(this is a half blog half responce lol)

no, no it didnt sound cold at all. i thank you.

i was thinking that very same thing on what to do with some of the little things i keep finding. like rings, and i want to give him some of the copies of pics of him and our now my dog. i was debateing on giveing him any of our wedding stuff, like the folder of ideas and whatnot... i dunno.

"He needs to realize that was HIS decision that brought you to the point where you're at now, and it's still far to early to determine what the future holds. He made his own bed and has to lie in it."

SO TRUE! he doesnt though that i know about i mean it doesnt seam like it. he said that hes hurting more than anyone realizes and i got mad and said well if you want people to start beleiveing you then you should show alittle of it. cuz honstly, he seams perfectly fine to me other than hes gotten darker, is the best way to explain it.

oh and as for the cell phone thing, he told me that he didnt give me the number because he got it right after he left me. (i keep saying that in the emails and stuff too that he left me cuz he never says it he refers to it as that day, or you know..) but, he gave it to bugoo that very same day as i was in the house crying cause he came to take his stuff...

so, soooooOOOooo also, tomarrow bugoo is gonna go over to my exs buddys house to play D&D, the campain i was gonna play but puh, cant now! eh, doesnt matter, but anywho may concern is that the blonde chick is gonna be there to play. and if she is i dont think thats very approperate. after all that was my spot, not hers, i dunno.. im just upest that she might be there.. i really dunno why... is that normal? on the up swing i can get some insite from bugoo to what he thinks of him and her...

glad to be of pleasurable service

"don't worry hunny, we'll dig our own graves..."

1,032,000 points!