Chewy Walrus said:

"I know no one believed me at the time but, as I said when we first started on Avengers, Hawkeye is one of my all-time favorite characters," said writer Brian Michael Bendis. "As soon as he died, we started cooking a way to bring him back and I could not wait for this day. He's back, he's got a fist full of arrows and he is not happy."
This is why it feels contrived... it is!
Hummmmmmm, Superman died over how many years ago? That was a shot by DC that is sooooo much beyond what Marvel has ever done. But then again I don't expect the DC clowns to admit that simple fact. lol The FF movie is the super movie of this season. Hands down. BB is great but it does not put buts in my comic shop. The FF movie does. Good for Marvel and I hope those butts pick up DC titles as well.
Life is short,,,, make it count......