As you know, I'm in a rather similar situation, right now, so I can fully empathize with where you're at, Lor. I'm glad to hear you're willing to get back on the horse. This isn't the first time in life I've had something like this happen, and it may not be the last, but all of those good times (and lessons learned) inbetween were certainly worth it. Devastated as I am, I know I'll end up jumping in again.
So, I think it's cool that you're determined to keep trying, just be mindful of your emotional state before you wade too deep, too quickly. "Rebound"s can be just what the doctor ordered - can even turn into long-term relationships - but, if handled too sloppily or blindly, can also hurt one or both people.
Mostly, though, I hope you can take care of all the mess that this has caused in other areas of your life and get back on track. I know how rough that can be. It will smooth out, in the end, though.
Take care.