so, so far ive gotten two emails from my ex and i havent exactually been...nice, par-say in them. im just angry now. i cant help it. i mean how am i saposto be when i did nothing wrong.. i asked him in this last one if there was anything that i did. so we shall see.
i dunno, he said he left me because he needed to find something, and now im wondering if im making the right choice of moveing on. should i wait for him? no, no, wait, i shouldnt. not after how hes treated me. not now since i cant trust him any more. im tired of the drama, im tired of sticking up for him, im tired of him not being an adult. its true he needs to grow up, and i dont think he wants too.
theres just to many questions, to many things not adding up..
on a happy note i ate at subway, chicken bacon ranch toasted with pepperjack cheese yummmmmmy! with my new guy, bugoo, it was fun. we chatted about all kinds of stuff, took a nice relaxing drive in the country. sat at home listened to some music, snuggled, talked. and then he went home to sleep cause hes gotta work early. it was a great day acctually.