
Emperor Joker said:
This is getting more redundant than the "We don't kill" message they shoved down our throats every week in the late Birds of Prey TV show! First crawfordcrow, now Lor? It must be something in the water.

The next thing worse than a break-up is when a terminated engagement is thrown in for "good measure", so to speak. Sooooo, it's a good thing you have a possible new interest there with the next guy you describe to us. BUT, I sense that you're still recovering from the last guy, so please take some time to do that on your own. That is, don't rely solely on the new guy no matter how willing he seems! Take it slow if at all possible.

And, Penwing is right. We all have our share of challenges in forgiveness of others, be it ex-lovers, disgruntled employees, ungrateful children, unreasonable parents, nosy siblings, caped crusaders, whiny sidekicks, you name it! But, still, we must forgive them if we are to expect forgiveness from others. At least you still have your last name! So, yes, you can forgive him. It's simple, even if it isn't easy.

BUT, if he dares try and waltz back into your life, tell him to meet you at a "hot spot", and give him directions that take him directly to my castle. My hyenas will take it from there.

And, if it makes you feel any better, I like your avatar. It's almost as sweet as harleykwin's! Hubba hubba!

oh my, thank you puddin for putting a smile on my face!

very good advice and i will take it to heart. i will eventually forgive him its just alittle too soon. im still finding out information thats keeping it hard for me to do that. but i will, God knows i will.

oh no worries, no rebounding here. we are taking it slower than grandmas molassis in july!

i will keep your castle, puddin, in mind

yes that does make me feel better but it was my avatartar first and i will win it over in the RK wrestling thingy!!! mah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-hehehehehehehehe-hee

glad to be of pleasurable service

"don't worry hunny, we'll dig our own graves..."

1,032,000 points!