
the G-man said:
I dunno. In the pre Crisis DCU, the Spectre (ie the Wrath of God) was the one character who more or less existed simultaneously on both earths. This would tend to indicate that both the golden age/Earth 2 God and the modern age/Earth 1 God were actually the same character, existing simultaneously on both Earths.

I thought of that, G Man. I was being silly earlier. More than likely, the God of one universe is the same God of all alternate universes, as well.

Maybe I ought to create a thread on God, myself.

I used to wonder, years ago, why God doesn't just manifest himself on Earth in a form very similar to that of God-Man, set up an office, and run things personally, as we mortals have proven that we cannot get through a single day without rapes, murders, war and general cruely to other mortals.

I believe their may actually have been a time where God actually did make many outright attempts to straighten humanity out. Destroying Sodom and Gemorah was one of them.....

But he grew weary at making examples of cities and yelling at humanity, because most people just didn't care.
Now, I believe the reason why it appears God doesn't help us much at all is because he's hoping we mortals will somehow get back on track, and stop with the wars, rapes, assaults, and killing, on our own. We ought to have learned by now how to get along, but fragile human psyches just aren't up to being able to resist temptation.

Of course this is all speculation on my part... I could be very wrong...But if we do destroy ourselves, maybe then we'll learn not to be so cruel to one another....but too late.

Check out this link to more God-Man issues :


The common theme is, why does it appear God is merely toying with us, the way the character Bruce in Bruce Almighty accused God of doing? Maybe he really did give us everything we need here..and we're just mucking it all up, totally....

Though somedays, it DOES feel to me that God is cruel, like when you read about 9 year old school girls being raped and murdered, countries where killing hundreds, thousands of individuals a day appears to be a sport, and where we can get very sick, suffer horribly, and die painful deaths.

But it is man doing these acts, not God himself. The illness, natural disasters, Etc, they are debatable as to whether God causes these things to torture humanity, or are they just the result of living on a tectonically unstable planet, with complicated weather patterns, and sickness and disease that simply just occurs to our fragile bodies...

Maybe it's our job to be a race of morons....The " Goofus " planet of the universe..and movies of Earth history are shown in schools on other worlds in the universe with a stern warning at the end of the Film : DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME! DON'T BE LIKE THEM!

Maybe all sentient creatures are subject to emotions, whims, impulsive behavoir, and it is merely our destiny to evolve past this in only one manner..by dying and moving on to the next life...whether it be reincarnation, going to Heaven, or whatever.

I don't believe that, as long as we are human and in this reality, that we will ever learn to get along here. I would like very much to someday be proved wrong.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.