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This time I'm taking the results from Pro Wrestling Insider as they're much more comprehensve and TNAwrestling.com keeps kiccking me off. Quote:
TNA Slammiversary Pre-Game Show: Shane Douglas and Jeremy Borash welcomed everyone to TNA’s third anniversary PPV. They plugged the debut of Samoa Joe, with his name getting a nice pop. They ran highlight clips of several angles, including Raven’s suspension.
Larry Zbyszko, inside the ring, announced the future of Dusty Rhodes saying, “he has no future in TNA.” Zbyszko said that there are rumors that Rhodes resigned, but asked everyone to enjoy the silent laughter and said that is what happened when people are fired.
Jeff Jarrett’s music hit and he came to the ring, interrupting Zbyszko. Jarrett demanded that Zbyszko tell the people the real truth, saying that Rhodes is just like Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Jeff Hardy, Hulk Hogan, and Sting, in that none of them are still around TNA because Jarrett ran them off. Jarrett said that he ran Rhodes out of town without laying a finger on him. Jarrett said he built TNA from the ground up and he’s going to enter a match he made famous – The King of the Mountain match. He said that last month it took two men to dethrone him, but tonight he’ll beat four men to reclaim the NWA championship. The fans chanted “Boring.”
Raven, dressed in his ECW era wardrobe, hit the ring and was handed a ring mic as Zbyszko called for security. Raven said that he was astounded by TNA’s incompetance. He said that TNA put Sean Waltman in the match tonight, when Raven defeated and destroyed him last month. Raven claimed that Zbyszko was in cahoots with Jarrett to hold back Raven. He says that Jarrett did it to him in the past in the USWA and has been doing it ever since Raven arrived in TNA. He said that Jarrett has been playing political games and cutting his legs off since his one title shot. He demanded to be put in the match.
Jarrett said that Raven just whines and complains about things he never gets done while Jarrett always says what he’s going to do and gets it done. He told Raven he doesn’t deserve to be in the King of the Mountain match, saying that just because he can fall through 7-8 tables, he thinks he can call himself a professional wrestler. Jarrett said that Raven and everyone else from the “Bingo Parlor” who represented hardcore wrestling are all a bunch of idiots. He said the hardcore revival was a bunch of crap and slapped Raven. Raven and Jarrett began brawling with security holding Raven back. Jarrett rolled out to the floor.
Two fans painted like Jeff Hardy taunted Jarrett with a sign and yelled at him from the front row. Jarrett grabbed the sign and then pulled one of them over the railing, beating on him. A number of TNA executives including Jerry Jarrett, Ron Harris, and Terry Taylor grabbed him and forced him out of the building.
Jeremy Borash and Shane Douglas acted as if it was total chaos and tried to “regain face.”
Sonny Siaki & Apollo vs. Simon Diamond & Tryton
Diamond came out as a surprise, saying he was forced out of TNA to sit in obscurity. He looked heavier than the last time he was on TV. Diamond said that while he was gone, he acquired the services of Trytan in order to make sure that no one ever tried to force him out of the company again. Diamond and Siaki opened up. Diamond and Trytan worked over Apollo. They were pushing that Diamond was the perfect partner for Trytan due to his experience. Siaki made the hot tag and cleaned house, hitting a hurrancanrana on Diamond. He powerslams Diamond for a two count. Apollo ducked a Trytan clothesline and hit a superkick. Diamond broke up the pin at two. Diamond superkicked Siaki. Trytan hit the T3 and scored the pin.
Your winners, Simon Diamond and Trytan!
They went backstage, where Jarrett was handcuffed as his father spoke to the police. Raven broke into the scene, being held back by security, screaming. Larry Zbyszko showed and added Raven to the King of the Mountain match, saying he was either going to sink or swim. Raven grinned at the announcement. The idea, as mentioned on the PWInsider.com Elite section earlier in the week, was to take Jeff Jarrett out of the match during the pre-game show. Raven will be replacing Jarrett in the main event due to the "incident."
Jeremy Borash, Shane Douglas, and Don West did a hard sell for the PPV as the pre-game went off the air.
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TNA Slammiversary opened with a video interspersing childhood pictures of TNA performers and clips of TNA moments over the last three years. It was another awesome video package put together by Dave Sahadi.
Mike Tenay and Don West showed highlights of the Jarrett incident, announcing that he’s been arrested and is out of the King of the Mountain main event tonight. Don West said that Raven was added to the match in order to give the fans their money’s worth.
Elix Skipper vs. Amazing Red vs. Shark Boy vs. Delirious vs. Zach Gowan vs. Jerelle Clark
Skipper and Delirious started out. They talked about the Shark Boy lawsuit against Disney. Skipper hit several suplexes on Delirious. Red, making his return to TNA, tagged in. Red monkeyflipped Skipper, who caught him trying a move and locked in the Walls of Jericho. Red escaped and dropkicked the back of Skipper as he was in the corner. Jerelle Clark tagged in and hit a handstand kick, but Red moved. Red hit a spinning kick on Clark. Shark Boy and Gowan tagged in, with Shark hitting a neckbreaker. He battered Gowan with punches in the corner. Skipper and Gowan had words, with Shark Boy clotheslining him over the top with both crashing to the floor. Clark hit a springboard moonsault to the floor. Gowan went for a Asai Moonsault but was cut off by Delirious. Red then halted Delirious’ attempt to fly and hit The Infrared off the top to the floor. Delirious cut off Gowan again and went to the top. Red and Gowan cut him off. Everyone piled up and hit a double decker superplex. Gowan hit a moonsault on Clark for a two count. Skipper hit a sideslam on Shark Boy but Red broke it up. Clark hit some insane driver on Red but Delirious broke it up. Delirious hit a running knee on Clark, but was hit with a powerbomb and pinned by Shark Boy.
Your winner, Shark Boy!
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They promoted the King of the Mountain match, showing clips of Abyss staring at a mirror and destroying it with his chain.
Shane Douglas interviewed Shocker. Shocker, in English, said that he came to TNA to show the world that he’s the best Luchador in the world. Alex Shelley, returning to TNA with no sign of his “Baby Bear” character (Thank God) showed up and told Shocker that he was going to show the world that while Shocker was a great Lucha star, Shelley was a hybrid wrestler, rattling off every style of wrestling he excels at. Shocker cut a promo in Spanish and when Shane Douglas asked him what he said, he told Shane, “He doesn’t know what he got himself into.”
Shocker vs. Alex Shelley
The crowd chanted “Welcome back” to Shelley. They went back and forth early reversing each other’s moves with Mike Tenay giving background on both and putting over Shocker’s international reputation. Mike Tenay put over TNAWrestling.com and announced that TNA will be airing Impact! every Friday on the website starting this Friday. Alex Shelley walked outside the ring to try and slow down the momentum of the match. Shocker lit up Shelley with a series of chops. Shelley tried several takedowns to bring Shocker to the mat but they were thwarted, upsetting Shocker. Shelley offered his hand to Shocker and kissed Shocker’s boot in respect, then kicked him. Shelley shoulderblocked Shocker. Shocker dropkicked him in the head. Shocker missed a rolling slingshot splash but his a headscissors takeover. Shelley ended up outside tyhe ring and hid to prevent a dive by Shocker. He knocked Shocker out of the ring and went for a plancha, but missed. Shocker hit a dive to the floor. Shocker went for a moonsault but Shelley got his knees up. Shelley hit a backdrop driver on Shocker then kicked him in the ribs with a dropkick. Shelley tied up Shocker with a European submission then hit a stiff kick to the back of the neck. Shelley suplexed him, floating over for a near fall. Shocker kicked him in the solar plexus, bringing him out of the ring. Shocker hit a suicide dive to the floor, with both “hitting their heads” on the floor after connecting. Shocker returned to the ring first. He suplexed Shelley in, but Shelley landed on his feet and locked in a cradle package for a near fall. Shelley kicked Shocker and got a near fall after a DDT. They reversed several different cradle attempts with Mike Tenay bringing up that it was the Mexican and European versions of the maneuvers. Shocker finally tied up Shelley and scored the pin.
Your winner, Shocker!
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Backstage, Shane Douglas interviewed 3 Live Kru. They questioned BG James about where his loyalties lies. James said his actions tonight will speak louder than words. He said that he knows that some of his actions have made Konnan and Ron Killings have questioned his loyalties, but the Outlaw is in the past. He asked that they trust him one time, and they agreed. It was a good promo.
They aired a video feature on the recent 3 Live Kru developments.
The Outlaw vs. Ron Killings
The Outlaw did a lot of trash talking in the early moments of the bout. They locked up with Killings and Outlaw reversing hammerlocks. Outlaw shoulderblocked Killings down then kicked him. Outlaw argued with Killings, who pulled himself up to the top rope and hit a missile dropkick. Outlaw low blowed him to regain the momentum. Killings went to hit a kick while Outlaw was on the apron, but Outlaw dropped to the floor, with Killings crotching himself. Outlaw began measuring him with kicks, choking him against the ropes. Fans held up a chair in the crowd and chanted for them to use it. Outlaw tried to throw Killings into it, but he held off and slammed Outlaw into it. Innovator of Violence Ron Killings? Back in the ring Outlaw cut off Killings and use a chinlock. The crowd clapped to rally Killings. He slammed Killings. Outlaw came off the ropes but Killings put his foot up. Both men were down with the referee counting. Killings came off the ropes with a flying forearm off the ropes. Outlaw hit the Famouser after Killings missed an Ax Kick. Outlaw locked in the Cobra Clutch but Killings slipped down and rolled him up for the three count, even though Outlaw’s shoulder was obviously up based on the camera angle.
Your winner, Ron Killings!
After the bout, Outlaw attacked Killings and hit the Cobra Clutch slam. He went under the ring and got a steel chair. BG James hit the ring and pulled the chair away. They faced off. The fans chanted “New Age Outlaws.” James hesitated hitting Outlaw, who turned his back on James and dared him to hit him from behind. Konnan finally hit the ring, grabbed the chair and ran off Outlaw. Konnan and James had words with James saying he was going to hit Outlaw.
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Shane Douglas interviewed Team Canada. Bobby Rude said that just because Lance Hoyt has a few victories, it doesn’t mean anything. He warned Hoyt he was about to get “Canadianized.” Petey Williams said that the only thing the Naturals have to look forward to is naturally losing the Tag Team champions. Shane Douglas asked Scott D’Amore if he was worried about The Naturals’ new spiritual advisor and he said of course he was worried – worried about what his Team would do to the Naturals. D’Amore put himself over as a great military general for professional wrestling, dropping names like Hitler and Stalin. A Hitler reference? Beyond that, a good promo. Bobby Rude is starting to come across well on the mic. D’Amore as always was good and Williams had a good promo as well.
They aired a video feature on The Naturals vs. Team Canada.
NWA Tag Team champions The Naturals vs. Team Canada
D’Amore came over to the announcers, warning that no one wants to side with the Naturals. Chase Stevens and Eric Young started the bout. They began slapping each other. Young finally went down. Stevens threw him into the turnbuckle and tagged in Andy Douglas. Petey Williams tagged in but was taken down with several armdrag takedowns. They went for the Natural Disaster but Eric Young broke it up. Eric Young leapfrogged a Chase Stevens charge and sold the leg but did it to trick Stevens. Stevens was tossed to the floor, where he was beaten by Team Canada’s A-1. They tossed Stevens back into the ring where he was hung upside down in the corner. Williams hit a sunset flip on Stevens with Young dropping a legdrop across Stevens’ throat. Andy Douglas broke up the pinfall. Young tried to work over Stevens with a chinlock, riding him to the mat. Williams tagged in. They continued to beat on Stevens until Douglas finally made the save. They hit the Natural Disaster on Young but Williams broke the pin. Williams went for the Canadian Destroyer but Andy Douglas escaped. Scott D’Amore hit him with the Canadian Flag. Jimmy Hart hit the ring and tossed Chase Stevens a megaphone. He nailed Williams with it for the pin, Williams’ nose looked to be broken.
Your winners and still NWA Tag Team champions The Naturals.
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Shane Douglas interviewed Sean Waltman who said that while he was known for backstage politics, he was going to stand alone and win the NWA title.
Samoa Joe vs. Sonjay Dutt
Joe was dubbed “The Samoan Submission Machine.” As Joe came to the ring, Mike Tenay noted that Joe has dominated Ring of Honor for the past several years and noted he was the ROH Pure Wrestling champion. The crowd chanted Joe’s name. Joe beat down Sonjay with a series of strikes. When Dutt charged Joe, Joe hit a huge sideslam. Joe kicked and chopped Dutt down, then hit a big kneedrop. Joe hit a running knee in the corner and then hit the facewash. Joe took down Dutt’s legs and hit a sitdown senton. Dutt evaded Joe’s charge, sending him to the floor. Dutt hit a running dive over the top, hitting Joe glancingly. Joe tried to press Dutt who escaped and began hitting knee strikes of his own. He hit a springboard dropkick for a two count. Dutt hit a 450 splash off the top for a two count. Dutt went for another but Joe moved. Joe began beating down Dutt with strikes and chops. Joe hit the muscle buster on Dutt. He locked in a choke and Dutt tapped out.
Your winner, Samoa Joe.
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Raven did a backstage interview, discussing how fate had opened its doors and said that he would be victorious tonight.
Bobby Rude vs. Lance Hoyt
Bobby Rude worked over Hoyt. Hoyt finally came back with a big powerslam off the top rope. He beat Rude in the corner. He grabbed Rude for a chokeslam and hit it. Hoyt went to the top where Scott D'Amore tried to interfere. Rude used the opportunity to powerbomb him off the top rope. Scott D'Amore tried to interfere again which distracted the referee and set up Hoyt's pin. D'Amore mocked Hoyt, and took off his shirt. He went to his a moonsault but missed. Hoyt exposed D'Amore's rear and chokeslammed him. Hoyt hit a moonsault on D'Amore. The crowd went nuts for D'Amore.
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America's Most Wanted vs. 3 Live Kru
Konnan and Chris Harris started out with Konnan cleaning house on AMW and throwing his sneakers at them. James Storm came off the top with a double axehandle. He came off the top again but Konnan got his boot up. Konnan hit a facejam. BG James was superkicked by Storm. James was peppered with punches. Harris came off the ropes with a big clothesline. Storm came off the ropes with a twisting inverted DDT on James for a near fall. He continued to beat down James with punches. James ducked a kick and began hitting a series of punches and a back elbow, scoring a two count. The Outlaw came to the ringside area and began brawling with Konnan. AMW doubleteamed James and scored the pinfall, so the idea was that this time, Konnan wasn't there for James.
After the match, BG James could have walked out with either Outlaw or Konnan and instead left through the crowd.
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They aired a video feature on TNA X-Division champion Christopher Daniels vs. Michael Shane vs. Chris Sabin
TNA X-Division champion Christopher Daniels vs. Michael Shane vs. Chris Sabin
All three began the match brawling in the ring. Mike Tenay noted that it was elimination rules. Shane and Sabin chopped each other. Daniels cut off Sabin as he got the better of Shane. Sabin hit a running dropkick on Shane. Daniels dropkicked Sabin, taking him down. He went for a tiltowhirl but Sabin landed on his feet and they went back and forth with forearms. Daniels locked on a Koji Clutch. Michael Shane came off the top with an elbow. He went after Shane but Daniels attacked him. Shane armdragged and powerslammed Daniels. Shane elevated Daniels with Sabin catching him and dropping him into a Tiger Bomb. Shane and Sabin brawled. Sabin hit a crossbody off the top, catching Daniels for a two count. Daniels tossed Shane over the top, causing him to land atop Sabin who was hanging from the ropes. Daniels hit a split legged moonsault to the floor. Daniels dropkicked Sabin. He teased he was going to work with Shane, but Shane attacked him from behind. Shane hit a belly to belly suplex on Sabin for a two count. Shane hit a slingshot legdrop into the ring on Sabin. Daniels took over on both. He ducked a superkick and went for Angel’s Wings. Shane escaped but Sabin was waiting. He spun holding Shane for a tornado DDT, kicking Daniels down in the same motion. Sabin dropkicked Daniels out of the ring and went for Cradleshock on Shane. He hit a flipdive on Daniels to the floor. Sabin hit a springboard dropkick on Shane for a two count. Tracy Brooks and Trinity each tripped their respective opponents. They ended up with a fight in the ring, chopping each other and rolling around. Sabin grabbed Shane for Futureshock at the same time Daniels grabbed Trinity for Angel’s Wings. Sabin could have saved her but hit the move instead, pinning and eliminating Michael Shane. Daniels hit Angel’s Wings on Trinity, taking her out. It was explained as Sabin wanting to excel in the match and only having a deal with Trinity to get at Michael Shane and Tracy Brooks. The match continued with Sabin kicking out of severalm pin attempts by Daniels. Daniels locked on a half nelson submission, crimping Sabin’s neck at the same time. Sabin hit a bulldog for a near fall, then slammed him on his back. Daniels hit the STO for a two count. Daniels called for the Best Moonsault Ever. Sabin kicked up at the last moment. Sabin tried to springboard off the ropes but Daniels kicked the ropes. Sabin crotched himself. Daniels hit the angel’s wings for the pin.
Your winner and still TNA X-Division champion Christopher Daniels!
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Shane Douglas interviewed Monty Brown, who is back to using the Serengetti references and the great faces under the new booking regime. He said that what happened to Jeff Jarrett has nothing to do with him and promised that the four opponents will feel the pounce.
They aired a video feature on the King of The Mountain.
NWA champion AJ Styles vs. Raven vs. Monty Brown vs. Abyss vs. Sean Waltman in a "King Of The Mountain" match
The rules are that a competitor has to pin one of his opponents. The pinned competitor is locked in a penalty box for 2 minutes. Once you have defeated an opponent, your goal is to hang the NWA title above the ring after climbing a ladder. The first person to do so is the NWA champion.
Raven came out from the crowd. Sean Waltman dived off the cage onto the Raven. Styles hit a frankensteiner off the ladder on Abyss. Brown hit the pounce on Raven and scored a pin. Raven had to go into the penalty box for 2 minutes and Brown can oput the title belt and hang it above the ring to win. Have I mentioned these rules give me a headache? Either way, a hot opening. Abyss beat down Waltman on the floor. Styles dove out of the ring onto Abyss. Waltman got a 2 count on Brown. Abyss toss down Styles as he was going for a high impact move. Waltman and Abyss brawled after Abyss took down Brown. Waltman was going for the bronco buster on Abyss but was taken down by Brown. Brown suplexed Raven, who got out of the box early somehow. Brown powerbombed Waltman, was then going to put in the box. Styles dove off the top of the cage but the cameras missed it. Styles hit a flying forearm on Brown. Brown pounced Styles. Raven grabbed a trash can and destroyed Abyss and Brown with it. Raven clotheslines Brown. Waltman was freed and began beating everyone with trash cans. Styles was freed. Abyss pinned Brown with the Black Hole Slam, sending him to the box. Raven worked over Styles. Raven went for the DDT but Styles escaped and hit the Styles Clash for a two count when Abyss broke it up. Styles hit a big enziguiri on Abyss, who went to the floor. Waltman killed him with chair shots and put him atop a table. Styles hit a Spiral Tap onto the table with the idea that Waltman and Styles strategized while in the penality box together. Styles pinned Abyss on the floor, sending him to the box. A ladder was brought into the ring. At this point, everyone but Waltman is eligible to hang the belt. Brown and Raven brawled on the floor, whipping each other into the railing. Styles climbed the ladder but dropped the belt. Waltman handed it back to him and implored him to hang the belt, then turned on him and hit a facejam off the top of the ladder and pinned him. Styles had to go to the box. Raven beat down Waltman, bringing a table into the ring. Raven stapled Waltman in the head with a staplegun. Waltman was trying to hang the belt just as AJ was freed. He climbed to the top of the ladder where Asbyss shoved it over with both taking a bump out of the ring and Styles crashing through a table. Abyss tried to climb the ladder but was pounced by Brown, putting him through a table. Raven hit the DDT on Brown. He climbed the ladder and placed the belt, hanging it and winning the NWA championship. The crowd went nuts for the title change. They showed shots of all the beaten opponents in shock. Raven placed the belt around his waist and made the crucifix as the show ended. The crowd chanted Raven’s name.
Your winner and new NWA champion, Raven!
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Yay, Raven! And well done, Charlie. Much thanks.
Knutreturns said: Spoken like the true Greatest RDCW Champ!
All hail King Snarf!
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Thanks Snarf. And now for Sytage 2: The Match ratings.
Sonny Siaki & Apollo vs. Simon Diamond & Trytan
Siaki and Apolo were easily the better tag team, but Diamond and Trytan weren't too bad. The match was a little pedestrian, and I suspect was meant to try and get Trytan over, but still better than 70-80% of the WWE Tag division. 7/10
Elix Skipper vs. Amazing Red vs. Shark Boy vs. Delirious vs. Zach Gowan vs. Jerelle Clark
This match was just amazing. I don't rate Shark Boy much but he did well here, and Zach Gowan continues to surprise me with his abilities. I would've gone for Amazing Red or Gowan to win the match, but what the hey. A nice display for the X division. 8/10
Shocker vs. Alex Shelley
Shocker is astounding. There's no other way to express it. He dominated the match, though Shelley worked hard and did himself a lot of credit. Wasn't match of the night, but could've been on a lesser (by which I mean WWE) card. 8/10
The Outlaw vs. Ron Killings
A nice solid match. The Outlaw is not particularly talented himself, but in good company works well, and Killings is definitely good company. Continued teasing for New Age Outlaws reunion also added spice to the match. 8/10
NWA Tag Team champions The Naturals vs. Team Canada
The Naturlas once again ruled the roost, and though Team Canada performed well they didn't really compare. Jimmy Hart's appearance also ruled mightily, and the idea of a Naturals/Hart team is truly inspiring. 9/10
Samoa Joe vs. Sonjay Dutt
I didn't know Joe going into this match, but I must admit to being impressed bys his performance. I like Dutt but I've a sneaking suspicion he was used to put Joe over, as he was somewhat under par. Still, this highlighted the skill with which TNA can push a guy without ramming him down our throats. 9/10
Bobby Roode vs. Lance Hoyt
A somewhat confused match, but watchable. Kudos to D'Amore for allowing himself to be beaten up, as head booker he could easily have altered that. Hoyt is definitely one to watch, though Roode is most definitely the runt of team Canada. 8/10
America's Most Wanted vs. 3 Live Kru
A solid tag match between two very good teams, neither of whom seemed on form tonight. AMW seem to have lost something since The naturals got the belt, and 3LK didn't have as great a night as they could have./ Still, bot hteams performed competently, and further teasing for The New Age Outlaws reunions was well placed. 8/10
TNA X-Division champion Christopher Daniels vs. Michael Shane vs. Chris Sabin
A god X division match, but I preferred the one earlier in the night. I don't really rate Sabin, but Shane is very good and Daniels is extraordinary. I think the match could've been better booked, though. 8/10
NWA champion AJ Styles vs. Raven vs. Monty Brown vs. Abyss vs. Sean Waltman
I was initially really pissed off at them taking the belt away from Styles, but the match itself was absolutely phenomenal. If it had been, say, Nash or Jarrett in there instead of Brown I would've enjoyed the match even more, but it still ruled. Raven is truly back (spelled a-w-e-s-o-m-e), and Stykes and Waltman in particular gvae it their all. Abyss, as a big man, seemed somewhat out of place but still did well, and fulyl deserves the push he's getting at the moment. 10/10
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Raven is without a doubt, one of my faves, and it seems that TNA listened to Joey Styles comments on his thoughts of the ECW guys who performed at the various reunions.
Knutreturns said: Spoken like the true Greatest RDCW Champ!
All hail King Snarf!
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Educator to comprehension impaired (JLA, that is you) 50000+ posts
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i thought the same thing when i read the results. tna is notorious for their WCW like direction, meaning no oong term planning and constant style changes. i think with the hype of the Extreme wrestling over the past week they decided to put the strap on the biggest name they had from ECW. I assume they will try to book extreme but do it like WCW did and end up looking silly. one thing i brought away from the ECW ppv was that alot of how the product comes off is due to the announcing. mick foley is awesome but he added nothing to the ECW broadcast, Joey Styles made the matches feel as if everything was on the line all show long. paul heyman cuts ECW promos that make you want to drink kool-aid. if TNA tries to go extreme with Mike Tenay talking how Extreme they are it should be worth a laugh....
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living in 1962 15000+ posts
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Your winner and new NWA champion, Raven!
It's about fucking time. 
Somebody look up the roster thread and bring up my comments about TNA and Raven specifically. 
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NWA World Champion Raven? Not inconceivable.
Are you Scott D'Amore? Cos man, that was extremely good foresight
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living in 1962 15000+ posts
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Somebody call my momma! 
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Inglourious Basterd!!! 15000+ posts
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Grimm said: Somebody call my momma!
Whattaya want?
Uschi said:I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry. MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost! "I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock
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living in 1962 15000+ posts
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I said "my momma" not JOE Mama!
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Inglourious Basterd!!! 15000+ posts
Inglourious Basterd!!! 15000+ posts
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Grimm said: I said "my momma" not JOE Mama!
Uschi said:I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry. MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost! "I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock