so, so, soooooOOo, its raining... i hate it when it rains... not realy
hate more like dislike...
yea.. thats it dislike... i dislike it when it rains...
*sigh* i miss bugoo. hopefully ill see him tomarrow. oh, ha, snap! so bugoo calls me today while hes driving to his next stop for work and tells me about his day so far. just as he leaves his house a drunk/crazy guy is messing around with him. so the guy gets on his bumper and wont move, drives onto the other side of the road keeps up pace with him. and bugoo is getting pissed so he speeds up passes the guy and trys to get as much space between them as possible. well the guy catches up and bugoos like if only i was in my crownvic buddy! lol he loves that car. so anyway the guy finally backs off and turns.
well then not only did he have trouble at his job due to other people he was going down the highway at like 65 to get to his next stop when he gets a flat tire. the way he put it was kinda like this "so i was driving and i heard somthing, and im like what the ... that cant be good" lol so calm like. lol so he pulls into a gas station and checks it out. his tire is flat and his like grrrr, lol jaw sticking out and everything, so cute.. anyway he puts the dummy tire on which he said probolly has dry rot cuz its probolly as old as the car lol so he puts it on gets back on the road calls his boss tells him hes gonna take the car back home, while his boss said to try NTB that they might still be open. so he did and they where. so while he was there he got the oil changed cause it needed it badly. well lol the guy took like 20 mins trying to figure out how to pop the hood open lol now bugoo said yah know i know some cars are hard to find the latch but on his its right there in the middle and all you do is push it over. the simplest there is lol well after they fixed the tire and changed the oil its been an hour.
so he finally gets back on the road and in his words.
bugoo:"you know that noise we couldnt figure out what it was in the back?"
me: "yea."
bugoo:"well i know what it is." (laughing)
me:"what was it?"
bugoo:"it was the cover on my tail lights! it fell off!" (more laughing)
lol, oh my, my poor bugoo. he had a hard day. but hes okay, it amazes me how well he takes stress. man though he was happy the last time i talked to him. its great cuz so am i.