So'kay then! today i picked out the caseing for the computer we are buying each other for our sixth month anniversary!

Here be Her!

nuttin to fancy but girly enough just for me hehehehe! and not enough that boo wouldnt be able to stand it ha!

he got to pick out all the innereds for her so we are even. yay! plus he's building it so its all good!!

so hopefuly next week ill be bloging with my brand spankin new black and pink rockin putter!!

on a down note, i cut off contact to my mom and dad. havent been able to get my stuff from the house yet. hopefuly next week, sometime. im really depressed over the hinderence on talking/hanging out with my brother. but hopefully they wont not let me still talk to him. and if not he'll be 18 soon then it wont matter.

had some wacked out dreams yesterday... one had my puppy Huey in it. it was sad... but im okay.. for some strange reason i went to this house and i was walking around looking for him and there was this lady there also. the house tho has like no funiture in it or anything, just a few rated rugs and a broken couch. im looking around when i come to the dinning room and theres like poopie, doggie poopie, all over the floor. i mean not a lot but still so then the lady saids "over here!" and i go out back to this car. Hueys in the car, whinning with sad eyes and hes all skinny like no ones fed him and such. i open the door, grab him up tell him its alright now. im here, im sorry, its okay and so on. i have no idea who the lady was or how somehow i hunted him down. weird.

the others were just strange ones that i dont really remember other then my mom was in one, my ex was too and i think boo but im not sure. strange.

just my subconscious coming out in my dreams. but i know Huey is doing well and i know he misses me, he missed my ex for a good month after he left. so im sure it'll take him that long if not alittle longer cause he was more attached to me then my ex. that and it will take a good month or two for him to get adjusted to his new home and daddy.

please continue to keep me in your thoughts and prayers

glad to be of pleasurable service

"don't worry hunny, we'll dig our own graves..."

1,032,000 points!