
he said he felt trapped and he needed a break. didnt even see it coming, he went over to his moms house last sunday, came back, took maya the dove, came back again said he felt trapped and he cant be in a realtionship feeling that way...

i was looking at things to do for our three year anniversary that day too. i didnt understand why he didnt talk about it to me sooner instead of taking the easy way out and leaveing me. i didnt even know he was having these issues. he said it wasnt something he just desised on a whim. well to me it was! im mean everything, so i thought was fine, and then out of the blue he breaks everything off with me cold turkey!

i was understanding but now, i relize what an ass he was. i gave him everything, i gave up everything, i gave him my life.

and its not like he didnt get to do whatever he wanted, he never was tied down. cause i beileve as long as he tells me when hes doing something ahead of time i never have a problem, what i do have a problem with his when he springs stuff on me an hour or two before hes going somewhere when i already made plans to spend time with him. plus i think hes been lying to me. not only that but how could he string me along like that! me thinking nothings wrong!

i dunno, im not taking him back. i cant trust him anymore.

sorry needed to vent, i also need closer, i need him to tell me whats going on.

glad to be of pleasurable service

"don't worry hunny, we'll dig our own graves..."

1,032,000 points!