so'wellep alot has gone on since my last blog..

boo's has shingles since thursday, on his foot. poor guy cant walk to well on it and he still has to work. he's not allowed to drive due to the pain meds so people from work have been picking him up. his boss has been a sweetheart. i feel bad for boo the dears been in such pain. he's okay tho just droggy and spacey from the meds. so keep him in your prayers as well.

i decided that the best thing for my dog, Huey, is to find a good home for him. im taking it really well. now when it comes down to giveing him up we shall see but hes such a great dog and i would love for him to be in a family that can pay more attention to him then i can right now. i should have never have gotten the him but i didnt know i was gonna be in the situation i am now. he is the greatest mistake that ever happened to me. hes brought me so much joy and love. i really want to give him to someone that we kind of know not nessarily someone we totally know but know enough that i feel safe giveing him too.

i have half a notion to give him back to my ex after all he is his too, well was, whatever but i know that if i do it probolly wouldnt be the best place for him. my ex would smack him sometimes and i know that since hes living with mommy if they get frustrated with him they will just take him to a shelter and i dont want that. hes a better dog then just to be lonely and thrown into something so unfamilar to him it might tramatize him.

but we shall see. i do hope we can find someone. we have a few ideas but since boos out of commission at the moment its gonna be harder.

i just hope i dont hear it from my mom and brother for giving him to a good home. it doesnt really concern them after all my mother wouldnt even take him in for a while for me so what should she care. but she does, im not to concerned about my bro he'll get over it. i know he loves him too but sometimes you have to do things you dont like to better your situation. no one elses but your own.

my family is just gonna have to understand that im not gonna do things all for them anymore i have to do things for me for once in my life. i have to get my self back on my feet with out them so maybe down the road i can help them.

i mean the other night i told mom not to worry about my chinchilla because i already takein her to the apartment and she flipped. she still thinks its just boos apartment, when in reality it is mine also. she told me how cha-cha should be at home and not there, shes not boos reponsibilty, im not allowed to have pets at the apartment, blah blah blah. she fails to realize that cha-cha is mine to do with what i feel is best. i told her several times that the land lord doesnt care about small caged pets, we are allowed those just no dogs or cats. we'e looked for places that allow dogs but none of them where in our price range, where in the bestest of places/condition, and really there wasnt much around here. just couldnt be found. the plces that did allow dogs wanted to much money and that would defeat the purpose of what we are trying to occomplise. besides the place we got is a great price for what you get (two bedrooms, one and a half bath, kitchen, dineing room, living room for 500 plus electric and cable) and its close to everything which is a major plus.

we looked at one bedroom apartments but really for 50 dollars more for the second bedroom is not bad in this area.

so yea, once i get Huey a new home im moveing in completely with boo. so my family is just gonna have to deal with it. im tired of being responsible for their responsibities because they dont want to deal with them, and im tired of their crap towards me.

please keep me in your thoughts and prayers to. thanks you.

glad to be of pleasurable service

"don't worry hunny, we'll dig our own graves..."

1,032,000 points!