
PJP said:
So much for the truce......

At least JLA and Kristogar are maintaining there peace.

Let the record show I kept my half of the bargain. Isn't it obvious that the kid is obsessed? I mean he claims that's he's mad because of teh single instance in which I took G-Man's side over his, but doesn't it seem just a little like obsessive stalker behavious to you? Maybe a little paranoid? I mean I make a silly post and he gets pissed for no concevable reason. He takes comments that have nothing to do with him and rails against them. i mean doesn't he realise it's going to go the same way every time? He's going to get pissy and stalk me. I'm going to stop feeling pitty for the poor guy and point out one of his many shortcomings. Then he's going to try the same, but finding that my poor spelling pails in light of his miriad of failures he's going to attack my wife (like a man0 and then everyone's going to tell him what a jack-ass he is for doing it and that doing it only makes him look bad, then he'll shrink away afraid to face the conversation anymore then resurface a couple of days later and start up again. I mean you're friends with the guy, don't you worry about him. I think if there are any posters who live near him they should check in on him from time to time.

Putting the "fun" back in Fundamentalist Christian Dogma. " I know God exists because WBAM told me so. " - theory9 JLA brand RACK points = 514k