glad everyone is ok...very glad. I'm sorry to hear about London, and the loss of so many people..all working, moms, dads, kids...fuck it's all so stupid..I woke up early this morning when I heard it on the radio, and it keeps getting worse..
The thing about the fundie terrorists is you can't settle anything with them, because they don't want anything..except for everyone to die or be muslim...the fundies that is. What can we do as a society and as countries..not much??? I think the only thing to do is make the france, russia, and germany's of the world tow their end of the line (not to mention china). We need to stand up to the countries that harbor and secure them and be firm...the first thing we need to do is stop buying their oil..I'd rather ruin alaska and every other precious biologic reserve than support governments that sponsor this crap...atleast until alternative energy can be found..I say we start building some nuclear reactors. I think the only real way we can fight them is to do so with finances. It's either that or a bunch of innocent people will die. But then again, as i said in order for the trade blockade to work some other g-8 countries will have to go along with it.
That said..I don't see it ever working, and I think the only option will be a series of wars....shudder. If the guilty countries won't help us or themselves then we are all doomed to war. It's only so long before one of us gets a nuke on our doorstep, and with no nation to blame what will we do..???
It will be called a religious war of's crazy.
my hopes are with you guys....take care of yourself Nowhereman, ya big lug...
*added....also I know these people were to say. But what can we do about immigrants without being prejudiced? so, it goes back to the figureheads...which leads to an endless cycle unless the countries quit putting up with fundie terror camps.