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I must not be a member of that group "the angry left". Sure I'm skeptical of Rove having a faulty memory & the almost half dozen times he went before the Grand Jury to amend & clarify earlier statements. Rove probably did lie when earlier questioned. Yet I'm fine with perjury not being decided on a "probably". Considering Fitzgerald has demonstrated that he's a tough but fair prosecutor, we're left with a "probably". That is a good thing. Perjury is & should be a hard thing to prove.
BTW I'm guessing PaulWellr didn't change the title of this thread but perhaps a mod?
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Bush Directed Cheney To Counter War Critic
President Bush told the special prosecutor in the CIA leak case that he directed Vice President Dick Cheney to personally lead an effort to counter allegations made by former Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV that his administration had misrepresented intelligence information to make the case to go to war with Iraq, according to people familiar with the president's statement.
Bush told prosecutors he directed Cheney to disclose classified information that would not only defend his administration but also discredit Wilson.
Bush also told federal prosecutors during his June 24, 2004, interview in the Oval Office that he had directed Cheney, as part of that broader effort, to disclose highly classified intelligence information that would not only defend his administration but also discredit Wilson, the sources said.
But Bush told investigators that he was unaware that Cheney had directed I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, the vice president's chief of staff, to covertly leak the classified information to the media instead of releasing it to the public after undergoing the formal governmental declassification processes.
Bush also said during his interview with prosecutors that he had never directed anyone to disclose the identity of then-covert CIA officer Valerie Plame, Wilson's wife. Bush said he had no information that Cheney had disclosed Plame's identity or directed anyone else to do so.
Libby has said that neither the president nor the vice president directed him or other administration officials to disclose Plame's CIA employment to the press. Cheney has also denied having any role in the disclosure.
On October 28, 2005, a federal grand jury indicted Libby on five felony counts of making false statements, perjury, and obstruction of justice, for allegedly concealing his own role, and perhaps that of others, in outing Plame as a covert CIA officer. ...
National Journal Guess we now understand why Bush ammended his original statement about the leaks. 
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the G-man said: This has got to be the worst day for the Angry Left ... For months they have been the day that the grand jury handed up indictments of Rove and--who knows?--maybe even the vice president himself.... look around the Web and you can find examples of the Angry Left going through the five stages of grieving...Denial
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If you noticed G-man, the National Review article was about Bush being responsable for the leak. To be more precise he's admitted to the parts that could be traced back to him. Please explain why Rove not being indicted has to do with that?
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Matter-eater Man said: If you noticed G-man, the National Review article was about Bush being responsable for the leak.
Oh, is that what it was about?
Bush also said during his interview with prosecutors that he had never directed anyone to disclose the identity of then-covert CIA officer Valerie Plame, Wilson's wife. Bush said he had no information that Cheney had disclosed Plame's identity or directed anyone else to do so.

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I find it ironic, hell, I find wildly hypocritical, that the same people who constantly whine about wanting "open government" suddenly consider it a high crime for the President of the United States, of all people, to decide to release information that was his to classify or declassify in the first place.
As noted in the past, it seems that the actual standard that the MEM's of the board want is that information that is potentially embarrasing to Bush should be public, whilr the rest should be classified.
Furthermore, I find it equally ironic that the MEMs of the board think that this debate should be so damn one-sided. They want the Joe Wilsons to be able to say whatever they want without challenge, but as soon as the Bush team tries to point out flaws in Wilson's case, or potential conflicts of interest he might have, then suddenly they don't want debate. Instead, they cry "foul" and "character assasination."
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I don't want it to be one sided but then again I'm addressing the guy who titles his thread "ROVE INNOCENT, MEM WRONG, G-MAN RIGHT!" Just a suggestion but when you personalize things like that, it looks not so much like debate.
You talk about "open government" but Bush & gang were using reporters to rebut & discredit Wilson so that it couldn't be traced back to them. How do you consider that "open government"?
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the G-man said: I find it ironic, hell, I find wildly hypocritical, that the same people who constantly whine about wanting "open government" suddenly consider it a high crime for the President of the United States, of all people, to decide to release information that was his to classify or declassify in the first place.
because he chooses to declassify the things that will help him and hurt his political enemies. Which is unethical.
As noted in the past, it seems that the actual standard that the MEM's of the board want is that information that is potentially embarrasing to Bush should be public, whilr the rest should be classified.
no, but its easy for you to say that and ignore the real issue. We want information that is important to be released. Like what the government is doing, not who some guys wife is. We have an administration that has on the record lies that got us into war, unanswered questions about 9/11, "free speech zones" to keep any dissenting voice far from the president, torture, failure in wars, and Bush chooses to be open about some minor bullshit so it can hurt some guy who questioned him. 
Furthermore, I find it equally ironic that the MEMs of the board think that this debate should be so damn one-sided. They want the Joe Wilsons to be able to say whatever they want without challenge, but as soon as the Bush team tries to point out flaws in Wilson's case, or potential conflicts of interest he might have, then suddenly they don't want debate. Instead, they cry "foul" and "character assasination."
Did Bush show the absolute proof Wilson was wrong, or just out his wife as a CIA agent? I guess the G-man's of the board have some twisted sense of what an intelligent and fair government is.
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It seems, however, that the standard for what is 'important' is how much it will hurt and/or embarrass the Bush administration.
Furthermore, it is, to use that word again, ironic, that the same group that thinks nothing of attacking the administrations' motive for war as based on alleged family and business ties to (choose one): Haliburton, the Saudi Royal Family, Israel, Bin Laden and even the first President Bush suddenly finds examining family ties unsavory when it is a Bush critic who might have a conflict of interest.
Oh, and go back and read the rest of the thread, Ray. There are a number of posts about how congress find out Wilson lied.
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Wilson isn't on trial G-man. We know the White House tried to secretly discredit him & the conservative press & partisans such as yourself certainly tried to convict him in the court of public opinion but it's fortunatley since moved into a legal arena.
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And, to date, "the legal arena" has not only failed to charge a single official with "outing an agent" but has cleared the one person (Rove) that you predicted would be implicated.
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Robert Novak reports that he has also been cleared in this case:
Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald has informed my attorneys that, after two and one-half years, his investigation of the CIA leak case concerning matters directly relating to me has been concluded.
Published reports that I took the Fifth Amendment, made a plea bargain with the prosecutors or was a prosecutorial target were all untrue.
He also states that:
For nearly the entire time of his investigation, Fitzgerald knew -- independent of me -- the identity of the sources I used in my column of July 14, 2003.That Fitzgerald did not indict any of these sources may indicate his conclusion that none of them violated the Intelligence Identities Protection Act.
Again, to date, despite allegations by the left, not a single person has been charged with "outing a covert operative," perhaps because, as Novak notes:
I learned Valerie Plame's name from [husband] Joe Wilson's entry in Who's Who in America.
At what point will the media, if not the hard left, be forced to drop the fiction that Valerie Plame was outed?
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Now that Karl Rove won't be indicted, now that the president won't fire him, now that it really doesn't matter anymore, more details of the Valerie Plame leak investigation trickle out.
In his latest syndicated column released Wednesday, columnist Robert Novak revealed his side of the story in the Plame affair, saying Rove was a confirming source for Novak's story outing the CIA officer, underscoring Rove's role in a leak President Bush once promised to punish.
The columnist said he learned of Plame's CIA employment from a source he still refuses to publicly identify, and then confirmed with Rove and then-CIA spokesman Bill Harlow, whose roles in talking to Novak have been previously reported.
Novak said for the first time that prosecutors looking into the leaks already knew his sources when he agreed to disclose them.
Novak comes late to the Plame game, long after several other reporters talked publicly about the involvement of Rove and of Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff, I. Lewis Libby, in leaking the CIA identity of the wife of Bush administration critic Joseph Wilson. Novak says he kept his mouth shut so long because prosecutors asked him to.
A month ago, Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald said he didn't anticipate seeking charges against Rove. Novak wrote that, more recently, Fitzgerald told his lawyer that after 2 1/2 years his investigation of the CIA leak case concerning matters directly relating to Novak has been concluded, freeing him to talk now.
Triggering the criminal investigation that resulted in Libby being charged with perjury, obstruction and lying to the FBI, Novak revealed Plame's CIA employment on July 14, 2003, eight days after her husband went on the attack against the Bush administration.
Initially refusing to identify his sources to the FBI, Novak knew that Fitzgerald had obtained signed waivers from every official who might have provided Novak information about Plame. Despite that, Novak was prepared to resist. He says he relented in early 2004 when it became clear that Fitzgerald "knew the names of my sources."
Novak could still have protected his sources, but his lawyer told him "I was sure to lose a case in the courts at great expense."
In contrast to other reporters whose news organizations footed the bill for lengthy and expensive legal battles, the fact that Novak was a no-show in contentious court proceedings fed a rumor mill.
"Published reports that I took the Fifth Amendment, made a plea bargain with the prosecutors or was a prosecutorial target were all untrue," Novak writes. The facts were simpler. He was telling prosecutors everything he knew, and taking a beating in public for not talking about it.
Keeping quiet had the effect of providing protection for the Bush White House during the 2004 presidential campaign, because the White House had denied Rove played any role in the leak of Plame's CIA identity.
As Rove's legal problems grew a year ago, Bush said he stood by his pledge to "fire anybody" in his administration shown to have leaked Valerie Plame's name. His press secretary, after checking with Rove and Libby, assured the public that neither man had anything to do with the leak.
Now that he's finally opening up, Novak is stirring up more trouble, saying without elaboration that his recollection of his conversation with Rove about Plame differs from Rove's. Rove's spokesman says the difference amounts to very little.
"I have revealed Rove's name because his attorney has divulged the substance of our conversation, though in a form different from my recollection," Novak wrote. Novak did not elaborate.
A spokesman for Rove's legal team, Mark Corallo, said that Rove did not even know Plame's name at the time he spoke with Novak, that the columnist called Rove, not the other way around, and that Rove simply replied he had heard the same information that Novak passed along to him regarding Plame.
"There was not much of a difference" between the recollections of Rove and Novak, said Corallo.
Novak says he told Fitzgerald that Harlow of the CIA had confirmed information about Plame.
Harlow declined to comment Tuesday night. But a U.S. intelligence official familiar with the matter denied that Harlow had been a confirming source for Novak on the story. The official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Harlow repeatedly tried to talk Novak out of running the information about Plame and that Harlow's efforts did not in any way constitute confirming Plame's CIA identity.
The official spoke on condition of anonymity because Harlow may end up being a witness in a separate part of Fitzgerald's investigation, the upcoming criminal trial of Libby.
I believe Bush originally said that anyone who leaked the name, had no place in his administration. I sure hope WBAM won't be mad for me saying: BUSH LIED. HE'S A FUCKING LIAR AND HAS NO FUCKING PLACE AS PRESIDENT. IMPEACH THE FUCKER!!!
Last edited by the G-man; 2006-07-12 6:31 PM.
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Wow, fianally an original sentiment from the left. I was temted to stop reading posts here out of boredom, but this fresh new angle intrigues me.
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The problem is that Rove didn't leak Plame's name.
Novak says that someone else told him that Wilson's wife was a CIA agent, that he (Novak) found additional information from Wilsons own autobiographical entry at Who's Who, and that Rove and another CIA official later confirmed the info.
That's why Rove wasn't indicted.
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r3x29yz4a said:... I believe Bush originally said that anyone who leaked the name, had no place in his administration....
That was the pretend one, it's been made pretty clear that Rove fits right into the real one. Look at it this way, I think the nation has only gotten a peak at how this administration does business. When all this started, Bush was ranked really high in the honesty department. Not so anymore. The Libby trial hasn't even started yet.
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the G-man said: The problem is that Rove didn't leak Plame's name.
Novak says that someone else told him that Wilson's wife was a CIA agent, that he (Novak) found additional information from Wilsons own autobiographical entry at Who's Who, and that Rove and another CIA official later confirmed the info.
[In fact] That's why Rove wasn't indicted.
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I usually don't care what the "talking heads" have to say but I was surprised to see this one... Quote:
Conservative Scarborough: 'Accidental' leak story 'garbage'
Fox News and some right-wing commentators are touting columnist Robert Novak's version of the CIA leak story, but Republican commentator Joe Scarborough says he has his doubts.
Novak has claimed the leak was accidental, and was not a personal attack on Joe Wilson for his efforts to discredit the claim that Iraq was trying to buy uranium for use in nuclear weapons. Scarborough disagrees that the leak of Valerie Plame's covert status was "accidental", calling it "garbage".
Scarborough goes on to say:
"Conservative commentators are already trumpeting Novak's claim that the leak was inadvertent and accidental... Maybe I'm cynical or perhaps it's because I worked in Congress for years. But you know what, I always found that leaks of this size were rarely mistakes regardless of what the writer or the right-wing people may tell you. I can assure you that if you assign selfish motives to leakers, you will rarely be proven wrong."
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Novak, however, who, unlike Scarbourough was actually present for the conversation, points out:
I saw no such campaign [to discredit Wilson through Plame]. Nobody in the administration ever said anything critical about Wilson to me. And my column was not critical of Wilson. The information came out to me in the course of an interview by a person who was not, believe me, not in the business of playing political dirty tricks. I initiated the call to Karl Rove [for confirmation]. We talked about Joe Wilson's wife for maybe 20 seconds in the course of the conversation, which I took as a confirmation.
I mean, really, this is just comical.
In regards to Rove, Novak hasn't told us anything today we didn't already know. The fact that Novak talked to Rove after the fact was reported months, if not years ago.
Now, today, we have Novak telling us things we didn't know, namely, that Fitzgerald know who the real "leaker" is, but has never indicted him or her, that this indicates that no crime occurred and, further, that Wilson himself "outed" Plame in his own writings.
And what do the Angry and Desperate Left focus on? Some sort of fiction that Novak somehow implicated Rove today when the exact opposite is true.
Seriously, this is taking on the characteristic of a mass mental illness. How much more in denial can you guys be?
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Novak hasn't been real consistent with this... Quote:
Novak, in an interview, said his sources had come to him with the information. "I didn't dig it out, it was given to me," he said. "They thought it was significant, they gave me the name and I used it."
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If Novak was really being inconsistent, why didn't the special prosecutor indict him for perjury as he did Scotter Libby?
Answer: because outside of the fever dreams of the "Angry, Desperate Left," there is no real evidence of such inconsistencies in his testimony.
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Being inconsistent isn't an indictable offense otherwise Rove would be joining his buddy Libby. After all he didn't go before the Grand Jury a zillion times because he was consistent. You can certainly grasp to what Novak is saying now but he has said other things that can hardly be labeled "consistent".
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The only thing you've cited as proof of Novak's "inconsistencies" is a Newsweek article which uses second hand information, or hearsay.
Novak's own words are, apparently, consistent.
Furthermore, let's assume that Novak testified in a certain manner before the Grand Jury. Let us further assume, that thereafter he provided, as you claim, inconsistent versions to the press.
One of the versions he provided to the press would have had to contradict what he told the Grand Jury, correct?
So why wouldn't Fitzgerald use those inconsistent statements as a basis to investigate Novak for lying before the grand jury? As noted above at least one of them should, under your theory, have contradicted his testimony.
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This "I didn't dig it out, it was given to me," he said. "They thought it was significant, they gave me the name and I used it." sounds like hearsay to you? Novak's explanation for that comment wasn't "...very artfully put" when he was asked about it on Russert's show. MSNBC I don't have a problem calling that inconsistent
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I still wonder why you guys are so willing to bend over backwords grasping at straws for this "leak" case, but don't seem at all concerned w/ the New York Times leak case.
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wannabuyamonkey said: I still wonder why you guys are so willing to bend over backwords grasping at straws for this "leak" case, but don't seem at all concerned w/ the New York Times leak case.
me personally, it goes towards power. I want my newspapers to give me information on what the government is doing. i don't want elected leaders using their information to attack people who disagree with them. besides, bush said after 9/11 they'd be tracking money and bank transfers so any smart terrorist/criminal would've thought of that.
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r3x29yz4a said:
me personally, it goes towards power. I want my newspapers to give me information on what the government is doing.
Robert Novak's story was published in a newspaper.
It was about what a branch of the government, the CIA, was doing.
No one has seriously shown that Novak's story in any way assisted terrorists or impeded agency operations.
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the G-man said:
r3x29yz4a said: me personally, it goes towards power. I want my newspapers to give me information on what the government is doing.
Robert Novak's story was published in a newspaper.
It was about what a branch of the government, the CIA, was doing.
No one has seriously shown that Novak's story in any way assisted terrorists or impeded agency operations.
I guess they don't teach you to read in law school, just to pick one thing and assume that's all there is. Novak's story helped Bush to attack Wilson. There's a difference between "the cia is torturing people" and "the cia have a covert agent and here's her name."
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r3x29yz4a said: Novak's story helped Bush to attack Wilson.
And the NY Times stories could help terrorists attack thousands. Physically.
And you still think the one is worse?
Probably because the NY Times stories also help democrats attack the president, which, as we know, is the only thing that matters to the angry, desperate, left.
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r3x29yz4a said:
wannabuyamonkey said: I still wonder why you guys are so willing to bend over backwords grasping at straws for this "leak" case, but don't seem at all concerned w/ the New York Times leak case.
me personally, it goes towards power. I want my newspapers to give me information on what the government is doing. i don't want elected leaders using their information to attack people who disagree with them. besides, bush said after 9/11 they'd be tracking money and bank transfers so any smart terrorist/criminal would've thought of that.
Right wich is exactly why there was no need for the Times to publish teh details to assist terrorists in hiding thier money. As you statted we all knew the gov. was doing it so it wasn't in the public intrest to disclose details. Also who do you want making policy decicisions in regard to the national security, elected officials or unelected newspaper editors?
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the G-man said: More on Woodward's role, and who the leaker might have really been, from Newsweek:
One by one last week, a parade of current and former senior officials, including the CIA's George Tenet and national-security adviser Stephen Hadley, denied being the source.
A conspicuous exception was former deputy secretary of State Richard Armitage, whose office would only say, "We're not commenting."
If Armitage was the original leaker, that undercuts the argument that outing Plame was a plot by the hard-liners in the veep's office to "out" Plame. Armitage was, if anything, a foe of the neocons who did not want to go to war in Iraq. He had no motive to discredit Wilson. On "Larry King Live" last month, Woodward was dismissive of the special prosecutor's investigation, suggesting that the original leak was not the result of a "smear campaign" but rather a "kind of gossip, as chatter ... I don't see an underlying crime here."
Renewed speculation centered on Colin Powell's top aide Richard Armitage as the original leaker in the Valerie Plame case yesterday after columnist Robert Novak's latest revelations.
Novak was the first journalist to identify Plame as a CIA staffer and in a column yesterday he gave new information but declined to identify his first source, simply repeating it wasn't "a political gunslinger."
That fits Armitage who, like Powell, was skeptical about the Iraq war and knew that Plame played a role in setting up an Iraq-linked trip for her husband, Joe Wilson.
If Armitage was the source of the leak, it is unlikely his goal was discredit Iraq war critics as Wilson has claimed.
The Post has [also] reported Armitage is the likely source
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wannabuyamonkey said:
r3x29yz4a said:
wannabuyamonkey said:
I still wonder why you guys are so willing to bend over backwords grasping at straws for this "leak" case, but don't seem at all concerned w/ the New York Times leak case.
me personally, it goes towards power. I want my newspapers to give me information on what the government is doing. i don't want elected leaders using their information to attack people who disagree with them.
besides, bush said after 9/11 they'd be tracking money and bank transfers so any smart terrorist/criminal would've thought of that.
Right wich is exactly why there was no need for the Times to publish teh details to assist terrorists in hiding thier money. As you statted we all knew the gov. was doing it so it wasn't in the public intrest to disclose details. Also who do you want making policy decicisions in regard to the national security, elected officials or unelected newspaper editors?
I trust neither, to be honest. Its like asking who you want to watch your baby, the retarded guy or the other retarded guy.
Though, in this case, the retarded guy with the most powerful position in the country who has lied, cheated, and caused death maybe deserves extra scrutiny.
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Agreed, the New York Times desrves more scrutiny.
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Plame files suit against Cheney, Rove, Libby
Valerie Plame, the undercover CIA operative whose identity was revealed to reporters, has filed suit against Vice President Dick Cheney, former top presidential policy adviser Karl Rove, and Cheney's ex-chief of staff I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby on Thursday, RAW STORY has learned.
Plame is reportedly accusing the men of conspiring against her, targeting her career and reputation.
Conservative columnist Robert Novak revealed Plame's status as an undercover CIA operative in a July 14, 2003 opinion column. The piece ran just one week after Plame's husband, former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, wrote a New York Times op-ed claiming that the Bush administration had manipulated pre-war intelligence on Iraq.
The couple have started a website, wilsonsupport.org, aimed at raising funds to cover legal costs.
Novak last week claimed that the revelation of Plame's name may have been an accident.
"Robert Novak, some other commentators and the Administration continue to try to completely distort the role that Valerie Wilson played with respect to Ambassador Wilson's trip to Niger," Wilson responded in a statement to RAW STORY today. "The facts are beyond dispute."
Wilson re-iterated then what he contends to be the facts in the Plame Affair:
"Robert Novak, some other commentators and the Administration continue to try to completely distort the role that Valerie Wilson played with respect to Ambassador Wilson's trip to Niger. The facts are beyond dispute. The Office of the Vice President requested that the CIA investigate reports of alleged uranium purchases by Iraq from Niger. The CIA setup a meeting to respond to the Vice President's inquiry. Another CIA official, not Valerie Wilson, suggested to Valerie Wilson's supervisor that the Ambassador attend that meeting. That other CIA official made the recommendation because that official was familiar with the Ambassador's vast experience in Niger and knew of a previous trip to Africa concerning uranium matters that had been undertaken by the Ambassador on behalf of the CIA in 1999. Valerie Wilson's supervisor subsequently asked her to relay a request from him to the Ambassador that he would like the Ambassador to attend the meeting at the CIA. Valerie Wilson did not participate in the meeting.
"As the CIA itself has officially confirmed, Valerie Wilson did not send Ambassador Wilson to Niger and she neither suggested him nor recommended him for the trip. Furthermore, the Ambassador agreed to travel to Niger pro bono with only his travel expenses being paid.""
RAW Looks like someone jumped the gun changing the name of this topic 
Fair play!
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Officially "too old for this shit" 15000+ posts
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Uh, oh. Looks like someone was worried their fifteen minutes were up.
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Fair Play! 15000+ posts
Fair Play! 15000+ posts
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I do hope PaulWellr comes back & changes his thread to something more appropiate now that Rovegate is back in play. I'm surprised he changed it to "Rovegate no more" without posting anything a couple of months ago.
Fair play!
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We already are 15000+ posts
We already are 15000+ posts
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Matter-eater Man said: I do hope PaulWellr comes back & changes his thread to something more appropiate now that Rovegate is back in play. I'm surprised he changed it to "Rovegate no more" without posting anything a couple of months ago.
you do realize that G-man edited the title by going to the first post that Paul made and changing it.
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Officially "too old for this shit" 15000+ posts
Officially "too old for this shit" 15000+ posts
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Whomod was back a few weeks ago. If he had cared to, he could have logged in with his PaulWellr alt and changed it back.
But, anyway...
This is an example of why I no longer refer to the extremists of the part as "the Angry Left," but as "the Angry, Desperate, Left."
Beyond all evidence, they continue to hitch their wagons to these two discredited glory hounds, in the vain hope that somehow they will "get Bush/Rove/Cheney."
Apparently, these two are all the left...have left.
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6000+ posts
Joined: Oct 2003
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Matter-eater Man said: ...now that Rovegate is back in play...
That phrase is far more telling than I'm sure you intended it to be.
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