wow. thank you everyone for the wonderful kind inspiring words and advice! i really needed to hear all of it.
i will respond individually after theses words of ranting:
so today i arranged to get my stuff from him and to have his stuff delivered to him. i made sure that i got my money first though before i gave him his stuff back. for the most part ive kepted some stuff until we get the rest of the money stuff taking care of. i was told he asked how i was and my buddy told him "dude, you broke her heart how do you think she is." good for him. he claims contray to popular belief hes hurting just as bad. i found out hes lyed to me about haveing a cell phone, why i dont know but its stupid i mean its not like i call him ALOT anyway. he wa also afraid of my buddy, cause well hes not to happy with my ex yah know. so for the most part i think it went well. i wrote him a note telling him what else we have to take care of and that i know hes been ling to me for a long time now and that wasnt exceptable. it sounded aggressive but i was upset and right fully so. im okay i almost fell apart today my stomack hurt like crazy ealier today. its been ruff on me this week cause well lol its that time of the month. lovely huh as if i dont have enough to deal with lol. but im trying to keep positive and not let my brain wonder back to thinking about him and what hes doing and so on..