brianjonopulos: doh!
The Time Trust: "If you know of a better way to exchange long protein strands I'd like to hear it."
rqbumbershoot: "Abortions for all!"
The Time Trust: BOOOO!
The Time Trust: "Abortions for none!"
The Time Trust: BOOOO!
rqbumbershoot: Hmmm...
MtotheJLA: snarf snarf
brianjonopulos: This computer I'm using sucks, it took half an hour to turn on. I think my sister infected it with something.
rqbumbershoot: "Abortions for some, miniature American flags for the rest!"
Atomikboy64: Herpes/
Atomikboy64: ?
brianjonopulos: no
brianjonopulos: Were not talking about you right now.
The Time Trust: LOL
Atomikboy64: I have clamydia, you dick.
MtotheJLA: run ad aware, spybot, and defrag the puppy
rqbumbershoot: "YAAAAY!"
MtotheJLA: snarf snarf
The Time Trust: snarf snarf snarf
MtotheJLA: Did King Snarf and Snarf ever throw down?
brianjonopulos: That wouldn't do any good, I keep telling her she has to delete thinkgs like kazaa, but she won't listen.
brianjonopulos: Fucking hippie
MtotheJLA: Kazaa is a problem?
captainsammitch: HErpes the Love Bug!
rqbumbershoot: No, 'cause that impostor Snarf is a coward!
jaclynangelo has left the room.
The Time Trust: Kazaa's not the problem -- it's the programs which get bundled with it that are the problem
MtotheJLA: WHOA!
MtotheJLA: oh
MtotheJLA: I never FUCKED around with Kazaa
Atomikboy64: You just flirted/
brianjonopulos: Yes, she installed their "antispyware" program
MtotheJLA: oh boy
brianjonopulos: I deleted that though.
MtotheJLA: how old is the comp?
brianjonopulos: A couple years, its actually newer than mine
MtotheJLA: that's not too bad
brianjonopulos: Its been upgraded several times.
MtotheJLA: ah
MtotheJLA: this POS is 6 years old
brianjonopulos: Mine is seven
brianjonopulos: Or more.
MtotheJLA: it's powered by a hamster running on a treadmill
EmprrJkr has entered the room.
brianjonopulos: It doesn't evene have a 3D card in it.
The Time Trust: Hey, it's someone's alt-ID
MtotheJLA: my internet connnection is a Pepsi can and a string
Glacier16: emprrJkr
Atomikboy64: Someone doesn't like vowels with the exception of the beginning letter...
EmprrJkr: Hold on.
MtotheJLA: Sammitch...?
EmprrJkr has left the room.
The Time Trust: Whatever happened to EmprrJkr?
Glacier16: I always thought it was Pariah or Snarf
MtotheJLA: You know who would like this chat?
Atomikboy64: That motherfucker better not have been singing Good Charlotte.
The Time Trust: And am I supposed to make a purring sound when I say that name?
Pariah186: Heh
MtotheJLA: EmprrJkr
The Time Trust: Whoever he is, he can't hold a candle to Joker1.
Atomikboy64: I miss that guy.
Atomikboy64: He was alright.
The Time Trust: Now that was a fine figure of a man.
The Time Trust: Even though he was a lawyer.
Atomikboy64: He was a lawyer?
The Time Trust: Studying to be one, at any rate
Atomikboy64: Ah.
MtotheJLA: Who is booberryfanantic?
Glacier16: Chewy
Atomikboy64: Someone who enjoys cereal.
captainsammitch: what up JLA
MtotheJLA: Hi sammitch
The Time Trust: He got on my nerves many a time, I must admit, but I'd welcome him back anytime.
MtotheJLA: was Meeko put off by her last chat?
BooBerryFanatic: Huh?
MtotheJLA: Who?
The Time Trust: Joker1
BooBerryFanatic: Sorry... I'm doing some work for tomorrow.
Atomikboy64: How did he get on your nerves?
MtotheJLA: Ah
The Time Trust: He was crazy.
The Time Trust: Crazy guy.
MtotheJLA: He was wild, too
The Time Trust: Chandelier-swinging crazy guy.
MtotheJLA: wild and crazy
The Time Trust: That too
MtotheJLA: guy
The Time Trust: I always forget about the wild part.
Atomikboy64: He was a guy?!
MtotheJLA: from Czechslovokia
The Time Trust: Uh, I think... so...
MtotheJLA: he ran from the tanks to come to America
UltimateJaburg53: Cunt!\
UltimateJaburg53: WHOOOOOOA
Atomikboy64: Reminds me of my parents.
HarleyQ33 has left the room.
MtotheJLA: dang
UltimateJaburg53: Aw
MtotheJLA: Uh huh
brianjonopulos: All the women are leaving.
Atomikboy64: SAUSAGE FEST
UltimateJaburg53: I didn't mean it
MtotheJLA: nobody got the Czeckslovokia joke
MtotheJLA: and I mispelled it
MtotheJLA: dang
The Time Trust: Joker1 was the Id to my Ego.
UltimateJaburg53: I did
MtotheJLA: snarf snarf
MtotheJLA: Bless you
Atomikboy64: You mean Czech Republic and Slovakia.
The Time Trust: Okay...
UltimateJaburg53: There is still two of me here
MtotheJLA: Back when the joke was told, it was Czechslovkia
brianjonopulos: me to
MtotheJLA: in the 70's
MtotheJLA: on SNL
Atomikboy64: Whoa, that is more dated than Shrek 2...
MtotheJLA: yeah
Pariah186: I was born as a common folk sonnuvabitch
rqbumbershoot: Dyno-mite!
MtotheJLA: snarf snarf
The Time Trust: JOKER1, WHERE ARE YOU?!?
Pariah186: They told me I'd never be anything more than a bastard
Gooz03 has left the room.
UltimateJaburg53: I remember Dyno Mutt
MtotheJLA: aw
UltimateJaburg53: dang
MtotheJLA: Underdog
UltimateJaburg53: Yeah him
The Time Trust: "titepieceofass" still hasn't accepted my invite.
Pariah186: No middle-class supper for this unfortunate
MtotheJLA: Underdog ruled
The Time Trust: I'm almost offended.
StevensLastNight has entered the room.
rqbumbershoot: When criminals in this world appear and break the laws that they should fear...
The Time Trust: Now who is this?
MtotheJLA: Whoa! It's StevensLastNight!
StevensLastNight: What the fuck is this!
rqbumbershoot: Tis I, Snarf!
MtotheJLA: and he's spending it with us!
The Time Trust: snarf snarf snarf
MtotheJLA: how touching!
The Time Trust: I feel special
Pariah186: STEVEN!
Pariah186: Holy fuck!!
MtotheJLA: it's his last night!
rqbumbershoot: Hey! Watch those hands, buddy!
Pariah186: Where'd you come from!?
MtotheJLA: someone FUCK the poor lad!
MtotheJLA: not me!
StevensLastNight: well we thought he was gone
StevensLastNight: now he's come back again
StevensLastNight: last week it was funny
StevensLastNight: now the joke's wearing thing
StevensLastNight: THIN
Pariah186: Speaking of which!
MtotheJLA: you fucked it up Steve
StevensLastNight: God dammit
Pariah186: Do you still have the movie I let you borrow?
The Time Trust: I once tried to invite Joker1 to the chat.
MtotheJLA: that takes all of the drama out of it
Pariah186: You still have No Escape right?
The Time Trust: You know what happened?
The Time Trust: I got a message.
The Time Trust: It said:
The Time Trust: Joker1 is not available.
MtotheJLA: message in a bottle...
Atomikboy64: D'oh!
The Time Trust: I almost cried.
Atomikboy64: I feel your pain, The.
Pariah186: Uschi wants in.
Pariah186: She's not getting in though.
brianjonopulos: whose stevens?
StevensLastNight: my ass
MtotheJLA: it's his last night
Pariah186: We worked in the same building
brianjonopulos: oh
Pariah186: He was a Cisoc programer
The Time Trust: I'm okay...
brianjonopulos: Is pariah odd in real life also
Pariah186: Cisco
MtotheJLA: tomorrow he journeys to the great unknown!
MtotheJLA: but tonight, he chats!
StevensLastNight: I know how to partaaaaaaaay
MtotheJLA: rage against the dying of the light, steven!
StevensLastNight: FOR SHIZZLE
Atomikboy64: Oh christ...
Pariah186: I taught the man how to troll myself
brianjonopulos: Damn, I'm gonna have to go now, stupid nephews won't stay in bed, I'll be back later.
Pariah186: Strangle em' for me
Pariah186: I remember when I was at your house
MtotheJLA: Do not go gentle into that good night
brianjonopulos has left the room.
Pariah186: those little shits decided to fuck around with my wallet
MtotheJLA: Old age should burn and rave at close of day;Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Pariah186: STEVE!
MtotheJLA: Though wise men at their end know dark is right,Because their words had forked no lightning theyDo not go gentle into that good night
Pariah186: Answer me
StevensLastNight: What?
Pariah186: Do you have rhe movie?
Pariah186: No Escape
StevensLastNight: No.
Pariah186: What!?
StevensLastNight: I don't have it.
MtotheJLA: Good men, the last wave by, crying how brightTheir frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Pariah186: Dude!
Pariah186: I let you borrow
Pariah186: it
Pariah186: you better have it
StevensLastNight: No you didn't.
MtotheJLA: Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,Do not go gentle into that good night
MtotheJLA: Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sightBlind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Pariah186: I know I let you borrow something
StevensLastNight: You didn't. I would have remembered.
Pariah186: For fuck's sake
Pariah186: stop playing around
MtotheJLA: And you Steven, there on the sad height,Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.Do not go gentle into that good night.Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
The Time Trust: Get a room
StevensLastNight: I don't have it
Pariah186: Yes...Yes. You. Do.
Atomikboy64: Technically, they did...
MtotheJLA: It's his last night! Give the man a break!
StevensLastNight: Do not
Pariah186: Do TO
The Time Trust: *sigh*
StevensLastNight: do not!
MtotheJLA: yeah
rqbumbershoot: So...
Pariah186: DO TO!
Atomikboy64: The Time Trust, you're an upstanding fellow...
The Time Trust: I like to think so
MtotheJLA: dude's on his death bed, and parys is worried about a VHS tape from 98
Pariah186: FYI
rqbumbershoot: End the hate, parys.
StevensLastNight: When do you think you gave it to me?
Pariah186: "No Escape" was from 94
MtotheJLA: close enough
Pariah186: Three years ago
The Time Trust: Thanks
Pariah186: when I was still working at Cisco
StevensLastNight: 94? you expect me to remember where something is after 11 years?!
Pariah186: Nononono
rqbumbershoot: Dude, you're pitching a fit about a Ray Liotta movie???
Pariah186: I said the movie was made in 94
Atomikboy64: heh
Pariah186: I let you borrow it in 92
Pariah186: er
Pariah186: 02
Glacier16: heh
Pariah186: It was the best movie he ever made
Pariah186: It rocked.
Atomikboy64: I own "Inferno" starring Ray Liotta, because Peter Milligan wrote the screenplay.
MtotheJLA: In parys defense, that Ray Liotta does have some piercing blue eyes...
StevensLastNight: 92? jesus man
Pariah186: Slip of the tongue
Pariah186: 2002
rqbumbershoot: "Ohmygod! Where's No Escape! It features the acting talents of Ray Liotta and Ernie Hudson gives a captivating performance!"
StevensLastNight: thats like 2 years ago
MtotheJLA: ha
StevensLastNight: how should I know?
Pariah186: Three
StevensLastNight: three!
StevensLastNight: even worse!
MtotheJLA: rack snarfies
Pariah186: Dude, seriously. I want it back
StevensLastNight: too bad. I don't have it.
The Time Trust: I still have my friend's younger brother's SUPERMAN II: MOVIE BOOK, which I borrowed around 1985.
MtotheJLA: I hate to see how big a deal parys would make over this, if it were a good movie...
Atomikboy64: Hah!
rqbumbershoot: "Hello, I'm Pariah, and I have a hard-on for Ray Liotta!"
The Time Trust: Sometimes I feel guilt.
Atomikboy64: God, I love Peter Milligan.
The Time Trust: Then I remember it would've been destroyed eventually if he'd kept it, and it takes the guilt away.
Atomikboy64: You're a good man.
Atomikboy64: The year is 2022. In the prison of the future escape is impossible. Survival isn't much easier.
The Time Trust: Bless you.
Glacier16: whoa
StevensLastNight: i probably sold it
Pariah186: .........If you did.....You know what that means....Yes?
The Time Trust: Lock up the firearms.
MtotheJLA: go with that feeling, parys
StevensLastNight: what?
MtotheJLA: march over there
rqbumbershoot: "I need my copy of No Escape so I can masturbate! I wore out my copy of Fight Club!"
Pariah186: I'll have to go buy aniother one.
MtotheJLA: and commit murder over a 5 dollar VJS tape
MtotheJLA: vhs
Pariah186: OH WAIT! I can't!
StevensLastNight: why not?
Atomikboy64: A VJS tape would be more worth it
MtotheJLA: because he's a prisoner on a island
Pariah186: Because it's 13 years old and I prolly won't find an esoteric HBO movie after this long!
rqbumbershoot: "'Cause I'm Pariah! I like to bitch!"
StevensLastNight: waaaaaaaa
StevensLastNight: waaaaaaaaaaa
Pariah186: You asshole motherfucker! This is the last time I give anything to you shitcock!
StevensLastNight: That is what you sound like
rqbumbershoot: Pariah. Try ebay.
rqbumbershoot: And Valium.
Atomikboy64: "Shitcock." I want to hug you.
rqbumbershoot: Asspole.
MtotheJLA: hey, this is Ray Liotta, peoples
MtotheJLA: let's show some respect
Atomikboy64: and while I'm on IMDB...
MtotheJLA: AND Ernie Hudson, of Ghostbusters fame
rqbumbershoot: "I don't look like these guys, not one iota..."
Pariah186: Points to the commie
rqbumbershoot: "But with them I could pass for Ray Liotta!"
Atomikboy64: Da.
MtotheJLA: someone please change the subject
MtotheJLA: please
Atomikboy64: "From the director of Goldeneye!"
Glacier16: yeah that is a good idea
Pariah186: Other movies mad by Ray Liotta:
StevensLastNight: Are you done bitching, you whiny cunt?
MtotheJLA: let us discuss cyborg ninja monkeys or something
The Time Trust: Yes, let's.
rqbumbershoot: Monkeys sell comics!
MtotheJLA: Jaburg...?
MtotheJLA: take the floor, Jaburg
Pariah186: Chlorine
Pariah186: "Criminal Behavior"
StevensLastNight: Sounds gay
Pariah186: Comeback Season
Pariah186: Revolver
Pariah186: Jump Shot
UltimateJaburg53: ?
rqbumbershoot: Pariah. Dude. Stop.
Atomikboy64: He really likes Gay Liotta
Pariah186: hmm
rqbumbershoot: Here's a topic...
Glacier16: wafjei adje mcnv
MtotheJLA: it was documented photographically by the Ninja Turtle!
rqbumbershoot: What if Joe Quesada ran DC Comics?
The Time Trust: Is Shahman online?
Glacier16: soy
Glacier16: yes
StevensLastNight: Who?
MtotheJLA: yeah, him
MtotheJLA: Steven Who
The Time Trust: Yes
MtotheJLA: He's on first
Pariah186: Steve, there's one last addendum I want to ask about
Glacier16: Sjshahman
MtotheJLA: Why is on second
Pariah186: I remember this one time
MtotheJLA: The guy over there is on third
Pariah186: when you finished the new traffic software for Cisco
Pariah186: And we were all gonna party and shit
Pariah186: So we went to the Wango Tango
Pariah186: I just wanna know
Pariah186: Do you know what happened that night?
captainsammitch: I POSTED
Pariah186: I mean, I remember sitting down in the booth and then the Bacardi.
Pariah186: After that, things get hazy
MtotheJLA: Oingo Bongo roxers!
StevensLastNight: nope
The Time Trust: If I didn't know what you were talking about, Sammitch...
StevensLastNight: i think you kissed some dude
MtotheJLA: W H O A !
MtotheJLA: And that dude's name was Steven...
The Time Trust: ...what you just said would've sounded akin to a three-year-old who went to the potty all by himself.
Pariah186: Well yeah, I was gonna say
The Time Trust: :-D
Atomikboy64: That's why it's his last night. He's leaving due to all the sexual tension.
MtotheJLA: ha
The Time Trust: I MADE POOPY!
The Time Trust: Sorry.
The Time Trust: I mock.
StevensLastNight: i AM gay....
The Time Trust: I mock.
MtotheJLA: The Ray Liotta thing was just a codeword
Pariah186: NOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Pariah186: You violated me!!!
Atomikboy64: You "borrowed" my "Ray Liotta movie"
The Time Trust: Can I get a rack?
UltimateJaburg53: Who is steven?
Glacier16: hahaha
Pariah186: He works at Cisco
MtotheJLA: I just met you, TTT
MtotheJLA: Buy me dinner, first
Pariah186: My
Pariah186: intuition
The Time Trust: *mutter*
The Time Trust: Come on, titepieceofass. Show me what you're worth.
Atomikboy64: Heh
MtotheJLA: That's the isue, though
MtotheJLA: Once you give up that sweet piece of Ray Liotta tape
MtotheJLA: you can never get it back
MtotheJLA: Once it's been watched over and over
MtotheJLA: it's not the same
Atomikboy64: It's got bodily fluids on it.
MtotheJLA: love fluids
MtotheJLA: Love Potion #9
UltimateJaburg53: Adrian Paul?
Atomikboy64: Adrian Barbeaubot!
MtotheJLA: Barbeau, even
UltimateJaburg53: Great Sparks you broke the monitir and you're dead.
UltimateJaburg53: happy?
The Time Trust: I have no rival. No man can be my equal!\
Atomikboy64: I want some SEX!
UltimateJaburg53: Hesh wants poppers
Sjshahman has entered the room.
Atomikboy64: SOY
Sjshahman: yes?
The Time Trust: Soy
Pariah186: SJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sjshahman: yes?
Sjshahman: Yes?
ChrryVanilla06 has entered the room.
The Time Trust: We meet again.
Sjshahman: We do.
Pariah186: CHRRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sjshahman: Twice in one day
UltimateJaburg53: O
ChrryVanilla06: Hi everyone :-)
rqbumbershoot: Hello!
The Time Trust: That's almost obssessive.
ChrryVanilla06: What's going on?
Pariah186: Fuck off
rqbumbershoot: WHo are you!
The Time Trust: (and yes, the extra "s" was intentional)
rqbumbershoot: What's going on here?
Sjshahman: liar
ChrryVanilla06: yeah
Atomikboy64: Hey, Cherry.
UltimateJaburg53: Pariah?
Pariah186: I said FUCK OFF!!
Atomikboy64: What's YOUR name?
ChrryVanilla06: Hi...I wanna call you disco steve :-P
ChrryVanilla06: This is "meeko"
MtotheJLA: How YOU doin'?
Sjshahman: I just finished playing Splinter Co-op. The sad thing, is that I played both parts by myself
UltimateJaburg53: OOOO
UltimateJaburg53: 0o
UltimateJaburg53: 0O
Pariah186: FUCK OFF!!
Sjshahman: I tried to teach my cousin, but he is utterly inept
ChrryVanilla06: Hi JLA
ChrryVanilla06: :-)
rqbumbershoot: Oh, yes. Meeko.
Pariah186: FUCK OFF
Atomikboy64: MEEKO
rqbumbershoot: The one who never speaks to me.
StevensLastNight: "Meeko?"
UltimateJaburg53: k
MtotheJLA: Me like Meeko!
rqbumbershoot: :-P
ChrryVanilla06: :-D
Pariah186: FUCK OFF
UltimateJaburg53: *
Sjshahman: Who is Meeko?
The Time Trust: Meeko is...
UltimateJaburg53: House
MtotheJLA: Me like Meeko! Meeko make me merry!
The Time Trust: Okay, I've done that bit too much today.
PenWing424: meeko rocks!
rqbumbershoot: Meeko is Sammitch's piece.
UltimateJaburg53: Mouse
rqbumbershoot: O:-)
ChrryVanilla06: whateva
Pariah186: FUCK OFF
UltimateJaburg53: Other random thing
ChrryVanilla06: I'm not anyones PIECE :-P
Pariah186: FUCK OFF
Atomikboy64: heh
UltimateJaburg53: !
rqbumbershoot: Denial ain't just a river, Meeko....
MtotheJLA: Sammitch is Meeko'
UltimateJaburg53: Whoa
UltimateJaburg53: Yes
MtotheJLA: Meeko's piece
PenWing424: that's right, it's a big river
UltimateJaburg53: No
ChrryVanilla06: :-P
Pariah186: FUCK OFF
Sjshahman: See, this vague talk is very confusing
UltimateJaburg53: Sammitch is Meeko
MtotheJLA: Sammitch is Meeko's boy toy
The Time Trust: It is.
ChrryVanilla06: =-O
rqbumbershoot: End the hate, Pariah.
Pariah186: FUCK OFF
The Time Trust: The room's a bit too busy right now.
rqbumbershoot: End the hate, Pariah.
UltimateJaburg53: Yeaj
UltimateJaburg53: lol
The Time Trust: As well.
UltimateJaburg53: :P
PenWing424: hate sucks
MtotheJLA: Jaburg, how is buddy?
PenWing424: don't worry
Sjshahman has left the room.
PenWing424: be happy
rqbumbershoot: Hate indeed sucks.
MtotheJLA: I like Buddy Berg
UltimateJaburg53: Kill the haters!
rqbumbershoot: Push out the jive...
UltimateJaburg53: Boil them
MtotheJLA: Burg, I meant
rqbumbershoot: Bring in the love!
The Time Trust: I don't blame him for leaving.
PenWing424: love the haters
rqbumbershoot: Don't hate the playa....
PenWing424: hate the game
PenWing424: but not really
rqbumbershoot: I do! Triple H sucks!
ChrryVanilla06: You guys crack me up :-P
Pariah186: FUCK OFF
UltimateJaburg53: M
PenWing424: oh, yeah, you can hate the gay-muh
MtotheJLA: I think we should have a 17 man battle royale to determine the RKMB Chat Champion
UltimateJaburg53: Yeah?
rqbumbershoot: As RDCW Champion, I accept!
MtotheJLA: I'll have my script in by tomorrow, PenWing
PenWing424: your krazy
PenWing424: cool, jla
MtotheJLA: LOL
MtotheJLA: ;P
UltimateJaburg53: Penwing!'
PenWing424: and, chump snarf, you got nothin on me
PenWing424: cus
PenWing424: sudden
PenWing424: death
rqbumbershoot: Whatevah!
PenWing424: rules
PenWing424: !
PenWing424: !
PenWing424: !
rqbumbershoot: Mo' like Sudden Death SUCKS!!!
Pariah186: I think she got the message
UltimateJaburg53: I do what I want!
ChrryVanilla06: :-D
Pariah186: FUCK OFF
PenWing424: is there something you want to admit to us, snarf?
rqbumbershoot: End the hate, Pariah.
UltimateJaburg53: click
PenWing424: hate the game!
UltimateJaburg53: U
PenWing424: the pistons kicked ass tonight!
PenWing424: pistons in 7!
UltimateJaburg53: Really?
UltimateJaburg53: Wow
PenWing424: we'll find out monday night
MtotheJLA: yes, I really RACKED Buddy
UltimateJaburg53: cause they suck
UltimateJaburg53: :-)
PenWing424: pistons held the heat to an all time playoff low in points
PenWing424: 64, i think
UltimateJaburg53: What?
UltimateJaburg53: Thats a lie
MtotheJLA: He's on first
Pariah186: Happy Endings
UltimateJaburg53: a blatent lie
Pariah186: Control
Pariah186: Slow Burn
Pariah186: The Last Shot
UltimateJaburg53: you can't back that up
MtotheJLA: I had a Happy Ending at a strip club once
rqbumbershoot: Oh, for Gob's sake Pariah.
Pariah186: Identity
Pariah186: The Hire: Ticker
rqbumbershoot: We all know you're gay for Liotta.
StevensLastNight: are you done yet?
Pariah186: Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
PenWing424: 91-66
Pariah186: Point of Origin
Pariah186: Hmm
MtotheJLA: Poor Steven isn't going to get to see Game 7
MtotheJLA: :-(
Pariah186: Heh
StevensLastNight: it's my last night
MtotheJLA: Yeah
UltimateJaburg53: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Pariah186: And you STILL haven't paid me back
Pariah186: Assholes
StevensLastNight: i'm not paying you for the tape, if that's what you're getting at
Glacier16 has left the room.
UltimateJaburg53: No
Pariah186: Either give me back my tape or pay me 13 dollars!
UltimateJaburg53: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Pariah186: YOU OWE ME!
StevensLastNight: never!
MtotheJLA: I thought you gave it to him for free, parys
UltimateJaburg53: ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
UltimateJaburg53: oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
MtotheJLA: because you sure gave it to him, alright
UltimateJaburg53: ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Pariah186: ARRRRRRRGGG!!
PenWing424: jaburg has cracked
Pariah186: First thing tomorrow
MtotheJLA: Your jammed your tape right in his VCR
UltimateJaburg53: Fish thing?
MtotheJLA: over and over
Pariah186: You're gonna wake up to find you've been stabbed to death!
PenWing424: it's the end of the world as we know it
MtotheJLA: snarf snarf
rqbumbershoot: Sure, JQ, suuuure...
Pariah186: John Q
UltimateJaburg53: NOooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
StevensLastNight: Not happening
Pariah186: Narc
Pariah186: Blow
MtotheJLA: Narc was a good movie
MtotheJLA: all kidding aside
Pariah186: Heartbreakers
Pariah186: Hannibal
UltimateJaburg53: Wow
Pariah186: A Rumor of Angels
MtotheJLA: Hannibal was good, too
UltimateJaburg53: He gets alot of work
Pariah186: Pilgrim
UltimateJaburg53: What?
rqbumbershoot: 'Cause he puts out.
UltimateJaburg53: Hannible sucked
Pariah186: Forever Mine
MtotheJLA: Hannibal wa great
MtotheJLA: was
Atomikboy64: I have Pilgrim.
UltimateJaburg53: Forever mine was cool
Atomikboy64: aka "Inferno"
Atomikboy64: Written by PETER MILLIGAN
Pariah186: OnlineHost(10:38:20 PM): You've made too many requests too quickly. Please reduce the rate of your requests.
UltimateJaburg53: Him and the alien get trapped on the planet
Atomikboy64: Enemy Mine
UltimateJaburg53: The alien has a baby
UltimateJaburg53: What?
Pariah186: Well obviously
Pariah186: Louis Gosset Junior
Pariah186: had Quaid's bebe!
MtotheJLA: I jacked off to Heartbreakers. Jennifer Love Hewitt showed some massive cleavege in that one
UltimateJaburg53: Jamis!!!!!!!!!!!
Atomikboy64: Forever Mine is a Paul Schrader flick
MtotheJLA: That's all I remember about the movie
MtotheJLA: I went to sleep after the part where she was dressed like a French maid
UltimateJaburg53: ...
TheElisaPrincess: that was so fun............awesome article
TheElisaPrincess: ok so what did i miss last hour?
Atomikboy64: You're still here?
UltimateJaburg53: Anal
TheElisaPrincess: i left for an hour......had to read for my class about middle school literacy....really amazing
StevensLastNight: i got yelled at for losing a gay ass movie
TheElisaPrincess: lolc hews :P
UltimateJaburg53: Hello Time Trust!
MtotheJLA: Hello Barbara!
rqbumbershoot: E, you missed parys declare his undying homosexual love for Ray Liotta.
UltimateJaburg53: Yeah
MtotheJLA: Uh huh
UltimateJaburg53: Indeed
TheElisaPrincess: turstys back?
TheElisaPrincess: he's too messed up to do that snarfs
UltimateJaburg53: Turd who?
TheElisaPrincess: been through a lot
MtotheJLA: snarf snarf
MtotheJLA: Turd Ferguson
UltimateJaburg53: Oh
TheElisaPrincess: snarfy snarfers :P
UltimateJaburg53: Her
TheElisaPrincess: i thought he left?
captainsammitch: JUBARG
TheElisaPrincess: wait isnt ray=r3x?
rqbumbershoot: No, seriously. He was totally going off about this one Liotta movie.
UltimateJaburg53: Sammies!
captainsammitch: what is?
TheElisaPrincess: ohhhhh its an actor, my bad
MtotheJLA: he's on first
Atomikboy64: Jesus Christ, Elisa.
UltimateJaburg53: Spooky is r3x
rqbumbershoot: I'm mxy!

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
rex #520520 2005-06-06 3:00 PM
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Who will I break next?
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TheElisaPrincess: lol steve.............yeah im clueuless
Atomikboy64: "It's an actor?!"
rqbumbershoot: No, wait...
captainsammitch: I'M MXY!
Atomikboy64: MAn.
MtotheJLA: LOL
MtotheJLA: ;P
TheElisaPrincess: oh that guy
TheElisaPrincess: im good with faces.....bad with names
Pariah186: Huh?
MtotheJLA: He's on second
Pariah186: What the bloody fuck is all this
UltimateJaburg53: 9!
rqbumbershoot: You're also bad with cities, E....
Pariah186: What the hell is this!!
MtotheJLA: 32
Pariah186: ?
UltimateJaburg53: 42
StevensLastNight: you're british?
Pariah186: What the hell have you done!>?!
MtotheJLA: 32
rqbumbershoot: "Snarfies, you live in New York."
Pariah186: You fucking fuckers!!
TheElisaPrincess: Snarfs just where your concerned :P
TheElisaPrincess: wb parys
UltimateJaburg53: I hunger, cowards
TheElisaPrincess: he's in the anger stage
TheElisaPrincess: that was quick :
rqbumbershoot: End the hate, Pariah.
PenWing424: i just read about DC signing the Kuberts.
PenWing424: damn
Balloonknot666 has left the room.
rqbumbershoot: You'll all rue the day!
UltimateJaburg53: Really?
TheElisaPrincess: come on snarfs.......the anger stage lasts a reallllly long time, took me a month :P
MtotheJLA: Uh huh
Balloonknot666 has entered the room.
Atomikboy64: They also signed Kareem Abdul Jabbar
MtotheJLA: snarf snarf
UltimateJaburg53: What are they going to work on?
PenWing424: rob posted it in the comicbook forum
PenWing424: didn't say yet
TheElisaPrincess: snarfY snarf jla
MtotheJLA: gotcha
TheElisaPrincess: i started calling my dog snarfers :P just sounds cute
MtotheJLA: snarfy snarf
UltimateJaburg53: I like one but not the other
TheElisaPrincess: she was ragsy
PenWing424: i always forget which one wants to draw superman, and which one wants to draw batman
UltimateJaburg53: also I forget which is which
Atomikboy64: Andy is the good one.
Atomikboy64: Adam is the lame one.
PenWing424: but i figure one will go to 'tec once the current run is finished
UltimateJaburg53: 1601
Atomikboy64: 1602
UltimateJaburg53: or whatever
Atomikboy64: That was Adam.
MtotheJLA: 1313 Mockingbird Lane
PenWing424: the other will probably go to adventures of superman to boost rucka's sales
Atomikboy64: EERR
Atomikboy64: Andy
PenWing424: that's what i would do with them
Atomikboy64: Adam did Ultimate Fantastic Fuck.
PenWing424: adam was great on that
UltimateJaburg53: Rucka sucks
PenWing424: yes
PenWing424: but omac is good
Pariah186 has left the room.
UltimateJaburg53: Pariah had to go
MtotheJLA: All that Batman writers are fucking mcfuckers
MtotheJLA: the whole lot of 'em
UltimateJaburg53: Rucka has an internet restraining order
PenWing424: 'tec is great
PenWing424: i reread broken city today
PenWing424: i picked up the trade yesterday
rqbumbershoot: Rucka wrote a short story in a Buffy the Vampire Slayer anthology that I thought was really good...
PenWing424: fucking amazing
Atomikboy64: I liked Broken City.
Atomikboy64: BATMAN WAS WRONG. I love it.
PenWing424: i am sorry that i criticized azzarello while the story was in progress
UltimateJaburg53: Me too
UltimateJaburg53: it ended well
PenWing424: i have since learned to be more patient
UltimateJaburg53: Began a little ehh
PenWing424: the ending blew me away
Pariah186 has entered the room.
PenWing424: yeah, but when you read it in one sitting, it's awesome
PenWing424: azz really put a lot into it
MtotheJLA: Parys is back! Yay!
Pariah186 has left the room.
Atomikboy64: I missed an issue. Must pick that one up.
rqbumbershoot: Ha!
Atomikboy64: His Superman, however...
PenWing424: was great
Atomikboy64: I don't even want to finish it.
PenWing424: you should
Atomikboy64: Really?
rqbumbershoot: The Superman books stink nowadays.
Atomikboy64: It seemed to go on forever.
Atomikboy64: I really liked it at first.
PenWing424: unlike most dc stories, azz actually writes endings
PenWing424: real endings
Atomikboy64: I liked how he wrote Superman himself.
rqbumbershoot: It makes me nostalgic for the days of Scorn and Electric Blue Supes.
PenWing424: but you should read the superman story all at once, or over a series of consecutive days
Atomikboy64: I probably have only a few more issues to go anyway.
PenWing424: azz gets into the head of his protagonists
PenWing424: his take on superman is just brilliant
Atomikboy64: There's something very distant and alien about him.
PenWing424: the fans were so mean to him during his supes run that he said he won't be writing another superhero book for a while
PenWing424: superman is an alien
MtotheJLA: Well, goodnight all
Atomikboy64: Exactly.
MtotheJLA has left the room.
ChrryVanilla06: Night JLA
rqbumbershoot: And now, a song...
rqbumbershoot: All I wanna do...
Atomikboy64: It was refreshing to read a Batman with coherent thoughts in his head.
rqbumbershoot: Is make sweet love to yoooou...
Atomikboy64: Instead of the Jeph Loeb "I'm Batman. Fuck. City. Mine. Punch. Hate."
PenWing424: lol
brianjonopulos has entered the room.
brianjonopulos: I'm back.
UltimateJaburg53: I'm Batmasn
PenWing424: someone should invite rex
brianjonopulos: yes
Atomikboy64: Bat-Mason?
PenWing424: he's like this chat
UltimateJaburg53: The Batmasim
Atomikboy64: Where's regular Mason?
UltimateJaburg53: Batginisim
UltimateJaburg53: Battacular
Atomikboy64: "I'll giver her a Batgasm!"
PenWing424: roll call
UltimateJaburg53: Keiser
rqbumbershoot: Tis I, Snarf!
UltimateJaburg53: Stand and deliver!
brianjonopulos: I'm mxy!
UltimateJaburg53: Yeah, me too
PenWing424: i'm batman
TheElisaPrincess: yawns
PenWing424: tired?
ChrryVanilla06: i second that PE
TheElisaPrincess: JLA left man
TheElisaPrincess: hey girl!
TheElisaPrincess: how did things work out with your dad?
Atomikboy64: BATMAN
ChrryVanilla06: hi :-)
PenWing424: begins
rqbumbershoot: I'm waiting for sneaky to make a comment about Elisa having clients.
ChrryVanilla06: seem to be going alright :-)
Lord Mxypltk has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: what happened between chewy and parys?
TheElisaPrincess: di di mis somsething?
UltimateJaburg53: Mxy
TheElisaPrincess: lol snarfs she did about two hours ago
PenWing424: where?
Atomikboy64: John Byrne.
TheElisaPrincess: seriously what whappened
Atomikboy64: More like John Buuuuuuuurrnnnnnnnnn
PenWing424: noooooooooooooooooooooooo
Lord Mxypltk: chewy fucked pariah up
PenWing424: really?
Lord Mxypltk: big time
UltimateJaburg53: Yeah?
Lord Mxypltk: yeah... it was nasty
TheElisaPrincess: what did he say?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i dunno how she gets any, cause her corners on highway 288
Lord Mxypltk: chewy can be mean when he wants to
PenWing424: is this true, chewy?
TheElisaPrincess: lol too ya a while sneaks
TheElisaPrincess: i should scroll up huh ;p
UltimateJaburg53: Where?
PenWing424: what?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i have my short bus pass i have the right to be slow
PenWing424: i thought you were a bunny
ChrryVanilla06: lol
Atomikboy64: Bunnies hop!
PenWing424: very quickly
rqbumbershoot: Bunnies bounce.
rqbumbershoot: Bounce bounce bounce.
TheElisaPrincess: oh the movie thing
Lord Mxypltk:
TheElisaPrincess: yeah saw it already mxy
TheElisaPrincess: yawns
TheElisaPrincess: lol sneaks i have at rain one :P
TheElisaPrincess: i dont know if it works on the bus though
TheElisaPrincess: *sings* breathe
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: the bus? doesn't your pimp give you a ride?
rqbumbershoot: Cat fight!
UltimateJaburg53: Whoa
Atomikboy64: OH SNAP
rqbumbershoot: Snizzle snap!
TheElisaPrincess: sneaks no my car ;-)\
TheElisaPrincess: nice try though
TheElisaPrincess: sorry my dogs needed out just then
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: your car? your that much of a disgrace to him eh
PenWing424: good night everyone
brianjonopulos has left the room.
rqbumbershoot: Good night penwing.
PenWing424: good night snarf
PenWing424 has left the room.
rqbumbershoot: Good night chief.
rqbumbershoot: Good night McCloud.
TheElisaPrincess: lol sneaks
TheElisaPrincess: snarfers is leaving
TheElisaPrincess: noooooooo
rqbumbershoot: No I'm not.
Lord Mxypltk has left the room.
TheElisaPrincess: i gotta go in fifteen anyways
rqbumbershoot: I was saying good night to Penwing.
TheElisaPrincess: or i wont get up at eight am
TheElisaPrincess: ohhhhhh
TheElisaPrincess: i missed it ;P
ChrryVanilla06 has left the room.
rqbumbershoot: Wow. Like rats off a sinking ship....
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: they drank the kool aid
rqbumbershoot: But not you.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: no i made sure i mixed my own
rqbumbershoot: Well, now that we're alone...
rqbumbershoot: All I wanna do...
rqbumbershoot: Is make sweet love to you...
rqbumbershoot: Sneaky Bunny...
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: ...oh snarf i've wanted you for so long...
captainsammitch: MAKE IT STOP!!
rqbumbershoot: Shut up, sammitch.
TheElisaPrincess: yawns yet again
TheElisaPrincess: lol sneaks
TheElisaPrincess: you are so funny
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: damn this always happens
rqbumbershoot: Wha happened?
TheElisaPrincess: the room stops
TheElisaPrincess: and everyone goes to sleep or something
Atomikboy64 has left the room.
TheElisaPrincess: see and now steves leaving ;P
rqbumbershoot: Not me.
rqbumbershoot: I'm like the Pinkertons!
UltimateJaburg53 has left the room.
rqbumbershoot: And another leaves. Who shall be the last man standing?
TheElisaPrincess: yawns
TheElisaPrincess: i hated that show snarfs
TheElisaPrincess: they voted off the BEST comics
TheElisaPrincess: *sings* dont wanna be lonely no more
rqbumbershoot: I'll sing too!
rqbumbershoot: All I wanna do...
TheElisaPrincess: lol HAVE THe experience
TheElisaPrincess: I LOVE THAT SONGis get up early in the morning
rqbumbershoot: Is maaaake sweet love to you...
TheElisaPrincess: i cant find it anywhere though........i now i have it
rqbumbershoot: Princess Elisa...
captainsammitch: horsepants
TheElisaPrincess: no you messed up snarfs
TheElisaPrincess: its HOW I LOVE YOU BABYthen all i wanna do
rqbumbershoot: Shut up sammitch.
TheElisaPrincess: or say yeah
TheElisaPrincess: is your loves extraordinary its extraordinary baby
TheElisaPrincess: i dont remembe rthe makin love part in that song :P
rqbumbershoot: I made it up.
TheElisaPrincess: mrhm so it seems :P
TheElisaPrincess: and i thought you were a better than ezra fan
brianjonopulos has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: wb rex
TheElisaPrincess: stretches
UltimateJaburg53 has entered the room.
UltimateJaburg53 has left the room.
TheElisaPrincess: wow UJ even left
rqbumbershoot: And came back, and then left again.
TheElisaPrincess: wow......pretty amazing...i whould be going to bed myself :P
UltimateJaburg53 has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: *Sings* so you have had a bad day
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: dont drink the koool aid
UltimateJaburg53: I'm back
UltimateJaburg53: again
rqbumbershoot: Jaburg's back
TheElisaPrincess: wow wb ujays
rqbumbershoot: Back again.
TheElisaPrincess: that was quick
rqbumbershoot: Jaburg's back
TheElisaPrincess: bunny........shouldn't have had the im hyper :P
rqbumbershoot: Tell a friend
UltimateJaburg53: Cocain can do that
TheElisaPrincess: lol ujay CAFFINE
TheElisaPrincess: not illegal drugs!
UltimateJaburg53: white lines!
UltimateJaburg53: Blow away!
brianjonopulos: druggie!
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i gave her a triple stack
rqbumbershoot: End the hate, sneaky.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i just wanted to give the gal a good buzz
rqbumbershoot: Very commendable.
klinton77: Hyper coked up princess?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: should i pass her the bong?
rqbumbershoot: Pass the dutchie on the left hand side.
TheElisaPrincess: no.........starting to relax a bit now klints
TheElisaPrincess: i took some tylenol
TheElisaPrincess: lol@triple stack
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: mmmki wonder if she even knows...
rqbumbershoot: I'd like some triple sec.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: ooh triple sec
rqbumbershoot: That's right.
brianjonopulos: So who is still chatting?
TheElisaPrincess: just us
TheElisaPrincess: and im fixing to jet off to bed
TheElisaPrincess: *yawns* yeahhhhh for sleep ;p
rqbumbershoot: Tomorrow's my drinking night. I might have a shot of Jaeger.
brianjonopulos: " a shot"
brianjonopulos: lightweight
rqbumbershoot: Amongst the other drinks I plan to have.
klinton77: this thing stopped working....
TheElisaPrincess: no klint people just quit typing :P]
klinton77: It takes forever for shit to load
rqbumbershoot: Not me!
TheElisaPrincess: btw kling you have me addicted to mahjong now :P
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: "drinks" snarfs gonna have whiskey sours all night
TheElisaPrincess: thanks alot :P
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: not you..minute man
TheElisaPrincess: loL@minute man
rqbumbershoot: Actually, sneaks, my drink of choice is usually a white russian.
brianjonopulos: .
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: wow a period...
rqbumbershoot: And I can down shots of Tequila like nobody's business.
brianjonopulos: yes
TheElisaPrincess: LOL
TheElisaPrincess: rack sneaks
TheElisaPrincess: ok ok im off to bed!!!!! night guys!
TheElisaPrincess has left the room.
rqbumbershoot: Owner of a Lonely Heart!
brianjonopulos: night
brianjonopulos: wow
brianjonopulos: You guys are talkative now.
rqbumbershoot: Sorry. I was looking at porn.
brianjonopulos: PERVERT!
rqbumbershoot: And how!
rqbumbershoot: Only for you, sneaks.
brianjonopulos: Why isn't rexstardust99 saying anything?
brianjonopulos: rqbumbershoot: Sorry. I was looking at gay porn.
StevensLastNight has left the room.
brianjonopulos: fuck it
brianjonopulos: I'm leaving also.
brianjonopulos has left the room.
rqbumbershoot: I'm the last one left.
rqbumbershoot: Now there's time to read this books...
rqbumbershoot: *glasses break*
rqbumbershoot: Motherfucker!
rqbumbershoot: It's not fair! I had time now!
captainsammitch: heh
rqbumbershoot: Let's get it on...
rqbumbershoot: Let's maaaake sweet love till dawn....
rqbumbershoot: Sneaky Bunny...
klinton77: poor sneaky
rqbumbershoot: Wow.
rqbumbershoot: I was expecting Sammitch to be the first to respond.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: ooh a double stuffin'
rqbumbershoot: What? From me and klint or me and sammitch? Or sammitch and klint?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: oh i don't care
klinton77: you guys can hve her
rqbumbershoot: That's the problem with kids today. They just don't care.
rqbumbershoot: Thanks, klint.
klinton77: no problem
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: oh c'mon klint
klinton77: fuck I can barely type
rqbumbershoot: You still got me, sneaks.
rqbumbershoot: You know, I would use this as an opportunity to tell the New Year's story, but there's no one here...
klinton77: I'm here
klinton77: shoot
klinton77: just not tping
rqbumbershoot: I'll warn you. It's a little saucy...
klinton77 has left the room.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: you scared him away
rqbumbershoot: Wow. I didn't even say anything. Except, "It's a little saucy..."
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i guess he doesn't like saucy
rqbumbershoot: I guess not.
rqbumbershoot: I should just post it to the Random Chat forum sometime.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: yes you should
rqbumbershoot: Oh? Do you like saucy stories?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: oh yes i do
rqbumbershoot: Perhaps I'll post it then.
klinton77 has entered the room.
rqbumbershoot: It's one of my saucier stories.
klinton77: get
klinton77: I need something to wake me up
klinton77: and get this cloud out of my head
klinton77: never shoot sour puss...nasty shit that
rqbumbershoot: Not quite as saucy as the time I licked edible massage oil of a topless girl's back and tickled her with a plastic flower, but still quite saucy.
klinton77: that was a dream, mate
rqbumbershoot: Oh, no it was real. I have witnesses.
klinton77: Palmela?
rqbumbershoot: No.
klinton77: Santa Clause?
rqbumbershoot: No.
rqbumbershoot: Yo' mama!
klinton77: Ok...I can believe that.
rqbumbershoot: ...
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: the boogie man?
rqbumbershoot: Where?!?
klinton77: BOO!
rqbumbershoot: I hates the boogie man!
klinton77: the smilies in here suck!
rqbumbershoot: I know. Yahoo has the best smilies.
klinton77: Yahoo chat?
rqbumbershoot: Instant messenger.
klinton77: shit...these things are like fungus..
rqbumbershoot: I've never done Yahoo chat.
klinton77: It used to just be ICQ
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: ah the good old days
rqbumbershoot: Though they don't have the Ric Flair smilie...
klinton77: did it have to get so complicated?
klinton77: Ric Flair smile?
klinton77: :-$
klinton77: what is that?
klinton77: seriously?
rqbumbershoot: The Ric Flair smiley. Y'know, one of the smileys on the RKMBs?
klinton77: yeah, yeah
klinton77: got ya
rqbumbershoot: The Smiley that looks like Ric Flair.
klinton77: yup
klinton77: got it
klinton77: thanks
klinton77: whatever
klinton77: isn't that exclusive to BKMBs?
klinton77: y?
rqbumbershoot: Possibly.
rqbumbershoot: What do YOU think, sneaky?
klinton77: I love how the 'y' fits into the '?"
klinton77: y?
klinton77: thats fucking cool
rqbumbershoot: Wuh?
klinton77: change your font to lucida G
rqbumbershoot: I will not.
rqbumbershoot: You can't make me.
klinton77: whatever
klinton77: don't cryè
rqbumbershoot: For me Argentina.
klinton77: tell me your tawdry story
klinton77: is Rex still in here?
klinton77: y?
klinton77: love that
rqbumbershoot: I have decided to instead post the tawdry story to the Random Chat forum at some point in the near future.
klinton77: alright
klinton77: fine then
klinton77: be that way
klinton77: see if I care
rqbumbershoot: I will.
klinton77: 'cause I don't
klinton77: ass
klinton77: meanie
rqbumbershoot: Besides, that way EVERYONE can enjoy my tawdry story.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: butt nugget
rqbumbershoot: Whore.
klinton77: slunt
rqbumbershoot: Homer sexual.
klinton77: lesbernan
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: cheese dick
klinton77: there's no topping the cheese dick
klinton77: Sneaky...your prize is hot cyber with me
klinton77: aergj hfhjkg
rqbumbershoot: klint, you're not fooling anyone.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: oh well goodyu
klinton77: I'm not?
rqbumbershoot: Nope.
klinton77: I thought I was pretty convincing...
rqbumbershoot: Nope.
klinton77: *ahem* I like girls!
klinton77: Yes I do!
klinton77: They are prettyà
klinton77: They smell like flowers
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: yes yes they are
rqbumbershoot: Sure, JQ, suuuure...
klinton77: They cook and clean well
rqbumbershoot: Maybe the girls you know...
klinton77: They make great kitchen appliances
ChrryVanilla06 has entered the room.
rqbumbershoot: They make better bedroom appliances.
rqbumbershoot: Hey-o!
klinton77: No...that's for boys only!
rqbumbershoot: Hey, Meeko's back.
klinton77: Hey Meeko
rqbumbershoot: Hi Meeko.
ChrryVanilla06: yeah im pretty bored
ChrryVanilla06: what's going on
klinton77: Snarf is gonna tell us a story
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: ooh i'll get cookies
ChrryVanilla06: why are there always a ton of poeple names on the side that have left
klinton77: they're still here
klinton77: just silent
rqbumbershoot: But deadly!
klinton77: Or they just stayed logged on and left...
klinton77: I tried that...
klinton77: Look where it got me
klinton77: back in here
klinton77: Shit!
ChrryVanilla06: i guess sammitch isn't in here anymore huh
klinton77: Or he's ignoring you
klinton77: is there something you need to share?
rqbumbershoot: Let me check...
ChrryVanilla06: yeah probably
ChrryVanilla06: nothing i need to share
rqbumbershoot: All I wanna do...
rqbumbershoot: Is maaake sweet love to you...
rqbumbershoot: Meeko...
klinton77: LOL!
ChrryVanilla06: =-O
rqbumbershoot: If he's here we'll know in a sec.
rqbumbershoot: :-D
ChrryVanilla06: his computer just went into idle cause my stupid screen flashed
ChrryVanilla06: so he's not here anymore but I guess he was ignoring my messages 20 min ago
ChrryVanilla06: Some men are stupid
klinton77: all men are stupid
klinton77: never forget that
ChrryVanilla06: well i didn't want to piss anyone off by stating that
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: yep they all are
klinton77: 's alright...we all know it
rqbumbershoot: Especially the smart ones.
ChrryVanilla06: Gosh that is soooooooooooo true
ChrryVanilla06: I've met so many guys who are so smart but have NO common sense
klinton77: Yup
klinton77: but it makes us
klinton77: That need to be cared for?
ChrryVanilla06: some guys can get away with it....others it gets pretty damn old and annoying
rqbumbershoot: No, doesn't work.
rqbumbershoot: I've been playing that card for years.
ChrryVanilla06: some girls can put up with that, but i think the babysitting stuff does get old after a while
klinton77: Oh, for sure
klinton77: It moves into the 'yes ma'am' phase quicklyè
ChrryVanilla06: lol
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: it does? i haven't gotten that yet
klinton77: you don't deserve it
rqbumbershoot: I've gotta be more assertive with the opposite gender.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: oh that hurt
rqbumbershoot: Wha?
klinton77: sorry....
rqbumbershoot: Oh.
klinton77: ma'am
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: errr, hate ma'am
klinton77: uh...sir?
rqbumbershoot: Yes, Marcie?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: no its olga
klinton77: Where'd Meeko go?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: uh, i dunno
rqbumbershoot: What do I look like, a doctor?
klinton77: I think sneaky bumped her off
klinton77: women are like that, you know
klinton77: all jealous of eachother
rqbumbershoot: Women are the DEVIL!
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: meh, i frankly could care less
ChrryVanilla06: im here
ChrryVanilla06: just really bored
klinton77: yay...did the bad lady hurt you?
ChrryVanilla06: haha
ChrryVanilla06: nah, nobody hurt me
ChrryVanilla06: i dont think it's true that all women are jealous of each other
klinton77: Sneaky...use the bigger whip
klinton77: no, I don't think so either
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i''ll get the chains
klinton77: oooh! chains
rqbumbershoot: Who's got the ballgag?
ChrryVanilla06: I think SOME are.....which cause them to be immature, but I hate when people group women and say they are all jealous. I do not consider myself a jealous person when it comes to other women in general
klinton77: I am really territorial around other men
klinton77: I have to be the center of attention
klinton77: dunno why
ChrryVanilla06: if it is MY boyfriend....that could be possible
ChrryVanilla06: men in
klinton77: not my bf...just guys in gerneral
ChrryVanilla06: :-P
ChrryVanilla06: nah, i dont think that is true
ChrryVanilla06: then again I always have the maybe that's why ;-)
klinton77: lol...
rqbumbershoot: I'm kinda shy around girls. I waver from wanting there attention to not wanting there attention.
klinton77: guess so
ChrryVanilla06: just kidding
klinton77: You seem like a wallflower Snarf
klinton77: you need to open u^
ChrryVanilla06: i think it's just a sign of immaturity...i dont feel il have to be center of attention when it comes to guys
klinton77: up
rqbumbershoot: Well, when I'm sober, yeah.
rqbumbershoot: After I've had a few, it's sometimes a different story.
klinton77: I totally need to feel superior to other guys around me
ChrryVanilla06: women like men who are confident
klinton77: not that I want thier attention
klinton77: I want them to respect me
ChrryVanilla06: That's very understandable
ChrryVanilla06: I did that for a long time
ChrryVanilla06: now I don't really care as muc
ChrryVanilla06: much*
ChrryVanilla06: if they don't like me for who I am, too bad
klinton77: really? I'm super competetive
rqbumbershoot: It's hard to be confident when you have a 0.05% success rate with da ladies.
ChrryVanilla06: because I'm awesome---how could they not! ;-)
ChrryVanilla06: You must be meeting the wrong girls--or you have a really bad approach
klinton77: snarf...that success rate is hand in hand with your self esteem
ChrryVanilla06: That is definitely true
rqbumbershoot: A little from column a, a little from column b, meeko.
klinton77: approach it like your going to succeed and you will
ChrryVanilla06: not snarf in general
ChrryVanilla06: i men that statement is very true
ChrryVanilla06: If you have it set in your mind you're going to get rejected then it probably will happen
rqbumbershoot: It'll happen anyway.

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
rex #520521 2005-06-06 3:01 PM
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Who will I break next?
15000+ posts
Joined: Jun 2004
Posts: 46,308
klinton77: women can smell that shit
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: pretty much
klinton77: Fuck...what a night...playing Dr.
ChrryVanilla06: Definitely
ChrryVanilla06: LOL
rqbumbershoot: There have been times when I've been 99% positive that I had a connection with a female, and others have believed it, and it goes south on me.
rqbumbershoot: It's fate!
ChrryVanilla06: no no no
klinton77: you sabatoge that shit
ChrryVanilla06: then it's not the right girl
klinton77: trust me
rqbumbershoot: There's no such thing as the right girl.
ChrryVanilla06: i mean, what's the point of just having any girl
ChrryVanilla06: if it isn't going to last
ChrryVanilla06: I believe there is
rqbumbershoot: What's the point?
klinton77: you need to stop worrying about women, and focus on liking your own company. The girlfriend will follow in time. I promise!
ChrryVanilla06: there are girls out there that are much better for you than others--that's what im saying
ChrryVanilla06: once you stop worrying/looking---she will be right around the corner---always works that way
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i agree with klint
rqbumbershoot: Aside from my success rate with women, I have a fine opinion of myself.
rqbumbershoot: Women are just evil.
klinton77: no thier not.
klinton77: you could alays see guys if you really feel that way
ChrryVanilla06: well folks i better get some sleep
klinton77: gay men are much easier than women
ChrryVanilla06: it has been nice chatting w/ ya'll
ChrryVanilla06: :-)
rqbumbershoot: And don't give me that, "You'll find it when you're not looking" crap.
klinton77: nite!
ChrryVanilla06: ni ni
ChrryVanilla06 has left the room.
rqbumbershoot: No thanks. I like boobies and pussy too much to turn gay.
klinton77: seriously always find the person you fall in love with when you're not looking
klinton77: ALWAYS!
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: he is right
rqbumbershoot: It's not exactly a switch I can turn off.
klinton77: Yeah you can
klinton77: preocupy yourself with activities
klinton77: volunteer at a local group
rqbumbershoot: The only time I'm not thinking about it is when I'm reading comics. And I doubt the girl of my dreams is gonna come up to me while I read comics.
klinton77: Shit...when you get busy and surround yourself with stop worrying, and start living
klinton77: that'S when shit falls into place
rqbumbershoot: No, when I surround myself with people, I go, "Alright who here's single...?"
rqbumbershoot: Can't turn it off.
klinton77:'Re a hopless loser
rqbumbershoot: That's right.
klinton77: whatever
rqbumbershoot: End the hate, Pariah.
klinton77: about the weather?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: god your worse then winged. and i thought helping him was bad
klinton77: sunny and hot!
klinton77: yeah!
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: its sunny and hot, humid as a fat mans armpit i'm hoping a breeze comes off lake huron tomorrow and it'll be a bit cooler
klinton77: not so humid tonight
rqbumbershoot: It's not totally bad in Snarfville. I have had phone sex and online sex multiple times in the past year.
klinton77: the terrace was nice
rqbumbershoot: Indeed.
rqbumbershoot: With women, no less.
klinton77: I had cyber with TTT earlier today
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: yes that was nice
rqbumbershoot: I'm so lucky I didn't have a beverage, or that line would've caused a total spit take.
klinton77: sneaky was the 'cheerleader'
rqbumbershoot: Does sneaky like to watch?
klinton77: nope
klinton77: she threw up^
rqbumbershoot: Huh.
klinton77: Fucking infomercials....
klinton77: I think I want to get the 'AB Revolutionizer'
rqbumbershoot: Well, klint, that's how baby infomercials are made.
klinton77: If it comes with the spokesmodels...I can understang
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: no showcase roaster?
klinton77: nope...we also have magic bullet....but the models aren'T as pretty
klinton77: I'm sticking with the ab thing
rqbumbershoot: Magic Bullet... Sneaky don't you have a vibrator called that?
klinton77: That's 'Magic Rocket'
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i probably do
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i don't know there's too many
rqbumbershoot: How many?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: uh 8 or so
klinton77: so...other than sex...what can we talk about?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: couple flesh lights too
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: uh i dunno
klinton77: I have images of snarf wanking to this shit in my head....
klinton77: stop it sneaks
rqbumbershoot: Not yet. Later maybe.
rqbumbershoot: 8? Christ, girl.
klinton77: I have three
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: that was my soul purpose of continuing
rqbumbershoot: And you have flesh lights, too?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: yep, gag gift
rqbumbershoot: Ah.
klinton77: flesh lights? wux that?
rqbumbershoot: Faux vaginas, best I can figure.
klinton77: nasty...
klinton77: don't want that shit
rqbumbershoot: So says the man with the vibrator.
klinton77: I don't have a vibrator
klinton77: dildos
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: no klint probably has the fake feet
klinton77: mmm....fake feet
rqbumbershoot: Uhh...
klinton77: those are sex-y!
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: ...probably makes his dildos out of those mold a dick kits too
klinton77: I don't use dildos myself...
klinton77: they'Re for using on my partners
klinton77: It's not my bag
rqbumbershoot: Whatever, Austin Powers.
klinton77: I've tried it..
klinton77: I just don't like it
klinton77: God...I wish Pariah as here right now
rqbumbershoot: Why?
klinton77: he'd love this conversation
rqbumbershoot: He'd just go on about Ray freakin Liotta so more....
klinton77: he likes Ray Liota?
klinton77: why?
klinton77: Sneaky...still here?
rqbumbershoot: I don't know. He was going on about someone borrowing a Liotta move from him and never giving it back...
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: yeah had to get up ass was starting to stick
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: damn leather
klinton77: Leather? as in catsuit?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: as in chair
rqbumbershoot: I assumed she was naked in a leather chair.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: cat suit no thats at the cleaners
rqbumbershoot: I see...
klinton77: You don't have leather cleaned...
klinton77: silly
rqbumbershoot: So sneaky, why are you naked in a leather chair?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: but i needed to get the ass area taken in
rqbumbershoot: Is the catsuit a little loose in the caboose area?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: uh cause its hot and my AC isn't working
klinton77: that's not a cleaner sneaks...that's a tailor
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: its a 2 in 1 klint
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: damn chinese are cheap these days
klinton77: lol
klinton77: got ya
klinton77: I want another cigarette
klinton77: but I think I left my pack
klinton77: shit!
klinton77: shit
klinton77: shit
klinton77: shit
klinton77: shit
klinton77: fuyck
rqbumbershoot: Not since the Clerks Animated Series have I seen such an animated nicotine fit....
klinton77: FUCK OFF!
klinton77: lol
klinton77: seriously though
klinton77: I want a cig
klinton77: and the 24hr dep is about 6 blocks away
klinton77: in the village
klinton77: don't want to go back
klinton77: fuck!
rqbumbershoot: Oh, don't be such a baby.
klinton77: this from MR.'I can't get laid ....ever'?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: if i can go the distance for a pack so can you!
klinton77: I went the distance...and ended up at the bar...
rqbumbershoot: I never have to go the distance.
klinton77: which is where I left the pac I set out to get
rqbumbershoot: There's a 24 hour place right across the street from my apartment.
klinton77: nice
klinton77: I'm jelous
klinton77: jealous
rqbumbershoot: You should be!
klinton77: I am
rqbumbershoot: Good.
klinton77: of course...I'd have to be a sexless wallflower...
klinton77: but everything has it's downside
rqbumbershoot: I'm a wallflower, but not exactly sexless.
klinton77: have you ever put your penis in a woman?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: your poor hand
rqbumbershoot: ... No comment.
klinton77: exactly...
rqbumbershoot: A gentlemen never reveals such details.
klinton77: ok
klinton77: sneaky...have you ever put your penis in a woman?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: no but i've put my tongue in a woman
rqbumbershoot: This is gonna sound immature, but there was this one time I absolutely could've gotten laid, but I didn't want to.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: does that count?
rqbumbershoot: Tell us more sneaks.
klinton77: I've put my tounge in a woman too
klinton77: not so fun that
klinton77: women are lousy kissers
rqbumbershoot: Says you.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: yes that they are
klinton77: and the whole 'cunnalingus' thing...not for me
klinton77: it's true
klinton77: women don't have the 'umph' behind thier's all soft and fluffy
rqbumbershoot: I'm actually fascinated by the concept of cunnilingus and can't wait to go down on a girl.
klinton77: It's all right
rqbumbershoot: I like soft and fluffy.
klinton77: nothing special
klinton77: but then...I like boys
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: meh pickins are slim at the fish market these days
klinton77: never
klinton77: there are always gonna be more women on the planet than men
klinton77: there are always single girls
rqbumbershoot: "Fish market"?
klinton77: they're everywhere
klinton77: fish=women
rqbumbershoot: Ah.
klinton77: you really didn't get that%
klinton77: ?
klinton77: seriously?
klinton77: y?
rqbumbershoot: I suspected that's what it might mean, but wasn't sure.
klinton77: yay!
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: good for snarf
klinton77: Step one in the 'You too can get laid' program
rqbumbershoot: Good for me indeed.
rqbumbershoot: How many steps are in this program.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: wouldn't step one be leaving the basement?
klinton77: 999,999,999,9999
rqbumbershoot: I've left the basement sneaks.
rqbumbershoot: Now I live above a comic book store!
klinton77: need to educate them before you unleash them on the publis
rqbumbershoot: It's da coolest!
klinton77: to get need to realize that that shit isn't 'cool'
klinton77: at all
klinton77: step two
rqbumbershoot: I thought you just had to "be yourself".
rqbumbershoot: Unless Hollywood has... *GASP* lied to me?!?
klinton77: if 'yourself' is a fifteen year old, trapped in a 30 year old body...then no.
rqbumbershoot: NOOOO!!!!!
klinton77: sneaky...
klinton77: tell him ehat you'd look for in a man
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: uh klint thats not a good iddea
klinton77: sure it is
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i kinda soup out the comic shops
klinton77: never mind then
rqbumbershoot: And on that note, I gotta call it a night. I'm outta here, folks.
klinton77: nite
rqbumbershoot: G'night!
rqbumbershoot has left the room.
klinton77: doo-dee-doo-dee-doo
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: what talent you have
klinton77: you have no idea
klinton77: lalalalalalalalal!
klinton77: admit're flattered by my serenade
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: oh you have no idea
klinton77: yeah...
klinton77: Hey...wanna help me kill off Beardguy
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: hurm sounds good
klinton77: cool...that little shit is annoying the living fuck out of me lately
klinton77 has left the room.
HarleyQ33 has entered the room.
HarleyQ33 has left the room.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: thank you for stopping by
Balloonknot666 has left the room.
Balloonknot666 has entered the room.
captainsammitch: hello?
captainsammitch: ECHO! Echo! echo!
PJPGYRO has entered the room.
PJPGYRO has left the room.
Balloonknot666: Hey keep it down here, Some of us are trying to sleep
Glacier16 has entered the room.
Balloonknot666 has left the room.
Balloonknot666 has entered the room.
UltimateJaburg53: !
Balloonknot666 has left the room.
Balloonknot666 has entered the room.
UltimateJaburg53: In or out
Balloonknot666: I hate my fucking router
UltimateJaburg53: kicking you?
Balloonknot666: Yes
Balloonknot666: I just reset everything
Balloonknot666: I so wish I could get a Static IP, That way I could my cisco Router that I have
UltimateJaburg53: do you have a nortons 2004 serial handy?
UltimateJaburg53 has left the room.
PJPGYRO has entered the room.
PJPGYRO has left the room.
PenWing424 has entered the room.
PenWing424: good morning
PenWing424: i seem to be all by myself
PenWing424: i wonder what i missed last night
PenWing424: what i wanna know is...
PenWing424: who voted for billionare vince?
PenWing424: i also wanna know why i didn't proof joe's spelling before i posted the poll
PenWing424: d'oh
The Time Trust: Jaburg left the room
The Time Trust: That can't be good.
PJPGYRO has entered the room.
UltimateJaburg53 has entered the room.
UltimateJaburg53: Hello
PJPGYRO: it's just you and me Jake
PJPGYRO: and I'm at work
UltimateJaburg53: Heh
PJPGYRO: not too busy today
UltimateJaburg53: Good beach day
UltimateJaburg53: also church
PJPGYRO: hell yeah....little humid but real nice'
UltimateJaburg53: I'm glad I washed all my air conditioning filters last night
PJPGYRO: yeah...must be cranking today.
UltimateJaburg53: My building gets hot
PJPGYRO: yeah so does our house
PJPGYRO: and Im a sweaty greek bastard
UltimateJaburg53: Scan notrton scan!
PJPGYRO: off today?
UltimateJaburg53: Yeah
UltimateJaburg53: My parents are coming by
UltimateJaburg53: Maybe my sister and niece
UltimateJaburg53: Also an Aunt I never met
PJPGYRO: I'm working till 2:30 then grilling on the BBQ with some firends....might have a little liquor too.
PJPGYRO: an aunt you never met..thats always fun
PJPGYRO: maybe shell pinch your cheeks and tell you how cute you are
UltimateJaburg53: Uhg
UltimateJaburg53: It'll be wierd
UltimateJaburg53: She's had all sorts of major brain surgery
PJPGYRO: me too
rexstardust99: whoo hooo!
PJPGYRO: you gotta see some of the chicks in the Diner right now
PJPGYRO: Im pitching a tent
rexstardust99: Pics please.
PJPGYRO: maybe some grainy pics from the security cams
rexstardust99: My stupid sister fell asleep at work last night.
rexstardust99: She didn't get home until 8am.
PJPGYRO: she never cam ehome
PJPGYRO: what does she do
rexstardust99: She usually comes home about 4
rexstardust99: she's a bartender
PJPGYRO: ah so she hooked up
rexstardust99: I'm fucking tired.
PJPGYRO: have you noticed G-Man acting differently the past 2 days
rexstardust99: Yes.
PJPGYRO: he has shut that big mouth of his
rexstardust99: He's posting in more forums now.
rexstardust99: I still want him out.
PJPGYRO: hes posting but he isn't attacking
PJPGYRO: yeah I still want him out too
PJPGYRO: I will talk to Rob again tomorrow
PJPGYRO: rex did you ever PM rob
UltimateJaburg53: Grassroots campaine
rexstardust99: I'll do it today.
PJPGYRO: seems to be working
UltimateJaburg53: Or something of a similar spelling
rexstardust99: I gotta look up some threads first.
PJPGYRO: I even asked Oakley to PM Rob....I should have saved the PM it was hilarious
PJPGYRO: I told him how G-Man was calling him and asshole and dickhead and that he wanted to kick oakley's ass.....I ended my message with "You have a friend in PJP"
rexstardust99: Anyone have uschi's AIM name?
PJPGYRO: harley does she put it in the chat thread
rexstardust99: I got it.
rexstardust99: Uschivb
PenWing424: she's not on right now
UltimateJaburg53: b
PenWing424: unless she is invisible to buddy lists
PJPGYRO: I wonder what the vb stands for
PJPGYRO: vagina is big
rexstardust99: Anyone else get really pissed when g-man says something rude and then used the wink smiley?
rexstardust99: That pisses me off.
PJPGYRO: yeah thats why we are staging the coup d'etat
PJPGYRO: we got his attention
PJPGYRO: there is a girl in here that looks like that hot fox news reporter
rexstardust99: Which one?
PJPGYRO: kiran chetry
PJPGYRO: helluva good set of legs on her
PJPGYRO: oh yeah the vb stands for uschis last name
PJPGYRO: not vagina big
PJPGYRO: duh rex
UltimateJaburg53: duh
UltimateJaburg53: ewww 80's hair ballads
UltimateJaburg53: Oooh Audioslave
UltimateJaburg53: Oh crap it's over
UltimateJaburg53: oooh Greenday
UltimateJaburg53: Squizz!
rexstardust99: Alright, I'm going back to sleep.
PJPGYRO: dont forget your teddy rex
PJPGYRO: your nightgown that is........not the stuffed animal
rexstardust99: I'm gonna jerk off first.
PJPGYRO: too much infromation
PJPGYRO: vomiting
PJPGYRO: heaving
rexstardust99: I'm typing one handed.
PJPGYRO: I'm blind after reading that
rexstardust99: Actually, I'm gonna watch a couple episodes of the shield, then go to sleep.
The Time Trust: That's what rex likes to jerk off to.
PJPGYRO: oh micharl chciklis.I love it when you get rough with the suspects
PJPGYRO: give it to me Thing
The Time Trust: The Commish.
UltimateJaburg53: Where you at rex?
The Time Trust: I remember seeing one of the episodes filmed around here
UltimateJaburg53: Rex?
The Time Trust: (He's busy.)
UltimateJaburg53: I've got Pac Man fever!
UltimateJaburg53: I got it from fucking Q-bert
rexstardust99: I'm still here.
rexstardust99: I couldn't find my remotes.
UltimateJaburg53: Where are you at in seasin 2 now?
rexstardust99: I finished the first disk.
rexstardust99: So four episodes.
UltimateJaburg53: Nice
rexstardust99: I'm about to watch greenlit.
UltimateJaburg53: Already a ton of shit going on
rexstardust99: Yes, it took a while to take off though
UltimateJaburg53: What?
UltimateJaburg53: Vic Burned Armidillo episode 2
rexstardust99: Nothing really happened in the first episode.
rexstardust99: Yeah
UltimateJaburg53: Except the whole spiked drug shipment
rexstardust99: But plotwise it took until about the third episode to take off.
UltimateJaburg53: Going off the grid into tiajuana
PJPGYRO: I had qbert fever once
UltimateJaburg53: Smuggling a drug lord accross the border in thier trunk
rexstardust99: Alright, I'm watching it now, I'll be back later.
PJPGYRO: it wasn't from pacman though
PJPGYRO: it was a blowjob from Frogger
UltimateJaburg53: I liked frogger and went Bezerk
PJPGYRO: wait rex
UltimateJaburg53: rex
PJPGYRO: don't go
UltimateJaburg53: rex?
PJPGYRO: its important
UltimateJaburg53: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
UltimateJaburg53: Lucas watched too many Simpsons episodes
UltimateJaburg53: NOooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
UltimateJaburg53: Hmm
UltimateJaburg53: Noton is finding stuff
UltimateJaburg53: I must have given Pac Man fever to my computer
PenWing424 has left the room.
UltimateJaburg53: Penwing?
UltimateJaburg53: NOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
PJPGYRO: he didn't even say goodbye
UltimateJaburg53: Poo!
rexstardust99: fuck.
UltimateJaburg53: What?
klinton77 has entered the room.
rexstardust99: That episode was fucked up. All the kids with the drugs, the old lady who killed her baby.
UltimateJaburg53: Yea
klinton77 has left the room.
UltimateJaburg53: The one where they were passing out drugs in schools?
UltimateJaburg53: The kid dies at the park.
rexstardust99: Yes.
rexstardust99: Greenlit.
UltimateJaburg53: Did they tangke with the Armenian mob again yet?
rexstardust99: Not yet
UltimateJaburg53: That Civilian Auditor is a cunt
rexstardust99: yeah
UltimateJaburg53: dude
UltimateJaburg53: You did see it
UltimateJaburg53: Episode 4
rexstardust99: 5
UltimateJaburg53: No episode 4 was the armenian mob
TheElisaPrincess has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: HEY I guessed the name right *yeahs!*
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: good for you!!
UltimateJaburg53: Noooooooooo!
UltimateJaburg53: Wait, yes!
TheElisaPrincess: lol nice darth interpretation ujay but aitn workin on ya ;-)
TheElisaPrincess: *hums* here way go a sailing
UltimateJaburg53: Zuh?
UltimateJaburg53: Where were you looking to go?
TheElisaPrincess: nowhere just a song from elementary school that popped in my head
TheElisaPrincess: sorry i was lookin for my insurance stuff
Balloonknot666: Shut up cunt
TheElisaPrincess: shutup i cant think of a derogatory word
Balloonknot666: what was that skank
TheElisaPrincess: i dont know, i cant be mean on Sundays :P
Balloonknot666: Whatever Twat
UltimateJaburg53: :P
TheElisaPrincess: speaking of twats, hows your beloved doing? In a bettermood this weekend?
Balloonknot666: Non of your fucking business whore
TheElisaPrincess: im just loving this displaced anger bk ;-)
UltimateJaburg53: There is no emoticon for what I'm feeling!
TheElisaPrincess: what dont people take anymore? PPO or HMO?
PJPGYRO: elisa farted again
TheElisaPrincess: i cant remember :P
TheElisaPrincess: PJS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TheElisaPrincess: actually no im eating :P
Balloonknot666: Whos Angry? you cunt
PJPGYRO: and farting???
Balloonknot666: Eating cock i imagine
TheElisaPrincess: maccaroni and cheese cuz im lazy
TheElisaPrincess: noooooooooo girls dont fart all the time like boys do or burp as much
UltimateJaburg53: Cheese!
UltimateJaburg53: Bull
TheElisaPrincess: that got on my nerves when i worked with boyd
TheElisaPrincess: boyS oopsy
Balloonknot666: You know maccaroni and cheese turn women into useless hairy cum catchers
TheElisaPrincess: bk thus why i'm eating it ;-)
TheElisaPrincess: i dont wanna be attractive and wind up getting married only makin 38K a year
Balloonknot666: Yeah i know you's rather be on your knees sucking cock and eating out of dumpsters
TheElisaPrincess: darn it whats an HMO.......dont you guys have insurance :P
UltimateJaburg53: No
UltimateJaburg53: I don't
TheElisaPrincess: Poor bk........hasnt left the anger stage yet
UltimateJaburg53: Fucking Radio Shack
TheElisaPrincess: me neither UJ but i gotta decide like today or they take it out twice as much in july for it
TheElisaPrincess: yeah...i hated eretail chains
PJPGYRO: well ujays works at one lols
UltimateJaburg53: Poor UJ
PJPGYRO: its ujays
TheElisaPrincess: Ujs
TheElisaPrincess: you dont spell out the ays
PJPGYRO: whatever
Balloonknot666: Elisa I am not angry, I am just giving YOU the respect you deserve as a dirty disease ridden skank
UltimateJaburg53: I should just quit my job and collect cans
TheElisaPrincess: enough to make me go to teh gym before three bk :P
UltimateJaburg53: Not for deposit
TheElisaPrincess: and become ever dirtie and sweatie just for you
TheElisaPrincess: lol Uj or beg on the street ;-)
UltimateJaburg53: Just because I like cans
PJPGYRO: I'll stel you a shopping cart
UltimateJaburg53: Go to cost co
PJPGYRO: sneaky must be doing something freaky right now
UltimateJaburg53: They are like mad big
TheElisaPrincess: or still sleeping in Pj
PJPGYRO: shes a sex freak you know
PJPGYRO: what elisa
TheElisaPrincess: still asleep ya know? sleeping in :P
UltimateJaburg53: She's not sleping
PJPGYRO: you said my name
TheElisaPrincess: she's not a sex guys would liek to think she is :P
UltimateJaburg53: She done typed stuff
TheElisaPrincess: so sad pj.......:P
TheElisaPrincess: typed stuff?
PJPGYRO: shes a sex freak
TheElisaPrincess: LOL Typed stuff counts as sex suuuuuuuuurrrrrre :P
UltimateJaburg53: Yeah
TheElisaPrincess: I did not cyber with that woman :P
UltimateJaburg53: It's the new math
PJPGYRO: only when you lube the mouse up and stick it in your cooch
TheElisaPrincess: ewwwwwwww thats the sickest and nastiest idea ive ever heard in my life
TheElisaPrincess: ever done a bacteria experement on your mouse or keyboard???????? nasty
TheElisaPrincess: see what develops in a petri dish over the period of a grossness
UltimateJaburg53: Grossness?
TheElisaPrincess: nastiness as bk would say :P
UltimateJaburg53: Is that a technical term
TheElisaPrincess: its an elisa term :P
UltimateJaburg53: it's rubbish.
TheElisaPrincess: darn it i gotta do laundry before my sis comes back.....grrrrrr!
TheElisaPrincess: rubbish?
Balloonknot666: You don't shit about me Skank
TheElisaPrincess: ill show you rubbish :P
Balloonknot666: Know shit about me
TheElisaPrincess: bk took you a few minute sto respond
TheElisaPrincess: bout to lose your angry bitter touch ;-)
Balloonknot666: I was busy reading the fucking news bitch
UltimateJaburg53: News?
TheElisaPrincess: yeah Bk getting shocked into reality :P
Balloonknot666: Yeah News jaburg. It's that stuff that tells you what going on in the real world
TheElisaPrincess: he wants to know what kind bk
TheElisaPrincess: like sports/social/news news
UltimateJaburg53: Real world?
PJPGYRO: homoerotic news
UltimateJaburg53: that show on Mtv?
TheElisaPrincess: i hate that show ;P
TheElisaPrincess: one sec guys phone........
PJPGYRO: elisa did you get laid last night
Balloonknot666: Really he didn't ask that whore. Don't try to speak for Jaburg. You lack the ment prowess to even try to
UltimateJaburg53: Ha!
PJPGYRO: ha ha
TheElisaPrincess: shutup pjs :P
PJPGYRO: did you play hide the salami
TheElisaPrincess: darn it its only open seven to seven grrrrrrrr
TheElisaPrincess: stupid people ;P
UltimateJaburg53: Tell em Fred!
PJPGYRO: sink the submarine
Balloonknot666: The only news you ever see is if your looking up while blowing some guy and he happens to be reading the newspaper
TheElisaPrincess: BK why would I blow some guy? Seriously?
PJPGYRO: elisa have you ever been tempted to give it up before marriage
TheElisaPrincess: some random guy sitting next to me reading his newspaper
PJPGYRO: that what they do in pornos
Balloonknot666: Because your a whore
TheElisaPrincess: Pj me??????? there was only one time seriously but the guy never tried anything beyond kissing me
PJPGYRO: was he gay
TheElisaPrincess: i came home and my mom was praying for me.......ever since then ive been super careful
Balloonknot666: who has no self respect, You equate a man sperm to them gicing you respect
TheElisaPrincess: dont let myself get in those kinds of situations
TheElisaPrincess: whatever BK
UltimateJaburg53: My god lets me fuck
TheElisaPrincess: respect is much deeper than sex
PJPGYRO: its nice when a vagina gets stimulated
PJPGYRO: nah sex is sex
Balloonknot666: For most people yes, For you it's the only way you feel loved
UltimateJaburg53: Also I can eat all year
TheElisaPrincess: for gusy it is...for girls its much deeper
PJPGYRO: yuo just hammer away at it.
PJPGYRO: get your rocks off
TheElisaPrincess: its like giving everything you are over to a guy
PJPGYRO: not true
UltimateJaburg53: Ha!
TheElisaPrincess: yes it is darn it
PJPGYRO: i ahvedated many nymphos
UltimateJaburg53: Pun intended!
klinton77 has entered the room.
Balloonknot666: everthing you are could fit in a thimble
TheElisaPrincess: KLINT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TheElisaPrincess: good mornin
UltimateJaburg53: Klin-ton
TheElisaPrincess: or afternoon rather
klinton77: good morning
PJPGYRO: klinton isn't sex just sex
PJPGYRO: no spiritual meaning
PJPGYRO: you just want to fuck a girl
klinton77: depends
UltimateJaburg53: You mean coitus?
TheElisaPrincess: rolls eyes..........i have laundry to do brb
PJPGYRO: im trying to convince elisa to get laid
klinton77: sex with random people is just sex
Balloonknot666: as I understand it's mostly a joke down here too
PJPGYRO: I bet jers jerks off to your pics elisa
klinton77: sex with your partner is better than that
PJPGYRO: yeah but taboo sex is the best
klinton77: yup
PJPGYRO: I used to fuck a married lady
PJPGYRO: best sex ever
klinton77: so did I
UltimateJaburg53: Like sex with a monkey?
TheElisaPrincess: What is it with guys screwing married people? I dont get it
klinton77: my greade 9 english teacher
PJPGYRO: she couldn't get enough
PJPGYRO: that is awesome
TheElisaPrincess: and no he doesnt Pj, he's got better taste than me ;-)
klinton77: kidding
TheElisaPrincess: ay klint
TheElisaPrincess: i was about to say
PJPGYRO: you will too elisa
TheElisaPrincess: oh my gosh
Balloonknot666: What is it with you leaving a puddle of goo everywhere you sit
klinton77: I just know how you guys like that shit
TheElisaPrincess: *cough* maybe bk does *cough*
klinton77: you guys should really ask snarf about this...he's the expert
klinton77: lol
TheElisaPrincess: wow......he's still not responding, I AM THE WINNER
TheElisaPrincess: yeah!
Balloonknot666: Bitch the only thing you won is the Aids virus
klinton77: be nice to the princess
klinton77: for once
klinton77: please
UltimateJaburg53: Hey Snarf!
TheElisaPrincess: klint is defending me, thats so noble!
TheElisaPrincess: hey snarfs not online UJ :P cant kid me today!
UltimateJaburg53: He's not?
klinton77: noble? me? Take that bask!
Balloonknot666: I am not nice to anyone who's only reedeming quality is DVDA
UltimateJaburg53: Stunt cock!
klinton77: was everyone's Saturday?

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
rex #520522 2005-06-06 3:02 PM
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UltimateJaburg53: K
klinton77: I spent no less than 6 hours actually chatting in here yesterday
klinton77: I feel pathetic
UltimateJaburg53: It's ok
klinton77: it culminated with sharing sex secrets with bunny and snarf
klinton77: drunk
klinton77: at 5 am
klinton77: sad, no?
klinton77: thoughts exactly
UltimateJaburg53: Doesn't talk like that over the internet violate certain statues in the Canadien criminal code?
klinton77: no...why?
UltimateJaburg53: Just asking
klinton77: Canada is pretty lenient with internet policies
klinton77: it'S still completely legal to swap music here
UltimateJaburg53: my family is here
TheElisaPrincess: sorry laundry
klinton77: poor guy
TheElisaPrincess: wow.........poor klint
klinton77: I know, eh?
TheElisaPrincess: yes Pj
TheElisaPrincess: s
TheElisaPrincess: ?
PJPGYRO: jers told me he jerks off to your pics
TheElisaPrincess: coughs out her coke
klinton77: so do I...don'T you PJP?
TheElisaPrincess: what the crap?
TheElisaPrincess: h eso does not
TheElisaPrincess: yall are funny
PJPGYRO: and he screams out algorythms while hes doing it
TheElisaPrincess: LOL
TheElisaPrincess: that was funny............algorithms
klinton77: don'T cough out your coke woman...that shit isn'T cheap
TheElisaPrincess: although thats technicaly a cs field but its okay :P
PJPGYRO: 10 divide by11 is oh elsia
TheElisaPrincess: lol klints the legal kind
TheElisaPrincess: poor pj..........speaking of sex, where is your wife?
klinton77: she'S in my bed
klinton77: good shit that
TheElisaPrincess: lol..........
PJPGYRO: I gave it to her last night dont worry
klinton77: she moans like a banshee
PJPGYRO: Imat work right now
PJPGYRO: yeah she does
TheElisaPrincess: work on a sunday?
TheElisaPrincess: poor baby
TheElisaPrincess: where od you work?
PJPGYRO: its a restaurant
TheElisaPrincess: DO cant spell
PJPGYRO: monday is my day off
TheElisaPrincess: how do you have 'net access in a restaurant?
klinton77: what's your restaraunt called?
PJPGYRO: I own the restaurant
TheElisaPrincess: impressed
PJPGYRO: i have my own office
UltimateJaburg53: Yeah
TheElisaPrincess: what kind of food?
PJPGYRO: evrything
klinton77: greek
TheElisaPrincess: like a diner or something nier?
TheElisaPrincess: lol@greek
PJPGYRO: Its a diner family restaurant
TheElisaPrincess: now that my big fat greek wedding songs going thorugh my head :P
klinton77: called...what?
TheElisaPrincess: thats so cool pj!!!!! Im proud of you! I used to wait tables in college, it was fun!'
UltimateJaburg53: Mail me some pancakes. Do you have pay pal?
PJPGYRO: Nautilus Diner and Restaurant
TheElisaPrincess: lol uj
klinton77: in NYC?
TheElisaPrincess: Nautilus like water
TheElisaPrincess: do you have like aquariums and stuff?
UltimateJaburg53: Like Nemos Sub
PJPGYRO: yes most diners are named aftre greek or oceanic themes
TheElisaPrincess: So i figured but still. How did you wind up owning your own place?
PJPGYRO: jers loves jerking off to your pics
Balloonknot666: Elisa, Your Pimp called, Wanted me to tell you that your 1:30 called, He cancelled because he found $5 crack whore that has less diseases then you
klinton77: BK...really...
klinton77: come on
PJPGYRO: my father owned it for 40 years still own s40% my brother and I ownt the rest
klinton77: tell me about your saturday night, buddy
TheElisaPrincess: its okay klint it doesnt bother me shoulda heard the junior high kids talk at my school
TheElisaPrincess: it was baddddd
klinton77: can imagine princess
PJPGYRO: i got laid so did elisa
klinton77: =-O
TheElisaPrincess: lol that all you boys think about in the afternoon?
PJPGYRO: all the time
klinton77: yup
klinton77: It's true
PJPGYRO: and with many differnt people
TheElisaPrincess: no klint i didnt....i was housesitting for my parents still am....i just cleaned
PJPGYRO: my twat
klinton77: up adter
klinton77: after
TheElisaPrincess: how do you get anything done if thats the main topic of conversatoin in your mind?
Balloonknot666: I would talk too, If my teacher's primary job was sucking off old men on a street corner for pennies
klinton77: shsuh you!
PJPGYRO: i let my penis do m,y thinking for me
TheElisaPrincess: Bk it's getting old.........and i dont need no pennies from old men anymore
PJPGYRO: usualy works too
klinton77: anymore?
klinton77: as opposed to when?
klinton77: sorry...
klinton77: that was too obvious
TheElisaPrincess: its okay klint ;-)
TheElisaPrincess: nobodys judging our quick, witty responses
klinton77: I need a beer
PJPGYRO: I'll be back on around 9:30 pm est. having people over for BBQ and am done with wortk for the day
klinton77: now
PJPGYRO: see yas later
klinton77: cool, have fun
klinton77: save me a beer
PJPGYRO: count on it
klinton77: the beer
PJPGYRO has left the room.
klinton77: ?
klinton77: ass
TheElisaPrincess: pj is leaving?
TheElisaPrincess: wow im impressed :P
klinton77: he's left
TheElisaPrincess: i thought he'd hang out here forever :P
TheElisaPrincess: so Klint how goest the job search?
klinton77: I dunno
TheElisaPrincess: awwww still havent found anything yet?
klinton77: I think I'm stuck where I am for a bit
klinton77: I don't care right now
klinton77: too much else on my plate
klinton77: with the move and shit
klinton77: and French class
klinton77: hate that shit
TheElisaPrincess: thats right which happens this week or next?I thought it was in june
TheElisaPrincess: youre in french class??? Summer I?
klinton77: Tomorrow
TheElisaPrincess: yuck gotta get all packed up by tomorrow? ewwwwwwwww that take sforever
klinton77: class starts tomorrow
klinton77: I move at the end of the month
TheElisaPrincess: ok.........good. I was gonna say :P
klinton77: I must post pics of the new place for you
klinton77: it's nice
TheElisaPrincess: yeah......congrats klint!
klinton77: and cheap
TheElisaPrincess: moving on up with an apartment and everything
klinton77: up?
TheElisaPrincess: im supposed to take spanish in like july hopefully after all my other classes end
klinton77:'S just cheaper
TheElisaPrincess: i meant to some place nicer
klinton77: the one we have now is nice too
TheElisaPrincess: i need a cheap house payment :P
klinton77: yeah?
klinton77: what's your payments?
TheElisaPrincess: 1200 a month
klinton77: shit!
TheElisaPrincess: pretty good actually
klinton77: that hurts
TheElisaPrincess: but sister's moving in to help pay utilities and stuff
klinton77: cool
klinton77: that'll be a good idea
TheElisaPrincess: yeah.......oh the joys :P
klinton77: it'll be fine
klinton77: I'd live with my sister
TheElisaPrincess: the crappy part is, we're requird to take classes this summer BUT
TheElisaPrincess: we have to pay two grand for them by august 1 which means we dont get paid crap this summer.
TheElisaPrincess: yeah.......she's a trip :P
TheElisaPrincess: now living with my parents again *shivers at the thought* no.......
klinton77: ehh...My funds are tapped for the summer too
klinton77: I'm gonna have to take out loans for the fall sesion I thinkg
TheElisaPrincess: it sucks........and my stipend's going to pay off my poor credit card ;p
TheElisaPrincess: yeah klint....tell me about paying those babies off :P
klinton77: I don't use those...thank god
klinton77: credit cards
klinton77: It'll be my first loan in three years of school
klinton77: so not too heavy
TheElisaPrincess: yeah, smart boy, all my other ones are paid off
klinton77: I usually paid in cash
TheElisaPrincess: oh cool klint! Have you tried applying to like newspaper companies up there?
TheElisaPrincess: ohhhhhh i forgot about that!
klinton77: I've submitted many articles
TheElisaPrincess: I figured as much. You'd think they'd be ablet to do some kind of internship with you over the summer
klinton77: no...that'S next year
klinton77: du-du-dun!
TheElisaPrincess: cool.........we could qualify the end of our sophomore year of college
TheElisaPrincess: you'll get it!
klinton77: I'm not so worried
TheElisaPrincess: they'd be stupid not to get you
klinton77:'re sweet
TheElisaPrincess: seriously! YOu think logically, make persuasive arguments, and have a sharp wit
TheElisaPrincess: ill be a letter of rec if you need one!
klinton77: I'm still waitng for G-man to acknowledge my arguments in the 'Newsweek' thread
TheElisaPrincess: he's not going to......he's gonna ignore it :P
klinton77: stupid fuck that he is
klinton77: I hate that shit
klinton77: ....zzzz...zzzzzzzzzz......zzzzzzzzzzzzzz........
TheElisaPrincess: and he still didnt get removed
TheElisaPrincess: what reason did rob give you?
The Time Trust: whu-wha... I'm up, I'm up, already
klinton77: the same old shit
klinton77: hi TTT
The Time Trust: hey
klinton77: shit...she's back
TheElisaPrincess: hey trusty
TheElisaPrincess: wb
TheElisaPrincess: everyone was wondering where you were sneaks
klinton77: I don't care what the tests say bunny..the kid's not mine!
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: problem klint?
TheElisaPrincess: lol :P
The Time Trust: I slept for 10 hours last night.
The Time Trust: Finally caught up on sleep
TheElisaPrincess: way to go trust at least you didnt wake up to LOUD CRASHES OF THUNDER at five am ;p
TheElisaPrincess: they lasted for like an hour ;p
The Time Trust: Nah, that was last week.
klinton77: I slwpt well last night...
klinton77: it was glorious...
TheElisaPrincess: lucky!
klinton77: I didn't want to get up this morning
klinton77: took me about an hour to get out of bed
UltimateJaburg53: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
klinton77: Yessssssssssssssssssssssss!
klinton77: I still need to go and get cigs...I've been smoking butts all morning.....
klinton77: my soul for a delivery service...
TheElisaPrincess: yup expensive.....deliveries alway sare though
klinton77: princess...what are you doing?
klinton77: wanna go to the dep for me?
klinton77: hey...on that note...why did you offer to buy Pariah a new film?
TheElisaPrincess: SURE iw anan go with you
TheElisaPrincess: just to be nice to parys.......teh boys been through hell the last twenty four hours
TheElisaPrincess: ive been there..its hard having dreams be crushed like that
klinton77: what happened?
TheElisaPrincess: you didnt know?
klinton77: his girlfriend's dick fell off?
TheElisaPrincess: so mean :P
klinton77: seriously...?
The Time Trust: He got a rejection letter from the military
TheElisaPrincess: you remember how he had it all planned out that he'd go into the army and live would get better
The Time Trust: I think
TheElisaPrincess: dran it trsiut
rexstardust99: Yeah
klinton77: LOL!
TheElisaPrincess: i was leading up toa that point :P'
TheElisaPrincess: i was gonna tell him a story :P
TheElisaPrincess: grrrrrrrrr
klinton77: they don't take psychos?
rexstardust99: Bed time story?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: y 'all are weird
TheElisaPrincess: that was harsh klint ;P
klinton77: harsh but true
klinton77: the guy is pathological
rexstardust99: No he isn't.
The Time Trust: Odds are he would've been fragged.
klinton77: whatever
TheElisaPrincess: not really rex........i dont know.....i just like telling stuff in a logical order
TheElisaPrincess: instead of summarizing it in five or six words ;P
The Time Trust: He should be grateful.
rexstardust99: He's no worse than most other people.
klinton77: yeah, he is actually
The Time Trust: He's a bit difficult to handle.
klinton77: uh-hu
The Time Trust: In the military I can't imagine him getting along too wellwith others.
klinton77: enough about him
klinton77: he's really not here to speak for himself
rexstardust99: Attention whore
rexstardust99: So I'm going to get something to eat, what should I get.
rexstardust99: ?
rexstardust99: I haven't really eaten all day.
TheElisaPrincess: no clue rex............ i need to drhink more water though]
klinton77: pancakes!
rexstardust99: na
rexstardust99: something bad
klinton77: It is sunday...
TheElisaPrincess: too late in the day for pancakes
The Time Trust: It's still morning.
rexstardust99: I need a cheeseburger or something.
klinton77: so it's gotta be decadent
The Time Trust: For another 10 minutes
klinton77: cheeseburger?
rexstardust99: Its almost noon here.
The Time Trust: You're in the same time zone as I am, rex.
rexstardust99: What time zone are you in Klinton?
TheElisaPrincess: oh yall are behind me i forgot
klinton77: It's about three here
klinton77: I'm on the eastern seaboard
rexstardust99: So your on the east coast
rexstardust99: doh!
klinton77: yup
klinton77: Montreal
rexstardust99: I think I'm going to get quiznos.
klinton77: yum
The Time Trust: DAMMIT
The Time Trust: I was going to say Quiznos
klinton77: I think I want pita pit
TheElisaPrincess: that sounds god though
klinton77: they deliver!
rexstardust99: There's a place here called the pita pit that delivers until 4am.
TheElisaPrincess: no way rex?
TheElisaPrincess: everything shuts down here around ten
klinton77: yup...good shit that
rexstardust99: yes way elisa
klinton77: you live in texas woman
klinton77: every thing sucks there
rexstardust99: I'm gonna go to the quiznos by the university.
klinton77: no?
rexstardust99: Bunch of hot chicks there.
klinton77: really?
rexstardust99: Yes
rexstardust99: There all from out of state.
klinton77: hotter than the French hotties here?
rexstardust99: So no hippies
klinton77: I doubt it
rexstardust99: They bath
rexstardust99: e
TheElisaPrincess: yawns
TheElisaPrincess: yeah everything sucks in texas
TheElisaPrincess: thats pretty good, downtowns awesome
klinton77: clean texan tuna is still hick tuna
TheElisaPrincess: and Austin's pretty wild but thats it
rexstardust99: I'm ganno go now, talking about it makes me hungry
TheElisaPrincess: bye rex!@
klinton77: bye rex
TheElisaPrincess: yeah........our southern accents can get pretty hickish the further east texas you go
The Time Trust: Don't go having a heart attack on us!
klinton77: no...that would be bad
The Time Trust: I shouldn't joke. My dad had one several years back
klinton77: you have quite the accent Princess
klinton77: really?
klinton77: sucks that, TTT
TheElisaPrincess: I do not klint :P Seriously? iv ebeen told mines not that noticable
klinton77: yes, you do
TheElisaPrincess: thats sad trusty......i am so now motivated to go to the gym :P
TheElisaPrincess: I didnt even use my severe accent on ya ;P
The Time Trust: He just seems to forget he's not in his 30s any longer.
The Time Trust: He's in his early 70s.
klinton77: shit...
klinton77: not a good life move
klinton77: is the inheritance looking good though?
klinton77: sorry....
The Time Trust: ehrmm...
TheElisaPrincess: LOL KLINT
TheElisaPrincess: its all about the money :P
The Time Trust: Not funny.
TheElisaPrincess: I dont know.....I mean i like my dad and all but im not super close to him like my mom and i are
klinton77: wasn't...again...sorry
The Time Trust: If Grimm was here he'd be pissed.
TheElisaPrincess: and my parents dont make a lot of money so I dont have an inheritance...
TheElisaPrincess: .now my mean grandmother on the other hand who hates us does ;p
klinton77: really...Grimm lost his father?
TheElisaPrincess: I seem to remember that somewhere back....i think?!?
The Time Trust: uh-huh. But we probably shouldn't discuss that.
klinton77: nope
klinton77: let's get on to fun filled topics
TheElisaPrincess: no biggy......well boys gotta go read for my psycho class again! Ya'll have fun (yall just for klints :P)
klinton77: Canadian politics anyone?
TheElisaPrincess: i got another hundred pages to read today :P
TheElisaPrincess: loL@canadian pol ;-)
TheElisaPrincess has left the room.
klinton77: by princess
UltimateJaburg53: What is your version of the FCC like Klints?
UltimateJaburg53: Better or worse than US
klinton77: it's pretty lenient
The Time Trust: CRTC
UltimateJaburg53: In terms of censorship
The Time Trust: There's softcore porn on broadcast TV after midnight.
The Time Trust: English stations, anyway.
klinton77: on the regular air channels....not even cable
klinton77: TVA does it at nine here
klinton77: Quebec is 'special'
The Time Trust: French stations have even more lenient standards
klinton77: totally
The Time Trust: I grew up watching French movies 'cause of that.
klinton77: LOL
klinton77: question answered, J?
klinton77 has left the room.
klinton77 has entered the room.
The Time Trust: Who is Steven?
The Time Trust: And why is Pariah angry at him?
klinton77: the guy wouldn't fuck him?
klinton77: in a dress
The Time Trust: Oh, wait -- this was the guy Pariah was yelling at last night!
The Time Trust: In chat
klinton77: missed that part
The Time Trust: Pariah186: Dude!Pariah186: I let you borrowPariah186: itPariah186: you better have itStevensLastNight: No you didn't.
klinton77: huh...
The Time Trust: Pariah186: I know I let you borrow somethingStevensLastNight: You didn't. I would have remembered.Pariah186: For fuck's sake
The Time Trust: Pariah186: stop playing aroundPariah186: GIMME BACK MY MOVIE!!
klinton77: was this Steven online?
The Time Trust: It degenerates into a "DO NOT!" "DO TO!" mess after that.
The Time Trust: yeah
klinton77: Was he talking to Chewie?
klinton77: who's steven?
The Time Trust: No, this is someone Pariah knows
klinton77: Ah..ok
The Time Trust: No idea
klinton77: Whatever...he'S getting worked up over a movie?
klinton77: seriously?
The Time Trust: Just thought it was bizarre to occur in a packed chatroom.
klinton77: go buy a new one...fuck...
UltimateJaburg53: I wonder what movie it was
klinton77: his secret sex tapes?
The Time Trust: It's somewhere in the chat... can't remember.
klinton77: Of him and RU Paul?
UltimateJaburg53: It had Ray Liotta
The Time Trust: Right
klinton77: he wasn't in Fight Club...was he?
The Time Trust: lol
UltimateJaburg53: Ru Paul?
klinton77: liota
UltimateJaburg53: Nope
klinton77: Ru Paul was in Pariah's jo tape
The Time Trust: I like green & purple. Does that mean I'm more inclined to villainy?
klinton77: yes
UltimateJaburg53: Super villany
klinton77: 'One meeeeleeeon dollars....Bwahhahahaha!' kind of villany
The Time Trust: Why do superheroes always get the primary colours (except Green Lantern and some others), while supervillains always get secondary colours?
The Time Trust: It
UltimateJaburg53: The Comic book code?
The Time Trust: It's a conspiracy
klinton77: dunno. What about Magneto...and Bizzaro?
UltimateJaburg53: Magnet wears purple
The Time Trust: It probably came from trying to save money on ink originally.
UltimateJaburg53: kind of
klinton77: Magneto is red, no?
The Time Trust: It costs more to print purple than simple blue.
klinton77: red and blue?
The Time Trust: Yeah. The ink has to be overlaid on the same area with secondary colours.
The Time Trust: So it costs more.
UltimateJaburg53: Red and Purple Klinton
The Time Trust: Brown is more expensive, too, which is why most golden age characters were blonde or brunette.
klinton77: I haven't read an X-men book since 'age of Apocolypse'
The Time Trust: Superman's brunette hair was more blue, though.
klinton77: too damned expensive to follow that shit
UltimateJaburg53: I never liked the X-books
klinton77: Superman is the stupidest character in comics today...
klinton77: I used to love the X books
UltimateJaburg53: The 90s killed them for me
klinton77: yup
klinton77: exactly
UltimateJaburg53: Jim Lee
UltimateJaburg53: Pheh
The Time Trust: I don't understand people who still buy Superman comics.
klinton77: me either
klinton77: baring as shit
klinton77: boring
UltimateJaburg53: Triumph of hope over experiance TTT
The Time Trust: Must be.
klinton77: but then I buy WW
The Time Trust: lol
klinton77: so...I really can't talk
UltimateJaburg53: I'm sick of dark & gritty Supes
klinton77: Catwoman though...I still enjoy, even after Ed left.
UltimateJaburg53: Superman didn't come down from Krypton to give us the williues
klinton77: I thought that would be the end of it...
UltimateJaburg53: He was here to help out
klinton77: Suerman...they need to let him rest a bit
klinton77: he'S too....done
UltimateJaburg53: He just needs to cheer the fuck up
klinton77: dunno...I haven't read him in a while
UltimateJaburg53: He's supposed to be the smiling hero
UltimateJaburg53: He's supposed to be the boy scout
klinton77: last time I saw him, he was dissing Diana in Asgard
UltimateJaburg53: I think I saw him steal Aquaman's wallet
klinton77: yeah...that klepto ass
The Time Trust: Superman should fake his death again.
The Time Trust: Go underground.
UltimateJaburg53: Even named his dog Klepto
klinton77: Did you read JLA: League of ONE
UltimateJaburg53: No
The Time Trust: I have tons of comics I haven't read. That's one of them.
klinton77: seriously, give it aread
klinton77: read it TTT
The Time Trust: OK
klinton77: I wish she was like that all the fucking time
The Time Trust: BRB
klinton77: nice pic
UltimateJaburg53: Breyfogle is awesome
klinton77: UJ...did you check the Justice preview pages on AR's site?
UltimateJaburg53: DC are shitheads
UltimateJaburg53: NO
klinton77: go give it a look
UltimateJaburg53: AR's site?
UltimateJaburg53: Hello?
klinton77: just finding the link
UltimateJaburg53: Oh
UltimateJaburg53: sorry
klinton77: click on the Ross Report link to get to the front page where the pages are
The Time Trust: Hey, isn't that the Legion of Doom?
The Time Trust: At the bottom of the page?
klinton77: yup
klinton77: fun, no?
klinton77: did you just see the character art?
The Time Trust: Ross really has a Super Friends fixation
klinton77: don't we all?
The Time Trust: I never saw it when I was a kid
klinton77: really?
klinton77: I used to love that show
UltimateJaburg53: Wow
klinton77: looks nice, eh?
The Time Trust: All I saw was Rocket Robin Hood, Amazing Hercules and Spider-Man
The Time Trust: I was deprived.
UltimateJaburg53: Nice to see Ross doing interior art
klinton77: uh-hu

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
rex #520523 2005-06-06 3:03 PM
Joined: Jun 2004
Posts: 46,308
Who will I break next?
15000+ posts
Who will I break next?
15000+ posts
Joined: Jun 2004
Posts: 46,308
UltimateJaburg53: Kingdom Come was great
klinton77: I'm thinking this is going to top that
klinton77: 12 issues
The Time Trust: Holy crap -- is that the 1970s Toyman?
klinton77: re-done
The Time Trust: Incredible.
klinton77: I'm getting excited for this....I like the whole 'end of the world' feel
klinton77: Although...I think those pages are a nightmare sequence ledding into the story
UltimateJaburg53: I hope so
klinton77: kind of a rough start when everyone's dead....
UltimateJaburg53: I'd hate to think the next eleven issues are Superman and a tube of Krazy Glue
klinton77: lol
TheElisaPrincess has entered the room.
The Time Trust: Is this a Super Friends story or a JLA story?
UltimateJaburg53: JLA
TheElisaPrincess: i love jla
klinton77: they love you too Princess
TheElisaPrincess: lol kont :P
TheElisaPrincess: klint i cant even spell
TheElisaPrincess: grrrrrrrr
klinton77: 's can call me kont
klinton77: or kunt
klinton77: or klit
klinton77: or any other variation of my name...
TheElisaPrincess: my hands were sticky from the antiboitic ointment stuff.....i cut myself slicing oranges
TheElisaPrincess: lol i dub thee sir klints :P
klinton77: 'antibiotic ointment'....sure....
TheElisaPrincess: yeah stupid mom went to a funeral so i had to housesit for her (it was in michigan)
TheElisaPrincess: you have to cut oranges and put sugar water on em
klinton77: housesitting! have you thrown any parties yet?
klinton77: it'S the lae, you know
klinton77: law
klinton77: you have to do it
TheElisaPrincess: lol klint :P
TheElisaPrincess: no ill clean in a few :P
TheElisaPrincess: ive had the house myself for a week and been a good lil girl :P
klinton77: good....what the fuck is the point of that?
klinton77: really?
TheElisaPrincess: totally
klinton77: that shit's no fun
TheElisaPrincess: it is my parents place ya know :P
klinton77: all the better
TheElisaPrincess: lol :P
TheElisaPrincess: i invited friends over but we all behaved
klinton77: you need new friends
klinton77: ones that don't behave
klinton77: those are never fun
TheElisaPrincess: lol :P
klinton77: you think I'm kidding...
TheElisaPrincess: but serious trouble :P I gotta be good for another year until the interships over :P
klinton77: serious trouble makes for great stories
klinton77: sound much more impressive when you can dredge up twisted experiences
TheElisaPrincess: lol klint :P
TheElisaPrincess: twisted experinces......thatll win the kids respect ;P
klinton77: why are you laughing? I'm dead serious
klinton77: it will, actually
The Time Trust: Getting into trouble and making mistakes helps you learn.
klinton77: true....and it's damned fun
The Time Trust: That too. It can be.
TheElisaPrincess: lol :P yeah making mistakes when you know better......pricelessly stupid :P
klinton77: some of the greatest moments in my life, I was dead scared at the time
TheElisaPrincess: i bet :P
klinton77: seriously.
TheElisaPrincess: for instance???seriously you should write your memoirs!
klinton77: I'll tell you one time on the phone...
klinton77: I don't feel for typing that much
Balloonknot666 has left the room.
Balloonknot666 has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: mk!!!!!!! i love stories.......we had this debate about nonfiction or fiction
klinton77: hi BK
TheElisaPrincess: i prefer fiction but hearing people's insane stories are kinda cool too :P
klinton77: you need to get out there and get your own stories to tell
TheElisaPrincess: i have plenty from high school and freshman yera in college
klinton77: dirty stories?
klinton77: lol
TheElisaPrincess: no just staying up past curfew messing with people for the most part :P
TheElisaPrincess: not anything insanley wild or violent, i was usually the designated driver
klinton77: cops involved?
TheElisaPrincess: noooooooooo the chief of police lived down the street from me and went to my church
TheElisaPrincess: my parents soooooo would have heard about that
TheElisaPrincess: in high school anwyays
klinton77: then you haven't lived
TheElisaPrincess: in college it was a gorup of security guards.....they so deserved to be pranked though
klinton77: of course
TheElisaPrincess: one of them told me i was 'Destined to be forever with him" so sda...........
TheElisaPrincess: sad oopsy
klinton77: huh?
klinton77: creepy, that
TheElisaPrincess: yeah and i had only talked ot him once for ten minutes?!?
TheElisaPrincess: the scary part was the sg's had access to like all our info
klinton77: huh
klinton77: not fun
TheElisaPrincess: yeah its okay we got him back.....the most fun was like harassing the president
TheElisaPrincess: my college is pretty small so you know its not like state schools
TheElisaPrincess: anyways security always took this break along midnight for twenty minutes or so kickin back in the office
klinton77: you are a typing machine...
TheElisaPrincess: but my stories arent gonna be as cool as yours :P
TheElisaPrincess: anyways he had this sacred fountain thing in front of his house he treasured
TheElisaPrincess: so we took boxes of soap suds and bored them all with rubber duckies into the fountain
TheElisaPrincess: darn it mesage too large
TheElisaPrincess: anyways then we wrapped his house, stuck pink flamings all over his year
The Time Trust: I can't believe how expensive tuition is the U.S.
TheElisaPrincess: yard oopsy, af riend of mine took pads, put ketchup ont hem, and stuck them everywhere, it was pretty bad :P
TheElisaPrincess: poor guy.........
TheElisaPrincess: then there was the shaving was horrible
TheElisaPrincess: anyways it was scary, but we finished it up and even had time to jello up the main fountain of the shcool
TheElisaPrincess: we made it in the paper the next day *yeas* and the president was sooooooooo pissed
klinton77: lol
TheElisaPrincess: but hey, he yanked my scholarship my last semester there, and all my friends so there was justice darn it :P
TheElisaPrincess: and someone died his pond blood red once but we werent responsible for it
klinton77: justice?
klinton77: you got screwed
TheElisaPrincess: I know i so agree and my LAST SEMESTER THERE no less!
TheElisaPrincess: and he closed my mom's school so ya know :P
TheElisaPrincess: thats as wild as I've gotten anyweays :P
TheElisaPrincess: sneakys!
TheElisaPrincess: welcome back
klinton77: we have to corrupt you Princess
klinton77: you deserve to be corrupted
TheElisaPrincess: lol are so funny :P
klinton77: you are faaaaarrrrrr to nice
TheElisaPrincess: i deserve to be corrupted?!? i dont know whether to take that as a compliment or not :P
TheElisaPrincess: lol
TheElisaPrincess: if im nice how did I get to be villainess darn it :P
klinton77: not sure about that one
The Time Trust: No idea.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: don't fight us!! we love you!!
The Time Trust: Didn't you call yourself that?
UltimateJaburg53: Don't make me drudge that shit up E
UltimateJaburg53: You know damn well
TheElisaPrincess: yup gossip corrupts me.........thus im not nice and horribly evil
TheElisaPrincess: at least on the boards anyways........
klinton77: that's're a two aced bitch...I forgot about that....
UltimateJaburg53: Also always the victim.
klinton77: lol
TheElisaPrincess: how am i always the victim?
TheElisaPrincess: wtc? If thats true why am I teaching?
klinton77: Princess, UJ...let it drop?
TheElisaPrincess: im trying to procrastinate cleaning ;P
klinton77: do you want to clean Soup's tank for me?
TheElisaPrincess: i know, right? ok motivating myself!
TheElisaPrincess: awwwwww the turtle??!
TheElisaPrincess: yuck :P
klinton77: come on...
TheElisaPrincess: no thank ya! i gotta vacuum and do dishes ;p
TheElisaPrincess: even if she is super cute!
klinton77: I really don't want to do it
klinton77: she's super shitty this week
TheElisaPrincess: me neither but its gonna be done.........
TheElisaPrincess: you can do it klints, just buy those like plastic glove thingies
TheElisaPrincess: helps me feel cleaner anyways
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i'll do the tank if you wash my dog
klinton77: I have plastic gloves
klinton77: and no...I fucking hate dogs
klinton77: all right...ship the bitch to me
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: purdy pwease?
TheElisaPrincess: yeah im getting sick of my parents dogs THATS FOR SUREi can now see your point about turtles klint
TheElisaPrincess: oh yeah washing dogs...........mine need it bad too
klinton77: turtles are cute...and they don't lick you
klinton77: I love that
klinton77: I can't wait until she's huge!
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i gotta go pick up the dead rabbits outside
klinton77: wha?
klinton77: nasty
TheElisaPrincess: awwwwww thats no fun
TheElisaPrincess: howd they die?
The Time Trust: Special delivery
klinton77: satanic ritual
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: idiot dogs part hound
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: "duh it hops gotta kill it"
Glacier16 has left the room.
Glacier16 has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: hiya glacs
Glacier16: yo
klinton77: hey
The Time Trust: All the rabbits my family had when I was a kid were eaten by coyotes, one by one.
klinton77: that's harsh
TheElisaPrincess: awwww poor rabbys
The Time Trust: We lived in the country
klinton77: did you invite Wednesday?
The Time Trust: The few which remained were completely gobsmacked.
Glacier16: yup
TheElisaPrincess: I invited wed :P
TheElisaPrincess: that makes two of us
TheElisaPrincess: YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
klinton77: bitch better show
Glacier16: heh
Balloonknot666: I thouhgt I told you to shut it whore
klinton77: nice
TheElisaPrincess: *sings* better watch yourself
TheElisaPrincess: klint bk dcoesnt know nice.......or the love one another song
klinton77: yes he does
klinton77: he's an alright guy
Balloonknot666: I'd sooner love a cactus then love you Eleisa
jasonthecat2007 has entered the room.
Glacier16: Wed!
TheElisaPrincess: WEDNESAYS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Time Trust: whoa
klinton77: lello WEd
Glacier16: W H O A
TheElisaPrincess: WOOHOO!!!!! defiantely procrastinating cleaning now for sure
TheElisaPrincess: hows life wed?
jasonthecat2007: whoa.
jasonthecat2007: there sure are a lotta yous.
TheElisaPrincess: yeah we're just glad you joined us!
Glacier16: this is nothing, there is more at night
TheElisaPrincess: dont ya know it.......everybodys in aw of the mod
Balloonknot666: Well were not glad you rhere elisa
TheElisaPrincess: yeah it gets really busy at night
TheElisaPrincess: its all good bk im getting off in ten to clean anyways :P
klinton77: bk loves you...he just doesn't know how to say it
TheElisaPrincess: yeah im sure bk, mxy, and bsams are all in love with me and cant voice their feelings
Balloonknot666: bk loves you...he just doesn't know how to say it
TheElisaPrincess: too bad you cant hear my voice dripping with sarcasm :P
TheElisaPrincess: So Wed have a good weekend so far?
klinton77: see...
TheElisaPrincess: yeah whatever.....and next he'll say how much it costs to rent me out eveyr night :P
Balloonknot666: HA HA HA HA HA HA, Loving elisa is like loving a root canal
The Time Trust: Good afternoon, Senator Palpatine.
TheElisaPrincess: LOL if palp was aimed at BK :P
PenWing424 has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: awesome
TheElisaPrincess: PENNY!!!!!!!!!!
PenWing424: hello again
TheElisaPrincess: Wednesdays here
TheElisaPrincess: as Jason
klinton77: well now it'S gettting full
TheElisaPrincess: i know klint, took half the day but hey
PenWing424: jasonthecat2007 is wednesday?
TheElisaPrincess: darn it the butterflies....grrrrrr brb
klinton77: grrrrr
Glacier16: yup pen
PenWing424: really?
klinton77: yup
PenWing424: so i should add him to my buddy list for future invites?
Glacier16: I'd like to personally thank Wed for all his contributions to the Women's forum. Thanks Wed
PenWing424: i second that
klinton77: me too
jasonthecat2007: I'm here 4 you.
The Time Trust: Nowhereman and Eurostar are online, too.
jasonthecat2007: <--wednesday.
jasonthecat2007: trying to change my name, though.
PenWing424: why?
The Time Trust: Should I invite Stupid Dogg?
jasonthecat2007: so that people don't ask, "Jasonthecat is Wednesday?"
PenWing424: yes
PenWing424: invite all rkmbers
PenWing424: even rob
jasonthecat2007: Stupid Doog roxors teh big one!!!!11
Balloonknot666: Who is jasonthecat
PenWing424: wednesday
XxStupid DoggxX has entered the room.
jasonthecat2007: TK-069
The Time Trust: whoa
klinton77: shit...
XxStupid DoggxX: who are you people!?
The Time Trust: It's the Dogg
PenWing424: make up your mind
klinton77: it'S geting really full now
Glacier16: the Doog
Balloonknot666: We are the children of the Grave
XxStupid DoggxX: oh good then I am in hell.
The Time Trust: Poetic
idunapoo has entered the room.
klinton77: Bk and Elisa's love children
Glacier16: nowhereman!
TheElisaPrincess: NOWHEREMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!
TheElisaPrincess: where at?
TheElisaPrincess: hiya stups
The Eurostar has entered the room.
jasonthecat2007: idunapoo is nowhereman?
klinton77: poo
jasonthecat2007: that's crazy!
Balloonknot666: KLINTON!!!!!
The Eurostar: Hi
TheElisaPrincess: OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!
TheElisaPrincess: why didnt you tell me?!?
The Time Trust: Hey Euro
TheElisaPrincess: hiye uerostar!
jasonthecat2007: OMG!!!:P
The Time Trust: Good post
Balloonknot666: I'd sooner fuck G-man
TheElisaPrincess: eurostar
TheElisaPrincess: i cant spell sorry
TheElisaPrincess: oh that is so cool!!!!!!!!!
klinton77: lol
Glacier16: lols
TheElisaPrincess: So nowheres, any more reunions planned?
TheElisaPrincess: or are yall yanking my chain again?
The Eurostar: Thanks, TTT
TheElisaPrincess: euro is?
klinton77: Euro
TheElisaPrincess: dont know who he is
TheElisaPrincess: bsams?
The Time Trust: Euro is Euro!
klinton77: exact
TheElisaPrincess: ok now that that's settled :P
The Time Trust: The Italian stallion
The Eurostar: Once upon a time I was many others, but today I am just me
TheElisaPrincess: sounds liek the beginning of a movie
The Eurostar: At the old DCMB I had twelve nicks
TheElisaPrincess: and it slows yet again.......
TheElisaPrincess: TWELVE NICKS
TheElisaPrincess: ok I know who you are now
TheElisaPrincess: heard from Carlo?
TheElisaPrincess: his email address doesnt work anymore......he was an oldie
TheElisaPrincess: Carlos i think.......something like that
The Eurostar: Who is carlo?
The Time Trust: I don't think you know who he is, Princess
TheElisaPrincess: on the old dcmbs
TheElisaPrincess: nm euro
idunapoo: arse
TheElisaPrincess: he hung out in the bat forum along with NightWing, gosh.........who else
PenWing424: princess, are you talkinga about the guy with the back problems?
TheElisaPrincess: but im talkin five/six years ago
TheElisaPrincess: yeah pen you remember?
PenWing424: yeah
The Time Trust: I remember Carlos. He was an older guy.
TheElisaPrincess: he wrote a book or was writing, taught english
TheElisaPrincess: way to go trusty
PenWing424: he posted a couple times after crisis, and then he disappeared
The Time Trust: Nice guy, as I recall.
The Eurostar: Never saw him
TheElisaPrincess: coursehe was nice
TheElisaPrincess: mk mk im cleaning bbls
The Time Trust: Don't mind her -- she crazy.
klinton77: like a foxx
The Time Trust: Jamie Foxx?
The Time Trust: He was great in Booty Call.
klinton77: yup
klinton77 has left the room.
klinton77 has entered the room.
klinton77: ah....
klinton77: breathing room
klinton77: I hate when the window slows u^p
The Time Trust: I've had this chat window open continuously since 3 AM on June 4th.
Balloonknot666: You talk way to much
klinton77: really? And it'S not slow?
The Time Trust: Not yet.
klinton77: huh
klinton77: cool
The Eurostar: why it should become slow?
klinton77: dunno...mine has a lag if there are too many posts
DECTECTlVE BUNNY has left the room.
The Eurostar: Ah
AGWednesday has entered the room.
klinton77: I had it up all day yesterday
klinton77: it was about three posts behind this morning
AGWednesday: Hey guys!
klinton77: hey wed
AGWednesday: Hi!
The Time Trust: Whoa.
The Time Trust: Who's this?
Glacier16: heh
jasonthecat2007: ???
jasonthecat2007 has left the room.
AGWednesday: Poser.
AGWednesday: So what's up?
klinton77: .....
PenWing424: so this is wednesday
The Time Trust: What does the "AG" stand for?
AGWednesday: That was me. I just invited myself under a new screenname.
PenWing424: any given wednesday
The Time Trust: Ah
AGWednesday: God bless you.
The Time Trust: hahaha
PenWing424: so you have to screen names?
AGWednesday: I do now.
PenWing424: this is so confusing
The Time Trust: I should go invite Doc Quantum.
PenWing424: it's like rex
AGWednesday: What's a Quantum?
The Time Trust: My other screenname
TheElisaPrincess has left the room.
AGWednesday: "A quantum is the smallest increment into which many physical properties are subdivided."
AGWednesday: Wikipedia tells me so.
The Time Trust: That too.
AGWednesday: I started talkin and people started leaving.
AGWednesday: :-(
AGWednesday: Is it cuz Elisa left?
The Time Trust: We're gobsmacked, is all
AGWednesday: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
klinton77: you interupted the hot cyber action between BK and the princess
klinton77: everyone'S a little pissed
AGWednesday: DAMN!
AGWednesday: I hate it when I do that!
The Time Trust: The lack of anatomical knowledge on the parts of both people made the whole thing quite amusing.
AGWednesday: (I like typing in all caps)
klinton77: no you don't
AGWednesday: :-(
klinton77: sorryè
AGWednesday: WHAT???
The Time Trust: SHOUTING.
AGWednesday: Who or what is BooBerryFanatic?
klinton77: Chewi
klinton77: y
klinton77: where's
klinton77: shit...nevermind
AGWednesday: i think everyone went back to robert kamphausen's.
klinton77: nopw
klinton77: they,
klinton77: fuck
AGWednesday: one word at a time, man.
klinton77: I acnnot type
AGWednesday: just take it one word at a time.
klinton77: see
klinton77: shit
AGWednesday: you're doing fine.
klinton77: no more beer
AGWednesday: just let it flow.
AGWednesday: like the force
AGWednesday: and piss.
klinton77: I dunno. Seriously...shit was going on...and now...everyone's asleep
AGWednesday: speaking of piss why does everyone hate the G-man so?
AGWednesday: i think you're lying.
klinton77: 'xause he's a bitch
AGWednesday: 'xause is not a word.
klinton77: fuck you
AGWednesday: fuck is a word.
XxStupid DoggxX: cuz he edits posts and moves topics
AGWednesday: ha! i woke up the stupid dogg.
AGWednesday: when?
klinton77: no...that's not my issue with the guy....I just hate his posting techniquw
XxStupid DoggxX: I've been busy...
klinton77: e
klinton77: she's creepy looking
AGWednesday: that's gay, klinton.
klinton77: in the dead bunny kind of eay
klinton77: way
XxStupid DoggxX: I'd do her. even if she was a dead bunny.
AGWednesday: ........................
AGWednesday: you're weird
XxStupid DoggxX: you spelled wierd wrong
AGWednesday: wired.
XxStupid DoggxX: i before e except after c duhhhhhhhh
AGWednesday: she does look like she's wearing a wig, though.
klinton77: and lizard contacts
XxStupid DoggxX: this is my new girlfriend.
XxStupid DoggxX:
The Time Trust: I'm going to continue being quiet for awhile.
AGWednesday: still, i would appreciate the opportunity to have vaginal intercourse with her.
klinton77: I'd do her
AGWednesday: i'd do this one a lot.
klinton77: naw...I'd just hit that once
AGWednesday: hey, i could put links for pictures up and see if anybody wants me to post the set.
AGWednesday: that would ROCK!!!
klinton77: do it
AGWednesday: hit that shit and split?
klinton77: yupp
klinton77: only once
AGWednesday: i would hit it then take her to Burger King.
XxStupid DoggxX:
The Time Trust: Give her the Whopper
AGWednesday: her titties are fake....and that's okay.
klinton77: ewwww
klinton77: she looks retarded
AGWednesday: fuck, man! i can't afford all that.
XxStupid DoggxX: dude. she has titties.
AGWednesday: cheeseburger Wednesdays!
XxStupid DoggxX: that is all that matters
klinton77: no it's not
klinton77: at all
klinton77:'S all about the face
XxStupid DoggxX: like this bitch
AGWednesday: Stupid Dogg/Doog is correct.
klinton77: breeders have low ass standards
PenWing424: rex is here
AGWednesday: she'd be ugly without the makeup....and i'd have sex with her.
AGWednesday: rex rex or rex TK?
PenWing424: rex stardust
AGWednesday: actually, homosexuals have ass standards.
PenWing424: reax
AGWednesday: i'm all about dem titties!
AGWednesday: oh.
AGWednesday: thank you, penwing.
PenWing424: someone should invite rex
PenWing424: your welcome
PenWing424: and thank you, wednesday
AGWednesday: i'm trying to find some picture sets.
AGWednesday: t'aint wanna work right now.
PenWing424: more red heads
PenWing424: that's what you need to find
PenWing424: you should do a special in honor of the french open
AGWednesday: this is true.
idunapoo: arse
XxStupid DoggxX: uh wow
XxStupid DoggxX: somebody needs to teach those girls proper cpr
XxStupid DoggxX: they are soooooooooo wrong!
PenWing424: damn
AGWednesday: i like that one.
XxStupid DoggxX: I bet that girl died like 5 minutes later because some stupid bitch was breathing into her cooch
PenWing424: not so much the second one
AGWednesday: really?
PenWing424: really
PenWing424: something off about her
XxStupid DoggxX: SHES A MAN!
PenWing424: that would explain it
AGWednesday: that ain't a penis!
PenWing424: wednesday, you need to find pics of the TNA divas
AGWednesday: i have some.
AGWednesday: hold.
PenWing424: you hear that, rex?
PenWing424: hold.
idunapoo: Rex is alwasy holding himself
PenWing424: that's his problem
AGWednesday: traci brooks is ugly.
AGWednesday: just thought i'd share.
idunapoo: Lollipop
AGWednesday: thank you.
AGWednesday: btw, what do people think of me posting hardcore?
klinton77: do it
AGWednesday: everyone but klinton.
klinton77: a'm not off jerking off
AGWednesday: oh.
klinton77: know
AGWednesday: yeah.
klinton77: you post naked ladies...shit's gonna happen
klinton77: I' somhow immune to your powers
AGWednesday: i wonder why.
klinton77: it'S the kevlar vest
AGWednesday: i have a question that only you can answer:
klinton77: what?
PenWing424: what the hell happened to all the tna divas?
PenWing424: now they only have traci and trinity listed?

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
rex #520524 2005-06-06 3:04 PM
Joined: Jun 2004
Posts: 46,308
Who will I break next?
15000+ posts
Who will I break next?
15000+ posts
Joined: Jun 2004
Posts: 46,308
AGWednesday: why do women get that piercing on their face between their lower lip and chin?
PenWing424: where is everyone else?
PenWing424: their fucked up
klinton77: a labret?
PenWing424: to state it simple
AGWednesday: klinton said they're jerking off.
klinton77: I don't know
klinton77: It looks great on guys...but fucks up thier gumline
AGWednesday: wow, klint. that's amazing.
PenWing424: no, i'm talking about all the tna divas that used to be listed on their site
PenWing424: their gone
idunapoo: they're gone
XxStupid DoggxX: gone
PenWing424: really?
PenWing424: why?
AGWednesday: i'm guessing they're gone.
PenWing424: they were hot
XxStupid DoggxX: gone
idunapoo: they all died
PenWing424: of what?
XxStupid DoggxX: maybe they were so hot they burned up the intarweb?
PenWing424: did their tits explode?
idunapoo: Kamphausens disease
XxStupid DoggxX: so they're gay now?
idunapoo: they all died laughing at his tiny pecker
AGWednesday: Kamphausen's disease = tits explode.
PenWing424: damn
XxStupid DoggxX: whoa.
PenWing424: just sasha is just stupid
AGWednesday: Kamphausen's Disease = tits explode while laughing at his tiny pecker.
PenWing424: that really is ugly
idunapoo: [img]Keanu Reaves[/img]
idunapoo: Weds got it in one
idunapoo: he is a genius
AGWednesday: thank you.
AGWednesday: i try.
AGWednesday: i might post this one.
idunapoo: All geniuses are weird
XxStupid DoggxX: woo!
AGWednesday: you spelled wierd wrong.
idunapoo: no i didnt
XxStupid DoggxX: lol @ wedns!
AGWednesday: is stupid woo-ing the pic or my genius.
PenWing424: who is that, wednesday?
AGWednesday: dorothy black.
idunapoo: genius almost sounds like penis so Doog was prolly wooing to that
PenWing424: you need to post a set of her, if you haven't already
AGWednesday: i understand.
AGWednesday: okay.
AGWednesday: i have penwing's approval.
PenWing424: but first, you need to post a special tribute to the french open
AGWednesday: that's all i ask.
AGWednesday: damn!
XxStupid DoggxX: And england smells like ass which is why Nowhereman calls himself idunapoo
PenWing424: the keywords being french and open
idunapoo: The French that a porno?
AGWednesday: I WISH!
PenWing424: that's tennis
AGWednesday: that's what they WANT you to think.
idunapoo: My arse smells of flowers
PenWing424: there is a lot of lesbianism in the women's division
PenWing424: or so they say
idunapoo: and they look like men
PenWing424: only amelie maresmo
AGWednesday: i met a lesbian that didn't look like a man.
PenWing424: the russian chicks are smoking
AGWednesday: she wouldn't have sex with me.
AGWednesday: so she's a lesbian.
PenWing424: that's a shame
AGWednesday: that's how it works.
idunapoo: Navaratilova
idunapoo: man
PenWing424: ok
PenWing424: her too
PenWing424: sharapova
AGWednesday: navarawho?
PenWing424: myskina
PenWing424: kuznetsova
AGWednesday: i still can't believe you don't want to see more of her:
AGWednesday: Welcome to Communist Chat 24!
PenWing424: i need to see a different pic
AGWednesday: hrrumph
AGWednesday: one minute. getting Dorothy Black ready to post.
AGWednesday: ....feel free to talk amongst yourselves
XxStupid DoggxX: man, it is hot as a mother fucker hee
XxStupid DoggxX: here
XxStupid DoggxX: in ohio
XxStupid DoggxX: it's like almost 90 outside
AGWednesday: in pembroke pines it's, like, 85 or something.
AGWednesday: the women are wearing bikinis.
PenWing424: i went to the tigers game today
PenWing424: it was 86, humid, and sunny
PenWing424: i was shvitzed
AGWednesday: that word does not compute.
PenWing424: yiddish for sweaty
PenWing424: maybe soaked
AGWednesday: oh.
AGWednesday: ewwwwww.
PenWing424: you're telling me
PenWing424: and the only chicks who were somewhat underdressed shouldn't have been...
PenWing424: somewhat underdressed
AGWednesday: i hate that.
XxStupid DoggxX: across the street yesterday they were having a grad party. there was some hot bitch over there in a small red middriff with huge boobies. I was going to say something but I lost interest when I saw a squirrel.
AGWednesday: there should be a law.
XxStupid DoggxX: about squirrels?
XxStupid DoggxX: yeah.
AGWednesday: agreed.
PenWing424: we'll call it wednesday's wule
PenWing424: how about wednesday's wules
PenWing424: we can make a whole list
AGWednesday: i swear to God i'm gonna look that up!
PenWing424: what?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY has entered the room.
AGWednesday: Wule #1:....
AGWednesday: Dectective is not a word.
The Time Trust: C-plus
AGWednesday: Thank you.
PenWing424: excelent
XxStupid DoggxX: Wule #2
PenWing424: you should list your wules in your sig
XxStupid DoggxX: wierd is not how you spell weird.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY has left the room.
The Time Trust: I nver mispel enything.
AGWednesday: Dectective doesn't like wule number one.
PenWing424: use the tags to limit the size
PenWing424: then you can list a shit load of wules
AGWednesday: sorry...flashback.
AGWednesday: but then no one can read them.
PenWing424: you can't read my sig?
AGWednesday: you have a sig?
PenWing424: i have four hyperlinks in my sig
AGWednesday: I KID! I KID!
PenWing424: d'oh
The Time Trust: I tend not to read sigs.
AGWednesday: I skip most of 'em.
PenWing424: i read them once
AGWednesday: Some of 'em are pretty funny, though.
PenWing424: sammitch has a great sig
The Time Trust: I disliked the pic-sigs that were allowed at one time on the RKMBs.
The Time Trust: Too much scrolling involved.
PenWing424: that's why rob took them away
PenWing424: lots of abuse
XxStupid DoggxX: rob also limited the size of the sig line
PenWing424: yes he did
AGWednesday: some other boards have pic size limits.
PenWing424: i had to drop a hyperlink because of that
AGWednesday: those are okay.
The Time Trust: I don't think there should be restrictions on sigs, really.
PenWing424: if we're talking avatar sized pics, that would be fine
PenWing424: we should talk to rob about that
AGWednesday: i used to have a hyperlink to each JLR story in my sig.
The Time Trust: But each thread should have an option whether sigs are allowed or not.
AGWednesday: then i ran outta space.
The Time Trust: So whenever someone starts a thread, and they don't want sigs showing up, they can click a box, and none do.
PenWing424: that would be cool
PenWing424: those are great suggestions, T3
AGWednesday: that would be pretty cool.
AGWednesday: my suggestion was cool too!
PenWing424: you should start a discussion in the mod forum
AGWednesday: pick me!
AGWednesday: pick me!
The Time Trust: It would be ideal for story-threads in the Writer's Block, since we tended to have that rule with Vanguard anyway.
UltimateJaburg53: Wig!
UltimateJaburg53: Wednesday
AGWednesday: There is no such person.
PenWing424: what's up
PenWing424: ?
AGWednesday: give UJ a chance.
UltimateJaburg53: Wing
AGWednesday: bless you.
PenWing424: that's what he meant to type
UltimateJaburg53: I saw the Galactica woth Colonel Tigh's wife
PenWing424: obligatory b5 rules
PenWing424: that was a good one
PenWing424: she's very interesting
UltimateJaburg53: She was an awful
AGWednesday: everbuddy's talking about that show.
AGWednesday: is it all that good?
PenWing424: i think she's a...
UltimateJaburg53: It's great
UltimateJaburg53: Oh yea
AGWednesday: i'll download it then.
PenWing424: i don't want to say anymore in open chat
AGWednesday: just like Justice League Unlimited
UltimateJaburg53: Baltar didn't say
AGWednesday: that's what IM's are for.
PenWing424: baltar is a pussy
AGWednesday: YEAH!
PenWing424: still, he is the best character on the show
PenWing424: next to starbuck
PenWing424: we need pics of her
AGWednesday: who said what?
UltimateJaburg53: I met her
UltimateJaburg53: Sort of
UltimateJaburg53: So did Balloon Knot
PenWing424: cool
PenWing424: is she hot in person?
UltimateJaburg53: When we met Londo Mollari
UltimateJaburg53: Yes
PenWing424: i have his autograph
PenWing424: he was the best character on b5
PenWing424: he carried season one
UltimateJaburg53: We met Biggs right before he died
PenWing424: darklighter?
UltimateJaburg53: Dr Franklin on B5
PenWing424: oh
AGWednesday: You have Biggs Darklighter's aughtograph?
PenWing424: it's a real shame about him
UltimateJaburg53: Richard Biggs
AGWednesday: oh.
PenWing424: i couldn't believe when i read that
UltimateJaburg53: Nowhereman was here?
AGWednesday: okay, who's richard biggs?
UltimateJaburg53: Actor
AGWednesday: oh, ok.
AGWednesday: yeah, he was.
The Time Trust:
PenWing424: he played Dr. Stephen Franklen on Babylon 5
AGWednesday: oh, ok. now i know who that is.
AGWednesday: yeah.
AGWednesday: sad.
PenWing424: very
idunapoo: Why has Rob started verifying email addresses? It takes all the fun out of alts
PenWing424: i don't know
UltimateJaburg53: Does he still do that?
UltimateJaburg53: Hotmail
idunapoo: only just started
The Time Trust: What about the alts that already existed?
idunapoo: they ok
The Time Trust: Good, so Mxy's parents have survived the purge.
The Time Trust: Ex-cellent.
XxStupid DoggxX: speaking of mxy, what ever happened to Son of Mxy?
idunapoo: Even if you create a password yourself it still needs a verified email address...........thats very gay
The Time Trust: I only see him at Dave's.
idunapoo: Kamphausens disease got him/her
XxStupid DoggxX: I don't go there as often. Is he going by Neil again, or is he still Angelica?
The Time Trust: Has the Kampenstein Monster been seen much lately?
The Eurostar has left the room.
The Time Trust: Bye Euro
idunapoo: I believe he made an appearance recently in the guess who will post next thread
AGWednesday: Dorothy (Complete)
The Time Trust: He calls himself Neil again.
The Time Trust: Mxy's Son, I mean
AGWednesday: Son of Mxy was kool.
AGWednesday: so we said no to this one, right:
XxStupid DoggxX: she musta gone into hiding
AGWednesday: :-(
XxStupid DoggxX: i fixed the url
XxStupid DoggxX: more bad cpr I see. I'd refrain from using them in case somebody gets confused on the proper procedures.
AGWednesday: i killed EVERYONE!
PenWing424: yes
The Time Trust:;vc=#Post534708
The Time Trust: Oh, God.
PenWing424: we said yes
PenWing424: just post a warning
AGWednesday: a warning?
XxStupid DoggxX has left the room.
AGWednesday: "Warning: lesbians doing it!"
XxStupid DoggxX has entered the room.
AGWednesday: I should probably ask Rob first.
XxStupid DoggxX: yeah. never try and slip it in the ass without permission
PenWing424: yeah
AGWednesday: is that why?
AGWednesday: all these years i never knew.
AGWednesday: thank you.
XxStupid DoggxX: your welcome
PenWing424: make sure he doesn't mind pics like that, just to be safe
XxStupid DoggxX: 8-)
AGWednesday: there's a lot of porn on the internet.
AGWednesday: yeah, i will.
AGWednesday: IF he says he doesn't mind the porn, i'll bring it up for everyone to discuss.
PenWing424: discuss? just post it, it's your forum
rexstardust99: So wednesday finally decided to join us.
PenWing424: if you approve the pic, post it
The Time Trust: I quit comics yesterday, BTW.
The Time Trust: Dropped all my subscriptions.
AGWednesday: dude, i've been on since, like, yesterday.
AGWednesday: i don't think of the women's forum as mine.
rexstardust99: I haven't been on much.
AGWednesday: 'sides, i share it with two other mods.
The Time Trust: I've been collecting consistently since 1986.
AGWednesday: you know...what's-their-names.
rexstardust99: That do almost nothing.
AGWednesday: wait, huh?
XxStupid DoggxX: damn ttt. that's a long time
The Time Trust: I know.
PenWing424: i guess to be fair you should double check with ceej and teek
AGWednesday: you can't quit comics!!!!!
The Time Trust: It's an expensive habit, too.
The Time Trust: Gotta.
AGWednesday: yeah, pen. i should.
AGWednesday: i won't, but i should.
The Time Trust: Tuition is expensive as well.
PenWing424: that's my boy
AGWednesday: you could always download your comics, ttt.
AGWednesday: but that's wrong.
The Time Trust: Oh, I do.
XxStupid DoggxX: It's like crack, except you don't bitch about shitty crack usually cuz your too fucked up to know better and your pants are usually messy anyway cuz of the constant defecation.
AGWednesday: oh, good.
The Time Trust: Heh
PenWing424: what comics were you collecting, t3?
AGWednesday: stupid dogg always puts things into perspective.
AGWednesday: yeah, TTT!
The Time Trust: A lot.
PenWing424: we know
AGWednesday: and Ragtag Heroes (coming soon) better be on that list!!
The Time Trust: I don't really feel like naming them.
PenWing424: any dc titles?
AGWednesday: DC or Marvel?
The Time Trust: Sure.
The Time Trust: Plastic Man
PenWing424: did you try simone's action comics?
PenWing424: and did you try dark detective?
The Time Trust: JLA Classified
PenWing424: everyone should pick up dark detective
The Time Trust: I have the first issue of DD
PenWing424: don't stop getting it
PenWing424: if you want to drop everything else, that's fine
AGWednesday has left the room.
AGWednesday has entered the room.
The Time Trust: I'm going cold turkey, though.
PenWing424: but if you want englehart, rogers, and austin to do more batman, you need to pick that up
jaclynangelo has entered the room.
PenWing424: they want to do more
The Time Trust: That would be cool
PenWing424: but dc is stupid
jaclynangelo: well, i'm not pale anymore....
PenWing424: so we need to support them
The Time Trust: I liked his version of the Joker.
rexstardust99: I quit comics about a year ago.
PenWing424: pale? what happned ceej?
rexstardust99: pics please
PenWing424: they do the best joker
AGWednesday: *** jaclynangelo has joined the chat.
jaclynangelo: three and a half hours at the pool...
The Time Trust: Yeah? Have you been collecting comics since 1986, Rex?
The Time Trust: No?
The Time Trust: Then shut the fuck up.
PenWing424: burn
rexstardust99: No, about two years that time.
XxStupid DoggxX: lols ;p
The Time Trust: That was very uncharacteristic of me.
The Time Trust: Sorry, rex.
AGWednesday: TTTTT is going through some things....
rexstardust99: I also collected them in high school from 92-95
XxStupid DoggxX: tan girls are the hottness. post pics CJ!
rexstardust99: yes
PenWing424: i gotta go
AGWednesday: yeah CJ.
PenWing424: be back later
AGWednesday: tan girls are "the hottness"!
jaclynangelo: well, i'm more 'red' than 'tan' at the moment...
PenWing424 has left the room.
rexstardust99: As long as their not too tan, thats nasty
The Time Trust: What about tan lines?
XxStupid DoggxX: bikini shots are also the hotness
XxStupid DoggxX: HINT HINT
AGWednesday has left the room.
AGWednesday has entered the room.
rexstardust99: Really don't care, as long as the tans not too dark
rexstardust99: But I really should be picky
XxStupid DoggxX: I like dark tans, but that's the greek in me.
rexstardust99: I prefer non tanned, it depends on other things also. I got sick of the tanned look when I lived in Sacramento and everyone had a fake tan.
AGWednesday: i like my women like i like my coffee: black, sweet, and with big ol' titties!
XxStupid DoggxX: Yeah me t--wha?
AGWednesday: i...don't know.
jaclynangelo: how do you get tits in your coffee?
idunapoo: Giving up comics is easy,I gave em up back in early 2001
XxStupid DoggxX: I like my women like I like my tea: drowining in alcohol.
AGWednesday: stupid dogg wins.
XxStupid DoggxX: I WIN AGAIN!
AGWednesday: i haven't bought a comic in a few weeks.
The Time Trust: I'm not really going to miss them.
The Time Trust: I never picked up comics more than once a month for the last year.
AGWednesday: that's what you say. then everybody's gonna be talking about Infinite Crisis and House of M.
XxStupid DoggxX: I can't give up comics until Ultimates and Planetary are over. Fables and Y The Last Man are pretty good, but I'm especially bored of Y.
The Time Trust: Alan Moore quit comics.
The Time Trust: His daughter's writing them now.
AGWednesday: huh?
XxStupid DoggxX: he always quits comics
AGWednesday: didn't he quit comics last Thursday too?
jaclynangelo: well, i'm playing the sims , bye
jaclynangelo has left the room.
The Time Trust: Dammit.
XxStupid DoggxX: ah poo
AGWednesday: it's too late.
The Time Trust: Why didn't anyone answer CJ's question?
AGWednesday: you didn't give her what she wanted.
The Time Trust: jaclynangelo: how do you get tits in your coffee?
XxStupid DoggxX: just like a whores period
XxStupid DoggxX: :-(
AGWednesday: i asked her a question?
rexstardust99: She never stays long in these things.
The Time Trust: How DO you get tits in your coffee?
AGWednesday: i....don't know.
XxStupid DoggxX: put birdseed on top. duh.
AGWednesday: HA!
AGWednesday: stupid dogg: 2. wednesday: -7.
The Time Trust: Comics need to be less expensive.
AGWednesday: yeah.
rexstardust99: Thats why I wait for the TPB's now.
AGWednesday: they need to go back to $2
rexstardust99: Its cheaper and no ads.
The Time Trust: TPBs are okay, but I sometimes find the format doesn't work, especially for two-page spreads.
AGWednesday: i just hate waitin'.
The Time Trust: Hard to see dialogue too close to the spine in the middle.
idunapoo: I just lost interest after 17 years of collecting......I now sell em on ebay
rexstardust99: yeah, that is bad, but its better than ads every two or three pages.
XxStupid DoggxX: bye
XxStupid DoggxX has left the room.
AGWednesday has left the room.
idunapoo: I want to be the next Pretty Princess
The Time Trust: LOL
The Time Trust: Brave
rexstardust99: damnit nowhereman. I really didn't want to see that.
rexstardust99: I gotta go poke my eyes out now.
Balloonknot666: AHHHHHHH MY EYE'S!!!!!!!!!!
idunapoo: Hah
rexstardust99: goddamn.
Balloonknot666: OK it's been dammed
rexstardust99: I gonna need therapy now.
Balloonknot666: I think you already needed therapy
idunapoo: Rex is hot for me
Balloonknot666: I have a feeling i'm the one getting voted out
UltimateJaburg53: Holey Nowhereman nudity Batman!
idunapoo: Dont bet on it.......I mean,who thought Oakley would win immunity?
rexstardust99: I don't think so, most of us are voting off someone else.
UltimateJaburg53: Who?
UltimateJaburg53: The crow guy?
idunapoo: I told everyone who I voted off
UltimateJaburg53: I voted to kill Jason Todd
Balloonknot666: I put in a write in ballot and voted for chris oakley
UltimateJaburg53: Rex get past the Homewrecker episode yet?
Balloonknot666: did you get all the seasons, Did you watch season 4
UltimateJaburg53: No he is only on season2
idunapoo: I wonder how the Jason Todd voting thing woulda turned out these days with internet voting? Only the USA & maybe Canada would have voted back in the day
Balloonknot666: OUCH
rexstardust99: I'm on season two.
UltimateJaburg53: Interesting
rexstardust99: I saw homewrecker
UltimateJaburg53: Ho would you have voted ?
UltimateJaburg53: Poor Connie
idunapoo: I woulda voted to kill the little prick
rexstardust99: yeah, I was expecting it.
rexstardust99: She was hot when she was cleaned up.
UltimateJaburg53: Too bad we didn't get a chance to vote to keep him dead.
UltimateJaburg53: Minus that big scar
idunapoo: I know nothing about that as I dont read em anymore
UltimateJaburg53: Your better off
rexstardust99: I read death in the family for the first time about a month ago.
idunapoo: Sounds like everyone who is dead is alive......except Barry
UltimateJaburg53: Yeah
idunapoo: Hal,Ollie,Arthur & Jason
UltimateJaburg53: He'll be back too I expect
idunapoo: HE is the Gwen Stacy of the DCU
UltimateJaburg53: Even Gwen had been tainted
UltimateJaburg53: has been tainted
idunapoo: only a clone came back,not her
UltimateJaburg53: No
idunapoo: when?
UltimateJaburg53: She had children with Norman Osborn
UltimateJaburg53: While she was away.
idunapoo: Thats crap...........was it Byrne?
UltimateJaburg53: Strazinski
UltimateJaburg53: I think
idunapoo: ISnt he the Babylon 5 guy?
UltimateJaburg53: Yes
rexstardust99: It was JMS.
idunapoo: The one who did Rising Stars
UltimateJaburg53: Yes
UltimateJaburg53: Which ended badly
idunapoo: I woulda thought better of him
UltimateJaburg53: Me too
idunapoo: I only read the first 6 issues or so
UltimateJaburg53: Supreme Power is ok
idunapoo: maybe 10........cant remember
rexstardust99: I thought it was a cheap attempt to shock the readers.
UltimateJaburg53: Midnight Nation is probably his best work in comics
idunapoo: For two seconds I thought you said Supreme Power that scared me
UltimateJaburg53: Will Quesada bring back the Atari Force next?
idunapoo: Atari Force was a DC book
UltimateJaburg53: My bad
idunapoo: Black Goliath next
UltimateJaburg53: A homosexual Rom The Spaceknight perhaps
idunapoo: But he is frustrated cause his pecker is encased in armour
idunapoo: and his arse
idunapoo: and his lips
idunapoo: They will change his name from ROM to RAM
UltimateJaburg53: Or ROB
idunapoo: Same difference
idunapoo: Rob the Spacequeen
UltimateJaburg53: I can't wait to see the ECW buyrate
UltimateJaburg53: It's going to outsell the last three years of WWE PPVs I think
idunapoo: Well the tickets alone will make more than any WWE PPV.
UltimateJaburg53: I'll have to get the DVD of Shane Douglas' show
UltimateJaburg53: Ity happens the night before right?
idunapoo: This is why they have the WWE name attached to it. If its does bad,they will say it shows ECW doesnt sell,if it does make money,they will say,well its a WWE product
idunapoo: Yeah the night before
UltimateJaburg53: Assholes
idunapoo: I do think though that as strange as it sounds,the WWE one has more legitimacy
UltimateJaburg53: Well everybody but Douglas is going to show
UltimateJaburg53: Aslo the WWE show has Paul E
idunapoo: How can it be ECW without Heyamn
idunapoo: zachery
idunapoo: I hope the WWE "Invasion" doesnt play a huge part
UltimateJaburg53: I hope they just take an asskicking
idunapoo: Unless of course we get to see what guys like Angle coulda done had they worked there
UltimateJaburg53: I wish they would have just let it stand on it's own
idunapoo: yup
UltimateJaburg53: How has Angle been?
UltimateJaburg53: I miss Smackdown
idunapoo: No you dont
idunapoo: The current Angle angle is shit,and I cant believe he agreed to do it
UltimateJaburg53: Booker's wife?
idunapoo: Basically they are making him a pervert who wants to rape Bookers wife
UltimateJaburg53: Oh
UltimateJaburg53: Is that what happened
idunapoo: Its actually quite disgusting
UltimateJaburg53: Can Kurt still wrestle?
idunapoo: Yes but they limit him to mainly PPVs
UltimateJaburg53: Well WWE hasn't been big on taste lately
idunapoo: The rest of the time he wrestles jobbers in his invitational
idunapoo: I really think he shoulda stayed as GM
UltimateJaburg53: That was funny
UltimateJaburg53: I liked the wheel chair
idunapoo: its true
UltimateJaburg53: Very Jack Victory of him
idunapoo: Its like Austin,they kept him out of the ring & used him right,but they dont seem to wanna let Kurt just retire from the ring
UltimateJaburg53: Well they would hate to have to give somebody else a chance
UltimateJaburg53: I'm surprised Cena has been on top as long as he has
idunapoo: It amazes me that they think they can make fan faves rather than let the true faves at the brass ring. Cena will end up like Eddie & Benoit.
idunapoo: JBL will get another shot,as will Orton,but those guys wont
UltimateJaburg53: I remeber when the WWE used to let people cheer for the heel
idunapoo: Christian is easily the most popular man on Raw at the moment,yet he gets nothing
idunapoo: They can cheer for the heel if his name is HHH
UltimateJaburg53: Now if you cheer for a heel too much they make him a face
UltimateJaburg53: Christian is great
idunapoo: I hope they keep Christian a heel
UltimateJaburg53: Edge is poo
The Time Trust: The next DC-Marvel Crossover: Black Goliath meets Apache Chief
idunapoo: Edge is good,just not great
idunapoo: Christian is god
UltimateJaburg53: He's the Matt Hrady of Edge and Christian
idunapoo: Matt Hardy was great on SD,then they misused him on RAW,talk about fucking up
UltimateJaburg53: Probabl Lita
UltimateJaburg53: They should have kept them apart
idunapoo: Reason they prolly didnt push his gimmick on Raw is cause he came up eith it,and we know how Vince hates it when a gimmick he didnt think of suceeds
idunapoo: Mattitude was fucking hilarious,right up there with Peeps
idunapoo: His new gimmick sounds good as well
UltimateJaburg53: Shannon Moore as Matt's toady
idunapoo: They worked so well together........and maybe if they had kept Crash,he wouldnt be dead now
UltimateJaburg53: I forgot he was dead
UltimateJaburg53: He was so damn young
idunapoo: and talented
UltimateJaburg53: Just like Louie
idunapoo: Louie?
UltimateJaburg53: Spicolli
idunapoo: IS he dead?
UltimateJaburg53: Yes
idunapoo: Didnt realise
UltimateJaburg53: Long time now
idunapoo: Prolly before I was so into the backstage stuff
UltimateJaburg53: He was just joining the NWO when it happened I think
UltimateJaburg53: His gimmick was carring Scott Hall's bags
idunapoo: Yeah,that'd be before I had satellite so couldnt see any wrestling,and no internet either
UltimateJaburg53: I think he might have also given the Death Vally Driver to Kimberly Page
idunapoo: Thats gotta be 97/98
UltimateJaburg53: DDP lives a charmed life
idunapoo: I like DDP
UltimateJaburg53: Me too
UltimateJaburg53: Dude worked his ass off
idunapoo: Didnt Kimberly fuck him over big time?
UltimateJaburg53: I don't know
idunapoo: Think they are divorced
UltimateJaburg53: Me too
UltimateJaburg53: Right before he hit the WWE
UltimateJaburg53: I don't think it was ugly
idunapoo: He was laughed at when he wanted to move up from manager to wrestler cause of his age,but boy did he show everyone
UltimateJaburg53: He is still on TnA I think
idunapoo: I think he walked
idunapoo: He shouldnt be wrestling anymore,he risks death or paralysis
idunapoo: Loved when he was working with Christian
UltimateJaburg53: Damn
idunapoo: Thats why he left WWE
UltimateJaburg53: Christians losing streak
UltimateJaburg53: I think Christian had just been drafted to Raw
idunapoo: It was before the split I think
idunapoo: YEah,they were still WWF then
UltimateJaburg53: Wow
UltimateJaburg53: Wasn't it the attitude logo that was the problem
UltimateJaburg53: and not the initials?
idunapoo: Nah,it was the initials
idunapoo: They still use the logo,albeit slightly altered
idunapoo: The current logo doesnt make sense
idunapoo: Fuck,it was 2002 when they changed names
UltimateJaburg53: Wow
idunapoo: I was buying the DVDs at the time & they were always expensive but before the cut off date the distributor started selling them half price to get rid of all the stocks as after the cut off they couldnt sell them anymore
idunapoo: Pretty fucking ridiculous
UltimateJaburg53: Not bad
UltimateJaburg53: Thier DVDs are better than thier current programming
idunapoo: I have pretty much every PPV DVD they released from Wrestlemania 15 up to the end of 2003.
UltimateJaburg53: I still need to pick up Cheating Death Stealing Life
idunapoo: Still havent got round to buying the 2004 & 2005 ones
UltimateJaburg53: There ok
idunapoo: Last ones I picked up were the Flair & Monday night wars
UltimateJaburg53: I have them
idunapoo: need the Benoit,RVD,ECW & Eddie ones
UltimateJaburg53: Also Benoit and Cage matches
UltimateJaburg53: I like how the full match makes it onto the DVD
idunapoo: Saved a shit load on the Flair one,picked it up half price
UltimateJaburg53: Nice
UltimateJaburg53: I really enjoyed that one
idunapoo: Especially as it was expensive to start with
UltimateJaburg53: The Funk vs Flair match was my favorite
idunapoo: I liked the WCW stuff
idunapoo: Being an old school WCW fan,thats no surprise
UltimateJaburg53: I didn't get much old school wcw
XxStupid DoggxX has entered the room.
UltimateJaburg53: I'm sorry I missed
UltimateJaburg53: Sting, the Andersons
idunapoo: I was watching it when Sting was blonde & Hogan first came over.....didnt see WWF as it was on satellite
idunapoo: Nash was Vinnie VEgas
idunapoo: I remember Flair doing an interview section like Pipers pit
UltimateJaburg53: I didn't see wcw untill the Oudsiders
idunapoo: Thats when we only got to see it if you had satellite,and most people didnt
idunapoo: I used to think Flair was gay
XxStupid DoggxX: because he was a wrestler?
idunapoo: Because he had poofy white hair & glittery robes
idunapoo: the name Flair sounded gay as well
klinton77: wrestling?
klinton77: Wed goes away and you all digress to wrestling?
klinton77: shit...
idunapoo: well its better than digressing to saying nothing at all
klinton77: I suppose.
klinton77: You a big wrestling fan, Nowhere?
idunapoo: yep
klinton77: I never got the appeal
klinton77: dunno why.
idunapoo: not everyone does
klinton77: comics and such, I get
idunapoo: As I say,to each their own
klinton77: what is it about wrestling that keeps you comming back to ir?
idunapoo: Its just entertainment.......ok,the storylines can be shit but there is still a lot of talent to be seen.
idunapoo: those guys put themselves thru some serious shit
klinton77: i guess
klinton77: likemovie stunts and shit?
idunapoo: yeah
klinton77: got it
idunapoo: but without so much safety
klinton77: that I can almost get
klinton77: When you said you don't buy into the stories...I
idunapoo: some stories
idunapoo: not all
jasonthecat2007 has entered the room.
jasonthecat2007: hello everyone. 27/black/m/PembrokePines pic!
rexstardust99: I heard pembroke pines is a nice place to live.
idunapoo: are you talking to me?
AGWednesday has entered the room.
jasonthecat2007: yes and yes.
jasonthecat2007 has left the room.
rexstardust99: WHOA!
idunapoo: gah.....two Wednesdays
AGWednesday: fucker. glad he's gone.
klinton77: can' tstand that Jason bloke
AGWednesday: the other one left. where'd everybody go.
AGWednesday: me neither.
AGWednesday: bitch.
klinton77: uh hu
AGWednesday: i guess some people had lives.
klinton77: yup
idunapoo: well I'm just chilling watching a movie
rexstardust99: Whats a life?
AGWednesday: it's.....
AGWednesday: i dunno.
idunapoo: For some reason I have never seen this movie before
rexstardust99: What movie?
idunapoo: Usual suspects
klinton77: Shut up
rexstardust99: Great movie.
idunapoo: I like it
AGWednesday: i've never seen that movie straight through either.
rexstardust99: Very good ending .
AGWednesday: doesn't help that i already know the plot twist.
idunapoo: Dunno bout that
idunapoo: still on
klinton77: reallshould we tell Nowhere?
rexstardust99: TYLER DURDEN IS LUKE'S DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
klinton77: shit, rex...I was only kidding
XxStupid DoggxX: And Princess Laya did Tyler up the Pooper!
XxStupid DoggxX: and Laya and Luke are siblings!
AGWednesday: that's a shame.
klinton77: Who'S Laya?
AGWednesday: and the girl is actually a dude.
rexstardust99: How much Alias have you seen so far Klinton?
XxStupid DoggxX: the bitch with the bagle ears.
klinton77: Up till the end of season 3
rexstardust99: Cool.
klinton77: yup
rexstardust99: What did you think of season three.
rexstardust99: ?
klinton77: I liked it
rexstardust99: I thought the last couple episodes were bad.
klinton77: I ejoyed it more than the two episodes I saw from season 4
rexstardust99: Once Isabella Rosolini shows up it goes downhill.
rexstardust99: Season four got real good near the end.
klinton77: she wasn't so bad
klinton77: A nice sub for Irena
klinton77: to keep that dynamic going
rexstardust99: the first one she was in where Sydney and Vaughn were in Korea was horrible.
rexstardust99: I don't think they could ever replace Lena Olin.
klinton77: Of course not
klinton77: she was great
rexstardust99: My favorite episode is Phase One from season two.
klinton77: she'S comming back, no?
klinton77: what happened in that one?
rexstardust99: Yes. She was in the last couple episodes.
klinton77: cool!
rexstardust99: Thatss the one thats starts out with Sydney on a plane and Back in Black is playing.
klinton77: I saw her in that 'Darkness' movie
rexstardust99: Its the one where everything changes.
klinton77: The Superbowl episode, no?
rexstardust99: Yes.
klinton77: It was great!
Glacier16: yup
rexstardust99: That one and the last couple form season two are my favorite episodes.
klinton77: k...what is this 'Celebrity Dancing' shit?
klinton77: worst show idea ever?
rexstardust99: I don't fucking care, that looks horrilbe.
klinton77: it
rexstardust99: Its some british show or something.
klinton77: It'S on right now in the background
klinton77: featuring a ton of washed up 'stars'
rexstardust99: yes

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
rex #520525 2005-06-06 3:05 PM
Joined: Jun 2004
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Who will I break next?
15000+ posts
Joined: Jun 2004
Posts: 46,308
klinton77: and.....ballroom dancing
rexstardust99: The season finale for season four made me jump up and swear.
rexstardust99: Its was fucking great.
Glacier16: yeah, that came outta nowhere
klinton77: that good?
Glacier16: jumped
klinton77: I can'T wait!
rexstardust99: I've seen in twice and jumped both times.
klinton77: huh
rexstardust99: I won't spoil it for you, but it does set up a lot for the next season.
klinton77: no, don'T
klinton77: I can wait
rexstardust99: How are you watching them?
klinton77: on DVD
rexstardust99: did you record them?
klinton77: nope
Glacier16: best way, no interruption
rexstardust99: yes
klinton77: I just started buying the sets last christmas
idunapoo has left the room.
rexstardust99: I'm pretty sure season four comes out in september.
rexstardust99: on DVD
klinton77: I hope so
Glacier16: yeah, probably. Follow the others maybe come out same time as Lost
rexstardust99: yes
klinton77: It could be nice to get it before season 5
rexstardust99: I was about to say that.
rexstardust99: It will come out before next season.
klinton77: I saw only the last two episodes of lost
klinton77: I didn't like what I saw
rexstardust99: I'm sorry.
Glacier16: heh, bet you were "lost"
rexstardust99: The last two were bad.
rexstardust99: The rest were really good.
klinton77: That's the thing, Penwing...It wasn't hard to folow at all
rexstardust99: There's a lot of suspense to that show.
rexstardust99: penwing?
Glacier16: pen?
Glacier16: heh
klinton77: Galcier
klinton77: shit sorry
rexstardust99: heh
rexstardust99: you drinking?
klinton77: no...O:-)
klinton77: these smilies suck ass
rexstardust99: My biggest complaint about the season finale of Lost was that it didn't show the hatch.
klinton77: yeah...kept you haning
klinton77: hanging
Glacier16: yeah
klinton77: not enough to make me want to tune in though
Glacier16: so you know they'll just drag that out next season
klinton77: let them
rexstardust99: I'm betting we won't see inside the hatch until around Christmas.
klinton77: or May sweeps
XxStupid DoggxX has left the room.
rexstardust99: yeah.
klinton77: Dogg didn't like our tv chat%
klinton77: ?
rexstardust99: no
klinton77: C'est la vie
Glacier16: heh, on tonight- Family Guy
rexstardust99: cool
klinton77: what time? channel?
rexstardust99: I missed the last episode.
Glacier16: there wasn't one last week
rexstardust99: That was the week before, wasn't it?
Glacier16: yup
Drunk Kaz has entered the room.
rexstardust99: KAZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
klinton77: hey Kaz
Drunk Kaz: Greetings.
AGWednesday: "greetings" is lame.
AGWednesday: cool people say "salutations."
Drunk Kaz: Wednesday is gay.
rexstardust99: yes
AGWednesday: Wednesday is too straight to be gay.
AGWednesday: The Bible tells me so.
rexstardust99: All that porn he posts is to throw us off.
AGWednesday: That's true.
AGWednesday: I mean...NO!
Drunk Kaz: Does anyone else picture Wednesday looking like Brian Meadows as the Ladies Man?
klinton77: no...Wed is one of you...thank God
rexstardust99: heh
AGWednesday: yeah.
AGWednesday: HEY!
AGWednesday: (times two)
AGWednesday: so what's up, klinton?
rexstardust99: I thought Kas was one of your alt ids wednesday
AGWednesday: how's the old lady?
AGWednesday: i don't have any alts.
AGWednesday: seriously.
Drunk Kaz: Turns out.... you can cure At. IDs.
rexstardust99: whoa
klinton77: not much
rexstardust99: I have about 30 alt ids.
AGWednesday: except fused, ttt, rob kamphausen, rex, and every member starting with the letters K-M
Glacier16: W H O A
rexstardust99: I never use them anymore.
Drunk Kaz: You asking about my Old Lady?
AGWednesday: u use drunken reax sometimes.
klinton77: I have no alts
AGWednesday: yeah, i'm askin' 'bout your old lady.
rexstardust99: yes, that and my real name when I post book reviews.
AGWednesday: how she doin'?
klinton77: I need to get some
AGWednesday: yeah, you do.
Drunk Kaz: She;s playing Leisure Suit Larry at the moment.
AGWednesday: wait, you're talking about alts, aren't you, klinton.
AGWednesday: ?
AGWednesday: damn
klinton77 has left the room.
Glacier16: heh
AGWednesday: kaz, that's awesome ;P
klinton77 has entered the room.
Drunk Kaz: And I think's she winning.
AGWednesday: i'm glad klinton's gone.
AGWednesday: oh, wait.
AGWednesday: never mind.
AGWednesday: whew!
klinton77: lol
Drunk Kaz: Ack! Awkward!
AGWednesday: yeah.
AGWednesday: hehe...........
AGWednesday: ..............................................
AGWednesday: (awkward silence)
AGWednesday: hey, did they show a new JLU yesterday?
Drunk Kaz: Wednesday says, "Kill yourself."
Glacier16: yup, it was okay
AGWednesday: i never "said" that
Glacier16: err yeah
Drunk Kaz: Wednesday intimates, "kill yourself."
AGWednesday: i only said you should remember that suicide is always an option.
klinton77: it is?
Drunk Kaz: Existentialism?
AGWednesday: how do you intimate something, kaz?
AGWednesday: are you drunk again?
AGWednesday: yes, klinton, it is.
AGWednesday: no, you shouldn't kill yourself.
AGWednesday: of course not.
AGWednesday: someone out there would be sad.
AGWednesday: yeah.
klinton77: lol
AGWednesday: (awkward silence)
klinton77: alright...
klinton77: you need a beer mate
AGWednesday: no, i'd miss that pinhead avatar.
AGWednesday: i do.
rexstardust99: We need some chicks in here again.
AGWednesday: i need about 8 good beards.
AGWednesday: yeah!
klinton77: we have res
AGWednesday: sausage fest.
klinton77: rex
Drunk Kaz: Everyone should drink more.
AGWednesday: who?
AGWednesday: oh.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY has entered the room.
Glacier16: ding!
klinton77: shit
rexstardust99: hooray!
AGWednesday: speak of the devil!
Glacier16: indeed
klinton77: her again?
rexstardust99: All the other womens are logged off.
AGWednesday: hello!
klinton77: you can smell the exitment in here
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: its an l not an i
rexstardust99: huh?
AGWednesday: that was weird.
Drunk Kaz: in·ti·mate: 1. To make known subtly and indirectly; hint. See Synonyms at suggest. 2. To announce; proclaim.
Glacier16: lols ;p
Drunk Kaz: That's how, Wednesday.
AGWednesday: dude, you took way too long with that.
klinton77: he's drunk
rexstardust99: Someones being a smartass
klinton77: let him be
AGWednesday: oh yeah.
Drunk Kaz: I'm illegally downloading PhotoShop. Slowing me down.
rexstardust99: I wish I could get drunk tonight
klinton77: do it
AGWednesday: sure, other DK, suuuuuuuure.
Drunk Kaz: It's also the reason why I am not playing Guild Wars.
AGWednesday: you and your friend Fused are addicted to that game.
AGWednesday: it must be good.
AGWednesday: i should join.
Drunk Kaz: Everyone should. It's fun!
Drunk Kaz: Free online play! That's got me sold!
AGWednesday: i'd like to teach the world to sing...
rexstardust99: Yes it is.
Drunk Kaz: Klinton should smoke weed.
rexstardust99: Thats gay wednesday
AGWednesday: YEAH!
AGWednesday: sorry.
klinton77: no...I hate weed
AGWednesday: i would, though :-(
Drunk Kaz: I mean, it's legal in Canada, right?
AGWednesday: and weed hates you.
AGWednesday: j/k
klinton77: nope
AGWednesday: weed is your friend.
klinton77: only medicinally
Drunk Kaz: Who hates weed? That's just weird.
rexstardust99: I haven't smoked weed in about three years.
Glacier16: end the hate, klint.
AGWednesday: yeah, klint.
klinton77: I hate it
Drunk Kaz: LOL!
klinton77: makes me sick
AGWednesday: remove the hate from your heart.
klinton77: I prefer chemicals
rexstardust99: I'd rather drink.
klinton77: and beer
rexstardust99: beer
Drunk Kaz: I would rather drink as well.
AGWednesday: chemicals?
Drunk Kaz: But when you have to drive later...
klinton77: yup
klinton77: you take coke before driving
AGWednesday: always!
rexstardust99: I take the bus everywhere, so I don't have to worry about drinking and driving.
AGWednesday: wait, me or kaz?
Drunk Kaz: Take "coke" or "cock"?
Glacier16: lol
klinton77: everyone
Drunk Kaz: Coke is a little strong, I think.
AGWednesday: i have never done drugs....i think.
Drunk Kaz: Anything beyong weed or beer is just asking for trouble.
Drunk Kaz: *beyond
klinton77: if you like
rexstardust99: I've never done anything other than pot.
rexstardust99: I'm a prude.
klinton77: I don't endorse drug us
klinton77: e
AGWednesday: <--pruder
klinton77: I like it myself
Drunk Kaz: Who here is addicted to sex?
klinton77: me
rexstardust99: I like myself up to three times a day.
Glacier16: fantastic!
AGWednesday: that would kill me, i think.
Drunk Kaz: Who here is addicted to killing small animals?
AGWednesday: i'm not addicted, but i love it.
AGWednesday: d'oh!
Glacier16: ha!
rexstardust99: heh
AGWednesday: the sex, not the small animals.
Drunk Kaz: Or both... right? Am I right?
AGWednesday: i'd rather not answer that.
AGWednesday: let's move on.
Drunk Kaz: Who here is addicted to masturbation?
AGWednesday: anyone addicted to Connect 4?????
AGWednesday: huh! huh??????
rexstardust99: ME!
AGWednesday: aweshome!
rexstardust99: To both actually.
rexstardust99: I got my nephews connect four and I play it all the time.
rexstardust99: Its more fun than I remmebe
AGWednesday: i've got it on my phone.
rexstardust99: remember
AGWednesday: drunk kaz never wants to play cuz he's a prude.
rexstardust99: Rob needs to add it to the arcade
Glacier16: yup
AGWednesday: DECTECTIVE BUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AGWednesday: you tell 'em, rexstardust99
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: what???????????
rexstardust99: yes
AGWednesday: forgot.
UltimateJaburg53: Wednesday
UltimateJaburg53: Bunny
UltimateJaburg53: Rex
AGWednesday: what????????????
rexstardust99: huh
UltimateJaburg53: Not you
rexstardust99: me?
rexstardust99: or him?
AGWednesday: me?
UltimateJaburg53: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
AGWednesday: who?
AGWednesday: what?
rexstardust99: yes?
Drunk Kaz: WHo here is cybering in PMs?
AGWednesday: 'UT!!!!!!!
rexstardust99: not me
AGWednesday: i mean....what's cybering?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: not drunk enough
Drunk Kaz: Bullshit.
AGWednesday: you should drink more.
UltimateJaburg53: yes.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i'm running low and i need another pack of 27's
Drunk Kaz: You're a smoker!
AGWednesday: what's a 27?
rexstardust99: cock?
Drunk Kaz: Something for cool people.
AGWednesday: oh.
AGWednesday: :-(
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: poor wednesday
AGWednesday: :-(:-(
AGWednesday: my mom says i'm cool!
AGWednesday: (i'm just gonna let that sink in)
AGWednesday: (just a little longer)
AGWednesday: free porn!
rexstardust99: So I have this entire chat saved on my computer. I'll post it after tonight.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: no thanks made my own
AGWednesday: damn!
Glacier16: dayum!
AGWednesday: that's what i said.
AGWednesday: sorta.
AGWednesday: you should put it on the internet, bunny.
AGWednesday: everyone's doing it.
rexstardust99: yes
The Time Trust: For legal reasons, it will be deleted two seconds later.
Drunk Kaz: Post it!? But... but I thought this was a private moment shared amongst the.... 14 of us. Much like Det. Bunny's Sex life!
Drunk Kaz: *rim shot*
AGWednesday: that was stupid.
AGWednesday: i'm sorry, that came out harsh.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: uh thank you?
The Time Trust: Kaz?
Drunk Kaz: You're welcome?
The Time Trust: From JLR?
AGWednesday: hahahaha!
AGWednesday: it just hit him!
Drunk Kaz: No. I'm from Kentucky.
The Time Trust: I just woke up from a nap.
AGWednesday: oh.
AGWednesday: never mind.
The Time Trust: I'm a bit dazed.
AGWednesday: it's not funny any more.
Drunk Kaz: Robots don't take naps. Stop being silly.
AGWednesday: TTT isn't a robot, he's a bonobo ape.
AGWednesday: or monkey.
The Time Trust: Hackers is on. Angelina Jolie has small boobs and a sweaty teen complexion.
david finn 13 has entered the room.
AGWednesday: RASENGAN!
Glacier16: joe!
UltimateJaburg53: athis Oil Storm thing on fx is crap
AGWednesday: was that angelina in that movie?
david finn 13: Whuzzup
The Time Trust: She was.
AGWednesday: i wanted to fuck her.
AGWednesday: okay, who is david finnnnnn?
Drunk Kaz: Oil Storm is dumb?
rexstardust99: Joe mama
david finn 13: I am.
The Time Trust: She looks like an elf.
AGWednesday: that makes sense.
Glacier16: heh
Drunk Kaz: Are there any boobs in it?
AGWednesday: like a naughty little elf.
The Time Trust: A coked-out elf
Drunk Kaz: A sandwich-eating elf!
AGWednesday: i don't know how to respond to that.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: purple monkey?
The Time Trust: Heroic chic.
The Time Trust: Heroin chic, I mean.
AGWednesday: those are both very good answers.
Drunk Kaz: Stop sucking up.
rexstardust99: So does everyone here know about the plan for next summer?
AGWednesday: sorry.
AGWednesday: ehhhhhhhhhhhhh
Glacier16: lo siento
david finn 13: Holy nekkid chick in the Women's Forum! Good job, Wednesday!
The Time Trust: The revolution at last?
rexstardust99: A lot of us are talking about meeting up during a con or somethings.
AGWednesday: yeah.
AGWednesday: whu?
The Time Trust: oh.
rexstardust99: Probably somewhere on the east coast, most likely new york
Drunk Kaz: What? See you guys in person?
AGWednesday: someone posted a naked woman in the women's forum?
rexstardust99: yes
AGWednesday: perv!
Drunk Kaz: Are any of you pretty? With boobs?
The Time Trust: LLance has boobs.
AGWednesday: i am.
The Time Trust: Magnificent ones, if only he'd shave them a little.
The Time Trust: I never get tired of that joke.
Drunk Kaz: Will this "con" be a thinly veiled "orgy"?
david finn 13: I'm less "pretty" and more "handsome". Sorry.
rexstardust99: balloonknot is very pretty.
Glacier16: heh
AGWednesday: that's not true.
david finn 13: Will he bring his tiara?
AGWednesday: i have a manly charm.
rexstardust99: Jaburg will if he forgets.
AGWednesday: i've got a good cut to my gib.
david finn 13: Huzzah!
The Time Trust: I think this so called "meeting" is a veiled ploy to eliminate all of us in one place.
rexstardust99: yes
rexstardust99: It was setup by chris oakley
The Time Trust: Then it's off to Guantanamo Bay.
AGWednesday: AWESOM!
AGWednesday: bring your holy text with you.
david finn 13: If Oakley set it up, we'd just all get punches to the face...
The Time Trust: My copy of Watchmen?
AGWednesday: Oakley is a very violent person.
rexstardust99: yes
Drunk Kaz: If Oakley set it up, no body would show up.
AGWednesday: i honestly think oakley is an alt id.
rexstardust99: unless they thought they were voting him off.
Drunk Kaz: I'm teasing.
AGWednesday: the greatest alt id ever.
AGWednesday: except for me.
rexstardust99: oakley is not an alt.
Drunk Kaz: I'm not showing up no matter who sets it up.
AGWednesday: he HAS to be.
The Time Trust: He's been around since 1999.
AGWednesday: no one is that.....oakleyish.
rexstardust99: yes
The Time Trust: The DC boards
rexstardust99: Hasn't he been everywehre?
david finn 13: He's from Woburn! Who would create an alt-ID from WOBURN???
The Time Trust: He used to moderate the Sci-Fi forum at Athanon.
AGWednesday: listen, don't try to confuse me with your "reason" and your "logic."
AGWednesday: i know what i know.
Glacier16: aohW
AGWednesday: whu?
Drunk Kaz: Those are the devil's tools!
AGWednesday: oakley was a mod??
The Time Trust: Yeah.
david finn 13: Foosball is fo' de debbil
rexstardust99: Wasn't he kinda normal for a while?
AGWednesday: now i wanna visit athanon.
The Time Trust: I was made co-mod in the forum because everyone hated the way he did things.
rexstardust99: Then the whole sneaky bunny thing pissed him off.
Glacier16: good times...
AGWednesday: i think someone created him, though, and named him after the real oakley.
AGWednesday: yeah.
The Time Trust: He would get pissed about bandwidth
The Time Trust: Bandwidth.
AGWednesday: deCtective bunny is cute.
AGWednesday: i just saw her pic yesterday.
Drunk Kaz: Stop sucking up.
AGWednesday: sorry
Drunk Kaz: Hey.
Drunk Kaz: Where is Pariah?
rexstardust99: I invited him, but he never showed up.
AGWednesday: that's a good question.
The Time Trust: Trying to kill his friend Steven, most likely.
rexstardust99: He even asked to be invited.
Glacier16: Previewing a new post/reply
AGWednesday: the italians got him.
AGWednesday: or colombians.
rexstardust99: columbians
AGWednesday: or whoever.
Drunk Kaz: Kill Steven? Who would want to do that?!
The Time Trust: Pariah would.
Glacier16: it was his last night
Drunk Kaz: Pariah writes some of the best FanFic ever.
The Time Trust: He won't give his videotape back.
AGWednesday: yeah he does.
AGWednesday: what?
AGWednesday: where?
AGWednesday: i wanna read Pariah's fanfic.
Drunk Kaz: I'm suggesting, Wed., that his stories are falsehood.
AGWednesday: oh.
Drunk Kaz: I'm INTIMATING that they're not true.
The Time Trust: I've heard him talk about fanfic a lot, but haven't seen any.
rexstardust99: Did anyone read that short story oakley wrote?
Drunk Kaz: (See, that's a callback.)
AGWednesday: that's not a real word.
The Time Trust: Talks about his plots all the time in chat while everyone else is ignoring him.
AGWednesday: that's a shame.
AGWednesday: i wanna know more.
AGWednesday: so i can quote it in threads.
AGWednesday: and THAT
AGWednesday: fuck!
Drunk Kaz: ?
AGWednesday: nevermind. i don't even wanna type out the rest of that sentence now.
rexstardust99: yeah
Drunk Kaz: Yeah, it wasn't gonna be funny anyway.
AGWednesday: yeah.
The Time Trust: Pariah186: Steve, there's one last addendum I want to ask about
The Time Trust: Pariah186: I remember this one time
The Time Trust: Pariah186: when you finished the new traffic software for Cisco
Drunk Kaz: <--- already laughing.
The Time Trust: Pariah186: And we were all gonna party and shitPariah186: So we went to the Wango Tango
Glacier16: whoa
The Time Trust: Pariah186: I just wanna knowPariah186: Do you know what happened that night?
The Time Trust: StevensLastNight: nope
The Time Trust: StevensLastNight: i think you kissed some dude
The Time Trust: Pariah186: Well yeah, I was gonna say
The Time Trust: Pariah186: I WOKE UP IN THE SAME BED WITH YOU!!
Drunk Kaz: That's why they're gonna kill each other?
Glacier16: theres more
Drunk Kaz: Oh.
Glacier16: something about No Escape
Drunk Kaz: The movie?
AGWednesday: i'm on the edge of my seat.
Glacier16: and Ray Liotta
Glacier16: yup
Drunk Kaz: WIth Ray Liotta?
AGWednesday: With Ray Liotta?
Drunk Kaz: I'm totally biting my nails!
AGWednesday: no you're not.
AGWednesday: you're lying about that.
Drunk Kaz: Aren't you supposed to be drinking bleach right now?
AGWednesday: how come dectective bunny doesn't say nothin'?
AGWednesday: is she scared of Drunk Kaz or somethin'?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: too busy consulting winged
Drunk Kaz: Likely story.
Glacier16: thought I saw him on for half a sec
AGWednesday: i don't believe it, myself.
AGWednesday: i'm going to lie down.
AGWednesday: gotta wake up for adult swim.
AGWednesday: swim.
The Time Trust: The punchline:
The Time Trust: StevensLastNight: i AM gay....
The Time Trust: Pariah186: NOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooPariah186: You violated me!!!
AGWednesday: that story is...
PenWing424 has entered the room.
The Time Trust: Hey Pen
AGWednesday: penwing!
PenWing424: thanks for saving me the trouble
AGWednesday: man, we were just talkin' 'bout you.
PenWing424: cool
Drunk Kaz: That's not true.
PenWing424: hey sneaky, how's the weather by you?
The Time Trust: Ears were burning.
Drunk Kaz: We were wondering how Parish turned gay.
PenWing424: it just got real nasty in oak park/southfield
Drunk Kaz: Pariah*
The Time Trust: "Parish". Heh.
The Time Trust: Was that intentional?
AGWednesday: parys ;P
Drunk Kaz: Heh.
PenWing424: and here comes the rain
rexstardust99: Uschi said: My penis fell off in pariahs bottom. He said it hurt and has been arguing against sodomy ever since.
Drunk Kaz: Wow, Pen, Pop in the room and start talkng weather right off the muscle!
PenWing424: damn straight
AGWednesday: PenWing is the man
PenWing424: so, i was talking to my friend, and it's adam kubert who wants to draw supes and andy who wants to draw bats
AGWednesday: i wanna draw bats.
Drunk Kaz: I wanna blowjob.
Drunk Kaz: *shrug*
Drunk Kaz: Just saying.
Drunk Kaz: S'all.
AGWednesday: guess we can't always get what we want.
PenWing424: i think dc will own the top ten next year, but marvel will have everything else in the top thirty
PenWing424: rack wednesday
AGWednesday: dc won't own shite.
Drunk Kaz: Agreed,
AGWednesday: never has, never will.
AGWednesday: let's be honest, people like marvel more.
Drunk Kaz: Double agreed.
AGWednesday: not to say that marvel is better, but it just has a broader fan base.
Glacier16: cuz of the movies?
AGWednesday: i mean Spider-Man, X-Men (especially Wolverine)
AGWednesday: DC is iconic, but Marvel sells.
The Time Trust: I hate X-Men.
AGWednesday: and the X-Men hate you.
Drunk Kaz: But most people disagree, TTT.
AGWednesday: but that's okay.
The Time Trust: I hate them mutie bastids.
PenWing424: two kubert titles, all-star supes (morison, quietly), all-star bats (frank miller, jim lee), supergirl (fanboys will dig it), and GL (johns, van shiver) and then there is infinate crisis
AGWednesday: cuz they're made of paper.
PenWing424: that's what, seven titles?
Drunk Kaz: Supergirl?
Drunk Kaz: I doubt that one.
Drunk Kaz: But I can see a case for the others.
AGWednesday: all-stars won't hit top ten
PenWing424: loeb and chruchill
PenWing424: believe it
AGWednesday: not for long, anyways.
PenWing424: they will, and they'll stick
PenWing424: if not for writing, than for art alone
AGWednesday: we'll see.
The Time Trust: I won't be buying any of those.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY has left the room.
The Time Trust: Nothing to do with whether they're good or not, though.
AGWednesday: TTT has given up comics.
The Time Trust: Yes.
Drunk Kaz: Is that because you like DC? Or becuse you really think they'll be top ten?
AGWednesday: and we've bored DB
The Time Trust: DAMN US!!!
The Time Trust: DAMN US ALL TO HELL!!!
Drunk Kaz: I think you might be a bit biased.
AGWednesday: don't say that!
PenWing424: i'll only buy andy kubert on bats
AGWednesday: remember JLA Classifieds???
PenWing424: thing is, he'll probably be paired with loeb
PenWing424: i like loeb
PenWing424: when he finishes his stories
AGWednesday: i don't dislike loeb NEARLY as much as the rest of the boards.
AGWednesday: he's okay to me.
AGWednesday: not bad at all.
PenWing424: and i still say that the first eleven issues of hush were outstanding
PenWing424: it's the ending that needs to be rewritten
AGWednesday: i really liked a lot of Hush.
PenWing424: so did i
The Time Trust: I liked Loeb's stuff before he became "hot".
PenWing424: and that shot of bats holding talia while they parachuted out of the plane...
AGWednesday: i think writers start to suck after they get hot.
PenWing424: best shot of the year
AGWednesday: plain and simple.
PenWing424: it's true
AGWednesday: happens to all of 'em.
PenWing424: they let it go to their heads
AGWednesday: remember when Waid ruled?
PenWing424: waid still has his moments
AGWednesday: yeah, but he doesn't rule.
AGWednesday: not any more.
PenWing424: the early part of his f4 run, before they removed weringo, that was great stuff
Drunk Kaz: Welcome to the Penwing/Wednesday Chat!
Glacier16: heh
PenWing424: and then waid stuck up for weringo
PenWing424: that was really cool
Drunk Kaz: So, anyone gonna see FF in the theaters?
Glacier16: yup
PenWing424: yeah
AGWednesday: yeah. you gonna go, Kaz.
AGWednesday: ?
Drunk Kaz: I'm pretty excited about it, personally.
AGWednesday: yeah. you gonna go, Kaz?
Drunk Kaz: I think it's the shot of Thing getting hit by the truck. Makes me geek out everytime.
AGWednesday: we'll go see it together, okay?
AGWednesday: that'll be cool.
PenWing424: i gotta start writing my recap for joe, so i'm gonna be quiet for a bit O:-)
Drunk Kaz: You driving 15 hours north, are ya?
AGWednesday: no.
AGWednesday: flying.
Drunk Kaz: July 4th?
Drunk Kaz: Sweet.
AGWednesday: yeah, i'm gonna go to sleep now.
AGWednesday: so i can watch adult swim.
Drunk Kaz has left the room.
AGWednesday: it's a series of cartoons that comes on Cartoon Network late at night.
Glacier16: yeah, gotta go watch Samurai Champloo on the TiVo
AGWednesday: Samurai Champloo rocked!
Glacier16: It sure does
AGWednesday: last episode rocks a motha.
AGWednesday: just so you know.
Glacier16: eggcellent
AGWednesday: all right, i'm out like Jim Jackson.
The Time Trust: Hey, anyone on ICQ?
Glacier16: ha
The Time Trust: Y'know this all-weekend chat thing>
The Time Trust: I'm never doin this again.
rexstardust99: Yeah, this is a one time thing. I just wanted to see if we could do it.
rexstardust99: Besides, I might have a job where I work weekends starting this week.
The Time Trust: I'm not against it. I'm just not going to stay in the room the whole time.
rexstardust99: yeah
rexstardust99: Looks like this chat died.
rexstardust99: I guess I'll just talk to myself for a while.
rexstardust99: I wonder if anyone will read this.
HarleyQ33 has entered the room.
david finn 13: What job, Rex?
HarleyQ33: Davey!
HarleyQ33: Is anyone here?
david finn 13: I'm here. Howdy.
HarleyQ33: hola
david finn 13: I PM'd you.
PenWing424: i'm still here, i finished one match. now i have to write my other match
HarleyQ33: ah - I'll go check -
HarleyQ33: one match? of what?
rexstardust99: I might get a job making cereal and tea.
david finn 13: Johnny Evil sent me his. And Snarf sent me the first half of his. I have my two to write.
david finn 13: Cereal and Tea?
HarleyQ33: is this what you interviewed for rex?
rexstardust99: Yes.
HarleyQ33: is it gonna have like a "rex flavor" included?
HarleyQ33: ;-)
rexstardust99: The first rule of project mayhem is you dan't talk about project mayhem.
HarleyQ33: "project mayhem"?
david finn 13: What do you mean, make cereal and tea?
AGWednesday has left the room.
david finn 13: Halloooooooooo? Anyone?
david finn 13: Mom?
rexstardust99: Its for an vegan food company.
david finn 13: PJP signed on.
PJPGYRO has entered the room.
rexstardust99: PJP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AGWednesday has entered the room.
david finn 13: What up, kid!
PJPGYRO: I love days like today
PJPGYRO: I had some friends over
PJPGYRO: and I said to one guy
PJPGYRO: hey the yanks are winning 2-0
david finn 13: What did he say?
PJPGYRO: he started laughing
PJPGYRO: not anymore there not
PJPGYRO: we shook our heads and drank some more beers
david finn 13: Did they win on Saturday?
PJPGYRO: barely
PJPGYRO: how you been davey boy
david finn 13: I golfed on Saturday, then hit the driving range with my Dad today.
PJPGYRO: rex take the cock out of your mouth and say something
david finn 13: I been good. Stiff back, but good.
PJPGYRO: badbacks suck
PJPGYRO: who else is here
david finn 13: I just need to play more. I'm going to Paul Harney in Falmouth this week, which is my favorite course.
PJPGYRO: i played in caped cod once
PJPGYRO: hyanis
PJPGYRO: I dont remember really
PJPGYRO: drunk
AGWednesday: hi!
AGWednesday: can't sleep.
PJPGYRO: college buddies bachelor party
david finn 13: I haven't played in Hyannis yet. I played in West Bridgewater Saturday...
PJPGYRO: hi Tuesday
AGWednesday: mornin', PJP.
PJPGYRO: i mean wednesday
david finn 13: I have a tourney at a mngr's conference next week.
PJPGYRO: I was early
david finn 13: Which is basically an excuse to get away from work, drink, and golf (drink).
PJPGYRO: you gotta come down to NJ gettin good on the grill
PJPGYRO: 5th bbq of the year so far
PJPGYRO: how come I see all these names and no ones chatting
rexstardust99: I'm kinda busy right now. I'll be posting later tonight.
david finn 13: You tell me when, PJP...I'll be there. I'll bring the beer.
PJPGYRO: whatcha doing rex
PJPGYRO: wheres harley
PJPGYRO: I see her name
HarleyQ33: I'm back!
HarleyQ33: Dave are we going to Hollywod or what?
PJPGYRO: wow Ive been gone along time
HarleyQ33: Peter! Why do you guys like golf? evertiem I think of that I think of mismatched plaid.
PJPGYRO: it seems like an afternoon..must have drank morre than i thought
HarleyQ33: Yes, how was your BBQ?
PJPGYRO: I suck at golf
PJPGYRO: I just go once in awhile for the guys day out
HarleyQ33: I like it when I hit the ball through the windmill otherwise zzzzzzzzzzzz
PJPGYRO: bbq was real good
HarleyQ33: I like things a little more exciting - like SCUBA
PJPGYRO: yeah Im with you harley i get bored pretty easy
PJPGYRO: naked scuba
HarleyQ33: are you drunk? lol
HarleyQ33: shark diving!
PJPGYRO: nah just randy
PJPGYRO: naked shark diving
HarleyQ33: isn't that your normal state of being? ;-)
PJPGYRO: pretty much
PJPGYRO: I should be registered as a dangerous weapon
PJPGYRO: no woman is safe around me
HarleyQ33: LOL - oh, really?
HarleyQ33: wsa that your name I saw on the girls bathroom walls?
PJPGYRO: probably
david finn 13: I don't wear plaid when I golf:-X...I'm as lousy as PJP (that'd be a contest, which of us is WORST!)
HarleyQ33: for a good time call PJP?
PJPGYRO: how come you never called;-)
david finn 13: Shark hunting sound like fun if Harley wears a bikini
HarleyQ33: I caould ask the same about you...
PJPGYRO: naked shark huntung
PJPGYRO: I killed a snake the other day
PJPGYRO: big fucker
PJPGYRO: scared the piss out of me
HarleyQ33: No, no bikini - full scuba suit - one of the scariest things I've ever done - I love shraks though...
david finn 13: Naked??? No...not if PJP is buck naked...
PJPGYRO: I chopped its head right off with a shovel
HarleyQ33: ugh!
PJPGYRO: even when im naked it looks like Im wearing fur
HarleyQ33: Not a bnig fan of snakes
PJPGYRO: it saw me and tried to run away
HarleyQ33: you've got your own fur coat - don't let PETA know!
david finn 13: HAH!!!
PJPGYRO: lucky i was landscaping and had shovel right there
PJPGYRO: killed it
PJPGYRO: i felt like hercules
HarleyQ33: you sure it wsan't a worm? lol
PJPGYRO: 4 footer
HarleyQ33: a four foot worm?
PJPGYRO: killing the hydra
HarleyQ33: LMFAO
PJPGYRO: you are a riot
rexstardust99: I'm babysitting right now, I'm gonnna put them to bed in about two hours, then I'll be on more.
PJPGYRO: youre not drinking are you rex
HarleyQ33: Ok, Odysseus
PJPGYRO: not around the kids
HarleyQ33: how old are the kids rex?
PJPGYRO: you could be my helen of troy
david finn 13: She's my Muse.
HarleyQ33: You got my PM! Ya!
PJPGYRO: we could be like hector and achilles
HarleyQ33: which one's which?
HarleyQ33: the question is who is Paris?
PJPGYRO: it doesnt matter it will all end trajgically
rexstardust99: No, I'm sober.
PJPGYRO: rex is Paris
rexstardust99: they are four and five.
PJPGYRO: the pretty boy
PJPGYRO: actually thats klinton
HarleyQ33: That means Rex wins...????
rexstardust99: huh?
PJPGYRO: dave and I are warriors
PJPGYRO: rex go play with the kids
HarleyQ33: Paris killed aAchilles who killed Hector - doesn't anyone remember?
PJPGYRO: the adults are talking
david finn 13: ARRRRR!!! FEAR MY WAR HAMMER!!!
PJPGYRO: what are you wearing harley?
HarleyQ33: I feel like I'm walking into a verbal trap with that one
PJPGYRO: well.
PJPGYRO: you are
HarleyQ33: tank top and jeans
HarleyQ33: bare foot
PJPGYRO: I like it
rexstardust99: very
rexstardust99: sexy
PJPGYRO: i bet you have cute toes
HarleyQ33: They're red - to make up for my shy and quiet personality... ;-)
PJPGYRO: I bet rex doesnt
rexstardust99: I don't. their quite nasty.
PJPGYRO: yeah right
HarleyQ33: I dated a guy once who had a foot fetish
PJPGYRO: how did it go
david finn 13: It stunk...get it??? Wakka wakka!!!
rexstardust99: I kinda have a foot fetish, its nothing too bad.
PJPGYRO: I dont have a fetish.but its a bonus when they are cute
HarleyQ33: uh, it didn't end well...really rex, hmmm
PJPGYRO: I love setting up dave
PJPGYRO: we could go to vegas

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
rex #520526 2005-06-06 3:06 PM
Joined: Jun 2004
Posts: 46,308
Who will I break next?
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Who will I break next?
15000+ posts
Joined: Jun 2004
Posts: 46,308
PJPGYRO: did you hear Hooters is opening up a casiono in vegas
david finn 13: PJP and Finndawg
HarleyQ33: I think feet are not all that attractive as body parts go, but I always try to keep mine loking nice - painted toes, fot lotion, etc.
PJPGYRO: I love it harley
HarleyQ33: foot
PJPGYRO: your getting me going
rexstardust99: For some reason I really like watching women wash their feet.
HarleyQ33: I'm sure that doesn't take
PJPGYRO: dave we must go to the Hooters casino the first week it opens
HarleyQ33: You should work in a shoe store rex - I think I've just found your calling...
PJPGYRO: no..but you are special
david finn 13: I'm in.
PJPGYRO: rex can come too
rexstardust99: hooray!
UltimateJaburg53: Nooooooooooooooooo!
PJPGYRO: jaburg too
HarleyQ33: Jarburg!
UltimateJaburg53: Ahhhhhhhhh!
HarleyQ33: did we scare you?
PJPGYRO: How was the day with the parents Jake
PJPGYRO: and the long lost aunt
UltimateJaburg53: Wierd
PJPGYRO: tell us
PJPGYRO: were here for you
HarleyQ33: family ois ALWAYS wierd
UltimateJaburg53: Well just my Mom and Aunt showed
PJPGYRO: well rex is anyway
PJPGYRO: Im here to get all hot and bothered about harley
UltimateJaburg53: My Aunt had the thousand yard stare
PJPGYRO: and her cute red toes
HarleyQ33: :-*
PJPGYRO: she wasn;t with it
UltimateJaburg53: Kinda sorta
UltimateJaburg53: She's had many a major brain surgery
PJPGYRO: that sucks
UltimateJaburg53: She can't see too well
rexstardust99: I gotta go now, I'll be back later.
PJPGYRO: thats the kind of woman rex needs to find
UltimateJaburg53: Her equlibrium is off
PJPGYRO: a blind one
UltimateJaburg53: Stairs were not her friend
HarleyQ33: Damn - and she's ok?
UltimateJaburg53: Yea
UltimateJaburg53: Kind of
HarleyQ33: you ok?
UltimateJaburg53: She seems like she just woke up.
UltimateJaburg53: I'm cool
HarleyQ33: hazy? how long ago was the surgery?
PJPGYRO: jakes always cool
HarleyQ33: no doubt
UltimateJaburg53: four months
PJPGYRO: that recent
PJPGYRO: I was under the impression it was along time ago
HarleyQ33: its going to be a long road, but you've been there before - you're tough.
UltimateJaburg53: I got some other news
HarleyQ33: da?
PJPGYRO: spill it
UltimateJaburg53: My sister's soon to be ex husband is a dick
HarleyQ33: what happened?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY has entered the room.
UltimateJaburg53: they have a three year old
UltimateJaburg53: with my sister in new york
UltimateJaburg53: He's in South Carolina
HarleyQ33: shit - that makes it harder, I'm sure
UltimateJaburg53: He has a cell in my sister's name
HarleyQ33: how long we they together?
UltimateJaburg53: cell phone
PJPGYRO: that sucks
UltimateJaburg53: three years
UltimateJaburg53: less
UltimateJaburg53: well he ran up a 500 dollar bill
UltimateJaburg53: told her he ain't going to pay
HarleyQ33: she needs to cancell that asap! She'll be liable for all the charges and the co and courts won't give a shit about the situation
PJPGYRO: has she shut it off
PJPGYRO: definitely
UltimateJaburg53: My sister had to pay that plus a 150 dollar cancelllation fe for the line
PJPGYRO: that sucks
UltimateJaburg53: yup
HarleyQ33: she can bring him to small claims - assuming that he bothers to come up - otherwsie he defaults and she can get a lien against his name - which will forever show up on his credit
UltimateJaburg53: My sister needs that money to feed and cloth his daughter
PJPGYRO: guys like that are scum
PJPGYRO: they need a good beating
HarleyQ33: are they divorced yet? or are they separated?
PJPGYRO: my sis had a similar situation
UltimateJaburg53: seperated only
Pariah186 has entered the room.
HarleyQ33: legally?
UltimateJaburg53: no
Pariah186: Dude
Pariah186: de ja vu
PJPGYRO: her husband left her when he found out she had MS
UltimateJaburg53: my sister needs six months in ny before she can file
PJPGYRO: go away pariah
Pariah186: I was reading up on physics the other day
HarleyQ33: Tell her to make it a legal separation - the - what? Fuck Pete - what an asshole!
Pariah186: apparently Dalton had a good idea
PJPGYRO: yeah real scumbag
UltimateJaburg53: yeah
HarleyQ33: I meant your soon to be ex brother in law Pete - that read s wrong
PJPGYRO: no I know what you meant
Pariah186: by applying the principles of Einstein's rotation theory
PJPGYRO: hes a douche
david finn 13: What a fucking douche...please tell me there's a way she can screw him permanently.
UltimateJaburg53: some people have no heart
HarleyQ33: Yes, she does need six months but ususally the courts start counting the date from the time it became a legal separation
Pariah186: with Tipler's axis idea
PJPGYRO: Pariah leave
PJPGYRO: far away
PJPGYRO: from here
Pariah186: His swing shift Schroender's Cat scenario was pretty far out
PJPGYRO: go haunt someone elses chat
Pariah186: but amazingly enough, it worked
Pariah186: Of course, he was killed in the process
PJPGYRO: thsi is only funny when mxy does it
Pariah186: but you know, better luck next time
PJPGYRO: and then not so much either
HarleyQ33: Jar I can get you the name of a good divorce lwayer if you need - is he contesting the divorce?
PJPGYRO: hes probably gonna contest child support and how much he should pay
Pariah186: I'm nothing like Mxy.
PJPGYRO: all the slime balls do
Pariah186: I'm no Australian
Pariah186: Australian's are Canadian wannabes
PJPGYRO: hes chilean
PJPGYRO: his name is Pedro
Pariah186: which is really pathetic because Candian's are American wannabes
HarleyQ33: who is?
HarleyQ33: ah
Pariah186: No. He's a phestizio
Pariah186: And I'm a Macabre
PJPGYRO: my sis ex is an Italian and hes afraid of me
PJPGYRO: ill beat his ass someday
Pariah186: I once got beat up by a foreigner
Pariah186: I kept calling him mongoloid
PJPGYRO: what a surpprise.probably frenchm,an
Pariah186: Nope
PJPGYRO: pariah is the only person to ever surrender to a frenchman
Pariah186: Mongoloid's are lower class asians with odd profiels
Pariah186: *profiles
PJPGYRO: except for that whole Napoleonic thing
PJPGYRO: harley
Pariah186: That's a myth
Pariah186: right up there with Vietnam
PJPGYRO: hey Harley
Pariah186: Let me try
Pariah186: HARLEY!!!
UltimateJaburg53: When did the Mongols rule China?
Pariah186: Urm.............
UltimateJaburg53: Rufus!
Pariah186: I would venture a guess
Pariah186: at around 1500 BC
PJPGYRO: its important
PJPGYRO: I have to ask you something
Pariah186: Puerto's
Pariah186: they're all the same
Pariah186: unresponsive
Pariah186: horrible inbed
PJPGYRO: pariah my wife is a puerto
PJPGYRO: douche
david finn 13: It's fun to ignore him.
Pariah186: I am so sorry...........That you're married to her.
Pariah186: *paints target*
PJPGYRO: what did he say?
Pariah186: Ouch.
Pariah186: That hurts me more than any fist
david finn 13: Dunno. Yay!!!
Pariah186: :-(
PJPGYRO: Ill put you back on Pariah
Pariah186: Good?
PJPGYRO: just keep the gross pics in offensive forum
Pariah186: I haven't posted "gross pics" for weeks
PenWing424: joe, i just sent you my recap
david finn 13: Cool.
PJPGYRO: hi Penny
PenWing424: pm me back what you think
PenWing424: hi peej
PJPGYRO: Im dieing to ask you something harley
PJPGYRO: wher are you?
UltimateJaburg53: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
PJPGYRO: its so important
PJPGYRO: 'like real important
PJPGYRO: urgent
PJPGYRO: Harley where are you
UltimateJaburg53: Is Mxy' name really Pedro?
UltimateJaburg53: No way
PJPGYRO: pretty sure
Pariah186: It is
PJPGYRO: you never know with him
Pariah186: actually
Pariah186: I've even seen his picture
UltimateJaburg53: That what I'm saying
PJPGYRO: what does he look like
UltimateJaburg53: Where Pariah
Pariah186: He emailed it to me awhile ago
Pariah186: let me pull it up
PJPGYRO: that was gay porn
UltimateJaburg53: Oh no
PJPGYRO: yes....oh no
UltimateJaburg53: Time Trust?
UltimateJaburg53: Rex?
UltimateJaburg53: Hmmm
HarleyQ33: I'm back - what's up Pete?
UltimateJaburg53: Ahhh!
UltimateJaburg53: I'm sorry I had alot of coffee
HarleyQ33: Did I scare you again? Por jarburg...
PJPGYRO: harley
HarleyQ33: si?
PJPGYRO: i have to ask you something important
Pariah186: damn
HarleyQ33: ok - here?
Pariah186: Pic's acting up
PJPGYRO: isn't that tank top getting a little itchy
PJPGYRO: maybe you should take it off
HarleyQ33: that's what was sooooo important? lol
HarleyQ33: why don't you take it off for me?
PJPGYRO: Ill be right there
HarleyQ33: lol
PJPGYRO: one of these days Ill surprise you
HarleyQ33: I'll bet...
PJPGYRO: you couldn't hang with me
PJPGYRO: your all talk
HarleyQ33: oh?
UltimateJaburg53: :P
Pariah186: at the end of that
PJPGYRO: whats this hollywood talk
HarleyQ33: says the married
Pariah186: Er, the beginning
HarleyQ33: ask dave - we're going to hollywood - wanna come?
Pariah186: Dumbshit
Pariah186: Hollywood's like the crappiest place on earth
HarleyQ33: who's driving?
Pariah186: right next to Disneyworld
PJPGYRO: I bet those jeans are getting all itchy
PJPGYRO: they must be chafing yur thighs
PJPGYRO: your poor thighs
HarleyQ33: you don't quit! You get points for trying though! LOL
UltimateJaburg53: He brought his bitch, to the Waffle Hut.
Pariah186: Can you flirt with the Puerto Rican elsewhere
PJPGYRO: no I dont quit
david finn 13: Me an' Harley are quitting our jobs and running off to Hollywood.
HarleyQ33: who - your brother in law?
PJPGYRO: I cant do that
UltimateJaburg53: Rock.
HarleyQ33: I done with the law!
UltimateJaburg53: Very bad
UltimateJaburg53: I AM THE LAW!
PJPGYRO: what do you mean harley
david finn 13: She's gonna be my Muse and I'm gonna be her love muffin.
HarleyQ33: I shot the sherrif!
PJPGYRO: your done with the law
PJPGYRO: vomit
HarleyQ33: I hope so - son - you know...
HarleyQ33: soon
david finn 13: Personal grape-peeler
UltimateJaburg53: J.K. Simmons is a riot
HarleyQ33: mmmm...grapes....
UltimateJaburg53: I'm watching Ladykillers
PJPGYRO: i have grapes here and watermelon
HarleyQ33: brb
klinton77 has left the room.
PJPGYRO: she went to get whiskey
PJPGYRO: she is a lush
UltimateJaburg53: Klintom
UltimateJaburg53: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
PJPGYRO: no harley
david finn 13: I will drink the whiskey from her'll see!!!
klinton77 has entered the room.
klinton77: fucking fuck
UltimateJaburg53: Klinton!
klinton77: 's up
Pariah186: Something wrong
klinton77: ?
UltimateJaburg53: Sup with you?
klinton77: not so much
UltimateJaburg53: k
UltimateJaburg53: :P
klinton77: oddly...sober
david finn 13: How goes, Canadian?
UltimateJaburg53: Me too
PJPGYRO: no cocaine tonight
klinton77: n cocain for a couple months now PJP
klinton77: thanks for caring
PJPGYRO: you know thats bad for you klinton
PJPGYRO: seriously
UltimateJaburg53: Yeah
david finn 13: Yup
klinton77: It's not really your concern...but thanks
PJPGYRO: stick to booze and weed
klinton77: fuck off...all of you
david finn 13: BBOZE!
klinton77: beer
david finn 13: and BOOZE!!!
klinton77: beer is good
PJPGYRO: this was a secret intervention
UltimateJaburg53: Remember what killed Scarface
klinton77: I gathered
david finn 13: Bullets?
UltimateJaburg53: yeah
PJPGYRO: say hello to my little friend
UltimateJaburg53: Bullets
Pariah186: The Ventriloquist
PJPGYRO: pjp junior
david finn 13: Don't do bullets, Klinton!
klinton77: never
klinton77: me likey knives
david finn 13: Bullets are bad, mmmmmmmmm-kay?
klinton77: hello Pariah
Pariah186: Hello
david finn 13: Why is PJP whipping out his little friend?
klinton77: what you up to?
klinton77: I heard you had a bad day yesterday
Pariah186: Actually that was two days ago
klinton77: sorry
klinton77: trying to pretend I care here
Pariah186: It's fine. I'm over such things.
Pariah186: I noticed.
klinton77: You're 'vover such things'? Goth now?
klinton77: -v
klinton77: was your BBQ?
Pariah186: no
PJPGYRO: real good
klinton77: cool
PJPGYRO: had some brews and one glass of cabernet
klinton77: save me a beer
klinton77: ?
PJPGYRO: always klint
klinton77: cool
PJPGYRO: what did you do today
Pariah186: I'm just over it
klinton77: I was waiting for Dan to get back...but he stayed over another dayè
klinton77: so you're kinda looking at it
PenWing424: i'll be back...
PenWing424 has left the room.
klinton77: I went for a couple drinks
klinton77: that's about it
Pariah186: It's a figure of speech
Pariah186: Figures? Or Speech?
klinton77: Pariah is mute now
klinton77: good
PJPGYRO: thank god
Pariah186: No I'm not
Pariah186: At least....
Pariah186: At least I think I'm not
Pariah186: Can anyone see me?
Pariah186: Can you hear me!?
Pariah186: HELLO!!??
klinton77: I htink he's snapped
Pariah186: AARRRGGG!!
klinton77: Dave...where'd yougo?
Pariah186: I'm dead aren't I?
david finn 13: I'm here
klinton77: then
klinton77: you can't let Pariah hog the entire conversation
klinton77: Harley's here too?
PJPGYRO: anybody see the girl next door
PJPGYRO: its on right now
david finn 13: I was just reading what you and PJP were talking about. I'm a good listener.
Pariah186: You know who would enjoy this thread?
PJPGYRO: elisha cuthbert is hot
Pariah186: Don King
klinton77: movie? PJP
david finn 13: No good nudity in that flick.
klinton77: nope
klinton77: funny?
Pariah186: He'd get a kick outta this.
david finn 13: I think I'm gonna watch Eurotrip later...
klinton77: that was funny
UltimateJaburg53: Borat!
Pariah186: I'm sure you liked the end
Pariah186: the most
klinton77: the end?
klinton77: what happened?
Pariah186: Yeah
PJPGYRO: eurotrip could be the best movie ever
Pariah186: They fucked in the confessional
PJPGYRO: lets give that nancy a good kickin
Pariah186: Of the Vatican
klinton77: whatever
david finn 13: Mika was HOT!
klinton77: look...there's an ignorefeature in here too
klinton77: no more Pariah
Pariah186: The only thing I liked about that movie was the incest
Pariah186: that was hot
PJPGYRO: is that true
klinton77: yup
PJPGYRO: you made out with your sister
david finn 13: What do this Ignore button do?
Pariah186: nah, I wasn't in the movie
Pariah186: it was that one bitch from Buffy
Pariah186: and her Poine Dexter brother
klinton77: hisposts no longer appear on my screen
david finn 13: Absinthe is a bitch...
klinton77: I love absinthe
klinton77: +y
The Time Trust:
The Time Trust: Damn.
david finn 13: Thank you, TTT
Pariah186: I don't get it
Pariah186: who is they?
The Time Trust: She rocks my world.
david finn 13: Which one?
The Time Trust: THe one in the glasses
PJPGYRO: she is hot
Pariah186: The middle one obviously
Pariah186: Who the fuck is she?
david finn 13: Beautiful...who is she?
PJPGYRO: i love women
The Time Trust: I don't know.
Pariah186: *throws hands in the air in frustration*
david finn 13: All five of them are nice.
The Time Trust: BSAMS posted it.
PJPGYRO: i have them all figured out too
david finn 13: They all want PJP.
PJPGYRO: heh nah they want frenchie
PJPGYRO: klinton
david finn 13: Figures.
klinton77: no..
klinton77: They want more beer
klinton77: like any good woman
The Time Trust: I tried trackback to find the blog it came from, but no go.
david finn 13: They want to play sexy games in the hotel room.
PJPGYRO: i love drunk college girls
PJPGYRO: and drunk hooters girls
klinton77: bsams is too smart for that TTT
PJPGYRO: you guys have to come to AC with me
klinton77: AC?
PJPGYRO: hooters there is montelban
PJPGYRO: atlantic city
klinton77: shit no
PJPGYRO: dirty city
david finn 13: Name the time, PJP. Seriously. I've been looking for an excuse to go back.
PJPGYRO: but fun
klinton77: you guys need to come here
klinton77: much better
PJPGYRO: Ill go to montreal
david finn 13: Me too.
PJPGYRO: great strip clubs
klinton77: do it
klinton77: great everything here
The Time Trust: I've always wanted to visit Montreal.
PJPGYRO: I want harley to strip in montreal
The Time Trust: My dad went to University there.
david finn 13: I want Harley to strip in Boston
klinton77: where TT?
The Time Trust: University of Montreal
klinton77: WOW
klinton77: Shatner went to McGill
Pariah186: Viva le Sherman
Pariah186: Le Viva Quebec
PJPGYRO: klinton and pariah chased harlkey away
The Time Trust: Scotty's from out here.
Pariah186: Viva le Sherman
Pariah186: Le viva Quebec
klinton77: I chased Harley away?
klinton77: how?
david finn 13: She'll be back. They always come back. To ME...
klinton77: I said hi
klinton77: Is she still mad at me for harassing Dave?
david finn 13: When did you harrass me?
david finn 13: Was I there?
david finn 13: Was I good?
klinton77: I know
klinton77: she got all up about it though
klinton77: I thought she was cool now though
klinton77: whatever
david finn 13: No...she got a little upset about the clone thing, but that was easily cleared up.
david finn 13: She hasn't been upset with anyone.
klinton77: that wasn't me
david finn 13: I know.
david finn 13: Seriously, when did you harrass me?
Pariah186: DUDE!
Pariah186: I got it!
Pariah186: Flashpoint!
Pariah186: It finally finished
klinton77: In the Harlyey thread somewhere
PJPGYRO: klinton was the clone
klinton77: fuck off
david finn 13: Right, PJP.
david finn 13: Heh.
Pariah186: I'm gonna see it before everyone on the RKMBs
HarleyQ33: What the fuck have I missed?
Pariah186: SLut
klinton77: Welcome back
HarleyQ33: Jesus - a totally new group of players
Pariah186: FUCK OFF
david finn 13: PJP fucked up...his grammar and spelling was too good. I had him figured on his first post.
PJPGYRO: were you positive it was me
Pariah186: FUCK OFF
david finn 13: 'Cuz I'm like WICKED SMAHHHHHHHHHHHT!!!
klinton77: yeah...his clones are easy to spot
HarleyQ33: klinton I have no issue with you - I thought we straightened that out already
Pariah186: FUCK OFF
klinton77: cool
klinton77: Peter said I chased you off
PJPGYRO: I was kidding
klinton77: I didn'T think you did
PJPGYRO: I meant tonight
david finn 13: We're trying to figure out - AC or Montreal. What say you, Harley?
HarleyQ33: Nah - family stuff - I can't be on much longer
Pariah186: FUCK OFF
klinton77: MONTREAL!!!!
PJPGYRO: AC has Hooters
HarleyQ33: Bah! Vegas, baby!
Pariah186: FUCK OFF
david finn 13: VEGAS!!!
klinton77: Montreal
PJPGYRO: I will go to vegas anytime
david finn 13: I get to be Trent!!!
PJPGYRO: honestly
HarleyQ33: I have hooters
Pariah186: FUCK OFF
The Time Trust: Either one sounds like an alien planet to me.
HarleyQ33: they're real too
PJPGYRO: I have lots of connections in vegas
Pariah186: FUCK OFF
The Time Trust: Far away.
david finn 13: PJP can be Mikey.
The Time Trust: Hey, Vegas isn't so far.
Pariah186: FUCK OFF
PJPGYRO: vegas baby vegas
PJPGYRO: your money
HarleyQ33: I've been ther over 20 times
klinton77: maybe Vegas
david finn 13: You're like a big bear, PJP!
PJPGYRO: real hooters harley
PJPGYRO: i need to feel to be sure
HarleyQ33: well, he is furry
PJPGYRO: dont take my word for it
david finn 13: Where'd you learn how to do all the twirly-whirly?
PJPGYRO: see for yourself
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
klinton77: I can't believe they're letting thi Homolka bitch out....
david finn 13: ...wha?
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
HarleyQ33: who?
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
klinton77: Carla Homolka...the psycho killer bitch
HarleyQ33: oh - why are they letting her out?
klinton77: she gets out in a xcouple weeks
david finn 13: Who's "they"?
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
PJPGYRO: canadians
klinton77: her scentence is up
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
HarleyQ33: lol
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
david finn 13: How long was she in?
UltimateJaburg53: Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!
klinton77: 12 years
PJPGYRO: 5 days
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
PJPGYRO: oh 12 years
david finn 13: That's it???
klinton77: I know
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
klinton77: It's sick
UltimateJaburg53: Who?
The Time Trust: It was a fuckin plea bargain
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
PJPGYRO: yeah 5 days isn't even a week
UltimateJaburg53: google here I come
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
david finn 13: How do you plea bargain being a psycho killer?
PJPGYRO: Oh Canada
david finn 13: It's not?
The Time Trust: For testimony to put away her psycho killer husband
HarleyQ33: Unfortunatley, that seems to be the way it works -
PJPGYRO: did you see the chick in NJ
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
The Time Trust: They were desperate for evidence.
david finn 13: Why not kill them both?
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
PJPGYRO: who copped up her husband
PJPGYRO: chopped
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
david finn 13: Make them listen to Ann Murray endlessly.
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
PJPGYRO: and put him in 3 suitcases
klinton77: shush Dave
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
The Time Trust: If they'd found the videotapes in time they'd never have needed to give her a plea bargain.
david finn 13: ...sorry...
klinton77: Anne is a LEGENF
klinton77: àD
klinton77: D
klinton77: LEGEND
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
klinton77: thank you very much
david finn 13: Gordon Lightfoot?
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
klinton77: him too
PJPGYRO: harley
HarleyQ33: yes?
david finn 13: Folks, it's 80 degrees here. I gotta put in my AC. BRB.
PJPGYRO: it must be hot where you are
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
PJPGYRO: take something off for PJP
david finn 13: She's with me...hoo wah.
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
PJPGYRO: cute red toes
HarleyQ33: you know what I like about you Pete - you're smooth with the lines!
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
PJPGYRO: you haveno idea
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
HarleyQ33: IS anyone else seieing Pariah as "you are ignoring this user" - I didn't put him on ignore...
PJPGYRO: hes doing that
UltimateJaburg53: Gordon Lightfoots song ain't done yet
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
UltimateJaburg53: yes P
Pariah186: *You Are Ignoring This User*
UltimateJaburg53: Me meh me mee mee
UltimateJaburg53: *
Pariah186: WHat the fuck!?
UltimateJaburg53: Yeah!
Pariah186: D'oh!
UltimateJaburg53: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
The Time Trust: Attention whore.
Pariah186: :-X :-\ :-$ O:-) :-( :-[ :-$
UltimateJaburg53: Ali G is the bomb
Pariah186: Who the fuck is Illegal G?
Pariah186: HOLY SHIT!!
PJPGYRO: pariah you need medicine
Pariah186: i sai sholy
Pariah186: tee hee
PJPGYRO: lots of it
PJPGYRO: all done shannon
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: yes i washed my hands too!
Pariah186: You shouldn't touch me there next time
PJPGYRO: atta girl
UltimateJaburg53: hi
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: hey you wanted it not my fault
Pariah186: Are you encouraging a rapist?
Pariah186: The blondies slut lies!
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: uh huh suuuure you paid me its perfectly fine to admit to it
UltimateJaburg53: Who is Shannon?
klinton77: Bunny
UltimateJaburg53: Bunnies? Where?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: in your pants
klinton77: under CJ's coutch
david finn 13: We've been sailing two months and I still see the dock, right Jaburg?
HarleyQ33: wait - we're sailing to hollywood?
PJPGYRO: right
PJPGYRO: no vegas
HarleyQ33: vegas is land locked
Pariah186: So's Hollywoof
PJPGYRO: when your with me baby youll be sailing
HarleyQ33: oye
PJPGYRO: you couldn't hang in vegas
UltimateJaburg53: Heh
UltimateJaburg53: The woman went to bed
PJPGYRO: I can get us on the VIP list in most clubs
HarleyQ33: I've been there 20 times, Pete - I think I can manage
david finn 13: Harley will be my Muse. We will hit Vegas (baby, VEGAS!!!) before we make it to Hollywood. And Gordon's song will still be playing.
HarleyQ33: who's gordon?
Pariah186: I'm sorry. Is this the RKMBs chatroom or the filthy hispanics flirt like Indigo randel chatroom
PJPGYRO: 20 times
PJPGYRO: all without me
david finn 13: Lightfoot.
david finn 13: BRB
Pariah186: Great
Pariah186: now it's officially a sausage fest
HarleyQ33: ah - I've been there since I was a kid - my dad ws stationed there before he wsa sen to Vietnam
Pariah186: Vietnam was a lie
PJPGYRO: wow I didnt know that
Pariah186: like the Napoleonic Wars
PJPGYRO: about your dad
UltimateJaburg53: No it's there Pariah
UltimateJaburg53: It's like on maps
Pariah186: Bullshit!
Pariah186: Oh.
Pariah186: Well I know THAT
HarleyQ33: I've seen so many of the hotels go up - amazing
Pariah186: but the Vietnam war
Pariah186: WAR
PJPGYRO: yeah big transformation
Pariah186: That was a lie
UltimateJaburg53: Like the hologram
HarleyQ33: Oh, yeah, he was a Captain in the airforce - wsa there for the Tet Offensive
PJPGYRO: does he still fly
Pariah186: All honey and lies Puerto Rican princess
Pariah186: honey and lies
UltimateJaburg53: People can't fly
HarleyQ33: No, doesn't talk about it much - not too many good memories
PJPGYRO: but now that you know that you will die
HarleyQ33: Superman can
Pariah186: Honey. And. Lies
PenWing424 has entered the room.
PJPGYRO: I could be your superman harley
PenWing424: hi everybody!
UltimateJaburg53: Penwing
Pariah186: PJP!! He's our man!! If he can't do it!! A girl can!!
HarleyQ33: lol - then you could see through my clothes too
HarleyQ33: Hey Pen
PenWing424: hey har
PJPGYRO: penny
UltimateJaburg53: Penwing
PenWing424: is har ok?
HarleyQ33: yeah, why?
PJPGYRO: shes fine
UltimateJaburg53: Sci fi skipped over an episode
PJPGYRO: he meant the name
PenWing424: i know she's fine, i just want to make sure the nick name is ok
HarleyQ33: oh, yeah, no prob
PenWing424: cool
UltimateJaburg53: Well
PenWing424: then
UltimateJaburg53: Nooooooooooooooo!
PenWing424: family guy is on now
UltimateJaburg53: Can anyone tell what my new avatar is?
UltimateJaburg53: I'm just curious
PJPGYRO: i usualy cant though
PenWing424: i have to log on first
HarleyQ33: I'll go check
UltimateJaburg53: Nevermind
UltimateJaburg53: Ok
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i have no flipping clue
UltimateJaburg53: Ill make a post
PenWing424: i have no idea
UltimateJaburg53: It's a photoshp I found
UltimateJaburg53: Somebody photoshoped Gizmo into Equilibrium
Pariah186: Shit
Pariah186: Gotta go
PJPGYRO: make a poll
Pariah186 has left the room.
UltimateJaburg53: Colombians P?
UltimateJaburg53: Poll?
UltimateJaburg53: Penwing
UltimateJaburg53: Hello?
UltimateJaburg53: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
PenWing424: what?
PenWing424: yes?
UltimateJaburg53: Sci fi skipped over an episode of Galactica
PenWing424: the bastards
UltimateJaburg53: Yeah
UltimateJaburg53: I'm fucked
HarleyQ33: Ironically, I can't find it jar
PJPGYRO: me too
UltimateJaburg53: I'm sure I missed something important
PenWing424: probably
UltimateJaburg53: I
UltimateJaburg53: I'll post something in Random Chat Harl
HarleyQ33: Oh gob, are you talking about sci fi tv? I don't watch that stuff so I'm out
PenWing424: you
HarleyQ33: 'kay - I'll check again
PenWing424: don't
PJPGYRO: she doesnt like geeks
PenWing424: watch
PenWing424: sci
PenWing424: fi
PenWing424: ?
PJPGYRO: she called me a geek
HarleyQ33: But I read comic boks! that should count!
HarleyQ33: You are a geek - aren't we all?
PenWing424: but...sci fi?
PenWing424: sure, not all sci fi is good
HarleyQ33: meh - never got into it - sorry Pen
PenWing424: but the good stuff is great!
HarleyQ33: well, what's "good"?
UltimateJaburg53: So I guess our dreams of you wearing Leias slave outfit is out huh
PenWing424: rent babylon 5
PenWing424: watch all five seasons, starting from the beginning
david finn 13: I'm back. Have we decided on AC or Montreal?
PenWing424: nothing better than that
HarleyQ33: Actually have done that - role playing is cool if you trust your partner enuff
PenWing424: joe, did you read my recap?
UltimateJaburg53: I was talking to Penwing
PJPGYRO: do you trust me
UltimateJaburg53: :P
PJPGYRO: penwing in a leai csotume
HarleyQ33: I like Star Wars, but a friend of mine has told me that that doesn't count as sci fi - that its "sci fantasy"
PJPGYRO: yikes
PJPGYRO: thats a stretch
UltimateJaburg53: He's sci misinformed
PenWing424: i don't think that would be wise
HarleyQ33: Oh - ok Jar whatever floats you boat ;-)
UltimateJaburg53: I'm going to get some sci water
UltimateJaburg53: I'll be right sci back.
PenWing424: now, har in the princess leia outfit...
david finn 13: Fine - ignore me! I don' care!!!
PJPGYRO: shes killing me
david finn 13: *runs away crying*
PenWing424: i asked you a question, joe
david finn 13: Huh?
PenWing424: did you read the recap i sent you?
PenWing424: this is madness
david finn 13: Yep...I thought they were okay, but I also think you gave them more advantage time than they deserved.
HarleyQ33: but its fun, no?
UltimateJaburg53: Marble Madness?
HarleyQ33: i thought you were getting water?
UltimateJaburg53: I sci got it
PenWing424: if you think of a way for me to fix them, let me know
PenWing424: if you think their good, post em
UltimateJaburg53: How far did you think I had to go?
HarleyQ33: recap? what are you guys taklking about?
PJPGYRO: wrestling
HarleyQ33: To the um, lake?
UltimateJaburg53: I have one of them moterized scooters
PenWing424: rdce
PenWing424: redcw
PenWing424: i can't type
HarleyQ33: Are you fucking kidding me? Wrestling? gah!
PJPGYRO: my car just hit a water buffalo
david finn 13: I'll post 'em. They're good. I was just surprised that Darth didn't squash those two arseholes.
PJPGYRO: can I borrow a towel
PenWing424: rob's damn championship wrestling
PenWing424: he did
PenWing424: squash the arseholes
HarleyQ33: scooters? no big motorcycle?
david finn 13: But it was "kick his ass, kick his ass, kick his ass, he wins..."\
UltimateJaburg53: You know the old people thing
UltimateJaburg53: Hoverround
PenWing424: pm me your thoughts
PJPGYRO has left the room.
PenWing424: wait, better idea
UltimateJaburg53: PJP Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
HarleyQ33: then don't you need one of those chairs? How about a button just in case you fall down?
david finn 13: PJP imagined Harley in a Slve Leia costume. Now he must defile himself. He'll be back.
UltimateJaburg53: I delt with those fall down button people
UltimateJaburg53: With my grandparents
HarleyQ33: Nice Dave - LOL
UltimateJaburg53: Didn't like them
HarleyQ33: Ah, I members Jarburg - I know that feeling
HarleyQ33: I hate hospitals
UltimateJaburg53: No
UltimateJaburg53: The people who do the button thing
UltimateJaburg53: It's a service
HarleyQ33: opps!
HarleyQ33: Its a business
UltimateJaburg53: They sell the thing through fear
UltimateJaburg53: yes
UltimateJaburg53: Thier rep was a scumbag
brianjonopulos has entered the room.
HarleyQ33: make a buck by scaring the fuck outta people
UltimateJaburg53: Yep
UltimateJaburg53: Thing is
brianjonopulos: I'm back.
UltimateJaburg53: We sell an auto dialer at radio shack
UltimateJaburg53: with a button thing
HarleyQ33: and?
HarleyQ33: oh
UltimateJaburg53: No assholes needed
UltimateJaburg53: 64 bucks one time fee
UltimateJaburg53: plus batteries
HarleyQ33: more people should know about that
UltimateJaburg53: Dials six numbers and plays a message in an emergancy
HarleyQ33: I've never seen RS advertise it - they should
UltimateJaburg53: Except your not supposed to set it to dial 911
UltimateJaburg53: They don
UltimateJaburg53: t care about that shit
HarleyQ33: so then where is it set to?
UltimateJaburg53: they want to sell cell phones
HarleyQ33: that sucks
HarleyQ33: everythings a business
UltimateJaburg53: Friends, family
UltimateJaburg53: They can call 911 on the persons behalf
HarleyQ33: at least they'll get someone who cares
UltimateJaburg53: It's cool
UltimateJaburg53: There is alot of shit to help out old people at the Shack
UltimateJaburg53: But they don't advertise it
UltimateJaburg53: They just have it
HarleyQ33: honestly, even from a business end that's foolish - baby boomers are getting old - the market is there
UltimateJaburg53: No shit
UltimateJaburg53: Cell phones and crap like that are a young market
UltimateJaburg53: Young people don't have money
UltimateJaburg53: or credit
TheElisaPrincess has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: woah look at all the peoples
TheElisaPrincess: and everybodys gone
PenWing424: hi princess
FirstAmongstDave has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: hiya pen!
TheElisaPrincess: DAVEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
brianjonopulos: I'm still here, I'm erasing all the shit and running all the antisypyware programs
TheElisaPrincess: the interview was cool.......thanks for doing it
FirstAmongstDave: Howdy.
TheElisaPrincess: its okay rexers
The Time Trust: DAVE!
PenWing424: dave!
FirstAmongstDave: TIME TRUST!
TheElisaPrincess: i like the kiddo picture!
FirstAmongstDave: PEN!
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: ahhh its the princess
UltimateJaburg53: JABURG!
The Time Trust: MY GOD!
FirstAmongstDave: Which picture?
TheElisaPrincess: sneakers! Did ya get the bunnies picked up?
TheElisaPrincess: the one iwth you and the baby
FirstAmongstDave: Oh that's an old one.
FirstAmongstDave: Imie is much bigger now.
FirstAmongstDave: We were back in HK then. That was on the ferry.
TheElisaPrincess: awwwwwwwwww thats cool!'
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: yeah the bunnies and the bird i swear i'm getting a gun and killing the bitch
The Time Trust: Did you try to send a message to me earlier?
HarleyQ33: Is this Australian Dave?
FirstAmongstDave: Yes.
TheElisaPrincess: I cant believe you're an aussie.......youre so lucky
FirstAmongstDave: Why?
TheElisaPrincess: lol i dont blame you sneaks, i love creatures
FirstAmongstDave: TTT - yes I did.
UltimateJaburg53: Honk Kong is where Chow Yun Fat shot all those people.
TheElisaPrincess: i cant believe the dog killed 'em
TheElisaPrincess: cuz aussies have cool accents, sweet beaches, and beautiful landscapes
HarleyQ33: Hi! Curious - was in Australia back in 2000 and in HK las Feb - great places both
FirstAmongstDave: I was in Atlanta last year and a guy there said my accent was cool.
FirstAmongstDave: But I just think its an accent...
UltimateJaburg53: Did you see Chow Yun Fat shoot those people?
FirstAmongstDave: Yes, I did.
david finn 13: He did it in CHURCH!!! The HEATHEN!!!
The Time Trust: It's a daily event.
FirstAmongstDave: Harley - where were you?
The Time Trust: Three times weekdays.
david finn 13: Damn doves...getting in the way...pooping on corpses and guns...
The Time Trust: With a special Saturday show.
TheElisaPrincess: yawns
TheElisaPrincess: so not fair harley :P
TheElisaPrincess: how did you get to go to australia?
UltimateJaburg53: Boat?
FirstAmongstDave: I was born here.
HarleyQ33: In HK I was on HK Island and spent a lot of time in Kowlon - stayed at the Renassaince Harbor hotel - great new year parties
david finn 13: Harley, can I be your kept man?
FirstAmongstDave: Oh right. I didn't get to Kowloon much. We lived on HK Island.
The Time Trust: Silly Dave -- Australia is a place people go to, not get born in.
FirstAmongstDave: Renaissance Hotel is nice though.
FirstAmongstDave: Oh right. Sorry abut that. I blame my parents.
FirstAmongstDave: Are you people all slow typists or something?
HarleyQ33: In Australia I was there for two weeks - the diving was second to none - spent a week diving and then went through Sydney, Melbourne and one other place that I'm blanking on - stayed on Heron Island for the diving
TheElisaPrincess: no dave the room just lags serously
UltimateJaburg53: I am Dave
The Time Trust: I'm barely trying.
david finn 13: Me too.
FirstAmongstDave: Who?
TheElisaPrincess: sweet.......couldn't handle diving.......surfing would be fun though!
brianjonopulos: I'm mxy!
The Time Trust: Too much to follow
TheElisaPrincess: So dave what time is it where you are?
FirstAmongstDave: Tricky.
The Time Trust: There were nearly 20 in last night.
TheElisaPrincess: lol@tricky
FirstAmongstDave: 11:37am
HarleyQ33: Kep man? ok, but you have to do what I say!
TheElisaPrincess: yeah thats right yall are that far ahead
david finn 13: Yep!
TheElisaPrincess: are you on lunch break?
PenWing424: roll call
UltimateJaburg53: 11:30 pm here
david finn 13: ROLL!
FirstAmongstDave: no its a p[ublic holiday here today.
TheElisaPrincess: What holiday?
PenWing424: where?
UltimateJaburg53: What holiday?
david finn 13: PJP's back.
david finn 13: Nope, gone.
UltimateJaburg53: Who is is this?
FirstAmongstDave: Western Australian Foundation Day.
The Time Trust: NOT-A-MAN!
TheElisaPrincess: ???
TheElisaPrincess: Western australian foundaiton day?
TheElisaPrincess: day it was founded?
TheElisaPrincess: :P
david finn 13: I'm CAP'N SLAPNUTZ!!!
UltimateJaburg53: No, this is the wrong Bill.
FirstAmongstDave: Yes.
david finn 13: Bill's lost
FirstAmongstDave: Kill Bill.
TheElisaPrincess: ohhhhhh thought there might be more towards it!
TheElisaPrincess: So are your kiddos homeschooled dave or sent to school?
david finn 13: Bill peed his pants
FirstAmongstDave: Not really.
TheElisaPrincess: and ive heard christmas' in australia are hot :P
PenWing424: his heart ahsploded
FirstAmongstDave: Oldest one is at daycare because she likes it there. Youngest is sitting on the floor playing with lego.
UltimateJaburg53: Do they have the same for Eastern Australia?
TheElisaPrincess: *sings* ive waitd all m ylife
FirstAmongstDave: nope.
TheElisaPrincess: gotcha............thats right...forgot you had a baby
FirstAmongstDave: Its this side only.
UltimateJaburg53: Is there tention?
FirstAmongstDave: Yes. She's got the flu but she's happy.
Atomikboy64 has entered the room.
FirstAmongstDave: "tention"?
HarleyQ33: I've seen pics of your kids Dave - beautiful girls - you're gonna have your hands full with the boys when your girls are older
Atomikboy64: Christ.
Lord Mxypltk has entered the room.
FirstAmongstDave: Yeah, I know.
brianjonopulos has left the room.
FirstAmongstDave: Yes, my son?
UltimateJaburg53: Are they mad you have a holiday and they don't?
HarleyQ33: lol
TheElisaPrincess: hiya mxy
FirstAmongstDave: Probably.
Atomikboy64: How's it goin, Dave?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY has left the room.
FirstAmongstDave: Disco-san. Ohisashiburi
Jlfgrimm13 has entered the room.
UltimateJaburg53: Do you make "Easty" jokes about them>?
FirstAmongstDave: We generally just ignore them.
Balloonknot666: Ack she's still here
UltimateJaburg53: Ballon Knot lives!
PenWing424: it's alive
FirstAmongstDave: In a manner of speaking.
Balloonknot666: I do?
PenWing424: alive
UltimateJaburg53: Maybe
UltimateJaburg53: I can't back that up.
TheElisaPrincess: yawns
TheElisaPrincess: UJ and the civil war of australia :P
TheElisaPrincess: i swear
FirstAmongstDave: Yes, Christmas in Australia is hot.
UltimateJaburg53: More of a cold war
PenWing424: stewie is singing "hungry eyes"
david finn 13: Jaburg caused civil war in Australia?
FirstAmongstDave: Hungry Eyes.
FirstAmongstDave: Better than hungry arse.
UltimateJaburg53: I'm getting the "Boot" for it.
brown sugar ball has entered the room.
FirstAmongstDave: Who?
david finn 13: ...wha?
UltimateJaburg53: Zuh?
FirstAmongstDave: Who are half the pople here?
FirstAmongstDave: People
The Time Trust: Hey, is there a limit to this room?
david finn 13: I'm me!
Jlfgrimm13: civil war always follows in jaburg's wake.
The Time Trust: Anyone know?
FirstAmongstDave: Dunno.
FirstAmongstDave: And suddenly everyone had nothing to say.
david finn 13: Civil War, Grimm? Is that what the smell was?
FirstAmongstDave: That was beans.
UltimateJaburg53: Who is Brown Sugar Balls?
The Time Trust: I'm still wondering who brown sugar ball is
david finn 13: Me too.

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
rex #520527 2005-06-06 3:07 PM
Joined: Jun 2004
Posts: 46,308
Who will I break next?
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Who will I break next?
15000+ posts
Joined: Jun 2004
Posts: 46,308
The Time Trust: Plus, I keep on mistyping and have to use the backspace button.
brown sugar ball: yo
UltimateJaburg53: Yo!
Balloonknot666: Yo
FirstAmongstDave: I'll have two of you in my cofee thanks.
david finn 13: Yo?
UltimateJaburg53: Play along
UltimateJaburg53: He'll kill us all.
FirstAmongstDave: Shall we do a roll call?
TheElisaPrincess: brb *workin on math article*
UltimateJaburg53: Annette!
FirstAmongstDave: Who is here?
UltimateJaburg53: I'm here
FirstAmongstDave: Ah, a Mousketeers joke.
brown sugar ball: BSB in the hiiioooooouuuuzzeee
The Time Trust: From the never-ending reaches of the timestream, it's THE TIME TRUST!
david finn 13: I'm Batman.
FirstAmongstDave: Am I the only one with broadband?
UltimateJaburg53: Nope
FirstAmongstDave: Hi Bruce.
TheElisaPrincess: no i have cable too dave
Lord Mxypltk: What the fuck is this?
Jlfgrimm13: dave likes balls in his coffee?
PenWing424: no, i'm batman
The Time Trust: Cable here
PenWing424: and i'm joe mama
UltimateJaburg53: Dude you outed Batman!
PenWing424: and...
UltimateJaburg53: Cable like a motha fucka!
FirstAmongstDave: TTT is Cable?
PenWing424: i'm mzy
david finn 13: I'm PenWing!
PenWing424: that's mxy
The Time Trust: Of course
FirstAmongstDave: I'm Rob!
PenWing424: no way
The Time Trust: D'oh!
FirstAmongstDave: and how!
brown sugar ball: i'm gundamwingpilot
UltimateJaburg53: Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!
PenWing424: oh
UltimateJaburg53: Good
PenWing424: where have you been?
The Time Trust: Dave is Not-a-Man!
FirstAmongstDave: Not me!
FirstAmongstDave: I mena, no, I'm not!
brown sugar ball: away
UltimateJaburg53: I like water
Lord Mxypltk: oookay, I'm gonna minimize this and ignore it. call me if it gets interesting.
FirstAmongstDave: Not not a man.
UltimateJaburg53: MXY!
The Time Trust: Are too
FirstAmongstDave: Hi Mxy.
jaclynangelo has entered the room.
FirstAmongstDave: Am not.
The Time Trust: Rack Mxy
The Time Trust: Whatever that means
david finn 13: Hi CJ
PenWing424: ceej!
The Time Trust: Hey Jackie
FirstAmongstDave: Exactly.
jaclynangelo: guys never leave....
jaclynangelo: howdy everyone
FirstAmongstDave: Purple?
UltimateJaburg53: I only exist in this chat
david finn 13: Who's brown sugar ball?
The Time Trust: That's the burning question of the hour
UltimateJaburg53: Gundumwingpilot
FirstAmongstDave: But I'll take ... oh I did that joke already.
david finn 13: Well ut some tough actin' Tinactin on it
brown sugar ball: purple penis pop pariah poooper
FirstAmongstDave: Ut!
UltimateJaburg53: Heh
The Time Trust: You know who would like this chat?
The Time Trust: brown sugar ball
david finn 13: fingers don't work so good
FirstAmongstDave: Who?
The Time Trust: Wish I could tell you
david finn 13: Secret-keeper!
UltimateJaburg53: I can't believe it's the goddamn Seth Green interview again!
The Time Trust: I'm lousy at keeping secrets
UltimateJaburg53: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
david finn 13: no?
FirstAmongstDave: I blame Al Gore.
The Time Trust: I blame the horrible lack of decent names for U.S. presidential candidates lately.
FirstAmongstDave: If not for him we'd all be outside now.
The Time Trust: I mean, Gore? Bush?
UltimateJaburg53: Who is in charge of the Worst Ofs?
The Time Trust: Come on!
david finn 13: Would you vote for a Lenny Cockknocker?
The Time Trust: It's like some 2nd-rate comedy writer came up with those!
The Time Trust: Depends...
FirstAmongstDave: Why aren't you peolpe all asleep?
david finn 13: Cuz my mommy fed me sugar!
FirstAmongstDave: Its Sundat night - a school night.
UltimateJaburg53: I like staying up
david finn 13: I'll be up all night!
The Time Trust: It's only 8:45 here.
david finn 13: 11:45
brown sugar ball: I gotta bounce dawg i'll check wit you lata
Glacier16: heh
UltimateJaburg53: Who are you?
FirstAmongstDave: I'm Batman.
TheElisaPrincess: hey glacs!
david finn 13: Tell your friends
The Time Trust: He's brown sugar ball!
The Time Trust: Can't you read?
brown sugar ball: i'm gundamwingpilot!!
TheElisaPrincess: thats kidna reduntant dont ya think trusty
FirstAmongstDave: BooBerry Fanatic is very quiet.
UltimateJaburg53: He was an alt!
david finn 13: Chewy is asleep. Shhhhhhhhhh.
TheElisaPrincess: if he couldnt read, he wouldn't be able to get to the mbs :P
Jlfgrimm13: HEY CHEWY WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
brown sugar ball: whose alt??
jaclynangelo: type louder!
TheElisaPrincess: grimmys!!!!!!!!!!!
FirstAmongstDave: Elisa, you're in Texas?
TheElisaPrincess: yup in dallas dave
TheElisaPrincess: never been outside the u.s......lived in alaska though
Jlfgrimm13: CHEWY!!!!! CHEWY, WAKE UP, IT'S SONNY, HE NEEDS YOU!!!!!!111
david finn 13: Why?
UltimateJaburg53: Say goodnight Gracie
PenWing424: goodnight gracie
david finn 13: Goodnight Gracie
FirstAmongstDave: I've got a good friend in Austin and a client in Dallas who keeps telling me I should visit.
Balloonknot666: Goodnight Gracie
UltimateJaburg53: Roy!
brown sugar ball: whose alt am i
TheElisaPrincess: you should downtown dallas is like new york
FirstAmongstDave: I want some cowboy boots.
TheElisaPrincess: huge skyscrapers, tons of shops, etc
The Time Trust: I saved the life of an Alabama man once.
TheElisaPrincess: its not like that though dave ;-)
UltimateJaburg53: Mine?
Jlfgrimm13: elisys!!!!!
UltimateJaburg53: No
Atomikboy64: I thought Texas was a myth.
TheElisaPrincess: nobody wears cowboy hats/voots/skirts/country music
TheElisaPrincess: we all hate it :P
FirstAmongstDave: And a big Stetson hat.
TheElisaPrincess: i like elisys :P
The Time Trust: Well, not exactly saved his life.
UltimateJaburg53: Ultra Mega chicken?
brown sugar ball has left the room.
TheElisaPrincess: thats only at the rodeos that take place like once a month in fort worth
The Time Trust: Delivered a specially-made key, though.
FirstAmongstDave: My friends all have funny accents.
Jlfgrimm13: deep ellum is cool.
jaclynangelo: hey...i wear a cowboy hat and boots with my skirt...
FirstAmongstDave: The Texans I mean.
The Time Trust: So he could drive his car.
The Time Trust: He was grateful.
brianjonopulos has entered the room.
Glacier16: hey BJ
TheElisaPrincess: Grimms been to deep ellum? dum dad um dum
FirstAmongstDave: TTT has a funny accent.
TheElisaPrincess: you be wild boy :P
TheElisaPrincess: where bouts?
brianjonopulos: Damn
The Time Trust: I do?
david finn 13: I wear a cowboy hat and boots. But only for the right girl.
FirstAmongstDave: Sure.
UltimateJaburg53: Damn?
brianjonopulos: I hate this computer
Jlfgrimm13: yeah, a few years ago.
TheElisaPrincess: lol david :P
TheElisaPrincess: do tell........did ya go to The Door
The Time Trust: Is this better?
FirstAmongstDave: Much.
TheElisaPrincess: christian rock club thingy
The Time Trust: Right.
TheElisaPrincess: i always wanted to go!
FirstAmongstDave: I spoke to Year of the Bastard on the phone once.
FirstAmongstDave: He sounded American!
The Time Trust: No way
FirstAmongstDave: Really!
TheElisaPrincess: i have free long distance :P
Jlfgrimm13: no. I don't remember the names of the places. couple clubs, an internet cafe.
brianjonopulos: Shut up glacier
The Time Trust: That must be weird.
Glacier16: lols
TheElisaPrincess: cool grimmys what were ya down her efor?
Glacier16: ;P
The Time Trust: You all sound Canadian in my head.
FirstAmongstDave: It was. Who'd have thought!
UltimateJaburg53: Eh
The Time Trust: Unless I make an effort.
The Time Trust: Or you use phonetics.
TheElisaPrincess: *sings* o where is my paper
UltimateJaburg53: Take off
The Time Trust: Like "y'all" or something.
Jlfgrimm13: we went to the Tattoo the Earth show.
brianjonopulos: You all sound like electronic voices to me.
david finn 13: You all sound like Tom and Jerry to me.
FirstAmongstDave: Watsonwil used to think I sounded like Tony Blair
UltimateJaburg53: you hoset
UltimateJaburg53: hoser
TheElisaPrincess: its ya'll poor trusty
FirstAmongstDave: Ya'all.
TheElisaPrincess: cant get it rought :P
TheElisaPrincess: not y'all :P
The Time Trust: Whatever.
FirstAmongstDave: Now someone explain Hollerback girl to me.
TheElisaPrincess: its okay youre not texan trusts!
FirstAmongstDave: Buggered if I know what any of that means.
david finn 13: Hollaback Girl is what we Americans call "crappy pop music"
FirstAmongstDave: American football?
The Time Trust: I'll try to get that down right before I visit.
Glacier16: finn is right
UltimateJaburg53: That chick just ain't right Dave.
FirstAmongstDave: Who?
david finn 13: Me
UltimateJaburg53: Gwen Stefani
FirstAmongstDave: Oh, I know that.
Atomikboy64: this shit is bananas
Atomikboy64: B
Atomikboy64: A
Atomikboy64: N
TheElisaPrincess: yeah shes odd
Atomikboy64: A
Atomikboy64: N
Atomikboy64: A
FirstAmongstDave: I just don't understand the song.
Glacier16: aw no
TheElisaPrincess: spammer :P
UltimateJaburg53: Yeah
FirstAmongstDave: Disco san,
brianjonopulos: 18 people in here.
FirstAmongstDave: ima tomatte!
Atomikboy64: S
UltimateJaburg53: Maybe she has some mental problems
FirstAmongstDave: But what does the song mean?
The Time Trust: I hate talking on the phone.
UltimateJaburg53: It's a cry for help.
The Time Trust: I sound really impatient to get off of it.
brianjonopulos: Me to
FirstAmongstDave: Your neck gets sore?
Atomikboy64: She really likes fruit
FirstAmongstDave: how do you like them apples?
Atomikboy64: But if she left it, she wouldn't go back to it.
david finn 13: Hollaback Girl is about a woman who makes a solo album to take money from 13yo girls who'd otherwise be slitting their wrists because Britney's a knocked-up redneck
Atomikboy64: She doesn't "holla back"
FirstAmongstDave: Huh?
The Time Trust: Bruised.
Jlfgrimm13: heh.
The Time Trust: Each and every one of 'em.
PenWing424: holla if ya hear me
david finn 13: Yeah, I said it!
TheElisaPrincess: im such a spazzer grrrrr
FirstAmongstDave: Ah, I kind of see it now...
david finn 13: And I'll punch Gavin in the cock if he doesn't like it!
Glacier16: ha
UltimateJaburg53: Eck Old Frenchi
FirstAmongstDave: Honi siot qui mal y pense.
The Time Trust: How much are you charging us by the minute, counselor?
david finn 13: Greesy British fuck.
FirstAmongstDave: Its a day off.
The Time Trust: For your time?
UltimateJaburg53: Troi!
FirstAmongstDave: Bien.
The Time Trust: Oh, that must be especially expensive.
UltimateJaburg53: Picard!
The Time Trust: Overtime, y'know
FirstAmongstDave: I charge at AUD$350 an hour.
Jlfgrimm13: punch 'im inna cock, joe!
TheElisaPrincess: yawns
FirstAmongstDave: In HK I was HK$3396 an hour.
TheElisaPrincess: youre a cpa dave?
The Time Trust: Fuck.
FirstAmongstDave: Which is New York rates.
UltimateJaburg53: Damn
FirstAmongstDave: Pricey.
FirstAmongstDave: LAwyer, Elisa.
TheElisaPrincess: sweet, what kind of law?
david finn 13: Oh, I'm bringin' it Grimm! It's already Brought!!!
FirstAmongstDave: Intellectual porperty.
TheElisaPrincess: real estate/defense/?
Glacier16: its in his interview
TheElisaPrincess: ohhhhhhh wow bou the stories you coudl tell :P
FirstAmongstDave: Patents, designs, trade marks, copyright.
TheElisaPrincess: bou=wow :P
UltimateJaburg53: Nice
TheElisaPrincess: yeah i know what it is.......oh the joys
UltimateJaburg53: Sounds ugly
TheElisaPrincess: meet some pretty intresting people dont ya ;P
david finn 13: I like lawyers. Especially Puert Rican Jewish lawyers from NY.
brianjonopulos: heh
FirstAmongstDave: Huh?
jaclynangelo: i will say nothing this time
david finn 13: (Harley)
brianjonopulos: sure
FirstAmongstDave: OK.
Jlfgrimm13: heh
FirstAmongstDave: Harley is a lawyer?
TheElisaPrincess: come on Jac's he's a lawyer i mean come on :-)
TheElisaPrincess: i didn tknow was a lawyer
david finn 13: And I'm her kept man.
TheElisaPrincess: always wnated to go to law school ;P
UltimateJaburg53: Me too
FirstAmongstDave: It wasn't much fun.
UltimateJaburg53: My knees kept me out
FirstAmongstDave: I did drink a lot though.
FirstAmongstDave: Don't ask me a question abut property law.
brianjonopulos: I heard that if a lawyer takes viagra they grow taller
FirstAmongstDave: Because I was shitfaced in those lectures.
The Time Trust: I was interested in criminal law for a short time, until I realized what a complete and utter JOKE the Canadian legal system is.
FirstAmongstDave: How so?
jaclynangelo: don't work, in legal system is a joke everywhere
UltimateJaburg53: Did you become Canada Man TTT?
jaclynangelo: brian -- best lawyers joke ever
The Time Trust: Basically, yeah.
brianjonopulos: :-D
FirstAmongstDave: I'm already tall.
FirstAmongstDave: Big.
FirstAmongstDave: And throbbing.
FirstAmongstDave: Purple, too.
UltimateJaburg53: What is your outfit like?
The Time Trust: No....
FirstAmongstDave: I have the standard cape and mask.
The Time Trust: ....whatever gave you that idea...?
FirstAmongstDave: And tights.
PJPGYRO has entered the room.
Glacier16: pjp
The Time Trust: Tights?
PenWing424: peej!
UltimateJaburg53: That would be great
FirstAmongstDave: Red ones.
The Time Trust: Ha! I gave those up years ago
brianjonopulos: PJP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PJPGYRO: hey sorry I had to leave abruptly
FirstAmongstDave: With a blue cape.
PJPGYRO: minor emergency
PenWing424: someone should invite rex
The Time Trust: I'm into nude crimefighting.
UltimateJaburg53: If lawyers had to dress like super heros in court
Jlfgrimm13: lol@dave!
brianjonopulos: yes, someone should invite me
PJPGYRO: gaynopulos
brianjonopulos: yes?
Jlfgrimm13: someone should invite pjp.
FirstAmongstDave: TTT, Lex Luthor would kick you i the balls.
UltimateJaburg53: I would never turn off court tv
The Time Trust: I got bored with nude skiing, and nude crimefighting seemed like the next big thing.
The Time Trust: It wasn't.
TheElisaPrincess: yawns yet again
TheElisaPrincess: hiya pj
FirstAmongstDave: What happened?
TheElisaPrincess: welcome back
TheElisaPrincess: lol@nude crimefighting
UltimateJaburg53: You ok Pete?
brianjonopulos: 19 people now, and this chat has been going on for a little over two days.
FirstAmongstDave: Bank robbers would point and laugh.
FirstAmongstDave: Crime foiled.
Glacier16: mine says 20 BJ
brianjonopulos: I'm on here twice.
jaclynangelo: goodnight everyone
Glacier16: ahh
brianjonopulos: night
TheElisaPrincess: night jacs
FirstAmongstDave: Adios.
Glacier16: night
jaclynangelo has left the room.
UltimateJaburg53: Night CJ
PJPGYRO: business emergency
The Time Trust: I got into it so I could tell my stories to Penthouse.
FirstAmongstDave: PJP
PJPGYRO: some kids tried to leave without paying
The Time Trust: With a bit of creative embellishment.
Glacier16: none Elisa
TheElisaPrincess: a know a guy that could actually do that trust ;P
UltimateJaburg53: Kill them
TheElisaPrincess: and his wife is like a music minister :P
Glacier16: ill look into that whole work thing in Sept.
FirstAmongstDave: "Catwoman held a big cucumber to my lower back"
TheElisaPrincess: really glac, college still?
PJPGYRO: I know their parents
UltimateJaburg53: Extract the food
Glacier16: nah, finished college
The Time Trust: All the bank-robbers I fight in my stories are hot, sexy female ninjas.
PJPGYRO: they paid
TheElisaPrincess: i wanna chill one summer
HarleyQ33: I've been gone awhile and now i really have to go - and yes, FADaves - I'm a lawyer, but a nive one! Lol
UltimateJaburg53: Induce vomiting
PJPGYRO: cops made them
TheElisaPrincess: are ya workin part time anywhere or just chillin?
HarleyQ33: nice
FirstAmongstDave: Harley what do you do?
The Time Trust: Who look like this:
Glacier16: chillin
TheElisaPrincess: if you say chilling im gonna be sooooo darn jealous ;p
UltimateJaburg53: Poor waitress
TheElisaPrincess: ohhh SHUT UP :P
TheElisaPrincess: so not fair
FirstAmongstDave: PJP are you at work?
TheElisaPrincess: you get to enjoy your summer........i wanna be poor and mooch ;P
PJPGYRO: no home
UltimateJaburg53: Fucking kids
Glacier16: not poor
HarleyQ33: there's a pic on my thread - page 28 I think
The Time Trust:
FirstAmongstDave: Don't get it
PJPGYRO: she is hot
The Time Trust: Dammit, I'm slow.
TheElisaPrincess: yeah yeah.......i was just thinkin back to my own life
Glacier16: heh
HarleyQ33: thanks pete :-)
FirstAmongstDave: Halrey are you hot?
PJPGYRO: so are we going to vegas harley
brianjonopulos: she's very hot.
PJPGYRO: yes a hot lawyer
FirstAmongstDave: Huzzah!
TheElisaPrincess: which one is she?
brianjonopulos: She posted a pic somewehre
UltimateJaburg53: Viva Las Vegas!
Glacier16: in the middle
FirstAmongstDave: Is that harley?
Atomikboy64: "Amazing!"
HarleyQ33: LOL - I work for NYC - litigation
PJPGYRO: id be divorced if that was harley
FirstAmongstDave: Really?
TheElisaPrincess: way to stay in shape hars
FirstAmongstDave: I use Coudert Bros in NYC.
The Time Trust: She is hot -- but I usually prefer them a bit more buxom.
HarleyQ33: Sweet - what law do you do now?
PJPGYRO: nice muffind harley
Atomikboy64: I'd say something, but that only gets me in trouble. Bastard women.
FirstAmongstDave: I dish out heaps of work to US law firms,
FirstAmongstDave: IP law.
UltimateJaburg53: Heh
UltimateJaburg53: He Pees
UltimateJaburg53: He said it
HarleyQ33: ah - I interned with a barrister in London years ago - while I was still in school
The Time Trust: I can no longer follow this chat.
UltimateJaburg53: He can't take it back
PJPGYRO: I liked your q & a with Pro dave
FirstAmongstDave: Cheers
FirstAmongstDave: I did too.
FirstAmongstDave: It was a lot of fun.
HarleyQ33: Loved it - loved London - been there five times
klinton77 has left the room.
PJPGYRO: been ther once
PJPGYRO: very drunk
HarleyQ33: I like to travel
FirstAmongstDave: Been there once. I get job offers in London
UltimateJaburg53: Klinton, Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
PJPGYRO: travel to NJ
klinton77 has entered the room.
FirstAmongstDave: but its no place to bring up kids.
The Time Trust: UltimateJaburg53: Klinton, Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
klinton77: shush
PJPGYRO: or vegas with a new jerseyan
FirstAmongstDave: Haley what type of lit?
HarleyQ33: Thought about staying there - but love NYC the most
UltimateJaburg53: East Coast!
PJPGYRO: the best
david finn 13: East Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide!!!
Glacier16: heh
FirstAmongstDave: Never been to NYC.
PJPGYRO: strong side
UltimateJaburg53: Propa
PJPGYRO: youd love it dave
FirstAmongstDave: Got to Atlanta last year and been to LA once.
FirstAmongstDave: Yeah I thnk so.
FirstAmongstDave: Got some frined sthere who really enjoy it.
PJPGYRO: restaurants broadway shows
HarleyQ33: a lot of state cases - some federal - 42 USC 1983 - constitutional stuff - waiting for my Circuit admission
david finn 13: If I'd been in the audience when Snoop badmouth the East Coast, Biggie and Pac would still be alive cuz I'd have PIMP-SLAPPED him!
DECTECTlVE BUNNY has entered the room.
PJPGYRO: multi cultural paradise
FirstAmongstDave: Contracts?
HarleyQ33: You like Sydney? Sydney reminded me of a smaller version of NYC
FirstAmongstDave: Yeah that sounds cool.
FirstAmongstDave: I owned a place on the water in Sydney but sold it.
PJPGYRO: museums
FirstAmongstDave: I figured if I wanted to work long hours I'd stay in HK.
HarleyQ33: Gah! I loved Sydney - why seel - was the market good?
FirstAmongstDave: Musuems are good.
UltimateJaburg53: Porno stores where you can still get at them
HarleyQ33: sell
FirstAmongstDave: Made a lot on the sale, which was an incentive.
FirstAmongstDave: to sell.
PJPGYRO: yeah good porn in NYC
brianjonopulos: hey harley, did you know that dave eats poo?
HarleyQ33: That's always a plus
david finn 13: HAaah
UltimateJaburg53: It's no Japan
FirstAmongstDave: Its true
HarleyQ33: I thought it was bum caviar!
brianjonopulos: ha!
FirstAmongstDave: but only with tobasco
david finn 13: HAH HAH
FirstAmongstDave: Japan was a funny place
FirstAmongstDave: I was hung up on a girl, y'see
FirstAmongstDave: those goddamn half Japanese girls
PJPGYRO: dont know whats that like
UltimateJaburg53: Can you really get panties in vending machines?
FirstAmongstDave: yes
HarleyQ33: I ran into a guy I knew from the comic shop in Narita airport while wating form my connecting flight to HK - talk about a small world!
FirstAmongstDave: saw it myself
Atomikboy64: it to me every time
FirstAmongstDave: EXACTLY
FirstAmongstDave: nerver been to Topkto
UltimateJaburg53: I want to go to Japan
FirstAmongstDave: Tokyo
HarleyQ33: Expensive!
FirstAmongstDave: I lived in Osaka. Been back a few times since
UltimateJaburg53: I'll have to practice a Canadien accent
PJPGYRO: yo mxy
FirstAmongstDave: Cool culture in Japan.
FirstAmongstDave: Kind of goofy
david finn 13: There are Canadians in Japan?
FirstAmongstDave: Lots
UltimateJaburg53: No
FirstAmongstDave: Guys in Japan pick up
PJPGYRO: damnit mxy im talking to you
FirstAmongstDave: Japanese girls love Westerners
david finn 13: Do they say "Domo Arigato, eh"?
UltimateJaburg53: I figured maybe one or two might still be cross at America
PJPGYRO: its important
FirstAmongstDave: not really
HarleyQ33: I have to go = night all - nice to finally "meet"Dave
FirstAmongstDave: see ya Harley
david finn 13: G'night
PJPGYRO: night harley
Glacier16: night
UltimateJaburg53: Night Harl
The Time Trust: A friend of mine visited Japan there. Said all the girls thought he looked like Brad Pitt.
HarleyQ33: later everybuddy . :-)
The Time Trust: He looks anything but.
FirstAmongstDave: Yeah ist like that
HarleyQ33 has left the room.
UltimateJaburg53: White devil all look alike
FirstAmongstDave: I saw some beautiful Japanese girls dating pretty average Westerners.
PJPGYRO: I got a PM from Rob today
FirstAmongstDave: TTT, you'd liek it there
UltimateJaburg53: Yeah
FirstAmongstDave: Lots of Asian girls with boobs.
The Time Trust: Word up.
UltimateJaburg53: What did it say PJP?
FirstAmongstDave: You'd like Korea better though.
PJPGYRO: he said that about 20 people have responded
The Time Trust: Yes, I am going there.
The Time Trust: Korea, I mean.
PJPGYRO: and more than half want gman out
FirstAmongstDave: Bigger breasts
The Time Trust: I know.
FirstAmongstDave: LOL
The Time Trust: I have several friends who are Korean
PJPGYRO: but he also said he thinks they are joing the revolutin for fun
PJPGYRO: revolution
FirstAmongstDave: Ah
PJPGYRO: so he may do nothing
FirstAmongstDave: TTT are you seriously going?
UltimateJaburg53: I don't care
UltimateJaburg53: I just stay out
The Time Trust: Thinking about teaching ESL there.
FirstAmongstDave: Very very good idea.
The Time Trust: I know someone there already doing that.
FirstAmongstDave: I did that.
FirstAmongstDave: Taught English in Osaka
UltimateJaburg53: I don't know shit about shit anyway.
FirstAmongstDave: Got sick of law
FirstAmongstDave: Threw it in for a year.
FirstAmongstDave: Had a great time
UltimateJaburg53: Except Trek
The Time Trust: Cool. I didn't know you did that.
david finn 13 has left the room.
FirstAmongstDave: It was 96-87.
FirstAmongstDave: 1997
The Time Trust: Ah.
UltimateJaburg53: Joe Momma! Noooooooooooooooooooooo!
UltimateJaburg53: Damn Darth Vader
Jlfgrimm13: he was so young. . .so much still to offer the world. . .
FirstAmongstDave: I rocked up with no cash, and went home with no debt and $4000 in my pocket
Jlfgrimm13: WHY, GOB, WHY????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
The Time Trust: Seems like I know a lot of people who are teaching English in Asia or have done so.
FirstAmongstDave: And I got to travel a bit
FirstAmongstDave: Well a lot of peole do it
FirstAmongstDave: Heaps of Westerners there
TheElisaPrincess: yeah trust its what hte college kid does during summer
FirstAmongstDave: Only trick is you need a uni degree
The Time Trust: Yeah, I know.
PJPGYRO: elisa.did you fart
FirstAmongstDave: It was her!
PJPGYRO: what is that smell
FirstAmongstDave: Stinky!@
UltimateJaburg53: Poot!
FirstAmongstDave: Pfft!
Glacier16: ahh, nowhereman's interview
The Time Trust: I had a friend who went to Korea to teach on a college certificate.
PJPGYRO: oh my good ness
brianjonopulos: Your getting dave hungry!
PJPGYRO: what did you eat
FirstAmongstDave: MMMM
FirstAmongstDave: Nachos!
The Time Trust: He had to go home on his own money after they realized he didn't have a Uni degree
FirstAmongstDave: Shit that's bad luck
PJPGYRO: it smells liek something died
FirstAmongstDave: MMMM
FirstAmongstDave: I'm surprised he didn't try and wing something
PJPGYRO: im surprised that a smell like that came from elisa
TheElisaPrincess: owwwww my poor more slicing oranges grrrrrr
TheElisaPrincess: Pj's back!!!!!!!
TheElisaPrincess: just get off of work?
brianjonopulos: Anyone have uschi's AIM name?
PJPGYRO: no that was this morning
The Time Trust: He doesn't seem like he's all that bright. though
UltimateJaburg53: Still here Rex?
FirstAmongstDave: Ah
PJPGYRO: im not
brianjonopulos: yes
FirstAmongstDave: no
PJPGYRO: gaynopoulos
UltimateJaburg53: How far have you gotten in Season 2?
FirstAmongstDave: exactly'
The Time Trust: He's not my friend anymore, anyway.
TheElisaPrincess: no rex
TheElisaPrincess: lol pjs
brianjonopulos: No farther.
PJPGYRO: mine neither
TheElisaPrincess: its oni the boards somerwhere :P
FirstAmongstDave: this is getting hard to follow
The Time Trust: He date-raped some girl, and we never saw him again
UltimateJaburg53: Homewrecker?
brianjonopulos: I've been too busy to watch anymore today.
FirstAmongstDave: WAHT!
TheElisaPrincess: im toooooo tired to look i tup and i gotta read something else ;p
FirstAmongstDave: that's bad shit
PJPGYRO: elisa
PJPGYRO: did you get some today
UltimateJaburg53: Is Co-Pilot next?
Lord Mxypltk: TheElisaPrincess: owwwww my poor finger..
Glacier16: heh
brianjonopulos: I don't know.
FirstAmongstDave: Anyway I've got to go or else I'm going to get shot for not speding a day off with my family
brianjonopulos: Episode seven is next
The Time Trust: Yeah, it was pretty grim.
UltimateJaburg53: Night Dave
The Time Trust: OK, seeya Dave
Glacier16: see ya dave
FirstAmongstDave: see ya guys
FirstAmongstDave has left the room.
TheElisaPrincess: Pj what do you think? I was in the library studying half the day :P and the other half spent cleaning my house
UltimateJaburg53: I'll check
TheElisaPrincess: and besides that all my guy friends are serously dating or married :P
Lord Mxypltk: hold on, Dave was here?
The Time Trust: D'oh!
Lord Mxypltk: Hi Dave
TheElisaPrincess: yeah mxy you missed out babe ;-)\
Lord Mxypltk: TheElisaPrincess: owwwww my poor finger..
TheElisaPrincess: yeah i cut it with a knife slicing open an orange
Lord Mxypltk: ah
Lord Mxypltk: just as I imagined.
TheElisaPrincess: for the butterflies........third grade project
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: heh jack van impe
TheElisaPrincess: you have to put sugar water on it
Atomikboy64: The Time Trust: Yeah, it was pretty grimm
TheElisaPrincess: woah db is watching trinity network thing
The Time Trust: Well... it was.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: sadly yes, i wanted to hjear the cracked out stem cell opinion
UltimateJaburg53: Ok
TheElisaPrincess: sweet nowheremans question thing is up
Atomikboy64: Oh wait, Grimm isn't in here.
UltimateJaburg53: I know where your at
TheElisaPrincess: lol db
TheElisaPrincess: wow.....who knew ;P
The Time Trust: Damn.
The Time Trust: That's why I used that word.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: odd cause i'm atheist
The Time Trust: And it wasn't noticed.

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
rex #520528 2005-06-06 3:08 PM
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Who will I break next?
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Atomikboy64: Agreed
Atomikboy64: I'm feeling GRIMM today.
brianjonopulos: ewww
Jlfgrimm13: grimm is everywhere.
The Time Trust: I couldn't be more GRIMM.
The Time Trust: GAH!
PJPGYRO: hey grimm
Atomikboy64: Hey, Everywhere.
Atomikboy64: How's it going?
brianjonopulos: Hi commie!
Atomikboy64: I wasn't talking to you, Jethro.
PJPGYRO: be nice brian
brianjonopulos: Ok comrade
PJPGYRO: better
Atomikboy64: You kiss your sister with that mouth?
brianjonopulos: No I kiss your sister with that mouth
TheElisaPrincess: grimmys
PJPGYRO: elisa
TheElisaPrincess: sorry the court thing didnt ge tup and going again
TheElisaPrincess: pjs
PJPGYRO: did you get some tonight
PJPGYRO: give us the details
Jlfgrimm13: hi kids.
Atomikboy64: TheElisaPrincess: sorry get in the tub
TheElisaPrincess: Pj.......just use your imagination ;-) It was hotter and more pleasurable than any night ever......
PJPGYRO: atta girl
Balloonknot666 has left the room.
TheElisaPrincess: seeing as how it was all spent IN THE LIBRARY reading about MIDDLE SCHOOL LITERACY :P
PJPGYRO: I knew you wereent a prude
PJPGYRO: prude
brianjonopulos: I got her over that.
PJPGYRO: over what the table
brianjonopulos: that to
UltimateJaburg53: Whoa, dude.
TheElisaPrincess: got me over what?
TheElisaPrincess: woah
TheElisaPrincess: sorry i was reading nowheremans thingy
PJPGYRO: he bent you over a table
brianjonopulos: bent
UltimateJaburg53: heh
PJPGYRO: and gave you the gaynopoulos
brianjonopulos: yes
TheElisaPrincess: ya know the first step to sex addiction pj......admitting you have it :P
PJPGYRO: little rex
TheElisaPrincess: i think you might have a problem :P
PJPGYRO: i have it
Atomikboy64: There's semen on my keyboard.
PJPGYRO: no problem
brianjonopulos: Your boyfirends?
Atomikboy64: No.
Atomikboy64: My boyFRIENDS
The Time Trust: There's semen on my ceiling.
TheElisaPrincess: LOL BJ
Glacier16: heh, BJ
Jlfgrimm13: hah!
PJPGYRO: you gave a bj to who elisa
Atomikboy64: You illiterate cunt.
The Time Trust: TheElisaPrincess: LOL BJ
PJPGYRO: elisa gives BJ
The Time Trust: That's some clever double entendre, PE
TheElisaPrincess: wait, "I love you too, i love you so much?" did i miss something between proms and nowhere?
TheElisaPrincess: thats funny
PJPGYRO: PE gives BJ and then drinks CUM
TheElisaPrincess: bj=brianjono oh no you pervs!
TheElisaPrincess: thats just wrong
TheElisaPrincess: yall misinterpret everything@
PJPGYRO: yall give BJ
The Time Trust: I prefer to think of them as Freudian slips.
TheElisaPrincess: you would :P
brianjonopulos: fuck
PJPGYRO: she likes it when after the BJ she gets the slip
PJPGYRO: no BJ brian
PJPGYRO: fuck after
The Time Trust: And the chat is stunned into silence.
TheElisaPrincess: so sad..............
TheElisaPrincess: actually im still reading nowerhemans thread....hes sooo cute!
The Time Trust: Wait, I see a twitch...
The Time Trust: may be alive, ladies and gentlemen.
PJPGYRO: elisa you need to get laid
brianjonopulos: yes
PJPGYRO: you will feel better
brianjonopulos: I volunteer
Atomikboy64: You have to keep the baby, though.
PJPGYRO: I would pay to see a video of that
PJPGYRO: maybe 2 dollars
brianjonopulos: I'll boldly go where no man has gone before.
TheElisaPrincess: Yeah and id soo get fired pj
Jlfgrimm13: Disco!
TheElisaPrincess: especially if it was videoed
Atomikboy64: Your genitals?
Atomikboy64: Grimm!
PJPGYRO: why would you get fired for what you do privately
TheElisaPrincess: thou shalt not commit immorality
Jlfgrimm13: hi.
TheElisaPrincess: no its in board policy
PJPGYRO: sex is not immoral
PJPGYRO: god wants us to have sex
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: sex is good!
TheElisaPrincess: you cant get caught drunk, immoral actiivty, or using school equipment for porn
PJPGYRO: wed use my camera
PJPGYRO: not the schools
Atomikboy64: Keyword "get caught"
Atomikboy64: "immoral" is so subjective.
PJPGYRO: shannon wants to have sex
The Time Trust: Do they install a camera and listening devices in your home, too?
PJPGYRO: she loves it
Atomikboy64: I find teaching childrent math to be immoral, because Math is hard.
PJPGYRO: so do I
TheElisaPrincess: lol steve :P
TheElisaPrincess: nice try
The Time Trust: How could anyone enforce a rule like that.
PJPGYRO: I bet sneaky is crazy in bed
The Time Trust: ?
Atomikboy64: Teaching children, on the other hand... is fine.
PJPGYRO: elisa just fuck
PJPGYRO: dont worry about god or the school
PJPGYRO: they will be OK with it
Atomikboy64: Or the School of God.
PJPGYRO: trust me
The Time Trust: What you do on your own time is your own business.
The Time Trust: Nothing to do with your employer.
Atomikboy64: God would make a great Dean for a college caper flick.
PenWing424: good news peter david fans!
brianjonopulos: Didn't you ever see varsity blues?
TheElisaPrincess: thats awesome......proms should so get rocked
TheElisaPrincess: no.......vb was kinda boring
PenWing424: fallen angel will be published out of idw
PJPGYRO: and you should get laid
TheElisaPrincess: it was a boy movie
PenWing424: whatever that is
Atomikboy64: Peter David's body of work mostly consists of movie novelizations.
PenWing424: possibly starting in december
PJPGYRO: sneaky
PenWing424: fallen angle will be back
PenWing424: happy days
Atomikboy64: "Angle"
PenWing424: oh joy!
PenWing424: d'oh
PJPGYRO: sneaky
Atomikboy64: Reminds me of a movie that I saw but don't know the title of...
PJPGYRO: sneaky is "busy"
Atomikboy64: One of the characters was a chick named "Angel" that had her name misspelled on her tattoo.
Atomikboy64: Ah, memories.
captainsammitch: hey I'm in chat!
Atomikboy64: I POOP
brianjonopulos: Sammitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PJPGYRO: sammy
captainsammitch: hi
TheElisaPrincess: sammers!!!!!!!
PJPGYRO: shouldn't elisa get some cock in her sammy?
TheElisaPrincess: watch out pjs trying to get all of us to have vigorous sex with someone and tape it
brianjonopulos: The new PCgamer has a preview of CIV4.
PJPGYRO: not all f and gaynopoulos
brianjonopulos: yes
TheElisaPrincess: the dryer..........i totally forgot
UltimateJaburg53: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
brianjonopulos: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PJPGYRO: you could have sex on a washing machine during the spin cycle elisa
PJPGYRO: Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood
PenWing424: sammitch, you need to get your promo up
PJPGYRO: yeah sammy
Jlfgrimm13: pjp loves the spin cycle.
brianjonopulos: heh
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: spin cycle am good
PJPGYRO: sneaky
PJPGYRO: are you crazy in bed
Atomikboy64 has left the room.
PJPGYRO: tell us
PenWing424: sammitch, you need to do it tonight
brianjonopulos: By commie!
PJPGYRO: yeah sammy WTF
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: uh no rather not
PJPGYRO: not crazy
The Time Trust: By gum!
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: cray - just not telling
PJPGYRO: was it you that said you never had an orgasm sneaks
UltimateJaburg53: Klin-ton
TheElisaPrincess: i dont think klint is here
PJPGYRO: klinton is asexual
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: uh no that was probably like mekko or ceej
PJPGYRO: hed fuck a snake
The Time Trust: We are merely exchanging long protein strands. If you can think of a better way to do so, I'd like to hear it.
UltimateJaburg53: Heh
UltimateJaburg53: TTT
UltimateJaburg53: Don't blame me
captainsammitch: what promo?
The Time Trust: Hm?
UltimateJaburg53: I voted for Kodos
The Time Trust: Heh
TheElisaPrincess: *yawns yet again*
PJPGYRO: sneaky is freaky
TheElisaPrincess: i need to read.....;(
PJPGYRO: it rmes
PJPGYRO: rymes
PJPGYRO: rhymes
PJPGYRO: Imiss my poetry
UltimateJaburg53: So does cat and flat
brianjonopulos: PJP IS GODE SPELEERR!
UltimateJaburg53: I'll get my boots
PJPGYRO: g-man killed my artisitc spirit
TheElisaPrincess: yeah whatever happened to it pjs?
TheElisaPrincess: if bsams is tryin to copy your artistic ability........bring it back
PJPGYRO: now I just drink whiskey and curse alot
UltimateJaburg53: Just like Coc Holiday
The Time Trust: Did anyone invite G-man yet?
UltimateJaburg53: doc Holiday
TheElisaPrincess: i didnt even know he had aim
PJPGYRO: he doesn't socialize with common folk
captainsammitch: Penwing do I need to write my own recap?
Jlfgrimm13: yes, sammitch, you do.
TheElisaPrincess: I havent seen pen in a bit sams
PJPGYRO: Im your huckleberry
Jlfgrimm13: tonite.
PJPGYRO: your a daisy if you do
Jlfgrimm13: starring pjp as cock holliday.
UltimateJaburg53: I'm afraid the strain was more than he could bear.
PJPGYRO: Why Johnny you look like someone walked over your grave
BooBerryFanatic: So... what'd I miss?
PJPGYRO: sneaky and elisa had cyber
TheElisaPrincess: nothing chewys
Jlfgrimm13: CHEWY!!! HE'S ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!
brianjonopulos: A ;ot
TheElisaPrincess: just pj being perverted :P
brianjonopulos: lot
PJPGYRO: elisa stuck the mouse up her cooch
PJPGYRO: without lube
BooBerryFanatic: Well, I've had the window open all day, so I shouldn't have much trouble finding out.
UltimateJaburg53: No
UltimateJaburg53: Spit is lube
BooBerryFanatic: Just several hours...
PJPGYRO: no spit
PJPGYRO: she just jammed it in
captainsammitch: Why tonight Grimm? I thought we had until tomorrow night a t 8
PJPGYRO: shes freaky like that
brianjonopulos: I'm leaving for a while, gotta do some shit to this computer, I'll be back later.
UltimateJaburg53: Whoa
TheElisaPrincess: *sings* ill stay away
PJPGYRO: you cant fuck a computer brian
Jlfgrimm13: out of respect for joe mama. that's why.
brianjonopulos has left the room.
PJPGYRO: dont violate the computer
UltimateJaburg53: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
The Time Trust: Nice guy, that Chewy
PJPGYRO: Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood!
PJPGYRO: his name is Boob here
UltimateJaburg53: Where is Padme?
PJPGYRO: erry fanatic
captainsammitch: I can try
Jlfgrimm13: boob fanatic.
The Time Trust: I prefer Boobery
UltimateJaburg53: Booby hatch?
Jlfgrimm13: boob snatch.
PJPGYRO: Lord Vader you must go to the temple and kill the younglings
PJPGYRO: I will do whatever you say
UltimateJaburg53: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
BooBerryFanatic: ...?
PJPGYRO: Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood!
TheElisaPrincess: yawns
PJPGYRO: elisa next time your mouth is that wide open
UltimateJaburg53: Are you dictating?
PJPGYRO: im gonna stick something in it
UltimateJaburg53: A cursed Monkey Paw?
PenWing424: there is no try
PJPGYRO: maybe a carrot or a breadstick
PJPGYRO: only do
UltimateJaburg53: Pennywinngy
Jlfgrimm13: or a nice juicy lemon lifesaver.
TheElisaPrincess: whatever getting soooooooooooo sleepy
PJPGYRO: good you wont put up much of a fight for rex
UltimateJaburg53: Just cum on her face and wipe your cockoff in her hair
UltimateJaburg53: Wow
PJPGYRO: that chick missing in aruba is hot
UltimateJaburg53: I rally wish it hadn't gotten quiet just then
PenWing424: ZerohourPostCrisisUltimateJaburg53
TheElisaPrincess: *husm to the radio*
PJPGYRO: awkward moment huh
PenWing424: did i get that even close?
TheElisaPrincess: not really pj :P
UltimateJaburg53: I loved that screen name
Lord Mxypltk: HEY KIDZ!
Lord Mxypltk:
UltimateJaburg53: Yeah that was right
The Time Trust: YES!
Lord Mxypltk: GO BUY IT NOW
Lord Mxypltk: SEND MONEY
Lord Mxypltk: AND BOOBIES
PenWing424: that was a great name
PenWing424: those were some fun times on the dcmbs
PenWing424: too bad the board is unpostable now
PenWing424: for shame
PJPGYRO: gman should be a mod there
The Time Trust: Quiet! I'm trying to read.
PJPGYRO: he would fit in real well
TheElisaPrincess: i need to read too trsut but im not :P
PenWing424: it's tome for bed
PenWing424: time
The Time Trust: I love that 2nd panel
PenWing424: i'm too tired to type straight
Lord Mxypltk: Notice how some dialogues were so gay I didn't even have to alter them.
UltimateJaburg53: Night Penwing
PenWing424: good night everyone
PJPGYRO: night pen
PenWing424 has left the room.
UltimateJaburg53: Yea, i did Mxy
Lord Mxypltk: PenWing424: i'm too tired to type straight... I LOVE COCK!
Lord Mxypltk: gyro
PJPGYRO: rob is hemming and hawing about getting rid of gman
PJPGYRO: convince him
TheElisaPrincess: Pj i hold no powers of persuasion over dear robbers!
PJPGYRO: he is getting sick of me PMing him
The Time Trust: Lord Mxypltk: Notice how some dialogues were so gay I didn't even have to alter them.
The Time Trust: Indeed.
PJPGYRO: he calls it the "revolution"
PJPGYRO: he is mildly amused
Lord Mxypltk: I already PMd rob about it not too long ago
PJPGYRO: all I asked for was new elections
Lord Mxypltk: sent pms back and forth for a while. he defended gay-man.
The Time Trust: I shouldn't read this while I'm eating food.
Lord Mxypltk: heh
PJPGYRO: he did to me to at first
PJPGYRO: now he is on the fence
TheElisaPrincess: the revolution of the boards?
TheElisaPrincess: t6hats so gay :P
PJPGYRO: we need to give it one more big push this week
TheElisaPrincess: i called it "the drama :P:
PJPGYRO: elisa called something gay
Lord Mxypltk: therefore it's straight
PJPGYRO: and used the number 6 to do so
PJPGYRO: curious
Jlfgrimm13: smell my armpits.
TheElisaPrincess: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
TheElisaPrincess: gotcha
TheElisaPrincess: ok i figured out what i was wondering
PJPGYRO: smell elisas farts
TheElisaPrincess: Pj usually the guy that says that is the one with the problem ;-)
PJPGYRO: elisa you should see a doctor
TheElisaPrincess: *sings* unforgettable...........
ChrryVanilla06 has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: hiya meeks!
ChrryVanilla06 has left the room.
Glacier16: heh
PJPGYRO: I have no problem withmy farts
TheElisaPrincess: mrhm just like i thought :P
TheElisaPrincess: owwwww stupid foot, im soo gonna be dead tired tomorrow ;P
PJPGYRO: i think that last one of yours was wet elisa
PJPGYRO: take your granny panties off and wash your cooch
UltimateJaburg53: Hey Klinton!
PJPGYRO: you think its possible to offend elisa
PJPGYRO: I dont think so
TheElisaPrincess: damn it
TheElisaPrincess: my dad used my card to pay his bill
TheElisaPrincess: oh it son now
PJPGYRO: what the TV
BooBerryFanatic: Heh!
UltimateJaburg53: Do what now?
PJPGYRO: elisa was just stripping
klinton77: really%?
TheElisaPrincess: screw so pissed
PJPGYRO: taking off the granny panties
UltimateJaburg53: KLINTON!
klinton77: eh yare you pissed, Princess?
klinton77: hi UJ
TheElisaPrincess: cussing mad
klinton77: why?
PJPGYRO: someones been drinky drinky
UltimateJaburg53: What happened?
PJPGYRO: dont cuss youll get fired
klinton77: hmmm...
klinton77: Princess...what's wrong?
PJPGYRO: think of the children
PJPGYRO: her father used her credit card to pay his bills
UltimateJaburg53: What bills?
klinton77: really?
PJPGYRO: its scary that I understand her
klinton77: really?
PJPGYRO: yeah real scary
PJPGYRO: I speak elisanese
TheElisaPrincess: grrrrrr that fuckin sucks
UltimateJaburg53: Really?
TheElisaPrincess: totally
TheElisaPrincess: his energy/water/and cable bills
BooBerryFanatic: Really sorry to hear that, E...
UltimateJaburg53: Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!'
klinton77: that's shit
Glacier16: W H O A
TheElisaPrincess: for a gran total of six hundred dollars
klinton77: absolute shit
BooBerryFanatic: I agree with Klinton.
PJPGYRO: you could have done alot withthat money
TheElisaPrincess: totally..........the company called and wanted to know why my card was used so mcuh the last 24 hours
TheElisaPrincess: its been with me the whole tim
TheElisaPrincess: ehe paid by phone they said
UltimateJaburg53: I get all my energy from Energon cubes
PJPGYRO: slick
Glacier16: ha!
TheElisaPrincess: grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr his ass is so mine
PJPGYRO: thats incest
UltimateJaburg53: Say it was fraud
TheElisaPrincess: grrrrrr im mad......and i cant do anything till it was tomorrow
TheElisaPrincess: frauds so there
Glacier16: it is tomorrow
PJPGYRO: gokcik his door down now
TheElisaPrincess: i dont get paid enough to pay the damn thing off the 15
klinton77: tomorrow you call the police
PJPGYRO: it will make a statement
Lord Mxypltk: I can't figure out why the last page is smaller
TheElisaPrincess: i will guys.....i cancelled the card out anyways
TheElisaPrincess: it was the only credit one i had too.........
UltimateJaburg53: Most credit card companys will cancel a one time dept for shit just like this
Lord Mxypltk: Looks the same in Paint
TheElisaPrincess: that just fuckin sucks.......iw as gonna haev the whole bloody thing paid off too
Jlfgrimm13 has left the room.
PJPGYRO: I know a way you canmake some extar money
UltimateJaburg53: How did he have the number?
UltimateJaburg53: Cans?
TheElisaPrincess: i was over at his house last week?
PJPGYRO: after the first few times youll stop crying
TheElisaPrincess: i left the room to go to the bathroom
TheElisaPrincess: one of those ways
UltimateJaburg53: Emu Farm?
PJPGYRO: or so I heard
TheElisaPrincess: and im not becoming a hookr pj :P
klinton77:'re an ass
PJPGYRO: hooker is soodirty
PJPGYRO: I was thinking escort
TheElisaPrincess: lol klint its okay he made me laugh ;-)
PJPGYRO: I made him laugh too
UltimateJaburg53: You could raise Emus!
klinton77: yea
PJPGYRO: he just likes calling me an ass
TheElisaPrincess: yeah.......sure ya did....and i was sleepy a second ago ;p
klinton77: that too
PJPGYRO: is emus her pet penis
TheElisaPrincess: damn what
klinton77 has left the room.
klinton77 has entered the room.
Lord Mxypltk has left the room.
PJPGYRO: you could make that back in 2 to 3 sessions elisa
TheElisaPrincess: LOL
TheElisaPrincess: thanks pj......i so owe you!
PJPGYRO: jers would probably give you 500 just for a peck on the cheek
klinton77: lol
TheElisaPrincess: rotflol..........yeah whatever
Glacier16: ahh, ur killin' me PJJP
BooBerryFanatic: Cool! Pulp Fiction is one!
PJPGYRO: hed cum in his pants if you held his hand
TheElisaPrincess: i just liked the theme song
TheElisaPrincess: didnt like the movie so much
klinton77: what happened to Pariah
TheElisaPrincess: klint no clue..........
klinton77: I miss her already
TheElisaPrincess: lol
TheElisaPrincess: miss her :P
PJPGYRO: he is sleeping with a family member
klinton77: got it
TheElisaPrincess: lol pj.......oh gosh!
PJPGYRO: golly
PJPGYRO: gee whiz
klinton77: probably true
PJPGYRO: elisa call jers
PJPGYRO: tell him you need some money
PJPGYRO: hell give it to you
Glacier16: alright, im out. See ya.
TheElisaPrincess: he's gotta cell though
PJPGYRO: see ya glacier
TheElisaPrincess: long distance doesnt cover that
TheElisaPrincess: night glacys!
TheElisaPrincess: Weve got to get together btw :P
PJPGYRO: glacys?
TheElisaPrincess: since youre only four hours away!
Glacier16 has left the room.
klinton77: bye glac
TheElisaPrincess: yeah he lives in oklahoma which is sooooo much closer than you guys
klinton77: Jeremy?
PJPGYRO: Im sure he cant wait
TheElisaPrincess: no nono glaceir lives in ok
PJPGYRO: rexgaydust just signed on
TheElisaPrincess: lol pj
TheElisaPrincess: you are so funny all of a sweet
TheElisaPrincess: i havent talked to jeremys in two or three months
klinton77: he's usually funny
PJPGYRO: aye yay yay
PJPGYRO: I need to go to bed
PJPGYRO: see you guys manana
klinton77: bye
PJPGYRO has left the room.
TheElisaPrincess: noooooooo everybodys going to sleep
TheElisaPrincess: so not fair
TheElisaPrincess: i need to sleep!
TheElisaPrincess: but im too pissed
TheElisaPrincess: so how was your day klint?
BooBerryFanatic: I'm not. I just found out that Pulp Fiction was on...
TheElisaPrincess: yeah in here and then what?
TheElisaPrincess: no way chews?
klinton77: drinking
TheElisaPrincess: what are you doing now that youre all graduated?
klinton77: he's going to be an actor
BooBerryFanatic: Working as a test evaluator at a temp agency until I can find something more permanent...
BooBerryFanatic: That and acting where I can get gigs.
BooBerryFanatic: Or auditions.
klinton77: I wanna be an astronaut
TheElisaPrincess: really?
TheElisaPrincess: couldnt handle the fear of heights thing
klinton77: no...not really
klinton77: I think I'm going to eend up as an lit teacher
klinton77: a
klinton77: off to a good start?
TheElisaPrincess: lol klints
TheElisaPrincess: you should be a college prof.......youd rock at that too
TheElisaPrincess: high school i could picture you in
klinton77: not high school
klinton77: I used to do sex ed in hoghschool
klinton77: s
klinton77: that was....interesting
TheElisaPrincess: oh that sucked
TheElisaPrincess: i remember that class
klinton77: I can see you squirming through it
UltimateJaburg53: No more PLP?
klinton77: PLP?
UltimateJaburg53: PJP
klinton77: nope
TheElisaPrincess: naw he went ot bed
klinton77: amuse me now
klinton77: damnit!
TheElisaPrincess: hrm......i cant amuse :P
klinton77: sure you can
klinton77: naked pics are admissable
TheElisaPrincess: of me??? boy klints is desperately ;-)
TheElisaPrincess: i thought you were gay :P
klinton77: I was
TheElisaPrincess: you was :P
TheElisaPrincess: till midnight
klinton77: yeah
BooBerryFanatic: Then he changes into a pumpkin.
UltimateJaburg53: Now he is a pumpkin
klinton77: the magic fairy's spell wore off
UltimateJaburg53: Jinx!
TheElisaPrincess: whatever
UltimateJaburg53: Pumpkin!
klinton77: I need another know I'm good for it
TheElisaPrincess: another fix :P
TheElisaPrincess: of what? naked woman :P
klinton77: fairy dust
klinton77: so's I can be a real fairy
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: not a pixie?
klinton77: nope
klinton77: a FAIRY
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: why not a pixie
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: what do you have against pixies
klinton77: dunno...not gay enough....?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: Ah well than
klinton77: maybe I can be a real G-Man this time
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: that'd work
TheElisaPrincess: lol klint
klinton77: are you laughing at me beacuse I crave your naked, supple form?
klinton77: shit...I can't believe I typed that
klinton77: ehhhh....
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: ehhhh?? its the fonz!
klinton77: noooooooooooooooo!
brianjonopulos has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: hiya rexy
brianjonopulos: Damn, everyone left.
klinton77: still here
klinton77: so's UJ and Bunny
captainsammitch: wrong!
klinton77: sammich too...
klinton77: I think Princess must be on the phone with her dad
TheElisaPrincess: still sorta here
TheElisaPrincess: he wont answer klint :P
klinton77: he's not gonna
TheElisaPrincess: i cancelled the card.....thats one good thing to come outa this
klinton77: You need to beat that man
klinton77: he's just an ass...all the way around
TheElisaPrincess: with a stick
TheElisaPrincess: totally klint........
klinton77: If I was there, I'd do it for you
TheElisaPrincess: awww so sweet of you
TheElisaPrincess: the bastards no good.......still dont know why my moms with him
klinton77: seriously...I hate fucks like him
klinton77: you have no idea how mad it made me to hear your little story tonight
TheElisaPrincess: so do I!
klinton77: on top of all the other shit you've told me
TheElisaPrincess: yeah............i so here ya htere
TheElisaPrincess: there oopsy
TheElisaPrincess: reason number one why i never wanna get married :P
klinton77: oh shush...
klinton77: there are good guys out there
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: yes there sure are
klinton77: like me.
klinton77: and Dan
klinton77: and other gay men
TheElisaPrincess: yeah i know klints!!!!!!!!
brianjonopulos: Like Rob
klinton77: him too
TheElisaPrincess: lol @rob
klinton77: I think Rob would be a lousy BF though
klinton77: he's got a temper
brianjonopulos: He's been with his girlfriend for more than five years.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i have a nice pursian i'm done with PE can have him
klinton77: she's ...tollerant?
brianjonopulos: I've never seen Rob really upset.
TheElisaPrincess: neither have I
TheElisaPrincess: its okay robs not my type
TheElisaPrincess: you can have him sneaks ;-)
brianjonopulos: And I''ve seen some people do some fucked up shit at his boards and the DCMBS.
klinton77: nope...but I've read about his reactions to little things in his blog
klinton77: the MB's and life are two different things
brianjonopulos: You read his blog? You really are gay.
TheElisaPrincess: lol rex :P
klinton77: sometimes...when I'm super bored...not daily
klinton77: I just skim that shit
brianjonopulos: I usually skim over it, there's some good stuff in it every once in a while.
brianjonopulos: Like pictures of hot chicks.
TheElisaPrincess: its pretty interesting rex
TheElisaPrincess: hes a good writer
klinton77: I love Aeon Flux!
klinton77: this shit is just classic
brianjonopulos: I've only seen parts of it. Never really cared.
klinton77:'s all goof
klinton77: d
klinton77: I want the DVD set...all I have is the videos
TheElisaPrincess: aeon flux?
The Time Trust: Pro does some good interviews.
klinton77: that shit is fun
klinton77: I want to do one
The Time Trust: I'm already thinking of how I'd answer the questions.
klinton77: klint: 'Really, I just hate you all'
TheElisaPrincess: wb trsutys
TheElisaPrincess: promys rocks
The Time Trust: Hey Elisa
TheElisaPrincess: im really impressed.......who knew a little news correspondant lurked inside him
The Time Trust: What's up?
TheElisaPrincess: hey trusty...........nothin much
TheElisaPrincess: brb checkin the dryer
klinton77: she just got robbed by her dad
klinton77: did you catch that bit?
brianjonopulos: What?
The Time Trust: WHAT?
klinton77: yup...let her tell you
klinton77: he's a world class fucktard
The Time Trust: Damn. My dad did that once.
The Time Trust: He stole my college fund.
klinton77: Really?
The Time Trust: Thought I'd never use it.
klinton77: fuck....
The Time Trust: He did give me money later on, though, so it wasn't all bad.
TheElisaPrincess: yeah trust
TheElisaPrincess: he paid his cable/electirc/water bill with my credit card
TheElisaPrincess: i decided to check my balance jus tto make sure
brianjonopulos: fuck
The Time Trust: Ouch.
The Time Trust: Without asking?
TheElisaPrincess: its like 1035 when it was like 400 last thursday
TheElisaPrincess: of course without asking
brianjonopulos: Did you call the credit card company about it?
TheElisaPrincess: he did it by phone apparently
The Time Trust: Whoa.
TheElisaPrincess: of course i called em
TheElisaPrincess: and froze/cancelled it
brianjonopulos: Which one was it?
The Time Trust: That's quite a nerve.
TheElisaPrincess: the only credit card i had bj
TheElisaPrincess: bank of america one
brianjonopulos: oh
TheElisaPrincess: totally trusty but hes done the same thing with my mom........
klinton77: can we kill him now?
brianjonopulos: I used to deal with them at an old job.
brianjonopulos: There usually pretty good about that kind of stuff.
The Time Trust: Do you live with your parents?
brianjonopulos: I think its best to cut all ties with him. Thats completely unexcuseable.
The Time Trust: I'd shoot myself if I had to live with my dad.
The Time Trust: He's difficult.
The Time Trust: ....
The Time Trust: Did I kill the chat?
klinton77: yup
klinton77: ass
The Time Trust: :-[
brianjonopulos: yup
klinton77: chat killer!
brianjonopulos: Its been done several times.
klinton77: I've tried
The Time Trust: The Canadian politics thing?
klinton77: yup
TheElisaPrincess: sorry babe
The Time Trust: Surefire.
TheElisaPrincess: no i had to run to the dryer
TheElisaPrincess: yeah rex you d better believe i will/did/will do yet again
TheElisaPrincess: anyway thats why my mom has no good credit
klinton77: Landry about that ass...
klinton77: I hate Quebec
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: you love it
klinton77: I do
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: right down to the iglos and lumberjacks
klinton77: I hate the Quebecquois
klinton77: there are no igloos
TheElisaPrincess: lol..........yeah oh the joys :P
TheElisaPrincess: i meant about luandry
klinton77: no...Landry
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: sure you just wish you had an iglo too
klinton77: Bernarf Landry
klinton77: f
klinton77: d
klinton77: Bernarf
klinton77: Bernard
klinton77: there
klinton77: fuck
The Time Trust: I made an igloo when I was a kid once.
The Time Trust: It was a bad winter.
TheElisaPrincess: yeah i cant spell when im tired either
brianjonopulos: I'm leaving again, I gotta get some sleep.
TheElisaPrincess: congrast trust
The Time Trust: Well, it wasn't really an igloo.
TheElisaPrincess: i lived in alaska and never made an igloo
klinton77: night Rex
TheElisaPrincess: congraTs oopsy
brianjonopulos has left the room.
TheElisaPrincess: night rex.........
The Time Trust: More like burrowing under the snow with mysisters and pretending.
klinton77: I made a lein-to once
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: their fun ot make with trash cans and ice
The Time Trust: Yeah, I've.... watched... as others made one.
TheElisaPrincess: aww thats fun you got to pretend with igloos though
TheElisaPrincess: we used to make tents inside and pretend they were castles
klinton77: me too
TheElisaPrincess: it was so fun!
klinton77: out of blankets and couches
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i still do
klinton77: you would
The Time Trust: Yeah, that's a fairly common game as a kid.
TheElisaPrincess: awwww thats cool sneaks
klinton77: no...that's tragic
TheElisaPrincess: i found my cabbabe patch tents today while cleaning......too bad i still dont have the rods they go in
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: just use those chicnese food sticks things
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: and duct tape
klinton77: beer
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: russina lesbians
klinton77: it's all you need
klinton77: beer
The Time Trust: My sisters and I were mostly outside exploring, though.
klinton77: yup, beer
klinton77: I used to live on a ravine that was fun
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: will you go buy me somemore
The Time Trust: We lived in a hilly area in the prairies, which had been a pioneer town.
TheElisaPrincess: thats cool trust
klinton77: we used to build funhouses in the woods
The Time Trust: There was once a bank where our house was.
TheElisaPrincess: cool klint.......i was never that great at building stuff as a kid
klinton77: shit...getting sleepy
TheElisaPrincess: darn it :P
TheElisaPrincess: yeah im starting to get sleepy too.....sorta ;p

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
rex #520529 2005-06-06 3:08 PM
Joined: Jun 2004
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Who will I break next?
15000+ posts
Joined: Jun 2004
Posts: 46,308
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: get a coke
klinton77: rock a by princess, on the tree top....
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i'm making you stay up
TheElisaPrincess: its okay ill play a game :P
klinton77: get some coke
TheElisaPrincess: lol sneaks.....i cant, gotta get up at six am :P
TheElisaPrincess: there bouts anyway
TheElisaPrincess: lol klint :P
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i need too
TheElisaPrincess: you too??????
TheElisaPrincess: yeah.......and i have a prepared for it though!
klinton77: I think we killed TTT again
klinton77: damn him and his indifference
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: someone start CPR
TheElisaPrincess: naw trusty got busy remembering and decided to add onto his memoirs
klinton77: you should write a soap about your family princess
The Time Trust: I get bored easily.
klinton77: I'd watch that shit
TheElisaPrincess: LOL Klints......I COULD WRITE NOVELS about my family
The Time Trust: Start checking other things out.
TheElisaPrincess: lol@ watch that shit
TheElisaPrincess: thats funny
klinton77: I would...It'd top anything spelling can churn out
The Time Trust: Hey, I'll ghost-write it for you, P.
TheElisaPrincess: ghostwrite for me
TheElisaPrincess: heck need to get full credit
The Time Trust: Credit? Bah.
TheElisaPrincess: oh please you have a gift ;-)
The Time Trust: I'm satisfied with the cash.
The Time Trust: ;-)
TheElisaPrincess: lol.......i used to be able to write pretty decnetly :P
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: can when i wanna
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: all part in being an anal word nazi
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: my lighters empty
The Time Trust: Just checked out Matter-Eater Lad's page.
TheElisaPrincess: poor sneaks]
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: klint go get me a new one and aother pack
The Time Trust: Ironically enough, it says "Welcome to the Dark Zone"....
The Time Trust: ...on a blinding white background.
The Time Trust: LOL
The Time Trust: I love irony.
klinton77: yes mistress
klinton77: Matter man is a funny one
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: get me a lighter and a pack of 27's and a case of keiths india pal ale
klinton77: I love how he keeps trying to argue with Pariah
The Time Trust: That's a full-time job.
klinton77: on second can get off your own lazy ass
klinton77: totally
klinton77: I gave up arguing with him
UltimateJaburg53 has left the room.
klinton77: UJ...come back
klinton77: I miss you already
TheElisaPrincess: i like the dark zone ;P
klinton77: :-(
TheElisaPrincess: Uj left????????/
TheElisaPrincess: awwwwwwwwwwwwww
klinton77: you scared him off
klinton77: bitch
The Time Trust: That's a sure sign that the all-weekend chat will soon be gone.
klinton77: put those tities back
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i'll just throw em over my shoulder
klinton77: or tuck them into your arm pits
klinton77: much sexier
klinton77: the all weekend chat is going....I was getting used t it
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: what was i thinkig letting them cover my ankles
The Time Trust: I need to meet a woman with breasts like oranges hanging from dental floss.
The Time Trust: Just picture it...
klinton77: try asian women
The Time Trust: Only in the National Geographic.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: prlenty of asians in canada
klinton77: yup
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i hear they offer to buy your house
The Time Trust: Vancouver is 50% Asian.
The Time Trust: I love Asian women.
klinton77: It's wierd...Asian women are super hot...but asian men...not so much...
The Time Trust: Especially Koreans, and Japanese.
TheElisaPrincess: yawns
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: they don't do shit for me
The Time Trust: That's a shame. I know a small Asian man in the Phillippines who's single.
klinton77: I've seen the women you fuck Sneaks...they don't do it for
klinton77: Myx?
The Time Trust: Son of
klinton77: your kid?
The Time Trust: Wha?
TheElisaPrincess: breasts like dental floss??? what?
klinton77: by invitro
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: hey now my indina women were hot
The Time Trust: National Geographic tribal women, Princess.
The Time Trust: Stupid joke.
klinton77: mayhap I didn't see that one sneaks
TheElisaPrincess: ohhhhhhhhhhh didnt getit
TheElisaPrincess: get IT oopsy
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: are you sure
klinton77: I jsut got it too...
klinton77: fuck...I was thinking perfectly round and perky
The Time Trust: Nah.
klinton77: no, not at all
The Time Trust: That would be great, though.
klinton77: Asian women
TheElisaPrincess: mk thanks for lisetning off to bed!!!!! how much later are yall gonna be up?
klinton77: I'm telling you
The Time Trust: Oh, I know. I know.;
klinton77: nite princess
TheElisaPrincess has left the room.
The Time Trust: I've dated a couple of Asian girls.
klinton77: so hae I
klinton77: have
klinton77: freaky, dirty girl
The Time Trust: I'm getting a bit tired.
klinton77: me too
klinton77: sneaky...sing for us
klinton77: ........................waiting....................
klinton77 has left the room.
The Time Trust: Okay, I think 40+ hours straight in this chatroom is enough.
The Time Trust: Seeya on the other side.
The Time Trust has left the room.
AGWednesday: (au)
AGWednesday has left the room.
XxStupid DoggxX has entered the room.
XxStupid DoggxX has left the room.
UltimateJaburg53 has entered the room.
UltimateJaburg53: Bleh
Glacier16 has entered the room.
rexstardust99: .
UltimateJaburg53: >>
UltimateJaburg53: Hi
UltimateJaburg53: FUCKING CHAT TEASE!
rexstardust99: I'm gonna close this soon.
rexstardust99: Feel free to keep it open.
UltimateJaburg53: I'm off to work in fifteen
UltimateJaburg53: I'll leave it open
rexstardust99: cool.
rexstardust99: .
rexstardust99: I have this chat saved up to this point, two and a half days is long enough for me.

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
rex #520530 2005-06-06 3:31 PM
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Your death will make me king!
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I prefer Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Peanut Butter Crunch.

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It's still open.

<sub>Will Eisner's last work - The Plot: The Secret Story of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion
RDCW Profile

"Well, as it happens, I wrote the damned SOP," Illescue half snarled, "and as of now, you can bar those jackals from any part of this facility until Hell's a hockey rink! Is that perfectly clear?!" - Dr. Franz Illescue - Honor Harrington: At All Costs

"I don't know what I'm do, or how I do, I just do." - Alexander Ovechkin</sub>
PenWing #520532 2005-06-06 3:38 PM
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Inglourious Basterd!!!
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Uschi said:
I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry.

MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost!

"I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock

[Linked Image from]
PenWing #520533 2005-06-06 3:40 PM
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6000+ posts
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PenWing said:
It's still open.

Good god...I think this is going to become a permanent addition to these boards. Not going in there today. That shit is too addictive.

If karma's a bitch, it will be my bitch!
klinton #520534 2005-06-06 3:43 PM
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Inglourious Basterd!!!
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Inglourious Basterd!!!
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True dat.

Uschi said:
I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry.

MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost!

"I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock

[Linked Image from]
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5000+ posts
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Joe Mama said:

Just because.

<sub>Will Eisner's last work - The Plot: The Secret Story of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion
RDCW Profile

"Well, as it happens, I wrote the damned SOP," Illescue half snarled, "and as of now, you can bar those jackals from any part of this facility until Hell's a hockey rink! Is that perfectly clear?!" - Dr. Franz Illescue - Honor Harrington: At All Costs

"I don't know what I'm do, or how I do, I just do." - Alexander Ovechkin</sub>
klinton #520536 2005-06-06 4:30 PM
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klinton said:

PenWing said:
It's still open.

Good god...I think this is going to become a permanent addition to these boards. Not going in there today. That shit is too addictive.

I don't think we could kill it at this point.

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
klinton #520537 2005-06-06 4:53 PM
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Your death will make me king!
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klinton said:

PenWing said:
It's still open.

Good god...I think this is going to become a permanent addition to these boards. Not going in there today. That shit is too addictive.

Everything rex touches turns to gold. "Say something about the poster above you," "The predict the next poster thread," "A thread about harleykwin," and now this.


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November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
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PJP Offline
We already are
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We already are
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Wednesday said:

klinton said:

PenWing said:
It's still open.

Good god...I think this is going to become a permanent addition to these boards. Not going in there today. That shit is too addictive.

Everything rex touches turns to gold. "Say something about the poster above you," "The predict the next poster thread," "A thread about harleykwin," and now this.


rex should be a mod. he has contributed more than most.

rex #520540 2005-06-06 5:06 PM
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Who will I break next?
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Could you imagine if I was actually a mod of a forum? Make me a mod of the womens forum and I'll have all the women here posting nude pics in no time.

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
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