so, first off let me go back to wednesday night.
okay so im over at boos. playing WOW. shinobi is over and him and boo are over on the couches chatting. i wasnt playing to much attention, then i hear shinobi says to boo that he has a solution to his problem mmkay... so i ask whats the problem and i get some weird answer so i let it be. i mean they where like two feet away from me i couldnt help but hear them.
the next day, thursday. im again sitting at boos comp playing WOW (level 4 mage, just started) and he comes over and sits down beside me. and we chat about nuttin important when i finally get up the nerve to ask him what the problem was. im like
"so whats the problem that you and shinobi where talking about?" there was this pause with this like oh crap look on his face. i could tell he was trying to think of a lie or something else thats not exactly the truth but close enough so i added "and dont lie to me." sternly. a look of oh crap im gonna have to tell her/ disappointment look shot across his face.
he sighs heavily and says "wellep, are you sure you wanna know cause youll kick your self later.." no im confused and preparing for the worse cause earlier i was thinking that he had some problem that he didnt want to talk about with me yet until he consulted his buddy... i say "yes"
"okay, wellep, shinobi was telling me how i haven't really done anything lately to show you how much you mean to me and to remind you of why we are together.." my heart sank. i couldnt belive that was his problem. and hes right i did kick my self. "so he came up with something but i already came up with a few ideas"
ARGH! i shot my self in the foot.
he razed me about it the whole day. he had a lan thing with my ex's BF, (which i found out they are having some issues more on that later) to do this group mission thing in WOW. and shinobi ended up come down which was cool. we watched Batman Begins while those two played WOW. boo later joked/razed me even more about it by telling shinobi and BF said well now hes off the hook. i fell over in my chair. DANG IT! boo even said hes not gonna do it now. so i had to wait.
later BF left and it was my turn to play WOW.
so then a sometime later boo and shinobi went outside to see if boos phone was in the car so he could make some calls. he comes in and says wellep, we need to go see the house at 9. i say AM, he says yes. now im thinking thats odd why would the realtor guy change the appointment from 1 in the afternoon to 9 in the frickin morning... but i let it slide. not thinking to much else about it cause well lol i was playing WOW.
today, friday. we wake up to the alarm. im still thinking that we are going to go see a couple of houses. we have our morning coffee if you know what i mean
get ready to go and hop in the crown vic.
so we get rolling we gab again about nothing really important. im still half a sleep. we stop for some food at sheetzs then get back on the road. i didnt realize we where going in the wrong frickin way for the houses until we get to a toll booth. then my brains like Whooooa hold up, whats going on here?!?!?
but i dont say anything cause i think hes gonna raze me again or make fun. plus i was tired and wasnt really thinking all that much lol. so he finally asks me. "im amazed you havent said anything to whats going on.." with this grin and he chuckles. "i was about to." i smiled and laughed. he teases me about how i was probolly afraid hed raze me lol. so then he grins and said "nah we dont have to meet the realtor til 1" i grinned big i knew he was takeing me out someplace then! that bugger lier!!
so we get down the road and he says start looking to your left for something youd like. i see a place with a bunch of pumpkins so my brains like "is there a pumpkin festible or something in pittsburgh that i dont know about" he said something along the lines of "have any idea where we are going?" i say "nope"
"okay well whats in pittsburgh then that we might be going to?" im like "i really dont know of to many places in pitts to go other than kennywood and sandcastle but we arnt going the right way for those."
he tells me to keep look and that ill like it. we get to the pittsbugh zoo! i havent been there in years. i was excited. he grinned and laughed.
so yea. we spent a great morning at the pittsburgh zoo. boo even had fun. they added some more stuff since i was there. like ive never gone into the monkey area. that was cool. the sea lions where adorable, we saw then twice hehehe. the aquarium was so awsome. elephants, rinos, leopards tigers and we even got to hear the male lion bellow. THAT was THE best part. ive never heard that with my own ears only on tv.
so yea it was great. it was funny boo was telling me how shinobi isnt going to let him screw up the best thing that happened to him so hes gonna tell him if hes being an ass or not lol
im so happy. finally. truly. happy. 
Last edited by Lor; 2005-10-22 12:21 AM.