
Joe Mama said:

Lor said:

Joe Mama said:

Lor said:
oh and get this, it was a day before he started his new job, and it was two weeks before the bills are due so he wont have to pay them! how convientent for him.

Why won't he have to? I'm no lawyer, but I think you could force him to pay half the bills if he won't take care of his responsibilities to you.

You and I don't much know each other, but I'm sorry about what has happened to you.

really? how would i ask him to do that?

thank you joe, i shall return the kindness someday

For the legal stuff, I'll defer to G-Man or Harleykwin. They're lawyers. Good lawyers. Smart lawyers. And I'm not just saying that because I may someday need a lawyer.

However, I'd start by contacting him and pointing out that the bills that both of you created are coming up and that he has a certain responsibility to help settle them. Give him the opportunity to do what's right - don't threaten him with legal recourse. If he agrees, then great. If he refuses, note when you spoke to him and THEN look into legal channels. Hopefully he'll do the right thing...

k, sounds good. for the moment anyway. im just gonna have to get a better job thats all.

this is redictulous. i was settled, i was ready and now my whole way of living has been turned upside down. i was used to the way he did things, i had a whole routine and now i dont know quite what to do with myself. im starting to get the hang of living by my self again but, today will be the first day ive had to take out the garbage in a year! <sigh> oh, well. in the words of my buddy "whatcha gonna do.."

glad to be of pleasurable service

"don't worry hunny, we'll dig our own graves..."

1,032,000 points!