Lor said:
sneaky bunny said:
MisterJLA said:
sneaky bunny said: riiiiight...my fault, but yet, you stole it by rigging with almost 40 votes
so if your using that logic than it rightfully goes to elisa. WHOOOHOOO FOR EISA.
You care too much about the RDCW, bunny.
hah, care, not really...could give a shit less
i just like shining the light onto people's moronic hooterville logic.
hmm. mmkay. so really your only tooting you own horn. cause you certainly produce more energy into bashing me and my RDCW participation then i do writing promos (which i might add are a hole hells better than anything youve ever written.)
i could care less about this little jealousy feistiness you have going on for me, im flattered. your sexual frustration towards me comes out in the most obvious of ways. im sure your touching your self vigorously as you read this. since you cant have me, i anger you in such a hotly manner you want to fuck me but im out of your league.
you've gone to far bitch. you have no right to go and twist and insult my sexuality. Frankly, i don't find you attractive at all really, there's nothing about you that appeal to me. Your personality in being a whiney little bitch as in dog/puppy and "OH MY GOSH!! HE"S PAYING ATTION TO ME!! I LOVE HIM!!" whore shit churns my stomach. and please tell me, what is it htat you have that i'm so itching to want, cause i'm just dying to know? hurm, is it your sub-terrain self esteem...no. The 80+ people you've slept with...no, i'd rather stick to my single digits. and yet the list could go on. Frankly, i could care less about your thing here to piss me off to get yourself and this thread attention, but when you go and start spamming my email inbox and harrassing me outside of here, then, then it gets dirty.
And, to be fair, one of my favorite friends there is blind and I take every opportunity available to make fun of that and we're still friends. That guy never fit there. He never got the spirit of the RKMBs. We're gonna keep an eye on the obits, see if he finally left or if he really did have a heart attack. 2,506,410.81 CAD Rack points