
doesnt sneaky have her own thread...

so i talked to my ex friday night for about three hours.. he told me he doesnt want me to wait for him and whatever the future holds happens. i told him that hes sounding like he wants to date other people which ive been thinking that and asked him many times. he told me no, im enjoying the single life. riiiiiiiiiight that big fucking lyer!

i found out on saturday that hes been dateing some blonde bitch for two weeks! that means hes been with her ever since he broke up with me! that fucking bastered! i knew in my heart before he broke up with me that he was thinking about cheating on me! i knew it! i also found out hes been lying to me about other things for the past oh six months or so but i never had any proof well now i do.

if theres one thing i cant stand, thats being lyed to! that fucking bastered and his bitch! i want him to hurt as much as hes hurt me and more! i cant stand him any more! today i got so sick to my stomack thinking about him and waiting for him to call to come over to get his stuff. i hate him for what hes put me through, all the while hes fucking some bitch not careing about anything in the world! and i knoow thats what hes doing i know how he operates! i hope God gives me justice! i KNOW God WILL give me JUSTICE! he doesnt decerve my love any more, he never decerved me or my love!

i place him Gods hands for him to deal with him. God will. in the mean while i called a buddy and told him to call him to make arrangements for him to get his stuff through my buddy. i just cant be around him now he just makes me so sick, literally. he will always be my first love, but he no longer has my love.

like i said ive learned alot about my self and my own inner strength that ive never known before. i will continue to use this to learn and better myself.

well now that feels alot better.

glad to be of pleasurable service

"don't worry hunny, we'll dig our own graves..."

1,032,000 points!