Would you call the 03/11/04 Madrid blasts that killed 191 and injured 1800 a 'relatively small stunt' ?
I'll be honest with you. I didnt even know about this until yesterday and the whole London bombing. Im not exactly Mr. World Events, and hearing about de-railed trains and suicide bombers in other country's at the end of the day isnt something I like to partake in
That was reasonably small in comparison compared to 9/11 though, right? I never knew the 9/11 body-count, but it seemed to go beyond death with the destruction of an important building like the World trade centre
Still, im curious to know, how did the Madrid bombing go down? I just realised I went on holiday in Spain in early April aswell. cant say the bombings really would have fazed me, but I would have questioned my trip to Barcelona
"Now TV's all about format these days isn't it, and I've got a new type for you right here.
Its me and Paris Hilton driving around in a car.... Now I know what you're thinking, but she's in the boot!"
"So you see, 'Ring around the Rosey' refers to the horrible symptoms of a terrifying disease, a disease which.....a disease which....ZIM! Theres a Pigeon on you're head. You have 'Head Pigeons'. get to the Nurse before they spread to the other children."
"Get off my lawn Cookie Beast!"
--Invader Zim