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Joined: Apr 2002
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so'woo! we signed up for netflix the other day and today they came!
so expect my reviews soon to come. yes!
i missed doing the reviews i know they arnt the greatest in the world of reviews out there but hey i have fun so thats all that matters!
we got teen titans season one, ghost in the shell the first one, and brothers grimm.
nothing else to report other then bugoo is getting his "mans room, no girls alowed" room put together. in fact thats where i am right now typing this up! hehehehe anywho. its looking good. both computers are going in here along with his game posters, anime, standies, RPG stuff and someday here we are going to get a folding table with chairs too. tuck it away in the closet for days of RPGing and game nights. i cant wait to see whats he going to do with all he's wall stuff. im just happy i get the living room back lol its frickin huge now we have the desks out of there. i want to try and convince his mom in buying new funiture so she can hand down the set she has now to us! but i dont think its gonna happen lol uh well. i cant wait to go funiture shoping someday! its realy not nessary right now. we have beautiful stuff. so. i just want a love seat and a huge cushionie chair to curl up in. we just have a couch and a few sling chairs. but hey somethings better then nothing. 
how fun! i love decorating.