so'wellep things didnt go as planned with the shelter thing. but hey nothing it seams ever goes as planned lol its just a good thing that i suggested we call them first to make sure they could take him and turns out they couldnt. they said to call back tuesday. so thats what we shall do!

it just stinks i was all prepared and everything to the best that i could be. i keep thinking positive, for the best of things type deal. but its okay eventually it'll get done and over with and i'll finally heal.

so im hopeing this shelter works out because i really like them and they are good people and its a good place and all that jazz. i really dont want to try another one that i dont know anything about.

so yeah that be that.

glad to be of pleasurable service

"don't worry hunny, we'll dig our own graves..."

1,032,000 points!