yea im not much to sick anymore but i have this nausty hacking cough every once in awhile. its nausty and frickin hurts i feel like my whole body is trying to reverse its self for five minutes.
and im sure smoking two cloves last night didnt help it any but i couldnt help it, i hadnt have one in a year and me and boo had major cravings for one. they are soooo goood, i got such a buzz. i felt like i was frickin high.
hung out at the sports bar with a bunch of people. wasnt to fun we got bored really quick and it stunk cause i didnt have my id on me so i couldnt drink. uh well. so we ended up leaving early and going back to my house. and yea entertained our selves. so it wasnt a total wast of a night, the highlight being the rest of the evening just the two of us.

earlier that day sucked though, i had to met my ex to finsh some final crap which is great i wanted to do that. it just sucked that i had to stand there two feet away from him. i wanted to frickin rip his throat out. it was intense not to mention when he gave the bag with the rest of my stuff in it, he said i apologize if anythings broken but it was on the floor of my room so.. and of course my glass sail boat that almost cost me 50 bucks is broken. the bastard could have wraped it or set it up but no its broke. i saw that and i really wanted to kill him cause ive taking care not to hurt any of his things but uh well, God will get him.
but other than that, it was an okay day.