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Joined: Apr 2002
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SO'update! yay!
wellep today is the last day of my period, FINALLY, oi so i was feeling antzy to go out shopping so once boo got home from work i made supper and then we left. of course after he played an hour and half of WoW lol
we head on over to Target cause i wanna check out the house hold stuff and i was thinking about picking up a Swiffer Wet Mop for the kitchen and bathrooms. cause really a normal map would be over kill for the small amount of flooring there is to do cause the rest of the house is carpeting. so i figured that be best. plus i wanted to see if they had Edward Sissorhand on DVD for my bro for chirstmas.
so we get over to Target. i pick up the mop, a small broom and dust pan, a divider silverware holder thingy for in the silverware drawer for the you know silverware, i found the DVD yay ten bucks and i know he'll love it, i pick up the Swiffer mop, extra mop thingys and solution.
im so happy, all that and i spent only 50 bucks. not bad, not bad at all!
so i get it home open her up put her together and start to mop the floors casue they soooo need it.
its not really doing much all it is if pushing the dirty around into wet streaks. ew. so i get out the broom. sweep the floors THEN try it again. still not really any improvements. i mean it shined the floor up nice and pretty. but didnt really get up and of the grim. and dont get me wrong my floors are not really dirty but to me the neat freak queen of the universe, they are. so i try it out on the powder room...
this time i sweep first then mop. still no change i ended up wipeing up the fuzz and hair and stuff after mopping with t paper.
i am totally disapointed. it wasnt doing what i thought it was gonna do. i thought it was gonna pick up more than what it did. all it did was shine the floors up, pushed the dirty around and make the whole place smell like perfumed chemicals! oi.
so yeah. its going back tomarrow.
i really dont know what to use other than a bucket and a scrub brush cause really a mop, mop wouldnt work to well in the area any way. so i dunno. ill figure something out.
boo put up a poster today that i made for Huey to see if anyone there at work would like him. so all we have to do is wait and see if anyone calls. boo says if no one calls by like monday no one probolly would call so we should take him to the shelter i scouted out. and hes probolly right so thats what im gonna do.
its weird i havent talked to my mom, dad or bro in like two weeks. i feel so disconnected and i dunno weird. i like not hearing from anyone casue all they seam to do is yell at me. i mean i called then i think thursday of last week it was and i got my bro he wasnt to happy and my mom grumped becasue i called as she was going out the door so she didnt want to talk to me and nither did my bro so yeah that felt welcomeing.
so yea i dunno whats going on with them. i kind of want to call them but then again i really dont i like not having all the stress of worring about saying something to set my mom off and it seams my brother doesnt want to talk to me much for some reason.. i mean if he wanted to he can call me just as easily as anyone else.
i did talk to my grandma (meme, my moms mom.) but she didnt have anything special to say about whats going on either with anyone. so i dunno. i dunno what to do.
found out one of my good friends from school is in the hospital. something going on with her lungs. my other best friend said its something she possiblely could die from. so doesnt smoke, so, and im really worried about her. she has a 5 year old baby girl, sweetest thing, and her hubbys in the navy. he will be home on the 18th tho so thats good.
seams everyones getting sick with something. its just that time of year i sapose.
ive pretty much decided im not gonna go back to school next semeaster. so im gonna be looking for a job here now that i have energy. i have one more final to take this semeaster so.
yea thats about all thats new. 