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Ok,ROY was there at Kings Cross today,but is fine!
He did help out the Ambulance service though,so he aint the total git he wants us to think he is!

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I just heard the mayor of London on the radio. Man, that guy's got some big iron balls. RACK him........ I'll try and find a transcript.

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This is messed up. Sorry to hear about this - my prayers go out to everyone involved in this, and also to our UK posters.


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glad everyone is ok...very glad. I'm sorry to hear about London, and the loss of so many people..all working, moms, dads, kids...fuck it's all so stupid..I woke up early this morning when I heard it on the radio, and it keeps getting worse..

The thing about the fundie terrorists is you can't settle anything with them, because they don't want anything..except for everyone to die or be muslim...the fundies that is. What can we do as a society and as countries..not much??? I think the only thing to do is make the france, russia, and germany's of the world tow their end of the line (not to mention china). We need to stand up to the countries that harbor and secure them and be firm...the first thing we need to do is stop buying their oil..I'd rather ruin alaska and every other precious biologic reserve than support governments that sponsor this crap...atleast until alternative energy can be found..I say we start building some nuclear reactors. I think the only real way we can fight them is to do so with finances. It's either that or a bunch of innocent people will die. But then again, as i said in order for the trade blockade to work some other g-8 countries will have to go along with it.
That said..I don't see it ever working, and I think the only option will be a series of wars....shudder. If the guilty countries won't help us or themselves then we are all doomed to war. It's only so long before one of us gets a nuke on our doorstep, and with no nation to blame what will we do..???

It will be called a religious war of's crazy.

my hopes are with you guys....take care of yourself Nowhereman, ya big lug...

*added....also I know these people were to say. But what can we do about immigrants without being prejudiced? so, it goes back to the figureheads...which leads to an endless cycle unless the countries quit putting up with fundie terror camps.

Last edited by Pig Iron; 2005-07-07 7:37 PM.

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Yeah, im alright.... Fuckers!

What I dont get is-- 6 or 7 bombs went off, right? How in the fuck can only 33 have been killed? The bombs went off on packed tubes and packed double decker busses

Must have been some pretty shit bombers or explosives for such a low body count in such a packed area

I wouldnt wholly swallow the idea that they were suicide bombers or that it actually is Al-Queda aswell? Doing the 9/11 damage and then stooping to a relatively small stunt in comparison like this just doesnt seem right. Surely they would have gone larger in order to spread their "message" if it really was them. Suicide bombers just doesnt seem right to me either, plausible, but just not right

"Now TV's all about format these days isn't it, and I've got a new type for you right here. Its me and Paris Hilton driving around in a car.... Now I know what you're thinking, but she's in the boot!" "So you see, 'Ring around the Rosey' refers to the horrible symptoms of a terrifying disease, a disease which.....a disease which....ZIM! Theres a Pigeon on you're head. You have 'Head Pigeons'. get to the Nurse before they spread to the other children." "Get off my lawn Cookie Beast!" --Invader Zim
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Does it really matter who it was at this moment in time?
Whoever they were,they were just more cowardly wankers.

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Glad your alright Nowheres! When I saw the shots of London in the news I was like, "is Nowhere alright?" They even have Dallas' transit system on red alert (cops everwhere, etc). It's just so sad what happened.........


Pigsy said:
It's either that or a bunch of innocent people will die. But then again, as i said in order for the trade blockade to work some other g-8 countries will have to go along with it.

That's what we have to ask it more important to stop more people from dying at the sacrifice of innocent lives or do we just keep on doing what we're doing without the nukes?

Btw I loved Bush's response:

"We will not yield to these people, will not yield to the terrorists," he said in a short statement after Blair departed. "We will find them, we will bring them to justice, and at the same time we will spread an ideology of hope and compassion that will overwhelm their ideology of hate."

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PJP said:
Exactly.....the only way to deal with them is to kill them....all of them.

While I agree that the only way to truly alleviate the problem is to kill all of them, the protesters would likely tear you to pieces. See, in theory, that would make you no better than them. Really, it is, but it isn't. Simply put, we would be/they are committing murder to get our way, or to get their point across.

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PCG342 said:

PJP said:
Exactly.....the only way to deal with them is to kill them....all of them.

the protesters would likely tear you to pieces.


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PCG342 said:

PJP said:
Exactly.....the only way to deal with them is to kill them....all of them.

While I agree that the only way to truly alleviate the problem is to kill all of them, the protesters would likely tear you to pieces. See, in theory, that would make you no better than them. Really, it is, but it isn't. Simply put, we would be/they are committing murder to get our way, or to get their point across.

No, killing someone in self defence is not the same as killing them for kicks.

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no it isn't

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you're absolutely right. Funny, because I never specifically said "self defence" or "just for kicks"

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Nowhereman said:
Does it really matter who it was at this moment in time?
Whoever they were,they were just more cowardly wankers.

no, it doesn't, but when the smoke clears and the senslessness of it settles in it depends on the personality. I'm sorry though I should be more sensitive. I'm honestly shocked it took this long..since Britain has been our greatest ally and defender of freedom. And frankly one of the US's only a long strange trip. I'm sorry this crap happened though. I am very thankful it wasn't worse..although 1 life is too much.

I'm sorry nowhereman if I'm being insensitive in any way..I really am..I am empathetic...I'm a revenge kinda guy though.. I don't personally have to deal with the current suffering do, and I feel sorry for you. Take care my man....I hope everyone you know is OK...

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Flameswordsman said:
Yeah, im alright.... Fuckers!

What I dont get is-- 6 or 7 bombs went off, right? How in the fuck can only 33 have been killed? The bombs went off on packed tubes and packed double decker busses

Must have been some pretty shit bombers or explosives for such a low body count in such a packed area

When they say 37 dead and 700 injured, they aren't saying what those injuries are. As the Israelis know, many of the injured are people barely surving after being sliced open, having limbs sliced off, or other unthinkable "injuries."

Suicide bombing isn't about murdering people, it's about making sure people survive after suffering injuries most people would not want to live with. It's about putting fear into people.

Also, they are probably counting the bombers among the dead.


Flameswordsman said:
I wouldnt wholly swallow the idea that they were suicide bombers or that it actually is Al-Queda aswell? Doing the 9/11 damage and then stooping to a relatively small stunt in comparison like this just doesnt seem right. Surely they would have gone larger in order to spread their "message" if it really was them. Suicide bombers just doesnt seem right to me either, plausible, but just not right

Like I said above, the bombings are about fear and suffering. And they can be very effective. Does it make sense? Not to us. It's senseless acts of horror. But that's the point.

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PCG342 said:
you're absolutely right. Funny, because I never specifically said "self defence" or "just for kicks"

No you didn't but you did refer to us killing terrorists. Wich would be self defense.

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Nowhereman said:
Whether it be arabs,the Irish or whoever,its still just a bunch of cowards who are stupid enough to think that killing innocent people will get them any kind of support or bring attention to their cause.


the G-man said:
The problem is that these cowards always find a sizeable contingent of idiots who are stupid enough to think that if we are nice to terrorists they will leave us alone.

Case in point:

Some idiot at the NY Times is blaming the bombing on Tony Blair:

    Perhaps the crudest lesson to be drawn was that, in adopting the stance he took after the Sept. 11 attacks, Mr. Blair had finally reaped the bitter harvest of the war on terrorism - so often forecast but never quite seeming real until the explosions boomed across London.

    Now, as long predicted and feared, his support of the war appears to have cost British lives at home. Thursday was a day of rallying behind the leader, but there were indications that the bombing could take a political toll.

    No mainstream politician would say so out loud, but George Galloway, the maverick, onetime Labor legislator who had met with Saddam Hussein before the Iraq war, had no hesitation. "We argued, as did the security services in this country, that the attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq would increase the threat of terrorist attack in Britain," he said. "Tragically, Londoners have now paid the price of the government ignoring such warnings."

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Nowhere....I'm glad you & all the others are ok.Stay safe my friend.

It's a dog eat dog world & I'm wearing milkbone underwear.

I can get you a toe.

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Damn you and your lemonade!!

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allan1 said:
Nowhere....I'm glad you & all the others are ok.Stay safe my friend.

Fair play!
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Pig Iron said:

Nowhereman said:
Does it really matter who it was at this moment in time?
Whoever they were,they were just more cowardly wankers.

no, it doesn't, but when the smoke clears and the senslessness of it settles in it depends on the personality. I'm sorry though I should be more sensitive. I'm honestly shocked it took this long..since Britain has been our greatest ally and defender of freedom. And frankly one of the US's only a long strange trip. I'm sorry this crap happened though. I am very thankful it wasn't worse..although 1 life is too much.

I'm sorry nowhereman if I'm being insensitive in any way..I really am..I am empathetic...I'm a revenge kinda guy though.. I don't personally have to deal with the current suffering do, and I feel sorry for you. Take care my man....I hope everyone you know is OK...

There are times like this when it would be cool if Batman were real. Because you know he'd go in and slap them around as a warm up, then beat the crap out of all of them, before anyone had a chance to put a plan together.

I heard about this this morning, but didn't get a chance to even see much news footage because I was in a meeting all day (at work). I did peek at the tv though when I walked in, but didn't have time to do more than that since I had to set up my laptop, check email and print stuff for the meeting.

But as I was leaving the house, I grabbed my "Let's Roll" ablum and blasted the song just about all day (while driving). It's a great anthem for 9/11. I love the defiance in the lyrics and the almost vivid picture it paints of what happened on that 4th plane when the people called their loved ones only to find out they weren't the only ones who had been hijacked, and they took those idiots (terroists) out.

I also (totatlly unintentional) wore my Hero! the rock opera shirt. It's all black and the front just has a red outline sketch of the statue of liberty. But instead of holding the torch, she's got that hand in a fist in the air (the rest of the statue is the same). The back has the tour info.

But that image of the statue standing there definatly with her fist in the air, just played so well with the song, and was just perfect for what Bush and Blair were saying about not letting those idiots get away with it, and taking them down.

All the bombings did (for the idiots) was inflict our wraith on them and well, htey'll be wishing they hadn't done that once we physically slap them around. (I heard a short bit on what Bush said and thought it was a great verbal slap down).

Last edited by Batwoman; 2005-07-08 2:59 AM.

It's a rented tux ok? I'm not going comando in another man's fatigues.
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Song and shirt for all those feeling very defient right about now....

"Let's Roll"
For Todd Beamer, For His Family, For His Country
Inspired by Psalm 25, Psalm 27, Galations 5, The Lord's Prayer & The Star Spangled Banner
Tony McAnany 2001

Blue, white and red / Red, white and blue
We stand together / As we carry you
Blue, white and red / Red, white and blue
We'll hold you high / One Nation true

Blue, white and red / Red, white and blue / With Liberty for all
Blue, white and red / Red, white and blue / We're indivisible

We stand Together (mercy, love, hope and truth)
Brother with brother (hand in hand)
Please grant us strength (dear God do grant us strength)
We'll shout your name (united as one)

Let's roll, let's fight, let's show the world what's right
Let's roll, let's fight, His Spirit is our light
Let's roll, let's fight, let's show the world what's right
Let's roll, let's fight, His Spirit is our light

Now's the time / The time is now
To lift our soul / To remember how
We came to be / In God we trust
From sea to shining sea

Now's the time / The time is now
To revive the spirit / And the love
To revive the faith / We find in Him
In God we trust



It's a rented tux ok? I'm not going comando in another man's fatigues.
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Nowehereman, you fuckin' git, I'm glad you're still alive. Wouldn't mind seein' a ROY sighting...

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wannabuyamonkey said:

PCG342 said:
you're absolutely right. Funny, because I never specifically said "self defence" or "just for kicks"

No you didn't but you did refer to us killing terrorists. Wich would be self defense.

we all know that any Steve Bob and Tom to see a bunch of fucking cochroaches nuked. Its lunchtime in the schoolyard and its big kid vs. little kid, and the big kids gonna get his jollies by watching the little one screw with an RPG up his ass.

And, to be fair, one of my favorite friends there is blind and I take every opportunity available to make fun of that and we're still friends. That guy never fit there. He never got the spirit of the RKMBs. We're gonna keep an eye on the obits, see if he finally left or if he really did have a heart attack.
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wannabuyamonkey said:

No, killing someone in self defence is not the same as killing them for kicks.

It isn't?

How is it any better or worse.

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Wednesday said:

wannabuyamonkey said:

No, killing someone in self defence is not the same as killing them for kicks.

It isn't?

How is it any better or worse.

that should get it's own thread. I'd make one but it might get moved so I'll let someone else take a stab at it.

When is it OK or justified to kill someone?

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I already made a similar thread. People avoided it because I wanted an answer that would satisfy the religious and non-religious alike.

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Anywho, it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if Al-Quida wasn't involved. The timing of this in London and the G-8 meeting is so perfect.

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My thoughts exactly. No way in hell this could be coincidential.

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Yeah, I think that's pretty much a given.


Blair said the "terrorist attacks" were clearly designed to coincide with the G-8 summit opening in Gleneagles, Scotland.

The G-8 is a perfect target for Al-Quaida and, admittedly, any other terrorist organization. It's a symbol of Western wealth, and we know how Al-Quaida loves to toppled Western symbols.

I think I remember reading somewhere that there is speculation that the bus bomb went off too early. It was supposed to detonate further in the bus's route when more people would have been on board.

whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
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I don't wanna go to London!

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Flameswordsman said:
Yeah, im alright.... Fuckers!

What I dont get is-- 6 or 7 bombs went off, right? How in the fuck can only 33 have been killed? The bombs went off on packed tubes and packed double decker busses

Must have been some pretty shit bombers or explosives for such a low body count in such a packed area

I wouldnt wholly swallow the idea that they were suicide bombers or that it actually is Al-Queda aswell? Doing the 9/11 damage and then stooping to a relatively small stunt in comparison like this just doesnt seem right. Surely they would have gone larger in order to spread their "message" if it really was them. Suicide bombers just doesnt seem right to me either, plausible, but just not right

Would you call the 03/11/04 Madrid blasts that killed 191 and injured 1800 a 'relatively small stunt' ?

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Pariah said:
I don't wanna go to London!

Why? Whoever staged the terrorist attacks, for whatever reason, has made their point. Just like 9/11, there wasnt any point in staging more attacks because everyone had already got the message. It wasnt anywhere near as big as 9/11, but I'd say it'll all be cooled until a few years time when it'll happen somewhere else all over again. Busses were packed went I went out earlier aswell. I dont live in the heart of London, but it was good to see other people werent shit scared of using public transport


Pig Iron said:

Nowhereman said:
Does it really matter who it was at this moment in time?
Whoever they were,they were just more cowardly wankers.

no, it doesn't, but when the smoke clears and the senslessness of it settles in it depends on the personality. I'm sorry though I should be more sensitive. I'm honestly shocked it took this long..since Britain has been our greatest ally and defender of freedom. And frankly one of the US's only a long strange trip. I'm sorry this crap happened though. I am very thankful it wasn't worse..although 1 life is too much.

I'm sorry nowhereman if I'm being insensitive in any way..I really am..I am empathetic...I'm a revenge kinda guy though.. I don't personally have to deal with the current suffering do, and I feel sorry for you. Take care my man....I hope everyone you know is OK...

Yeah, I'd say it matters. I may be a cold-hearted kind a guy, but I'd dwell more on searching for the perpetraitors or clues while it was all fresh instead of taking in all the carnage. Not that these bastards will ever get caught or any real progress will be made, but im just not the type that'd stand around and look at all the death, i'd need to pre-occupy myself by fucusing my rage into something

Penwing-- never saw the injury count, but I did see a brief piece of news on the injuries last night where they explained all the amputations and severe burns. The victim who talked looked like a real mess. Bad cuts on the face and both hands in cooling bags because of fucked up burning all over them. That really got the message over to me, though im still puzzled by so little dead when they were moving double decker busses and underground trains, guess i just invision the whole bus blowing or the train horribly de-railing in my head. Gladly that seems to have not been the case

"Now TV's all about format these days isn't it, and I've got a new type for you right here. Its me and Paris Hilton driving around in a car.... Now I know what you're thinking, but she's in the boot!" "So you see, 'Ring around the Rosey' refers to the horrible symptoms of a terrifying disease, a disease which.....a disease which....ZIM! Theres a Pigeon on you're head. You have 'Head Pigeons'. get to the Nurse before they spread to the other children." "Get off my lawn Cookie Beast!" --Invader Zim
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I would call that a victory for the terrorists.

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magicjay said:

Would you call the 03/11/04 Madrid blasts that killed 191 and injured 1800 a 'relatively small stunt' ?

I'll be honest with you. I didnt even know about this until yesterday and the whole London bombing. Im not exactly Mr. World Events, and hearing about de-railed trains and suicide bombers in other country's at the end of the day isnt something I like to partake in

That was reasonably small in comparison compared to 9/11 though, right? I never knew the 9/11 body-count, but it seemed to go beyond death with the destruction of an important building like the World trade centre

Still, im curious to know, how did the Madrid bombing go down? I just realised I went on holiday in Spain in early April aswell. cant say the bombings really would have fazed me, but I would have questioned my trip to Barcelona

"Now TV's all about format these days isn't it, and I've got a new type for you right here. Its me and Paris Hilton driving around in a car.... Now I know what you're thinking, but she's in the boot!" "So you see, 'Ring around the Rosey' refers to the horrible symptoms of a terrifying disease, a disease which.....a disease which....ZIM! Theres a Pigeon on you're head. You have 'Head Pigeons'. get to the Nurse before they spread to the other children." "Get off my lawn Cookie Beast!" --Invader Zim
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Everyone has had their chance to vent their anger and frustration. The calls for revenge and retribution have been made. Despite the firm stance of Blair and Bush (Bingo & Bango?) in the wake of the tragedy does anyone doubt that it can and will happen again? Perhaps in Rome, Seoul or Tokyo?

The Anglo/American terrorism strategy has not been effective. The war in Iraq has done nothing to stop the slaughter. Despite the efforts of thousands of troops and intelligence agents, Osama is still a free man. So I ask you all: what should be our next brilliant move? One that doesn't turn Asia Minor into a barren wasteland (oops, it already IS a barren wasteland).

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... Are you insinuating that America is to blame for this?

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magicjay said:

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PCG342 said:
... Are you insinuating that America is to blame for this?

No I'm not. I'm saying that the present strategy and policy of the UK/USA hasn't worked. We need to rethink our policy. Bombing the shit out of them has been ineffective.

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Who will I break next?
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November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
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Wednesday said:

wannabuyamonkey said:

No, killing someone in self defence is not the same as killing them for kicks.

It isn't?

How is it any better or worse.

OK, from a religious / moral perspective: The Bible makes a clear distiction between killing out of malice and killing in self defene. Human life is sacred therefore if someone decides to take your life for personal gain or with alicious intent they forfit thier own life by violating the sactity of life.

From a pragmatic perspective: Someone who takes life for persoanl gain or fullfillment or out of malicious intent is very likely to reoffend. No one is safe from them as they could kill anyone at any time for any reason. However if someone kills someone simply to protect thier own life from another person they are unlikely to repeat the action unless thier life is similarly threatened or attacked. No one arround them is in danger from them save those who attack them.

Now I get to ask you. Is it better to lay your life down to fulfill te bloodlust or profit motive of an attacker. Is it morally supurior to stand idoly by as a madman slits the throats of your friends or family rather than "sinking to thier level" to stop them?

Putting the "fun" back in Fundamentalist Christian Dogma. " I know God exists because WBAM told me so. " - theory9 JLA brand RACK points = 514k
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