
Lor said:
so'*hack* *cough* *snooort* oi, im sick and tired of being sick and tired...

talked to my ex yesterday, apparently explaining my situation to why ive been so busy and cant met him to get the rest of our things, is condescending.

i guess he took my last email the wrong way, again, like always. either his to stupid to realize i could careless about him or hes so dense he cant see past himself or maybe its just hes an idiotic ass.

one comment i really didnt appreciate was he said he thinks its a bit premature for boo and me to live together. hes one to talk about mature gaw. its none of his business wether its to fast or not. i merely explained why i have been so busy because every single time he implied that i didnt want to finish getting things settled because i was holding on. he only wishes.

and also i guess his current girlfriend, which i dont care apparently he was trying to zing me, doesnt know he was engaged. interesting. but like i said i couldnt careless, what lies he tells the other ones. for there will be no other like me and he lost the best thing that ever happened to him over his insecurities and lack of being a man. oh well. i also explained to him that i have moved on.

threw the whole conversation he was angry at me and took that angry intimidating tone. i didnt know why.. still dont other than he took my email the wrong way which i dont see how. i think hes jealous that im getting all my hopes and dreams fulfilled by someone better, that im happy and hes not.

i dunno, but im tired of him still treating me like crap. i dont know where he gets off thinking the balls in his court it isnt its always and will be in mine. hes just gonna have to wait. its not like i havent been understanding of his situation, other wise and he should be thankfully that im not demanding the full amount he owes me.

and he had the nerve to tell me if i want to use our engagement ring as a first payment that would be great! he told me that when i wanted the full amount and he thinks im gonna do that no frickin way. first off the ring is a totally different thing. second off i agreed he only needs to pay me 250 outta the full 500 and i only did that because hes have alot of financial troubles right now. he also said that if i decide to sell it he would like to know. sorry ass, you left me remember you have no right to the ring any more and i take back the sorry part.

boo was furious, hes gonna call him today and tell him from now on keep things business related, keep feelings out of it. i agree and i have, its the other that takes everything i say and blows it out of proportion.

GROW UP YOU SON OF A BITCH! Oh and how is your mother by the way?

Oh, Okay...I get it now..hahahhhhhhhhahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!