I hope only the best for old Jake, and all of you who support Jake with your fancy avatars and the clever alterations, you are all MY friends! So I hope you like my disasterpiece:

The doggies had a party
They came from near and far
Some they came by motorbus and
Some they came by car

Upon entering the meeting hall
Each doggie had to look
As to where to hang his asshole
Up high upon a hook.

And when they were assembled
Each doggie, son and squire
Some dirty bulldog son-of-a-bitch
Jumped up and hollered FIRE

Well the place was in a turmoil
Twas hell upon to look
For each doggie grabbed at random
An asshole off a hook.

Now, the assholes they were all mixed up
And it made the doggies sore
To have to wear another dog's ass
He'd never worn before

And that is why until this day
A dog will leave his bone
And go and smell another dog's ass
To see if it's his own.

And THAT was a poem by Heidenreich!!!!!!