
r3x29yz4a said:

Captain Sammitch said:

Why else would my denomination send money to start a church in the middle of Baghdad?

A mosque or a christian church? Because building a christian church in Iraq after we invaded is really insulting and only builds the notion that we're trying to take away their sovereign religious rights.

You don't start an empty church. There's always been a minority of Christians in Iraq. This church was started as a support structure for those Christians already there - in fact, it was their idea to begin with. What happened to protecting the freedoms of minorities?

And another thing - I know a lot of you can't be expected to understand why Christians and others proselytize. But I find it odd that in so many other threads on this forum, the integrity of paid journalists is defended fiercely, while the motives of non-profit denominational organizations are always called into question.


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