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im sooo frickin bored and hungry.
the stupid frickin stove smokes everytime i turn it on so i dunno weather to let it smoke and see if its just burning off cleaning produces from when they cleaned it before we moved in and smoke out the whole frickin place or wait til boo can talk to the land lady cause i sure as all heck aint talkin to that lady. ill wait but im hunnnngry puh and we didnt get the microwave yet so we bought some oven things but cant use them now!
so all i have to do is to browse threw boos porn collection on his comp.
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so'wellep things have gotten alittle easier. my mother calmed down a bit but she still insists i stay where im at for another year and that this is the wrong time of year to move...
still dunno what im doing with my dog. i cant say for sure that i want to give him to a good home because it hurts but i know in the long run it is probolly the best thing to do. *sigh*
im just torn. being pulled in way to many directions, and i have no clue which way to go.
i just hope things will get better after the holiday...
oh and get this my mother says i have no morals for wanting to live with boo with out being engaged and she some how got the idea that i am getting engaged for christmas.... WTF! i will not be pushed this time around for the ring. im sorry but hes going to do it when he feels the time is right.
oi. wheres jim jackson when yah need him. he seams to always have a different look on things...
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Lor said: im sorry but hes going to do it when he feels the time is right.
What about when it's right for you? There are two people involved in this shit. If you leave all the responsibility on the shoulders of just one....shit falls apart.
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my bad.
when im ready too. i also ment because hes going to be the one proposing so its up to him when he wants to drop to one knee, i like surprises. but yea your right.
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He'd better do it right with candles and roses Lor or I'll kick his butt for you :P
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What happened to the Rob is gay thread?
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PrincessElisa said: He'd better do it right with candles and roses Lor or I'll kick his butt for you :P
right on sister!
i have no idea what hes planning. i DO know this...
he's planning something show stoping, eye poping, never forgetting, posibolly Lor fainting, 6 month anniversary!
im so excited!
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thank the good lord in heaven for all that he has givin me this year and every year to come.
SOOOooOOO' thanksgiving was a bust. a complete utter bust.
first i find out the night before that boo has to work 5 to 12. i panicked and thought it was 5 pm to midnight but it turned out it was just 5 am to 12 noon. which is cool our plans were still a go..
second off. we thought (as far as we were told mind you) that his parents where eating around 4-5 ish and mine where eating around 5-6 ish.
SO the plan was to show up early to his moms around 2 posibolly stay to eat, because they have his cousins biffday party also. then head over to my family around 7-8 ish.
well. he goes to work, comes home early, takes nap, we get ready and head on over to his moms around almost 2. good right on time, right?
she forgot to call him to tell him that dinner was changed to around 7 instead...
And. once we get there his whole family wanted to come over to see the apratment and they want to bring over the last piece of furnture and stuff of his. (AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!) im freaking out in side my head because A: the apartment isnt exacually presentable and B: its thanksgiving not moving day.
he told his mom that he was just gonna get the stuff on like saturday or at the lastest monday but nooooooo since everyone wants to go see the place they might as well bring his stuff too.... oi.
so. we are only there for like 20 mins for cake and icecream when we all hopped into cars. thank goodness me and boo get there first ahead of people so we can strighten up. IE: push the laundry into one big pile (no laundry basket yet), make sure none of my panties are showing or condom wrappers laying around (embarrasing), quickly make the bed incase there are any suspicious looking stains on the sheets, throw the dishes in the dishwasher, toss out a spitter or two (boo chews, nasty habit. he promises to quit)so on and so forth and such...
normally i would have the place presentable but i had no idea they all would want to see it yesterday.
after they stayed for about half an hour or so they all went back to boos moms. we didnt. we were kind of pissed. not only at the whole 7 o'clock dinner thing but also the trumping threw our home thing too.
at about 5.30 we head out for my moms. now i loathe holidays always have, and probolly until i have a family of my own, always will. hoildays in my family never are picture perfect same with birthdays. our idea of fun is my mother and father arguing, huge fights, then my mother and grandmother getting into it over something or another usally what time everything is happening and blah blah blah.
so needless to say i was dreading going up there but my new aunt (expecting, three months pregnate) and my uncle are there from NY and if i dont show most likely my mother will be mad at me and ill have to hear it for the rest of her natural life.
we get up there and pull into my grandmothers house, go up stairs, the whole time i was thinking "man, its offly quite.. alittle too quite"...
my mother and brother arnt there.... okay so now whats going on. i mean it around 6.30 they all should be here. i hear from my grandmother how her and mom got into it this morning and that my mom wasnt well enough to come over.
so, me and boo eat cause we are starved, i mean we didnt eat breakfest cause we were expecting fricking turkey around 4 and here it is almost 7 and we havent eaten yet! oi.
then, i decide to walk down the driveway to my mothers to see whats going on. i left boo with my uncle and them thinking my parents were laying into each other and not in the kinky way either...
i find both parents sleeping and my brother doing his usally thing, playing Halo2 online with my cousin.. oh'kay.. WTF?!?
i end up just hanging out over there talking and crap with my mom (where i heard all about how she hopes my aunts baby is my uncles, how she was hopeing i was getting engaged before i moved in with boo. where i told her to stop pushing for the ring. oh and this is a funny one. i was teasing her about how it seams all the holidays except st. pattys day are celibrated at familys houses and so we were going to take it to celibrate at our apartment.. she said oh so are we going to be celebrateing something else, is it a specail holiday? WTF where the hell did i mention i was getting engaged on fucking st. pattys day !?!?!?) and bro til around 8 when we decided to leave..
i have to say it was alot better then most holidays but it was frickin weird i had no idea what to do i was so discombobulated.
and i sware if the frickin people in the aprtment above us doesnt learn how to walk instead of stomp, im gonna complain to the land lady. all hours of the frickin day all i hear is stomp stomp fricking stomp, back and forth, back and forth. its really bad in the mornings like 7 am on til oh about 10-11 am.
oi. a day and a life in Lor's shoes.... lovely.
Last edited by Lor; 2005-11-25 11:13 PM.
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So'oi, i got frickin food poisoning from the left over stuffing and turkey that boos mom gave us! okay recap lets start:
cooked up some turkey and stuffing for lunch.
went out.
came back.
went to bed.
woke up around midnight, started to puke my brains out along with the nastiest shich ive ever had ever in my entire life.
this continued for oh about an hour when i finally decide i can get away from the porchalin thrown to wake boo up so he can go get me some gateraid and meds.
after three times of trying to wake him he finally gets up and goes. hes so hard to get consious again.
i sit on the couch miserable as all get out with my cell phon ein habd cause i knew once boo got to sheetz hes either A: forget why he was there or B: forget what he was saposto get... sure enough the dear calls. he forgot what he was saposto get..
didnt get much sleep that night.
same deal only alittle better. thank goodness. i was just super super super weak. just layed on the couch all day, sleeping on and off. i was so wiped out i didnt even talk to any one. i didnt want to eat anything my tummy was so queazy. i did ride in the car alot later to go get some chicken noodle soup but i dreaded that idea.
much better. tummy still not up to full potential but for the most part im fine.
ive never had food poisoning before and i hope i never get it again. apparently boo said he use to get it alot when hes mom cooked... <whispers> she cant cook very well.
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So, i get a phone call from my mother at 5.30 in the morning. she leaves me some big ass voice mail about how i dont love boo its lust, how i treat my dog horriblely, all i want is sex. in short what a loasy no good stupid person with no Godly morals i am...
thanks mom. i love you too 
i wish people would consult me before they make false, demeaning, accusations that are just a bunch of lies or made up to what they thing is the truth cause they dont really know what is really going on. but no. they dont. im getting tired of everytime i turn around im being accused of something that isnt true or yelled at for wanting more in life.
i really dont know what to do. its getting rediculus. i get blamed for everything. she blames me for her money troubles, her and my fathers fights, everything and anything that comes about is always some how traced back to me.
ive thought about just cutting my family off completely, but i dont want to cause any more trouble. i know most of her "problems" are not my fault if any but the truth is im always involoved some how in the mess that is my family even when im not there. so in turn, indirectly it is my fault. everyone places me in the middle and i dont know why, i tell them over and over again that i dont want to hear it, its not my problem but they continue to. nothing is ever good enough. the other thing is i dont want to lose contact with my brother. i have such a small family as it is now and i dont want to lose them.
i just wish i knew the right path to take even tho its seaming more and more that severing my family is the right path but i want to know for sure.
please keep me in your thoughts and prayers. i can really use them... thanks.
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Lor said: So, i get a phone call from my mother at 5.30 in the morning. she leaves me some big ass voice mail about how i dont love boo its lust, how i treat my dog horriblely, all i want is sex. in short what a loasy no good stupid person with no Godly morals i am...
So....you're saying this isn't the case? You had us fooled too.
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 hahaha very funny.
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i think im being manipulated... http://www.egameworld.com/
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By whom? Your own obsesive psyche?
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What is emotional abuse? thats a realy good acticle. i thought id get that info out to other people. 
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If this is some cry for help....we can't help you here. The best we can do is poke fun at you and have a good collective laugh.
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no just thought id get that info out there to people. i know. thats all i would expect from the rkmbs 
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You can expect so much more than that though...We have an 'arcade' now too!
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i know its awsome!
so much fun in one inappropriate place!
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Lor said: i wish people would consult me before they make false, demeaning, accusations that are just a bunch of lies or made up to what they thing is the truth cause they dont really know what is really going on. but no. they dont. im getting tired of everytime i turn around im being accused of something that isnt true or yelled at for wanting more in life.
So you would've preferred your mother to call and consult you before calling and leaving the phone message she did?
Uschi said:I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry. MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost! "I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock
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Joe Mama said:
Lor said:
i wish people would consult me before they make false, demeaning, accusations that are just a bunch of lies or made up to what they thing is the truth cause they dont really know what is really going on. but no. they dont. im getting tired of everytime i turn around im being accused of something that isnt true or yelled at for wanting more in life.
So you would've preferred your mother to call and consult you before calling and leaving the phone message she did?
she left me a voice mail at 5.30 AM... i was alseep. she knew this.. and yet she assumed i would be up... im never up that early, ever...
she never asks or talks about what she might suspect, worry, or whatever she only dramatizes on the what she makes up to be the truth.
there is no talking to my mother. for one: you cant get any words in edge wise, for two: no matter how much i explain something it doesnt get through. what she thinks is what she thinks regardless of what you tell her. she may agree and say shes sorry but then shell turn right around and say the same thing all over again. or, this is a good one, say that she told me something when in reality she didnt.
ive tried talking to her and besides my most valiant and persistent efforts she still continues. ive tried showing her with out prevail. so i gave up and ignore her but one can only ignore so much.
what i want is for her to call me and ask so we can talk about whatever it is. even if it is just something stupid and frivolous.
the other thing is she gets the whole family thinking something that isnt, so they in turn call me with their own assumptions and im not talking big issues either im talking minor ones to and ones that dont concern me but some how she makes them turn out to concern me. its riduclous and getting out of hand.
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hey lor. might jump on the craft. post here if youre down.
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I understand what you're going through Lor......my mom's never been that bad though till the end of a crappy day at school: Then I can't take anything she says or does or offhandedly remarks (its' like I snap and cant take anything else after schools over..I dunno!).
Anyway, glad to hear you are doing ok and feeling better! Hang in there girly........just remember to unplug your phone in the morning (or turn it to silent). Sleep is the one thing I treasure and long for.........can't imagine someone calling me and waking me up in the middle of the night!
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PrincessElisa said: can't imagine someone calling me and waking me up in the middle of the night!
What's your phone number again? 
Uschi said:I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry. MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost! "I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock
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Ya know............I still haven't ever talked to you on the phone :P
Although you wouldn't wanna talk to me now.....the last time Snarf called me after ten I fell asleep on him (poor guy!).
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PrincessElisa said: Ya know............I still haven't ever talked to you on the phone :P
Although you wouldn't wanna talk to me now.....the last time Snarf called me after ten I fell asleep on him (poor guy!).
I'd wanna call you in the middle of the night. Just to be a wise-ass. 
Uschi said:I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry. MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost! "I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock
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Awwww SO Not fair......just to be a wiseass huh?
You know you're getting unattractive when guys don't offer to call to talk or ask you out, just to be mean......
It's a sign!! Must gym every day this week and weekend! ;p Try to anyways...
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PrincessElisa said: Awwww SO Not fair......just to be a wiseass huh?
You know you're getting unattractive when guys don't offer to call to talk or ask you out, just to be mean......
It's a sign!! Must gym every day this week and weekend! ;p Try to anyways...
Not mean. Just a wise-ass. It's my nature. When I'm not being pompous. Besides, it'd be a wee bit difficult, not to mention expensive, to try and go out on a date with you, methinks. What with the 2000+ miles between us.
Uschi said:I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry. MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost! "I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock
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Joe Mama said:
PrincessElisa said: Ya know............I still haven't ever talked to you on the phone :P
Although you wouldn't wanna talk to me now.....the last time Snarf called me after ten I fell asleep on him (poor guy!).
I'd wanna call you in the middle of the night. Just to be a wise-ass.
i've wanted to do that to her too
And, to be fair, one of my favorite friends there is blind and I take every opportunity available to make fun of that and we're still friends. That guy never fit there. He never got the spirit of the RKMBs. We're gonna keep an eye on the obits, see if he finally left or if he really did have a heart attack. 2,506,410.81 CAD Rack points
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sneaky bunny said:
Joe Mama said:
PrincessElisa said: Ya know............I still haven't ever talked to you on the phone :P
Although you wouldn't wanna talk to me now.....the last time Snarf called me after ten I fell asleep on him (poor guy!).
I'd wanna call you in the middle of the night. Just to be a wise-ass.
i've wanted to do that to her too
Except I wouldn't try to sex her up with heavy breathing and dirty talk, Naughty Bunny. I'd just say, "Hey, were you sleeping?"
Uschi said:I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry. MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost! "I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock
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Joe Mama said:
sneaky bunny said:
Joe Mama said:
PrincessElisa said:
Ya know............I still haven't ever talked to you on the phone :P
Although you wouldn't wanna talk to me now.....the last time Snarf called me after ten I fell asleep on him (poor guy!).
I'd wanna call you in the middle of the night. Just to be a wise-ass.
i've wanted to do that to her too
Except I wouldn't try to sex her up with heavy breathing and dirty talk, Naughty Bunny. I'd just say, "Hey, were you sleeping?"
I'd save that for the second phone call. I could so easily pull off being a Landcomb sales rep. gotta love the dynamis of a fem voice.
And, to be fair, one of my favorite friends there is blind and I take every opportunity available to make fun of that and we're still friends. That guy never fit there. He never got the spirit of the RKMBs. We're gonna keep an eye on the obits, see if he finally left or if he really did have a heart attack. 2,506,410.81 CAD Rack points
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PrincessElisa said: Ya know............I still haven't ever talked to you on the phone :P
Although you wouldn't wanna talk to me now.....the last time Snarf called me after ten I fell asleep on him (poor guy!).
Snarf has that affect on most people!
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PrincessElisa said: I understand what you're going through Lor......my mom's never been that bad though till the end of a crappy day at school: Then I can't take anything she says or does or offhandedly remarks (its' like I snap and cant take anything else after schools over..I dunno!).
Anyway, glad to hear you are doing ok and feeling better! Hang in there girly........just remember to unplug your phone in the morning (or turn it to silent). Sleep is the one thing I treasure and long for.........can't imagine someone calling me and waking me up in the middle of the night!
i know, its craziness i tell you, craziness!
our moms are psycho.
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Not mean. Just a wise-ass. It's my nature. When I'm not being pompous. Besides, it'd be a wee bit difficult, not to mention expensive, to try and go out on a date with you, methinks. What with the 2000+ miles between us.
Awwwwww you'd wanna go out on a date with me?!? That's so sweet.....
If you ever change your mind to just talk, not marry me, date me, or make out with me, lemme know :P I'm pretty entertaining when I'm not exhausted (not to mention have free long distance...)
Hahaha @ sneaks calling me.........you probably have one of those cheery voices like Uschi has!
Sorry Lor..........yes this thread is about you! Life getting any better?!?
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PrincessElisa said:
Hahaha @ sneaks calling me.........you probably have one of those cheery voices like Uschi has!
giddy maybe, never heard cheery though, always get "little girl" or "get a job at a phone sex hotline"
And, to be fair, one of my favorite friends there is blind and I take every opportunity available to make fun of that and we're still friends. That guy never fit there. He never got the spirit of the RKMBs. We're gonna keep an eye on the obits, see if he finally left or if he really did have a heart attack. 2,506,410.81 CAD Rack points
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PrincessElisa said:
Not mean. Just a wise-ass. It's my nature. When I'm not being pompous. Besides, it'd be a wee bit difficult, not to mention expensive, to try and go out on a date with you, methinks. What with the 2000+ miles between us.
Awwwwww you'd wanna go out on a date with me?!? That's so sweet..... If you ever change your mind to just talk, not marry me, date me, or make out with me, lemme know :P I'm pretty entertaining when I'm not exhausted (not to mention have free long distance...)
Hahaha @ sneaks calling me.........you probably have one of those cheery voices like Uschi has!
Sorry Lor..........yes this thread is about you! Life getting any better?!?

no sorries nessassary but kinda, not really, but kinda!
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sneaky bunny said:
PrincessElisa said:
Hahaha @ sneaks calling me.........you probably have one of those cheery voices like Uschi has!
giddy maybe, never heard cheery though, always get "little girl" or "get a job at a phone sex hotline"
i get that to!!!
im all the time haveing people say "is your mother or father home. sweety/hunny?" or "ill call back later when your parents might be home" crap lol
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Hip To Be Square 15000+ posts
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On the phone I get "Wow,you have a great phone voice,and if I didnt know better I'd think you were sexy!" And they think thats a compliment!
Women can be soooooo fucking dumb!
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He tastes of America 15000+ posts
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He fixes the cable?
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but you are a beast!
Last edited by sneaky bunny; 2005-12-01 2:39 AM.