thank the good lord in heaven for all that he has givin me this year and every year to come.

SOOOooOOO' thanksgiving was a bust. a complete utter bust.

first i find out the night before that boo has to work 5 to 12. i panicked and thought it was 5 pm to midnight but it turned out it was just 5 am to 12 noon. which is cool our plans were still a go..

second off. we thought (as far as we were told mind you) that his parents where eating around 4-5 ish and mine where eating around 5-6 ish.

SO the plan was to show up early to his moms around 2 posibolly stay to eat, because they have his cousins biffday party also. then head over to my family around 7-8 ish.

well. he goes to work, comes home early, takes nap, we get ready and head on over to his moms around almost 2. good right on time, right?


she forgot to call him to tell him that dinner was changed to around 7 instead...


And. once we get there his whole family wanted to come over to see the apratment and they want to bring over the last piece of furnture and stuff of his. (AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!) im freaking out in side my head because A: the apartment isnt exacually presentable and B: its thanksgiving not moving day.

he told his mom that he was just gonna get the stuff on like saturday or at the lastest monday but nooooooo since everyone wants to go see the place they might as well bring his stuff too.... oi.

so. we are only there for like 20 mins for cake and icecream when we all hopped into cars. thank goodness me and boo get there first ahead of people so we can strighten up. IE: push the laundry into one big pile (no laundry basket yet), make sure none of my panties are showing or condom wrappers laying around (embarrasing), quickly make the bed incase there are any suspicious looking stains on the sheets, throw the dishes in the dishwasher, toss out a spitter or two (boo chews, nasty habit. he promises to quit)so on and so forth and such...

normally i would have the place presentable but i had no idea they all would want to see it yesterday.

after they stayed for about half an hour or so they all went back to boos moms. we didnt. we were kind of pissed. not only at the whole 7 o'clock dinner thing but also the trumping threw our home thing too.

at about 5.30 we head out for my moms. now i loathe holidays always have, and probolly until i have a family of my own, always will. hoildays in my family never are picture perfect same with birthdays. our idea of fun is my mother and father arguing, huge fights, then my mother and grandmother getting into it over something or another usally what time everything is happening and blah blah blah.

so needless to say i was dreading going up there but my new aunt (expecting, three months pregnate) and my uncle are there from NY and if i dont show most likely my mother will be mad at me and ill have to hear it for the rest of her natural life.

we get up there and pull into my grandmothers house, go up stairs, the whole time i was thinking "man, its offly quite.. alittle too quite"...

my mother and brother arnt there.... okay so now whats going on. i mean it around 6.30 they all should be here. i hear from my grandmother how her and mom got into it this morning and that my mom wasnt well enough to come over.

so, me and boo eat cause we are starved, i mean we didnt eat breakfest cause we were expecting fricking turkey around 4 and here it is almost 7 and we havent eaten yet! oi.

then, i decide to walk down the driveway to my mothers to see whats going on. i left boo with my uncle and them thinking my parents were laying into each other and not in the kinky way either...

i find both parents sleeping and my brother doing his usally thing, playing Halo2 online with my cousin.. oh'kay.. WTF?!?

i end up just hanging out over there talking and crap with my mom (where i heard all about how she hopes my aunts baby is my uncles, how she was hopeing i was getting engaged before i moved in with boo. where i told her to stop pushing for the ring. oh and this is a funny one. i was teasing her about how it seams all the holidays except st. pattys day are celibrated at familys houses and so we were going to take it to celibrate at our apartment.. she said oh so are we going to be celebrateing something else, is it a specail holiday? WTF where the hell did i mention i was getting engaged on fucking st. pattys day !?!?!?) and bro til around 8 when we decided to leave..

i have to say it was alot better then most holidays but it was frickin weird i had no idea what to do i was so discombobulated.

and i sware if the frickin people in the aprtment above us doesnt learn how to walk instead of stomp, im gonna complain to the land lady. all hours of the frickin day all i hear is stomp stomp fricking stomp, back and forth, back and forth. its really bad in the mornings like 7 am on til oh about 10-11 am.

oi. a day and a life in Lor's shoes.... lovely.

Last edited by Lor; 2005-11-25 11:13 PM.

glad to be of pleasurable service

"don't worry hunny, we'll dig our own graves..."

1,032,000 points!