so'baaaaah! i saw my ex, his best freind and his BF's mom tonight at the store. oh am i so gald im not with him any more. he looks like crap! he really let himself go! were as im still hot! yeees!

it was weird but kinda not i did get a sick feeling in the pit of my stumack though but that went away. i mainly focused on BF's mom which i was good freinds with but now its just kinda weird. i also kinda was to the side of boo so he sheilded me alittle so nor i or my ex could look at one another much.

man, he used to have this slur going on when he talked like he talked sssome what like thisss. with a hiss kinda, like he wasnt useing his jaw much to talk with or wahtever. its hard to explain but anywho, man, now its gotten worse so i dunno if it was because he was nervous or if it was because he has been drinking alot or what. but man am i glad i have a super hunk now! hahahahahahaha, oh thats bad to be maniacal, huh...

from the looks of things he diffently doesnt have anyone yet HA GOOD FOR HIM THAT SON OF A BITC-, oops i done it again, sorry.

akhem, so yea. boo did all the talking which was fine so, they asked about how his jobs going he told them hes full time now and how much hes making. it was funny to see the looks on their faces. he told them how hes excited about getting a new crown victorian police intercepter and all about the car and stuff. then he mentioned hes gonna buy two and BF was like "why do you need two?" and we both answered at the same time pointing to one another "one for me, one for him/her." LOL the most utter look of shock came on both of their faces it was so frickin funny. my ex's face about melted off. they couldnt beleive he was gonna buy me one to, ha! grand.

we also looked at some places tonight they wherent the greatest for the price people where asking. now the one we arnt to sure about we are gonna go see that one tomarrow. the nice thing is the lady said shes cool with my dog and all she would want is 200 extra on the security deposit, rent doesnt change or anything which i thinks wonderful but we shall see if the place is worth what she wants for it. that and we called about a townhouse but the lady wasnt in so. we shall see.

all in all things are looking up poeple and im so excited!!! im beaming!! its great to be happy again.

glad to be of pleasurable service

"don't worry hunny, we'll dig our own graves..."

1,032,000 points!