so i watched Frank Millers Sin City starring gosh alotta people : Quentin Tarantino, Robert Rodriguez, Jessica Alba, Devon Aoki, Alexis Bledel, Bruce Willis, Elijah Wood, Brittany Murphy, Clive Owen. Mickey Rourke. i think i got all the main ones lol anyway.. by the way the casting was perfect!
mmkay first off i wanna say WOW the visuals was amazing. i loved how it looked like the comic book. now i havent read much of the comic but what i did i liked and this movie i loved so i cant wait to see the second one and i heard there is a third one too! so thats great. this was sick movie i mean it was violent, poetic, gritty, dark and i loved every part of it. Frank Miller, hats off to you and the director of course, Robert Rodriguez. the way all the charactors where conected but not. showing the city has alot of stuff going on in it at once was amazing. okay im goona rate it now lol on the Lor scale i give this a Theater rateing!
Go rent it now you bitches!!!!!