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From: Gnopükindabak You little game here, trying to get laid by someone a few hundred miles away.
What it is with you, if your a bigot whom hates anyone whose not a wasp or maybe you have this hate twoards anyone whose gay cause they wo't touch you even though you have this dying need to cross the grass knol to the other side. Because I'm sure there's a biker chick in your little hooterville that will do you in a gay bar. Or maybe your bigotry is against the disabled, and your just another one to that large group of people who thinks that anyone whose blind, deaf, wheelchair bound or not white should be in some sort of institution.
But really, this is all extremely entertaining to us, the fact that your dying to cross the sexual fence and you want her to take you, the fact your trying to pin the jealousy on her. Honestly, why would she want you or want to be you? she has me and Tapesh, And you don't seem to be the punker dork or from what i've seen have the curves she wants. So i doubt if you crossed her path at a lounge you'd get the time of day. plus, the pot is full enough without a fourth.
And we know its you - We've traced your IP address. You can stop flooding her inbox and her blog with comments and emails. cause as well, how does the expression go? " the obsession continues", and this obsession you have, its really only getting annoying and more entertaining. I really can't place your jealousy, if its something utterly stupid like her being a mod here and what she's done to help this place, or if its something more utterly stupid like having men and women in bed. And its funny - she's not even bringing it. you might wanna go check out her and Joe Mama's flame war with Oakley or her little flame war with First National Bastard. Those will give you a little insight into what’s to come if you want to keep your little jealousy run going.

is that a threat sneaky darling... hmmmmm?