
Flameswordsman said:
Yeah, im alright.... Fuckers!

What I dont get is-- 6 or 7 bombs went off, right? How in the fuck can only 33 have been killed? The bombs went off on packed tubes and packed double decker busses

Must have been some pretty shit bombers or explosives for such a low body count in such a packed area

I wouldnt wholly swallow the idea that they were suicide bombers or that it actually is Al-Queda aswell? Doing the 9/11 damage and then stooping to a relatively small stunt in comparison like this just doesnt seem right. Surely they would have gone larger in order to spread their "message" if it really was them. Suicide bombers just doesnt seem right to me either, plausible, but just not right

Would you call the 03/11/04 Madrid blasts that killed 191 and injured 1800 a 'relatively small stunt' ?