
Lor said:
if theres one thing i cant stand, thats being lyed to! that fucking bastered and his bitch! i want him to hurt as much as hes hurt me and more! i cant stand him any more! today i got so sick to my stomack thinking about him and waiting for him to call to come over to get his stuff. i hate him for what hes put me through, all the while hes fucking some bitch not careing about anything in the world! and i knoow thats what hes doing i know how he operates! i hope God gives me justice! i KNOW God WILL give me JUSTICE! he doesnt decerve my love any more, he never decerved me or my love!

What is it about women? Everyone I've been involved with hates to be lied to. They go off like Lor does and wonder why men do it. It's because we don't want to hear what mean, thoughtless, bastards we are for the next 3 months! If we tell you something, you're sure to use it against us. Remember the old saying, girls; Ask us no questions and we'll tell you no lies.

The G-man says: You are GOOD r3x29yz4a is my hero! rex says I'm a commie, asshole, fag!