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so'lastnight i went to Frightnights at Kennywood in Pittsburgh with boo, my bro and our cousin. it wasnt bad, too many teenie boppers around for my liking, was really crowded and the lines where frickin long. but anyhow..
first we went on a walk threw that had a deceptive line... we thought it was shorter thats why we went on it cause you had to walk under an archway which there was only a couple of people going under it standing there but noooooooooooooooooooooooooo it was longer than the o's in that no! i seriously thought we were on the Line Ride and that is was taking us back out to the parking lot... so we wait in line bored as all heck, the neat thing was there was a huge screen at one point where they were playing a bad scarey clown movie. i mean it was cheesy. so we finally get the the walk threw ride. a lady hands us 3D type glasses a freaky joker circus announcer clown tells us the spill. we go threw. wow lol it was trippy! it was all glowing in the dark with psychedelic colors and of course clowns. they popped out everywhere. at some points i couldnt even tell which ones where real or fake! at the end a cool looking clown jumps out right before this tunnel with a round cylinder going around kinda like the ones you try and walk on only this one had a bridge you walked across. that was the best part. got all dizzy and stuff. well that and when boo jumped cause a clown scared him and some sort of air pressure blow thing which got me too. at the end of the ride we had to give the glasses back. puh, cheapos.
then we all where hungry so we scout out places to eat. we stand in yet another long line for some cheese french fries. i wanted pizza so did my bro so we tell him and my cousin to grab a table and we will be right back. so off we go. boo apologizes for being testy the long lines and teenie boppers where getting on his nerves. i said its okay and agreed. i didnt realize that it was going to be so busy for being the last night of it i didnt think it would be. especially with all the annoying 13 year olds running around like its the mall. OMGAWD, like im totally scared <insert high pitched ear blistering scream here>! and that was in the ride lines... so we grab pizza and head back to were the boys are sapose to be. their. not. there. i start to worry a little i check my phone to see if they called they did. i listen to my voice mail. my bro says how they couldnt find a table and that they they where looking for the pizza place when some guy tried to rob them and that hes gonna call me right back. i start to get really scared. as we where standing there some kinda big black dude was moving towards me from behind and boos like getting all ready to bust his ass if he touches us so we split.
we walk back to the pizza place as im franticly calling them over and over again because no ones picking up. when finally they pick up. boos pissed and im pissed/worried. i ask what happened, laughter on the other side... it was a frickin joke. i frickin let into them. that wasnt funny. my bro apologizes and we get over to where they are and boo lets them know that they are to never joke like that again. they apologize sincerely. we eat our pizza as my bro and cuz relay the story. all is forgiven and we go back to having fun.
the next thing we do is wonder over the the Pitt Fall. on the way they have this cool like slums city set up almost right outta renascence evil. lol there was even the exact crown vic boo has there all beaten up lol it was great it even had the right side dent from when he slide into a tree as his. we teased him about it being his, and he actually thought maybe it was lol for like a sec. oh that was great..
so we get over to the Pitt Fall stand in yet another line. this ones not so bad it moved pretty quick. this being my bros and i's first time on anything at Kennywood by the way. so we get on the ride. frickin awsome. i mean frickin totally crazy awsome! its this tower mm'kay with four seats and it takes you up really high, so cool, then click, five seconds later. ZOOOOM, down you go then the air brakes catch you. wow, like wow. it was great. my bro was kinda freaking out just a little before he got on and then he was fine other than his hip hurt a little bit he wanted to go again lol me on the other hand was still locked into my seat for a while lol boo stayed til they realised it. it was cool im like yay im permatly a rider of the Pitt Fall now. lol.
so now its like a quarter after eleven and we figure we only maybe have time for two more rides. so me and boo head on over to The Phantom while my bro and cuz go do something else cuz my bro doesnt like roller coasters. this line was really long, but moved pretty well. i was kinda frickin out about it cause of some of the drops.. but i figured if other people can do it i will to and i did! and it was great! i loved it! it was like ZOOM, ZOOM, WHOOOOOA, AHHHHHHH, ZOOOOOM, AHHHHHHH, WOOOOOOOOO, YEAH! and it was over lol. so we all met up again we all wanted to do the vampire walk threw before we left but we didnt have time. it was almost 12.30 and the park closes at 1 so we wanted to get out of there before the rush.
while we where on the Phantom, my bro and cuz just walked around and was listening to some of the scarey funeral music, plus my cuz ran into some people he knew, talked to them, didnt end well. so he was pissed, something about his school rival is now dateing his ex.. i dunno but he got over it.
all in all it wasnt to bad, i just wish we could have done some more of the walk throughs and stuff but uh well maybe next year.
then after all that we get kind of lost coming out but it turned out to be a short cut so thats cool. we get back to boos and we pop Batman Begins in. its around. 2 am. the boys havent seen it yet. so lol but my cuz and boo were out cold as soon as the movie started lol thats okay. my bro liked it. my cuz can watch it anyther day we take them home and i spend the night. didnt get to sleep till 5 after running them home and we did indeed sleep. lol
so yea i had fun and everyone else did to so thats awsome. i didnt take any pics cause well for one i forgot lol and two it was so foggy from the machines and dark they wouldnt have turned out anyway even with a flash. 
Last edited by Lor; 2005-10-30 10:51 PM.