so' today, we meet up with the dude that called about Huey. he really is a nice guy, gave him kisses and hugs and he told me some things i really needed to hear. like im not a bad person for doing this, he'll take good care of him, he even said he felt bad he knows how it hurts and that he felt bad for wanting to take him.

and yea, i was doing so good. i put him in the car stayed chipper. boo and me talked alot in the car about everything on the way there. i thought it was ironic that the place boo told him we would meet him at was the first park we (the ex and i) ever took Huey to when he was a puppy... only boo didnt know that.. and i didnt know where we where meeting him til today...

the poor thing loved the car ride and the walking around in the snow and ice but then he got cold and was shivering. so i said we should put him in the guys car. it was so cute Huey was snuggled up to him when he picked him up and he seamed to like him alot.

we put him in the car, i tried to remember everything to tell him about Huey and such. my mind was just a blank. i couldnt think, like just now i remembered i didnt tell him that i leave a bowl of food out for him all the time and the small bowles are for food the big blue ones are water.. *sigh*

the part that got me was the last few moment when we put him in the car. i broke down and started to cry, boo held me.. then to make it worse, we had to follow him out cause we both had to go the same way..

then.. it came to a point in the road where we had to go left and he had to go right... the sadest moment in my entire life... i said goodbye and waved with tears streaming down my face...

but ultimately it was the best discion for him. i cant take care of him the way i want to in this point of my life. my life has turned down a different road one that will be the best for me as well for him.

i love him more then anything in this world. he is the only one that loved me back no matter what i look like, he loved me for who i am, no matter what happened he loved me. he was the only thing i could depend on being there always no matter what even when i couldnt be there... for him.

ive never had uncondition love, never felt it and he gave it to me.

he is the greatest mistake that ever happened to me.

glad to be of pleasurable service

"don't worry hunny, we'll dig our own graves..."

1,032,000 points!