*churping* today was nice actually im so tickled i got to see boo tonight i was hopeing he would stay the night but he had to go home. no biggie i still loved tonight. we watched Sin City, which ill give yah all the review in a sec. before that we meet my mom and dad to give me some stuff. THANKS MOM FOR THE CLOTHES THEY ARE GREAT!

not that she reads anything on this board but lol thank gobbers shed kill me. but anywho. ate at arbys. hung out with boo, wait i said that all ready lol oh well. thats about it.
im so happy for him hes got a decent job now, working full time at it with like 8+ hours a day 7 days a week. granted its his second week there but i tell yah that boys doing great. its a tuff job to. tires him out by the end of the day and then he still does stuff for me. hes great. i help him out when i can but still i give him alot of credit. im proud of him. cant wait til he gets to come home to me every night. hes looking for a new car which im tickled about for him he loves his crown vics. hes got alot coming to him soon and im happy for him, for me, for us. thank the lord for all our blessings