sooooooOOOOOOoooo'yes! lastnight was a great night. boo had some freinds over five of us and all. three of us where drinking not alot just alittle to cerlabrate boo getting his CDL permit! WOOOO
we watched a movie that his bros (best freind forever, not related) girlfreind brought over wasnt that great. i dont really like her anyway. none of us do except bro that is and we all think he should dump her cause we are pretty sure shes cheating on him but anywho thats another story for another day.
we goofed off, played music, it was fun. bros girlfriend just sat there, didnt talk much, dont join in. bro didnt much either. hes no fun when hes with her all they do is hang on each other. pathedic but so i think im gonna ask boo to tell bro not to bring her over anymore. shes a kill joy anyway.
but all in all i had fun just chillin.