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Lor #541538 2005-07-29 4:34 AM
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glad to be of pleasurable service

"don't worry hunny, we'll dig our own graves..."

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Lor #541539 2005-07-29 4:43 AM
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Lor said:
and i dont do porn...

no flippin porn?

eeerr, this is gonna lead to months of harrassment but ah well

i've had to settle for the pusedo mate, i suggest the realistic moldings with natural jelly or fauxskin. pure romance and my pleasures are highly recomended if you are to iffy about going to your local shop.

errr, besides that all i can say is find yourself a roster of people to help ya over the phone or something

and thats my drunken opinion.

And, to be fair, one of my favorite friends there is blind and I take every opportunity available to make fun of that and we're still friends. That guy never fit there. He never got the spirit of the RKMBs. We're gonna keep an eye on the obits, see if he finally left or if he really did have a heart attack.
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Lor #541540 2005-07-29 4:46 AM
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Lemme get this straight - you're horny, but don't know what to do? All jokes about the other guys on this board and their willingness to "help" ( ), if you don't do porn or booty calls (and know you're not ready to take that step with anyone - a wise and mature stance) you might want to consider a vibrator. Or flick the ol' bean to a fantasy...

Sorry I can't be of any more help.

Uschi said:
I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry.

MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost!

"I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock

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puh, i always feel... well... dirty doing the bad thang to me self.

i dunno, oi, i guess ill just ignore it.

glad to be of pleasurable service

"don't worry hunny, we'll dig our own graves..."

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Lor #541542 2005-07-29 5:12 AM
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Lor said:
puh, i always feel... well... dirty doing the bad thang to me self.

Did you grow up in a Christian household? Not making fun; I just notice that a good chunk of my Christian-raised friends say or said the same thing.


i dunno, oi, i guess ill just ignore it.

I'd advise against that. I don't wanna hear about Lor asplodin'.

Uschi said:
I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry.

MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost!

"I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock

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eh, not really. i grow up in a borken home. some christian background like i went to a christan school for a bit. but, dont think thats it.. is it?

oh, ill asplode alright

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"don't worry hunny, we'll dig our own graves..."

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i've heard rumour of a bed buddy complete with phalis

that might work


And, to be fair, one of my favorite friends there is blind and I take every opportunity available to make fun of that and we're still friends. That guy never fit there. He never got the spirit of the RKMBs. We're gonna keep an eye on the obits, see if he finally left or if he really did have a heart attack.
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nah, ill do the sensible thing and wait it out. ill get use to not doing the boinkin anymore.. until i love again anyway, and even then i dunno.

glad to be of pleasurable service

"don't worry hunny, we'll dig our own graves..."

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Lor #541546 2005-07-29 5:49 AM
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had a brillant idea wheni went and took a leak five minutes ago

one of those massaging shower heads, those work wonders on the gina.

And, to be fair, one of my favorite friends there is blind and I take every opportunity available to make fun of that and we're still friends. That guy never fit there. He never got the spirit of the RKMBs. We're gonna keep an eye on the obits, see if he finally left or if he really did have a heart attack.
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uuuh, yes thatll work. sounds neat.

glad to be of pleasurable service

"don't worry hunny, we'll dig our own graves..."

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Lor #541548 2005-07-29 6:01 AM
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heh, okay so i have no dvd player, no dvds, no xbox. mm'kay cause he took all that. well then my tv blew so thaats gone. oh and to boot, no hot water. all i got is this comp for entertainment. have been reading books but my attention spand can only do so much..

thought id add that lovely note to my blog.

glad to be of pleasurable service

"don't worry hunny, we'll dig our own graves..."

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Lor #541549 2005-07-29 6:03 AM
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any thinkers of the sig?

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"don't worry hunny, we'll dig our own graves..."

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Lor #541550 2005-07-29 6:14 AM
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oi, i better go to bed so i can get up to do the same thing all over again.

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"don't worry hunny, we'll dig our own graves..."

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Lor #541551 2005-07-30 2:31 AM
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*exhail* such drama in my life!

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"don't worry hunny, we'll dig our own graves..."

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Lor #541552 2005-07-30 2:39 AM
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so, so far ive gotten two emails from my ex and i havent exactually been...nice, par-say in them. im just angry now. i cant help it. i mean how am i saposto be when i did nothing wrong.. i asked him in this last one if there was anything that i did. so we shall see.

i dunno, he said he left me because he needed to find something, and now im wondering if im making the right choice of moveing on. should i wait for him? no, no, wait, i shouldnt. not after how hes treated me. not now since i cant trust him any more. im tired of the drama, im tired of sticking up for him, im tired of him not being an adult. its true he needs to grow up, and i dont think he wants too.

theres just to many questions, to many things not adding up..

on a happy note i ate at subway, chicken bacon ranch toasted with pepperjack cheese yummmmmmy! with my new guy, bugoo, it was fun. we chatted about all kinds of stuff, took a nice relaxing drive in the country. sat at home listened to some music, snuggled, talked. and then he went home to sleep cause hes gotta work early. it was a great day acctually.

glad to be of pleasurable service

"don't worry hunny, we'll dig our own graves..."

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Lor #541553 2005-07-30 4:11 AM
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I guess it's my turn.

Will things work out with bugoo? I can't say for sure, but he does strike me as someone more ... ?genuine?

As for your ex... he left you after three years you'll never get back because he needed to find something? I could have sworn he "found" another girl. What he really ought to do is get himself found.

If you have anything that belongs to him, mail it back. If he has anything of yours that you can afford to lose, let him keep it as a parting gift. If he wants to talk, tell him that you see his lips moving, but all you can hear is this. He needs to realize that was HIS decision that brought you to the point where you're at now, and it's still far to early to determine what the future holds. He made his own bed and has to lie in it.

I hope that didn't sound cold or anything. That's just how I see it...

There is no version of this where you come out on top. Maybe your army comes, and maybe it’s too much for us, but it’s all on you. Because if we can’t protect the Earth, you can be damn well sure we’ll avenge it.

Put Natasha on the phone.
Who is this?
This is her fucking son's father. Who is this?
This is her fucking son.
Call back in 20 minutes. *click*

Boy, you could get lost in a sky like that. I wish I had those balloons again.

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(this is a half blog half responce lol)

no, no it didnt sound cold at all. i thank you.

i was thinking that very same thing on what to do with some of the little things i keep finding. like rings, and i want to give him some of the copies of pics of him and our now my dog. i was debateing on giveing him any of our wedding stuff, like the folder of ideas and whatnot... i dunno.

"He needs to realize that was HIS decision that brought you to the point where you're at now, and it's still far to early to determine what the future holds. He made his own bed and has to lie in it."

SO TRUE! he doesnt though that i know about i mean it doesnt seam like it. he said that hes hurting more than anyone realizes and i got mad and said well if you want people to start beleiveing you then you should show alittle of it. cuz honstly, he seams perfectly fine to me other than hes gotten darker, is the best way to explain it.

oh and as for the cell phone thing, he told me that he didnt give me the number because he got it right after he left me. (i keep saying that in the emails and stuff too that he left me cuz he never says it he refers to it as that day, or you know..) but, he gave it to bugoo that very same day as i was in the house crying cause he came to take his stuff...

so, soooooOOOooo also, tomarrow bugoo is gonna go over to my exs buddys house to play D&D, the campain i was gonna play but puh, cant now! eh, doesnt matter, but anywho may concern is that the blonde chick is gonna be there to play. and if she is i dont think thats very approperate. after all that was my spot, not hers, i dunno.. im just upest that she might be there.. i really dunno why... is that normal? on the up swing i can get some insite from bugoo to what he thinks of him and her...

glad to be of pleasurable service

"don't worry hunny, we'll dig our own graves..."

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Lor #541555 2005-08-02 2:35 AM
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Oh, Lor.. It's possible that he's hurting, and it is also possible that he can't stand to see you so corageous in attempting something with this bugoo fellow. Still, he chose to break up and so he has to live with the consequences of his own actions. Take care and remember you're going to make it through all of this, one way or another. I have faith in you. *kotn*

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awww, sideway, gotta luv u *kotc*

yea i know hes probolly hurting too but it just doesnt seam like it and that bothers me. but then again hes a guy so hes probolly not gonna show it huh... i feel bad though that he is but then again i dont. i dunno, im torn when it comes to that.

glad to be of pleasurable service

"don't worry hunny, we'll dig our own graves..."

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Lor #541557 2005-08-04 2:38 PM
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Happy Birthday Lor!!!!!!!!

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Happy Biffday, Lor!

Uschi said:
I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry.

MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost!

"I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock

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Happy B-day!

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Happy Birthday Lor! None of these people started a birthday thread for you, so I did.

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happy birthday

And, to be fair, one of my favorite friends there is blind and I take every opportunity available to make fun of that and we're still friends. That guy never fit there. He never got the spirit of the RKMBs. We're gonna keep an eye on the obits, see if he finally left or if he really did have a heart attack.
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tankie you guys.

yay, happy biffday to me!!!!!!


glad to be of pleasurable service

"don't worry hunny, we'll dig our own graves..."

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Lor #541565 2005-08-05 9:49 AM
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...this tread now needs some strippers and a keg.

And, to be fair, one of my favorite friends there is blind and I take every opportunity available to make fun of that and we're still friends. That guy never fit there. He never got the spirit of the RKMBs. We're gonna keep an eye on the obits, see if he finally left or if he really did have a heart attack.
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Lor #541566 2005-08-05 7:39 PM
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Lor said:

nah, ill do the sensible thing and wait it out. ill get use to not doing the boinkin anymore.. until i love again anyway, and even then i dunno.

Why don't you get one of those little egg type vibrators? They gots a remote control so it wouldn't really be you doin' it!

BTW, I broke up with my GF on Sunday! I'd ask you out but my daughter would freak if I dated someone only 4 years older than she is

"Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives." John Stuart Mill America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between. Oscar Wilde He who dies with the most toys is nonetheless dead.
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hmmm, thinking about it but naaah. ill just wait. who knows whats instore

awwwwwwwwwwww, your sweet majicjay. hey me and your daughter could be best buds!!!!

lol, thanks anyway. i always did likey you better than jimjackson. no afence jimmy boy.

glad to be of pleasurable service

"don't worry hunny, we'll dig our own graves..."

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Lor #541568 2005-08-07 4:56 AM
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okay. i have alot of updateing to do for my blog so here it is starting with the most interesting day from this last week....

Tuesday: August 2, 2005:

sooooo, i got home from my parents house which was great i love being back home to my home. bugoos buddy shinobi is haveing a small get together of a few buddys and im invited so i go over with bugoo. FIST TIME I EVER HAVE GOTTEN DRUNK! and it was fun. nice kinda fun not roudy or anything. we drank crown and pepsi. i liked crown and vannila pepsi myself, bugoo too. it was great we all babbled like crazy, i got gitty. so i had to go pee and i didnt know where the bathroom was, frist time at shinobis house, so i asked bugoo to show me. he shows me and i start trippin out! his bathroom was so freaky, it had these little brown, blue, and pink flowers on the walls and the bathroom was kinda small and on top of that his dad had removed the one panel so it was slide down towards the potty but i didnt know that. i thought the walls where moveing. so i got kinda scared so i made bugoo go to the bathroom with me every time i had to lol. he was such a gentlemen even drunk he sat on the tub or the floor and faced the oposite direction so he couldnt see me. so needless to say we crashed at shinobis house. i even wanted to, well you know, boink him and he didnt let me! hes so great. i mean believe me he wanted to but he didnt. so sweet.


oi, SO, i didnt have much of a hang over which was weird cuz i drank alot. i mean ALOT. everyone was surprised to how much i had drank that night. i mean i havent drank for maybe a year. i dunno, but a long time anyway. i did throw up alittle bit but it wasnt much. my stumack didnt hurt until around 1 or 2 in the afternoon. and it was more like i had to eat super badly yah know. other than that i didnt do anything but sleep. so it was all good.



i didnt get my biffday biff though..

but its cool. so i spent the night on bugoos couch, cuz it was easier trip wise. he sang me happy birthday as soon as i woke up which was soooooo super sweet. we snuggled for a long while and then i took a shower. he played WOW I(world of warcraft) then he took his after mine. first he took me mini golfing which was super fun. he won. lol he claims i was taking it easy on him. i sware i wasnt then he took me go cart rideing where i beat him lol which is cool he was a good challenge, very fun indeed. after that he took me out to eat to olive garden. super good food. was very nice, romantic.. i had a tummy ack though from just coming off of go carts, to much adenaline but it was still super great. after that we went swimming in his pool cuz it was super hot like 90 degrees hot. and that was fun his little cousin and her dad was over too. next we went to my familys for cake and icecream and presants. puh, didnt get anything i asked for. wont get into that... kidnapped my bro to go watch spiderman at bugoos house then went back home. it was an awsome day!!

and thats about all thats been interesting... other than my unka is getting married monday. civil service in new york. im not gonna go. its cool though thats the way he wants it. they are gonna do the church thing later so ill go to that.

glad to be of pleasurable service

"don't worry hunny, we'll dig our own graves..."

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Lor #541569 2005-08-07 7:27 AM
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ugh, i wish i could sleep... but i cant... should try though... maybe... who really knows...

glad to be of pleasurable service

"don't worry hunny, we'll dig our own graves..."

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Lor #541570 2005-08-07 7:38 AM
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no ones said anything about my new-ish sig yet.... you punks...

glad to be of pleasurable service

"don't worry hunny, we'll dig our own graves..."

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Lor #541571 2005-08-07 7:41 AM
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mmmmmmmmmmmmmm, green tea with ginseng and honey.

suebee premium orange honey none the less.

great hot!

made by arizona.

shake well. in bold lettering too!

refrigerate after opening ... oops ...

calories 70
total fat 0
sodium 20mg
total carbohydrate 18g
sugars 17g
protein 0
saving money on your car insurance priceless

glad to be of pleasurable service

"don't worry hunny, we'll dig our own graves..."

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Lor #541572 2005-08-08 1:30 AM
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so, so, soooooOOo, its raining... i hate it when it rains... not realy hate more like dislike...

yea.. thats it dislike... i dislike it when it rains...

*sigh* i miss bugoo. hopefully ill see him tomarrow. oh, ha, snap! so bugoo calls me today while hes driving to his next stop for work and tells me about his day so far. just as he leaves his house a drunk/crazy guy is messing around with him. so the guy gets on his bumper and wont move, drives onto the other side of the road keeps up pace with him. and bugoo is getting pissed so he speeds up passes the guy and trys to get as much space between them as possible. well the guy catches up and bugoos like if only i was in my crownvic buddy! lol he loves that car. so anyway the guy finally backs off and turns.

well then not only did he have trouble at his job due to other people he was going down the highway at like 65 to get to his next stop when he gets a flat tire. the way he put it was kinda like this "so i was driving and i heard somthing, and im like what the ... that cant be good" lol so calm like. lol so he pulls into a gas station and checks it out. his tire is flat and his like grrrr, lol jaw sticking out and everything, so cute.. anyway he puts the dummy tire on which he said probolly has dry rot cuz its probolly as old as the car lol so he puts it on gets back on the road calls his boss tells him hes gonna take the car back home, while his boss said to try NTB that they might still be open. so he did and they where. so while he was there he got the oil changed cause it needed it badly. well lol the guy took like 20 mins trying to figure out how to pop the hood open lol now bugoo said yah know i know some cars are hard to find the latch but on his its right there in the middle and all you do is push it over. the simplest there is lol well after they fixed the tire and changed the oil its been an hour.

so he finally gets back on the road and in his words.
bugoo:"you know that noise we couldnt figure out what it was in the back?"

me: "yea."

bugoo:"well i know what it is." (laughing)

me:"what was it?"

bugoo:"it was the cover on my tail lights! it fell off!" (more laughing)

lol, oh my, my poor bugoo. he had a hard day. but hes okay, it amazes me how well he takes stress. man though he was happy the last time i talked to him. its great cuz so am i.

glad to be of pleasurable service

"don't worry hunny, we'll dig our own graves..."

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Lor #541573 2005-08-09 1:16 AM
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Happy biffday, Lor! Sorry I missed it.

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thanks sideways!

no prob. *kotn*

glad to be of pleasurable service

"don't worry hunny, we'll dig our own graves..."

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Lor #541575 2005-08-11 5:03 AM
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does anyone even read or care about my blog?

glad to be of pleasurable service

"don't worry hunny, we'll dig our own graves..."

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Lor #541576 2005-08-12 6:00 AM
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so, nothing interestin happend today other than we did alot of running and got nothing done. got some information but thats bout it... so it wasnt a total lose.

wendsday was one month since my ex left me...

saturday will be one month bugoo and i have been together.

so a good and a bad. i just wish i could forget my ex. i wish he would leave my mind. get out of my thoughts and stop haunting me. im slightly paranored when i go out, i make sure im not at the mall or any place he could be or go after 5 pm cause thats when he gets out of work. i dont answer the phone on the weekends or i try not to be home at all on the weekends cause he has them off...

*sigh* i getting better at "forgeting" him and that bond/conection i have with him. but today i "felt" him, i knew he was gonna be there at walmart and sure enough i just happened to look up just as we pulled into the lot he was driving down the lane to the parking lot... my heart froze. the wierd thing was it was a cold feeling towards him.. i dunno if thats good or bad.

i stayed in the car while bugoo ran in. the funny thing is he drove right by our car and didnt even see us nor did he notice bugoo walking right behind him into the store. puh, plus he still has those stupid drawings on his windows of pacman and a ghost that his cousin drew on his car with those washable marker window thingys. its been over a month since she did that.. i would think the normal person would have washed them off by now.

i did realize today that i have grown more mature or maybe that i have always been more so then my ex. i think thats what it is...

i am looking forward to the furture with bugoo. i do see a future for the two of us when i look into his eyes. a part of me though misses my ex... i duno, i do know its getting annoying.

there are times where in my head i accidently refer bugoo to my exs name, and i force my brain to say no thats bugoo not the other. i hate that so bad, bugoo doesnt deserve that. i feel guilty at times for thinking/desireing my ex. i stop those thoughts as quickly as i can. i hate being at home. i cant stand to be here, all those memories float back up to the surface and i dont want tthem there. espesially the scene in my living room the night he left me. it still hurts to think about it, but sometimes i dont it just appears in my head like a movie playing that i cant stop.

*sigh* time. i need time to heal. the more new memories i make with bugoo the more it helps to heal.

i just hope i dont start to become cold again. i fear that i might turn off my feeling like ive done so many times. but hopefully thats just feelings from being tired.

glad to be of pleasurable service

"don't worry hunny, we'll dig our own graves..."

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Lor #541577 2005-08-12 6:10 AM
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on a good note though..

monday: august 8th:

bugoo and i drove up north to visit his family. i was really excited to meet them. it was a small vaction for the both of us. that we both really needed. it was great, so beatiful up in the mountains. we both agreed we would love to move up there some day.

so first off we left monday night and stayed over at his aunts house. super great people. his cousin is a sweet kid. very freindly. so is his aunt, i love her lol shes so cool. went to bed.

tuesday: august 9th:
woke up. she makes a great breakfast! hung out there with his cousin as i got to get to know them more.

left there, he took me on a tour of where he use to live. the two cabins, the new one and the old one. then we stoped at his grandmas house. ive meet her before. sweet old lady. i love her too. where i got to see bugoos baby pictures hehehehehehehehehehe! i saw his little bum in the bath tub hahahaha! he was sooooo cute, still is lol but thats besides the point.

ate some awsome hoogies for lunch. then left there and whent to his god parents house to meet them and their two sons. great people, more super people! love them all! sat around and chatted for a bit then off we went back to his aunts for supper! sat around chatted some more then got in the car and headed on home.

all in all it was nice. i enjoyed it, super relaxing. and on the plus side they all love me! yay! brownie points!

cant wait to go up there again, hopefully for longer next time so we can actually do something like boating or swimming, something. but even if we cant its still great to hang out with the family now and again!

glad to be of pleasurable service

"don't worry hunny, we'll dig our own graves..."

1,032,000 points!
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