so, today was great, i guess. no complaints. i was happier than a june bug in well june of course. dunno why just was. i got my college books FINALLY. gaw, stupid screw up.
what else, oh yes. bugoo bought me this so awsomely good ham bar b q sandwich. im telling you, it was the greatest sandwich ever. the only thing that possiblly could have made it better was a slice of pepperjack cheese on it. but man, yum, it was great all by its self.
it was trust me.
then, he fitteled around with his car. his baby, the crown victorian. i think its great that he can do alittle of everything. especially round the house. i mean the man can even cook! granted its man cooking: goolosh and everything has meat in it but its still super awsome!
i honostly dunno what i ever did with out him. hes like, everthing wraped up in a hunky package. gotta tell yah though, hes gotten some more musckles developing, everywhere. hes arms and shoulders and back are huge now. its so great. so sexy. so, so ooooooooo i better stop thinking about it.
til next time my adoring fans, this is Lor signing off. G'night.
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