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Joe Mama said:
Lor said: so'oi people. i give you a pic and you dont say anything! penis! penis to you all! 
Nice pic. POst more. Many more. Klinton demands it, though he's too polite to say so.

And, to be fair, one of my favorite friends there is blind and I take every opportunity available to make fun of that and we're still friends. That guy never fit there. He never got the spirit of the RKMBs. We're gonna keep an eye on the obits, see if he finally left or if he really did have a heart attack. 2,506,410.81 CAD Rack points
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me as of a few mins ago! yea, you cant really see the color of my hair but uh well its still a nice pic. 
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mullz23204(02:08:14): Heya Havent seen ya in awhile wanna hook up tomorrow LorMermaid(02:08:57): um wha? mullz23204(02:09:07): ;-) LorMermaid(02:09:12): ... mullz23204(02:09:28): whats ur name again? LorMermaid(02:09:49): <--- mullz23204(02:09:59): huh? LorMermaid(02:10:02): Lor mullz23204(02:10:15): whats ur name agian? LorMermaid(02:10:26): Lor mullz23204(02:10:37): how old r u? LorMermaid(02:10:55): why so many questions? mullz23204(02:11:05): do u think so? LorMermaid(02:11:14): do you? mullz23204(02:11:24): not very often LorMermaid(02:11:39): lol mullz23204(02:11:52): lol LorMermaid(02:12:11): how old are you? mullz23204(02:12:20): ripe old age of 23 ;-) LorMermaid(02:12:28): coolies LorMermaid(02:12:33): male or female? mullz23204(02:12:38): huh? LorMermaid(02:12:48): are you a male or female? mullz23204(02:12:56): no. what about you? mullz23204(02:13:25): -:p LorMermaid(02:13:38): ... mullz23204(02:13:49): how old r u? LorMermaid(02:13:55): 47 mullz23204(02:14:06): i just went for a run so i'm all sweaty now, gross lol LorMermaid(02:14:15): like i care mullz23204(02:14:29): no im' not LorMermaid(02:14:36): you a bot? mullz23204(02:14:52): i'm gonna have to disagree on that one LorMermaid(02:15:02): your a frickin bot arnt you mullz23204(02:15:14): im not a bot, lol did u really think i was? LorMermaid(02:15:24): yup mullz23204(02:15:34): cool LorMermaid(02:15:39): i guess lol mullz23204(02:15:48): funny tsuff LorMermaid(02:15:54): so how old did i say i was? mullz23204(02:16:09): 23, u? LorMermaid(02:16:21): 62 mullz23204(02:16:37): do you have an ipod? I want to get one... LorMermaid(02:16:44): hate apple mullz23204(02:16:54): i don't hate anyone, what about you? LorMermaid(02:17:01): i hate everybody LorMermaid(02:17:05): they should all die mullz23204(02:17:11): do we always have to talk about u? lol jk LorMermaid(02:17:15): yes mullz23204(02:17:27): alrighty hten LorMermaid(02:17:34): your diffantly a bot arnt you mullz23204(02:17:45): im not a bot, lol did u really think i was? LorMermaid(02:17:50): bot mullz23204(02:18:02): what? lol sorry i'mn o bot
¡Soy el primo Mejicano de Chris!
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here you didnt post it all
LorMermaid: weather bot was bot nice bot out bot today
mullz23204: You have been talking to a computer! One of your friends is reading the whole conversation and laughing it up right now! GET EVEN! Have the bot prank all your friends by visiting imprank.ebaumsworld(dot)com
LorMermaid: i frickin knew it
animalman your silly. 
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just a tad enhancing
And, to be fair, one of my favorite friends there is blind and I take every opportunity available to make fun of that and we're still friends. That guy never fit there. He never got the spirit of the RKMBs. We're gonna keep an eye on the obits, see if he finally left or if he really did have a heart attack. 2,506,410.81 CAD Rack points
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 the real sneaky bunny.
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favorite pic of the week
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song of the week
Evanescence : Whisper
Catch me as I fall Say you're here and it's all over now Speaking to the atmosphere No one's here and I fall into myself This truth drives me Into madness I know I can stop the pain If I will it all away
[Chorus] Don't turn away (Don't give in to the pain) Don't try to hide (Though they're screaming your name) Don't close your eyes (God knows what lies behind them) Don't turn out the light (Never sleep never die)
I'm frightened by what I see But somehow I know That there's much more to come Immobilized by my fear And soon to be Blinded by tears I can stop the pain If I will it all away
Fallen angels at my feet Whispered voices at my ear Death before my eyes Lying next to me I fear She beckons me Shall I give in Upon my end shall I begin Forsaking all I've fallen for I rise to meet the end
[Chorus x3] Servatis a pereculum. Servatis a maleficum
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i really like that color.
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Inglourious Basterd!!! 15000+ posts
Inglourious Basterd!!! 15000+ posts
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This picture screams, "I can't find my bike helmet an' school bus is coming!" (I keed I keed...!)  Where's that "Favorite Picture" from? Looks cool.
Uschi said:I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry. MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost! "I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock
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i actually googled for goth angels and found it but the site it came from is a message board with a ton of cool other pics.http://otaku.lv/index.php?showtopic=1545stinky thing is the sites in like german or something i dunno. at least everyone talks in it. it looks like a cool message board. but not as cool as robby babys of course.
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i really, REALLY like that color
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so, first off let me go back to wednesday night.
okay so im over at boos. playing WOW. shinobi is over and him and boo are over on the couches chatting. i wasnt playing to much attention, then i hear shinobi says to boo that he has a solution to his problem mmkay... so i ask whats the problem and i get some weird answer so i let it be. i mean they where like two feet away from me i couldnt help but hear them.
the next day, thursday. im again sitting at boos comp playing WOW (level 4 mage, just started) and he comes over and sits down beside me. and we chat about nuttin important when i finally get up the nerve to ask him what the problem was. im like
"so whats the problem that you and shinobi where talking about?" there was this pause with this like oh crap look on his face. i could tell he was trying to think of a lie or something else thats not exactly the truth but close enough so i added "and dont lie to me." sternly. a look of oh crap im gonna have to tell her/ disappointment look shot across his face.
he sighs heavily and says "wellep, are you sure you wanna know cause youll kick your self later.." no im confused and preparing for the worse cause earlier i was thinking that he had some problem that he didnt want to talk about with me yet until he consulted his buddy... i say "yes"
"okay, wellep, shinobi was telling me how i haven't really done anything lately to show you how much you mean to me and to remind you of why we are together.." my heart sank. i couldnt belive that was his problem. and hes right i did kick my self. "so he came up with something but i already came up with a few ideas"
ARGH! i shot my self in the foot.
he razed me about it the whole day. he had a lan thing with my ex's BF, (which i found out they are having some issues more on that later) to do this group mission thing in WOW. and shinobi ended up come down which was cool. we watched Batman Begins while those two played WOW. boo later joked/razed me even more about it by telling shinobi and BF said well now hes off the hook. i fell over in my chair. DANG IT! boo even said hes not gonna do it now. so i had to wait.
later BF left and it was my turn to play WOW.
so then a sometime later boo and shinobi went outside to see if boos phone was in the car so he could make some calls. he comes in and says wellep, we need to go see the house at 9. i say AM, he says yes. now im thinking thats odd why would the realtor guy change the appointment from 1 in the afternoon to 9 in the frickin morning... but i let it slide. not thinking to much else about it cause well lol i was playing WOW.
today, friday. we wake up to the alarm. im still thinking that we are going to go see a couple of houses. we have our morning coffee if you know what i mean get ready to go and hop in the crown vic.
so we get rolling we gab again about nothing really important. im still half a sleep. we stop for some food at sheetzs then get back on the road. i didnt realize we where going in the wrong frickin way for the houses until we get to a toll booth. then my brains like Whooooa hold up, whats going on here?!?!?
but i dont say anything cause i think hes gonna raze me again or make fun. plus i was tired and wasnt really thinking all that much lol. so he finally asks me. "im amazed you havent said anything to whats going on.." with this grin and he chuckles. "i was about to." i smiled and laughed. he teases me about how i was probolly afraid hed raze me lol. so then he grins and said "nah we dont have to meet the realtor til 1" i grinned big i knew he was takeing me out someplace then! that bugger lier!!
so we get down the road and he says start looking to your left for something youd like. i see a place with a bunch of pumpkins so my brains like "is there a pumpkin festible or something in pittsburgh that i dont know about" he said something along the lines of "have any idea where we are going?" i say "nope"
"okay well whats in pittsburgh then that we might be going to?" im like "i really dont know of to many places in pitts to go other than kennywood and sandcastle but we arnt going the right way for those."
he tells me to keep look and that ill like it. we get to the pittsbugh zoo! i havent been there in years. i was excited. he grinned and laughed.
so yea. we spent a great morning at the pittsburgh zoo. boo even had fun. they added some more stuff since i was there. like ive never gone into the monkey area. that was cool. the sea lions where adorable, we saw then twice hehehe. the aquarium was so awsome. elephants, rinos, leopards tigers and we even got to hear the male lion bellow. THAT was THE best part. ive never heard that with my own ears only on tv.
so yea it was great. it was funny boo was telling me how shinobi isnt going to let him screw up the best thing that happened to him so hes gonna tell him if hes being an ass or not lol im so happy. finally. truly. happy. 
Last edited by Lor; 2005-10-22 12:21 AM.
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Kennywood is awesome on their Halloween weekends. The near non-existence of lines is a definite plus.
Sometimes I wish I didn't know now the things I didn't know then.
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thats what ive heard. im trying to convince boo to take me cause he gets into there for free plus one guess does too. but with his funky work schedule doesnt really leave much room... but uh well.
<just looked up at her blog>
... man i realy got to edit that lol
<runs off to edit.>
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Tabarnak! 6000+ posts
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Lor said: <runs off to edit.>
Thank God! All I was seeing was 'blablablabla...hot picture....blablablabla'.
If karma's a bitch, it will be my bitch!
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^^^ hot picture ^^^^ 
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in another few weeks i can post some more pics! so be on the look out
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Inglourious Basterd!!! 15000+ posts
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Lor said:
^^^ hot picture ^^^^
This makes me wanna sponsor you for $30 a month...less than the price of a daily cup of coffee.
More pictures, please. 
Uschi said:I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry. MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost! "I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock
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your such a flirt jm!  in a few weeks, ill have a few more for you all.  im gonna add the text package to my plan. i didnt realize id be useing it so much to send the pictures from my phone to my email then from there, i send them and i fix them in my photo program on my comp, lastly upload them to the net and BAM. i got pics baby! OW! takes like a minute i sware. 
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though i'm impress by the quality for its size/mgp's/what not, for the amount you pay for the photo package (i know its like $15 with sprint) you could in a matter of months afford a compact, mid range digi...
And, to be fair, one of my favorite friends there is blind and I take every opportunity available to make fun of that and we're still friends. That guy never fit there. He never got the spirit of the RKMBs. We're gonna keep an eye on the obits, see if he finally left or if he really did have a heart attack. 2,506,410.81 CAD Rack points
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Kisser Of John Byrne Ass 15000+ posts
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i wanna digital sneaky...
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stay on that side of toledo bitch!
And, to be fair, one of my favorite friends there is blind and I take every opportunity available to make fun of that and we're still friends. That guy never fit there. He never got the spirit of the RKMBs. We're gonna keep an eye on the obits, see if he finally left or if he really did have a heart attack. 2,506,410.81 CAD Rack points
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Tabarnak! 6000+ posts
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sneaky bunny said: stay on that side of toledo bitch!
So...um...the honeymoon's over, I take it?
If karma's a bitch, it will be my bitch!
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sneaky bunny said:
though i'm impress by the quality for its size/mgp's/what not, for the amount you pay for the photo package (i know its like $15 with sprint) you could in a matter of months afford a compact, mid range digi...
i could afford it now...
but i dont need to. the camara on my phone is the same quality as if i bought a digi cam. which is cool. it even has zoom, an a bunch of color effects like negitive and only focus on red. the size has to do with me resizeing it. orginally it was much bigger.
mine doesnt cost me anything to take pics and save them to my phone only if i send them to their photo album online but thats dumb when its cheaper to just email them to myself and the album doesnt even let you take the pics out of it and send them someplace else, stupid. the unlimited texed or i think its 500 texts a months, is only 5 bucks so thats what im gonna do.
basically it all came down to convience, but yea its a good little phone 
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so'okay i said i would talk more about the situation between BF and my ex. see they where freinds since grade school thing is BF is three years younger than my ex so hes alot more immature. not that my ex isnt either but he still is less juvenal then BF.
i guess when shinobi and me whent to pick up E&P take out the night boo had his lan party, he asked BF what was the matter and he mention something about my ex. not really anything just something.
basically what i think it is, is BF is starting to mature more and see what really an ass my ex is. whats gonna happen, and i thought this right when he left me, is BF is gonna grow up and my ex is gonna hit bottem. they are both gonna go their seperate ways, grow apart. i can already see this happening with my ex and now with BF. he has grown up alot within these three months. and thats great we all wanted him to and its about dang time!
i also think that possiblly he doesnt like my ex's new girlfreind, or i think of her as fuck bitch. nothing against her its my ex im pissed at. cause im sure hes filling her with lies to, to get her into bed. basterd.
anywho enough about that.
see also you have to realize, me and BF where good frends for a good long time too and after the breakup we kinda wherent for more reasons then just the breakup. i also think that, cause i feel it too, BF is angry at my ex for taking away such a good freind. the more and more BF and me hang out the more i wish it was like normal between us. i think it someday will be but again itll take time because of how close BF is with my ex.
so the moral of this story is never take anything for granted and always no matter how much you love someone look out for your self.
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Lor said:
sneaky bunny said:
though i'm impress by the quality for its size/mgp's/what not, for the amount you pay for the photo package (i know its like $15 with sprint) you could in a matter of months afford a compact, mid range digi...
i could afford it now...
but i dont need to. the camara on my phone is the same quality as if i bought a digi cam. which is cool. it even has zoom, an a bunch of color effects like negitive and only focus on red. the size has to do with me resizeing it. orginally it was much bigger.
mine doesnt cost me anything to take pics and save them to my phone only if i send them to their photo album online but thats dumb when its cheaper to just email them to myself and the album doesnt even let you take the pics out of it and send them someplace else, stupid. the unlimited texed or i think its 500 texts a months, is only 5 bucks so thats what im gonna do.
basically it all came down to convience, but yea its a good little phone
actually, camera phones are usually only 1.5 to 2mpg, for around 250 you'd get a good high end 5.1mpg but i understand the convince thing, though they are expremely compact.
And, to be fair, one of my favorite friends there is blind and I take every opportunity available to make fun of that and we're still friends. That guy never fit there. He never got the spirit of the RKMBs. We're gonna keep an eye on the obits, see if he finally left or if he really did have a heart attack. 2,506,410.81 CAD Rack points
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compact true. but most new camaras are just as big.. so yea lol just as good. for now.  oh plus, it has video 
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uh...canon powershots do too!
And, to be fair, one of my favorite friends there is blind and I take every opportunity available to make fun of that and we're still friends. That guy never fit there. He never got the spirit of the RKMBs. We're gonna keep an eye on the obits, see if he finally left or if he really did have a heart attack. 2,506,410.81 CAD Rack points
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He tastes of America 15000+ posts
He tastes of America 15000+ posts
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He fixes the cable?
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And, to be fair, one of my favorite friends there is blind and I take every opportunity available to make fun of that and we're still friends. That guy never fit there. He never got the spirit of the RKMBs. We're gonna keep an eye on the obits, see if he finally left or if he really did have a heart attack. 2,506,410.81 CAD Rack points
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convience! besides mines still better so 
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....usre it is...sure...
call me when it gets 7.1mpg's and 3075 x 2064 images.
And, to be fair, one of my favorite friends there is blind and I take every opportunity available to make fun of that and we're still friends. That guy never fit there. He never got the spirit of the RKMBs. We're gonna keep an eye on the obits, see if he finally left or if he really did have a heart attack. 2,506,410.81 CAD Rack points
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you know what, you know what SB...! until i get a COMPLETELY better defence from you, then maybe will we talk.. but until then missy i dont wanna hear about it! 
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yawn, alright....
average camera phones are 0.3 megapixels, 640 x 480 images, self toenr, flash, Black and white, solarized, sepia, negative effects. and 4x zoom
cnon s70 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Product Specifications
Sensor: 1/1.8" CCD, 7.1 million effective pixels Image processor: Canon DIGIC with iSAPS Image sizes: (L)3072 x 2304, (M1)2592 x 1944, (M2)2048 x 1536 (M3) 1600 x 1200, (S)640 x 480 File formats: JPEG Exif 2.2, RAW, Digital Print Order Format (DPOF) Version 1.1 compliant; AVI (Motion JPEG & WAVE); WAVE (monaural) Quality levels: Superfine, Fine, Normal or RAW (max. resolution only) Movie clips: (L)640 x 480, 10fps; (M)320 x 240; (S)160 x 120, 15fps Focal length: 5.8 to 20.7 millimeters Aperture: F2.8-F5.3 Optical zoom: 3.6x Digital zoom: 4.1x Autofocus: 9-point AiAF, 1-point AF (Any position is available or fixed center) Manual focus: Yes AF assist beam: Yes Closest focus: 4 centimeters Shooting modes: Auto, Program AE, Shutter priority AE, Aperture priority AE, Manual, Custom, Portrait, Landscape, Night Scene, Fast Shutter, Slow Shutter, Stitch Assist, Movie Photo effects: Vivid, Neutral, Low Sharpening, Sepia, Black & White, Custom Metering: Evaluative, Center-weighted average, Spot (center or linked to focusing frame) Sensitivity equivalent: Auto, ISO 50, ISO 100, ISO 200, ISO 400 Exposure compensation: -2.0 to +2.0 EV, 0.3 EV steps Shutter speed: 15 to 1/2000 second White balance: Auto, Daylight, Cloudy, Tungsten, Fluorescent, Fluorescent H, Flash, Underwater, Custom Viewfinder: Optical LCD monitor: 1.8-inch P-Si TFT LCD 118,000 pixels Self-timer: 2 or 10 seconds Flash: Auto, Manual Flash On/Off Drive modes: Single, Continuous, Self-timer, Wireless control Direct print: Canon Compact Photo Printers and PIXMA Printers supporting PictBridge (ID Photo Print, Movie Print supported on CP printers only) Connectivity: USB 1.1 (mini-B), A/V out (NTSC/PAL) Power: Rechargeable Li-ion Battery NB-2LH Storage: CompactFlash Type I/II (Microdrive compatible), 32MB CompactFlash card supplied Width: 4.4 inches Height: 2.2 inches Depth: 1.5 inches Weight: 8.1 ounces What's in the box: Canon S70, power cord, battery charger, NB-2LH rechargeable battery, USB cable, AV cable, wrist strap, 32MB CompactFlash memory card, CD software, and warranty/registration card Warranty: 1 year, limited
And, to be fair, one of my favorite friends there is blind and I take every opportunity available to make fun of that and we're still friends. That guy never fit there. He never got the spirit of the RKMBs. We're gonna keep an eye on the obits, see if he finally left or if he really did have a heart attack. 2,506,410.81 CAD Rack points
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He tastes of America 15000+ posts
He tastes of America 15000+ posts
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Yes, but can it make pancakes?
In the buff?
He fixes the cable?
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TK-069 said: Yes, but can it make pancakes?
In the buff?
while on its knee and teabagging?
now that's a breakfast of champions!
And, to be fair, one of my favorite friends there is blind and I take every opportunity available to make fun of that and we're still friends. That guy never fit there. He never got the spirit of the RKMBs. We're gonna keep an eye on the obits, see if he finally left or if he really did have a heart attack. 2,506,410.81 CAD Rack points
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He tastes of America 15000+ posts
He tastes of America 15000+ posts
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He fixes the cable?
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Sensor: 1/1.8" CCD, 7.1 million effective pixelsdont know about that Image processor: Canon DIGIC with iSAPSdont care about that Image sizes: (L)3072 x 2304, (M1)2592 x 1944, (M2)2048 x 1536 (M3) 1600 x 1200, (S)640 x 480has all of that File formats: JPEG Exif 2.2, RAW, Digital Print Order Format (DPOF) Version 1.1 compliant; AVI (Motion JPEG & WAVE); WAVE (monaural)dont care/need that but does have some of those Quality levels: Superfine, Fine, Normal or RAW (max. resolution only)has that. Movie clips: (L)640 x 480, 10fps; (M)320 x 240; (S)160 x 120, 15fpsyep has that too. Focal length: 5.8 to 20.7 millimeters Aperture: F2.8-F5.3dont care about those Optical zoom: 3.6x Digital zoom: 4.1xhas those. Autofocus: 9-point AiAF, 1-point AF (Any position is available or fixed center) Manual focus: Yeshas those too. AF assist beam: Yes Closest focus: 4 centimetersdont care about those. Shooting modes: Auto, Program AE, Shutter priority AE, Aperture priority AE, Manual, Custom, Portrait, Landscape, Night Scene, Fast Shutter, Slow Shutter, Stitch Assist, Movie Photo effects: Vivid, Neutral, Low Sharpening, Sepia, Black & White, Customhas those. Metering: Evaluative, Center-weighted average, Spot (center or linked to focusing frame) Sensitivity equivalent: Auto, ISO 50, ISO 100, ISO 200, ISO 400 Exposure compensation: -2.0 to +2.0 EV, 0.3 EV steps Shutter speed: 15 to 1/2000 second White balance: Auto, Daylight, Cloudy, Tungsten, Fluorescent, Fluorescent H, Flash, Underwater, Custom Viewfinder: Opticaldont care about those. LCD monitor: 1.8-inch P-Si TFT LCD 118,000 pixelsmines small cause well ha its a hpone, but really i dont care about that. Self-timer: 2 or 10 secondshas that. Flash: Auto, Manual Flash On/Offthats the only thing i wish it did have. but it does have a night mode which isnt as good as a flash but you dont get red eye. so almost as good. Drive modes: Single, Continuous, Self-timer, Wireless control Direct print: Canon Compact Photo Printers and PIXMA Printers supporting PictBridge (ID Photo Print, Movie Print supported on CP printers only) Connectivity: USB 1.1 (mini-B), A/V out (NTSC/PAL) Power: Rechargeable Li-ion Battery NB-2LH Storage: CompactFlash Type I/II (Microdrive compatible), 32MB CompactFlash card supplied Width: 4.4 inches Height: 2.2 inches Depth: 1.5 inches Weight: 8.1 ounces What's in the box: Canon S70, power cord, battery charger, NB-2LH rechargeable battery, USB cable, AV cable, wrist strap, 32MB CompactFlash memory card, CD software, and warranty/registration card Warranty: 1 year, limitedand yea, dont care/need those either. i do have a warranty so ha! see mines just what i wanted and its just as good for what i need now. someday i will buy something with a lot of stupid functions and modes and gadgets that i dont need nore will i use but for now i love my picture phone so 