aw, pen your the greatest pal i could ask for right now and you right. i was just angry. i needed something to take it out on besides myself. but yea, i will forgive him it will take time though. but i will, theres no dout in my mind.

my new guy (offically now) is going great. his grandmas in town so i went to met her. great lady so cute, she made us close our eyes when the love scene came on in "King Arthur." lol.

lol the funny thing is tonight on the way home we had an interesting talk about fate and destany. which i totally beleive in. we talked about choise and free will. he on the other hand, which is great, believes that we make our own path from our choises. i believe that its laided before us or presented to us. i do beileve in choise and free will. buts its cool we both keep in check, yah know. i needed someone strong that way.

glad to be of pleasurable service

"don't worry hunny, we'll dig our own graves..."

1,032,000 points!