
Wednesday said:

wannabuyamonkey said:

No, killing someone in self defence is not the same as killing them for kicks.

It isn't?

How is it any better or worse.

OK, from a religious / moral perspective: The Bible makes a clear distiction between killing out of malice and killing in self defene. Human life is sacred therefore if someone decides to take your life for personal gain or with alicious intent they forfit thier own life by violating the sactity of life.

From a pragmatic perspective: Someone who takes life for persoanl gain or fullfillment or out of malicious intent is very likely to reoffend. No one is safe from them as they could kill anyone at any time for any reason. However if someone kills someone simply to protect thier own life from another person they are unlikely to repeat the action unless thier life is similarly threatened or attacked. No one arround them is in danger from them save those who attack them.

Now I get to ask you. Is it better to lay your life down to fulfill te bloodlust or profit motive of an attacker. Is it morally supurior to stand idoly by as a madman slits the throats of your friends or family rather than "sinking to thier level" to stop them?

Putting the "fun" back in Fundamentalist Christian Dogma. " I know God exists because WBAM told me so. " - theory9 JLA brand RACK points = 514k