
thursday i stayed over at boos. he calls me up at his house and says if you do my laundry ill bring yah something home. so im like okay, but im one step ahead of you already! i started on his laundry already and hes like awsome.

so after a few more calls. he said that after work hes going to go to the mall to pay his cell phone bill. i said thats fine i didnt care so then i ask him if hes hungry and he said yes so i said id make him some spaghetti. he said he'll give me a call when he leaves the mall so i can start it. well i set the meat in the sink to unthaw. 6.30 roles around and i figure hes about done at the mall gabbing to people and whatnot so i started to cook. i cooked the meat first and i get a call around 7 from boo. hes just now leaveing the mall and walking to his car he apologizes for taking so long he was indeed gabbing to people lol.

so anyway we hang up and i finish cooking. he comes home right on time. and he hand me my surpise! a reeses cub! ha! yummy. so i thank him and he like nah thats not really it im laugh and said okay so what is it.

he hands me City of Heros!! Im like awww thank you, thank you, thank you! i didnt expect him to get that for me so im really happy.

but it gets better!!!!

so we eat and im looking at the box and we gab about the mall and people he talked to. so then we finish up. i clean up the table i tell him that his closets nice and full. so he leads me into his room to go see. he throws me down on the bed and we kiss and snuggle and talk. i tell him how i had fun doing his laundry, cooking and how i didnt realize how much i missed doing that for someone. so that was great. hehehehehe

but it gets better!!!! ha!

so we head for the basment i grab the game and my candy. he grabs the bag and he tells me what he got for him self. an xbox game, X-Man Legends II Rise of Apocalypse. so thats cool.

we sit down and he starts the computer up to play WOW (World of Warcraft) he stops and says want me to install that, i say nah you play for awhile. he says nah go get it. so i do and he says open it. so i do.

but it gets better!!!!

so im opening it! and theres a ring box in it!!!!!! and i open it!!!!!!!!!!!

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh wooooooo hehehehehehehe, its a small sterling silver ring with a small diamond!!!!!!

hehehehehe, its the one we looked at like a month ago. i had no idea he was gonna get it! im was/am soo tickled i couldnt stop smiling.

now, its just an i love you ring. its just something from him for no reason. and thats awsome. he made the lady at the jewlery store jeolous he said lol. the funny thing is everyone we told so far thinks its a promise ring lol and its not thats the great thing. he just bought me jewerly for the sake of buying me jewlery! hes so wonderful.

i was so surprised, i didnt even know or saspect anything hehehehe.

yesterday though we had to tak it back to get it resized, it was alittle bit big so itll be a week til i can have it again but thats okay

my finger does feel so empty tho. but its okay im still super happy!

glad to be of pleasurable service

"don't worry hunny, we'll dig our own graves..."

1,032,000 points!